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*’Eric, ramp up production of da shoes!!!’*


That’s not how you make money. You sell them and never deliver and make sure the legal language in the TOS says that’s ok.


Nah. You get a box with only Right sides. Never a left pair. Always Right.


Only reich sides.


The Reich stuff


[forever to the right](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxaAw2viEIQ)


Most shoes come right and left. Trump's come right and alt-right.


This. No refunds and no shipments available until at least July/august and the LLC is in tax haven Wyoming at strip mallish place


\^ definitely not a guy who moves corporate clients from delaware to cowboy trusts


> No refunds And what kind of store has this policy? Shitty stores like dollar stores.


I'm busy Dad, I just found out what erectile dysfunction is and I need to tweet about it


How long until they start promoting Blue Chew?


*"Eric, stupid fuk, find something on Biden's cousins and tell Mercedes I'm not home tonight, I'm out for some burders."*


“I’m going for a drive in the Melania. Tell Mercedes I’ll be right back.”


No no remember he’s the concrete guy


*’Eric, build me a concrete fort to hide in for when da feds show up!’*


What's that Dad? Concrete shoes? I'm on it!


To be clear, Trump Sr.'s daily interest accrual is $111,984, the remainder is his kids' and Weaselburg's interest. Since the ruling was entered last Friday the 23rd (*updated for Feb 27*): * Trump Sr. has accrued ~$448k in interest (it is not compounded AFAIK) * The GoFundMe started to cover his judgement has added ~$192k (Total GFM =~$1.26M) * If the trend continues, interest alone will outstrip the entire GoFundMe by March 6, the day before E. Jean Carroll can start collection enforcement on her outstanding $83.3M. **In the last 24 hours, his interest owing has increased 50x faster than his GoFundMe balance.** I am tracking this trend daily and expected donations to bounce up after the weekend, but they have not. E: Good spreadsheet tracker here (not mine!): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1t0aaiBjLw8eeQkfY61er8OrjFUqxPkvQltEyNVgwx1U/




> Imagine Bezos or Musk asking for donations. Musk is as bad as Trump for handouts, except he goes through gov't channels rather than direct donations or banks.


This x100. Musk is only a mega-rich because of his historical ability to fleece tax payers. Almost every other idea he's ever had has been a loser.


So he doesn't ask you for your money, he asks someone else for your money. Classy.


And then turn around and complain about the cost of gas.


Musk is asking his followers for $8 a month.


> Weaselburg's *Chef's Kiss*


It's Weselburg!


>If the trend continues, interest alone will outstrip the entire GoFundMe by March 7 fucking lol


An then just like that, Trump supporters start caring about "decorum and optics of officials"... Hypocrites...


Not really new lol. His supporters validate his vile rhetoric but when we do the same, we're the "ill-mannered" ones. Conservatives are not to be taken seriously since they flip-flop so hard on issues.


Come on, these are the people who constantly should "Biden Crime Family" while worshiping Mango. To call the hypocrites is a understatement.


They want guns to protect against a tyrannical government but applaud Trump wanting to be a dictator.


They don’t mind having a tyrannical government. Not at all. They’d *love* a tyrannical government. They just want to be on the tyrant side of the boot.


That’s the funny thing, eventually nobody but the tyrant is on the tyrant side of the boot


Could have just left it at "Conservatives are not to be taken seriously".


They're not flip-floping. It seems like a flip-flop to those who believe same rules should apply to everyone. They don't. Rules for thee and not for me isn't a bug, it's an alt-right feature.


It’s not that they don’t care otherwise, it’s that they think it only matters when their political opposition does it.


The double standard is real. It doesn't help that the noise also comes from some Democrats as well. "They go low, we go high" was a bloody mistake. You don't tiptoe around Fascism and speak kindly to it, you humiliate it and beat it back into the shadows. Good on Letitia James.


>How to defeat fascism with the power of love. >By Luigi >Chapter 1: the power of love. >The first step in my journey was realizing it is impossible to defeat fascism with the power of love. >Chapter 2: the power of incredible violence.


>Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. >Jean-Paul Sartre >Liberated Paris, 1945


Trump literally posted a picture of Biden wearing a dog collar last week. There’s no boundaries from him or his supporters


Truly some A+ trolling.


Wait until the auction.  That would really be on another level.


I really hope they let her personally conduct a live auction complete with gavel and podium. “Up for sale is one of the tackiest buildings on the New York skyline where gold lacquer meets even more gold lacquer. Shall I start the bidding at $1?”


"No? 50 cents?" .... "A dime? Trump Tower for a Dime?" ... "ok, bit of fluff in someone's pockets? yes! Sold to the homeless guy dressed as Emo wandering past the crowd wondering what's going on."


That's actually Emo Philips! He can start up a UHF station in there, no doubt.


Haha! Emo Philips and VHF in one post... This is poetry my friend!


She should auction the pretend floors off separately.


Jokes aside, starting a multi-million dollar property bidding at $1 out of pure pettiness is 🧑‍🍳😘


I want to see the Clinton foundation buy some of the property and then name it something that would get under trump’s skin. My first inclination is to name it after ms. James or even Clinton herself. Maybe naming it after Fred Trump would really infuriate TFG.


Buy Trump Tower and put a male strip club in it called Buttery Males.


A Melania drag impersonator performs there every week.


With a name tag which says “ Mercedes”, haha. And maybe a ketchup wall for angry ppl to squirt ketchup all over Edit: reading through all these ideas, incorporate a bunch of them and it’d be a destination spot for everyone who abhors him.


I had that exact thought but you beat me to it (I actually posted it before I saw your comment and then had to delete it).


Michelle Obama Tower for the win


And have a dress code for the building outlawing any outfit that has sleeves.


Turn Trump Tower into a home for asylum seekers and immigrants and set the dress code to extra-Fetterman


Extra-Fetterman? So they'd need to wear 2+ hoodies at a time?


2 hoodies, no pants.


Tan Suits Only


The cafe only serves Dijon mustard


The staff wear tan suits


Terrorist fist jabs for all


Lmao I completely forgot about the terrorist fist jab


Call it the Dijon Cafe. Signature dish: instead of Spaghetti O's they have an adult version called Barry O's


They serve steak but only medium rare, and no ketchup.


Someone has to buy it and do this. Even just "Obama tower" would be awesome.


“The Barack Hussein Obama Multicultural and Islamic Center for Arts and Science.”


Or just The Obama.


Hilary’s Email Server should do just fine


Trans safe Towers.


In down fucking town Chicago. Hell, I would chip in to see this happen.


“Hope Tower”. With the Obama campaign logo and everything.


Woke Tower


The Donald Trump Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant has a nice ring to it but John Oliver beat us all to it.




Crush my chest you fuckable Walrus.


An erotic rat artwork, if you will


You know what foundation is still allowed to be in NY if they want?! The Clinton foundation! Lol


Name it after her PAC that triggered them in 2016. The Hillary Victory Fund.


Fuck it.. just name it LGBTQ+ Headquarters and be done with it.


The Biden Immigrant Assistance Center


What is stopping someone with a lot of money from purchasing a Trump property and then just gifting it back to him?


Do you mean the Russians?


I mean anyone with a bunch of money.


This has happened before. He has sold apartments to Russians and Saudis who in turn expected favors…


Aside from gift tax implications, it seems to me like most people with $500mm to spare didn’t get to where they are by lighting $500mm on fire. What exactly would they be getting in return for buying Trump’s building back for him? The goodwill of a senile old man who is a few hamberdlers away from a massive coronary heart attack? The man can’t even remember his wife’s name. Why would anyone assume he can stay bought at this point?


I saw a man set 36 billion on fire


Trump can’t really do anything with it. He’ll be on the hook for taxes of the gift as an income and neither he, nor his sons, can be associated with operating a business in the state of New York.


Among the items: ‘One imitation gold-plated toilet, savagely used.’


Told wifey I'm bidding 100 bucks for Mar-A-Largo. "Why?" "Just for the email response. I'm going to frame it" "what if you win?" "A) I won't B) I'll donate it to be a homeless shelter".


While you're in the middle of donation, you'll be assessed property taxes of ~600K for 2024. The homeless shelter management will also humbly request that you help with the property taxes for the rest of the decade and put a small amount of 6M in escrow. God speed!


Yeah but it's just fodder for his claims of being persecuted. "That crooked DA is tweeting how happy she is with this witch hunt. Even now she's gloating about her illegitimate win while we fight this in the courts, who are all leftist terrorists.."


Zero cares about his claims, or feelings, or about what upsets him and makes him feel persecuted. *Bothering him* is one of the only upsides of having him around at all.


He can claim all he wants about being persecuted, that doesn't change the simple fact he was found guilty of fraud. The New York AG can revel in her win, and lets be honest she should be proud of that win, and he can be guilty. These things are not mutually exclusive. He has the right to appeal the decision, but given everything we've seen that appeal is not going to go far. At best he can hope to run out the clock until the election and hope to win the election and hope him being President somehow means he doesn't have to pay *(and last I checked being President does not absolve you of debts so his only hope is political pressure which in that case, would be a problem)*.


The truth of the matter is she’s a politician and she’s going to do whatever she can to raise her profile and have herself seen among her respective electorate as a “crusader” for what’s right. That’s nothing against her specifically as they all play that game. It’s how they get (re)elected and move up. I wish this weren’t the case but that’s the country we live in.


That would be a nice system, in order for politicians to be reelected, they need to show that they’re doing their jobs. 


Can I say I’m happy about it too. I love the trolling. It’s in great contrast to his old man Truth Social rants calling black women nasty.


A math lesson for Trumpers.


Not just that. But trolling that Trump actually cares about.


A [$455m judgment ](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-fraud-ruling-judge-engoron-b2501709.html)against [Donald Trump](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/donald-trump) is increasing by more than $110,000 each day due to interest penalties. And [New York](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/new-york) Attorney General [Letitia James](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/letitia-james), who is preprared to [seize his assets if necessary](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-fraud-delay-interest-engoron-b2500819.html), is not going to let Mr Trump forget. When the final judgment in the sprawling fraud trial against Mr Trump, his adult sons Don Jr and Eric, and former Trump Organization employees [was approved](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-fraud-ruling-judge-engoron-b2501709.html) on Friday, the attorney general’s X account posted the exact figure down to the last cent. Read the full story here: [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/letitia-james-donald-trump-fine-b2502007.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/letitia-james-donald-trump-fine-b2502007.html)




Woah this site is amazing 😂 


And that's JUST the debt we know about.


He also has 600 million coming due in 2025 to foreign invetsors.


Right? Almost certainly a big chunk owed to Russian oligarchs.


https://payuptrump.com https://payupdonald.com


Why are the amounts on all of these websites different?


> And New York Attorney General Letitia James, who is **preprared** to seize his assets if necessary, is not going to let Mr Trump forget. not sure where (or if) y'all would want typo notifications sent but just an fyi, same error is in the article.


😂 wonder if Elon will ban that account? And anyone knows when the fire sale can start? Assuming they’ll have to apply to the court for that.


Is one tweet per day “live tweeting”


That's not fair! Only Trump is allowed to be petty and threatening towards others 


Fortunately, this isn’t a threat and just a factual statement.


It's Karma


His gofund me only makes about $100k per day. He's litteraly going to bankrupt the republican party. The entire thing. So stupid.


> He's litteraly going to bankrupt the republican party. if we're lucky


After years of asking for donation he still makes $100k per day?


$100k per day is donated to a gofundme, *some of which may* find its way to Trump. There is no guarantee any of it will.


If **0.1%** of the ~74+ million that voted for him in 2000 give $1.35 a day, that's over 100k per day. If he could get 1% of them to donate $1 *per week* that's still ~100k a day. Fools and their money I guess?


He wasn't wrong when he said he was gonna "drain the swamp". Great job, the man with the shitist touch.


285 pairs of golden sneakers per day in interest alone? I know it compounds, so I wonder how many sneakers that will be by day 30.


Are we assuming they'll actually be produced, or just the money he charged people?


"Sir we don't have the capacity to churn out millions of pairs of shoes in 28 days" Trump: "Fuck the shoes, we need orders! I'll deal with the lawsuits later!"


Money he charges people. 50/50 on if the shoes ever get made.


Wonder what the tarriff rate is for them coming out of Jhi-na, since all his other MAGAShit is made there (or in his diaper)


> I know it compounds, so I wonder how many sneakers that will be by day 30. It doesn't compound. In New York, the fine in a settlement like this grows by *simple interest* (non-compounding) by 9% per year from the amount it was at time of judgment (that is including pre-judgment interest - see [business insider](https://www.businessinsider.com/judge-engoron-trump-owes-112000-interest-in-454-million-judgment-2024-2)), though this interest is calculated daily. Basically the total fines at time of judgment were $464,576,230.62 (granted ~$11M of this is to other Trump executives; that is Don Jr and Eric each owe $4,659,175.84 and Trump CFO Weisselberg owes $1,101,095.89). If you calculate daily interest at 9% on a 365 day year, you get $114,553.04 added every day. (Please note that 2024 is a leap-year, so they probably should be using 366 day for year and get $114,240.06 in daily interest, but I am not expert on how NY calculates interest on judgments and will defer to the NY AG's tweet). This is why the tweeted on [24th](https://twitter.com/NewYorkStateAG/status/1761457522395750576) and [25th](https://twitter.com/NewYorkStateAG/status/1761784719971061828) was the same amount. Also note simple vs compounding doesn't really matter. If he doesn't pay his judgment (or get a bond) in [30 days of 2/23/2024 when the judgment was finalized by Engoron](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24439961-judge-engoron-finalized-judgement?responsive=1&title=1) then NY will likely start seizing and auctioning his property (though that will take time) to make up his financial shortfall. If you want to see the math, I've put it in this [google spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1InSTrMw7VfLegmHjAkcs_fdh98vtpur4R556XvHuVzk/edit?usp=sharing) taking the amounts from the settlements. It seems everything was calculated with simple 9% interest calculating days assuming 365 days to a year.


Does it compound daily? I haven't seen an answer to that even though I've seen sever comments bring it up.


Yeah but he could possibly be sued by Louboutin for using red soles as I believe usage of red soles on shoes is trademarked by them. edit: thanks for catching my error - updated to Louboutin from my initial Louis Vuitton


It's Louboutin that has the red soles FYI.


A minor detail, but Louboutin has the trademark on red soles, not Louis Vuitton. Louboutin is known for their red sole shoes. Louis Vuitton got their start making luxury trunks.


Everyone who has been around enough well-off elephants knows this.


A specific shade of red is trademarked. I think he's okay with the red soles unless he went with the exact shade of red.


That would be incorrect:[https://studentorgs.kentlaw.iit.edu/ckjip/the-worldwide-trademark-battle-over-the-iconic-red-bottom-shoe/](https://studentorgs.kentlaw.iit.edu/ckjip/the-worldwide-trademark-battle-over-the-iconic-red-bottom-shoe/) [https://www.lawbite.co.uk/resources/blog/trademark-colour-louboutin-saga](https://www.lawbite.co.uk/resources/blog/trademark-colour-louboutin-saga) [https://www.legalzoom.com/articles/trademark-protection-of-color-louboutins-red-soled-shoe-is-a-clever-logo](https://www.legalzoom.com/articles/trademark-protection-of-color-louboutins-red-soled-shoe-is-a-clever-logo) The trademark was for red soles contrasting the color of the shoe and not a specific shade of red. So red soles with different color shoe is essentially trademarked by Louboutin. There are article out stating that are considering options on how to protect there trademark and deal with possible backlash from trump supporters.[https://news.bloomberglaw.com/ip-law/trump-sneakers-red-soles-spark-louboutin-trademark-questions](https://news.bloomberglaw.com/ip-law/trump-sneakers-red-soles-spark-louboutin-trademark-questions) edit: thanks for catching my error - updated to Louboutin from my initial Louis Vuitton


She hates that man lmao


considrring he kept calling her a nickname that was a dogwhistle for a wildly racist term Id say shes probably justified in not being a fan.


Wasn't that the *other* DA? The one in Georgia?


Honestly, it is really hard to keep track of.


Its probably safe to assume it was both


Unfortunately it was absolutely Letitia. Check out r/trumptweets to see his truth social posts without giving him views.


You're totally right. It's so hard to keep track of all the people he's harassing 😞


It's sad we have to have a subreddit to even keep track of the people he's harassing


Great subreddit, thank you for the recommendation For those curious, he nicknamed her "Letitia 'Peekaboo' James,' which is VERY thinly racist.


He's about as hateable as they come.


😂 gee I wonder how Trump feels about her 😂


You know that big counter in Time Square that shows the national deficit? Someone should make one that shows Trump's legal fines with the interest adding daily.




How many pairs of Traitor 45's is that?


Air fraud ones


January VIs


Pocket change. He’s rich. Right??


This is why the kremlin has him by the balls. They're going to pay for all of his expenses if he becomes president. If he does not win this year, I would expect the kremlin to dump him and look for a new candidate - but the problem with that is nobody has as much "prestige" as the other candidates who are seen as establishment. The other MAGA disciples won't be anywhere near as connected or influential as he will be. 2024 is a year we can beat fascism in this country, and it starts with donald trump losing the election.


He should call Jared


Is it bad my mind went to Jared Fogle and I was like "I appreciate they've probably got similar interests but I doubt he has the money either"


Haha, well they both have been convicted so there's that. Orangey just has the slipperiness of a oiled up pig, no offense to pigs


We need a "he went to Jared!" commercial for Trump.


I'd buy that for a dollar! Yes, weak Robocop reference


he only knows Subway Jared...for Epstein reasons.


You know idiot Trump could have knocked about 9 figures with “I’m sorry” but fuck no. Fuck with the judge idiot.


So true and all of his problems are brought on himself but always blames others, typical magas


Trump brand "Armor of God" adult diapers now available for purchase.


If you dislike her politicking, then do not vote for her. As a New Yorker, I gladly did vote for her. The AG role is a political role. The AG has an agenda and campaigns on what may be important to prosecute for the public they served. Spitzer focused on white collar crimes and spoke to the media about it. Cuomo focused on university lending practices. Both did well and became governors. Letitia James is banking on this for her political future.


Gofundme is at $1.25 Million. Just enough to pay 6 days of interest after fees.


My coworker is a republican and he loses his shit when he hears about her. Cracks me up.


Trump is losing his mind with this coming from a) a woman and b) a non-white woman


> Trump is losing his mind with this coming from a) a woman and b) a non-white woman I just want to stand and applaud her every time I read about her.


I don't want to hear complaints about how this isn't professional or it's unfair or biased or whatever. Trump established that when it comes to him there is no normal, no decorum, no professionalism, only what he wants and what offends him personally. If he didn't want to play by those rules he shouldn't have forced them.


Also it's a highly profile case. Of course the office is going to want the publicity of these tweets. They would have done it for anyone else famous making his threats.


So if he becomes president would he be the first one in history to have his wages garnished?


Gonna be the first president to serve while also serving time. I doubt he'll go to jail honestly, more like house arrest. The founding fathers never thought Americans would be this dumb


Because of Trump's refusal to pay the 250 million it began with it's now estimated to grow to 750 million in a few years once all appeals are done. Trump's inability to ever admit defeat is what will make his whole life's work implode and only leave scraps for his family. Many books will be written about the appeal of lies and BS and the inevitable collapse it will cause.


Pay up Donald!


Probably feels like he needs a reminder, because he’s so shit at paying his debts.


So if he just paid it in full on the first day he wouldn’t be accruing all this daily interest. Why wait for 30 days of interest if he supposedly has the money? I feel like that is all the evidence we need to prove he doesn’t.


I'm personally looking forward to the auctions. Hopefully whoever buys Trump Tower renames it "The Barrack Obama centre for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion - Sponsored by Bud Light™"


Cant jared and ivanka just write a check and bail em out with Saudi cash?


Probably not. They're skimming off the top, I doubt they're actually able to pull nearly half a billion out.


Not really. The Saudi money was given to Jared’s investment fund. Doubt they would be too happy if ~15% of that fund went straight to the US government. Especially when there are other alternatives like paying for it with his property. All that being said, I think they will start a bogus company, “invest” $500M into that company and then that company will put the money up for an appeal. 


I love Ms James & thrilled she represents my wonderful state of NY. We’ve known about his felonious behaviors forever.


The hell is going on around here - him and Alex Jones having a contest to see which one can burn their own world down around themselves first? It’s GLORIOUS!


This tweet is deemed offensive and unprofessional by conservatives. They expect us to not fuck their feelings.


Well I guess he knows what it feels like when student loan collectors call.


He needs to be punished so the next crazy millionair is deterred 


This appears to be a good breakdown of the properties Trump owns. As someone with a positive net worth I’m 99.9% certain I’m wealthier than Trump. https://www.curbed.com/article/trump-lawsuit-real-estate-nyc-letitia-james.html


Watch it add up by the second. 😂 https://trumpdebtcounter.com


10/10 on quiz! Yay me!


The interest is only on the principle amount? This is the only time I've ever wanted interest to compound.


She should use the ticker that was in Times Square.


>On Monday, his legal team filed notice of an appeal, but did not appear to bost [*sic*] bond, which he would need to do to stop collections on the judgment. How much ya wanna bet that his legal team -- comprised of only the best people -- will forget to post bond?


"Live tweets" Is there ever a time when tweeting is not live?


Herman Cain unalive tweeting? https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/herman-cains-twitter-account-active-death-deletes-post/story?id=72731483


The building formerly known as Trump Tower will sell high-end gym and school hallway equipment... It will be called Locker Up.


$100.00 a minute…


TWO can play at this Twitter game.


Love this.


Serious question, So how long until she can start seizing assets?


30 days... Thing is he CAN'T appeal till he pays or posts a bond. After 30 days they can start putting liens on his property. He doesn't have the luxury of both appealing and not paying. He doesn't pay the appeal goes nowhere. He's playing a really stupid game if he has the cash. At this point I doubt he has the liquid assets he says he does or he would be putting it in a trust via the court and appealing. Or posting a bond if anyone will give him one. If he appeals and wins he gets it back. If he doesn't then it goes to pay the debt but he can't appeal at all unless he comes up with it. So it will just accrue and at some point they will either put liens on his property or outright start seizing it. He's already lost and he knows it. He's just trying to delay the inevitable at least until after the election. But it's not going to take them that long to go after him. It's just not a winning game that he's playing this time...


If it's not compounding, it should be.


Ya didn’t pay, you're delinquent? No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage 'dem to do whatever da hell dey want. Ya gotta pay. Ya gotta pay ya bills.


T.I.L. Trump World Tower has 72 constructed floors but lists 90 stories on elevator panels Followed a few links, and whoosh - there it was. I knew he was a narcissist but that's just dumb! Maybe not have a 13th floor, but...