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Way to go in making your first impression!


If she's willing to lie about a victim of sex trafficking for political gain, while giving the biggest speech of her life, imagine what she does in her everyday life. A stone cold psychopath.


We get it. Republicans lie. What else is new. The people that believe their bullshit don’t get their news from sources that call out the lies but , rather, amplify them. These stories will never reach the people that actually need to hear them.


It’s not a lie if you believe it! Oh wait my bad, the republicans don’t believe in anything.


They believe in their feelings like they've been peer-reviewed and published.


What’s different is that the media is finally starting to use the word “lie.”


It’s a start but prob too late at this point.


True but there are still a bunch of brain dead, “undecided” morons in this country that still can’t see the differences between the two parties. The hope if that they’ll see Republicans being called on their bullshit and make the right choice in November.


Those undecided morons, as you call them, firmly believe that both parties are the same. Never mind the historical evidence that they are not. They have the attitude that all politicians are on the take and that they all bow down to their corporate masters. Again, history doesn’t support that.


This comment is so accurate and so sad😞


Just can't get over that someone elected or wanting to get elected going before nation wide national TV and lying. How stupid is that? Should they not be banned from politics, you sure would be fired if you did that on a job application.


> How stupid is that? It's only stupid if it doesn't benefit them. There's essentially no mechanism within the Republican party or its supporters to punish people for barefaced lying like this, so unless the media and non-Republicans somehow managed to apply enough pressure to get her ostracised for it, there *won't* be any consequences for her and ipso facto it's not stupid for her to do it.


People lie on job application’s all the time and never get fired. It’s a lot easier then some people may think.


They do it because they don’t care about being fact checked. The people they’re trying to rile up don’t believe in facts anyway.


The border crisis and violence must not be so bad if they have to tell lies to make their point.


I made a similar comment in a related thread. If there’s a crisis of immigrants raping kids near the border under Biden’s presidency, shouldn’t it be easy to find evidence of this happening? Why would she need to lie by twisting the facts in a 20 year old case that happened in Mexico?


Republicans lie? Who’d a thunk? I’m sure top Republican strategists wrote her speech seeing her as a useful idiot.


Britt stated this story was told to her directly. She out and out lied about another woman’s absolutely horrifying experience, to a large national audience, for political purposes. How do these people live with themselves?


The story WAS told to her directly. What she lied about was where and when it took place.


Scumbags lie because the clip farms will generate enough buzz and the bad press will generate enough buzz. I'd assume they found it an acceptable risk to lie about the story and exaggerate things etc. The amount of discussions that at least involve this nobody, that I hadn't heard of before now, has gone up at least and so they'd likely view that as a win.


We understand this now, right? “Republican” and “Liar” and synonyms.


You can't spell "republican" without "liar"


That’s even better! Literally can’t spell it…


These journalists should look into the Republican nominee. Half of what he says at his rallies are out and out lies


Half? I think that’s a conservative estimate.


And by conservative estimate you mean lie, right? 😂


Katie Britt lied about something really horrific and important – and for her own personal gain and her party’s political gain… the story about the child sex abuse is an ‘out and out lie’. Yet, it’s all understandable coming from the MAGA GOP caucus… when he/she who lies the best is bestowed upon as one of the most important people in their party. Bravo to Katie Britt! Folks like Katie Britt makes DJT prouder than speckled pig… which DJT’s also known as (without the speckles). Just a Pig.


Since when did the GOP ever care about lying to the “American People”.


He careers been flushed down the toilet by now right?


She's a republican, this probably just gave her the choice of going into national politics or making a shitload of money as a pundit on one of their billionaire-funded right-wing networks


She is a US senator... she is in national politics. I think that career is pretty much cooked.


Trump liked it.  So Republicans will swallow any dissenting opinions they may have had and tell her 'great job.'


Since she’s a senator she’s not up for re-election until 2028. People will eventually forget and Alabama loves stupid politicians, so my guess is maybe she’s done for in terms of ever getting into leadership of the GOP, but she could easily still be a US Senator for a while.


The smartest, best person Alabama ever produced is Forrest Gump.


She could be up this November and she’d still win.


Not in Alabama.




Gee. A Republican lying. Otherwise known as the sky is blue.


Inhale. Exhale lies. Inhale. Exhale lies. It's like breathing to them.


Rape = Bad Trump = Good? That’s a circle even Stephen Hawking would have trouble squaring. Trump *IS* a proven rapist.


Britt is a maga moron


When the truth hurts or doesn’t promote the Republican agenda, the “Republican Lie Train” is set to travel. Here we go again. All aboard.


Doesn’t matter. It’s now out in the dimwit cult echo chamber. No retraction from the GOP or Fox will be forthcoming.


This woman is as despicable as the abusers in her story. Using this poor woman’s story that happened in Mexico to try to push her agenda, an agenda that wouldn’t have saved that poor girl anyway. This is just pure horrible.


Not just “misleading”?


But you’re talking about this instead of Biden’s speech, which was the point.


I respectfully disagree. My reasoning is that if it was at the very least a subpar rebuttal from Katie Britt I would’ve agreed with you, but her response was such a shitshow from start to finish. I can’t believe Republicans would be happy with the stark differences between Biden and Britt’s speeches, considering Britt’s felt more like an audition for some creepy David Lynch film and Biden was surprisingly on point for an old man with a lifelong stutter. He did a great job, for me that was unexpected.


I see what you’re saying, but it’s only a contrast if people see both. If it were just a bland lame rebuttal, no one would know about it and reporting would be all about the SOTU. She’s a nobody, so burning her “reputation” with a trainwreck keeps eyeballs away from Biden’s very successful performance at minimal cost.


I get your point. And sadly for a minority of voters in this country you’re spot on. Have an upvote.


The best review that speech could get is to just point out that she lied. Makes it seem more like any common modern day political speech. It really papers over the fact that it creeped everyone out. It was the creepiest political speech, possibly ever. Amazingly bipartisan in that way...


Oh, I don't know "She lied about a gang rape for political advantage" isnt a glowing review.