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People need to listen to Trump speak now. He's a wackadoodle. "If you think about it, you have men, you have women, and you have religion. If you look at it, you have more than the men, you have more than the women. You have such power." - Donald J Trump at SC rally.


At this point his brain is using autocomplete




Lmao ShitGPT


You can kinda see what /auto-complete/ was trying to do tho šŸ«¤


Is it bad that I actually understood what he was trying to say? Have I just learned Trump-speak?


Care to enlighten us?


I *think* heā€™s trying to say that there typically are three major demographics of voters: men, women, and religious (heā€™s a moron and doesnā€™t understand itā€™s a venn diagram, and not three independent, exclusive groups). Heā€™s saying that the religious voter has the most power. More sway than men or women. Heā€™s appealing to the religious nutjobs at CPAC


So the religious were the non-binary all along?


Oh sure. Their genders are Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


You did nearly all there lifting there. I didn't get any if that from that word salad.


Itā€™s an attempt to rally the religious freaks by calling upon the ā€œpowerā€ of their god (I think).


Itā€™s not about just the men and the women and the religion, itā€™s what those men, women, and religion combined can do. More than the sum of their parts. He just said it so stupidly.


do you have old senile parents or grand parents you talk to?


didā€¦.. but weā€™re suppose to have sympathy for themā€¦. why doesnā€™t my sympathy cell react when I hear this baffoon


It's asleep. A sleeper cell.


You have Trump-sympathetic neurons


Iā€™d get that checked out


Speak. That's generous.


Verbal diarrhea is more accurate




Drivel, nonsense, twaddle, claptrap, balderdash, gibberish, mumbo jumbo, rubbish, tommyrot, poppycock, phooey, hot air, eyewash, piffle, garbage, tripe, bosh, bull, bunk, blah, hogwash, baloney, cobblers, codswallop, cock, stuff and nonsense, tosh, double Dutch, rot, waffle, flapdoodle, blathers, wack, bushwa, applesauce, bellywash, bunkum, crap, bullshit, bollocks, balls, crapola, bulldust. *LIES*


There's a Reason Fox never shows video of him anymore. Just the most flattering, touched-up stills with paraphrased chyrons and anchors giving his severe rambling the extreme benefit of the doubt.


>paraphrased chyrons My brain read crayons and that's where it's staying.




Money me.


Hello fellow American. This you should vote me. I leave power good. Thank you. Thank you. If you vote me I'm hot. What? Taxes they'll be lower son. The democratic vote for me is right thing to do Philadelphia. So do.


His followers are so dumb they think heā€™s a genius.


> His followers are so dumb they think heā€™s a genius. Itā€™s truly terrifying. I know a few republicans who are stunned at how many idiots populate their party and how trumps dog whistle set them off.


Why are they still republicans? I ask my parents this all the time. They donā€™t have a good answer other than ā€œtax and spend Dems..blah blah blahā€ Ya. We should tax then spend the tax money. I donā€™t understand their point at all.


Better to have cut and run Republicans in charge.




But also he never jokes and always means what he says. The goalposts never stop moving.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen him crack a smile. Like a little laugh at anything ever. Nothing. What a horrifically boring life.


If heā€™s so fucking funny he should do standup and stop running for president. We donā€™t need ā€œfunnyā€ politicians. We need serious people who want to fix the shit Trump and his ilk have broken.


Was Mercedes there with him ?


No. She took the Melania out for a long drive. .


Fuck Trump


I donā€™t know that sounds like some perfectly comprehensible dark mysticism there. Sounds like heā€™s about to summon a demon.


A ton of people arenā€™t actually listening and theyā€™re trying to find confirmation. Anything that isnā€™t confirming their beliefs is more or less in one ear and out the other. Itā€™s sad.


The thing that works in Trumps favor is he's always sounded like a maniac Biden making a goof is news because it's out of character Trump making saying complete gibberish is not news because even when he was younger, he already sounded like he had dementia


Trump literally canā€™t remember his own wifeā€™s name and the media will be like ā€œTrump forgets his own wifeā€™s name, does this show that Biden is senile?ā€ It is comically absurd at this point. I donā€™t know how journalists can have an ounce of self respect after writing tripe like that.


This was a good piece from Lawrence Oā€™Donnell https://youtu.be/_9vsivYrC4U It starts with a clip of a press gaggle asking some stupid shit about the election, Biden saying heā€™s adding sanctions on Russia, and the group completely ignoring it and asking if heā€™d rather face Trump or Haley. They donā€™t care about actual issues facing the nation or the world. Just horse race BS.


Making the TV news ā€œfor profitā€ turned it into Infotainment. Back before 24 hour cable news needed to fill 24 hours 365 days a year the major networks all aired nightly news as a public service. They were required to do so because the airwaves are owned by the people. Now they are just looking for that sweet sweet ad revenue.


This is exactly why theyā€™re rolling out the red carpet to another fascist attempt to take over.


Most media in the US have been for profit for centuries. What changed is media consolidation, technological developments that shattered how local papers could survive and the removal of the fairness doctrine for cable news.


This is true when talking about ā€œThe mediaā€ as a whole. I was specifically talking about television news, and I think I said as much.


Yup. News divisions were expected to report news. Profits weren't expected. The decline started the minute they switched newscasts from the News divisions to the Entertainment divisions. Downhill ever since.


Also, it made reporters into celebrities - folks who crave large followers in their twitter so that they can write shit articles and then get engagement on twitter.


Everybody blindly trusting Walter Cronkite clearly wasnā€™t the answer either. I think weā€™re still learning.


Totally fair take. But the infotainment experiment has failed.


Reagan gutting the Fairness Doctrine opened up Pandora's Box.


The Fairness Doctrine only applied to broadcast news anyway. Fox "News" and "News"Max OAN etc. would've been completely unaffected. It's as if Rupert Murdoch read Snow Crash as an instruction manual and not a cautionary tale.


But if it hadnā€™t been gutted and, insteadā€¦expanded? We could be in a very different spot.


Follow the paper trail.


We have the power. Clicks and comments. We bring it on ourselves because we click and comment on every outrageous article they put in front of us and that tells them itā€™s what we want so they give us more. Americans are lazy and want to be entertained. Memes, headlines and sound bytes is all it takes to make some people believe they understand very complex issues.


You just described exactly why I cannot stomach the news anymore. It's been clear for a while but it is just so abundantly clear that like the White House press corps they are TMZ. They probably think they're doing an important job. They put on their lanyard everyday and they're nice clothes they go to work at a respectable outlet and then they basically just do TMZ shit.


>It is comically absurd at this point Yes it is. It is so obvious too.


Right wing media insulates their viewers from seeing how rapidly Trump is declining mentally. Trump is nothing more than a means to an end for conservatives. Sure, some of the heavy knuckle draggers just love the guy because heā€™s their favorite flavor of asshole, but leadership knows theyā€™ll be rid of him soon enough. They just need to keep the charade going until after the election. They will be extremely concerned about whomever the VP pick is, though. Thatā€™s who will ultimately run the day to day business while the golf king goes and gets his nuts polished by Lindsay Graham and every other establishment fixture that has occupied their positions for decades.


Yah, this is such a common delusion among the rich and powerful. That they'll just cast the "dimwitted" narcissist authoritarian off after he's prepared the ground for their ascendance. It never works out that way, the populist has the power and jealousy guards it. And other centers of power and wealth in society will either bend the knee or fall out a window. Trump and his fascist buddies are already set to oust the RNC leadership and put loyalists and Trump's family members in their place, it's such a classic fascist (loyalty to me is all that matters) ploy.


Even worse, fascism really isn't equipped well to handle the ensuing power vacuum when Dear Leader dies. In North Korea, Kim Jung Il at least had a single son to help keep things "stable." It was probably relatively easy for the military leaders to work around that. Trump was already in shit health. Nothing in the past few years has made it better, and everything for the rest of the year is going to make it worse, not the least of which is NY AG Leticia James all but putting up a countdown clock for when she comes and starts taking his properties. When Trump dies, there is no clear line person to take over, and that fight will be brutal. The closest person who even could take over for Trump is Ivanka, but she seems to have learned her lesson and no longer wants this much spotlight on her for how it will expose her other shady dealings.


I thought the next in line would be for sure Ron Desantis but then he got in front of cameras and had zero effect on anyone.


He wasnā€™t standing on his tippie-toes high enough.


Everyone else doesn't have Trump's, for lack of a better term, charisma. No one likes Don Jr. or Eric. DeSantis implodes under any pressure. Ramaswamy is brown. Pence has no spine. Christie was openly hostile to Trump ever since Trump gave him COVID. As for Haley, she's tried too hard to have it both ways, and I don't think it'll work. She first tried playing it safe by not attacking Trump. Then, when everyone else dropped out, she started indirectly attacking him, mostly in that he has too much baggage, to many distractions, etc. That was still her trying not to piss off Trump. Eventually, she had to go after him directly, and even saying she'd pardon him won't win his supporters. The longer she stays in the race, the more she's draining Trump's limited funds, and that's pissing him off even more.


Itā€™s all RW media at this point, the approach just varies




>It is comically absurd at this point > >Yes it is. It is so obvious too. I think it is time to say the obvious: This is not just "said for clicks" This is pushing a narrative!


Media: Biden so old it warps time and causes Trump from a different reality where his wife has a different name to warp into place


The only thing that's warped is Trump's tiny brain


And next, a speech by the Prepoblican't candidate for president, Ponald Tormp.


I can't wait for it. Trump gets convicted of election interference, media outlets will be like: "*Did Biden do enough to prevent interference in the election?*".


Your brain is almost expecting a "Thanks, Obama"


Clicks > Facts That's modern "Journalism"


For some reason, the media and the American public seem to want to grade Republicans on a curve. Itā€™s almost like they expect them to be morons so they just kinda go yeah whatever and then when a Democrat makes a mistake they just leap all over it.


Soft bigotry of low expectations?


Trump could be drooling on the podium non responsive for 5 minutes straight and we'd still hear *Why would Biden do this?*


ā€œTrump forgets wifeā€™s name, this is why itā€™s bad for Biden !ā€ Fixed it for you. We have a political party openly planning to overthrow the government and we are concerned with Biden age.. this country is so fucked


*"Trump slams own wife's name. Biden confused as to why."*


The news the other night had a poll showing that 68% of voters thought Trump was unethical while 67% thought Biden was too old. And they were saying "hmm how do voters decide who to vote for?", as if those two things were at all comparable.Ā  (Fuck, 64% probably think Trump is too old.)


It's easy to see why Biden is frustrated. When I was growing up, if any politician couldn't even remember their own spouse's name, that political career would have been over in minutes.


[When we all were younger (or not born yet) a man literally lost his career because of a slightly strange yell/scream of delight after a speech where he was rousing his supporters after a 3rd place finish in Iowa](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=l6i-gYRAwM0). Howard Dean would have been a hell of a president. The ā€œDean Screamā€ was broadcast 633 times in 4 days on national news.


dull dinosaurs deliver head party handle water like butter ghost *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>mainstream media is stupidly amplifying Except they are not stupid, that's one of the most troubling parts of all this.


marvelous somber insurance chubby plough plants impolite straight society scale *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I would like to believe that, but I do not. This same thing happened in 2016, 2020, they are pushing a narrative. Follow the money, they have gobbled up (merge) all smaller outlets. There was what 70 in the 80's and 6 today? Got rid of any regulation that tied their hands concerning how or what they said. And now we are here.


True. I think itā€™s a combination of all the above. I really think liberals and progressives donā€™t realize how much foreign disinformation and propaganda has infiltrated their media as well.


There are very few actual journalists left on this planet. Everything is geared to simply engineer you to click so that outlets can secure ad dollars.


They donā€™t get much right over at r/conservative but they did point out that Mercedes is Matt Schlappā€™s wife (Matt is chairman of the CPAC event this happened at). So that whole thing might be overblown, depends whose wife he was actually talking about. I tried to listen to the speech myself but I just canā€™t listen to that guys voice anymore, Iā€™m too traumatized by his presidency.


The media is doing what the media does: generating headlines. Best thing to do is not read it, vote Biden and be done with it.


Trump was referring to Mercedes, the host who introduced him at CPAC to speak at that moment if you watch the clip it's pretty obvious that plus she (Mercedes) introducing him to speak beforehand I abhor Trump, but that instance isn't what you're saying it is.


Everyone needs to read Jamelle Bouie's piece [Trump Is Losing It](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/13/opinion/trump-campaign-biden-aging.html) The media goes all out on Biden and gives (and always have given) Trump a free pass.


The media always gives Republicans cover. Doesn't matter who it is.


Naturally. Media is owned by a few rich people who have no interest in paying more taxes or letting unions regain any kind of bargain power again. They love being in the club that sucks all the money from the working class.


The journalists themselves, too. They're more interested in clout and impressing each other than doing actual reporting. They'reĀ alsoĀ incrediblyĀ homogeneous soĀ you get toĀ seeĀ theĀ same opinions over and over. WaPo and NYT are the worst at this.


Mostly because the corporate owners are run by oligarchs


Today's media is about money, viewers, and clicks. Trump draws controversial attention, Biden doing great things does not. Real news should be non profit


Could you perhaps use gift links if sharing from NYT? Iā€™m a subscriber yet not everyone is


Someone posted rawstory below, no stupid soft paywall.


[archive is the way to go](https://archive.is/m4SDZ)


Paywall bypass link https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/13/opinion/trump-campaign-biden-aging.html


> You gotta pay your bills Coming from that deadbeat, this is hilarious.




Every since Vietnam and Nixon the right wing has beat up on the "media". To the point that the "media" has a sort of battered spouse syndrome. They always show submission and deference to the right wing narrative. Add to this the quest of the "media" to be objective and show that both sides of an opinion are valid. When in reality they should not be reporting on opinions at all and should just report what happened. The the worst part of all. The "media" has to sell car insurance, cars and drugs. So they have to get viewers to keep watching. So they do exploitative things to keep viewers. Instead of just reporting what happened. The mainstream media literally would not mind if they ushered us into a new fascism as long as they kept their 6 and 7 figure jobs and the prestige of being on TV.


One more critical piece: Corporate media benefits on Republican policies and this is especially true since Ronald Reagan's FCC permitted the sale of the big three networks to diversified multinational conglomerates.


Don't forget the majority of legacy media (the networks) are either owned or operated by Republicans. The fact that Biden gets criticism for every flub and Trump doesn't when his decline is on full display is a feature not a bug.


Don't forget the power of old rich white men.


>Corporate media benefits on Republican policies Yes it does, that's why we are at this very place as a society.


The scream unfairness that their ideas are not given equal respect when their ideas have already been thoroughly rejected in society.


I think like someone else pointed out, itā€™s likely more because the owners of the major media companies are personally in favor of Republican policies. Also a ā€œboth sidesā€ narrative helps drive drama and generates revenue. Pointing out how one candidate is a fucking bumbling moron, lies about everything, likely committed many crimes for personal profit while President, fomented an insurrection, and may have sold classified secrets to foreign governments, is not really in the best interests of the oligarchy.


I canā€™t tell anymore really. On one hand your version is reasonable and paints media as the weak feckless thing they are. Iā€™m starting to lean towards all the ā€œbeating the media up for being liberal communistsā€ or whatever shit the right spews, is just a smoke screen to trick independents and the kind of liberal that doesnā€™t violently hate conservatism into believing that the weak pandering both sides trash that places like the Trump cock sucking, Hillary despising, Ohio diner bigot coddling, New York Times published IS the liberal take on things.


There was this tactic that Stalin used. There was a name for it and I lost the thought on it years ago. But the tactic was basically to create so much chaos that the actual fuckery of screwing everything over flew under the radar. He created this new normal of unease that allowed the sinister stuff to seem less extreme. I think that is kinda the point you posted.


Sort of a Gish-gallop reality.


Firehose of lies. Trump has been doing it for years. The right-wing media copied him. I can't get over their outright lies and biased opinions pushed as facts. In our faces. Revolting!


Steve Bannon calls this tactic ā€œflooding the zoneā€ and it has been a deliberate facet of Trumpā€™s political emergence and career.


I think you might be referring to the "[firehose of falsehood](https://www.rand.org/pubs/perspectives/PE198.html)" strategy that has been a more prominent form of Russian propaganda in the post-Cold War era.


>They always show submission and deference to the right wing narrative. One of the smartest things Republicans ever did was invent the label "liberal media". To counter that label and not alienate right wing viewers, the media shifted right. That and right wing corporations buying up all the media


The media tends to deserve scorn and frustration.


Itā€™s been miserable this cycle. Absolutely worse than ever before. The ā€œboth sidesā€ coverage bullshit doesnā€™t work when one side is so extreme. 1/5 voters in SC said yesterday that they would never vote for trump. 1/5 of highly motivated Republican-only voters will NEVER vote for trump. This basically ends his campaign. But thereā€™s NO coverage nationally. The day after trump said heā€™d encourage Russia to invade any NATO country not meeting the 2% GDP requirement, The NY Times lead story was an opinion piece on Bidenā€™s age.


That NATO comment was massive news around the world. But crickets in the US


Yup, can confirm. I'm Finnish so we have a very very vested interest in continued NATO cooperation, and it was basically the main headline for a while, with even our recent president elect Stubb commenting on it. But I guess it's pretty easy not to care when you live in the USA it doesn't feel like it's directly related to your life (not blaming Americans, this happens universally)


And soon there after Navalny was executed. Clear as day. This is beyond fucked up but the discourse has disolved.


Analyze it all you like. Trump puts eyeballs on the screen and that makes money for the media. Itā€™s in their interest to keep that asshole in the race so they need to emphasize (or manufacture) Bidenā€™s shortcomings.


This is the problem. The media no longer has an interest or requirement to actually be anything more than "the media".Ā  It isn't news.Ā  It isn't a responsibility.Ā  It's a tabloid that can be editorialized and marketed to maximize profits regardless of honestly, integrity, or even being regarded as actual news and not just "entertainment". We don't need these people to do anything because their market and employers are corrupt ad generators..Ā  We need actual news and journalists to find a path back to actually doing their job again and not just becoming marketing-lite...Ā  Until then, it's 24/7 coverage of bat boy being seen in the shadows of the night.


I get most of my news from NPR, so when I actually find myself in a waiting area or someplace that has one of the 24-hour TV news channels on, it's kind of a shock. It feels almost like parody of the news. And while some of the channels are more interested in accuracy than the others, they all seem to be trying to rile us up about the state of the world.


> I get most of my news from NPR And even NPR gives interviews to far-right liars quite regularly. Sometimes I have to turn it off for a few minutes.


Everyone playing the stupid access game, where you lend your platform to total pieces of shit so they don't totally ignore you.


Yeah. I quit NPR news during the Trump presidency era after I noticed they kept interviewing Republicans and never pushed back on any of the crazy shit they said, but they always seemed to want to get tough on Democrats whenever they were interviewed. I felt like I was being gaslit.


I've been listening to NPR for decades now, and I agree with this. They hide behind "we need to get Republicans on the record" as justification for allowing them to come on the air and just blatantly lie or give bad-faith arguments. They used to give some pretty tough questions to any politician that they've interviewed, but within the last eight years or so, I've rarely heard them push back on conservatives. Having said that, I still think they offer up better news than pretty much anything else I could listen to in the car.


this! for-profit media has a fiduciary duty to shareholders. people would be best served watching PBS or NPR for news


Npr is the only way I'll get news, they try to actually be objective journalists


It couldn't be more dystopian. All of the dystopian newscasters in graphic novels like The Dark Knight Returns and Watchmen used to seem \*so\* cartoonish to me, but now reality has gotten even MORE cartoonish than those portrayals. And I even consider NPR pretty bad these days, ignoring how bad the other "news" outlets are.


I watch Scripps news and they are pretty balanced I think, but yeah, when Iā€™m somewhere with a major news channel on, it just feels like a clown fest.


They need to reestablish fair reporting laws.


I went to Paris and was stricken by how much better their average news channel/segments are.


The transition to "clicks as revenue" journalism has been catastrophic for global democracies.


We need newspapers back in the hands of people invested in their communities. And we need people to pay more attention to local news.


>We need newspapers back in the hands of people invested in their communities. And we need people to pay more attention to local news Yes, I agree and this is what's happening instead. https://www.medill.northwestern.edu/news/2023/more-than-half-of-us-counties-have-no-access-or-very-limited-access-to-local-news.html


yup. the media wants this election (and every other one thereafter) to be as chaotic and close as possible by manufactured ragefearbait clicks and skewed headlines for the ad revenue. and they wonder why people hate the news and wonder why journalism is no longer respected. they can all get f*cked, and hope most of these bs websites go bankrupt. #don't pay attention to the useless noise, instead make sure to register and vote. also visit /r/WhatBidenhasdone


Part of the answer is the money, though. I can't tell you how many times I've seen people post links that get around pay walls or the text from an article. In a capitalist society, you've got to make money or be destroyed. Since we, the citizens, won't pay them, then they're going to serve those that do. And that's advertising and, by extension, corporations and, by further extension, rich people.


In a perfect world, IMO, way more news media would be publicly funded and fairly regulated and otherwise left alone and freely accessible. I don't see that happening in the near future, though.


>In a capitalist society, you've got to make money or be destroyed I remember a time when we as a capitalist society got our news differently because there were ....wait for it...government regulations in place to say you have to present both sides of a story...crazy thinking to some


The "Fairness Doctrine". I'm familiar. Another thing destroyed by the red eyed gaze of Ronnie Raygun.


Enact the fairness doctrine again


The corporate media is the enemy of the people (This is not a call to violence, individual journalists are not to blame. I am critiquing a system.)


The difference is that Biden expresses his frustration with the media, and Trump tries to attack the media, take away credentials, stops White House Briefings, but for some reason ā€œThe Mediaā€ treats them like they are equally bad for some reason.


We got (sort of) lucky the first time when Trump had some real live grownups in his administration for a few years that could keep his boundless stupidity and authoritarian impulses sort of in check. There won't be a General Mattis next time. The far right isn't going to let that happen this time and is determined to remake the administrative state, which was a thorn in Trump's ample ass the entire time he was President, in their fascist image.


Take the kids gloves off then man! Call them out to their faces. ā€˜If I called Jill ā€˜Janeā€™, you all would be speculating if I had dementia in push notifications on everyones phones.ā€™


Media wants a neck and neck race so badly theyā€™re doing their best to make it happen, consequences be damned.


Trump literally said dozens, and I mean dozens of things just in his CPAC speech that would end the career of anyone else. Heā€™s become so normalized at this point.


AP CSPAN Reuters PBS Evening News You'll be bored, but you will be informed.


> ā€œIā€™m well-meaning and Iā€™m an elderly man and I know what the hell Iā€™m doing,ā€ Biden said. Yup, that's totally piping hot frustration, not a normal reaction to accusations you see as false at all. /s The rest of this article is about things the people surrounding Biden have said. It's entirely possible to believe their frustration, and the likelihood that they are running scared at the possibility of being out of power. The headline here is pretty garbage and misses the mark. *Biden's* response is pretty calm and collected. If anything, he's not taking things seriously enough, and letting those around him Streisand Effect it up, which is pretty much the opposite of frustration on his part. The way to fight this isn't to attack the messenger. It's to show Biden doing substantial, competent things, preferably in public. Under the assumption these are empty accusations, that should be easy, right?


[https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-dementia/](https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-dementia/) Excerpt: ' "He just becomes incomprehensible when he engages in free association word salad speech that is all over the place. Again, that's a sign of real brain damage, not being old, not being slow, not losing a step .., but of severe cognitive deterioration." He continued, "What I donā€™t understand is why those clips arenā€™t replayed over and over in the mainstream media. Isnā€™t Trump babbling incoherently the most newsworthy part of his rally? You can be sure it would be if it were Biden." '


> He continued, "What I donā€™t understand is why those clips arenā€™t replayed over and over in the mainstream media. Isnā€™t Trump babbling incoherently the most newsworthy part of his rally? You can be sure it would be if it were Biden." I would like to think itā€™s because the media wised up and realized that Trumpā€™s word salads donā€™t do any damage to Trump, but only help him because his followers, Republican talking heads, etc. will and have translated whatever word vomit that comes from that mouth into whatever they want it to mean. And I hope Biden and his team actually know that (Iā€™m 95% sure that they know it also), and this is just a means to call the double standard out. In reality, Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s because the media companies know their demographic. No one who watches MSNBC, CNN, Fox News, will be swayed one way or another, and their viewership wonā€™t increase or decrease if they air the Trump word salads. The ā€œliberalā€ media companies must know that their viewers already know Trump makes these word gaffes, salads, whatever, and find Trump unpalatable, and are facing Trump fatigue. The right wing media wonā€™t report on it because they would have to come up with a coherent message behind the gaffes of Trump while the base is already making up their own message till the powers that be tell them what it all means. And if the gaffe doesnā€™t gain traction, why waste time and energy on it?


If the media thought something would support Trump they would air it. The media is owned by rich old white men.


MSM doesn't want any criticism at all from Joe Biden. Only Republicans are allowed to criticize corporate media.


I agree. His campaign handlers need to demo the crap out of Biden successes. And let him get out more to demonstrate his mind & thinking on his feet. It's so glaringly obvious that Trump can't hold a candle to him. Biden talks about real policy and getting things done. Trump just grandstands on platitudes & attacks. No substance.


Which is why Trump will never do a debate.


Hopefully he won't. He will just blather non-stop nonsense over Biden and Joe will eventually tell him to shut-up. Really don't need a repeat performance of that.


Biden would have to have a mandate that if they debate, Trump isn't allowed to just repetitiously spew falsehoods. He fires them out of his mouth like a spray of bullets. Which one's do you address? You can't do 'em all, because he just keeps firing. This isn't respectable bravado. It's obnoxious and disruptive, and clearly compensation for what he lacks -- clear, critical thinking skills, and knowledge of the truth. Only his ridiculous supporters enjoy his antics. They think he's "giving it to the establishment." No, he's just being a fool. Anyone with any sense should see that without question.


Precisely. We've also seen him do debates and he makes such a mess of things because moderators can't keep a handle on him. He's like an obnoxious kid from grade school who won't stop talking over the teacher. What's missing is punitive consequences. If the moderator has to put you in your place 3 times, that's it -- you're out. Microphone muted. Donald Trump is so naturally obnoxious. Remember how in his debate with Hillary he stalked behind her? Hillary ignored him, but you could tell he was trying to intimidate her. That shouldn't have been tolerated but moderators just sat there... tied in knots about what to do. They just let him do it. ***Pathetic***.


The media is jonesing so hard for Trump to be reelected that it's sickening. The other day I clicked on a CBS video about Trump saying that Russia should feel free to attach NATO counties. Thirty seconds of the vid was about Trump's comments and the other 2:30 was talking abut Biden not remembering what year he was VP. Ridiculous.


That thereā€™s even a discussion about trump vs anyone is offensive. Maga is syphillis on the world and its adherents are liver lesions.


Dems need to learn that people like it when they go on the offensive more than once every 40,000 statements and public apperences


I think it was HRC who talked about having to get down in the mud with the magas because that's where they live. Sometimes, you gotta punch low. And yes, while it's cool to hear John Stewart, Raskin, Moskowitz, Schiff, et al call out the media...it's fine time the President starts slapping them around a bit.


It's about time a democrat started calling out the imbalance of coverage between the president and the orange felon-to-be. And it's *especially* about time for that democrat to be seated in the WH. Sure, the work of this president speaks for itself, but the message is drowned out by the incessant "look at what trump did this time!" or "10 things trump did this week...and you'll never believe number 6!" Call this shit out because there are people...namely the *young* voters...who are fed up with all of it and just lump Biden in with the circus that is trump and his minions in congress and beyond. Yeah, we get it. Biden is old. But his ideas (and the team he will have in place...along with the team he has now) are more about actually doing something rather than just getting "revenge" and acting as a sympathizer with Putin.


Biden needs to start airing videos of Trump's cognitive decline comments. The media has no choice, but to cover it.


Because the media tries to both sides it all the time?


Joe and his advisors are not wrong. The only journalists worth a damn have been independent outlets, and they donā€™t get the same audience. NPR is even playing with fire covering MAGA talking points with kid gloves and gives a disproportionate amount of time to Trumpā€™s rise and fixating on petty BS that criticises Biden. It makes me think about 2016. How they fell under the (incredibly profitable) spell of covering emotional and edgy aspects of the race, essentially giving dominating the news cycle with that fat orange succubus, all for more voters and profit, I think. The problem is, if you spend so much time broadcasting the same points over and over, the average consumer will only hear that noise and base their votes on that, without nuance or consideration of the consequences.


It's been heartbreaking to see so many people who call themselves American completely ignore what has happened/ is happening. The word at the heart of it all is honor. Simply put MOST Americans are dispicably dishonorable. I say this because almost all of them in the position of media who had a chance to step up and report honestly about what trump was doing and frame it in the proper context, followed their marching orders by their corporate masters. This happened across the board and the result had been an almost complete mass psychosis where most people are able to somehow equalize or even villianize Biden against trump. I find it quite ironic that the first amendment is what ended up folding the whole tent. The first change to the constitution is what killed it. Because what happened, when historians take an objective look at this 1776- 2024 experiment years from now, is that the shortsighted policy of tying peoples retirement money through the 401k, led to wealth concentration into the hands of those whose interests were at polar opposites to those of the people. This concentration rose to such absurd levels of inequality, that the corporate interests were able to buy virtually all forms of mass communication and leverage the rights given by the first amendment against the very people these rights were designed to protect. There was, under every word written in our constitution, a tone of ethics and honor. The downfall happened because of the explicit right given by 1A, to disregard both ethics and honor in the name of self interest. So, in other words, the opposite of united


Sane intelligent Americans are frustrated that brainwashed cult Americans are supporting Trump trying to destroy this country. No matter how much sane Americans try to reason with brainwashed cult Trump supporters they get no where. Itā€™s the same issue.


Biden has a bully pulpit, but he has not been using it at all. We frequently see news articles about Biden-did-something. It is usually a decision. Something signed or decided in the oval office. But we do *not* see Biden on the video screen, other than brief snips going to or from a vehicle. Biden should talk to the people. Not just once in a great while. He should talk to the people *every day,* or couple of days. A fireside chat, if you will. Ten or fifteen minutes to explain a problem, what the alternatives are, and what we are doing about it. A longer formal speech, every few weeks, might also be useful. It is not enough to do stuff. He has to be seen doing it. Do not just assume that people know he is doing it. They only know what they see on the video screen. They have to see him doing it.


>Biden should talk to the people. Not just once in a great while. He should talk to the people every day, or couple of days. A fireside chat, if you will. But those who would need to see this never would. It's not like the old days when Flipper would be interrupted because the president was speaking. You can literally shroud yourself in alternative fact news stations and streaming media 24/7 and never have that bubble burst.


Sorry Jack


Good. Keep reminding them of their double standard. The other guy is just as old and is way dumber.


Biden is old, and I wish the Democrats had a younger candidate. Not gonna lie there. But he's not a fascist, and he's running the country much better than Trump ever could. The comparison is night and day. Either way we get a candidate that's too old, but at least Biden is qualified for the job. Trump is a man-child, an absolute idiot, and a danger to us all. Aside from Trump being an idiot, he's far too financially compromised to be in the white house.


ā€œItā€™s not that trump forgot his wifeā€™s name, heā€™s just referencing the other wives we donā€™t know about publiclyā€ Probably some diehard trumper.


The media is so fucking short sighted, they want a horse race for ratings but don't realize that they're headed to the chopping block under an authoritarian regime


We all know Biden is going to crush Trump this November. But the taking down of the GOP down ballot? Now thatā€™s the icing on the cake.


Republicans own the media. Full stop. **All of it**. Just look at what happened to CNN, Sinclair owning **all** the local media stations, and you have talk radio shoving right-wing talking points down the throats of gullible idiots on their commute. Just watch a "North American dash cam" video on YouTube, half the videos have that Dan Shapiro dick doing his gish gallop shtick. The right think if they own **all** the media, left leaning people will just roll over like their idiotic base. The republicans will be Americas doom if we don't fight back against the theft of the media.Ā  Where did all those, "children are the future" songs and videos go? That's right, the conservatives bought up all the media outlets and, *killed them*! Fucks sake, y'all...


>Democrats have been sensitive to media coverage of former President Donald Trump compared to their own candidates dating back to the 2016 campaign, **when critics argued the press overhyped the controversy around then-Democratic candidate Hillary Clintonā€™s private email server while giving Trump significant, unfiltered airtime.** Yeah it was frustrating, but don't forget that Hillary's campaign had been pushing the media towards Trump behind the scenes because she thought he would be the easiest opponent to beat in the fall. I am extremely concerned that the same hubris among the top brass of the Democratic Party is what has driven the decision of Biden to run for another term instead of finding a way to pass the torch. That said, it's still quite possible that Biden *does* plan to pass the torch and what's happening now is just part of the process of attempting to accomplish that with as little infighting as possible. If he were to bow out now--or if he had months ago--things would almost certainly have gotten pretty ugly within the party. I know the 2020 primaries were not very pretty, but a protracted primary battle to replace Biden would have probably been a total clown car. Just the thought of Joe Manchin, RFK Jr., Marianne Williamson, and Kamala Harris all sharing a debate stage with whoever else is absolutely exhausting.


What do they expect! They ran a geriatric old man last time, because they had no one else with any name-recognition - but they knew he was far too old, so they told everyone he'd only run for one term and then pass-the-torch. But, 4 years later, and they still have no one with any name-recognition, so they have no choice but to run a candidate that's far too old. Again. They did this to themselves - just like how the GOP is screwing themselves with Trump. EDIT: I've noticed that, if you criticize both political parties around here, you get nothing but down-votes! Every single person here apparently votes dishonestly. 100% partisan. With no intellectual-honesty to be found. It's shocking.


Media wants this until Trump gets in again and starts locking up reporters and pulling licenses from TV networks he doesnā€™t like. They are literally acting like the enemy of the people. Trump is in cognitive decline along with being a malignant narcissist. If heā€™s successful this will end badly for anyone that isnā€™t a white Christian male. It will also be the last election you ever vote in.


It's going to be another election season of an empty podium on prime time TV waiting for Trump to show up and blubber about nothing isn't it


Weā€™ve created a system that rewards our worst behavior, and we put the people who are the best at displaying that worst behavior in charge of everything, including the parts of society that are in charge of attempting to inform the public about their goings-on. Itā€™s not some huge conspiracy, itā€™s humans acting in their own best interests, and their best interests are to downplay just how bad right wing policyā€”either because theyā€™re true believers, or because theyā€™re not truly considering how bad it can get. Itā€™s in how they use language and emotion to influence everything while telling everyone else those things arenā€™t powerful or, indeed, everything.


Large media learned from social media- nothing matters except eyeballs and ears. They to are learning lessons as I believe Fox Entertainment is at minimum being more moderate. Social media allows individual threads of input to find their way into a fabric or clothe made from the collective. Media has learned that this is where their going to made their money. True "news" is a fallacy except in a boutique level. News is boring, news is working 9 to 5 with two weeks off a year..news is supposed to be unemotional and dull which is why there used to be an opinion column or news segment. News does not make enough money. So we get this...this entertainment where it's about the score versus substance .


When bs like ā€˜elderlyā€™ is apparently more newsworthy for the media than reporting on someone being a fascist, racist, criminal, and a traitor. Bidenā€™s camp are spot on about the shameful reporting disguised as ā€˜journalismā€™.


The candidates are not the same. One is old but in full command of his faculties and has a competent successor in place as well as a staff who will be unafraid to step in if something is off. The other is a pm autocrat, a tyrant to those around him and a threat to our way of life and national security.


Maybe he should call them mean names and have his supporters attack them, that seems to work for TFG. We could also help by complaining about the outright hypocrisy to MSM sites, most of them do have a Contact Us page.


As Senator Franken put it, the media has a bias in favor of making money. Being lazy and pushing tittilation is more profitable than reporting facts. And the horse race is very profitable. It is cheap and easy to report and it keeps ad time prices high. The horse race necessitates that they keep it close or people lose interest. So they knock down the Dems and prop up the Republicans. Basically the media just publishes un-edited news releases from Republicans and airs their rallies. That requires such little effort because you don't need an actual journalist.


Irrelevant. None of Trumps flubs will get a mention on Fox, Newsmax or OAN. The people who will be voting for him will never know.


I'd rather have an old president that takes a little bit to get through the good material he has, then have Donald Trump talk absolute nonsense 100% the time and still sometimes fuck that up too.


The media and James Comey were responsible for electing Trump. It is disgusting that they don't tout President Biden's accomplishments.


If I were President, every day I spoke to the media I would end my conversation with a "and now I would like to quote Donald Trump" then just read, word for word, the most unintelligible quote from the previous day. Get the media to focus on the absolute word salads that he produces.


I'm anti-Trump and vote Democrat but are we really going to pretend that Joe Biden is at a good age to be president? His age was a topic of conversation before his first term even started. He's clearly [declined](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5f3TDBOttog) since his [VP stint](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zK8NuU2N_Rc) and if you watch clips of him from the [70s when he was in his mental prime](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCZ5_XwqchE) it's extremely apparent. Democrats of course will push back against the narrative that he's too old to be president because he's the incumbent and, according to the DNC, their best chance of winning but is that really an unbiased source for analysis of the president? It'd be like taking what Republican senators and Fox News are saying about Trump's mental capacity at face value. I'd hope Democrats don't think engaging in the same practice is okay just because it's for "our guy." If anyone voting Democrat actually thinks the aides behind Biden or his team thinks that his age plays as a positive in his re-election efforts then I've got a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.


Also from The Hill: >A historian recently discovered that Joe Bidenā€™s great-great-grandfather, Moses J. Robinette, was accused and found guilty of attempted murder. The case followed a strikingly familiar pattern.


"Here's why this is bad for Biden..."


Iā€™m afraid thereā€™s been a slow coup going on, and Iā€™m concerned that itā€™s been going too well for the perpetrators.


Nothing the media writes from now until November will make me not vote for Biden. Nothing