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Their spin clearly wasn’t prepared yet. They’ll have some dumbness slapped together by the end of the day.


It’ll be some mix of: - illegals - not the good jobs - you’re not a billionaire yet are you? So how some more tax cuts for them. - healthcare is bad - Ukraine laptops gave Hunter a handy so Biden is the devil - do women need rights?


"Today on the fox and friends, do women actually need rights? We'll ask 'random' people we found at a trump rally."


(Ask all men)


you misspelled Klan Rally... same people... hell... same event.




‘Women already have one right hand for washing dishes, cooking dinner and changing diapers, how many more rights do they *really* need?’ /s


It's the first one. They are saying illegals are taking all the new jobs, and the diaper dude has been sharing stuff on truth social calling Biden's economy a "migrant job fair."


That's funny. Conservative farmers are their biggest employers.


All while those conservative farmers receive more government money than almost any other industry in the country but complain about anyone else getting a handout.


Welfarm queens


exactly. and something the so-called liberal media *never* mentions when it comes to the gop-manufactured "crisis" surrounding immigration


“Tonight at 9 we will uncover the disturbing truth of how a million babies are murdered each day and that’s why jobs go unfilled. Biden should be deeply ashamed of all these poor employers who cannot make ends meet because there aren’t enough American workers anymore.”


"...and is why more children are needed in jobs they've previously not been allowed to work in..."


It funny how they always blame immigrants, but never the companies for offering jobs with wages so shitty that no-one else would take them…


Meat packing plants come to mind, worse wages and benefits than im the 1980s. Not worth losing fingers and body parts to.


Don't forget, are you really better off now than 4yrs ago?


I love hearing those. “But everything was so great. You had a flashlight up your butt and we’re on horse de-wormer! Also I know who was a trillion richer and it sure wasn’t you.”


And our supermarket shelves looked like they were from Soviet era Russia.


I actually kinda liked shopping during the pandemic. Felt like a game mission. Get in, dodge other players and race for the last box of penne, all while wearing cool protective gear. Made it interesting.


Flashback to the Klepper interview where he's doing a pretty long interview at a really with this one supporter and asks the dude if he's doing better now than 4 years ago and the guy is like "Yeah, I just bought my second brand new truck!" (or whatever) and Klepper is visibly surprised and asks what industry he's in: debt collection. Can't make that shit up.


That was golden


2020 was literally the worst year of my life, and nothing particularly bad happened to me except I had to stay home the entire year


To which I always respond - yes! Absolutely yes! I finally have enough job security to buy a house. That's a big deal. From 2016-2020 I went into work wondering what collapsed today and will it be my job. Well eventually it was, and I was unemployed for a time. Now I'm in a better job than the one that ended, and it's quite stable unless whole divisions of the government go under, which is on the table if anus mouth is reelected.


The funniest part is, I absolutely am lol


So wait, Joe Biden made me an alcoholic too?


I keep hoping someone will ask me this. I bought my first house last August. I make ~35% more, and my employer pays for health insurance now. I’m sure there are other metrics we can compare and contrast as well. Infinitely better.


I sure am. Especially the bit where my landlord kicked me out in the middle of the pandemic because my other roommate moved out and the owner decided now was the time he absolutely had to do his long delayed renovations. Good times.


Where do I get a handy providing Ukraine laptop...asking for a friend.


Just use my parents' old reliable. "They aren't real, good, quality jobs that will last. They'll be unemployed again soon." 


Indiana here…can’t believe a Texan would forget the border crisis. /s Sadly, it’s included in every Republican ad and I just yard signs mentioning the border for the first time today. In Indiana…


They just noticed they share a border with Kentucky?


As a Kentuckian....bet.


Every time I talk to my father (doesn’t live here) he asks me about “the border situation” and “immigrants.” And every time I have to remind him I live hundred of miles from the border and he’s an immigrant.


The reason I'm not a billionaire is because the tax rate for billionaires is too high. It's lower than what I pay now, but that's not important /s


You forgot the one Abbott already used, "The US economy is doing well because of Texas"


ron desantis enters the conversation...


i mean, its easy to believe the GOP crap machine, especially for me. I am job searching, and even though I have applied to around 100 jobs, only 2 have even contacted me back. its frustrating to hear about all these "jobs" but not be able to find one. even in the field that I spent the last 7 years of my life in, delivery, UPS and fedex don't want me for some reason, even though I have 700k miles and 7 years accident and ticket free.


it's how companies punish workers whenever unions are successful in getting better pay for employees. knee-jerk us corporate philosophy dictates management and labor must always be at war with one another instead of collaborating for the best mutual outcome.


You forgot someone that how queers are bad.


Yep, already heard that this morning. The government apparently hired 400,000 illegal aliens.


Well, the \*rational\* counter spin would be that this reduces the possibility of interest rate cuts later in the year.


One talking point I keep seeing us it's all part time jobs and it'll be revised down to 0 in a couple of months


The America Treason Party always has the same excuse; I suppose this one will be "Only illegal im'grunts were hired!"


Honestly, if you lost your job to someone who swam across a river with nothing but a backpack of food and water and can barely speak English, your CV may need some work.


They pay sales taxes, gotta pay rent, buy food, ect. It isn't free to live in America regardless of legal status unless your rich.


Maybe they're just hoping the batshit crazies raving about the solar eclipse about to end the world is enough to distract their voters so they don't even have to try


They could have just watched CNN. They already had a segment on "how this is bad" because it may require the Fed to continue raising interest rates, as if that was a bad thing. I love getting a high interest rate on my bank account. I'm not planning on getting a mortgage anytime soon because housing prices are so high, it's not worth it at any interest rate.


But but but Venture Capital will stop throwing free money at non economic """"tech"""" businesses pursuing growth at all costs (including by bribing your local government and breaking laws, and causing harm to the environment and distorting various markets) and this will be bad, somehow, because reasons.


It was nighttime in Moscow.


Best part is their base is so dumb they also have to wait for the talking points given to them


They figured out the spin. A lot of the jobs went to migrants (not illegal migrants either). That's bad. For reasons.


“ because of the solar eclipse, the Democrat……….”


Likely the response will be "actually these aren't new jobs, just jobs that recovered from being shut down from covid!" followed with "the influx of illegals coming through the border are taking away our jobs so it's not really americans who have all these jobs!"


They’ll use Hannity’s favorite line, “Shadow unemployment”. The things no one is measuring or talking about or experiencing are actually the true metrics because republicans are fucking idiots.


I've seen one say "The numbers are too good, and that could be a problem." They'll start going "they're good because people know Trump will be president soon."


Thanks Obama!!


Shouldn’t they be happy? If they’re the patriots they claim to be, this is good news for the country…


GOP: I object! America: on what grounds? GOP: because it is devastating to our case [for reelection]!!




Good call!


Of course not, same reason they didn't want a border deal under Biden's watch. If they can do something to benefit Americans, but a Democrat will get the credit for it, then they'd rather just not do it.


And if they can do something to benefit Americans but can kill it and blame Democrats, they'd *also* rather not do it.


They can always claim credit and say, “I did that!” Like so many of the bills they voted against but claimed credit for.


They aren’t happy because they’re not patriots!


„Tonight - tonight, more than any night, I hold in my heart nothing but love for this country and for all its citizens, whether they supported me or Senator Obama, I wish Godspeed to the man who was my former opponent and will be my president.“ From Senator McCains concession speech I do miss conservatives who I can disagree with but who have the best of the people at heart (in my opinion.)


Gingrich complained that the McDonald's fish fillet is half the size now.


Gingrich is probably just twice the size now and never noticed.


I doubt he's ever touched McDonald's food. 


Did he ever visit the white house from 2016-2020? Cus if so, I guarantee you he has, if at least to push it away as they offered it.


From what I heard about the way he eats, he'd probably get kicked out of the McDonalds for grossing out the other patrons.


Twice the size and it is half it's size and he is bad at math.


I think McDonald’s actually responded saying that it wasn’t true


Because it’s not. I have eaten them for 30 years during lent. Still the exact same.


Don't let facts get in the way of your argument. -- GOP


r/Shrinkflation is real but I don't know why in tf ANYONE thinks the president controls it somehow.


Okay, but their prices have basically doubled, so it's kind of true.


First they came for the dollar menu and I did not speak up


Newt Fuckin' Gingrich


To be fair, Mitch's default setting IS speechless now.


Hey now, that’s not… … … … …


"I am error" - Glitch McConnell


Glich McConnell: 😶


I don’t know what’s better. Glitch or gLich


Think they said - it's TOO hot - and that will screw up any rate lowering adjustments... And Bidens excellent performance at the SOTU was because he snorted Adderal and cocaine and he was "Jacked up".. Lying liars have to lie.


I wish that they would be speechless. They are not speechless. Their ability to generate bullshit speech exceeds the ability of all bulls to generate shit.


Republicans: All these Biden jobs are “woke” jobs. They require you to be awake to do them. Vote for us and you’ll be back to an era where you can sleep on the job. /s


>If recent history is any guide, Republicans will simply pretend things aren’t going right, ask voters to believe their version of reality, and hope for the best, all while turning the other way as good news rolls in. >So far, *that’s working*: Despite the fact that Biden’s economic record far exceeds his predecessor’s, the latest NBC News poll found Trump with a *20-point advantage over the Democratic incumbent on handling the economy*. Because Americans are fucking dumb.


They're seething. It's simply wonderful. In other Good news, DJT Media is crashing and so is the RNC.


DJT Media was my wholesome click of the day. That crash at the opening bell was delightful.


Democrats manage the economy far better than the GOP does. GDP favors democrats. Unemployment favors democrats. Stock market favors democrats. Occurrences of recessions favors democrats. This isn’t a shock.


Surprised that when you give huge tax breaks to the rich it has negatives affects on the economy as a whole?


Give it a day; a brown person will jaywalk and then conservatives will lose their minds over said jaywalking, citing Biden and/or hunters cock.


>The jobless rate has now been below 4% for 26 consecutive months — a streak unseen in the United States since the 1960s. What’s more, wage growth continued to outpace inflation, and all of this comes on the heels of 2023, which was arguably the best year for job creation in the United States since 1999. Republicans... but... we're focusing on the really important things. There are trans people!


Here’s a funnier one they are saying the jobs are only part time jobs WOW!


>all of this comes on the heels of 2023, which was arguably the best year for job creation in the United States since 1999. I'm curious because I don't know the numbers here but isn't this something objective that you can state as fact? Or what makes it "arguably" the best year? Is it accounting for population growth that makes it hard to compare? Or is there a subjective measure I'm missing?


"For its part, the Republican National Committee issued a statement that claimed Americans are “worse off” under President Joe Biden." This is the only message they'll ever have when a Democrat is in office. It's easily disproven, but they don't care, they're talking to their true believers who are openly hostile to facts.


They already have their talking points. My father told me that 100% of the new jobs were part time, and that good full time jobs actually declined. (This is patently false but when has that stopped them)


> For those rooting for the American economy, Friday morning offered another round of great news: The economy added 303,000 jobs in March, extending an incredible hot streak, as the unemployment rate inched lower to 3.8. The jobless rate has now been below 4% for 26 consecutive months — a streak unseen in the United States since the 1960s. >What’s more, wage growth continued to outpace inflation, and all of this comes on the heels of 2023, which was arguably the best year for job creation in the United States since 1999. Trump needs to get elected and fix this mess now!!


100% They'll give all the credit to Trump and none to Biden.


I saw talking heads on Fox News criticizing the people who make the projections implying they intentionally under projected to make Biden look good.


GOP response: "Actually, this is all artificial because these are all non-new jobs coming back from covid shutting them down and illegals are coming into this country at a record rate taking away our jobs so it's not even americans who have these jobs!" The classic response


I think we passed the "COVID job loss" around October or November of last year.


You'd be surprised. I live in a very conservative state that will almost guarantee go to Trump. It's still a common argument I run into more often then you think; although I agree it's less prevalent was it was last year


Well you see lots of Trumpers are retired already or don't work (or participate in the, er, shall we say black market economy) so they don't realize they're spewing obvious bullshit. I've gotten hours of amusement noting how people over 65 say "People don't want to work anymore." People? I think you mean YOU. Mad about the wait at WaWa? Well, there was a We're Hiring sign on the way in. Well? We're all waiting for you!


don’t forget that Biden is old and sleepy.


Another classic, how could I forget. "Sleepy Joe takes nap while illegals pour into America taking away our jobs to boost his job report score" - I can see the next Fox News headline already


Does it matter? Their voters don’t believe in any of this.


Amazing we have to pretend they’re legitimate stewards of our country.


Well Mitch gets this way lately. As to the House Speaker, I assume he was having a moment of prayer? (ie keep women in their place or something equally Old Testament?)


Standard reaction from the Republican playbook, if you can’t say anything bad/negative, don’t say anything at all.


They'll talk about the border. That's the only thing they'll run on.


After refusing to sign the border bill


They'll tell their voters it was an open borders bill even though it was their own party that negotiated it.


It kind of doesn’t matter, I feel. Whether they’re caught speechless or they have a spin prepared, there’s not much difference. It’s not like Republicans (or any politician, really) self reflect and feel shame if a press conference goes poorly for them. And their voters aren’t going to punish them for anything. I guess these articles can be helpful to show people in the middle how shameless Republicans are. Or people who don’t often follow the news. I don’t get much out of articles like this tho. /shrug


The party that is rooting for the failure of the US and has openly said so multiple times


When can elected politicians say “good for America, let’s keep this going”. It is supposed to be country before party (or personal advantage).


Just give it a minute. There's a lot that they can, in theory, still push on.


I'm so sick of "jobs" being the metric for economic health. There were plenty of "jobs" in, say, the Late Middle Ages. Want to move back there? Similarly, we could generate any number of jobs by banning technologies that increase worker productivity. Or draft people into labor brigades to dig holes and then fill them up. The way Americans speak today, you'd think the whole *point* of an automobile factory is to manufacture *manufacturing jobs.* We've been led into this ridiculous conceit by some of the more toxic and anachronistic elements of our national character. It's impossible to get people out of this way of thinking. Having said that, it's interesting that the Republicans are incapable of facing any good news when the Democrats are in power, or of any bad news when they themselves are. They're not interested in learning about the world. They're interested in propagandizing themselves.


Regardless of how you crazies think Covid happened can’t deny Biden did the job. I thought I recession was certain but here we are again the world shut down for a year and all that happens to us was high inflation which was caused by trump and the Covid checks (he started them) find a way to forgive debt grandpa Joe and I’m bending over for your re election


Couldn’t come up with a lie fast enough.




After all the work, they did the fuck it up And then this….


This happens every month. Have they still not figured out how to spin it?


They will say during the run up to the election, job numbers are up because of the upcoming election of Trump.


It’s so crazy how easily they could share in these wins if they’d just allow themselves to work. with. others.


They’re desperate. They have to find a way to screw us so they can get reelected. And so their king trump can get elected. They’ve got to screw America bigley. They blocked what THEY wanted for the border because trump told them to and they’ve got to make everything look as bad, and even fail, so can and we pay the price and they win!


Man, it's kind of depressing reading these headlines when I and most of my friends have been struggling to find work. I've only been looking for a second job for a couple months, but I have about half a dozen friends who have been looking for 6+ months. We're all college grads. 


There are probably more or less jobs depending on your location and skills. Best of luck to you and your friends. 


And field - if the job field they're looking in is pretty specialized (or currently experiencing downsizing) then they'd have a harder time than if they were looking for, say, nursing jobs.


I've got opposite situation. My regular job is stable and busy and my side hustle of bookkeeping assistance and 3rd party audits for small businesses has booked out my weekends for the next 4 to 6 months. Tons of problems/opportunities within the bookkeeping field on the west coast right now.


I joined the military out of college. I have healthcare, retirement plan, and subsidized housing while living in California. There are always options. I chose this option, and it’s working out pretty good so far. Don’t regret it. Not for everyone but never close a door. 🚪




Great news?


It’s be Trump is coming back to power. That must be it. Sarcasm


Confusion over the desire to own money or libs


So they are going to just lie…


Speechless or a stroke?


time to bury these obstructionists


Huh. And here I thought they were for a strong economy and good employment numbers. It’s a farce? Color me shocked.


Me: Tell my coworkers. Them: Easy to lower that unemployment number by giving handouts to the bums. Nobody wants to work!


They're Republicans. I fully expect them to take credit for successful policies that they angrily voted against.


**From Steve Benen, producer for “The Rachel Maddow Show” and an MSNBC political contributor:**  For those rooting for the American economy, Friday morning offered another round of great news: The economy [added 303,000 jobs in March](https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/hot-streak-us-job-growth-continues-early-months-2024-rcna146541), extending an incredible [hot streak](https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/great-job-numbers-leave-republicans-literally-speechless-rcna137292), as the unemployment rate inched lower to 3.8. The jobless rate has now been below 4% for 26 consecutive months — a streak unseen in the United States [since the 1960s](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/UNRATE). What’s more, [wage growth](https://www.nbcnews.com/business/economy/americans-are-finally-getting-raise-thanks-lower-inflation-rcna93844) continued to outpace inflation, and all of this comes on the heels of 2023, which was arguably the best year for job creation in the United States [since 1999](https://data.bls.gov/timeseries/CES0000000001&output_view=net_1mth). And what, pray tell, did Republican leaders have to say about these developments? In keeping with the recent trend, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Mike Johnson responded to the job numbers by saying literally nothing about the good news. No press releases, no tweets, and no public comments. It appears that the American job market is so good, Republicans have literally found themselves speechless — again. **Read more:** [https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/gop-leaders-literally-speechless-great-news-jobs-rcna146816](https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/gop-leaders-literally-speechless-great-news-jobs-rcna146816)


Must be difficult to watch a party throw money aimed at low income and middle class people and see the economy improve. You would think the wealthy would be happy to have more people with increased spending power. Guess not.


What a shock. They certainly can’t run on it. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Who is getting these new high paying (or at least wages being higher than inflation) jobs? It certainly doesn't seem to be the ever shrinking middle class who have been under the pressure of massive inflation for the past few years. Many folks conflate inflation with the health of the economy and it is hard to blame people for being unhappy when they aren't enjoying any tangible economic benefits (also easier for unhappy folks to be led astray with conspiracy).


I'll bite: me and my spouse as examples. We both got new jobs at the start of pandemic shutdowns and since then our incomes have increased 66% (for him) and 1.5x for me. I'm a paralegal and he's a city employee for the municipal court. Both jobs that only require a Bachelor's and it doesn't matter what it's in.


That's really good to hear and kudos for finding better paying work during a tumultuous time. I wish I saw more, or any, instances such as this with the middle class folks I know. Thankfully your husband works for the city rather than the state. In my life experience in NC city positions have more upward mobility and opportunity than a similar state position.


We need to learn the difference between mean and median. Just because billionaires have never been doing better and it raises the overall average doesn’t mean shit for us.


It’s very true that the economy is doing great…… for someone? I haven’t met em. But it’s apparently true.


It’s doing beautifully for me.


Gonna go ahead and guess by the looks of that study you were already doing pretty well for yourself. That’s the thing, people who already have a lot have more. Anyone below that? It’s still nightmare time.


Union construction worker in a state that supports unions....economy is doing what I would say is fine, as in I've noticed no real difference in my day to day life. Yeah prices have gone up but so gas my pay.


Careful now. This is the emperor’s new clothes we’re talking about.


The jobs numbers mean less every year with inequality getting worse 


Jobs are not the only thing that drives this economy. Inflation is still out of this word obnoxious. If the jobs created don’t help the lower or the lower middle class- who really gives a fuck.


The U.S. inflation rate for the 12 months leading up to February 2024 was 3.2%.


What is the nature of these jobs? Generally curious. All I hear of from real people are about more layoffs and the terrible job market out there currently. Are we creating more remedial/unskilled jobs?


>For the record, in March 2024, the economy added 303,000 jobs. In March 2020, the economy lost 1.4 million jobs — a month before the economy lost an additional 20 million jobs.) Isn't this comparison a bit disingenuous by MSNBC? You're comparing job growth last month to March and April 2020? Does nobody remember what was happening in March and April 2020? I'm all for highlighting successes in job creation but come on this comparison is ridiculous


Comparing March performance in the last year of this presidential term to the same period in the last presidential term is valid since it appears that the president in office in 2020 is going to be on the ballot again.


You think losing 20 million jobs in April 2020 was down to the President in office at the time?


Considering the administration was more worried about “looks” (preventing a cruise ship from docking with a case onboard denying Citizens the ability to re-enter their country so number would not go up) to pandering to his political base (We will reopen by Easter, that will be wonderful) tells me that the administration did zero to try and head it off. So the resulting job losses are squarely on the administration in office at that time.


The guy who completely mishandled a public health crisis and essentially walked off the job in the middle of said crisis doesn't get a free pass.


I'm not saying give a free pass. I'm saying that you can't compare job performances from now to 6 weeks into a global pandemic when people were being furloughed and laid off and pretend it's a fair comparison What do you think the pandemic payment relief was for? People didn't lose their jobs because of a poor economy You can absolutely criticise the President of that time for poor economic performance and poor pandemic response and any other policy you want But you can't just say hey look how great March 2024 was for jobs compared to March 2020! It's apples and oranges regardless of President Compare January and February, those are both months within last year of term with no major outside influences.


you do realize the economy and jobs offers are shit for people from the bottom to low middle. Your average lower middle class person got priced out of buying a house in the last two years when they were all magically worth an extra 100k (hint govt printed to much money and quantitative easing)