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>Conservatives are finding out the hard way that sweeping rulings on reproductive rights have sweeping consequences.


they just realized that it's the train that moves - not the station


Yeah, but republicans are running a train on their constituents and the constituents kinda seem into it.  Pick any red leaning state and you find people getting fucked over and over again, yet they keep voting red.


Yep, can say exactly this for Utah. They just passed a “sovereignty” law where they can fight the government.. why are there so many “sheep being lead to slaughter” smh. Oh and don’t forget the stupid porn law too they passed, sigh.


lol wtf does that even mean?? “Fight the government” in what way?? Shoot at cops? Not pay your taxes? Wrestle the mayor??


It means the [State Government can ignore any federal laws they don't like. ](https://le.utah.gov/~2024/bills/static/SB0057.html)


This is like a child saying they've made a new houserule that says they don't have to listen to mom and dad


I can’t hear you La La La 👂👈


Mom and Dad gonna cut off their pocket money real quick, and kid’s gonna learn that taking the pocket money off younger siblings won’t work when those kids lose their… Federal support, is where I’m going. They’ll go broke so fast without it.


The popular one when I was a kid was "my parents said you're not allowed to tell on me."


I think we already had a frank and extended discussion about this in the 1860's.


We’ll see how that works out for them.


On one hand, Supremacy Clause. On the other hand, 6-3 Supreme Court. Until proven otherwise, I just kind of have to assume that every ruling is going to be "Conservatives can do whatever they want, Liberals have to suck it."


Fine. No more federal aid.


They probably won't miss all the tourism dollars generated by federally-owned land, right? "[A new National Park Service (NPS) report shows that 13,554,654 visitors to national parks in Utah spent $1,656,100,000 in the state in 2022. That spending resulted in 23,312 jobs and had a cumulative benefit to the state economy of $2,597,700,000](https://www.nps.gov/orgs/1207/national-park-tourism-in-utah-contributes-2-60-billion-to-state-economy.htm)"


Sounds like they want to secede , without actually seceding.


Okay I’m pro wrestling the mayor though


Depends on where you live. I wouldn’t want to wrestle my mayor, but that’s mainly because he’s Kane.


Surely Mike Haggar would approve.


Winner gets a warm Turkey fresh from a stack of tires. Loser has to watch someone wail on their car for 30 seconds.


I'd be careful saying that. Kane is the mayor of Knox County, TN.


I wonder if it's possible that the people who are getting fucked over are also the ones who have had the value removed from their votes? Like, maybe there is a strategy to marginalize certain people and once their political power is negated, then start passing oppressive laws against them? Could that possibly be a thing??? Certainly not in America right?


There is a profound lack of understanding in how judicial precedent works in our society. I work in government and commented on this ruling and was advised to not speak to politically charged topics. It’s not my political opinion that this is legally a disaster. It’s that the ruling itself is politically motivated when it’s intended as an impartial check on legislation. This sets a precedent for lower courts. Kind of how the wording of many gender care bans inadvertently would restrict cancer treatments.


But if you look on the bright side, a whole new universe of perks and benefits are now available! Like driving in the HOV lane with your embryo, or writing off your embryo as a dependent, or even getting to board the plain early cause you’re tracking with your very very young baby.


It’s the perks that really get you on these things. I bet the women who really couldn’t see them before will come around as they shave minutes off their commutes.


what does this mean


I think they mean that societal values aren’t determined by laws. Values change and laws (usually) change to reflect that eventually. Making things illegal doesn’t really change whether society has the same value. E.g., outlawing abortion won’t make the majority of society believe that it’s always wrong. It will just convince most of us that lawmakers are wrong.


Republicans idea is that by using the law to force people to act in a certain way, over a long enough time, will change societal values. And there’s some truth to that, progressively focused social laws work on a similar principle.


I would mostly agree with that. I think that marijuana is an example where despite being outlawed for a significant time, society still decided that it wasn't that big of a deal. But it can hypothetically work the other way around.


It’s more complicated than that but legal regimes definitely change behavior and behavior drives culture. I know lots of folks that love pot but wouldn’t go the illegal route to get it. Now that it’s legal, they’re regulars at the dispensary


It's the ship that moves, not the dock


That...doesn't help explain the analogy


Huh. What about 'It's the plane that moves, not the airport'


It's the car that moves, not the garage


It's the horse that moves, not the stables.


It’s the skateboard that moves not the place where you start skateboarding from


> It’s the skateboard that moves, not the halfpipe. There.


It's the Weiner that moves, not the bun


It's the bowels that move not the anus.


False. My anus is highly mobile


A fully autonomous bussy.


Ron DeSantis realized that sweeping rulings on banning books has sweeping consequences, too. It's a shame when your own poorly-written rules are used against you.


It's a natural consequence of objecting to critical reading skills on principle.


Didn’t they figure this out in 2022? Or was it just everyone but them?


They didn't lose hard in 2022, so I'm not convinced this will have "sweeping consequences" in 2024 either. I'm pretty sure almost anyone who votes Republican will still vote Republican in 2024.


They definitely lost hard. That should have been a total blowout for the GOP being the opposing party from the President who just won in 2020. There usually is huge backlash in that situation.


Maybe. They likely would have done much better in house elections and lost at least one Senate seat because of that ruling. This one affects their bread and butter constituency and donor list of suburban house holds though. We can presume that it may not turn people democratic but it can certainly turn off someone from voting Republican. A voter switching votes is worth twice as much but a voter not voting is still a big thing.


It’s not about the people that will always vote Republican, it’s about the people who vote either way. This doesn’t add voters to their ranks.


The sad thing is, they'll simply accept them. They'll lament their loss of autonomy and and the unfairness of it all, but they believe power comes at a price. They'll just get it under the table because they know that they're the moral exceptions to the rule. They *deserve* it. But they'll accept that other people should be bound by it.


Why can’t those embryos pull themselves up by their bootstraps


That's Republicans for you, long on anger, but short on forethought. The only thing keeping them in power is that they're cunning. From Gerrymandering to stacking courts, making false claims about stealing votes, and outright lying about their qualifications, they're willing to do anything that will give them money and power. Which is why Trump is the logical end to their search for a totemic leader. He strips away all of the fake "Christian Family Values" malarkey that the GOP has been trying to sell for years and says that the only need or reason for power is to enrich one's self at the cost of those who can't stop you and to punish those who oppose you. Dems can be shortsighted and stupidly optimistic, but at least they are more prone to err on the side of doing something to better the lives of the poor and middle class. (And they tend to be much better at getting rid of and prosecuting the criminals who look for cover and ways to shill people from inside their tent.)


Amateurish to do stuff like this before the election. Should have claimed they wouldn’t do this then do this the day after the election. Im happy though they are this incompetent. Will help democrats I hope.


One of the results of their ideological purge over the last decade is throwing out the experience from their party. Anyone who even kind of wanted to govern is gone. Now it's just the kiddy table running the show. 


This is what will eventually doom the Republican Party. American politics is an institution of wealthy folks designed to perpetuate their wealth and manage a country on the side. But in order to have the former, there has to be an effort made to satisfy the latter. The next generation of GOP representatives are not wealthy enough to pal around with the elite nor are they experienced enough to run a country, meaning their usefulness is severely limited to the worth of their single votes.


The GOP is ultimately in some ways responsible but the really dumb thing is GOP members who really don't have a lot to do with this, like congresspeople, were too stupid to even realize how bad this looks and instead of trying to distance themselves and blame it on kooky state court stuff, a bunch of them came out in support. They're such idiots. It's also sort of the fault of the national RNC they didn't put out a memo like "Umm, guys, don't support this unless you're in deep deep deep red territory." Which is no surprise. Hilariously incompetent.


Once they realized Republican couples would be affected they suddenly started caring.


All those conservative families that crow about God's grace when IVF gives them triplets aren't going to like this


the only moral IVF is their IVF, they don't give a flip.


The same goes for abortion.


And welfare. In my neck of the woods it's almost a prerequisite that if a dude has a Trump adorned truck he's got a family at home but hasn't married his wife after 3 kids because their food stamps will get cut off.


My aunt in West Virginia is a hard core MAGA. When I asked if her public assistance should be cut off she said "But I need that money". We don't talk much since she called me a liberal on Facebook. I replied with "I pay five figures in federal tax, you get five figures in government handouts. Who is the liberal?"


Goddam. I bet Medicaid paid for her stint in the burn unit, too.


(coal) Burn!!!!


I know it sounds cruel but these folks probably should have figured out a while ago that they were supporting/ facilitating zealots who ultimately think it truly is "Gods plan" to deny them of children if natural methods don't work.  These are also the same folks who seem to constantly rant about how abortions should be totally unnecessary in all circumstances because people like them will adopt all the unwanted children BUT they never stop to think about the women who may face serious bodily harm/death or lose their ability to bear children if they are not allowed to have medically necessary abortions (which they basically assume are ALWAYS unnecessary and that the woman must be faking to get an on demand abortion unless it happens to them).  A lot of these right wing religious folks who use IVF still even are skeptical of women who miscarry or need procedures considered medical "abortions"  to remove the non viable fetus, even if it may lead to serious harm by not removing it.


>During my years in the anti-abortion movement, I had this vision always of a woman, rosy-cheeked, always white, cradling the baby. And we use these images quite often. > >Cradling a little Gerber baby that she had just given birth to because she listened to our pleas for her to not kill her child. And why would any woman want to choose abortion when she could have this level of happiness? But that wasn’t the reality of this woman’s life and experience with her children. It snapped me out of that imaginary world I had been in. > >And I realized, in our movement, we had demanded that women in an unwelcome pregnancy enter our fantasy of an idyllic life where the baby born to you will be loved, will be supported. There will be an army of pro-lifers who will come around her and support her and provide everything from diapers to medical care to child care, and on and on it goes. Well, there is no such reality. [Rev. Rob Schenck](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/29/podcasts/the-daily/supreme-court-abortion-roe-v-wade.html)


The biggest abortion reduction bills in the history of the US would be universal child care and universal health care. im sure there are countless women who want to be mothers but who are forced to choose between an abortion or homelessness


We know this but these people are fighting on principle, not on outcomes. It's been made very clear that contraception is next, which blows all pretense that this is about limiting or abolishing abortions. The people getting duped are the "common sense" conservatives who still believe there's a way to abolish only elective ~~pregnancies~~ abortions. Edit for my dumbness


They all seem to have a vision problem that optometrists have been unable to solve... The inability to recognize any shades of grey.. Great username btw.


>I know it sounds cruel but these folks probably should have figured out a while ago that they were supporting/ facilitating zealots who ultimately think it truly is "Gods plan" to deny them of children if natural methods don't work.  Ok, but this would require the use of critical thinking, which they're conditioned by the book club they attend every Sunday to not use or have at all. And if a person has a miscarriage, then they blame that person for being bad or otherwise inferior. >A lot of these right wing religious folks who use IVF still even are skeptical of women who miscarry or need procedures considered medical "abortions"  to remove the non viable fetus, even if it may lead to serious harm by not removing it. At the end of 2022, I could have ended up being dead from sepsis thanks to a missed miscarriage. That means I had gotten pregnant but miscarried that baby, but my body didn't recognize the need to actually fully miscarry. I never started bleeding. I went in to my doctor to have what should have been my 9 week scan, only for them to see a 6 week old fetus with no cardiac activity. So by that point I had been carrying the dead fetus for 3 weeks. They wanted me to wait 18 days to come back for a second scan. But it was really more a thing to cover their own selves legally, because abortions are completely banned in my state. I couldn't continue waiting, that following week was the worst psychological torture I've ever experienced in my entire life. I basically forced them to see me a week later and they did another scan where it showed no growth from the previous week as well as still no cardiac activity. They were able to document both instances of "no fetal cardiac activity" and that allowed them to finally let me have the medical abortion I needed so I wouldn't develop sepsis and leave my son, 5 years old at the time, without his mommy. I lost my mom when I was 7.5, so the last thing I would ever want to do is make my own child grow up without their mother. I know exactly how difficult that is. I'm not a woman who cries often, but I was practically hysterical in that ultrasound room begging them to give me medical treatment. The government should never come between doctor and patient when it comes to the medical care of that patient. People should not be forced to jump through hoops in order to get life saving medical care. I am so damn angry about all these stupid laws since the fall of what should've been settled law of Roe vs. Wade.


I'm so sorry. You deserved better care. My heart aches for you.


Thank you. The thing is, I was lucky. *Lucky.* Because I was *able* to get medical care without needing to leave my state. I was very clear with the nurse I saw after being in the ultrasound room, asking her if I needed to get to another state to get care. And she said no, we will be able to treat you, we just have to document things a certain way. (Like the two separate instances of "no fetal cardiac activity" and such.) Then she went on to explain what can happen if they have a patient at say, 18 weeks of pregnancy who experiences a partial miscarriage. Under "normal" circumstances, if something like that happens, they would deliver the fetus ASAP to prevent the pregnant person from developing sepsis. Under the current state laws, they are *not allowed* to deliver that fetus because it will not survive. They are forced to wait until the patient's vital signs are unstable. As in, sepsis is setting in and they're on the verge of death. But, there's also no line, no standard of *how bad* their vital signs need to get before they're allowed to finally deliver that fetus to save the mother's life. And at any point, they're still subject to felony charges for delivering a fetus they know will not survive. And that's felony charges for *every* medical person involved in their care. Not just the doctor, that's the nurses, ultrasound techs, etc. Anyone involved in providing medical care to the person receiving an abortion. So, I was lucky, because that pregnancy of mine had ended itself around 6 weeks of gestation and they were allowed to treat me within the bounds of the state laws at the time. I'm currently due with what will be our family's second child within the next ten days. I have been on pins and needles basically this entire pregnancy due to my own personal history as well as the current state laws. My fears started up ease up a bit once we got past the "viability" point where if she needed to come early she would survive. At this point I'm just hoping she will stay put until right before our older child is on spring break so that hopefully she will be exposed to fewer school germs. And I'd like for her to have a March birthdate.


Also, it seems pretty hypocritical to say there are parents that will adopt, when it comes down to it they choose instead to go with IVF. I think adoption is pretty heinous in a sense anyhow, because it takes one child out of a pretty crappy situation, which is good. Unfortunately, the mother (and sometimes father) are left in that crappy situation. With how expensive even just daycare is, there has got to be a better way. I think that's my fundamental issue with a lot of politics today, is that lots of people think it's a zero sum game when it simply isn't. It's possible to do good to others, and benefit yourself at the same time without losing value.


They don’t adopt children.


In fact, I know as an adopted child, they look down on children that were adopted and tell us that our parents don't us as much as they love any biological children.


Of course they don’t. Conservatives are obsessed with purity. They see adopted children as suspect, as potentially damaged goods. Moreover, there’s too much melanin in the pool of adoptable children for them.


Mike Pence’s son is IVF. https://twitter.com/FrankConniff/status/1760793711707869603


10-20 eggs are typically harvested, the viable ones get all spermed up, then the best looking one is implanted, the rest usually frozen as a back-up plan. Whatever happened to the rest of all those prospective little Pence Jrs? https://www.arcfertility.com/how-is-ivf-done-step-by-step/


It's ironic that successfully restricting women's reproductive rights has opened up Pandora's box for these geniuses.


Won't someone think of the eugenics?!


I’ve got family who’s deeply catholic and technically against IVF (they’ve stated in the past). There are 3 children on both sides of my family from IVF All the sudden it’s not that big a deal. Amazing how religion only matters when it doesn’t affect them personally


It's all after-the-fact rationalization.


Probably against homosexuals getting IVF?


Against anything that isn’t penis+vagina=baby because they’re old fashioned and don’t want to think that the world could change from 1963


Yea IVF is something even deep red folks might personally want to be able to access. Especially the quiverfull Christians. The GOP is unable to recognize cause and effect so they just put it all down to mysterious God even when it's pretty obvious why things are happening and what caused them to be.


I know 3 couples personally that had kids through IVF. Two are maga hat republicans. The third is a lesbian couple. I guess republicans are willing to hurt two of their own members to hurt one LGBT.


That's modern conservatism in a nutshell. They are lining up to cut off their noses, one after the other. One of these days they will find the face they are spiting.


It's very weird, they don't seem to have actually understood what this even means, since some of them claiming it's good were talking about "more children". This will massively reduce the number of children born from people with fertility problems. Ban boner pills and cheap motels while you're at it.


Conservos completely misunderstanding an issue because they don't know a damn thing about the issue they are discussing??? Shocking.


Conservatism is built on a lack of empathy. They only care if it affects them.


And more Americans need to realize that Republicans are bad for them. As it stands, Nobody of any numbers is into supporting the “abortion is bad” culture war crap, yet they keep finding new ways to make it worse.




Conservatives are the Great Filter.


Republicans are enemies of WOMEN. They want to control women and they do that by passing laws that reduce women's agencies over their own bodies. Forcing women to have babies; decriminalizing rape; WTF is this all even? And fuck other repub women who support this shit against other women.


Plenty of 65+ folks think "republicans => lower taxes, better economy" and that's all that matters to them. They couldn't care less. They're myopic, yes, but defeating that mindset is impossible when even MSNBC will often reinforce these ideas.


Fun fact, they're also wrong about that


GOP never looks past the superficial portion of anything they do and are always shocked when the actual details get in the way


Like the laws banning books from schools that also easily apply to the Bible also?


They always make an exception for the bible.


You mean the book full of rape and baby murder?


It teaches you how to be terrified of your imaginary friend. Important stuff.




If you know of a better way to exchange long protein strings I’d like to hear it


Isn't hair made of long protein strings, I feel like that dodges a lot of ethical questions.


Or closing whole libraries.


That's not an accidental effect, it's the goal. Sure they'd be happy if all the managed to do was make acknowledging any LGTB or non-white people's existence a crime but they really want to destroy freely available information that can't be easily controlled.


It makes the end game very clear, that they are going after all forms of birth control, not just abortion. Calling unimplanted blastocysts “children” makes IVF nearly impossible and makes most forms of birth control murder. The problem is that it is now out in the open and most people disagree. If they wanted to protect IVF, they’d make a distinction between implanted and unimplanted blastocysts, but that distinction would also protect birth control.


Pretty much since Vietnam, the number one rule in politics is that you don't negatively affect people's daily lives in ways that in can be directly traced to you. For instance, drafts, don't do drafts! The GOP seems to have lost site of that rule, but I guess that's always the risk when they keep saying the quiet part out loud.


That's why the GOP is doing it through corrupt justices instead of passing laws. Let some judge take the heat. If it gets too hot, appoint a new zealot judge to take the mantle. Activist judges? GOP is always projecting.


To the extent that they care about IVF itself, it's because they don't want LGBT people or single moms to have access to reproductive choices. But, that's secondary to their desire to declare all fertilized eggs children, for religious anti-abortion reasons. That this shuts down IVF clinics is tangential.


Evangelicals seem to think that as in all such cases they should be exempt from their own pet issues.


It needs to hurt the right people


This is the soul of bigotry. Different rules for different people. Total moral flexibility, to the point of no longer having any kind of morals. When you do something it's murder, when I do the same thing it's none of anyone's business, and the only difference is I'm not you.


All they care about is the total power to control others, no rules will get in the way of that goal.


"Fuck you, got mine" -Jesus, probably


Christian priests won't baptize a baby until it is born and draws a breath. Religion believes that life begins at birth, not at conception.


They’re just mad that Alabama jumped the gun on Project 2025. This is happening everywhere if this generation of republicans come to power. Dobbs 2.0 will be made a federal law and our bodily autonomy will be gone no matter what state you live in


So if frozen embryos are people, how long until the GQP chuds declare menstruation as murder since women are killing the eggs?


Wait till they find out how many sperm lose their lives when I watch Jodie Fosters sex scenes in True Detective.


That's it, I'm getting Max.


"Eeeevery sperm is saaacred"


It's literally one step away. Only thing before a fertilized egg is an unfertilized one, or a sperm. As often raised, the sperm one is a particularly fun one to consider a 'person' considering the numbers involved.


Until now forced-birth laws made it easy to see that the Republican goal is to control women. They claimed that possible future lives must be protected but only while they are inside women. Embryos that are in freezers though, who cares? This Alabama decision is going to make Christian fascists face their hypocrisy. I predict doublespeak and back peddling and abject hypocrisy because people who want IVF tend to be members of the donor class and white.


>because people who want IVF tend to be members of the donor class and white This is it, right here. Religious Zealots bit the hand that feeds.


That’s what’s been confusing me the entire time about this decision. While I understand that there are some LGBTQ+ couples that use IVF, the vast majority of people I have known who use it are white people with money. I’m not saying that Republican voters are a monolith, but that demographic is not who I would think they’d want to piss off right now.


IVF is a mostly strictly upper class, and somewhat wealthy endeavor. It's super expensive to engage in and it doens't always work, so sometimes it takes multiple tries. I don't get why they would issue this when it impacts the people who vote for them.


An embryo is a child, do they understand how insane that sounds to an intelligent person?? Christofascism is a plague on us


Unless they intend to restrict its access to hurt same-sex couples.


Oh yeah. I’m sure republicans would love to restrict IVF to married white couples (aka donors) and exclude same sex couples and single people.


Didn't they have the same realization after overturning Roe? I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for them to learn from this mistake.


Their goal isn’t to be liked. Their goal is to impose their shitty ideas wether anyone likes it or not.


Republicans let the idiots and zealots take over. The old strategists wanted to keep the overturning of Roe as a voting issue forever.  Oops! Turns out the crazies don't care about political strategy. 


Vote. Republicans win when people do not vote.


The fucking dog is driving the car now.


Republicans have been screaming that life begins at fertilization. So now they have to pass legislation that there are exceptions. So you’ll see new laws that say there are exceptions to life beginning at fertilization It’s the biggest mental gymnastic ever


Did they just not know what the fuck IVF was? You have them saying shit like Tubberville about needing more births and then don't know what to say to the follow up questions that this is now preventing the women who want to be pregnent from getting pregnent. Fucking imbeciles all of them.


Talabama folks. It’s Talabama.






Republican opposition to abortion was never meant to actually result in change. It was strictly supposed to be for fundraising.


For over 40 years, I've theorized that Republicans would effectively destroy themselves if they did either of two things - make abortions illegal again, and/or reinstitute the draft. Achieving either of these would effectively mobilize younger people who'd be most affected, to show up to vote. There are 8 million people who will get to vote for the first time in the next Presidential election. I believe we'll have a very healthy turnout, just as we've seen in every state election in the last several years where reproductive rights have been on the ballot.


The party riled up the ideologues so much that they eventually took over the party.




This dog has caught so many cars they need to open their own dealership. It will definitely be one of the shady “we tote the note” scam shops.


Republicans are already the "buy here, pay here!" of politics. They claim to be fiscally responsible, but ruined the balanced budget, have grown our debt exponentially, and want all the federal money to go towards a few of their cronies on the "free market". If you're buying what they're selling, then you're going to pay in ways you never considered or expected.




If they think the Dobbs decision and this is bad, then wait until the Supreme Court decides against the abortion pill. 


And people aren’t crazy when they say they’re coming for birth control. If anyone reads the Thomas opinion on Dobbs it’s spelled out quite clearly.


Same sex marriage is also on the chopping block if the Court doesn’t swing left soon


>If anyone reads the Thomas opinion on Dobbs it’s spelled out quite clearly. Is it spelled out in pubic hair?


Republican thinking is wild. “Life begins at fertlization…unless you’re trying to get pregnant”


Let’s consistently remind these Talibangelicals that normal people hate their magical bullshit rules


“We’re all trying to find the guy who did this.” -Republicans in hot dog costumes trying to figure out WHO could possibly have been behind this AWFUL IVF ruling.


I have a friend in Texas who has voted republican her entire life. The first crack in her worldview was the changes to abortion laws because she is older and wants to get pregnant and that made her scared. This IVF shit will finally make her change to a democrat.


I'm glad she is rethinking her views, but it saddens me that she only did so when she realized she could be personally affected.


"Oh no, they're hurting the wrong people all of a sudden! What happened?" Conservatives caught off guard when their actions are suddenly hurting people other than minorities and LGBT. One day -- maybe one day they'll figure out that enacting these policies affects *everyone*. They so rarely have any empathy for anyone different than them and can't understand how the policies they support affect people until it hits them personally.


Those damn Leopards will just eat anyones face!


What a piece of shit. Imagine going your whole life thinking other peoples' suffering was justified but not yours


More like going their whole life without thinking of others suffering at all.


Empathy is such a rare thing on a large scale. People might be empathetic toward someone they love, but it’s hard for them to feel it for strangers. It’s weird to me but clearly true.


Sadly this is so typical for conservatives. They don’t care about any issue until it affects them personally.


It’s weird how pretending to be a Christian extremist to pander towards your voter base can bite you in the ass when it empowers real Christian extremists to start doing extremist shit.


They are still coming for divorce and birth control


and interracial marriage


destroy them at election time!


I know they don’t care about hypocrisy anymore (maybe they never did) but the fact that they will claim embryos are life and killing them is murder and then immediately walk back from that as soon as it looks like it might hurt them politically shows they never really gave a shit in the first place about the actual argument, they just thought they could get their base hyped up on it.


Ya… the religious nuts aren’t just coming for us gays. This is why you’re supposed to stand up for people who aren’t like you. The religious nuts will destroy everything that makes America a not perfect place but relatively nice place to live. I sure as hell wouldn’t want to live in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Liberia, etc. and neither would you.


poor jeans onerous humorous narrow aloof secretive puzzled historical innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A human life DOES NOT begin at conception. There is no such thing as an extrauterine child wtf


This article doesn’t have it either but I’d love to hear just one Republican’s comment on their justification for opposing IVF then but supporting it now. Other than “we didn’t think we’d actually get what we were fighting for” I dunno what they’d say. I’m not interested in their actual motivations, I know what they are. I’m just interested in how they would justify it if confronted. Do journalists not do that anymore? All they can do is write “we have contacted x for comment”?


Vote every single Republican out.


'Moderate' Conservatives: "No no you don't understand we would never take things that far we just want basic regulation" Conservative judges: *foaming-at-the mouth rabid unconstitutional rulings* 'Moderate' Conservatives: "this isn't going to stop me from voting straight republican. Why did Biden do this?"


So, does Tuberville lose brain cells every time he speaks...or....? The guy is an ill-informed, and potentially illiterate, moron.


Just like overturning Roe v Wade was bad for them. They don’t care; they are confident they’ve rigged the system enough that they don’t need voters to like them.


This is what happens when an idiot, 2 bit, judge elected in a backwater inbred state tries to make a ruling on something he does not nor ever could understand.


All of these things are an invasions of womens autonomy. Stay out of our wombs and asses. Fuck off.


Republicans: "Rugged individualism! The state should stay out of my business, and especially my private life! If anyone enters my property I should be allowed to shoot them and end their life without legal repercussions!" Also Republicans: "We will make strict rules that legislate how exactly people are allowed to be together, have sex and procreate. Everything that even remotely reminds us of human life is god's work and must be protected at all costs!"


![img](avatar_exp|159847925|clown) It’s a clown show at this point. This is so much worse than Nixon, my grand nephew and niece will never believe me when I try telling them about it.


Yeah, well, why don’t they treat it like they do everything else and state that if Christian God wants you to have a child he will make it happen. It’s apparently CG’s will that you DON’T get pregnant when making love to your husband. So outlaw IVF. I am not a Christian and I don’t believe it should be outlawed-just like I don’t believe birth control or abortion should be outlawed. The politicians need to stay the F out of the bedroom, the womb and healthcare. This absolutely heinous Female Governor is going to make it available for Christian COUPLES only. It’s absolute BS. She will definitely not allow a single woman or a gay couple to use IVF. She’s playing God.


They're just going to switch their morals, tell lies about what happened, and most of their voters will believe them or not care. All they gotta do is to say "evil democrats are taking away your reproductive rights", and GOP voters will believe it. It's what they did with the 14th amendment cases against Trump, which are somehow Biden's fault... Because, don't you know, everything bad is Biden's or Democrats' fault, and everything good is GOP and Trump. No further thinking needed.


Does an embryo that was frozen 18 years ago get to vote?


People with head in ground suddenly take head out of ground to see that actual world and put head back in ground.


While I feel bad for couples doing IVF in Alabama I'm loving the schadenfreude of this on Republican politicians. Their phone lines must have been blowing up after the ruling from angry well off Republican voters asking WTAF I don't see this as being fixable unless Republicans are ready to admit embryos are not people and life doesn't being at conception.


That judge is an anti-abortion absolutist and belongs to a fucking-batshit-even-by-evangelical-standards sect who believe they must **conquer** "the 7 hills" comprising modern secular society - government, education, etc whatever and bring them under the **dominion** of [their brand of] Christianity. The 1st Amendment means nothing to this JUDGE. You get what you pay for, Alabama.


You mean the party that's spent the last +thirty years decrying education and expert knowledge doesn't have a single shred of critical thinking skills to share between them didn't think this through? I can't fucking believe it


Feels like "We told you so" doesn't do this moment justice because it falls way short of the thought we want to convey.


The judge literally did what you guys all say you want. Now embryos aren’t people? Human life doesn’t begin at conception? You’ve been screeching those points for DECADES and calling anyone who disagrees with you a baby murderer. Now you’re abandoning this stalwart principle, why, because it’s no longer politically advantageous? These people are ghouls.


Didn’t trump just come out and say he supported IVF and that Alabama got it wrong? So it’s the GOP “falling in line” again


Alabama is \~70% Republican with another 13% independent. They voted for this pretty much.


They’ll throw it in reverse and claim it never happened. And their base will believe them.


Non-doctors suddenly realize making broad medical decisions for the masses doesn't actually work out that well.


It is splitting the party pretty nicely.


Well, TBH they've never been the brightest bulbs in the pack to begin with.


Former Republican elected official here. Lord, I hate Republicans.


Can someone explain to me why it’s ok to artificially start a pregnancy but not artificially terminate a pregnancy from a religious perspective. My understanding is that terminating a pregnancy goes against God’s will, because a child is a gift from God (even in the case of rape). Doesn’t it then follow that IVF also goes against God’s will, since it interferes with God’s plan?


Thats the end game. Stop all reproductive medicine and leave it all to “Gods will”


These morons are so warm and cozy in their self-righteousness (and corruption), they seem to think, despite massive amounts of evidence to the contrary, that everybody else supports their march toward Christo Fascism. I’ll say this for them, they are not subtle about what they are trying to do. Hopefully enough Americans are 1. Aware and 2. Voting so that this crazy train can be derailed before more damage is done.


Not to worry! The media will help downplay the issue and turn attention to made up crises.