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Adding more options was a nice idea for anyone who would want to use them, all they had to do in order to avoid pissing everyone off like they did is just to leave the original models as an option.


Totally agree


Facts, idk what’s so hard about leaving the original model as an option. Ig it must be too damn difficult to create the old model 🙄


With their spaghetti code programming that would be harder than just making a good avatar update tbh


Adding new options is always a good thing. Unfortunately these character options look like they were designed by 7 year olds


I just wish they had different face options and head sizes so my avatar doesn't look like a 6'3 tight end with a 12 year old face


That's why I put the helmet on mine. I couldn't stand to look at that bizarre face :(


impolite judicious school unwritten towering alleged mountainous market screw pie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have medium length hair and all the medium length option have BANGS. I thought the whole purpose was to be inclusive but I guess it’s only inclusive if you: have no waist, you have linebackers shoulders, you have zero ass, you have a hunchback, you have gorilla arms, you have an unconscionably saggy crotch, you walk as though you’ve shat your pants, your skin tones are: dead, pale, or colored on like a crayola, and your hair is ONLY the one of the 6 colors or styles that they offer you, AND after you fight a grunt battle you hump the air for no real reason at all. Other than that it’s totally inclusive.


They used to have red hair. Like, Ruby colored. Now? It makes my character look like a redhead. I wanted fake red, not real red 😭


This made me CACKLE. Hard agree though.


Something just completely off about all the body proportions, for any gender or body type. I still can’t find any outfits or styles that look as good as they used to. So I’ve just given up on the Avatar customizing part of the game 🤷🏻‍♂️


We are all Michael Phelps.


🤣 lmao that’s honestly a good comparison. That guy is not human shaped


Funnily enough that's how the women look in scarlet and violet, very broad shoulders, was very uncanny at first.


I did notice the very fit, body builder women on my travels through Paldea as well.


https://fairplayforwomen.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/male-female_skeleton.png That's because there is indeed an actual binary biological difference between a male and female body starting with the skeleton which was removed by avatar update.


Well yeah I just mean beyond that the male frame that all avatars seem to have also looks bad


They do look hideos. A 10 year old's face on a older teen body that doesn't look human and makes early 2,000'a video game 3D models look good. Older video games have better models. Even Neverwinter Nights 2 looks better.


I’m less thrown by the proportions than by the way my avatar moves like an aggressive gorilla. 😂 It’s really distracting whenever I have the game open.


The air punch animation makes me cringe every time lol


It legit looks like a gorilla on pcp and I hate it 😂


So with all the negative feedback they still haven’t fixed anything


They're doing tiny, incremental 'fixes'. That why I suddenly have large hips/thighs, & a smaller waist. (& they did fix the belts being under clothes instead of over them, finally.) But...these so called fixes aren't fixing the base avatar body proportions or other issues. My avatar is still a stretched out dude, just with weirdly thick thighs & wider in the hip area (without the curve of actual hips). I call it 'the gay cop from Wild Hogs - especially with that awkward dude-jump it does after winning a battle. I miss the cute little hop & clap of the old avatars, & the tiny, compact, me-looking chick it used to be. I just want my old avatar back. :( I know they're hoping we'll all just shut up & accept these 'avatars'. I have ZERO intention of doing so. I take new pics when they make these changes, & then gaze longingly at my old avatar. I'm hoping against hope that they'll FINALLY give us the option to just have our old avatars back 🤞


Yeah my Avatar’s face / body looks ludicrous. Ot has a toddlers face on a weird blocky but big body. It’s actually offensive looking , even. Giving a toddler’s face to an adult player and not letting them have an option to get their old look back.


Yessss. They could fix this whole debacle by just giving us the option to have our old avatars!!! Those who like the new ones could have them, while those of us loved our old avatars could have them. Everyone would be happy - win win.


Google the dev who makes these changes. You'll see why.


My waist is very short, ie space from rib cage to hip is small. The new avatar is like a stretched out string bean with a creepy face. I miss the old cute cartoon avatars.


I'm still in utter disbelief they went and completely re-did everything but worse? They could've left it how it was and maybe added new hairstyles. I mean, the hairstyles now don't even fit the avatars face/head. If the avatar isn't wearing a hat, NOTHING looks right. So why did they do all this in the name of customization and then made every option worse than the last? For body inclusivity? Those bodies look like either a line backer or a child and there is no in between. So now it feels like others are being excluded. I'm not thin. I thought the option to be fuller was a good one, until I saw what it looked like...and how the clothes fit the body..and I decided I'd just not even bother with it anymore. Just so confused about EVERY decision that was made


All we wanted was some new hairstyles, and maybe to have access to some of the other genders clothes? Instead we got ill proportioned and pale trash with bad posture. And there still isn’t a hairstyle for me anyway, so I still don’t look like myself, and now my avatar is ugly. Yay.




I THOUGHT I WAS GOING NUTS WHEN I SAW MY HIPS LMAO the awkward jump/hop you do when you win a battle legit looks SOOOO WEIRD with them now


How much hip? Yes.


They can take my crotch bulge back any time they want.


All the avatars got hit with the ugly stick, the female avatars got it worst. Apparently Niantic contracted out this company that specializes in ‘inclusive’ character designs to update the avatars. I’m all for diverse body shapes, but like everything Niantic is involved in they completely dropped the ball and removed options along with adding the new ones.


It's not inclusive to erase women from the game >.> If they wanted inclusive, where are the wheelchairs? And the canes? Leg braces? Their vetsion of 'inclusive' is about as far from inclusive as anything I've ever seen!


in order to have curves i have to give my character scoliosis


Given how out of touch they are with how most people play the game (Singaporean grandmothers) I don’t know if they have ever been with a woman, maybe seen them from afar so this checks out I suppose.


Wait, were your parents NOT provided a sliding scale of physical characteristics at birth? HEY EVERYONE, check out this freak here


I had to laugh when I was awarded Style Savant in my last raid. I’m wearing the orange jumpsuit to hide my crotch, though it still looks like a full diaper. Face covered to hide my cadaver coloured skin.


never forget what they took from us… never.


The new avatar looks far more like my body. Except the thighs aren’t big enough. But it’s a cartoon so who gives a crap.


Some people purchase poke coins specifically for the avatar cosmetics. What they previously paid for is no longer there. Those people probably give a crap.


Yeah this is huge concern imo-- I know a lot of people brush it off by saying "that's what you get for spending real money on fake items in a game" but come on, that's such a bad argument. There's nothing wrong with spending money on in-game items if you personally find value in them. People should be able to expect that they are receiving what they paid for though. The avatar items people originally bought are literally not the same (and they look awful now.) If people were buying remote raid passes but then Niantic changed them so that they only work like normal raid passes, people would be flipping out about that too. Players should always be concerned about a game company changing things after they've been purchased, no matter what that purchase was.


Yeah, I’m one of them and I’m completely turned off the game. Played since day 1, now I have my avatar in one of the diamond/pearl outfits that’s full body and covers everything. I haven’t put forth the effort of unfollowing/unsubbing from everything Pokémon Go related yet, and it’s rough because most of my friends from the past 6-7 years that aren’t work-adjacent are through Pokémon.


I feel like that’s a separate issue though


Like a class action lawsuit crap




I've seen people at the gym with Pokémon go proportions. Before the custom changes I got asked what my body goal is and my response was my pokemon go avatar 😆


I actually like it. Went with the skinniest body then upped the chest and hips to max so it actually resembles my body lol


I don’t like how wide they make the males abdomen


Niantic game devs? Honestly probably not


They don’t want them to actually look female 🙄


Have you seen the dev in charge of the character creation? I'd say that person hates the curves of a woman's body more than anyone. Hence the blocky faces and weirdly square hips all of the women avatars have in recent updates.


My play time has gone to almost nothing.


I started hoping they'd give us a 'wear a tent' option for clothing. Or a 'homemade ghost costume' option - complete with a flowery pattetned sheet that has eye holes cut into it, so I could completely cover my avatar. (While simultaneously remembering my mother FREAKING OUT & my being grounded for cutting holes in one of the 'good' sheets in order to make my kid brother's ghost costume one Halloween ages ago 😂. At least my brother loved his costume! And people gave him extra candy when I took him trick or treating that night.)


Seriously though they took all resemblance that our avatars had to actual humans (there was never any) and made it worse


They messed it up so badly 😭 I've never seen such incompetent character design.


Its not incompetence, this was on purpose.


Ironically, I think my guy avatar looks like a chick now.


it feels like the devs that are hired are activists. Don't quote me on that cuz that was satire. The real reason is I don't know, only Arceus knows.


what do you mean? women aren't real! -niantic, i guess


No, they have not.


Don't think they saw a male one either My character looking like he has breast with his wide hips he looks like a woman


5 is not so bad honestly, or maybe the others were just so bad it’s the best among them.


5 is my old avatar - the one I miss


That explains why it’s so much better lol.


They gotta get that BlackRock and Vanguard money.


So our options are now muscle mommy or pear????


Actually someone else hates the new look as much as me?


Yesss, so very much :(


Inclusivity is cool and all but I don’t want my body to look as ugly and hunchbacked as it does in real life 😭


It still pisses me off no end that team rocket still gets to look like a woman. Ffs. Used to be one of the few non-sexist games. Ruined the game for me.


My wife has big ass hips and a petite chest. I feel like the new models aren't really all that crazy actually.


More options are good. Taking away my & my daughter's body types isn't. :( I never expected them to give me an option for my F chest, but this 5' 10" ish, not curvy avatar is NOTHING like my petite self. The old avatar looked like I did pre-disability, & like my daughter looks now. I just want my old avatar back. That NEEDS to be an option!


I feel like the new avatar looks EXACTLY like me. A little boxy, kinda husky in the shoulders, with a straight line and no hips. The other avatar was nice to look at, but when i see the new one, i remember how not alluring I look.


Ah yes I got fat ass too


To be fair, not many female bodies look like the previous avatars in real life.


maybe “not many” in America or in your social circle, but plenty of women are fit and have a waist and hips. My avatar was very reflective of my own body and I’m pissed that their attempt at inclusivity excluded PLENTY of physically fit people.


I’m not American. And I’m not talking about fitness, most of my circle is fit, I’m talking about body shapes, which are often independent of fitness. If you’re so keen for it to look like you, is there no way of making that shape using the sliders? I don’t know as personally I don’t care what the avatar looks like but there are sliders - perhaps you can recreate it.


Maybe you haven’t heard any of the feedback, but no, it cannot be recreated. Suggesting to recreate it with the sliders sounds exactly like niantic customer service, and it’s not at all helpful :)


My daughter & I do (well, I DID, pre-disability). You'd be surprised just how many chicks actually do. It sucks they claim 'inclusivity' when they completey erased our bodies from the game :(


You can always tell who never goes to the gym by what they say about attractive-looking people.


I didn’t say anything about real people and their attractiveness. I said that not many female bodies look like that. You can tell a lot about people who evaluate an animated avatar in a kids game in terms of physical attractiveness.




That’s fair, although to say the other examples are “thunder thighs”, “look like a dude”, incorrectly proportioned, not womanly, not female looking etc etc isn’t exactly inclusive either is it? More options means more inclusivity. The options don’t necessarily look like anyone exactly but it’s an avatar, not a stunt double.


Avatar crying day 67.


Avatar Update - Will the Players Ever Stop Complaining About The Avatars? Ever?


Will players ever stop complaining about remote raid nerfs? Will players ever stop complaining about broken/laggy GBL? Will players ever stop complaining about issues with shadow raids/elite raids etc? Point being that players are going to rightfully complain about aspects of the game that are implemented poorly or subject to negative changes. Just because it happens to be a part of the game you personally don't care about doesn't make it any less valid.


Thank you!!!!


NEVER!! UNLESS they give me back my old avatar. The one that looked like I used to, pre-disability (& that looked like my daughter does at present).


Heavy Japanese influence. Big k-itties and slender hourglass figures are the cultural staple of everything animated.


Lmao! Of course not, they play Pokemon Go




I think we all know the answer


My brother in christ... if you literally think the average female body looks like that in the first screenshot, you need to lay off the anime and/or porn. Please go outside.


I, the person, used to look like my old avatar. I'm 4'10", and yes, I have hips & a big chest. I LOVED that my old avatar looked like I did pre-disability. I miss my formerly not-broken body, & was DELIGHTED to have an avatar that looked like I used to, & could still physically move like I used to be able to. I want that back. I can't regain irl, but hells bells, I want it back in my game!!


Need some cheese to go with that whine? I shouldn't be shocked that most people playing a mobile game of a children's IP are whining like kids that they don't get every little tiny thing they want. Yes, some women in the real world have the proportions you mock. Have you ever actually looked at another woman, or does the world revolve around you? Learn actual body positivity instead of trying to mask your body negativity with false victimhood. I've got a much bigger bust than the game allows, but I know better than to expect all the sensitive people to accept games having busts that go up to some of the real numbers actual women have.


ok but why can't we have the original avatars also? and talking about inclusivity, why doesn't niantic add wheelchairs and walking sticks and other accessibility equipment. Everyone has different bodies, some women do have "different" and "weird" proportions which is fine, but some women also have proportions like the original avatar.


There's nothing wrong with adults liking Pokemon, can we stop with that any time somebody has a problem with Pokemon go? 🙄 Redditors have a weird obsession with roleplaying as a comical 80s bully anytime somebody raises their hand. These kids and their darn pokemon, man. You ever look at a woman, nerd? You forgot to call OP a dork to prove how above it all you are.


I called a poster a dork for being a gatekeeper the other day and he called me fat :(


The most Reddit comment I've ever seen lmfao!


I had the proportions of the old avatar pre-disability. I loved seeing basically 'old me' whenever I opened the game. Sure, it didn't have my F cup chest, but it was a helluva lot closer than this current 'avatar'. And I want that BACK. I want to see predisability me, the one who could walk without a galomping limp, the one who could run, & jump, like the way I used to, the one who didn't jump like a dude - I want that BACK!!! We should have the option to choose- because erasing MY 4' 10", & my 5', 85 pound daughter's, body types from the game is the opposite of 'inclusion'.


I'm one of those real world women you mentioned. My avatar now actually has my proportions. Thank you for defending us "weirdly" proportioned aka real people!


Imo the update was a great step towards inclusivity for everyone who does not have "generic hot anime girl/boy" body type (and tbh, who does lol. I don't). But it was a dumb move removing the avatars people know and like. Should've left an option in that looks just like the old ones. As a guy the new avatars are pretty good. Just the faces... Man, those are cursed. The old ones were already weird, but the new ones...


My 5', 85 pound daughter, & my 4' 10" self look like the old avatars. We've been erased from existence. Cool you're included now - that IS good. But erasing others isn't cool. They need to have the option to have our old avatars back.


I would think that most women have proportions closer to the new avatars. I know all the women I play the game with are pleased that their avatars can be customised somewhat - I find all of the comments criticising the shapes of the new avatars bizarre!


I’m glad that they’re not all built like Barbie now. But they definitely need work.


I know right. It’s far to humane, I was imagining something monstrous and twisted


They play pokemon of course not


You’re playing Pokemon too


Yeah and?


Honestly, the people who complain about dump truck avatar or skinny no curves avatar not looking like actual women definitely have not seen any real women in real life. *Muh avatar doesn't look like a real woman any more, she doesn't have an hourglass shape* 🙄


Low key agree with you.


I play Pokemon and I have a hot wife and kids... And in fact she gets really inspired and happy when I describe that the show and franchise at large is all about the importance of teamwork and community and has really positive moral messages for kiddos. She doesn't play but she thinks it's a positive thing.




👍 I have kids. Great attitude... I'm sure you're a great time


Wallflower and his fake wife can't comprehend jokes


1, 4, and 5 are honestly not unnatural looking




WRONG. 40% of players are 18-34 40% are 35-54 33% are 55+ It's a game that ADULTS play. Adults usually with money. You don't want to hear it? Then ignore the posts. YOU can stfu. You aren't welcome here.


where you get those figures? certainly hope you just didn't use reddit lol. also you're being super weird. I don't understand the math. 40% + 40% + 33% = .... how?


Statista You know - professional market research people. Oh, right, you're one of those people who scoff at actual experts. Feel free to look it up yourself.


Have you?


Oh you mean what they probably call “body type 1 and body type 2” lmao. Didn’t know that being either male or female meant I was now in some sort battle of the sex where im placed in a number ranking order. 🤦🏻‍♂️. Why is one first over the other? Bet they avoid answering that question. Or do we not believe in numbers and how they work now as well? Lmao


Really, who cares? Now if something affects gameplay or prices for the store then I'm all ears.


But it's 2024. Anyone and amything can be a female or male nowadays