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As a shadow, even with terrible stats, it's one of the best attackers in the game. And yours despite being two stars isn't all that bad.


Regular Mewtwo will return to raids at some point (it always does). Unless you're really into having a Mewtwo with Return, I'd just keep it shadow and wait for raids to return.


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day!


Read this https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/t52ef8/because_im_tired_of_seeing_it_all_the_time_here/


You are everywhere but nowhere at the same time...


I’m your conscience.


Do not purify it, a Shadow mewtwo is a lot better than a purifed mewtwo even with worse IVs


purify if you want It won't get better in raids and it won't be 4\* and you won't be able to catch another one at least for a very long time. There will for sure be mewtwo raids in the future, featuring a 10/10/10 IV floor and allowing you to get a better one but if it somehow satisfies you, do it. it is your account and you play it your way.


That’s horrible advice. Shadow Mewtwo is probably the one Pokémon you never want to purify. You can only get a very limited amount, and it’s one of the strongest pokémon in the game. Purifying makes it weaker, and turns it into a regular Mewtwo, which can be caught regularly and with 10/10/10 minimum IV.


yea that's exactly what i said. it will be worse in almost any way. i didn't say he/she should purify or i suggest purifying. But shouldn't everyone do what they like sometimes instead of just doing what others tell them to? In the end the purpose of a game should be to have fun and enjoy it.


Alright thank you both guys.! Cheers.


Will +2 on each make more of a difference than the +20% dmg buff from shadow?