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So pkrs is a virus that double ev (effort values) gained after defeating pokemon. If you want to keep it make sure you keep an activly infected pokemon in your pc. If the pokemon is in your party, after one to four days they will be cured and can no longer spread it to other pokemon. You can spread pkrs by having healthy pokemon in your party along with an infected pokemon. After every battle it has a chance to spread to the healthy pokemon. Pokemon you fight gives an ev in one stat: hp, attack, defence, special attack, special defence, and speed. Keep in mind in scvi pkrs is no longer activly present in game. If you have additional questions let me know. But in short pkrs is only good for EV Training


Defeated Pokemon can actually give you EVs in multiple stats.


Yes, and it will double those. If a Pokémon gives you 2 Attack EVs and 1 Sp. Attack EV, then having the Pokérus will give you 4 and 2 respectively. To add to this, you can equip the Macho Brace, and that will then give you 8 and 4, respectively.


I'm sorry I am not aware of any pokemon that are capable of giving multiple stats evs. Do you have an example pokemon? There are some pokemon that give more than one ev in one stat. Like 2 in attack, but not one in attack and one in defence for example. You can give one of the power items to increase evs in one stat and faint pokemon in a different stat to simultaneously gain evs at once but that's different Edit: After looking around there are a couple like venomoth give special attack and speed. But they are uncommon to find in the wild


Shuckle gives 1 defense/1 special defense, Beedrill gives 2 attack/1 special defense, Ninetales gives 1 special defense/1 speed... The list is surprisingly long in middle stages and final stages of evolution


How interesting. Thank you for the information!


For the most part to me it seems like for two and three stage lines the number of EVs correspond to what stage it is while single stage mons are 1-3 based on rarity


Wait ScVi got rid of PKRS?


Yes and No *stolen from bulbapedia* >In Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, Pokérus no longer generates naturally, does not spread to adjacent party Pokémon, cannot be seen on a Pokémon's summary, and does not provide double effort values during battle. However, the data itself is retained in the data structure of the Pokémon, and will remain stored with the Pokémon if transferred from previous games via Pokémon HOME into Scarlet or Violet, despite no longer having any visible indicator nor in-game effects.


Wow another reason I’m annoyed at S/V


I mean given how easy EV boosting items are now, Rus is hardly needed.


Thank you! 😊


I wish it was more common


Damn, SV took out Pokerus? Does that make the EV training more tedious now or is there a better work around? I played Violet and completed my dex, but most of my shiny hunting, IV breeding, and EV training was in Shield


It is a little more tedious if you do it manually (fighting wild pokemon) but it is still doable when you attach the braces. You need to ko 28 1 ev yielding pokemon, with the respective power item attached, to max one stat at 252. Keep in mind auto battling doesn't yield evs. I fond it takes about 40 minutes if you use sandwiches to increase the correct pokemon encounters Alternatively you can just use 26 vitamins at 10k each to max one stat. Also if you have the dlc you can purchase 1 vitamin at 50 bp points which isn't TOO bad if you have friends to help you grind out the points I'll respond to my comment on what I personally do to ev train manually


Here is a guide I made awhile back. Some info you probably already know, but just in case... Ev Training Gen 9 Guide To begin you will want to know you can only have 510 evs total and only 252 in one stat. For every 4 evs you gain +1 in the respective stat. The ev you gain from the defeated pokemon automatically spreads to every pokemon in your party. It is usually wise to train multiple mutual pokemon at the same time to maximize your time. First you will want to buy the power items from the delibird store in Mesagoza. These add +8 evs to the matching stat. This, plus the 1 ev gained from the pokemon you defeat, makes 9 evs gained in one battle. • Power Bracer: Attack • Power Belt: Defense • Power Anklet: Speed • Power Weight: HP • Power Lens: Special Attack • Power Band: Special Defense Some pokemon give two or even 3 evs upon defeat but the trade off is only ko-ing ~4 less total pokemon. So I find you can actually save more time just ko-ing 28 common low level pokemon. To max a stat you will need to ko 28 1ev pokemon with the power item equipped. Keep in mind you can use your power points to keep track of how many you've ko-ed. Next you will want to find pokemon that give the respective ev you are training for. Keep in mind you might also want to use a sandwich to make the spawns occur quicker. My location I use: __Hp__ The route under Los Platos (the first town) has three pokemon that give hp: lechonk, igglybuff and wooper. Use sandwich #80 for normal spawns or sanwich #1 for ground __Attack__ Shinx and yungoos spawn to the west of Mesagoza and before pokemon center of South Providence (Area Three). I used sandwich #44 for electric spawns __Defence__ Rolycoly, Silocobra(×1), Torkoal, Carkol (×2) are all located around Zapapico East. You can use either a ground #1 or rock #73 sanwich. Alternatively you can farm Tarountula and Scatterbug in South Providence one with sanwich #84. __Special Attack__ In West Providence 1, 2 and 5 there are Psyduck and Mareep which both give 1ev for special attack. You can use #44 for electic encounter or #12 for water __Special Defence__ Spoink are fairly commonly found just outside of the east gate of Mesagoza. Since they are the sole psychic spawn you can use sandwich #92 to maximize encounter rates __Speed__ Go to the area where you first meet the box legend. Go through the cave and when you reach the beach there will be: Magikarp, Buizel, and Wingull which all give 1 speed ev. You can use sandwich #12 but the spawns are very common I didnt see a need.


call your last few partners and tell them to get tested.






I want to downvote you but its at -69 right now


What'd they say?


I too would like to know what they said


they just said "I wish i could upvote you but you're at 69" and then got downvoted into self-destruction.


they just said "I wish i could upvote you but you're at 69" and then got downvoted into self-destruction.


RemindMe! 24 hours


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Let's go! Downvote number 200 baby!


Dang :(


Yes, you did the correct thing in order to use Pokerus. Keeping one infected Pokemon in the PC will allow you to use it to infect any other mon. The virus only spreads between Pokemon in your team tho, not in the PC, so whenever you want to infect another Pokemon you have to put both that Pokemon and the infected one in your team and do a few random battles until the virus spreads Also the infected Pokemon may become 'immune' (they keep the positive effects but cannot spread the virus anymore) when they are in the party and the system clock hits 00:00, so you wanna make sure you have at least one infected Pokemon in the PC by midnight to prevent it from becoming immune


Thanks! 🙏


That last one HAS to be a myth, right? It sounds so much like a myth.


Nope not at all.


Its just a different way to count how many days have passed, but the system just has to count how many times X thing happened which prob is easier than having an internal clock counting sets of 24h at least in old systems like GBA. Dont know if they ever updated it


It’s been around forever


Pokerus just makes it so your pokemon earn double EVs, doesn't have much use on a casual playthrough really.


Congrats :)




I have some but I haven’t been able to afford Nintendo Online nor PH Premium, so I can’t trade besides from local trade and the others are stuck in boxes I can’t access at the moment 😅


Infect as many Pokémon as possible, to keep the culture alive. Also, moving them to more recent games may risk “curing” them of it.


Newer Pokemon games completely removed Pokerus


It's basically just a free macho brace for a day


Nah, the Macho Brace effect is permanent, it's just only contagious for 1-4 days


Sorry to say, it's probably terminal. You might need to release those pokemon before they infect the rest of your team.


im sorry it's a terminal they won't survive


is this a copypasta


Nope. Was a completely earnest question 😅


Rejoice and celebrate.


If you don't ev train your pokemon, don't worry about it or do anything, honestly


Better get your affairs in order. It's over for you, buddy.


Social distance


Mystery trade them away


It just makes the grind to max EVs faster. It’s not actually needed..


Your gains are better when hit by the Pokerus, so I would recommend hit the gym and start training


It’ll corrupt your game if you keep them. You might trade them to me and I’ll take care of them.


Get medical insurance before your doctor reports it.


Would you be willing to trade me an infected Mon? I have brilliant diamond and completed my nat dex


Lol when you get pokerus after u finished the game. Or after u finished ev training. Or both. A literal slap in the face!!


If the pokemon you have is not level 100 then Send your Pokémon into poke jobs, select the job that would give you the most exp, select full day, go to a den, select invite others, set your switch to be a day ahead, exit the den, and go back to poke jobs. If you want your Pokémon to get to level 100 or evolve the fastest, this is the fastest way to do that and Nintendo is not fixing it anytime soon


We went over this, 6 feet apart and wear a mask


Oof, didn't mask up?


Nothing. It’s useless tbh. Was cool in past gens but you can just use vitamins. Takes me 30 seconds to fully ev train a pokemon.


sadly all of your Pokemon must be put down so as to not spread that deadly virus


I never understood it, is it a disease that makes the pokemon stronger? Like terminally stronger?


It’s just a virus with advantageous effects


How do you get it?


Wild encounters, or contracted from another Pokémon with pokerus in a contagion phase


Wild Pokémon have a 1/21000 chance to have it. But it’s not in scarlet or violet


It doubles the EVs earned for a a Pokémon that is infected, making it a good way to quickly EV train.




The EVs gained are permanent, but the Pokemon that has Pokerus will be cured after 24 hrs. You can, however, deposit the Pokemon in storage, thereby retaining the Pokerus status.


Can you send me one pls? My mons didn’t get their vaccine yet


Your mons had plenty of opportunity to consider the science. Now it’s time for natural selection to run its course 🙏🙏


I'm afraid it's terminal.