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Also he's admitting that the Republican playbook from now on will be to indict a Democrat President leaving office. Evidence? No evidence, just indict, threaten, delay, same old.


>Also he's admitting that the Republican playbook from now on will be to indict a Democrat President leaving office. Pretty much. Every accusation is a confession. Republicans said Democrats were committing voters fraud. Then it turned out Republicans were the ones committing the fraud. Republicans accused Democrats of making up a fake impeachment of Trump, so they made up a real fake impeachment of Biden. Whatever they accuse Democrats of doing is an announcement that they will do that very thing, but in the dumbest way possible.


i want to say its not dumb, Its intentional incompetence. make the whole thing look like a sham no weight behind it, easier to ignore and garner less attention.


I am sympathetic to your feeling that it *has* to be intentional, because nobody can *really* be that dumb and incompetent. But I just don't think we should underestimate their dumb incompetence.


Thinking and repeating that they are dumb and incompetent is, in my opinion at least part of why it has got to this stage instead of treating it like the threat it is and has been


Republicans accused Dominion of removing paper ballots in Georgia, even though the machines in question added paper ballots to Georgia's elections (Georgia had no paper trails for 16 years)


That’s because they’re trying to normalize their behavior. That what when they actually do what they previously accused democrats of doing, they can reuse the dems’ arguments.


In a lot of cases it's because they think that that's what they would do if they were in power. And so they can't imagine that other people wouldn't do those terrible things.   Modern conservative and right-wing politicians are the kinds of people who do not understand that normal, healthy people have moral guardrails that prevent them from doing bad things. 


Indeed, it's a projection of all the terrible things they really want to do but can't justify out loud any other way.


Revenge is his entire platform / campaign message.


"four years of scorched earth". Fuck all of them.


Amen. This is from a former republican. The current party is a complete embarrassment for America


If Trump wins the election, then who’s going to be President?! 🤔 (He’s just going to be in office to clean up his personal issues…)


>(He’s just going to be in office to clean up his personal issues…) And to collect more classified "personal" documents to stash in his various bathrooms


Any that survive his habit of eating and/or flushing them, you mean.


Classified docs to be sold to dictatorships around the world. The media does not report how many US operatives in Europe have been killed since dump left office.


He will be making deals to get commissions for selling state secrets and technology too. The whole country would literally be put up for sale for his personal enrichment as he would see himself as the embodiment of America so totally justified.


For a while I thought republicans just used the Ron Swanson technique of obstructing government progress. I don’t know why I thought that was their platform, just to show democrats can’t pass legislation. But now they are doing it to themselves, They don’t speak out against the party until they retire or become a lame duck.


Essentially he’s admitting to the crime by seeking immunity. If he wasn’t guilty he wouldn’t need immunity.


I wish this was mentioned in more articles. Innocent men don’t need immunity


Right up there with innocent people don’t plead the fifth


I understand what you are saying, but attorneys are notoriously good at twisting words around to make their point. Can’t trust them either. Normal people are just fucked.


“Innocent people don’t plead the fifth” is literally what trump said a bunch of times and pretty much right after that went right ahead and pleaded the fifth under deposition. Edit: pleaded the fifth a bunch of times over and over again to a lot of things.


I understand. Still don’t trust lawyers. 😄


Yep, if Trump is saying it, Trump is thinking it. If he is thinking it, he is going to do it. When they project, that's how they feel


Trump is _always_ projecting! Because of limited cognitive capability he can’t generatively imagine complex situations that suit his narrative & therefore depends on memory of first hand experience to underpin confidence when speaking Once he gets started the biggest part of his brain (amygdala) then gets going and he responds bigly with accordion hands, repetition and smug confidence! Rinse repeat ad nauseam.


Trump thinking seems like an oxymoron with the emphasis on moron.


It started with Clinton! Rush (Limbaugh looking newt Gingrich feared him so much they started investigating whitewater and found a blow job


You make a great hidden point here. Since the demise of the Fairness Doctrine, imho, American politics has become a swamp of hate. I am old enough to remember the film shown at the democratic convention introducing Jimmy Carter. A positive influence. No mud slinging. While he may not be considered a great president, he is a truly great man.


They tried to impeach Biden on any crime they could find, and it died in the crib. What could they possibly indict him for when they couldn’t even impeach him properly.


They have been trying to find something on Biden and don't have crap. The problem is tRump pretends to believe in God, Biden actually does and goes to church. tRump goes when he needs a photo shoot done.


Or has ai do it for him


Especially when it involves *gasp* ^^black ^^people. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68440150


Mayorkas has entered the building. Impeached because Orange man told his cult to kill the bipartisan border bill that would at least try to address the problem. Every Republican in Congress either voted to impeach or voted to contunue with a Senate trial (with the exception of Murkowski who voted present). Clearly, the Republican cult does not require evidence for anything.


And let them. If they have no evidence, the same that thst republicans did with Biden Impeachment will happen. They will make a lot of claims which will lead to nothing. 


With his line of reasoning, Biden could arrest trump for being a clear and direct threat to the constitution, which Biden swore to uphold.


Shoot, with this line of reasoning Biden could just have him shot, or do the deed himself.


That's what puzzles me about this. If I were running against an encumbant president, I don't think I would want it codified into law that the president has unlimited power to do what he wants. Maybe he's convinced that Biden wouldn't have the balls to use it against him.


Biden should take point and do to maga republicans whatever trump has promised to do to democrats then either the supreme court can rule it illegal and deny both presidential candidates the election, or they can rule legal and the trump problem gets "creatively" solved via biden's immunity




He thinks Biden is doing to him what he will end up doing to Biden if he’s reelected. Every accusation is a confession


He and the rest of them are convinced democrats wouldn't be so corrupt as to do the things they always accuse them of, so he and friends could coast along until they managed to steal power again.


Right. Thinking absolute immunity would work in his favor. Nope, Joe could have Seal Team Six kill dump.


Dark Brandon would have Michelle be the Shooter...


I'm sure Cohen would do it if a signed pardon was prepared, pardons already exist so this can happen without involving actual military units


He could use Jimmy Carter. He too would be immune.


So, he wants Biden to have complete immunity?


Obviously no critical thinking skills? IDK but the appeals court hearing on absolute immunity was awesome.


Dark Brandon should tweet / share that “Trump wants to give Biden and Obama total immunity for all crimes past and present. What a guy”


No. He wants Trump, and only Trump, to have immunity. He doesn't understand that it would also impact every president.


The best argument, where he isn't claiming he is innocent, but rather that he is allowed to commit any crimes. How are republicans able to defend this shit?


Because Republicans believe they should be able to commit crimes and get away with it. Especially the republican business owners and tax crimes. 


He’s just announcing what the GOP will do going forward. Party of projection yall.


Sadly we have never had a worse team of Supremacy Court Justices who could potentially side with him either, that’s the scariest part about all this. Hopefully it doesn’t happen and NEVER does in the future for anyone.


If they grant all presidents absolute immunity Joe can kill dump and it's game over.


Hell, he could have the justices who rule in favor of immunity killed too. Then replace them with new justices, have them overturn that immunity ruling and then peace out after pardoning himself. Obviously he wouldn’t do those things, but with the absolute immunity Trump is arguing for, he certainly could if people in the right positions were willing to go along with it.


At the appeals court hearing, dump's attorneys argued that a president had to be impeached before he could be criminally prosecuted. Exactly the opposite of what dump's attorney argued at the senate impeachment hearing after the insurrection. After voting not to impeach, McConnell said dump could be held criminally accountable after he left office. I don't see how SCOTUS can save him, but if they can, they will.


If they grant presidents absolute immunity, they’ve basically ceded all of their power and only continue to serve at the pleasure of the president. I don’t see any of them in hurry to do that, regardless of who’s in office.


But he won't. Only the scumbags will abuse this and the scumbags know this.


My party and I will do this so we must be stopped!


To Donald Trump: You don't need immunity if and only if you work by the laws of the land! If you ignore the laws, then you must be held accountable. If you just decide that you're right and everyone else is wrong and then you just do what you want you'll be held accountable. It's too bad you're parents didn't do their job of parenting and have the time to teach you this as a child, but now, 2024 at 77 you will learn to be accountable.


He’s so boring.


And fat


Don't forget stinky.


His logic is so embarrassingly dumb.


They could just not break the law. That's an option.


Without complete immunity, presidents will have to temper their actions to stay within legal limits rather than act like would be dictators or kings. We get it, Donnie. We understand why you want immunity and it's also why you shouldn't get it.


And Republicans already attempt to impeach every non-Republican president when they get elected just as a standard protocol, so I don’t even understand what he thinks we’d be preventing.


Its fucking crazy that that the US has gotten to this point of extreme celebrity worship or whatever term can describe this era, where it seems like the entire country revolves so heavily around this severely mentally ill narcissist. How can anyone listen to him, or read through any of the truly deranged shit he posts on his platform and think to themselves, yes, this guy seems like a good candidate to lead the most important country in the world in a very chaotic time? The guy who made his career on claiming Obama wasn't American, and its still going on almost 10 years later, with the same truly braindead demagoguery, and it never fucking stops. It was kinda funny in 2016 and I guess the democrats got too complacent and arrogant, but at this point it seems like a big portion of the US population have just completely lost their fucking minds.


I had to care for my dad for a couple of weeks and was exposed to fox news for most of that duration. It's just.... poison. It's poison of the mind and perhaps even the soul. They scream at the viewer for hours on end, and it's weirdly repetitive on certain things that I think they want you to repeat. Some of them talk in the same freaky word salad as trump does, there are flashing red lights and big flashing words like "emergency" the whole time, and just constant screaming. They give these scenarios that are just obviously made up and they're so far from reality that it makes me question the sanity of anybody who believes it. They were saying Biden is sending an army of lesbian farmers out west to replace straight farmers and turn the agriculture industry gay, and then the wheat harvested by the lesbians will make your kids gay. And it's like - what? Who listens to this shit? There was this one program were they show a video of an animal being violently killed in nature (think /r/natureismetal) and then discuss which democrat they'd like to see in that scenario. They had a monkey being crushed by a big snake somewhere in the jungle and it's screaming and stuff, then they agree that should be Obama, then they have a still image of Obama with the audio of the monkey screaming. And that's the whole show, I think it was a weekly special. It's just 24/7 fear and hate, and my dad watches it like 18 hours a day. You ever see those videos from North Korea that are crazy anti american propaganda and they say all this wild stuff that isn't remotely true and you wonder how anybody could believe it. Well it's like that.   And I'm watching this spectacle thinking - **no fucking wonder we have so many people who are frankly insane.** Enough of this would drive anybody insane.


And that's only Fox News, now go watch OAN and News Max. You got a mild dose.... Yes scary


Can you give a source for the animal killing thing? I want to believe you but that's too bananas for me to confidently repeat without being sure


*"I exploit you, still you love me* *I tell you, one and one makes three* *Oh, I'm the cult of personality"*


I used to think that was about religious leaders. And now I gotta go blow my eardrums out again. Great album.


Well said. 


> the US has gotten to this point of extreme celebrity worship Never heard of Ronald Reagan? His whole schtick was capitalizing on celebrity. What is new is that in the age of social media anyone can be a celebrity.


I think Reagan was a highly gifted orator (from what I've seen of him), and was thus able to convince the masses of his bad libertarian ideas. I don't see that in Trump, and honestly he speaks and behaves like a literal 12 year old... but he is like 80. How the fuck do people find that appealing


Years of RW propaganda has lead a large portion of the populace to hate “libruls”, and trump feeds that hatred. Thank Roger Ailes for that.


Yes. Yes they have. I'm writing this from Sydney. I live in LA and going back in a couple weeks. Part of me really doesn't want to. Hell, I loved my time in Norway, too. Yes, it's unbelievably tense and I can explain how much I hate this situation and how much of my life I feel like I've lost forever worrying about it incessantly. I truly loathe Trump. Mentally ill or not (and he most definitely is), I hate his stupid, arrogant, joyless ass with the fury of a thousand suns.




It was a very compelling Amicus brief.


Compelling to honest people. Thomas and Alito will do their damnedest to twist the military leaders’ words to suit their paymasters’ desired outcome. 


Giving the President absolute immunity also means the supreme court ceeds all power to the President. It would make it legal for the President to 'end' any opposition to anything they ever want implemented. They could do it but I doubt that they want to give up their power.


If the Supreme Court could do it in such a way that they would be ceding power to trump only, that is what they would do. 


You are absolutely spot on sir!


As compelling as ten "truths*" on a Saturday? ^( *I use that term very loosely.)


The amicus brief is a good read!


Because generals and the military can refuse illegal orders. If a president is declared god then he could order the military to kill anyone who donates to democrats and they’d technically have no grounds to refuse.


Almost as if in a Turd return the military may simply deny his orders. Or better remove him, hopefully Caesar style.


I really wish more in the media would address the key fact that Trump is not arguing that he didn't do the things for which he is accused. He isn't claiming innocence, he is claiming immunity. That the President can essentially commit crimes. This shit was already decided on back in the Nixon days that no something isn't legal because the President does it. It is funny how each time this issue comes up it is a Republican President at the center of it. All while Republicans in Congress try to take down Democratic Presidents for anything and everything even when there isn't anything there.


going with nixon you can base the entire claim that presidents are not immune on the fact nixon was pardoned


And that Nixon accepted that pardon! If the “total immunity” argument was such a thing, Nixon would have neither a need for a pardon nor accepted one.


This seems like a crazy rant, but when you consider that SCOTUS accepted the case and will hear arguments the crazy diminishes a little. They could have simply affirmed the lower court's unanimous ruling. But no, they will make us wait for months....


Delay so they can see how the election goes before deciding


TBF, a strong rejection in a decision carries more weight than simply affirming - at least in my mind.


Yes. I don’t trust the Supreme Court, but the idea that they’re like “yeah we should probably weigh in on this officially, for all time,” is not a hard argument to appreciate.


doing it in an election year when the petitioning former president is a candidate and the SCOTUS delays could lead to him being elected before being convicted (and then could pardon himself once sworn in) is highly suspect.


This is true. That’s why the other 48 presidents have all been arrested upon leaving office….


How many?


All of ‘em


I think he was questioning your number. There were only 43 former presidents before Trump, and nine died in office leaving at most 34 who could have been arrested for any reason after their presidency.


Gotcha. I was just making a joke.


8* died. WHH, Taylor, Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, Harding, FDR, and of course JFK


They were only arrested because they weren't smart enough to just declare the election "corrupt". If the president is immune from any laws, surely they're immune from things like term limits and elections.




Nixon might have liked to have it so that Johnson didn't have to pardon him.


I'm old enough to have been pissed off that Nixon got off the hook. Trump should not have immunity from being guilty of trying to overthrow the government. That's preposterous, but here we are with SCOTUS considering that very thing.


It was Ford that pardoned him. Ford was nominated for Nixon's VP after Spiro Agnew resigned and then served as president for the remainder of the term when Nixon resigned. Making Ford the only person to serve as VP and POTUS without being elected to either position.


An experienced New York Judge blocks him from attending because there is no reason for him to attend and be treated any different than anyone else MAGA: that don't matter More than a dozen retired four-star generals, admirals and other former military leaders say Presidential immunity is a bad idea MAGA: that don't matter, either Should Joe Biden, Obama, Clinton be given a pass? MAGA: lock them up.


I want someone with balls to ask Trump point blank how he plans to beat Biden, the private citizen who outwitted him while he was president of the United States. After Trump vomits verbal diarrhea, the follow up should be “but how do you beat him now that he is president and has full immunity like you are arguing he has?”


The answer would be something inane like: >Such a nasty question, much more nasty than anything While he made the sign to have security haul whomever asked the question away.


Something like this? (edit) Source: [https://www.npr.org/transcripts/1072204478](https://www.npr.org/transcripts/1072204478) TRUMP: How come when he went to speak in different locations, nobody came to watch? But all of a sudden, he got 80 million votes? Nobody believes that, Steve. Nobody believes that. INSKEEP: If you'll forgive me, maybe because the election was about you. If I can just move on to ask, are you telling Republicans in 2022 that they must press your case on the past election in order to get your endorsement? Is that an absolute? TRUMP: They're going to do whatever they want to do. Whatever they have to do, they're going to do. But the ones that are smart, the ones that know you take a look at - again, you take a look at how Kari Lake is doing running for governor. She's very big on this issue. She's leading by a lot. People have no idea how big this issue is. And they don't want it to happen again. It shouldn't be allowed to happen. And they don't want it to happen again. INSKEEP: I want to... TRUMP: And the only way it's not going to happen again is you have to solve the problem of the presidential rigged election of 2020... INSKEEP: Mr. President, if I... TRUMP: ...So Steve, thank you very much. I appreciate it. INSKEEP: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I have one more question. I want to ask about a court hearing yesterday on January 6. Judge Amit Mehta - he's gone. OK. That's how the phone call ended with former President Donald Trump. The question we started to ask was about the attack on the Capitol inspired by election lies. 


"I had a job once, so that makes me above the law!" No Donny, no it doesn't. Huge Darrell Brooks energy.




> Or what is he planning to do if he gets in office again? They haven't been really specific but they're calling it "scorched earth" https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/lara-trump-four-years-of-scorched-earth-if-trump-wins.html


If they give presidents immunity, I say Biden should try out that SealTeam 6 idea.


Jesus, his attorney looks like Phil Spector took a dump.


88-89 felony charges? Defamation(s), Bank Fraud, Espionage, Insurrection, Sedition, Treason, and Rape*? In the immortal words of Fletcher Reed, "Stop breaking the law, Asshole!"


So the hush money trial is about the things he did before he became president. He’s suggesting that the immunity should extend beyond his election? He’s trying to get immunity for his entire life? Yup, that sounds like trump.


"I'm Donald Trump! How dare you try to put me on trial for anything?" He seems to think he's royalty from the 1300's or some such crap!


King Mierdas 


Seems like presidential immunity is the new slogan for those trying to dodge accountability. Wonder when they'll roll out the T-shirts?


>“IF IMMUNITY IS NOT GRANTED TO A PRESIDENT, EVERY PRESIDENT THAT LEAVES OFFICE WILL BE IMMEDIATELY INDICTED BY THE OPPOSING PARTY,” the former president posted on his Truth Social account Saturday morning. “WITHOUT COMPLETE IMMUNITY, A PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO PROPERLY FUNCTION!” . . [**Donald Trump reportedly plans federal investigations of Joe Biden if he gets another term in the White House**](https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/donald-trump-reportedly-plans-federal-investigations-of-joe-biden-if-he-gets-another-term-in-the-white-house-101712692929408.html) Can't have it both ways, Sleepy Don. Either Presidents have total immunity **or** you can plan to prosecute Joe Biden. One or the other, not both.


Nah. Give the president immunity and watch the dumb fuck trumpets lose their shit when Biden says he's now king and will not step down. Then sentence Trump to jail anyway. Do it. Go ahead. Better yet make Hunter king. That'd be fucking hilarious.


Trump is really asking the Supreme Court to give him absolute power. He will attempt to steal the election again with the help of his party and will never leave office. He wants immunity to facilitate this. If the Supreme Court grants presidents immunity, all presidents will invoke this power. Presidents will be forced to stay in office. They will undermine elections because the other party will inevitably do the same.


Well, I'd like to believe his only goal at this point is to stay out of jail before he dies but tbh even that goal seems to coherent for Trumps narcissism. Maybe he craves the crown because to not be surrounded by adulation is weird for him?


If you break the law, you should be prosecuted. Simple as that. Don’t do bad shit and you’ll be fine lol


Considering that this was something that happened BEFORE he was president, he would not be entitled to any form of presidential immunity


Tell me, if Trumps presidency is granted immunity in some form do you think Biden should take advantage of such a ruling?


Biden could shoot him in the middle of 5th ave and nobody will care because he’d have presidential immunity. On a serious note, presidential immunity does not cover acts/crimes committed as a private citizen. That’s what trump doesn’t seem to fucking understand.


> That’s what trump doesn’t seem to fucking understand. To be fair, Trump doesn't seem to fucking understand an unbelievable number of things.


He understands perfectly, but he is counting on his followers not understanding.


That too, but trump really doesn’t understand anything lol.


I used to think this but now I’m convinced he’s entirely in his own little world


As per the innumerable synonyms for the wealthy and nepotism (parvenu, arriviste, noveau riche to name but a few) understanding is hardly required…


Trump thinks he is a temporarily embarrassed president


But that’s the point, he didn’t lose the election in his mind, and people still call him president trump, so he still thinks he is president and immune.


Notice how SCOTUS is slow walking this issue?


Now that you mention it...


The Federalist Society is going to find a way to make sure that absolute immunity only applies to conservative presidents.


He would have to. Start by throwing the January 6th caucus in Gitmo for, oh I don’t know, forever.


You need probable cause to indict someone. Trump is so full of shit.


Is…no one concerned that his council is, wha…sorry, *whom* appears to be..jesus, gimmeasec…apologies. …who appears to be the recently exhumed undead? I mean…how far do we let this go, ‘cause… I don’t think that lady is alive. In, the sense that we…know, are we sure?


It is so dumb that it is even briefly considered. Supreme Court is so corrupt it is ridiculous.


His argument does not hold water. He is desperate and delusional. And sleepy.


Many people are saying stinky as well.


Not all the people, but some say it. Some people come up to me with tears in their eyes and ask me to save them from the stench of The Orange Shitgibbon. But I tell them, you know and I know, I can't help with that. Even though it's bad, and we all know it's bad, some of the people will just need to keep those tears flowing to keep their eyes clean. Others, they might be able to step out into the fresh air, but they'll be back of course, they can't stay away too long. My kids would say I could be a politician if farting is all that is required.


It's called Hitlers playbook. I suggest paying close attention to Steven miller, the next Joseph guerbels, Nazi propaganda czar. Demonize, lie, blame the opposition for everything you do. Classic authoritarianism.


Conservatives are purposely ignoring, again, a very important part of charging someone with a crime; evidence. They did not provide evidence during their election lawsuits, none at Biden’s impeachment - and they won’t provide any evidence on any future Democratic President. They don’t care about facts and reality. They want to cause noise and bully through convictions. They are in no way in any capacity the party of law and order.


Repeat after me. “Innocent people don’t ask for immunity.”


Why is SCOTUS taking this when the Appeals Court made an unanimous in-depth ruling?


Because the conservative majority on SCOTUS are all members of the Federalist Society. The takeover of the country isn't being orchestrated from Mar a Lago, but from the lair of Leonard Leo.


It's possible they will grant that a president has limited immunity in a very narrow set of circumstances. Or they will simply slap it down to end the matter definitively so there can be no further challenges.  I still don't believe even this SC could be dumb enough or so ideologically driven to grant a President blanket immunity, they would likely be signing on to the dissolution of the Republic, and the Supreme Court with it.  Even if they are all in on the Trump cult and want him to have immunity for his many crimes, he's not the sitting President and there is a good chance he never will be again. They'd be handing Biden the power of a medieval King, they will never do that.




When else can he do when it's so obvious he's guilty? He's like the T-1000 at the end of Terminator 2, splashing around in the molten metal trying to find *any* shape to save himself.


It just occurred to me… he could go “state’s evidence.” Tell all the dirt he knows on Russian agents in the government. That’d save him, he’d even be able to twist it to look like a hero. But… he won’t.


Is pretty much everyone on here banned from r/conservative?


Pretty much, yeah.


Why does he need immunity when he is innocent this is just a witch hunt hoax that the entire country will see through all the evidence presented in trial, which is public record. He has 4 opportunities to show us all how evilly inept our government and its radical communist show trial democrats are, and to convince the remaining 90% of our nation that he is the messiah reborn to guide us to the promised land. If he has immunity and can’t expose the frauds in trial, then they’ll keep getting away with it. TRUST ME, DONNY. YOU DONT WANT NONE OF THIS. (/s juuuuuust in case)


Why does all bad things happen to happen to DJT? Why don’t his followers realized that the bad actor may be DJT himself? 46 presidents the US have now. Only Trump is making this plea. Why? He’s not the only Republican president, so why?


Give Dark Brandon total immunity.


Such garbage Hush money case before he was president. In fact he ran so they couldn’t get him while he was sitting president as well his years of milking NY with his company all before he was president. So just on simple timeline facts those cases have no bearing even if they say he has immunity which he doesn’t.


That article is so behind the times. Trump has spam posted on Lies Social about immunity today. There's 10 total by my count.


Ah yes, complete and utter political and judicial immunity, the trademark of a democratic society 


“Don’t you think he looks tired?”


Oh Donald, you thick-as-shit deranged old fool… you aren’t immune. And everyone will remember where they were the day you went to jail.


His arguments for immunity are really weak


Brilliant argument, if you disregard the fact that no President but Trump has ever been indicted.


I would hope that a President of either party who commits crimes in office would be charged with those crimes


This conservative logic can be used to overturn literally any law. “We need to repeal laws against murder, because we can’t be certain that a rogue prosecutor won’t use that law to charge innocent people.” This same logic keeps coming up again and again. For instance, when the Colorado 14th Amendment case went before SCOTUS, the central thrust of the questioning was “if you let a state keep an insurrectionist off the ballot, what’s to keep a state from using the 14th to kick *non-insurrectionists* off the ballot? Ummm, because the clause only applies to insurrection?


Requesting immunity stating every president should have it but not being a president are sure signs of delusion.


See: he is demented.


People are saying that Trump just spoke to Richard Nixon and he is in full agreement with Trump's perspectives


Isn’t claiming he should be immune basically admitting to criminal activity?


That’s not a plea. That’s an old man yelling to the cloud. Or maybe begging from the cloud.


[A post from Qult_Headquarters with screenshots of his 7 "truth" tirade.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/comments/1c919do/trump_is_getting_pretty_desperate_for/)


Uhhhh, no.


Sorry to go all caps but.. YOU DONT GET IMMUNITY DAMN IT ! NOW STFU ABOUT IT. (Scotus, if you have a scrap of integrity left....)


The nation is becoming Trump immune. Only a small number read his posts and most are journalists. I hope they grant immunity and Biden puts him in prison.


“The election of a president under indictment and facing criminal trial would “create an unprecedented constitutional crisis” and “cripple the operations of government” - Donald Trump


Get your complaints in early. This only shows us how guilty you think you are.


New plea, same old argument. As long as a president does not commit crimes, they don’t need more immunity than they already have. Americans do not want to immunize a president against crimes that they commit during their term of office. Every president must consult their team of lawyers to ensure that they do not commit crimes.


Donald GO TO JAIL or HELL pick one!


Has he tried showing up and killing them all with his deadly ass gas? Worse case it delays things.


If SCOTUS grants absolute immunity, don't think it will happen, but just for fun: Joe could have Seal Team Six kill dump, saving American and the world. LOL He could stay in power indefinitely. Dump is severely addled to think absolutely immunity would actually work in *his* favor.


Also, dump all the illegitimate SCOTUS members appointed by Trump in a memory hole and replace them with proper justices.


guy looks botoxed out of his gourd


You know, it’s terrible that the previous 44 presidents had immunity. I mean, how DARE they suggest that a thing doesn’t exit!


Did that lawyer sitting to the right of Trump all week turn into a woman?