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He's literally insane. It's beyond Narcissism and now it's just mind-fucking craziness.


He’s a desperate Narcissist and knows he’ll be in prison if he doesn’t win


Can’t wait for that. He has it coming.


He should have been nipped in the bud years ago.


"The Deep State" obviously doesn't assassinate people like we think. LOL, no secret government would let Trump rub elbows with NK, Iran, Russia, China. He's a traitorous double-dealer. Our internal politics are not controlled by secret executions, that much is certain. Trump is so much more dangerous than some inventor about to break oil profits or a leftist organizer.


Donald Trump is a hell of a lot more dangerous now they in 2016. Because if he loses, he loses everything including his freedom , because of the bad choices he made. He is a greedy, selfish child man who only cares about himself. He could give a flying fig about our country. Only what’s to good for him and what’s in it for him. He is going to play any and all tricks he can think of to win the presidency, so he does not have to go to jail and pay money. He is a desperate man now, and he will stop at nothing , he will cheat, lying and steal to win the presidency back. He will throw whoever he has to under the bus as long as it benefits him. As in 2020 he had several schemes going to try to stay president. The the fake electors, trying to pressure Mike Pence to not just certified the election, he was calling, governors, begging to find more votes, he started the insurrection. Those are just off the top of my head, but there’s more. So now he’s desperate, what is he gonna pull next? Well, we know one thing he’s going to cry election fraud again, that’s a given, and he will whip up his supporters into a frenzy again that’s a given. He is insane he’s desperate and dangerous. That is a very bad mix for a politician don’t you think?


I also fully believe he didn't plan to win in 2016. He had no transition team in place. The looks on his and Melania's faces when he won were dread. It took him a year to even get his feet planted then he spent another two years testing his limits. The last year was the only year he really pushed, but not nearly as hard as he wanted to. Now that he's had four years to see that everything he did had zero consequences, he is going to hit the ground running. The country will be no more from day one of him taking office.




Thank you I wish everyone would read this. It’s not on the dark web or 4 Chan. It’s a plan published by the Heritage Foundation ten years in the making. Why isn’t the main stream media reporting on it? Print journalists are trying to get it in front of the public. I guess it’s too dense and bureaucratic for television. But IF he wins and they implement it on day ONE. I don’t want the broadcast media to act like they didn’t have access to the blueprint for the autocracy. At least spare us your bemused idiotic expressions.




> I also fully believe he didn't plan to win in 2016. I don't think he wanted to win at all. He was just in it to enrich himself through speeches, donations and selling merchandise.


Yeah, pretty sure winning wasn't the plan. Though I fully believe that his not having a team in place would have happened either way. It doesn't seem like he has much forethought or thought at all when it comes to much of anything. He's just used to people agreeing and giving him whatever he wants.


I couldn’t agree more If Trump wins this year, we are all fucked- even his boot licking followers


As an Australian watching from the sidelines… It’s like watching the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. But faster, much much faster.


With Rupert Murdoch starring as the lead in the plumbing.


They had their chance.


Since the late 70’s .. there’s been lots of chances, corruption is his bff.


He has it comin’…he has it comin’….he only has himself to blame…


He deserves so much worst


I wish I was as optimistic that Biden would win. I hope your right for all of our sakes.


What do you think Taylor likely has more followers than cheatolini ?


I think the GOP had been close to tipping elections in their favor and I wouldn’t put it past them to be complicit in decite to win the election. Even if it is by garrymandering, voter suppression, and verbal intimidation from the News Media and GOP supporters. Those are all technically legal, even if they remain a blatant abuse to our system.


Republicans have a better chance of winning if he doesn’t run. And might actually get a pardon.


Prepare yourself: the next Republican president will 100% pardon Trump in an attempt to "heal the country."


He’s not going to be alive in 2028.


I don’t see Trump stepping aside to allow another republican to become president. He’s their leader till death do them apart. And then I’m sure his children will desperately try to keep the maga legacy alive.. the Republican Party had their chance but they chose to double down because that’s all they got..


They're no longer a party. They have no policies or plans. Almost totally taken over by the MAGA grievance faction. And you're correct, once Trump is off the scene it'll collapse.


they have policies and goals though. terrifying ones. https://www.project2025.org/ everyone should read this and know fear, because if they even put a 10th of that into reality, America would be lost.


If his kids were smart they would return to Russia and stay there.


It’s not insanity, it’s intimidation. He’s trying to be a mob boss again and sending subtle “hints” to Taylor Swift that she won’t be safe if she sides with the enemy.


She’s going to end up grabbing Trump by the pussy.


Hes gonna get his cult members to target and harass and worse her. He's dangerous as fuck.


Swifties VS Maga Culties. Not the Civil War you were expecting, but the one you deserve.


I don't think meal team six really has much of a chance against the type of security she can afford.


Good thing she is pretty experienced at dealing with crazy stalkers at this point


I really hope he keeps poking that swiftie nest. She’ll be the one to end him.


That would be a nice ending to this nightmare. Failed business man, reality tv host put to rest by female pop star.




I didn’t have time to list all his failures and felonies, I was hoping the Reddit crowd would help out.


Very appropriate.


Why would he attack America’s sweetheart? Women love her men love her. Parents take their kids to her concerts. She’s beautiful talented rich and dates a football player. What am I missing? He is truly demented. Gee let me see who I would want to have a coke with Taylor Swift or a 78 year old spiteful dude who wears a toupee, makes fun of disabled people calls soldiers “suckers” and smells like feces?


>Why would he attack America’s sweetheart? Could be because she's #6 on Fortune's list of "World's 50 Greatest Leaders", ahead of people like Musk, Gates and Zuckerberg. Trump's not even on the list. She's also an actual billionaire and has gate receipts to prove it, unlike Trump's "believe me, I'm a billionaire. It's true, my billions are more bigly than hers."


I believe last election she told people To be smart about who they vote for. And alluded to voting for Biden or just said she was. (Cant remember) so he is jumping ahead of her by saying this. Because i mean do any non crazy women want him as president?


Amy encouragement to vote, even without any endorsement either way is ultimately a threat to the GOP. That's why they go so hard with gerrymandering and voter suppression.


Because she has progressive ideals and if she says, "I support Biden" then it's like an extra 10 million votes instantly.


I would say she doesn't even have progressive ideals, more centrist ones (I mean she's suing the college student who is calling her out on her climate hipocricy rather than trying to confront it rationally), but yes, the issue Trump has is that she is siding with the not-fascist candidate incumbant, but only to the point where it won't cost her more than 5% of fans.


It's an odd fight to pick, but I very much doubt Trump can back away now.


That is trumps main weakness. He cannot admit defeat and always doubles down. He’s fat, ugly, stupid, belligerent, racist, hateful, spiteful, petty. He’s rich, so all these things are manageable. But he just cannot admit a mistake and takes every business to bankruptcy rather than changing course. He insults people even after losing liable cases. Sticks with that silly hair, ugly spray tan, ill fitting suits. All because he can’t take advice on style from professionals. He’s picked a fight with the most famous and loved person in the planet and just can’t back down because he is not capable of that. It’s astounding how simple he is. So predictable.


He thinks he is the most famous and loved person on the planet. He is trying to protect his spot from some up and coming personality. /s for those people.


I feel like she could put an end to all this madness if she just publicly states she thinks he's weird.


NO MAN CAN DEFEAT ME!! Taylor: I am no man!


Swifties will take Stanning to such a new level that Turnip’s head will spin.


Has she ever once even mentioned Donald Trump? “Some people are saying” she’s a democrat so he’s preemptively on the attack?


She endorsed the Democratic candidate for Tennessee's Senate seat in 2018, and endorsed Biden in 2020, and since then she's clearly condemned the rollback of abortion rights—so when she encourages her fans to vote, they know she isn't endorsing Cheeto Mussolini.


I don’t see her getting into to it with him too much. Bad for business, and his followers are fucking nuts.


He’s literally forcing her to endorse Biden, or at a minimum telling her Swifties to be Anti-Trump which they probably are already.


I think he’s doing something far dumber. She had no intention of making a Biden endorsement at the Super Bowl. So Trump is making all kinds of dumb and threatening statements, knowing she won’t make an endorsement. Then he can claim he stopped her from making the endorsement she was never going to make. She will pick a side eventually, but it’s way too early to do it now. My best is August or mid September.


All she had to do is encourage people to register now, then give her endorsement in September and it’ll be a 1-2% swing


I mean, she did endorse Biden 2020: [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/taylor-swift-endorses-joe-biden-president-n1242483](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/taylor-swift-endorses-joe-biden-president-n1242483) And: [https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/taylor-swift-terrified-roe-v-wade-1373876/](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/taylor-swift-terrified-roe-v-wade-1373876/) and [https://twitter.com/taylorswift13/status/1294685437362155522](https://twitter.com/taylorswift13/status/1294685437362155522) If she doesn't endorse Biden this time, it will be a major victory for the Tr-aitor.




She’s probably talking to lawyers to sue him to oblivion if he keeps up. Not just what he’s saying but also who he’s saying it to.


If Trump loses all his money in civil lawsuits and can't continue to pay for his lawyers to stall all his criminal cases from starting, I would be so happy.


You know… technically that’s not true from what she’s actually done. She never said to vote for someone. Just to vote. That’s for everyone. She is a patriot for calling on people to exercise their rights. The issue is that republicans don’t want people to vote at all. Not even their base. Nobody, so they can use every cheating mechanism in their armory and have it be effective. From gerrymandering to closing polling places to denying minorities access. Even voting using the usps which has more integrity in its zip code system than trump had in any business or scheme he ever concocted. Republicans are literally demonizing voters, military, even non fascists. This is literally who they are today - we have arrived at the end.


She did formally endorse Biden in 2020.




He's leveled up to Narcissistic Sociopath. NARCISSIST: 1. They Live In a Deluded Reality 2. They Are Obsessed With Power & Control 3. They Take Advantage of & Use Other People 4. They Have No Moral Boundaries 5. They Have a Limited Range of Emotions 6. They Have a Huge Discard Pile 7. They Become Hostile When Threatened 8. They Feed Off of Negative Energy 9. They Get Bored Easily 10. They Are Empty Inside SOCIOPATH: 1. A Hunger for Power & Dominance 2. Devious or Deceptive Tendencies 3. Ruthlessness in the Pursuit of Their Goals 4. Hostile or Aggressive Towards Others 5. Easily Angered or Irritated 6. Irresponsible Decision Making 7. Superficial Charm & Powers of Persuasion 8. Broken Moral Compass or Limited Conscience 9. Few Close Bonds or Relationships 10. Manipulative Tendencies 11. Entitlement & Impunity 12. Social Devianance 13. Cheap Thrill-Seeking Tendencies 14. Opportunistic in all the Wrong Ways 15. Emotional Detachment (Edit: Spelling)


TBH he's been at that level for quite some time..


It's the syphilis.


I feel bad for his syphillis. You know it's bummed to be there.


The word is Fascist. Lets stop portraying this as an excusable illness. He is also enabling fascists who yearn for a fascist society. It cant be overstated how dangerous MAGA is to democracy.


“Bat-shit crazy” is the technical term.


😂 he’s so scared of her. I’m loving it!!!


And all she did was get a bunch of women to register to vote. Empowered, informed women are a dire threat to Republicans.


Undoing women's rights to their own bodies was their first step. Wouldn't even surprise me if the GOP eventually tries to undo their right to vote, too, if they got their way. And the sad thing is, there'd be Republican *women* who would be a-okay with having more rights stripped away if it means liberal women can't vote, either.


They're already going after no-fault divorce. Republicans want women trapped under the control of their abusers.


Can't forget trying to make abortion or miscarriage a federal crime to revoke your right to vote.


Especially ones who had something dear stolen from them earlier this year because of his Party


I really hope a bunch of journalist ask her about this situation and she says something like, no comment, bc I’m not a toddler.


“No comment. I’m just Biden my time…”


"Donald who?" Oh God, how the ketchup would fly!!! 😆


This idiot really thought it was a great idea to pick a fight with the most popular woman in America?


I don't understand the advantage here. Who is on the fence about voting Trump, but bullying Taylor Swift is the thing that convinces them Trump is their guy? I know he just repeats whatever conspiracy he sees on Fox, but Taylor's not going to be some safe target to trash like Bud Lite or electric stoves


I’m pretty sure the only point is to stroke his idiot cultists’s hate boners


That's EXACTLY it. He's trying to to get ahead of it because she's going to endorse Biden again.


She is, but not *now*. In 2020 she didn't make an endorsement until October. Trump might think he's getting ahead of something but he's jumping the gun by 8 months.


And made it super hyped if she does eventually endorse one of the candidates


You think he's going for some sort of advantage? The dude picked a fight with a virus because it was getting more attention than him. It's just him throwing a tantrum, he's incapable of anything else.


lol he was going to nuke a hurricane 


She also has way more money than him....


Probably the most popular person. I can't think of a man that has her kind of popularity today.


He thinks he can do to her what the political right did to the Dixie Chicks, probably. They were pretty big. But then he’d be mistaken, as usual. Taylor is completely different level, she’s totally universal.


This is starting to become harassment and defamation. Is he trying to get her to sue him? Is he just want more television time?


He’s trying to get her assassinated.


If Trump got Taylor swift assassinated by a Maga, that would literally seal up the election for Biden, and effectively be a guarantee Trump goes to prison for his 91 indictments. Could you imagine the news media shit storm if that happened, and the army of young women that would flood the polls just to stick it to Trump. Idk why he’s even fucking mentioning her name. The more he talks about her the more inclined she’s going to be to respond. Just ignore it. But now, since you and your people keep bringing it up, the media will keep running stories and keep talking about it. So dumb.


>Idk why he’s even fucking mentioning her name. Because it riles up his base.


So does like 100 other topics. This is just dumb, like, deciding to bully the biggest most athletic and popular kid in school…like, how does that end well?


Riling up the Swifties against you is almost as dumb as starting a legal battle with Disney. I think it is just the new official GOP strategy.


They're accustomed to picking non-fights where their target will just ignore them. They've erred by picking actual fights with powerful targets.


**Trump.** **Is.** **Stupid.**


His base is most likely smaller than the Taylor Swift voting age fanbase, they just all have to show up and vote.


If 91 counts isn’t enough that wouldn’t be either. His fans are irredeemable.


“Hey we really need to appeal to college educated white women to win the election!” “I have a great idea, let’s attack their insanely popular icon!”


He literally tried to overthrow the government. If something awful happens to her because of his incitement it won't change one thing about the people who are already slavering at his knee for his approval. He could do it himself and they would still vote for him.


Or it'll light the civil war powder keg. Donny can't lose an election if one isn't able to be held....


WWI: Archduke Ferdinand gets assassinated Civil War II: Taylor Swift exists and tells people to vote


I need a wikihow article on "What to do if you find yourself in the dumbest possible timeline," and I need it yesterday.


Taylor Swift, the face that launched a thousand F-16s.


Orange man has a crush, it seems. "She's just not that into you" or whatever it is those women do, I wouldn't know as a man but yeah, Swift could just endorse Biden anytime now to shut Trump up on this imo.


To paraphrase Miss Swift herself, "We are never getting together. Like, ever."


watching him self implode on this is hilarious though while she literally doesn’t have to say anything and the message is clear


Well, he did put kids in cages and let them get touched. He hangs out on Epstein Island. He’s a convicted sexual assailant. All of his support staff seem to be young women, “no Fatties.” he likes to grab women by the pussy and make fun of people with disabilities. So I’d say this is pretty much on brand for him.


Oh, I know, also about Katie Johnson etc. etc. The man doesn't even love his wife, and this is their King on the Right? God, to think this is who will kill US Democracy if given a second chance for decades-- again, white nationalism is a potent drug.


He's just trying to get a reaction of her. Thankfully she's smarter than him.


Smarter and more disciplined.


And wealthier which is really getting his knickers in a knot!


I think this is a huge part of it. She is way way richer than him, and she can basically print money whenever she wants. That must really piss him off.  Oh and she's an attractive woman he can't grab by the pussy.




I mean just about everyone is richer than Trump. Wouldn’t surprise me if he had more debts than assets.


He has dementia. Only can function on a core level of bigotry and narcissism.


Some say he's trying to bait her into responding. I'm not sure what that would buy him except attention.


Donald Trump is a self-admitted insurrectionist.


Also publicly acts like an anti-American traitor who gives aid and comfort to America's enemies. He is also fat, gross, stupid, his wife refuses to be seen with him, and everyone he works with says that he smells like literal shit. Insurrectionist traitor anti-American scum like Trump belong in a deep dark prison.


All that and he’s still the republican front runner. Omfg.


Republicans: “He truly is a man of the people! So relatable!”


The rhetoric is starting to get to: "round up your neighbor democrats." I know its been like that with right wing nuts for a long time, but if their candidate goes to the cameras and just says every murder will be pardoned... it just feels like thats the way things are headed.


Watching Trump (and his cultists) come unraveled by a successful beautiful young woman who is richer than him, more popular than him, and has no respect for him, has got to be the single most entertaining thing to come out of this whole dumpster fire MAGA nightmare.


Plus he can’t really attack her because she really has it all. Looks, charm, talent, fan base, money.


Things that he for the most part lacks


He has her beat in the dirty diapers department. 


Can't win 'em all...


Can't really get racist or xenophobic on her either, because she's literally the ultimate blonde white girl next door.


*Southern* blonde girl next door


You forgot no pending charges


Don't forget that she has hair, normal sized hands, and continence too


lol that won’t stop him; logic and facts mean nothing in his mess of a brain. He will continue to attack her if he thinks it will benefit him in any way. 


No, no, no. It's still definitely Four Seasons Total Landscaping. That was the point where everyone just had to laugh. Even if we were mad, it was so hilariously incompetent. That was like the penultimate episode to his presidency


Four Seasons? That was in 2020 — way late in the circus. It's easy to forget all the nutiness from pre-covid. My favorite early incident happened during the 2016 RNC. Melania read out a speech that included an embedded rickoll. A fucking rickroll!


She's the blue eyed blonde Aryan princess, the fact that she doesn't support them breaks their world view.


Some of them think that the world is against them because they're white. They forget that people might hate them because they're just awful.


Remember when 4Chan were convinced she was a white supremacist? How the turn tables.


Yep, turns out it was just her management telling her not to express her left-wing views while she was still predominantly a country artist. They didn't want her getting The Chicks' treatment and ending their gravy train.


which is a really sad state to be in, given how hard left country music started out as.


Outlaw country has nothing to do with modern white country music. In fact musically it really has very little in common. Racists just stole the word country and applied it to themselves and their shitty r&b/rap for people scared of black people, forgetting that historically most cowboys and ranchers were black and brown. If you think Johnny Cash would sit at the same table as these losers, you don't know country music. It is not some single genre. Fuck Toby Keith and everyone like him. Rich white people faking being blue collar to sell trash to blue collar idiots




Setting aside the immorality, it’s just an impossibly stupid strategic move. Maybe the single worst thing he could have done. Swifties and BTS levels of over-devoted. There will be a huge uptick in turnout if she urges it and one of the core tenets of the GOP is doing everything possible to discourage (or outright suppress) turnout.


Not to mention gerrymander the maps so white votes count more.


There’s no worse traitor than a crybaby loser traitor. It has to be the worst kind.


The guy who just said yesterday that he’d let Putin attack our allies if they don’t pay his imagined protection money… thinks a pop singer is a traitor for exercising her first amendment right?


Nope anyone that supports Trump or the GOP is a traitor and terrorist.


[Project 2025](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) [“So this is how liberty dies”](https://youtu.be/DgxZr6LLS34?si=-IH3KJRiowu9YIpz) [Register to vote](https://vote.gov/)


>Wendy Testaburger 2025 This is one of my favorite scenes in the whole series. "Cancer is pure evil. It is a fat, little lump that needs to be destroyed. When there is a cancer, you have to fight it. You can't reason with cancer. You can't wish it away. Cancer doesn't play by the rules, so neither can you. ... You have to be willing to give up everything, because the cancer will *take* everything. Do you understand?"


Breast cancer show ever


Says the traitor who backs Putin, threatens NATO and is punishing Ukraine because the leader wouldn’t lie about investigating Biden.


For a so called "Patriot" he sure is traitor-y.


.... And raper-y.


She could shoot Trump right in the middle of 5th Avenue if she wanted to, and he knows it.


It would be like the end of Roadhouse on a larger scale “I didn’t see anything.”


I was going to respond with "Well, the Secret Service might have something to say about that", but at this point.... I'm not completely sure they'd care.


It's hilarious he's so scared of a strong smart woman.


The entire gop is scared of smart women


Hence MTG


She's scary in a different way.


Less scared, more infatuated imo: in a sane world, this psycho would be in a psych ward in a straight jacket, forget prison- here we are, the man who would be King cares more about Taylor Swift than about the people he is supposed to serve- shameful, derelict, and a traitor.


Blonde skinny, beautiful and successful , everything he paid for his daughter to be


Millions of Trump supporters just got very confused thinking she'd already done that.


Right? They're goading her into doing it. This whole Taylor Biden endorsement is going to become a self fulfilling prophecy if they don't shut up


The Music Modernization Act was signed on October 11th, 2018. By mid-2018 Taylor Swift had a net worth of $320 million. And The Music Modernization Act probably had very little to do with subsequent earnings because by 2018 Taylor Swift had won... - 19x American Music Awards - 21x Billboard Music Awards - 24x BMI Country Awards - 21x BMI Pop Awards - 10x Grammy Awards - 10x People's Choice Awards - 24x Teen Choice Awards ...in addition to having received another 50 or 60 miscellaneous awards and being recognized for 26 distinct records for music industry achievements in the Guinness World Records.


This is exactly like how Kanye West says he made Taylor famous, when their whole incident happened because Taylor had just already *beat Beyonce out for a Grammy*. Like, that's not exactly plucking someone from obscurity here.


It was a VMA not a Grammy


Not only that, Taylor won best female music video where Beyonce won Best music video later that night.


You forgot to mention that the Music Modernization Act passed unanimously in both the House and Senate so it didn't matter what Trump did.


And I doubt Trump had any idea he signed it. That’s one of those bills that the President just signs a stack of on a Friday afternoon.


I can’t listen to his low IQ rants for another four years. NATO rants, Taylor swift rants. He’s a psycho


Wasn't it SO nice after Citizen Trump left the White House and was dropped from Twitter? It was so quiet and normal.


What an idiot.


Terrified little criminal. He is going to lose to Biden again and TS will endorse Biden, at the very least. Trump is pushing her to do more than endorse him. Taylor Swift took a lot of *fuck your right wing bullshit* permission from what the (Dixie) Chix went through. She also said in 2020 that she wished she had done more in 2016.


I'd love it if Tay-Tay went full dark Brandon and endorsed Biden live at the Superbowl.


She's too classy to steal the limelight like that.


Thus, fulfilling the prophecy and unlocking the 7th seal. /s


He’s a sick deranged SOB. Do any sane people actually think Biden’s age is more of a threat than Trump’s unique combination of mental sickness, narcissism and old age?


Says the man endorsing Putin as a dictator and role model for the presidency of The USA


How have these people not learned by now? Attacking Taylor Swift is never a winning move. In fact, if you know anything about her career, you'll know that attacking Taylor Swift is typically or eventually a win for Taylor Swift, and consequently, a loss for you. And let's be clear here, Taylor Swift has been a net positive for America, the same could not be said for Donald Trump. If you want to talk transactionally, which is the only thing that Trump really understands anyways. But if you want to talk reality, Taylor Swift is better for America, its future and its image than Donald Trump has ever been, which I'll contend, is not a high bar to set considering Trump is a corrupt, defrauding, narcissistic, un-American, democracy-compromising piece of shit Trump is not America first, he is Trump first, ALWAYS. It's astounding that so many millions of Americans don't understand this


It's not that they don't understand that he is as un-American as you can get. They view Democrats as the enemy. Fucking phychotic.


While trump says awful shit all the time. Think about this one for a moment. "If a civilian endorses my political oppoent, the sitting president of the United States of America, then she is guilty of the greatest crime we have on the books." This is a guy trying to regain the office of the President. And he's just blatantly said that supporting his opponent should be an offense with the death penalty. Even if we accept that Trump is too stupid to have thought that through, and that's probably true. His worshipers are absolutely going to reach that conclusion. That ending the life of someone who doesn't support him is justified. This is why he's so incredibly dangerous.


He’s really mobilizing a lot of dangerous idiots. This year is going to be insane.


Trump is literally a traitor for attacking the military, our allies, and our country. He’s a traitor and so is anyone who votes for him.


He’s trying so hard to be relevant.


Just a loud dog whistle to his radical followers


the best part of it all is how taylor has said exactly fuck all about this. it's just too delicious. imagine being this famous and successful that a former president of the united states declares you enemy number one purely based on his own inflated ego, and without you having to even lift a finger. she lives rent free in all their heads and it's nothing but glorious.


Sigh… Can this scum of the earth treason weasel go away. Prison and history’s infamy.


Says the man who tried to overturn an election and disenfranchise 81 million voters. Get fucked.


He’s trying to bully her into not endorsing Biden. Pathetic.


Bold strategy cotton, let’s see how it works for him.


I knew this was coming but it's so fucking hilarious. They're obsessed over a pop star all because she wants people to vote! We live in the most unserious timeline.


How did we get here?


He’s essentially calling every single person who doesn’t vote for him a traitor. He’s already made implications and threats to be a vengeful dictator if he gets into power again. People that can vote need to vote to ensure this demented narcissistic orange bastard doesn’t get elected again.


This is him sending instructions to his MAGAts to do violence if she does endorse Biden.


I'd honestly hate to be in charge of securing her concert venues during this shit. I know that they're professionals, but you have to read every day a stochastic terrorist throwing lit matches at his dynamite-laden supporters and telling them to hate the person you're protecting. What are the odds that a MAGA nut tries to shoot Swift fans at or even entering a concert between the time she endorses (if she does) and the election?


keep talking, you old, fat loser.