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Unless you plan to get a second one I would definitely level up to 40. It’s better than all the shadow Pokemons you listed.




Sorry I should’ve been more specific: 15At/13Def/Sta15 for Primal and 7At/8Def/10Sta for shadow For the other IV’s I listed them in the same format: #At/#Def/#Sta


IVs matter little in PvE. IVs matter more in PvP. Let's say candy and stardust isn't a problem for you. If you do PvE, get both your Primal Revertable Groudon and Shadow Groudon to Level 40. Do not use Candy XL on nonhundos; those resources are too scarce to be used on Pokémon whose full potential can't be realized. Hold off on the Candy XL until you get the hundo Groudon and get that one to Level 50. If you wanted a Groudon in PvP, you shouldn't invest in Shadow Groudon. Yes, Shadow Groudon is an amazing sidegrade to Groudon. However, you need 15 IV Atk at Level 50 to tie CMP at minimum. For that purpose, you can theoretically get your Primal Revertable Groudon to Level 50 because it virtually has no differences with the L50 hundo Groudon on the Master League Meta matrix matchups. Again, let's say candy and stardust isn't a problem for you. Should you do it? Yes. Would I recommend it in practice? As a long haul resource-efficient player, no. Hundos are futureproof. If a Level 60 update comes along, that 15/13/15 Groudon won't have the same performance as it did when Level 50 was the cap. Only hundos get the Candy XL treatment. The stardust-to-damage ratio is at its most optimal at Level 30, and the performance of a raid attacker at Level 35 isn't that far off from that of a raid attacker at Level 40. To save on stardust, get them to Level 35 first, and then inch your way to Level 40, to right before you use Candy XLs.


Thank you for the great advice, I mostly do pve and the only pvp I do is against team rocket. I only do battle league when I need to do tasks or desperate for stardust/rare candies 😅 I do try to only raise Pokémon that are 90%> and I was really stuck on wether to raise this 1* one or keep going w the one I’ve been raising until I need XL’s for it.


Be brave to power this one up. Whether the IV Atk of your Shadow Groudon is 7 or 10 or even 12, your Shadow Groudon is currently your only Shadow Groudon for quite some time. Follow this subreddit https://www.reddit.com/r/MankeyFeetPoGo/ for monthly updates on the best top PvE attackers. Not sponsored; I just really like their work.


6/7/10, its in the text