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No problem. Trump is worth $10 billion. He said so.


He’s a very stable genius after all.


Who only hires the best people


And barely knows all the ones he fired. That rudy guy? Nice guy. Met him once or twice. Mayor of New Yorkshire or something. 


and he keeps winning until our head spin.


He passed the hardest test ever and all the doctors were shocked. Some say the doctors thought he cheated!!! See if you can even score a single point on the test he aced… I bet a loser like you couldn’t even score on this test https://www.alz.org/media/documents/short-moca-test.pdf


Check this out. You can watch his debt go up every second! Last I looked it was about $100 per minute. https://trumpdebtcounter.com


This is the best thing I've seen today, thank you


Look, what you have to understand is that Trumps estimation of Trumps value and the value of the Trump brand is gonna fluctuate with how the Trump feels. Now, if 'estimated valuation', ie a magic price tag I slap on something without having any buyers, is the same as 'money', Trump is just fine.


Just for the sake of clarity. IIRC he literally said something along these lines in a Forbes interview. Essentially summed up as "my value changes based on how I feel. I *feel* my brand is worth this, so that's its value".


Maybe he can cash out some of his "brand"? ;)


My concern is that some Saudi or Russian is just going to give him the cash. Then the trade is "when you win, I will spill the beans and own you if you dont do favours for me" and Trump, even though he doesnt want the leverage over him, will be so cash strapped he has no choice.


He's already compromised by Saudis and Russians.


I agree, has to be this. They must not have got much return on their previous investment when Trump was in office or he would be bailed out. His former benefactors are going to let him sweat, then negotiate terms before bailing him out again.


They got plenty out of him, but there's only so much they can reasonably expect to get out of him at this point without exposing themselves to more risk. Putin would undoubtedly benefit, but there's no guarantee he'd be able to pull enough of a shell game to hide where the money came from with this much scrutiny on Trump's finances at this point and with the heat on Russian assets, particularly his own. Trying to bail out Trump would be highly beneficial to Putin, especially if it caused more issues for the USA and Ukraine, but not if it would expose his own assets to getting frozen or seized.


Wouldn't it be relatively harder for them to help him now, with he court ordered observer and all? I know people say the NFT's and shoes and whatnot is money laundering but how hard would it be for whatever state owned Saudi Bank to just cover the bond or a loan?


I think it would be much harder for them to help him at this point with the much increased oversight of his dealings. As for a foreign power paying the bond themselves, I don't know if there's anything explicitly preventing it.


A foreign government won't have a license to issue court bonds in the state of New York. They'd have to work through an existing bondsman. But really, if shady foreign interests want to help Trump, they're not going to work through the bond system. That brings a level of oversight and reporting they won't want. In the past, they would have funnelled the money directly to Trump by buying overpriced condos or booking (then cancelling) fancy events at one of his properties. But that's not going to work now, because Trump doesn't control the Trump Organization anymore. The new CEO has to be approved by the court, and the court will choose the financial monitor. The Trump Organization can ONLY act honestly now. Plus, the timetable here is extremely tight. Trump needs $450 million in less than a month. That's a LOT of money to launder quickly, especially without a pre-existing system to use. It may be that Trump just won't get any help from the Saudis or the Russians because there's no way to do it quietly now.


The entire GOP is owned by putin.


*In walks Jared.*


lol Jared & Ivanka won't give him a dime. They're every bit as awful as he is, they won't help him.


It's not like their kids are close to Grandpa. As far as he's concerned they don't exist.


Ivanka lives in Trumps dreams every night.


No one can just give him $450m without it being very obvious. Not that it would matter, but it’s a bad look for the Republican nominee for President to receive nearly half a billion dollars from a foreign entity right before the election.


Yeah. It really was a bad look.


Definitely a bad look. And I bet it will really _really_ make republicans reconsider voting for trump. 🙄


"He learned his lesson this time." Fuck you, Feinstein.


They'll just buy up his fake shoes and other "merchandise".


why? surely that's what the feds expect him to do




Russia just really liked his $400 sneakers.


Now that the microscope is on his ass it’s got to be extremely difficult to be handed $400 million. I think he’d have to register as a Foreign Agent.


And if he doesn't win? They'd have no use for him and spent money on his useless ass




The money loss is only part of it. If Biden wins and the saudis tried bailing trump out, i dont think he is going to be very nice to them. Paying $500M to piss off the likely next winner of the election seems like a bad deal


Why? Why would it be a bad deal? What's Biden going to do? What has any president ever done to negatively impact the saudis bottom-line. They are worth trillions FFS. The Saudis wield a lot of power, the middle-east knows it and every American administration has known it. International relations are not black and white. Its all very grey.


What beans? We gave Trump money? It will just make the MAGAheads love Russia more and maybe start loving the Saudis too. Whatever they had in the past they still have, so they don't need to motivate him with a new cash infusion...it would be to get him elected, which is what he wants to avoid prison.


Bah Gawd that's Mohammed bin Salaman with half a billion dollars and a steel chair!


Everybody forgot about his NFTs that give the creator a percentage of all future sales in perpetuity with ethereum. An easy way to laundry money from foreign actors.


"Oh look, these worthless cards are being sold back and forth between foreign buyers for hundreds of millions of dollars suddenly... Nope, not suspicious at all"




In 1987 his real estate assets were worth about $500m If he’d sold them and dumped all the money into an S&P 500 index fund they’d have been worth about $13bn by the time he ran for president in 2015. Forbes estimated his net worth to be about $3.1-$4.1bn at this time. Trump…the greatest businessman in the world who can’t even beat the S&P 500


Trump is a self-made millionaire. He took his dads billions, and turned them into millions, *all by himself*.


Very financial genius


You forgot the part about how he let a *casino* go bankrupt.


It was actually a gambling and entertainment company that owned *six* casinos.


And was leveraged to the tits. He couldn’t service the note.


An OG regard


He ripped off his employees and shareholders in that bankruptcy. Was encouraging employees to use their life savings to buy stock up to the very end; when the casinos went under taking their jobs it also took their savings. Housekeepers, waitstaff, croupiers... he was also infamous as a racist employer of course.


But he helped Taylor Swift become famous give him a break...in the cankle


That always sounded like the mob was robbing him blind and made the casinos go bankrupt. It may not have been the only reason (incompetence, poor management, over leveraging, etc.), but the mob was definitely dipping in the till, right? Between his connections with the mob in NYC and, let's face it, casinos in Atlantic city, how wouldn't the mob be involved? I don't know much about the mob, but casinos are something they seem to like (Las Vegas, Cuba, etc.). Or at least used to be involved with casinos. "Now, guys, you've got Paulie as a partner. Any problems, he goes to Paulie. Trouble with the bill? He can go to Paulie. Trouble with the cops, deliveries, Tommy, he can call Paulie. But now the guy's gotta come up with Paulie's money every week no matter what. Business bad? Fuck you, pay me. Oh, you had a fire? Fuck you, pay me. Place got hit by lightning huh? Fuck you, pay me." - Henry Hill, Goodfellas (1990)


His problem with the casinos was that he was over leveraged.


He applied for a casino licence in Australia in the 1980s. We knew about him then: "Australian police felt Donald Trump's business connections were so disreputable that they recommended his company be precluded from pitching for a casino licence."


Isn’t that what they did to the guy in Goodfellas


Yep. Once you get everything you can, by going as deeply into debt as you can, you just burn it down for the insurance and start over.


He is very close to being a negative billionaire.


But how much of that was his own estimated valuation of his 'brand'?


I think he's pathologically incapable of not trying to wheel and deal and getting one over on people. My Dad was a career criminal and my mother once asked my grandpa why my dad was that way. He related a tale that basically went: If he could steal rather than buy, he would. If he could lie he'd do that, and if he could hate he'd rather do that too. In short he was a bad little kid that grew into a bad man.


Psychopaths come in all kinds of shapes and forms.


Like my cat


Is your cat orange too?


Be like water, my friend.


how did he become like this, do you know? what was his family situation like when he was a child?


I think being loathed by both your parents really fucks over a kid’s mental health. Many somehow manage to heal and recover (still tends to take immense amounts of inner work and deliberate effort to best those internal demons), but some just take the indescribable pain and suffering they’ve experienced and carry it right back out into the world because inflicting the same or worse on others seems like the natural, normal thing to do.


He wasn't loathed by both of his parents. Fred loved his capacity for cruelty and encouraged it. His mom sensed he was a monster early on and limited her contact.


Evil is going to Evil


Tacos are going to Bell.


Not if I can intercept them first.


Didn't his legal genius squad offer to deal with the judgement from Erogon? He told them they lacked any reason what so ever to appeal and to fuck off again


A narcissist thrives in a state of conflict. They have to show that they are better than other people around them, which essentially creates conflict.


Would have been $25 billion had he just put it in the S&P 500 in 1985 and reinvested the profit. He doesn't even claim to have $25 billion, so yeh, he's done substantially worse than the market.


For Trump money is only a means to get what he really wants - his name in the headlines. He does not care if the headline is “Trump pulls 5 kids from a burning building” or “Trump burned a building with 5 kids in it”. The point is he was the lead story. What would kill Trump - If all the news outlets went a week without mentioning him With all the financial troubles ahead, I am sure he will always be in a house bigger than mine (unless that felony thing actually happens).


If he would have just not run for president he most likely wouldn’t be in this much financial hurt. His ego is bringing it all down.


https://payuptrump.com/ Currently at: $464,690,783.67


A while back the Internet had a running meme of how Paris Hilton is a far more successful business person than Trump for this exact reason, iirc.


Hard to launder money through ETFs, tho.


NFTs, however, not so much


If he hadn't ran for president , no one would have paid much attention to most of his crimes


So having a golden toilet and a golden statue of yourself is a bad life.. I’m not worried about Trump having a good life… if Trump had been aborted … all of our lives would’ve been better.


Plus the 80 mil for the other loss and more to come I bet.


Plus the 10 mil a month for lawyers, nevermind his lavish lifestyle. Also has to get funds por campaigning (just now start the real deal) at least 500/700 mil. The cherry in the cake is that he has bleed the magasholes dry (only got 1.1 mil in gofundme). The walls are closing in, you guys buy nvidia I'm buying Orville Redenbacher shares.


He's counting on the DWAC merger as his bailout. Only problem is that he can't sell his shares for six months post-close. If the stock price crashes, he's fucked. And with 400k retail investors and high risk of foreign influence, you can bet the SEC isn't going to be screwing around here.


The funny thing with that is - they keep claiming the full value of the company is 10 billion dollars, except it’s been claimed at that same value since 2021, totally unchanged, with no respect to earnings, which are in the negative….and user count which is about 0.25% of Twitter users, and Twitter is worth about 20 billion… yet Truth Social is worth HALF that?!?!?. It’s the most blatantly false valuation possible. Once the first oligarch starts selling, it’ll be a race to be out before the last sucker.


Oligarchs are not selling. That's the con.


Oh they’ll sell. This has happened before where investors had a coalition to hold steady on a stock to make sure it didn’t crash and then greed took over.


Donnie and overvaluation? Never.


its current market cap is 1.85bn, after it climbed 100% or so.


Oligarchs to the rescue


Backed by Putin who needs his tool in the White House.


Not with the way Russia is losing money in Ukraine.


"If"? Look to the fundamentals, how many people actually use Truth Social and their revenue.


That and SPACs (current and former) tend to crater at some point


> (only got 1.1 mil in gofundme). Ah yes. The GoFundMe set up by someone who is not Trump that had no actual guarantee that it would be used for his legal fees! It's so easy to grift MAGA.


The saying “a fool and their money are quickly parted” must now be updated to “a MAGA and their money are quickly parted.”


The important think is that it signals some exhaustion from his base when he needs them the most.


Does any money actually get distributed if a go fund me doesn’t reach its goal? Genuinely asking because ive never contributed to one. Is some rando just sitting on that 1.1 million with no obligation to actually give it to trump? Or would they only get the money if it hit the $355 million ask?


The owner of the campaign can do what they wish with it. Honorably they should give it to whoever it's meant to, but they're not bound to do so. Even if the goal isn't met, they can keep that money to themselves or give it to #45. Also, the owner has to give GoFundMe a percentage fee after withdrawal. So even if they made the goal, GoFundMe will get a nice amount from it from their fee. So they need to consider that too on top of the goal.


It would be hilarious if Trump tried to sue for "his" money. Provided he could find a lawyer.


Even if it is used for his legal funds, it still doesn't cover the interest rate on his penalties.


Damn imagine that. And for us simple folk a mear 100-200 grand would have a lot of us out of debt. Amazing.


Plus 600 Million in debt he already owes to foreign lenders which comes due in 2025.


I'm sure some russian oligarchs are footing his bills, at the moment getting Trump elected is Putins only way out. For Putin and most of his buddies this is loose change


There's a round up on both of them to cover interest while appealing. The total needed for bonds would be ~ $660 million to cover both cases. 


Hours after a New York judge [ordered](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/02/16/judge-engoron-ruling-trump-ny-civil-fraud-trial/?itid=lk_inline_manual_2) Donald Trump to pay a $355 million penalty for submitting false data to financial institutions, the former president railed against the decision during a fundraiser at his Mar-a-Lago Club with some of the Republican Party’s wealthiest donors. Trump claimed at that Feb. 16 gathering that the judge in the civil fraud case had made history by ordering him to pay such a staggering sum, according to two people who were there. He suggested that the judgment was so severe that the public would consider it unfair and rally in support. Over and over, he returned to the penalty, livid at its size. The episode offered a glimpse of Trump’s preoccupation with a legal decision that threatens his wealth and has thrust his business empire into greater uncertainty than perhaps any time since the 1990s, when his Atlantic City casinos fell into extreme debt, leading six of his companies to file for bankruptcy. Trump, who built his business and political identities around boasts of financial savvy, now faces an immediate cash crunch of more than a half-billion dollars — the combined cost of two legal battles that will now test the limits of his personal wealth. **Read more:** [**https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2024/02/26/trump-money-bonds-engoron-carroll/?utm\_campaign=wp\_main&utm\_medium=social&utm\_source=reddit.com**](https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2024/02/26/trump-money-bonds-engoron-carroll/?utm_campaign=wp_main&utm_medium=social&utm_source=reddit.com)


Tick tock


Can't get to full article. Does it say how long he has?


"About two weeks" for the E. Jean Carroll case and until March 25th for the Letitia James case.


E. Jean Carroll’s $83.3 million payment is due March 9th 2024. 30 days after the judgment was officially registered, which was on February 8th. *March is going to be an insanely expensive month for donald.*


He is making my magic the gathering hobby look cheap


Even with Sheoldred as a 4 of in Standard.


So, right after Super Tuesday He’s going to lock up the Republican nomination and then start collapsing 


Don’t forget that his NYC hush money criminal trial is set to start on 3/25. March 2024 is the worst month of Donald J Trump’s life, so far.


He is not going to pay - he doesn't have the money + if he let's them force him into selling that means that he can tell everyone how the system financially violated him


So what happens if he doesn't pay? Does he go to jail?


They start seizing his buildings and selling them.


Hopefully Carroll will seize trump tower and turn it into a women's refuge. Or homeless shelter. 


No, you can't be jailed for failing to satisfy a civil judgement. That's where the "you can't get blood from a stone" saying comes from in a sense. A judgement isn't worth anything if the person who it's against doesn't have the means to pay it. They can seize his assets to cover it however.


That’d be great. It’ll never happen. Waiting to see Trump face any kind of justice is a recipe for disappointment. Just accept (like I have) that the wealthy can get away with anything in these great United States of ours and you’ll never be disappointed.


It applies to everyone. If someone who is financially poor gets a judgement against them and cannot pay it.... nothing happens. This is where you hear about people being "judgement proof", in that even if you sue them and win if they can't pay there's not much you can do. The court can't jail them and the court can't force them to work. Child support is a little different however.


The angrier he gets, the quicker the dementia progresses. Maybe be July he’ll just be babbling incomprehensible nonsense and nobody will be able to tell the difference.


Stop, I can only get so erect.


"The dog ate my fortune."


And to think. If he hadn’t *run for President, he would be sitting pretty.  [edit: if he hadn’t *WON the Presidency. He meant to run, and was wildly unprepared when he won.] > "The Trump team was not fully prepared to launch transition operations, apparently having not expected to win the election," John L. Helgerson, a former intelligence officer, wrote in "Getting to Know the President."


Am I right in thinking if he wants to appeal he has to put up the full amount ?


Yes, plus interest daily until it's put up for appeal or payment. 30 days from verdict.


30 business days, or 30 calendar?


Calendar days.


Interest is $100k/day. They're charging him 9% pa (the standard rate).  After 30 days trump will owe another $3.4 million on top of the $454 million he already owes. 


Not quite. He can get a bond (in theory), but otherwise, yes. And actually, 120% of the amount (iirc).


Trump could not find a bondsman for his Carroll 2 verdict for $5 million, so he used his own cash to put up $5.5 million. Nobody is going to put up an 83.3 million bond for his Carroll 1 verdict, let alone the 354 million bond for the NY fraud verdict. Trump is panicking. He asked Judge Kaplan to delay the bond due date a few days ago, and Kaplan denied it saying, “after waiting 25 days of the 30 you had to post the bond, now you want a delay? No.”


He's such a *staggering* risk. Even if he put up property as collateral it wouldn't give any bondsmen any confidence. Those properties are likely to be hugely overvalued and heavily encumbered. I just hope Trump doesn't cooperate and Leticia activates the enforcement mechanism (which means US Marshals seizing all his shit)


And I've seen it said that real estate is considered poor collateral for this purpose, especially since it's mortgaged.


A bond is the full amount. A bond is paying someone else to put in the full amount, usually for a fee.


Ahout 10%?


Yes, you usually pay a fee, something like 10% of the bond to a Bondsman and they pay the full amount. Most of the time, Bonds are for appearing in court, as soon as you appear the Bond is returned, and the Bondsman is made whole. I have no idea how a Bondsman would work Trump's current predicament, the full bond is only returned if Trump wins his appeal, which he won't. I think only a full-on loan would work, but I also don't see how anyone would enforce payment of the loan. Especially since anything that could be used for collateral will soon be liquidated.


Yeah I have a hard time seeing anyone put up 500 million in this case knowing that there is a 99% chance you lose it all, and that even if Trump wins he is probably not good for whatever money he was supposed to pay you.


So he needs about tree fiddy.


Well damn


Either cash or a bond, and what bond company is going to deal with him. The 5.5 mil he put up for the first Carroll case was cash, you can read it in the docket. It is not apparent he can find the 83 mil for the next one. And that 450 mil is 30 days away and by then we will have see what happened to the 83 mil.


March 2 or 9 for the rape judgement.


I can almost guarantee that he'll miss that deadline.


Not my work, but figured I’d share the debt live tracker. https://trumpdebtcounter.com/


I’m here for the loss porn


Takes awhile to convert rubles to dollars I guess


"What's the difference between a rouble and a dollar? A dollar."


The only thing I admire about Trump is his ability to get out of bed every morning and face another day.


It’s easy when you can’t come to terms with reality.


At this point, he probably wants his assets seized so he can cry and whine that everybody is after him and MAGA will just eat it up.


He been doing that for years, self imposed martyrdom. Except he did it to himself so he doesn’t win at being a martyr either. Ha


Somebody shit my pants!😫


So he's gonna declare bankruptcy right?


Bankruptcy doesn't get him out of paying the settlement though. See "Giuliani, Rudy".


But it can delay paying the settlement by years or forever. See “Jones, Alex.”


Judgements against you aren't dischargeable debt under bankruptcy.


Probably hoping that a bankruptcy would delay payments though, like Alex Jones has done.


… And he’ll bleed all his brain dead donors dry to pay it.


I'm hoping that as he continues to be held accountable for his actions and suffers the appropriate consequences that Mr. Trump will blow his gasket for good. I think only when he isn't around any more our country can heal.


Our country hasn’t shown ability to heal at all. Slavery is gone but racism remains. Civil war is over but confederate flags remain. Trump will be dead but maga infiltration into GOP will remain. I’d love for it not to be the case…but I don’t have high hopes.


We're going to need a new Reconstruction Era that we actually finish this time.


You can't take racism out of people. You can only give decent people opportunity and safety, and let the remainder wither in place.


He will get the money, and I think he’s stupid enough to actually post the bond and appeal too. And then he will lose again. And the initial funds will actually have been collected. Hooray.


Good thing old stinky hires “only the BEST” lawyers - they’ll save him like they always do. (Hey, we’re running outta popcorn!)




some billionaire will probably pay it for him. But will wait until the end just to have our hopes high, then plummet. They seem to enjoy that


When is it due?


March 25th if my memory is correct


How much interest between now and then??


[Live tracker for the NY Civil bank fraud case](https://trumpdebtcounter.com/) interest is about $2 per second


This is immensely satisfying to watch. Thank you.


Around 100k per day.


The Carroll judgement is due March 9. The James judgement is March 25. Interest is being charged at 9% pa, which comes to around $100k /day.  Trumps lawyers a couple of days ago went to court to argue the Carroll judgement was too harsh, so he shouldn't have to stump up any money until after the appeal, or at most only pay a fraction of the $83 million as a bond (usually this is 10%).   Obviously trump is struggling just to come up with $80M. No way will be able to pony up the almost half a Billion he owes on the other judgement.  March is going to be a bad month for Donald. Awwww....


He’s completely fucked. Either way, appeal or nah, he’s gotta pony up the money. Let’s see who wants to give him an appeals bond…


Hey, if Daddy Trump posts the money for an appeal, does that include the two dumb dumbs? Or do they appeal on their own.


“The post welcomes readers from Reddit! 🙂…. So please f*** and subscribe or you won’t be able to read this”. Quite a welcome I see lol


But I’ve been told multiple times that’s his Forbes net worth $2.6B is way underrated. I wonder why he doesn’t have $500M on hand to pay…


He won't pay it. Then his properties will be repossessed. Then he'll play the martyr, and his fans will eat it up. They all already believe that all of the government is evil/corrupt.


It does not feel this way. It feels like the clock is ticking on the US to convict and sentence this traitor before he becomes President again and everything gets stopped or put on hold…


And here I was happy I had money for gas today


Shouldn’t be an issue. He constantly tells people how rich he is and how successful he is. Must be taking a while to write the check out. Just kidding, who would take a check from that loser.


Tick tock, tick tock, I’m a little cuckoo clock. Tick tock, tick tock mother fucker


The deadline will pass and absolutely nothing will happen. We’ll just wring our hands and scream and…nothing will happen. I’ve lost all hope for trump experiencing any meaningful consequences.


Wow that over 46+ billions rubles Putin is going to have to invest.


He’s not going to.


He’ll declare bankruptcy


Such a tool. Had the world on a string and he was just that little bit greedy


I think this is the first time that Trump will actually have to prove that he is as obscenely wealthy as he likes to claim. Not "worth X amount of money if he liquidated all his assets" but in terms of actually being able to produce a half a billion without having to scramble to unload assets, begging the actually wealthy for assistance, or grifting his followers ad nauseum for months to fill his coffers. Certainly his most die hard supporters won't abandon him after finding out he's been lying to them (their media won't tell them about it anyway), but there's no way this won't be a massive blow to his own self-image.


I guess his MAGA supporters should empty their savings to save their savior.


How’s that GoFundMe going, are the minions getting close?


They have almost covered the incremental interest that’s accrued since the judgment. The interest is about $112k per day; so they sure have to work really hard.


I’d love to see NY seize his real estate empire!


The real hard problem will be finding someone to loan him the money. He has a history of welching on debts and not paying agreed amounts and making people take him to court for just the most basic shit.


60 dollars a minute.


I don't know how likely he will post bond but... I am watching like the rest of us on what will happen next. [for those who want to watch the bond tick up in real time ](https://trumpdebtcounter.com/)


He’s broke


I wonder how much that is in Ruples? And does Papa Pooty have that much?


Trump is waiting for his paypal accoun to link with the RNC. 


I always find this kinda exasperating. Some random billionaire is gonna post the cash to have him in their pocket, didnt he have a meeting with elon musk lately?