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Life is too short to let a rich guy bother you with his attitude. Just don't watch him.


Reminds me of when I hear everyone talking about Elon. Like who cares?


It's a little different, because he has massive influence on infrastructure, finance, and media platforms. Hard to "just ignore" the person who buys one of the most used websites in the world and uproots it.


And to think there is entire subs dedicated to talking shit on him. People have such lame lives


Lmao simp


Nope I'm just not a bitch and have better things to do with my life than care about other peo0pes that have no idea who I am. Also because I'm not a jealous piece of shit


Uhhhh. People who own Tesla stock? People who don't want to see him sink SpaxeX, as it has become absolutely undeniably VITAL to our national security? And, people who understood Twitter to be absolutely vital to dissidents in oppressive countries, such as Saudi Arabia, and watched the platform become a dumpster fire? I see your point. Appreciate the sentiment. But maybe Elon isn't the best example. There's plenty Elon could still break. Big important shit.


I mean sure you're right, but complaining on a subreddit about him is about as useful as yelling into the wind. He won't ever read it or get close to reading it and if by some miracle he does he will completely ignore it regardless. So it's basically the same; wasting your life hating on some billionaire's attitude.


Hes quite obnoxious but him hanging DrBatman a 'tilt card' and needling him non stop was fucking hilarious.


DrBatman brought the tilt cards. Not even Person's idea. That fucker had it coming.


If you don't like him you should love watching him play - he invariably gets stacked every session.


He’s just making up for lost time, doing the Jeff Bezos nerd to muscle fucker thing https://ggbmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/ericP2.jpg


TRT is a hell of a drug


Holy testosterone batman!


Getting two full tattoo sleeves when you’re like 55 is really funny


And he's got the gut to prove it!


The "gut" isnt a symptom of TRT or any amount of T. It's from growth hormones which I doubt he takes


Yes. People like him for that heads up vs Hellmuth, but I find him gross. Everything about him disgusts me, from the appearance to the personality. He's basically a nobody who decided to create an interesting character, but failing at it. Interesting trash-talkers like Tony G or Luke Schwartz add something to the table, because they also provide fun moments. It's not always the same garbage. This asshole basically tries to be the tough guy 100% of the time. He's also a shit player, on top of it.


A nobody that owns like 20 casinos? I would not say Persson is a nobody. He's failing at it? This thread is evidence of the opposite. Luke Schwartz over Eric Persson as an interesting trash talker? Oh cmon now man that's just too far. Persson is actually quite nice/friendly to a good chunk of the pool. He just goes hard on a few targets like Phil and Batman and people that he thinks are clowns. He'll talk trash to everyone but it doesn't get super personal/out of line vs most of the good guys.


He just hams it up for entertainment purposes,he’s the heel,he knows what people will tune in for. If anyone tells me Eric Persson is annoying I tell them the problem is you not him.




Nik Airball: Am I a joke to you?




I never think about him or anyone else so no I don't.


I can smell him through the TV.


Axe body spray and date rape.


I think his antics are entertaining, and I also think that his table persona is just that, a persona for the table. Poker is a psychological game, and using table talk to make you opponent's decision making difficult is a good strategy and an acceptable one.


He's actually a pretty cool guy inbetween the highlights. Everyone pops off everyonce in a while but he takes it to the next level.


spot on read. he puts his face on maverick poker chips. who else does that?


You guys are way off. The heads-up match with Phil is comedy gold. Shit, Eric's first line "we're at this (the featured) table because of ME, Phil."😂 No one knew who Persson was at this point. It's 30 minutes of hilarity. The J4 hand is also hilarious. "Yeah, she didn't think you had shit, Garrett". He's not needling Garrett, he's trolling Robbie by repeating the dumb shit she's saying. And putting Batman in his place like only he could do. Glorious. He's an anti-hero, not a villain.


He is definitely annoying and one of my least favorite players to watch.


I giggled when he flipped Phil off. I’ve played at one of his casinos (Elko, NV) and appreciate that he’s trying to breathe new life into poker in places where it died (like Elko). He bought some other casino off the Vegas strip not too long ago and was taking feedback from low stakes players (where new players come from) - and I thought that was cool too. He’s not my role model, but I appreciate certain aspects of him bringing new visibility to poker.


No, I love all whales.


I liked him until he blocked me when I asked him whether or not he talked in the J4 hand, encouraging Robbi to call. He didn't deny it. Instead, he posted his hastily-made video offering to pay for Robbi's lie detector test minutes later. Lo and behold, he indeed was the voice that said, "I vote no." I enjoyed him needling Phil Hellmuth but when he cried like a bitch to Ryan and Nick about MrDrBatman and succeeded in having him pulled, I saw his true colors most clearly. Dude is like a Hulk Hogan/Aquaman hybrid with those outfits. But I still give him respect for putting Phil and Garrett in their place. He's a mixed bag, and I'm disappointed in the way many in poker media and content creation are afraid to upset him. Like, the story about how he qualifies as "Native American" seems unclear and what I suspect is true makes for an interesting one, but we never hear it. I chalk him up to another whale who abused the privilege of playing on Hustler Casino Live. But, no denying he was fun to watch and remains fun to troll.


What do you mean by "put Phil and Garrett in their place"? Like, beating them on the felt, or did he say something?


Eric gave Phil the double-fingers when Phil tried to bully him and call rank. Eric went on to expose Phil as a short-stacked, less and less staked has-been who can't swim in Eric's megawhale pool. Eric embarrassed Garrett with an out-of-turn action that flummoxed Garrett. The "LA King" got his crown knocked off in Vegas and Eric was usurper. There's great clips if you Google these two overstated phonies getting the treatment from Eric "27 casinos" Persson. 31 casinos now, last I heard.


That was clearly an angle he did on Garrett.


Kings don't get tricked by angles.


His act against Hellmuth was semi-calculated and it worked and I didn't really like him but he didn't act like that against Negranu or others and seems ok other than a bit overcompensating for something gruffness. I wish I had the bankroll to play him.


He owns a decent amount of property's around WA State, I will never play in a single one.


He’s a fucking fragile douche bag 🤣




Every show needs a villain. Persson is a pretty great villain. Just chaotic evil/chaotic neutral. He doesn't really go after anyone that's "nice". Like you don't see him berating Andy or Garrett in a way that is over the top like he did to Phil and DrBatman. Most of the people he goes hard on deserve it to some extent. You can't say you didn't watch Phil unable to formulate any words to say other than whining to the floor saying "he can't treat me like this!" lol. Justice comes in many forms. Sometimes that's needling the fuck out of and stacking Phil Hellmuth and sometimes that form is also watching Perrson get stacked. TLDR: He's a terrible player and good for the game.


He’s refreshing imo. Yeah he’s obnoxious, but that’s way better than the standard robot play.


Generally when someone really bothers you that badly it’s because they remind you of something you don’t like about yourself.


That's a reach


Whose ass did you pull that out of


I relate to him a lot. People hate me because I love to push buttons and brag when I’m playing well.


Would have never guessed with such a humble username.


Notice how you judge Persson for having an ego. But you will never be 1% as wealthy as him because you simply aren’t built like that.


Nah, man. Everyone has an ego. Most people just know how to control themselves and not act like a huge fucking dork. You used your ego to be EP’s #1 dick rider. You’re right, I’m not built like that. I’m unemployed and spend an hour or so each day on Reddit, you def got me there. It’s my fault that I’m unemployed too. I accidentally was a very early employee of a tech startup that went public and retired at 36.


Well, good for you for retiring early. But you don’t get to Eric Persson’s level of casino owning bad ass motherfucker without thinking you are the most important person in the room. EP can punt 75% of a million and walk it off like it’s 1/3.


He is just another poker clown fish, He is good for ratings because he is always willing to gamble and is entertaining to watch win or lose. Is he a solid poker player answer is no, he just made a lot of money not playing poker being an owner of a casino franchise, and his hobby is to win big or lose big in the high stakes cash game poker world.


He seems to be less obnoxious these days....but he provides entertainment which I am here for.


As far as I can tell, he hasn't done anything terribly shitty off the felt. If he wants to be annoying while punting millions of dollars, I say it's fair game.


It takes a lot for me to dislike someone who verbally abused hellmuth like that, but his recent antics are getting on my nerves


I mean he fuels the livestream cash games he plays in. Can’t be too mad about that at least last I checked he was down like $6m ish


Completely agree, couldn’t stand him within 2 mins of the first time I watched him play


Yea not a fan either. Stop following him on Twitter the other day. He loves sharing the deep state conspiracy bullshit.


I also kinda hate the guy more often than not, but 1.) His grating personality makes it even more fun to watch him get stacked, which seems to be the most recurring outcome when he plays, and 2.) He was fun to watch heads-up with Negreanu since he actually seemed civil and pleasant the whole time.


I play pretty regularly at his cardroom in Kirkland, WA - Caribbean Cardroom. There's a big, wall-sized mural of him, with Antonius and someone else behind him. It's pretty obnoxious. There's also flyers posted throughout about a contest to win a trip to Vegas for the launch of the poker room at the Tropicana that give you the opportunity to meet "poker sensation Eric Persson".


Isn't Tropicana getting demolished?


Thing is though he's too good for the game in so many ways. The pros are desperate to play him, there's no doubt there all swapping pieces and bum hunting him due to his swingy high action play style, it's just a real reality of poker. Without him sometimes there won't be a game he's the star for the wrong reasons 😂 He's good for live streams as everyone either wants to see him tilt off 500k or atleast play in some huge pots, and for a casual viewer there's nothing more interesting (the die hard 6 hr viewers will watch regardless) He's also a talking point, and you either love his antics or really hate him, but either way you wanna see him tilt off or stack the good guy.


But I totally understand why he would grind your gears not disputing that at all


Tbh he really finessed the game in a methodical way successfully, but for the all the salt he threw in wounds he’s receiving it back two fold. Just look at his Bally’s live stream game numbers. It just ain’t happenin. I like the guy but you can’t fight the universe


I think he is more entertaining than the majority of players who are boring af.


No buddy Eric is a great man :)