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Keep fallen troops out your fucking pie-hole. Fucking draft dodging muppet.


This is the guy that claimed dodging STDs was his personal Vietnam. We've known he has zero respect for veterans. Then consider all the other anti-vet stuff he said since then, most famously the "I like war heroes that weren't captured" bullshit. It's amazing people still believe he supports the troops.


Didn’t he also tell Jr he’d disown him for joining the military?


No, it was Tiffany not Jr. In the divorce settlement trump had a clause that said if Tiffany joined the military or even the Peace corp he would disinherit her and stop all alimony payments to her mother (his ex-wife Marla).


Like he needs ANOTHER reason.


My dad is a very proud Vietnam vet. The hat, the stickers on his RAM truck, the license plate frame, etc. he is a huge maga republican and when I’ve tried talking to him about the shit trump says, he makes excuses. “It was taken out of context”. “The media doctored the footage”


"So what was the context pops" "You see, McCain was acting like a liburrwul"


It sickens me to see veterans support that piece of shit, especially since he doesn't give a damn about them.


>It sickens me to see ~~veterans~~ people support that piece of shit, especially since he doesn't give a damn about them.


>It was taken out of context”. When trump first ran in 2016, every time there was a trump quote in a headline, I'd think to myself "That quote had to be taken out of context!" And then I'd be shocked because always, somehow, in context it was so much worse!


Right? This is true of a whole bunch of them. Something ridiculous will hit the headlines and then when you dig in, you're like, oh, sweet jesus, I didn't think it could be worse, but there it is.


He supports only himself, his daughter doesn’t need him anymore, since she and Jared made bank during his 4 years.


Don’t forget when he had a chance to honor the code talkers of the vietnam war, he took that as an opportunity to say racial slurs about elizabeth warren being called Pocahontas. Fuck him, and fuck his phony brand of patriotism.


John McCain refused to be sent home before his underlings ok. Such a sentiment would never occur in a trump head ever ok? Put me on that plane I have people to grift, blondes to rape etc


Yet sadly they support him like no tomorrow


"Sad" is the right word. You could ask her about the non white men with whom he served.


My father is an immigrant,Vietnam veteran who has called trump a buffoon for 40 years I know of. It’s not a “they” thing if you are blanket stating for veterans.


You're right, not all of us support Trump. Unfortunately too many do.


The guy who didn't visit war graves in France because he didn't want to associate with "losers"?


I thought it was because it was raining


It was because it was raining.


If his hair gets wet he'll look like a rat. That choice was 100% about his hair.


Don’t forget the make up…


“If his hair gets wet he’ll look like a rat.” …he’ll look like the rat that he *is*.


Also wet stairs and ramps aren’t in Donnie’s wheelhouse either.


I had forgotten that one, but to my credit, he has said so many stupid things and fucked up so many times it’s hard to keep up.


his hair!




and suckers. I hate this man.


No, it was raining and he didn’t want to get his hair wet!!!!


Trump in 2018 referred to those same heroes who gave their lives for their country as suckers and losers and refused to visit their cemetery outside of Paris because it was raining and his hair would become disheveled. Now Mr. Heel-spurs is comparing his self inflicted problems to their sacrifices- what an absolute orange turd!


Pity the huge asshole he dropped from.


Before Trump, I really didn't know I could hold such actual, visceral hatred for someone that exists on my same time line. I mean, OBVIOUSLY there are people I hate. But this is a very deep, burning hatred.


Troops pulling triggers and troops in the ground are the only troops Trump and the GOP pretend to give a shit about, and that's only when they can raise campaign funds from them.


Isn't he, by his own logic in the past, calling himself a loser?


It doesn't matter. Donald can do know wrong. I'm worried about this country, and the world as well.


Hold on he had those bone spurs that kept him out. How can anyone blame a fortunate son for dodging, I mean not being drafted.


He received FIVE deferments…


What he said


He was the Commander in Chief, THE highest rank in the military. They don’t want to look further back than that, back when bone spurs kept him from serving. Then they’ll blame democrats for all the bad shit that trump passed that affects them.


Commander in Chief is not a military rank, it is a civilian role held by the current President.


As someone wrapping up my time active duty I can’t be civil about that. Just fuck you.


What's wild about that is he's not even comparing himself to you. What you did is BENEATH him. He's comparing his struggles to people who actually DIED OF VIOLENCE. The GoP is really good at exploiting the dead and unborn since neither group can speak for themselves.


His next book titled "My Struggle" is coming soon.


Wasn’t that written 98 years ago?


I’m kampfident this kind of debate will be a real meinfield.


No, no Trump had the idea first.


"Damn, that's a great title."- Kanye


"I like Hitler." - Also Kanye


Hitler doesn’t like Kanye quite so much. Who wants to tell Kanye?


How do active duty military members rationalize voting for him? Are people just so wrapped up in the culture war stuff that they can’t see the obvious BS coming out of his mouth? Like if it was anybody on the street who dodged the draft comparing their peril to someone who served they would never get the visceral reaction that he does.


I got out in 2019 and could never figure this out, the thing that really killed was that the people who were the most outspoken about "respect for the fallen" and "respect the flag" were the same people who became hardcore Trump supporters. I stopped trying to understand them a long time ago, there is no reasoning involved, purely emotional people who don't know anything. Another thing I found interesting, was that I never remember politics being a topic of discussion until 2018ish, when it started to become more apparent that conservatives had gone off the deep-end (not to say they were that great before). It seems like they assumed everyone agreed with them, and they would get hurt feelings as if they were toddlers if you disagreed with them, at least toddlers are funny sometimes.


Probably no correlation but 2018 was around when I started paying attention to politics when I had no interest in it prior either. There is clearly something about Trump that I think sold newspapers and clicks. I wish we could go back to when politics were boring I’d love to know what the split on active duty American politics is. I would assume lean republican just because the majority come from red states? then again you see comments like this and republicans actively voting against VA benefits. Just makes no sense to me. It feels to me more like not wanting to admit you might be wrong. Meaning you identify as a Republican or whatever and no matter the evidence you can’t rationalize changing your opinion. Sunk cost fallacy x10 which also seems to be happening to Putin right now


There was a MilitaryTimes article a while back that said the split is majority Dem by 1 or 2%, not much but still surprising. If you want a crazy statistic look up the amount of Native Americans who are Trump supporter, it's somewhere around 40%, makes no sense.


Yeah but I am in Texas, and I am SHOCKED at the number of people FROM HERE that had NO idea Ken Paxton was up for impeachment and were surprised to find there was even a problem with him. I mean, apparently NO ONE is paying attention to current events. That HAS to be the explanation for some of it.


That's my impression as well, I rent a room in an old conservative ladies house who has Fox News on 24/7 and was super surprised she took her granddaughter to see *The Little Mermaid*, in fact she said it was her favorite movie she's seen in a while. My assumption was that they were going to boycott the movie because a black lady was cast as Ariel. When I was in the military it was tossup between people like that, LARPers, and alt-right. Much rather deal with the first kind, but it's disappointing seeing otherwise nice people defending horrible people. When I've talked politics with the lady I rent a room from, her actual views are more on the Dem side, but she is convinced that Biden might be the anti-christ, and she fell for all the anti-Fauci nonsense.


As a woman, I can’t for the life of me understand how women support him, either!!


The same people that complain about “not standing for the anthem” almost always overlaps with the people that voted for the guy that dry humped the US flag on stage.


Because closet racists. My guess to this answer, and one that I believe holds true to why my father supports this douche too, is because they can revel in their racist thoughts more and see the pain he likes to inflict on people other than white men.


Can’t speak for everyone but it’s not always culture war nonsense. You just get insanely busy some weeks and don’t have the mental bandwidth to keep up with politics. Or like when covid first hit I went 6 months without seeing a single news headline. Or because it’s really not a place you want to fight about it when you have to potentially put your life in their hands so you just don’t talk or think about it. Instead you think of how you’re getting through the week, if your people are on top of their stuff etc. It’s…a bubble of sorts if that makes sense.


Would you say that many military folks are political or so busy they don’t think about it? Also where would you say the military leans overall? Do they vote at higher rates than the general public?


Thank you for your service! Fuck trump fuck putin


Yet active duty military tend to vote fore him for some reason. Never got that while I was in. Got out right before the 2016 election


First off, no one in the Trump family tree has served in our armed services for over three generations. Do you know how fucking weird that is? This also reminds me of Jr comparing his real estate deal sacrifices to those soldiers who gave their lives while he was visiting Arlington Cemetary. How did he get away with that with his followers? They just quadruple down on their own bull shit every chance they get. They’re proud of it.


His older brother Fred, Jr. was in the Air National Guard. But he would’ve disinherited Tiffany if she’d joined the military or even the Peace Corps. https://www.mercurynews.com/2019/06/05/trumps-draconian-prenup-with-marla-maples-revealed-no-support-for-tiffany-is-she-joined-military-or-peace-corps/amp/ And I’ll add this at every opportunity: Trump looks at His military the same way a supervillain probably looks at their henchmen. He doesn’t understand service or sacrifice, they’re losers and suckers. > When President Donald Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018, he blamed rain for the last-minute decision, saying that “the helicopter couldn’t fly” and that the Secret Service wouldn’t drive him there. Neither claim was true. > > Trump rejected the idea of the visit because he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain, and because he did not believe it important to honor American war dead, according to four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day. In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed. > > -[Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/09/trump-americans-who-died-at-war-are-losers-and-suckers/615997/), Jeffrey Goldberg in the *Atlantic*


> And I’ll add this at every opportunity: Trump looks at His military the same way a supervillain probably looks at their henchmen. You are more right on this than you realize. One of the most disturbing patterns I always saw in him (and there were *so many* to choose from), is that he would always refer to the Generals in the military as "my Generals" ... as in "I spoke to *my* Generals, and ____." Listen to *any* other president we've had in my lifetime, and they always use the collective phrase "our" Generals. But not draft dodging Donnie. He views them as *his* little green plastic army men.


This is because valour and self-sacrifice are anathema to him, and he recognises somewhere deep down how un-masculine this is. The dead who risked their lives in war represent a level of manhood that he could never achieve, and he hates them for it.


I hate that piece is crap.


The real reason he feels this way is he because he believes America SHOULD have been with the Nazis. FACT.


Thanks for the clarification.


Former train hopper here. I heard stories about how possums would run down the tracks, unwilling to turn around or simply climb over the rails. They were always capable of doing those things, but instead would just waddle forward for miles. Until a train came along. Then they would panic and try to climb over the rail. As the train was already over them. I’ve seen a lot of possums that have been sliced in half because of this behavior. Conservatives remind me of that. Straight up refusal to ever admit they might have been wrong, chugging ever forward (or in this case, backwards) until the shit storm is upon them, in their narrow little bubble where they can see how it affects them personally. But by then it’s too late. Look at the footage of of the J6 insurrection when that woman got shot. Look at their reaction behind her. All of our scientific knowledge comes from generations of people admitting that they were wrong. This is what smart people do. They climb off the tracks, say “wait I fucked up” and continue progressing before the train arrives. Conservatism needs to be classified as a mental illness. Soon. And treated. Soon.


If Trump ordered his veteran followers to walk into a gas chamber, they would trip over each other trying to get in first.


I’d hold the door til closing time


Do his supporters not know he’s pro-fascism? He literally rails on Antifa every chance he gets. Do they not know what anti means? 🤔


His supporters are uneducated. They don’t know what fascism means. Let alone ANTIFA.


All Trump know is trigger words. The definition of the word is irrelevant to them.


Hence, uneducated.


Know fascism? They're eagerly stripping off and climbing into bed with authoritarianism because they think they'll get to wear the boot on their feet. They will sing a different tune when its firmly on their neck but there won't be any meaningful voting to remove it then


Maybe they think he's against Vietnamese soup, and they don't know how it's spelled.


He dogs them about joining military talking about sucker and losers and they still vote for him not to mention he’s a draft dodger rich boy and he makes a Rambo pic and others like he was in military I mean u gotta be shit all stupid to vote for him as a military personnel come on people pull ur head out


His followers believe that Winston Churchill said "The fascists of the future will call themselves anti-fascists" and hence antifa are actually fascists.


trump saying that other people are fascists means he’s a fascist, by rule. Adding “thugs” to his rant just makes sure his supporters think of POC. It’s a big ol’ mess.


his fans talk about churchill, the guy who resisted nazi germany? they are ignorant


MAGA politicians spread that fake quote a couple of years ago and I still see it used today.


I think they're okay with fascism, as long as the dictator is from their side


Agreed, I just think it’s weird that they just accept the hypocrisy.


There is not a lot of critical thinking going on, if there was it would be hard to maintain those views


Trump,and the republicans in general, have deceived their supporters into thinking that unless it’s on fox “news” it’s a lie. So they see no hypocrisy just “fake” news saying bad things about their god.


> I just think it’s weird that they just accept the hypocrisy. When your premise is "power by any means, at any cost", then there's not much that is hypocrisy. "We must fight Democrats because they are totalitarians", to a normal American, seems like they have a problem with "totalitarians" indicated by the word "because". So they make the mistake of thinking this is ignorance (since Democrats are pretty far from being totalitarians by any definition of the word) and hypocrisy (when they advocate totalitarianism as a solution to the problem). And they are always disappointed at how fascists just laugh at them for this, or slide into a completely different argument. Because the only part of the sentence that matters is "we must fight Democrats". For a fascist, reasons are just words. They can replace it with "because they are evil" or "because they are woke" or "because they are communists" or "because they are aliens". It doesn't matter. It's just a word. Shit, they could even say "because they are fascists" or even "because they are Republicans" and really melt sane minds, but to their fellow fascists this would make perfect sense. If you want an actual real reason, they only have one - never spoken but always present: "because they are others."


His supporters can't remember anything he has done or said before.


Far right thinks Antifa is fascism cause they are totally uninformed. I was nice. Stupid is correct.


Replace "antifa" with literally any negative sounding term and it wouldn't matter. Sinner, fascist, communist, socialist, liberal, thug - it all means the same thing to them. Your team and my team, that's all that matters.


It's AN-TEE-FUH, similar to AL-KAY-DUH and TOWEL-LEE-BAN, to them it's just a terrorist organization and they don't even know anti is in it. The media helps keep it this way too.


Of course his supporters know. That’s why the republican voting base loves him so much. He’s basically the purest avatar of their values.


Don’t you know? ANTIFA ARE THE REAL FASCIST!!! /s incase it wasn’t obvious


As a veteran, I find it highly offensive that a guy who lied over 30,000 times to Americans during his tenure, committed unspeakable crimes and was impeached twice would attempt to equate cronyism, nationalism, and his conman tendencies with those who paid the ultimate price to ensure our freedom.


Not to mention shitting on POWs and Gold Star families. Fuck this draft dodging piece of shit.


The former Commander in Chief, folks!


Still has support of ~40% of voters which is scary


Everytime I read one of his all cap rants or hear one of his rambling speeches I still can't wrap my head around how in the hell he attained the highest office in the land. He's just so fucking dumb. I don't see one redeemable quality let alone any quality that resembles a leader. He's a walking, talking embarrassment. You have to be either equally dumb or willfully ignorant to consider him presidential material. His (hopefully only) presidency was so stress inducing that I'm pretty sure I gained back years of my life once it was over. I remember when President Biden was inaugurated I literally felt a sense of relief to no longer have that incompetent muppet Trump as our leader any longer. Such a fucking embarrassment.


Trump Boasted of Avoiding STDs While Dating: Vaginas Are 'Landmines ... It Is My Personal Vietnam' Donald Trump likens avoiding contracting STDs during his single years to Vietnam in Howard Stern interview..


Im sure his stupid pettiness, malignant narcissism, and lack of self awareness make for great stories and headlines. But he also sold out to Russia, other despotic rulers, and once tried to overthrow the government of the United States.




How any soldier can think the GoP is supporting them is mind boggling. If you are a soldier and you vote R, you are literally hurting yourself.


He's that guy whose glory days are behind him and all he ever does, whenever you still meet up for a beer, is repeat the same five stories you'd already heard. Eventually you realize he is in a rut and that all his self-esteem is wrapped up in his past. It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact that he never actually lets you get a word in edgewise because he's not actually interested in you; he just needs an audience. You probably haven't spoken to him in over five years... And you didn't even realize it had been that long until you read this.


There’s a trump supporter in the comments of that article that says “As a old Trump supporter in the past two elections I must say that Trump of 2023 is a different creature. Petulant, malignantly narcisstic, childish, stupid, inane and just plain boring. For the sake of our country he needs to enter a nursing home-preferably in California- his recently beloved state..” This is literally what we’ve been saying about trump for, idk, 40 years now and people are just starting to see it on the right? Lmao


The Trump supporters description of today's Donald Trump also works for Trump at any point in his life.


My man, you *ARE* the fascist pig.


Disgusting. Trump is trying to undo the sacrifices our fallen vets made to protect our democracy.


His sacrifices are so big that he could not visit graves of fallen soldiers in France due to rain...


He's everything every single republican hates, but hating black people and hating brown people and hating women and hating gay people and hating trans people will always win with the people who identify as republicans today.


How can ANYONE not see he is a massive piece of shit?


The ones that like him are also pieces of shit.


It's always about him.


As a veteran, this is repugnant. The traitor, Donald “bone spurs draft dodging coward” J Trump is a weak and pathetic shell of a man. He is crying about the consequences of his own criminal actions.


The alpha victim crybully was born into more privilege than 99.99% will ever come close to. He feels anyone standing up to him and telling him no is the worst thing anyone has ever experienced. I fail to comprehend how so many find that extreme weakness and little dick energy as strength.


I suspect that they see themselves in him, TBH.


Fuck Cadet Bone Spur. Nothing he will ever say will mean anything. To those who paid the ultimate price ... you will be remembered. F TFG


General Bone Spurs strikes again.


What. A. Piece. Of. Shit.




He’s not well.


I was actually noting how terrible he looks as well--he is physically sick as well as mentally. Puffy eyes. Grey complexion.


I totally agree. Apparently MAGA world is insisting this is an altered/deep fake. The reporters who were there are insisting it isn’t. So…


He’s just an old sickly man past his prime. We need Republican voters to open their eyes. Find another republican candidate to support or vote democrat.


And he’s making me sick of the crap his minions believe.




This is the point where normal, good people say: "Well, that person doesn't have a shred of moral decency, I'll never vote for him again!" But no, they'll line up to give him money. smh...


“Losers and suckers.” - Captain Bone Spurs.


Also remember that... ...he called dead soldiers losers... ...while president... ...on memorial day.


Reporter: "How should we best remember the falle..." TFG: "Remember that their sacrifice for this country pales compared to mine, and their suffering is only a fraction of what I, 'The Chosen One' (all rights reserved) endure even today!" Reporter: "Um... oooookay."


His own Vietnam


How is that bloated sack of shit still alive? Does the evil and malignant narcissism sustain him, or is he preserved from all the McDonald’s he shovels into his gullet? As a vet, may he roast in hell. Fucking dirtbag.


I really wish news organisations would stop taking the bait on trump. Why do you think he goes on these nonsensical rants? So news orgs will pick it up. Turn away from rambling idiot. Report only when there’s something of consequence.


Typical trust fund kid from the generation who invented trophies for everyone. How do people think this sentient shitstain represents the "average working joe"?


So says the draft dodger.


Trump---the first American president to turn an election into a WWE promotional video.


Quite rich he used the term “overturn” in reference to anything other than Jan 6.


He then had a group of unidentified militia clear the streets of protesters so that he could hold up an upside down flag in front of the tomb of the unknown soldier.


Why does the Press continue to cover this asshat?


Making MAMORIAL DAY about him. Classic Trump narcissism.


Fucking dogshit motherfucker.


He’s a disgrace


Remember how mad they were at Kamala last year for saying "Enjoy the long weekend"? They spent more than 6 months bleating about it, and how it was hugely disrespectful to the troops blah blah blah. Those same people loved Trump's tweet. I wonder what makes this different...


He's still a clear and present danger to this country.


The draft dodger should shut his fucking gob on Memorial Day.


Of ALL the bullshit he has done and said... I just don't get how current military and veterans still support him. Republican or not... I'm a Republican Texan... but I fucking dispise him. He's a proven multi time draft dodger... he's on the record calling ppl in the armed forces losers... he attacked the family of a deceased soldier that was muslim... he attacked a respected prominent republican POW John McCain who disliked him.. Said he likes his military not caught or captured... he on record claims our soldiers that have died in combat are suckers and losers!!! How the fuck does someone in our military present or past want this motherfucker to order you into combat?? Literally, I want to know without aggression. No, I've never joined military, but only because I fucked up when I was 19. Couldn't join but tried. My dad cousin, grandparents did. PLEASE if ur a Trump supporter and in military, I don't want to fight... just explain why u support him after all this


This waste of space human scumbag needs to go to prison for the rest of his life.


How the fuck could a veteran like this asshole?


I think he’s confused about who the fascists are in this scenario.


Cheeto wants his own Memorial


he is such a dogshit human being, jfc


This guy is so mentally unstable. It’s amazing so many people think he should be in charge of the country.


I thought he liked heroes who were not killed nor captured?


Do not upvote the New York Post.


This man has absolute zero integrity. I’d say if one could possess negative integrity, it would be a person like Donald Trump.


I absolutely despise that moron so much! After serving 30 years on behalf of this country I do NOT appreciate even one word of his despicable messages he displays on any post that honors my brothers and sisters in arms. He needs to GO! Preferably to meet back up with his mom and dad. He can’t leave soon enough. 🙌🇺🇸


This is an idiot who called POWs losers, I mean really….


Because it’s all about Donald. Everything. All at once. Donald here. Donald there. What a useless, destructive narcissist


Well Trump has said STDs are his “personal Vietnam (War)”. This isn’t much different.


This motherfucker can’t take a single break from making everyfuckingthing about him! What an absolute asshat and waste of good oxygen!


He’s a disgrace.


he could've you know attend the ceremony at arlington national cemetery but didn't so that's all you need to know.


Would his battles be the same as those "Losers" in Arlington?


As usual, he can never say anything gracious about others w/o making it about himself.


Captain Bone Spurs is the victim, again.


He called them Losers. He couldn't be bothered to honor the dead because it was raining. He shit all over a gold star family. He dodged the draft 5 times. HIs disrespect for war hero John McCain was beyond the pale. He keeps showing you who he is. Why don't you believe him?


So the communists and fascists are working together now?


His idea of "fascists" are FBI agents doing their job.


Everyday man. Every. Day.


False equivalency bs, with the shameful consequence being stolen Valor .


The draft dodger has some nerve 🤬


Okay Captain bone spurs


Now, didn't a supporter give him his purple cross some years back?


Holy hell. Is this guy a fat demon who KNOWS he's done but ALSO knows that he'll never have to be inconvenienced because he is FULLY aware that when he's heading to prison he'll be whisked away to some faraway pleasure shore? Does this question also make me a conspiracy theorist? fml


So does he not know he’s a fascist pig?


A wonder why veterans still vote for him


Somebody needs to tell him that we are trying to stop the fascist pigs, but we just can’t get him behind bars fast enough… yet.


“Oink oink.” - Donald J Trump


From a coward who weasel his way out of the draft when his country as him to serve


Go fuck yourself bone spur draft dodger. Please just just pass on and meet your hell.


The saddest part of this is he is a front runner for the Presidency. What the heck are we going to do?


The only fallen troops he knows are his saggy balls.


Completely unhinged.


What a complete, utter asshole.


Selfish prick


So, any chance there are tRUMP-supporting families of fallen soldiers reading this? How does this make you feel? Are you all okay with your god comparing the loss of your loved ones to his political battles?


What a POS.


I agree with Trump, we need to stop the fascists!


Benedict Donald's a psychopath.


Cadet bone spurs said what?


Draft Dodger-In-Chief


Five time draft dodger!


What an absolute embarrassment this guy is.


Truth be known Trump has no respect for anyone, the military, Christians, women, working people, etc. He is a user and uses everyone to get what he wants. He has no conscience.


Take the silver spoon, bend as far as those wobbly knees can take you, and shove it and your orange melon up that disgusting prolapsed rectum….


Mr BONE SPURS speaks!