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I’m more wondering how both 69o got in


because of the meme


I love a good meme hand, but unless I’m getting in dirt cheap I can’t meme that hard.


Bottom dude had a 69 so he can be in, but the too dude had 96 and that doesn’t count ;)


Are you me and my home game? Literally people 3 and 4 bet with 69 …and no there’s no “7-2” like game


69 - meme hand raise 88 - calls from mp 69 - meme hand call 55 - button set mining This is my guess


> crazy flop 875 rainbow. It is absolutely unprecedented.


I think he means multiway pots where everyone flops big. Bottom set, top set, and two straights. That said yeah, I see stuff like this quite often at low stakes because of all the limp trains.


I take things very literally and OP referred to the flop as crazy.


This is why you are the Bad Guy.




There was a four-way all-in on the flop, and yes, 69 being the nuts on the flop is what I meant


Oh my b


8 beers facing action with a set is how! WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO


Had set set straight once with it going in on the turn after a 4th person hitting top pair decided to punt


Lmao that poor top pair got railed


PLO cash game AA vs. JJ vs. TT vs. KQ. Flop was AJT rainbow. Turn T. I had AA....


I’ve seen faker ones that’s for sure


See shit like this Every day on Global Poker micro stakes


that’s sick! isn’t 9T the nuts tho?


All the money went in on the flop


Fun fact someone actually folded 88 to me on that very same flop when I had 55 in a tournament. To this day it’s the worst fold I’ve seen in my life.


We’re you at least on the hard bubble? Tournaments are weird…


No it was hand number 2 or 3 of the tournament. The whole table gave him shit, he even folded it face up.


That’s atrocious…


Yep. I didn’t play it well preflop either but I was much more inexperienced at tournaments. 100/200 blinds, everyone started with 20k. I limp 55 UTG. LJ calls HJ raises big to 1600. I was putting him on AA/KK and just gonna fold but then CO and button both call giving me a decent enough price to hit a major pot if I spike a 5. I call and LJ calls and we go 5 way to 875 rainbow flop. I check to go for the check raise against AA/KK. MP donk leads 3000, HJ min raises to 6000. Folds to me and I jam, LJ folds and HJ goes into the tank for so long that someone not even in the hand anymore calls the clock. He starts muttering to himself about if I have 96 here (like I’d call that shit preflop) and I was confused because he didn’t mention anything about being afraid of a set. He eventually folds face up and I nearly shit my pants. I try not to comment on other people’s play but even I had to ask how he could ever fold that. If he had the 55 I could understand a fold since he’s dead if I have a higher set and I can’t ever be bluffing with this line but top set? Not a chance. The best part is the pot was so massive at this point that it was worth it to call even if I showed him 96. I’m convinced I will never see a worse fold in person and I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t see it.


That's up there on the crazy scale for me.