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It doesn't matter. Camperupt is BAD in PvP regardless of IVs.


Guys don’t y’all build Pokemon for pvp just for fun. Sometimes it’s funny just to have an off meta team


Yeah, but I make sure my spicy pokes are not ranked 600+ in GL. That's beyond spice and just plain bad at that point.


Now to answer your question. I see you downvoted me once, but that is OK. Camerupt is terrible, and neither will work because the only way this pokemon is viable is playing it in Ultra league with 2 bulky pokemon that don't need shields. This is the only scenario where camerupt has more than a 50% win rate. However, for Ultra league you need to get it all the way to level 51, which is 300 XL candy and \~400,000 stardust. Ultra league IV calc: [https://pvpivs.com/?mon=Camerupt&r=10&cp=2500](https://pvpivs.com/?mon=Camerupt&r=10&cp=2500) Ultra league 2v2 [https://pvpoke.com/battle/multi/2500/all/camerupt/21/1-2-3/2-1/](https://pvpoke.com/battle/multi/2500/all/camerupt/21/1-2-3/2-1/)


Oooooo thank you man


If it was a good pokemon the first one. It's not good though.


The appraisal does not matter a whole lot for PVP, and in fact sometimes it is better to run "bad" IV's especially on pokemon with fast attack pressure or if they have a similar base attack to other popular pokemon. For example if you have a pokemon that has an attack similar to gligar and lanturn for example, you might want to run your pokemon that is attack weighted, so you can always get your charged attack of first. Saying that, I have hundreds of pokemon in storage that just meet basic PVP criteria, low attack, high defense/hp. But the reason I have not powered them up/evolved them, is because most pokemon are terrible in PVP regardless of whether they have good appraisal. Pokemon Species > Moves >big gap > IV's