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>"You have failed to explain, much less justify, any basis for a stay," Engoron wrote in an email posted Thursday to the court docket.


I love the next line too: >"I am confident that the Appellate Division will protect your appellate rights. "You have a right to appeal, have fun with that. I'm sure they will enjoy you as much as I did."


"You have the right to cough up half a billion dollars to secure your appeal."


Is that how that works?


Yes it is. He has to put the entire amount plus an additional sum down as a deposit to appeal. In essence the judge just told him in legal speak: "Put up or shut up!"


He did swear under oath that he had "substantially in excess" of the fine amount as liquid cash. Surely he wouldn't lie about his financials in a trial over his lies about his financials, right?


That right there is his 'falling in the pool' moment. Someone taking his money asks him how much money he has and he can't help but to say a bigger number lol.




Donald Trump would brag about his superior bowel control while visibly shitting his pants


I meant to do that.


"I was being sarcastic"


“I was shitting sarcastic”


Ok, Pee-Wee….


The Dems set me up to look elderly on the campaign!


I feel like this has happened….


Just like he wouldn’t keep defaming someone in the middle of a defamation trial.


We will find out right after the IRS finishes its audit lol


Trump unable to stop himself from digging deeper is his downfall.


It’s almost as if, when you put him up against actual accountability for his words, he’s just not a very truthful guy.


He's a "***Billionaire***" of course he wouldn't **lie** ;)


> Surely he wouldn't lie about his financials in a trial over his lies about his financials, right? I'm pretty sure his lawyers once argued he should not be forced to testify because he is fundamentally unable to be truthful and will inevitably perjure himself.


How it is designed to work is, you can’t just appeal to your heart’s content, then turn around and claim that you have no money to pay the settlement you spent it all on the appeal. A bond the full amount of the settlement must be deposited as part of the appeals process. It’s a safeguard for the victim.


How does it protect Trump the victim?!! He’s being torn apar… Oh. He’s NOT the victim. Now I understand. 🤭


This guy appeals


He has to put up the total amount of the fine, plus two years of interest. The court holds the money in escrow while the appeal process pays out. If he loses the appeal, the money is then released to the state of New York.


In cases like this, yes. It's to prevent people like trump from appealing forever to delay payment. If you want to appeal, you have to pay the fine up front, and there will also be interest.


this is why the rich always appeal and the poor get grilled


120% within 30 days cash 💰 in an escrow account or no appeal. Plus, the lawyers will presumably want to get paid.


Yep, that's "My part is done here. Don't let the barn door hit ya where the good Lord split ya."


Pay up first, Donny!


What people don't realize is that Engoron bent over backwards to show Trump every courtesy above and beyond the pale, just so that he would be extra fucked if Trump attempts an appeal. When the other judges go to review the case the Trump team will not have much to argue legitimately that they were not already given every reasonable accomodations and opportunities to make a defense. I had Co-Pilot kick me out an ELI5 example: I see you are interested in the recent Trump ruling in NY that was reported on. Let me try to explain it with an ELI5 example. Imagine you are playing a game with your friends, and one of them is cheating. You catch him cheating, and you tell him to stop. He says he is not cheating, and he wants to keep playing. You are the judge of the game, and you have to decide what to do. You could just kick him out of the game, but then he might complain to other people that you were unfair and mean. He might even try to get other judges to let him back in the game. So instead, you decide to give him a chance to prove that he is not cheating. You let him play by his own rules, and you give him extra time and help. You are very nice and polite to him, even though you know he is lying. But even with all the advantages you give him, he still can't win the game. He keeps making mistakes and losing points. You have enough evidence to show that he was cheating all along. So you finally announce the result: he has to pay a big fine, and he can't play the game anymore. He also can't play any other games in your neighborhood for a while. Now, if he tries to appeal your decision, he will have a hard time convincing other judges that you were unfair. They will see that you gave him every opportunity to prove himself, and he still failed. They will also see that he cheated a lot, and he deserves the punishment. They will most likely agree with you, and uphold your decision. That's what Judge Engoron did with Trump. He gave him every courtesy and accommodation, but Trump still couldn't defend himself from the fraud charges. He had to pay a huge penalty, and he was barred from running any businesses in New York for three years. If he tries to appeal, other judges will see that Engoron was very fair and generous, and they will not overturn his ruling. Source: Conversation with Bing, 2/22/2024 (1) Donald Trump's Lawyers Fail to Change Judge Engoron's Mind. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/donald-trump-s-lawyers-fail-to-change-judge-engoron-s-mind/ar-BB1iJ9e8. (2) Judge in Trump fraud case denies request to pause $354 million judgment. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/judge-in-trump-fraud-case-denies-bid-to-pause-354-million-judgment/ar-BB1iJa9b. (3) Donald Trump Wants to Negotiate With Judge Engoron. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/donald-trump-wants-to-negotiate-with-judge-engoron/ar-BB1iF8fO. (4) Read Judge Engoron's full ruling in the Trump New York civil fraud case. https://edition.cnn.com/politics/live-news/trump-civil-fraud-trial-decision-02-16-24/h_f6a333ba990f65fb2d9aa0ee0b3f3fb7. (5) Read the full civil fraud trial ruling imposing over $350 million .... https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/read-the-full-civil-fraud-trial-ruling-imposing-over-350-million-against-trump. (6) Court Rules Donald J. Trump in Contempt of Court for Failure to Comply .... https://ag.ny.gov/press-release/2022/court-rules-donald-j-trump-contempt-court-failure-comply-judges-order-attorney.


Beautiful work buddy, have my upvote. ;-)


That’s the kind of thing that happens when your lawyers just pretend to be smart.


But they're pretty.


Are they?


Trump used Alina Habba as his lawyer because he values looks over substance.


It kind of makes sense if you figure he knows he can't win in court, so he just wants to win in the court of public opinion (and is mostly failing there too). He always values appearances over reality - I mean this is a guy that does that unholy monstrosity with his hair because he hasn't accepted the fact that he started balding 30 years ago. It's also why he still hasn't admitted losing the last election, even though constantly ranting about fraud actually hurts turn out. Just look at the lack of mail-in votes for Republicans in that recent House election for proof of that. But again, he would rather *look like* a winner than actually be one. And right now, he's accomplishing neither.


I'm reasonably sure he likes that she looks vaguely like a young Melania.


Without the annoying squint.


This is the best comment I’ve read today, thank you. Here, take this Reddit Aluminum.


AKA the scowl of hatred


Given his past confusion with women, maybe he thinks she IS Melania.


Their laptops are! They have asus gaming pcs! Rgb for the win!


And you constantly call the judge, his staff and the AG everyone involved deranged and corrupt. FAFO Cotton.


What was the one to his right smiling in the pic? This is a serious case. Was it that he knew he was already paid for his disservice?


Chris Kise. Dudes forehead could double as a helipad.


That's not a forehead, that's a fivehead.


Oh baby, whisper those sweet things in my ear....


^(omelette du fromage)


That's all you can say! That's all you can say!


lol, you made me exhale through my nose


https://youtu.be/iZcWtrE33FI (Chorus) So I'm never gonna scheme again Guilty deeds have got no rhythm Though it's easy to pretend I know you're not a fool (Verse 2) Should've known better than to cheat a bank And waste the chance that I'd been given So I'm never gonna scheme again The way I schemed with you, oh


Brilliant George Michael inspired poem!


Because he doesn’t want to admit he’s cash poor. Let’s sell some of those assets Donny!


Or hustle those kicks.


das a lot of kicks.


"You've got to give me Trump Tower back, I've been walking on pipes!" "Hey next time don't fraudulently inflate your assets." "But I don't wanna!"


Love this.


I bet tRump is tired of winning


That sneaky fucker was trying to move 6 business entities from NY to Florida. >"Finally, the Court should reject Defendants' attempt to change the business address of six entity Defendants to Florida as the record establishes those entities are located in Trump Tower at 725 5th Avenue in New York, the office building in which the executives who carry out the business activities of those entities work," Amer wrote.


The fact he didn't move those long ago is telling.   Ignorance and arrogance. 


Nah, he just knows he cannot do it secretly because he has a court-ordered monitor on all his doings, so this is his last attempt at doing it "correctly".


He has not been diaclosing things to the monitor.  It's a recognized problem actually.


He's under a microscope now. This isn't the court's first rodeo.


That's the funniest part. He's like trying to pull some Hogwarts shit. My NYC real estate empire is actually located in the mystical land of Florida. You can only get there by taking the subway at 5 1/2 Ave Station!


Plastering his name in giant gold plated letters all over his stuff finally comes back to bite him in the ass.


"Your honor, Id like to not pay this on the grounds of I dont have this money."


Certainly, congratulations on your perjury charge & incoming conviction. Mango Unchained recently testified in one of his court cases, maybe this one - there's just too many to track - that he has $400 million in liquid cash on hand. So if he starts saying he doesn't have it, despite a court appointed monitor watching the finances of him & his company, he's just opened himself up to another can of whoopass.


>“Mango Unchained” Haven’t heard that one before. Very nice. 😂👍


Concur. A delightful Friday indeed.


Friday? Isn’t it Thursday?


Not where I live.....


You live in the future?






Bankruptcy is not going to help him with the court fines. The courts and other entities are not affected by bankruptcy filings. He will still have to pay up. If that means trying to sell properties then I guess he has 30 days in which to do so. If he lied in the deposition where he stated, under oath, that he had upwards of $400 M then he can be found to have committed perjury. If that is the case then I am thinking he gets the slow walk to jail. :)


Of all the things he’s done, rape, slumlord, countless felonies and insurrection to kick it all off wouldn’t it be poetic that he finally goes to jail for lying on the stand about how rich he is? Hahah




Bankruptcy won't free him of either the NY civil fraud nor the Carroll judgements.


I absolutely love mango unchained.


I absolutely hate him, but I know you meant the same! :D


Man your loss, I'm sliding into my favourite new pair of spray painted golden shoes and counting my NFT dollar as we speak.


Grats on getting your feet into some Chuck Traitors!


One thing trump will never do is admit he is broke.


unused marry trees public materialistic elastic middle aware subtract illegal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


His best bet, legally, is just to let them seize his assets. LOL


It's going to be like the Enron collapse or some other financial collapse. He probably owns only a portion of some of these properties, and has them as collateral for various loans. The court will start selling his shit, then his loans will be due immediately without the collateral. I'm going to enjoy every minute of him getting ruined financially.


There is zero chance he has $400 million in cash on hand. He might have that in brokerage, but if he liquidates, Uncle Sam is going to need his piece.


Yep, that's really the best part. This is going to be a crazy domino setup like you see on YouTube where it falls down for 10 minutes straight. His whole financial house is built on loans on top of loans on top of loans, etc, etc, etc... And he can't get any loans from ANY bank in the west, lol, by definition. This gonna be good.


He's banking on the DWAC merger to get him the cash, which is why the SEC is going to need to go through that thing with a fine-toothed comb. If the DWAC stock price crashes before the six month lock-in expires, he's fucked.


I'm waiting for him to get caught up in this: https://news.yahoo.com/wild-probe-investors-dwac-trump-183849015.html


>Mango Unchained recently testified in one of his court cases, maybe this one - there's just too many to track - that he has $400 million in liquid cash on hand. Oh, but for perjury he must have known it was wrong. Dementia defense incoming.


Stop, my penis can only get so erect


“This isn’t my case, but I’d like to jump in and agree with the defendant. Motion granted.” - Judge Cannon.


"I want to exercise equitable jurisdiction over this case, even though it is in a state court and not federal, and my actions would defy the 10th Amendment. My reasoning for this abuse of judicial discretion? None that I can think of." \- Judge Aileen Cannon "How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old woman?!" \- 11th Circuit Court of Appeals to Aileen Cannon


"Sit your ass down." - Judge Chutkan.


I feel like this is one of those comments that’s foreshadowing the future…..gonna be a wild ride through the end of the year.


“Your honor, I’d like to not pay this.” “On what grounds?” “…. I’d like to not pay this.”


"Your honor, I'm in the process of getting my DIL and the RNC to pay my legal fees and penalties. I just need a little more time to pull this grift off. Did you see the 'athletic' shoe grift I'm cooking up? Would you like a signed pair of my Air Bozo the Clown's?"


I can picture all of his Maga fans shovelling pig shit in their back 40 wearing with those fake gold sneakers.


So insulting the judge and his staff - to the point of physical threats - not such a good strategy after all?


Who could have thought?


Teflon don is now dollar store donald


Great Value Trump


*Drumpf*, the generic brand sold on the bottom shelf *underneath* the Great Value Trump.


Trump Crime Family Dollar


Dollar General Shinsplints


No, money down!


Lionel Hutz would have been a better lawyer than the ones he had.


Trump couldn’t get Hutz, because Hutz insists on being paid up-front.


Oh, this Bar Association logo should be here either...


*tears logo off and eats it*




Lol I hope he is rattled in court because of this.


This is the best early birthday/christmas/kwanza present ever!!


It's a Festivus for the rest of us!


Do we know when the trial begins?


the same day when the cash for the appeal is due! duh!


The Hush Money Trial is scheduled to start jury selection on March 25


I read that the appeal money is due March 17th though, 30 days after the verdict


It’s 30 days from when the verdict is entered into the judicial record, which has not happened yet. Trump’s lawyers asked for a stay of entering the verdict into the system for 30 days and the judge just responded “nahhhhh”. My assumption is now that response has been entered into the docket, the verdict will be entered tomorrow.


"Melania, can I borrow..." "no!"




new phone, who dis




In my head, I heard that in their real voices.


In other words: Get Fuuuuccckkkked




It was a bit of a search but I found the email. It is beautiful in its brevity: > Dear Mr. Robert, > You have failed to explain, much less justify, any basis for a stay. > I am confident that the Appellate Division will protect your appellate rights. > Justice Engoron https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/nyscef/ViewDocument?docIndex=dOENtXOU0ZhiAjJWPGU46w==


That was a cool day read








Gee, maybe if he hadn't spent the entire trial just generally pissing off and pissing all over the court they might have been more inclined to be lenient.


They wouldn't though because it's a baseless request to start with. This isnt the judge saying "no you're a dick we aren't helping you" they're saying it's an absurd request - big "this is a Wendy's" vibes


If trump just shut up and lived off the interest from his inheritance he would be wealthier and less fucked. He has no ability to shut up and not piss people off, it’s his greatest strength.


The man is addicted to the grift and the game. That coupled with his malignant narcissistic behavior is the perfect storm for why he is in the position he is in.


[My first thought...](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExYTB5ejJxcGRoZGFqcTJoN2dldzRibnp4aGprZjFlc3dzbXAyeXFxcyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/RG3lm5VlrbDV7YNana/giphy.gif)


"Hey Nelson, I think he's really hurt." "I *said* 'Haw haw'?"


Can you feel the noose tightening Donald?


Wow after all the nice things he said about him?


Poor Trump. And by poor I mean lacking money to pay his fines, not pitiable.


This is just delicious. I'm in western Canada and I'm sure I can hear him whining when the wind is just right.


How about call Putin... oh wait you already owe him money. ... Maybe Elon can loan you 300 million, I heard that guy loves burning money buying old racist things and breaking them. ... Beezos might, but he's more of a Biden guy. ... Gates is a no go. ... China has a few billionaires who might be interested, plus it's where all your products come from anyways Donald. ... How about we just seize all of his Buildings in NYC, make them into rent controlled low income housing? You know, do the opposite of what he did to black people for decades and got fined for?


>How about we just seize all of his Buildings in NYC, make them into rent controlled low income housing? You know, do the opposite of what he did to black people for decades and got fined for? This could actually be the end game, seize his buildings, solve the housing crisis. At least he can then claim all of this was his own plan and he single handedly solve homelessness lol.


I could actually see Elon giving Trump half a billion dollars. It wouldn't even surprise me.


And Elon becomes the VP pick


Isn't he ineligible to be VP because you have to be able to be President if you're VP? Or does the line of succession just skip an ineligible VP?


I'm not sure the rules matter anymore at this point


You have to be a natural born citizen to be president or vice president.


Give the supreme court a week


How should Trump Tower be renamed?


Barack Obama Center for Migrant Refugees


And the [Hillary Clinton LGBTQIA+ Helicopter](https://i.imgur.com/Abj7nmw.jpeg) will use the Barack Obama Center for Migrant Refugees as its home base. Its main use will be dropping Gay Agenda leaflets on rural America.


Pizza Shop in the lobby.


E Jean Carrol Tower




At the least there should be a sign outside "home of the famous tardis apartment"


Homeless Rehabilitation Center - HRC


The Barack Hussain Obama Home for Displaced Undocumented Immigrants. With Hillarys Pizza in the basement of course.


The Engoron-James Center for Immigrant Housing


Did he just ask the courts if they have a lay away program?


Chapter 11 filing coming soon. Personal as well, his company filing doesn't do anything here because the judgment is against him.  There's no way he has more than $600 million of unencumbered property for the two bonds he'd need. 


How fast can they start seizing and selling off his assets if he declares Chapter 11?


He would file Chapter 11 to prevent seizure of his assets. Bankruptcy pauses enforcing judgments.  He would have to list all of his finances exactly if he filed bankruptcy, so he doesn't want to do that. But if he can't come up with the money, he won't have a choice. 




And the court rejected his request to change the addresses of some of his NY entities to Florida. He's just unbelievable.


not surprising, they argued that a date was wrong and an address was incorrect


This makes me so happy 🤗! The article also said that they tried to move 6 of Trumps business addresses out of Trump tower and over to Florida. The judge said no lol


Dunno about you guys, but I am getting really tired with all this winning.


So, when is he forced to actually pay the money? When do the appeals, stays, and delays end? When is it finally over?


30 days from judgement - with interest accruing each day afaik.


He has thirty days from last Friday. He has to pay up before he can appeal.


Sucks to suck… pay up loser




After insulting the judge and his clerk Orange Jesus comes begging. GTF out of here.


Today is a good day


Why would they grant it? He gave no reason, no explanation, no justification, nothing. They’re through with him and his sleazy, bad faith shenanigans and bullshit.


The Mustard Manchurian Candidate is such a snowflake, he whines and lies about everything. Now he will have to pony up almost half a Billion dollars to NYC. He must be sweating Aderall bullets into his My Pillows at night, I'm loving it.


Chapter 11 incoming


Trumps SEC filing, prepared by his lawyers disclosing all his bankruptcies https://imgur.com/gallery/hAfsLqQ


Does anyone know when the penalty is actually due? I’m surprised that the article talks about them wanting a 30 day extension and not mentioning when the current deadline actually is (unless I missed it). Couldn’t seem to find it in a quick google search either


He’s scrambling now. He doesn’t have the money because he’s a total fraud. His Russian creditors might be a little pissed now that their money is in jeopardy. Stay away from windows in tall buildings or steep stairs Donny. He will be spilling his guts giving Putin even more secret information just to stay alive.


Justice prevails as court denies Trump's delay in facing consequences


Accountability prevails; justice must be served, no delays allowed


I'm not gonna lie, this gives me a semi justice boner.


Gonna need more shoes!




You mess with the bull, you get the horns. And what do you bet that Melania is out of town tonight?


Why do i have a feeling there are a lot of bankers and despots that are going to be participating in the "Sunk cost fallacy"


That didn't take long. Kick his ass Engoron.


all trump team’s arguments in a nutshell: “nEveR beFOrE in HisToRY hAs SuCh uNfaiR hAPpeNeD cuZ eLeCtIoN yEaR nO lEgaL pReCiDenT ciTEd cUz wE dOnT aCtuALly WoRk aT oUr jObS buT OuTRagE”


We have the best people. Specially judges




Love to see it


Cheeto Jesus needs to shake down his disciples first.