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Statement From President Biden on Nikki Haley Withdrawing from the Republican Presidential Primary > "It takes a lot of courage to run for President - that's especially true in today's Republican Party, where so few dare to speak the truth about Donald Trump. Nikki Haley was willing to speak the truth about Trump: about the chaos that always follows him, about his inability to see right from wrong, about his cowering before Vladimir Putin. > "**Donald Trump made it clear he doesn't want Nikki Haley's supporters. I want to be clear: There is a place for them in my campaign. I know there is a lot we won't agree on. But on the fundamental issues of preserving American democracy, on standing up for the rule of law, on treating each other with decency and dignity and respect, on preserving NATO and standing up to America's adversaries, I hope and believe we can find common ground.** > "We all know this is no ordinary election. And the stakes for America couldn't be higher. I know that Democrats and Republicans and Independents disagree on many issues and hold strong convictions. That's a good thing. That's what America stands for. But I also know this: what unites Democrats and Republicans and Independents is a love for America." https://www.threads.net/@meidastouch/post/C4LY8cJu_nD/


That’s a good-ass message.


Good President chooses to open up and welcome people he might not agree with a lot on. Good shit. We need more of that unifying attitude.


it's also extending a LOUD olive branch to anybody in the GOP willing to take a step towards normalcy -- at least normal for todays politics.


If only their "news" sources would show it. Many that need to see this message, will not.


I'd hope that the only people who are so far down the rabbit hole they can't even see this type of message are the ones who would never have voted for him in the first place.


I hope it pays off


It's stuff like this that makes me proud to have supported Biden in 2020 and now in 2024. When he talks about the importance of democracy and our way of life, he's talking to me and those like me that want the freedom it gives us.


The greatest freedom we have is the freedom to disagree


IMO this puts his messaging from the border into proper perspective--Biden can credibly claim that he's willing to put aside politics for a solution - even a right-wing solution so as to prove that there's room in the tent for Haley voters. If Haley is legit, she should endorse Biden but she won't.


Looks like her super PAC did atleast


He’s been doing it all along. That’s why his administration has accomplished more just in vis first term than any other presidents in modern history. True leadership.


Biden, for his flaws, is such a good example of statesmanship.


Exactly. He is presidential!


Big tent. Rs have forgotten.


The way they unify their big tent is by villifying people who don't join in lock step. It's how they've got ultrareligious people (the ones who supposedly believe in a book saying that all rich people are going to hell) and ultrarich 'libertarians' voting for the same people.


You nailed one of the blunter lessons from actual Jesus that people like to ignore there. Living a life of materialism leads to spiritual death. I try to remember not to judge another's faith, but if one can't respect a key lesson he reiterated several times in his short life, I don't know why people feel it necessary to claim an association. Not a word about hating on people of different faiths, races, sexual orientations, prostitutes, or any other "sinner" under the sun. In fact quite the opposite. But what gets focused on and ignored? Sorry, I get triggered on that subject. Even if you do not subscribe to his spiritual role, that his philosophy is so trampled on even when people can actually read it, is ridiculous.


I myself am not particularly religious but, agreed- and it's something on which there's basically no wiggle room according to Jesus. "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." Religious or not, I think that lesson of charitability and warding oneself against undue greed is very valuable (heh, no pun intended).


A Humanist can find much in his message that resonates.


Kinda hope she runs as an independent. I doubt she will, but that’d be the clearest way to ensure a Trump loss…


A bunch of states have sore loser laws that prevent candidates who lost in the primaries from running in the general election.


Yes, but after the latest supreme Court ruling those states are not able to keep federal candidates off the ballot using state law. Congress would need to make a law empowering the states to do that






they done fucked up.




The court did not ban Donald Trump, now Haley will mess them up, bigly


Donny the dipshit Always fucking around, now about to find out


That would be poetic justice. I bet they didn’t expect the leopards to eat their faces.


What an incredibly short-sighted or malicious decision that was. Their rationale was truly mind-boggling.


Pretty much sums up the Roberts court


the supreme court is stupid bc now if someone tries to subvert any third party run for Nikki Haley they look like hypocrites and will even further decrease the public's trust in the court. Remember, every single woman, even Coney Barrett, voted against overturning CO. Interesting, huh?


Their reasoning was quite different though. All of the women agreed that it would be too chaotic for states to bar candidates (Ken Paxton would definitely bar Biden) but they dissented of in having to be Congress making the determination. If I understand correctly they would support barring from a ballot with a federal lawsuit.


Lots of just knee jerk reaction to that ruling. The SCOTUS was correct. Why TF would you WANT states to be able to just ban candidates for federal office? It SHOULD be hard to do that. It SHOULD be something done on a federal level and not state. Also, read the damn Amendment, particularly section 5


Oh how the turn tables




Oh, but didn't SCOTUS just tell us that it requires an act of congress for a state to exclude a candidate?






They are saying that only those states matter. So only the laws of those states matter. They weren’t saying that the sore loser laws matter in those 6 states (I think)


I'd say 7 states at least. NC for sure should be added to that list, and you *could* argue for states like TX as well (though I probably would just say the 6 you mentioned plus NC, at least for President).


You don't want that. Haley running as an independent is a serious risk of siphoning votes from Joe. The ideal split was Trump getting booted from the GOP and running third party. That was how to create maximum chaos on the right side of the political spectrum -- basically, splitting the two cults, and having the cultiest cult be the farthest right. As it stands, the GOP cult and Trump cult are still unified.


I hope she endorses Biden. She is done as a Republican. Once Trump tells his minions to hate you it's over for your career. Her best path forward is to move to the middle politically and look for cabinet positions.


Trump absolutely loves when the people who criticize him come crawling back. It’s him being victorious and gives him satisfaction.


After calling Ted Cruz's wife ugly and his father a murder; Trump made Ted Cruz work the phones for a Trump fundraiser.


I'm expecting her to endorse Trump before the day is out.


If she does, that would put her below Ted Cruz. Nobody wants to be below Ted Cruz.


Yeah, for real. The sad thing is, she's going to get a LOT of heat to endorse Trump. We'll see what she's made of. If I'm right, you can *always count on a Republican to do the wrong thing,* so I'm sure she'll give a half-hearted endorsement or something like that.


Is it even possible to get below Ted Cruz? Do we even have the excavation technology required to go that far down?


I, too, think she'll kiss the ring. I'd love to be wrong.


No I disagree. I don't think she'll endorse Trump either though I think this is more likely than a Biden endorsement. And her career isn't finished. If Trump loses in November, she'll be on the short list for 2028.


Honestly, I don't know--she got a LOT of votes from Republicans. She's done in terms of any Trump White House (god help us), but I don't think she's "done, done." Also, don't forget--she's not a treasonous tyrant, but she *is* an extremist. Anti-choice, anti-gay, etc. Conservatives love folks like that.


As an independent once concern would be with Haley pulling more independents from Biden than Republicans from Trump.


Yeah, I could see it going either way, but you're probably right


Nah. She wants to stay gop so she can run next time. Maybe Liz Cheney will pop up and run independent. It won't take a whole lot of gop votes going somewhere else to fuck trump.


But it will fall on def ears. Republicans don't believe in reality, even Niki voters will fall in line and vote for Trump because he is "better than Biden," and, "something something gas prices and economy something."


something cannot fall of deaf ears if they won't ever see this message. Media will make sure of that.


Smart move by Biden..Hopefully her supporters get the message


Yesterday in NC, just taking one state she got 250k, Trump got 800k votes. NC is purple usually red. Let's say 1/5 of her voters back Biden, I really don't know what the break will be, but 1/5 seems possible, that's 50k votes.


Trump won NC in 2020 by like ~65k votes. 50k would absolutely be relevant.


Yes, and if they are 50K who voted Trump in 2020, that is a net 100K swing. Not counting those who just decide not to vote at all which may be more.


Yeah. I want to have hope that Biden will pull this off. But I’m really concerned he won’t. Not that it’s his fault really. It’s out dumb-ass electorate.


Yeah, North Carolina is much more blue than most people think. They’ve been severely gerrymandered, and Republicans in NC have been utterly shameless about using their stranglehold on the state legislature and the courts to subvert the will of the people. NC could flip. That’s the nice thing about presidential elections; gerrymandering doesn’t have any direct effect on them.


The issue with using NC is that it is an open primary. There are definitely democrat voters who voted for Haley because Biden was a lock.


You have to be unaffiliated but your point still stands. I definitely know UNA voters who are actually democrats, but vote for the least insane R candidates during the primary.


As someone who's been a blue dot in a sea of red my entire adult life, I do this every single time. For all of my state races, even though I'm still going to vote in November, my vote means nothing. So, the primary is my best chance to have any kind of an impact.


Even if it's a combined 1/5 that backs Biden OR doesn't vote still would crush Trump. The messaging will have to be clear and they need to lay out the differences and cite accomplishments (even junk fees, capping the prices of some prescription drugs, and recently limiting late fees from credit card companies-things people need to be reminded of noticing). Also think Trump's needs to be called out as exhausting and not having policies outside of being a dictator "for one day" Trump and Republicans have not done anything to expand their tent. If anything what has happened since Roe v Wade shows they made the tent smaller. That will continue to bite them in the ass


Even if they don’t, if her supporters won’t vote for Trump and stay home it’s a win for democrats all the way down the ballot


I’ve been seeing tons of videos of trump supporters trolling Haley supporters at her events recently, like saying some really hurtful shit just for views while laughing in their face. I think the majority will stay home, the MAGA crowd made it clear that they aren’t welcome in the party. Plus I’m sure Trump won’t be able to resist kicking her while she’s down… so between all that I think there’s a decent chance *some* vote Biden. Hopefully it’s in the states where it matters most.


I'd wager most Haley voters are old school, pre Maga GOP voters. They will not stay home. They haven't missed a vote in their entire lives


They're also the ones mentally flexible enough to see that a vote for Biden in THIS election isn't a betrayal of their core values but rather a way to return to a world where they can safely vote republican.


We can only hope.


Now read a Trump speech and tell me which one is in mental decline.


I think a better comparison would be to compare it to Trump's last TruthSocial post about Haley, since this is a written statement: >Nikki Haley got TROUNCED last night, in record setting fashion, despite the fact that Democrats, for reasons unknown, are allowed to vote in Vermont, and various other Republican Primaries. Much of her money came from Radical Left Democrats, as did many of her voters, almost 50%, according to the polls. At this point, I hope she stays in the “race” and fights it out until the end! I’d like to thank my family, friends, and the Great Republican Party for helping me to produce, by far, the most successful Super Tuesday in HISTORY, and would further like to invite all of the Haley supporters to join the greatest movement in the history of our Nation. BIDEN IS THE ENEMY, HE IS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!


$100 says he didn't type that.


Some poor staffer / speechwriter is probably tasked with typing that stuff up, or "writing in his voice" based on whatever thought he has whenever he happens to have it. Or maybe it's [Stephen Miller](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Miller_(political_advisor\)). I'd say screw him if so, but that probably makes him an even more dangerous Trump understudy.


Crazy how good it feels to hear a president able to speak eloquently and in complete sentences.


That, my friends, is a real President.


There are some things I disagree with the President on, and I am very far from ever voting Red; but this is absolutely the wise play to make, and I'm here for it. Above all else, I really hope Biden wins re-election, and his positioning like this are among the several reasons why.


He's always been pretty vocal about being a president for *all* Americans, not just the ones who voted for him. It's a sentiment that *should* be shared by all elected officials towards their constituents.


Presidential to a fucking T, this and his message at the border visit should be what you hear a president calling for


Whoever is Biden’s speech writer needs a raise


lol. I guess giving out raises is a thing you can do if your party hasn't bankrupted itself paying out your legal settlements for rape and defamation.


Way for Biden to take the high road but really, Haley "dared to speak the truth??" Hardly. She barely ever called him out on *anything*.


She got a little bolder toward the end of her run, although as far as I know she was still committed to pardoning him had she won.


It was crazy to see her repeat DeSantis’ mistakes right after DeSantis. If you’re running against Trump, run against Trump! If you’re going to spend all your time talking about how great the guy is, don’t act surprised when he gets more votes than you while you’re sharing a ballot, lol. By the time they started to finally hit back, the momentum was already working fully against them.


True, but these potential voters support Haley, giving her some deference helps ease the transition into them supporting Biden.


There was that one time she said she's not Nancy Pelosi.


That is an absolutely brilliant statement from Biden


Damn, that's what I want a president to sound like! We should strive to be better, to work together, to unify. The messages of hate and division are just too much, I don't know why people support that.


Exactly what he needed to say


I don’t agree with Biden, especially his foreign policy, but he has been a solid president and statements like these go a long way in bringing back the integrity and class to the White House. This is what Americans want more than anything, to be proud of their government again. I don’t think that people should hold against Biden what is clearly Republican obstructionism. The left has gone a long way in trying to be a party for the people in a very divisive country, republicans have done the opposite.


God, what a class act this man is. He deserves better than he gets from the American people in general.


I'm convinced I am living in Bizarro World. I can't for the life of me understand how we got here. Would you tell your little kids that Trump is an outstanding role model and great human being? Should kids strive to mimic his ethics and behavior? I think the answer is no.


Tried this argument on a Trump follower years ago. I knew they had a high school aged daughter and asked him how he would feel if boys were just grabbing her by her genitals anytime they wanted her. He responded by ranting about the Constitution. He wouldn't even defend his daughter from that morality. Lots of people are morality black holes with a broad event horizon.


Same. I asked my mom if she’d be ok with Trump grabbing my sisters by the genitals and she started talking how he’s a star so that’s normal and everyone does it. It’s really sad


If it wasn't such a disgusting thing, I wonder if these people don't need someone to go around grabbing them by the junk to send them a message. Since nothing is real until it happens to them, maybe they need it to happen to them. It's just not something decent people do, so they'll never have that moment of lucidity of how gross it feels to be groped against your will.


It’s so weird. They don’t deny it’s wrong in my experience but instead try to justify it or change the topic like it never happened. If you can’t straight up say sexually harassing people is ok then why in any world should you support Trump, a self admitted sexual harasser.


I think we like to assume the good in people, like "of course a father should be able to think about his daughter being in that kind of situation and have empathy and understand how wrong it is." When really, there are a LOT of bad, selfish people in this country. So many who can't for a moment process something logically or morality unless something happens to them or to someone close to them. Countless numbers of people who would be or are homophobic / transphobic simply because they have never met and befriended a gay or trans person. People who will cry all day and night about "welfare queens" and "leaches" without a single thought of comprehension about the SS or foodstamps the people around them or they themselves receive and so easily justify. I don't know if it is our culture or education or a bit of everything that made them this way; but Jesus Christ there are so many of my fellow countrymen that I genuinely believe to be horrible, deplorable people.


I’m seeing people say we need to “vote on policy, not character”… I say that’s cowardly.


Voting on policy is fine, I'm not a fan of the "destroy the US government and install a new one" policy so I'll be passing on Donald Trump. 


Keep his orange ass out of office with a vote for Biden


What's insane to me is people like my mother and brother who will crap all over Democrats like Biden or AOC, but if you ask them to name any of their policies that they disagree with, complete crickets. It's just easier to remember "AOC bad" because Fox News told them so, and haven't got an inkling of why they now feel that way.


My new favorite thing is pressing them on why they're voting for the anti American candidate. I don't even engage on policy, I just continue asking why they're cool with someone who lead an insurrection against the US government. Usually they either just try to minimize it but I haven't good any counter points from them at all "it's not a problem because the checks and balances held". A failed coup is still a coup.


The problem is they never really loved America, anyway. These are the people flying the Confederate battle flag with SECEDE stickers on their trucks.


> A failed coup is still a coup It's like your crazy uncle saying "I should be invited to Thanksgiving, I shot AT you, but I didn't SHOOT you." While saying "oh by the way I'm going to shoot at you at Thanksgiving if you let me come"


As if his policy is anything but self serving, gutless, drek aimed at pandering to the worst instincts of the human race. You are damned right that anyone excusing him is a coward.


Also, it disregards the realities of his policy. Like, you actually want a vindictive autocrat who wants to establish unchecked power for himself, destroy the federal government, fully corrupt the judicial system, pull out of NATO and cower to America’s most dangerous current adversary to disregard our allies in the face of that global aggression, all so brown and queer people can be further persecuted and rich people can get more tax breaks? Really?


Then the question is “what policy?” It’s funny because this line of questioning also mimics the “states rights” defense to the Confederacy in the civil war. When you ask a person “okay what state rights were they fighting for” they clam up or say something about interstate trade. Rinse and repeat until you get someone huffing and puffing.


On policy? Biden. On character? Biden. 


When was the last time Trump actually talked about policy and not just rhetoric or he said she said. The guy doesn’t have one good idea in his head.


A person's character determines how they handle policy. The two can't be separated when one causes the other.


"A budget is a moral document."


I can understand like 15% or whatever of Republicans being enamored with Trump and following on his every word… but can’t process how he’s taken over the entire party. We need to motivate Dems that THIS is actually the chance to finally make him pay. If he loses in November, he’s FUCKED with all the trials/felonies.


Republicans are a minority party, and their most reliable demographic is dying in record numbers. Anyone who can motivate a fanatic fanbase of even 30% of the party has them by the short and curlies because they absolutely cannot win anymore if that 30% just fucks off and abandons them.


I would be pissed if I did all the work to become an eagle scout and got a letter from Trump about hard work. I thought the one my friends got from Bush was bad.


On top of that he's an actual dumbass who isn't inquisitive at all if it doesn't pertain to him. The guy would rather learn how a reboot of the Apprentice is doing than any actual policy pertaining to Americans.


“I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things.”


Exactly That is a real fucking quote pertaining that Trump said out loud on foreign policy because he believes the he knows more than generals. I wouldn't hire someone for a job anywhere if that's how they answered a question let alone vote for them to be president. Yet the media has gone almost a decade not flat out saying he's a dumbass.


Go watch any video by The Good Liars or Jordan Kleper on youtube. The people attending Trump rallies bring their kids draped in Trump merch head to toe like he wasn’t just convicted of rape. These are not decent human beings or good parents for that matter.


She practically teed this up for President Biden, so I am glad he swung at it immediately. Good job Joe.


She left some bread crumbs for him for sure. A lot of the votes for her were protest votes against Trump. Biden knows where to send this message because of primary data Nikki Haley left for him. It should help him efficiently use his money to grab a few of those voters. Just a few percentage points could make the difference. Because she stuck it out it makes Biden's job a little easier. Defeat Trump with a support of those voters.


Thats an interesting perspective on how we should be viewing the Super Tuesday numbers. I hope this leads to an effective campaigning strategy from the Biden Camp, and Biden's message today is a good step in right direction


For Biden most of his wins were 70% plus with a few reaching 90% of the vote. Trump's percentages were spread out a little more some as low as 40% but none is high as 90%. I think people are more enthusiastic about voting for Biden than Trump. People forget that there were folks running against Biden. One of the 70% was due to a protest vote but the other 70% was due to the other candidates. I think the fact that Trump can't pull a 90% anywhere is very telling. I think Biden' going to have an easier time making his case. I think the rhetoric Trump used to win the primaries is going to come back and haunt him with independent voters. The state of the Union address tomorrow is what I'm going to be looking at. Biden needs to use that to connect to the American people. He needs to signal to his base and to those voters. If he can do that that's probably the biggest audience he'll have between now and November.




What's the alternative? Oh yea... > "Anyone supporting Tricky Nikki - Birdbrain - **is permanently barred from my MAGA camp**" -Trump, 1/24/2024


Thing is, he knows most of them will still vote for him anyway. I hope enough don't, but most will.


Yep. Jordan Klepper on the Daily Show just did interviews with her supporters asking if they’d vote Biden or Trump if Nikki dropped out and almost all of them said Trump or they just would not vote. This was after agreeing he’s a threat to democracy seconds before.


It sucks, but let's hope a lot of them don't vote.


Her chances in 2028 hinge on Trump losing this year.


I can see a percentage of Nikki Haley supporters voting for Biden. While the rest either no vote or switch to Trump. It depends on if Nikki bends the knee to endorse Trump.


From the polls I saw a majority of Haley supporters were actually 2020 Biden voters, so it's not surprising they'd return to him.


They folks I know who supported Haley did vote for Biden, because he wasn't Trump. They're classical Republicans who have had enough of the gop shit show.   Which is fine. They wanted some decency and rationality back, in what was formerly their party. I can understand that.


So they toss it and leave it And I pull up quick to retrieve it


Lmao not saying this line ain’t perfect but why would it be the one that comes to mind for you


The sentiment fits, and the source adds a laugh. In my book, that's a win-win.


Your book is absolutely correct.


This is a good, proactive move on Biden's part. One hopes it bears fruit months down the line.


"You have a place here in my campaign if for no other reason than I will protect free speech and political debate so that we can continue our discussion on how best to serve the American People."


I’m a Republican and will absolutely be voting for Joe Biden. Not because I like him but because I truly loath Donald Trump. This is way bigger than party politics.


Thank you for putting democracy over partisanship


Big picture, rejecting Trump once and for all will send a clear message and help start reform for the republican party. While the party has been veering further right in the primaries it hasnt done as well and I expect the pendelum to swing back. I believe that voting Biden will be better for conservatives that want more fiscal policy as he is more welcoming to the wider spectrum; voting for Trump is dangerous to our democracy based off not only what Trump himself has said but also the actions he already has taken (Jan 6th).


As a leftist who knows we need to have a foil to a lot of our policies, thank you for not stepping with the party.


This goes so beyond party I can’t believe the entire right has folded so easily to Trump. Country should always come first.


As a leftist who hates Biden and understands where moderate Republicans are coming from, thank you.


As a Haley supporter, I approve this message. No chance in hell I vote Trump


Please, I hope you’re for real and that there are others like you 😭


“There are dozens of us!”


We'll take em :)


One raindrop raises the sea


Hi!!! I’m one! Voted Haley yesterday, and I will vote blue in November. I will never ever vote for Trump..AND on top of that I will never ever vote for ANYONE who endorsed him as long as I live. If people can be single issue voters for immigration,abortion,etc—- my single issue is MAGA. I don’t belong to a party; I am American. MAGA is anti-American. I am about to move to a bleeding red state and I cannot WAIT to start voting there against any and all Republican incumbents who have ever run on a “Pro-Trump” platform and have not done SHIT for their constituents. I am so sick and tired of the absolute garbage coming from the Right. I am sick and tired of people who failed civics in high school telling me how government should work. I am ready to play dirty.


I'm an independent who has voted Republican about 60% of the time in my life. I didn't vote for president in the 2016 election and I vote for Biden in 2020 (which was an uncomfortable experience for me). Now - yes, I'm voting for Biden in 2024. And I won't feel bad about. Not necessarily happy - but without existential dread. And, this is an example of why. He's not a demagogue. That's literally the only thing I ask for in a president. Be a fucking president. Don't make everything partisan. The president also represents the people who voted against him too. Biden has done fine, imo. He's not perfect, but he's not constantly shitting on half the country. I'll take it. Plus - you know - we have TWO FUCKING WARS going on right now in the world, both of which have veered damn close to becoming regional conflicts. We don't need someone who values social media over national security.


Thank you! This is exactly the message we need to tell everyone. Biden has 50+ years of diplomatic experience. He is the best person for the job!


I was going to vote for Haley in my primary were she to get here and will vote for Biden come next fall now that she’s not an option. I’m certainly not jumping for joy at the choices this election but there can be no worse option than Trump


Same. I voted for trump back in 2016 and I 100% regret that decision. He’s an embarrassment to this nation IMO


Same. I still considered myself a Republican in 2020 but switched my vote to Biden. I'm more of an independent now but voted for Haley in the primary yesterday; I'll vote Biden in the general.


Same here, I supported her and absolutely no way I’m joining the cult


Good on you! Thank you. As someone who is in the same boat--it's been quite a journey, lol--I appreciate your courage. I'm the same, and the heat I get from my family is... let's say, "intense."


It is literally insane, I honestly can’t see myself voting for trump, even if he’s labeled as republican/conservative/pro life, doesn’t matter. The truth is he is not any of that, he is and always will be just trump


Will you vote against Trump/for Biden?


Most likely. A vote for Trump is a vote against democracy


Thank you for wanting to protect democracy!




Make America THIS ☝️ And you know how Trump supporters like him, because they feel like he listens to them? Now if that's all it takes.. I would start listening to them.. Imagine how many people could be led away from him, if we stopped demonising and alienating them, simply for being worried about the scary shit Fox tells them to worry about 24/7? Someone has to make the first move. I say that as a gay man with a (so far!) 100% success rate at converting homophobes I meet. I can walk away or embrace them. I've still not met a single homophobe, where actual hate was at the core. Most "toxic guys" are just scared shitless, because they were not only never taught how to handle emotions, they were actually told to HIDE them, and to BE A MAN.. And now they feel like Being A Man - the only thing they were taught and KNEW they were good at - is under attack and scrutiny? I have nothing but empathy and long-fucking-overdue hugs for them.




Thank you! I'm with you


You're doing the right thing and it's NOT easy (and as someone who used to be conservative, you don't always get credit for it, lol). Thank you. We're in such a weird place in our history, I don't think "Republican vs Democrat" is really what this election is about (at least if Trump is on the ticket--if it were Halley vs. Biden, I think it would be Republican vs. Democrat). Thank you again.


high five


I was glad to get to vote for Haley before she suspended her campaign. I will not be voting for a felon for President in November.


I wanted to vote for Haley and will be voting for Biden


Thank you for putting democracy above partisanship!


I voted for Biden in 2020 but was seriously considering Haley. I guess I’ll be voting for Byron again in 2024. I’m a conservative on many issues nowadays, but democratic principles and NATO are way too important for me.


If you're a Republican that (rightfully) hates Trump, boy have we got a place for you over here.


We’ve got bloody stickers too!


And Ice Cream!! 🍨


Very good move by Biden. It’s almost like the guy who’s been forming political relationships for 50 years is good at this stuff.


Good that he’s on top of it. Haley should be. She’ll bow low before Trump though, because republicans do love some authority worship.


that's fine, I'm more concerned with her voters than with Haley herself


I wonder if she might ever make a play towards the middle? I could see a logical path for her... maybe not support Biden, but not supporting Trump, and hoping to turn that into some kind of appointment in the Biden admin. Then in 4 years she runs again as a unifying candidate, able to "reach across the aisles" or whatever. I'm guessing she's going to wait for polling now that she's out of the race before any decision though. See where her voters go, and where she can still have a niche to live in.


Aka the smart thing to do. Biden wants to be POTUS to all and Trump just wants those who are willing to die and/or go broke for him.


We're all Americans and it's time we act like it. Let's keep this orange shit-stain from destroying our democracy.


Save. The. Republic.


Jordan Klepper’s latest chat with “Never Trumpers” was really sad. When framed against Haley, they saw Trump for who he is, and were scathing; however, when it came to voting for Biden, they couldn’t go that far. This truly is a sickness.


If she actually cares about the future of self-government in the US, she'll endorse Biden and campaign for him.


She won't. She is already on record saying that she has more concerns about Biden than Trump.


The optimist in me hopes that she only said that because you don't win a Republican primary by saying that Biden is better than Trump. The realist in me agrees that she won't.


Endorsing Biden basically ensures she can't run again in 2028. I mean, there's a real chance that Trump winning means there won't be an election in 2028... but that's the horrible logic.


She's already got someone writing her Trump speech. She'll endorse him by Friday. She'll be on stage campaigning for him before April.


Hehe, I guess I'm kind of one of them. I mean, not really, I don't like Haley and I haven't voted republican in a long time. And I'd never registered as a republican...until yesterday. Just to cast my vote for Haley feebly hoping to keep her in the race draining away Trump's money and attention. So, here is one "Haley voter" who is voting Biden in November.


I mean, I technically voted for Haley yesterday, but only because none of the local Democratic primary races were contested. (I don't know what a "county constable" is, but I know I don't want one of the Duggars doing it.). But I'm literally a member of the local Democratic party, so I don't think I'm one of the Haley voters Biden is talking to, haha.


Biden rushing in to scoop up that anti-Trump vote with a unifying statement.


Haley Voters should game it out. Trump has stated that he wants to get rid of term limits, and would be a dictator. Biden has shown he will respect the transfer of power. So if Trump wins, Haley will be cut out from power indefinitely. If Biden wins, Haley still has a chance.


Now this is how it's supposed to work. Yes, she's still got some crazy positions, but Biden extending an olive branch to ameliorate the risk of America's democracy dying in a rat-poof dumpster fired fueled by Putin and America-hating GOP.... Well... He's a better man by far that the traitor he's running against


Another Haley supporter here that will likely be voting for Biden in the general election.


Fuck trump


Well crafted message. Too bad Haley is about to fall to her knees like any other spineless Republican coward and beg to kiss Trump’s butt on national television. Her supporters will quickly find reasons to do the same.


Like Haley, in a few days her supporters will be kissing Trump's ass.

