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"Republicans slammed the plan, saying the mandate would destroy small businesses and would hurt industries such as retail stores, which need to be open six or more days per week." ​ This can be solved by hiring more people for shift work if they don't want to pay overtime.


The bill has no shot in its current form but it'd be nice if it got some sort of vote to gauge how much support the idea has in general amongst the senate.


Because government doesn't represent humans, it represents giant piles of money that have more rights than the voting population.


BuT cOrPoRaTiOsS aRe CiTiZeNs ToO


Damn... This hurts because it's true. Humans are so fucked in so many ways


It's about time congress recognizes how technology has caused American workers to work much harder and be much more efficient & productive than their predecessors. This provides businesses with higher efficiency and lower labor costs (higher profits). Automation technology has caused employees to keep the same pace as programed robots. Robots never get tired, but humans do, especially older workers. Speeds are set, but then they're often adjusted (increased) once a worker adapts. The speed continues to increase until maximum speed is achieved.


I'd love this but I don't see meaningful labor reform coming unless we get organized enmasse. People died to get the weekend and it's not like capitalists have gotten any less greedy


I'd say more free time will directly lead to people organizing more.


My body with all it aches and pains would love this.


I still don't understand how he expects wages to remain the same after the switch. More workers might be hired to fill in the needed hours, but corpos will avoid overtime costs as much as possible.


I’d be happy if we could just do four 10s with three consecutive days off.


Can we actually have AI take something over yet


As a worker, I'm intrigued.


Every other article with "Democrats" in the title insists on putting Bernie Sanders in center frame... y'know, the Independent.


I always said I’d vote for the guy who offered us the 3 day weekend rule! Too bad this guy isn’t running for president…


Y the same logic we should downsize the government


AI should definitely be handling bureaucratic bullshit.


I'm all for a 32-hour work week, but how would that ever be enforced? Sure, with in office or work from home jobs, we waste more than 8 hours a week anyway. But how would like a plumber cut his hours without raising prices?


It’s not for independent contractors, it’s for people who work 40 hour work weeks with overtime for anything extra already. It would be enforced the same way current OT rules are.


That makes more sense, I just feel like there will be a lot of unintended consequences. Like lower wages. I believe the 32-hour work week is still quite aways off.


> I just feel like there will be a lot of unintended consequences. Like lower wages. There certainly would be downward pressure on wages in order for employers to get the same amount of hours of labor at the same price they used to pay. That would be a lot more problematic if unemployment wasn't so low right now. Workers are in a good bargaining position not to accept wage cuts. If there's a time to do this, it's probably now.


The bill states it would be forbidden to lower wages.


>I believe the 32-hour work week is still quite aways off. Another way of looking at it is that it's already long overdue.


> I just feel like there will be a lot of unintended consequences The goal of the project is to reduce the amount of hours we're working to earn a living. It will have the same "unintended" consequences when we shifted from slave labor or from the 7 day work week to the 5 day work week or the 16 hour day in the factory to the 8 hour day in the factory. Or from the company town to ... a town. Specific in the legislation is that there won't be a pay cut. Obviously congress can't promise every single worker in the entire country will keep the same paycheck, but if they write legislation and a way to enforce it, that's one more way for workers to escape terrible working conditions. 32 hour work weeks are only as far off as we want it to be. We're in charge. If we want a 2 day work week 4 hours each day, nothing is impossible, maybe the compromise isn't worth that, but almost any worker out there, from construction to office work to anything in-between most people have days where very little gets done compared to other days. I saw in a thread where a government worker talked about how Monday and Friday are basically who gives a hoot days. I've even seen tech workers "complain" that they work maybe 1 hour a day and are 'on call' the rest of the day in case something catches fire. We can do better than 8 hours a day 5 days a week. That model was crafted with the idea that we can support 1 spouse 2.5 kids and a home with the income from that and that's just impossible for most people these days. We need more days to get things done for ourselves. We are not robots. We do not have robots doing our housework yet, and most companies will charge so much for that kind of service you'll need a second income in the home just to make it.


This obviously wouldn't apply to self-employed people.


Old guys that never worked a day much less owned a business that have proven they waist more and give away more money faster than we can print it deciding how to run everyone else's business. Perfect.


How dare they not be born into the business class where they can fail 100 businesses and have 1 successful business and consider themselves perfect.


Minimum wage laws and other worker protections are already telling people how to run their businesses.