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imo, rare candy is best used on legendaries or more top tier raid fighters. or pvp fighters if thats your fancy. i dont think axew evolutionary line is "useful"? more like a dex entry. you use your resources how you like, since it is your game. if axew/haxorus is your favorite, then go for it. no shame in feeding a favorite :) but i dont think it'd be very useful outside of being a bit of a flex, since axew is pretty rare.


He is indeed my favorite Pokémon but I didn’t know if he’d serve any use outside of just being my favorite. Like is there a community day for him that’s coming up or something like that? I’m not sure what the schedule for this game looks like.


If you scroll back on this sub reddit a bit there's a really helpful chart with all the upcoming community days


Ooh! Could you link me? I can't seem to find it


If I can find it I will👍


Eh it’s all personal play style. I would I use my rare candy to fill in my pokedex by giving it to Pokémon like axew who are hard to get. Legendaries are good to give it to if you playing BL and the leagues where they are useful but personally I don’t play ML anyway.




Mast league the no cp limits league. Lots of the better mons for that are legendaries. For GL and UL it’s not really necessary to invest in Legendaries to do well.


I wouldn’t invest my rare candy unless it is something u gonna use right now. If u already have the top meta/everything u want, then if course, go ahead!


I initially thought I wouldn't use rare candy on my lonely Axew and that I'd just walk him but then I got to 120 Axew candy and got fed up (and needed to change my buddy to G. Yamask due to getting another one in this current event) so I gave in and used 5 rare candy. Had it not been for the event, I'd probably have just carried on walking him and used the rare candy for legendaries which usually take 20km per candy rather than the 4km that Axew needs. Now, as a living dex collector, I just need to find 2 more Axew so that I can evolve him!


Yep, do it


Personally, I'd do it. Not only is it your favorite Pokemon, but you can just earn more candies doing raids. I like to go out and do level 1 raids and eventually build up a nice pile. I've been dumping mine in Magikarp and swabloo.


How hard are they for you to get? Do you do many raids? If so, do it up. If you have a limited supply, I’d save them for beefier Pokémon until you have some solid line ups. Then dump them wherever you want. I’ve used rare candy on all kinds of stuff. I believe my first axew evolution was through RC because I wanted to see it evolved like as soon as I hatched one