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Pikachu and Base Eevee are the only two Pokémon that would never be on the chopping block I think.


Sure thing. Also Snorlax is probably never missing, because it is on of the fanfavorites and Psyduck would never be cut, because of it being Masudas favorite Pokemon


And for the same reason, Gengar is also 'fan favorite' enough that it'd be a safe(r) bet, but past Pikachu and Eevee I wouldn't put any money on any other pokemon.


I guess Charizard is quit safe too


That's what I thought too, but it is not in PLA, so you're wrong on that count.


Can you trade from the SwSh to Home to PLA?


Yes, but only the Pokemon that are in the PLA dex


Oh, I didn't know that. Cool!


When you trade back and forth the move set and stats go back to normal.


I feel like PLA is a weird case, in which Pokemon are very specificly picked and another starter set wouldn’t had fit in, but in every new region Charizard is always present to gain the new feature.


Rumor has it Garchomp is gone in SV 🤔 No one is safe haha 😭


Well it is not a gen one Pokemon, which lets it sink down quite much on the priority scale of Gamefreak it seems. They do love thier Gen one Pokemon.


But Gible is in the trailer? Edit: I confused Larvitar with Gible.


Are you sure?


Bah! No. That was Larvitar, my bad!


Chansey, it's the pokecenter pokemon and it's already in SV trailer Ralts is also a good bet. There will be riots if they get the chop.


>it's the pokecenter pokemon In gen 5 it was Audino, not Chansey.


I think Pikachu is the only truly safe pokemon (Eevee's secondary mascot status is still relatively new and could easily fade away.) I'm praying for Snorlax every gen. I'll probably ignore any gen without it.


i was gonna say gen 5 but theres no ribbons there lol


Lol well I know it's not regional in gen 3 or 5, but neither is Pikachu (at least not in B/W.) I can still bring a Snorlax over to them though. I did some trading/breeding with my black/black 2 games in order to have a Snorlax on my original playthrough of black 2 actually lol.


I have to trade and breed for a nidoran male for gen 5 too. I can’t not have Nidoking on my teams


Anyone who says anything other than Pikachu or Eevee are fooling themselves


Good thing Eevee is one of my favorites.


i really hope nidoking will be in SV i wanna make my RibbonKing to continue his reign


I would hope togekiss? Given that togepi used to be a series mascot, maybe just wishful thinking tho since I have a shiny togetic hunt planned for colo to turn into a ribbon master lol


No Pokemon is 100% safe, but Pikachu is easily the safest bet, lol. Even though the Unova dex doesn't have Pikachu, I highly doubt they'll ever do another one without them. Zubat, Psyduck, & Magnemite have been in every regional dex so far, I'd be surprised if any of them got cut from a future game. Especially Zubat, since its basically known for being everywhere lol. I was seriously shocked when neither of them were in Sword and Shield at launch, but then they all came back when Galar's dex got expanded in the DLC Eevee, Snorlax, Gengar, Clefable, & Wigglytuff are all popular with both the company and fans, so I don't see them as likely to be dropped in many games. They've all been in almost every regional dex so far as well Beyond Gen 1, I'd say Togepi, Ralts, & Lucario are all relatively safe as well. ​ I will say though, some of the most *unsafe* Pokemon are probably the starters from every generation, lol


Just because the dex doesn't have a Pokemon doesn't mean that it can't be transferred and used in it.


The scyther line seems pretty safe.


It wasn’t in SwSh until the DLC lol


No pokemon is safe. Even Pikachu and Eevee have suffered from Dex cuts before. The only way we can future proof ribbon masters is by accepting that a single pokemon won't be able to get every single ribbon available, just all the ones a available to it. We already do this with the WiFi multi battle ribbon.


When has Pikachu been cut?


It wasn't in Colosseum or XD


It was in one of them via e-reader, but considering I’m pretty sure that was region locked that’s a fair point.


Technically cut from the Black/White regional dex. But it was still available by transfer, so I don’t think that counts. It’s really only the Dexit style cuts that bother me.


Yeah I’d say BW doesn’t really count.


Just because they aren't in the region's Pokédex doesn't mean they can't be transferred to it and used.


I'd say Arcanine since it's been in every Gen to date, even PLA.


Regular Arcanine isn’t in PLA though, which brings me much sorrow.


Greninja never made it to Sword and Shield and it was one of the most profitable Pokemon in the franchise. Charizard wasn’t in Legends Arceus. And then there’s the leaks for SV, which I’ve already seen. Ribbons or not, nobody is safe.




Serebii keeps a [list of confirmed Pokémon](https://www.serebii.net/scarletviolet/pokedex.shtml) at his website and I'd recommend keeping an eye on it. Considering that they did cut Greninja from Sw/Sh and PLA I don't believe that there are any "undexit-able" Pokémon other than Pikachu.