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Yea that would b amazing especially for casuals who don’t wanna look shit up all the time


is there a reason base stats are not given and you have to search them up in mainline games? isnt the point that you have to find their strengtje and weaknesses


the game is terrible at explaining competitive pokemon; the only tips they give are do super effective attacks and put in pokemon not weak to the other’s type


The only Pokémon game that is designed for competitive play is the Trading Card Game. The video games, Pokémon Go all have competitive play thanks to the community (like Smogon) deciding what is best.


To be honest i absolutely ignore the pvp part of pogo. It is very frustrating for me.


It's frustrating because it is not fun. PvP is as fun as battling a Rocket Grunt, with the difference that the Rocket Grunt doesn't shield every charge attack you do.


ur kidding right… gen v was the first mainline series game that truly put an emphasis on competitive pokemon, but left the user to figure it all out themselves. the game’s functions and strategies are far too complex for a player to pick up on themselves


Just because they wanted it to become a competitive game doesn't mean it actually did. The complexities aren't even the issue, for the mainstream Pokémon games the biggest issue was the clash of meta groups who would refuse to play against people not in their meta group. The number of people who would just leave a battle because I had a mon their meta didn't support in my team just made me give up on battling in those games. I play PoGo for the collecting because it encourages me to walk more, everything else is just not even interesting.


All that said, I’d argue the mainline series has a robust competitive scene. Always has. The problem is that the games themselves do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to promote or explain the intricacies of pvp to its players (i.e. breeding, ivs, evs, etc.). End result is you get dedicated PvPers who’ve done the research and put the time/work into battling making up most of the population. Then a casual or non-pvp player enters the fray, they (usually) get stomped so badly so often that they either become dedicated or give up on it outright


Are playing casual or ranked? Most peeps aren’t willing to take a ratings drop b/c “I don’t feel you should use that mon.” If you’re running into this on ranked, that’s just bad luck I guess 🤔 As for PoGo. Competitive has/had potential…if they can ever figure out the lag issue. I was hype and lost all interest for that one MASSIVE downfall. I’ll return if/when that ever gets managed well


The built in rankings in the core games do not seem to matter to the meta players.


I stand by what I said. I’ve never had anyone rage quit on me in main series ranked for using mons that aren’t meta.


I mean if you break it down to its absolute basics, that is all that you need to worry about. Just gotta hope your opponent had the exact weaknesses to all of your Pokemon you brought.


nah not with gbl; so much meta around that just comes in as a back up; instead the meta is bulky pokemon, fast pokemon with good hp, or legendaries. all have spammy attacks and legacy moves except for a select few; no new players would expect swampert to be the best overall pvp mon in all the leagues


True. It sure is annoying trying to build a good counter team for the Swampert battle league that's still capable of dealing with the other metas. You almost have to come up with multiple levels of counters or get lucky enough that they swap to Swampert while you are still able to switch to counter it.


a good counter for it is surprisingly walrein but also swampert itself. walrein can spam effective ice charged moves compared to swampert’s half effective legacy move on walrein


Probably for immersion reasons. For your adventure, you should just be thinking about the partners you've specifically caught and grown attached to, not comparing them to the rest of their species and dumping the rejects.


Level a Pokémon up a few times and as long as the types are there, you don't need to worry.


That's what nobody on this sub will admit. The vast majority of battlers don't need to worry about this, because these stats barely make a difference, except at the highest level of play. It is statistically impossible that everybody on this sub is playing at a level where these things make any real difference.


The PvP is a niche and it doesn't take much effort to reach at the level of play where IVs are important.


The games are geared towards casuals & children moreso than dedicated PvP players, and most of them are interested in “how strong is this mon right now” instead of “what’s this mon’s potential” during a play through. That’s why we get current stats instead of base stats, imo.


I'm just glad we can see the IVs now.


There’s a lot of quality of life improvements they could add to the game. Honestly surprised that they haven’t already with how long it’s been around.


They need a way to set your play level/style in settings. Similar to what they’ve done for go fests/events. I think it’d be cool if you had a “basic” setting for beginners that is basically what you have now, and a more “pro” setting that would go more in depth to rankings and stats like this. Basically set that way to prevent newbies and casuals from feeling overwhelmed and quitting the game


This is actually a really cool idea. I love Pokémon and have played since the day Red and Blue first released, but even with that love and knowledge I don't know too much about the competitive scene. I just like to collect and trade and battle for fun. However, it would be really cool to easily see more in depth stats to get a better idea of where I stand and what might help me


Since they're the same for each pokemon individual it would be better in the Pokedex imo, but i do agree with you


wdym they are the same? every pokémon has their own base stats


I think they mean that each species has its base values that are modified slightly by IVs. So, in the pokedex would work because you can see a given species strengths and weaknesses, and if a species is good, you can just decide how picky to be within that species.


I used to argue for this sort of thing years ago and gave up when someone's honest to God retort was "Too many numbers would confuse casual players". I'd love to see it but if that dude is representative of the average player it'll never happen.


I'd settle for IVs being displayed natively than having to appraise and renaming them


And the level


it’d be cool if you could just see the attack and defense stat of the pokemon so you can compare for raid attackers


Also would emphasize how much IVs DONT matter. The 0-15 IV adds onto the base stats. So from raids the difference when comparing IVs is not 10/10/10 vs 15/15/15 but actually 233/183/196 vs 238/188/201. If you get a shiny, power it up.


It does matter for PvP though.


Correct but then the whole 15/15/15 makes no sense anymore exept for UL and some exceptions.


Yes, but I'm emphasizing on the Mystic7 JTGily dumbasses that don't power up 98% because they don't do the math and know the damage output


Pokemon with good stats can still be useless because of their moves. You would still have to look stuff up to get meta picks


I never understood why you can’t TM yawn on Slaking. By the time you’ve built up earthquake he’s basically dead.


He'd be too strong with literally any other quick attack. The main line games solved this with the loafing around mechanic, but this is PoGOs solution. But I agree, it's lame. I have a 4* Slaking at like 4k CP and he's useless.


Gym candy


I just want to see battles won by a specific Pokémon without having to go into a gym battle to see it…


For a game meant to be played "on the go" there is a severe lack of information in the game itself. I love collecting pokemon, but I find no reason to invest in combat because of little things like this missing.


I fucking hate seeing so many cool suggestions posted on this reddit bc I know none of them will be added to the game.


It would be cool if the battle system was revamped so seeing the stats and knowing typing and such would help.


Also they should add DPS, and EPS for moves. It's annoying to search for every single pokemon you want to use, just to see if one move is better than another. The game tells you damage, but what are you supposed to do with that information when you don't know how long it takes to hit.


How did you even look those stats up like that? Lol


https://pokemon.gameinfo.io/ This is where I look up shiny’s, moves, and there’s an IV calculator. Love this site


Yeah, GameInfo for stats/hard numbers, and GamePress for subjective analysis.


Pokémon name followed by “base stats”. Example: Charizard base stats Or you could go to game info. So like type up Charizard Pogo game info and the website says it’s available moves, base stats, weaknesses and resistances with some other things


Poke genie tells you base stats.


CalcyIV is the app I use to do this in game. It's an overlay so (afaik) it's not breaking any of the terms of service to use it. I've got it set to show the IV combination and the Pokémon's rank at different evolutions in different leagues. Comes up in a little tab as I scroll through my Pokémon with the appraisal up. You click it to see more detailed info inc the actual stats, the evolution cp, simulate evolutions, cost for powering up, simulate purification etc. It comes up in a bigger overlay, you don't have to leave the game.


That’s an interesting idea that honestly I never would have considered. I think it maybborder on overwhelming though, as even the idea of IVs confuses new players to a degree. Not to mention stats don’t have the same relevance they do in PoGo compared to mainline. Outside of Great and Ultra GBL, you’re either a goo attacker or you’re useless in Pokémon Go lol


It’s called apraising


So close




I mean it's kinda common sense for typing. For charizard if you have to put out fire, you'd use water and ground. For flying, birds hate snow, electricity and rocks.




Type advantages can help you in nature too. Like in the jungle or the sea.


Stop giving them money is the only solution to any pogo problem.


Be nice if they included in future updates.


Wait the stars aren't the stats?


The stars are the stats for comparing pokemon with other pokemon of the exact same type. The stars aren't the stats for comparing between pokemon of different types though. To put it in terms of real animals, imagine there was star rating for speed The fastest snail could get 3 stars and the slowest horse could get 0 stars, but the worst rated horse would still be many times faster than the best rated snail. On pokemon the underlying levels attack, defense and health vary by species and well as between individuals. OP is referring to the species level stats.


Oh I didn't know that was in Pokemon go. Assumed everything was based off the stars.


Thank you for this easy to understand explanation!!! This makes a lot of sense!!


If they want, they can do so much. Why I need to appraise from a menu, why can't it just be on the screen, above egg/catch info? Yet, you know.


i’d still look up what stamina is


Well atleast pokemon level should be show.. Its stupid cuz you can anyway "calculate" pokemon level even without any up.. just every power up is 0,5lvl and when it start need xl candy its 40. So i see 0 reason why pokemon level not show up anywhere..


I wish it showed stats like Raids won, GBL battles won, Gym wins, etc. That would be cool at a glance! What's funny is that information seems to be stored somewhere but we can't view it.