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“Trump went so far as to call the jury member “my juror” in private conversations, based on his confidence in his legal team’s analysis of the Manhattan resident’s body language…” He has the worst attorneys.


Trump absolutely walked out of that courtroom looking like a zombie. He was *so sure* he’d skate with a hung jury. Seeing him that shocked and demoralized by the verdict was such a treat lol.


People in the courtroom say Trump and his attorney were LAUGHING after the Judge announced he would be sending the jury home soon for the weekend and then the Judge went out to take a break. They were so sure they were getting a hung jury. Then the Judge came back and announced there was a verdict. It must have been like a punch in the gut for Trump. Perfect dramatic moment. I wish that trial had been televised.


I’d pay to see a video of that!


If Trump made it a pay per view, he'd have enough money to pay all his creditors and fund the RNC for his campaign run, within a day.


That was a very heartwarming sight for me.


My wife and I literally gave a jumping high five and hugged each other.


I legit was in a subway car when the news broke and my hubby texted me! Within 5secs someone yelled “Trump guilty on all 34 counts!!” and the train car literally cheered. I even took my air pods out to enjoy the scene. A true nyc moment!


Literally every time I see someone express loathing for Trump, it heals my soul. I've had this sense of reality and sanity slipping away for seven years. Wondering all along what the *fuck* is wrong with some of my fellow Americans. At least for a little while, seeing someone who hates him as much as I do helps me to right my ship.


Take a trip to rural “anywhere” with me and that feeling you described quickly fades. It’s sad.


I still have a little hope. I live near the edge of suburbia in a battleground state and end up in the more rural area often enough. More times than I expected, I've had people comment on our Obam and Biden bumper stickers and quietly say they are with me. After the first couple times, I started telling people that others made similar comments and I remind them to vote so people don't feel so lonely when they look at the results.




I'm sure you're not wrong, but it's telling that we need to fear political violence from that side.


I live in a rural village of 1200 people. There are working farms near me. I walk past cow pastures and sheep when I go into town. We have no chain stores, no gas station, and no traffic lights. It's rural af. And almost to a person, we *loathe* donald trump. I've never seen anybody walking around in one of those ridiculous red hats, and I'm sure that if someone did show up with one on, they'd be laughed off the sidewalk.


Even in rural "red" areas, there are many of us who hate Trump. We don't always get to express it with mixed- neighbor conversations, but we have our private conversations that help keep us sane.


The media seems to always throw the spotlight on Trump's supporters. They rarely do features on his haters.


First time in human history anyone actually *wished* there was a mariachi band in their subway car.


Oh man. If I was there for that and a mariachi band fired off...pure, unbridled elation would ensue..


It’s finally showtime.


Lol! I was on Broad St in Center City, Philadelphia and got the update on my phone and, without a bit of impulse control, I turned and yelled "OH MY GOD! TRUMP FOUND GUILTY ON ALL 34 CHARGES!" at everyone sitting on the steps at the Kimmel Center. It was a heady moment as we all high-fived each other and shook our heads in disbelief, while grinning and gasping like idiots. It was a moment of shared humanity, for sure.


That sounds fun


Love this city


The best! My wife and I went out for pizza and ciders to celebrate. We rarely drink and cheese fucks us up but the occasion called for the best treats we could come up with. We clinked glasses to a resounding "Fuck around, find out!" à la his cults favorite thing to say until it's them finding out.


Did you let some Trumps loose in your throne later in the evening?


I gotta eat more carrots to really capture his hue though.


We popped open a chilled bottle of Ruinart champagne... and it was just as delicious as the 34 count guilty verdict!


Lol my partner and I had champagne and caviar to celebrate. We’ve literally been holding on to that caviar for months without any real reason to crack it open.


Just think about his mental state. The day was over. It was 4:30 and the judge announced that everybody could leave because the jury hadn't reached a verdict. Trump was apparently laughing and joking with his legal team. Because why not? The longer the jury was out, the better the chance of a hung jury. "His" juror was absolutely coming through for him. Then, the judge says hol up, the jury sent a note that they've reached a verdict, so today's judgement day. LOL. Trump went from top of the world to bottom of the outhouse in just a few minutes.


Dollars to doughnuts, he prepared and had a celebration laid out for his acquittal/hung jury. Hell, he probably rented out a room to make sure the press could see him crow about it because it’s him *winning.* His handlers were rushing them to put it away, guaranteed.


Four Seasons Total Landscaping was already booked


https://www.c-span.org/video/?536021-101/president-trump-speaks-guilty-verdict-hush-money-trial Reporter one, "Why would voters vote for a convicted felon?" Reporter two, "Are you going to drop out?" Convicted felon, DJT, " "


Well, we have an answer to every gooper who tries to claim to be the "law and order" party now. And that answer is less "whadabout Trump" and more "lol"


No they straight up believe this was Joe Biden and Trump isn't actually guilty


Which just seems so weird to me. Biden hasn't even commented on the case, let alone have anything to do with the case at all. I went over to r/conservative to see what they were saying, and everyone was saying Biden had rigged the court case. Apply just a little critical thinking and it's pretty clear there is no way for POTUS to have interfered. They are not just living in an alternate reality, but flat refuse to think for themselves. 


They're not the smartest people to begin with, and they're bombarded with right-wing lies and propaganda 24/7. They have no idea how the justice system works, and they didn't pay attention to the trial. They are completely oblivious to all the damning evidence. In good faith, I've tried to explain it to some of them online but their brain just goes in a circle, "but what was the crime? but what was the crime? but what was the crime?" They're hopeless. I'm done trying.


Probably hard to face the first real consequence in your life at 77.


let us not forget Eric Don wishes he could.


We all wish we could forget Eric tho


"And I'm Eric!" I was trying to add a GIF of the SNL skit of him sticking his tongue in the fan. But it wouldn't let me, or I'm just dumb....like Eric.


So meta, Eric


Honestly, can you even imagine? You grow up with a Manhattan Real Estate Developer as a dad who teaches you that this is your city and you're royalty. You go your whole life fucking over contractors, leasing out your name to con men on mlm projects, food products, cassinos, laundering money, tax fraud, you run teen beauty pagents and invite people like epistein, rape and assault women, cheat on every wife. You get into politics donating heavily to Clinton and in exchange for her going to your wedding. Your candidate loses to the first black presidental nominee, and you get heavily involved in funding the birther movement and the tea party nuts. You brake basically every campaign finance law, and coordinate with Russia to hack Hillary while running for president. You are so unethical you brake every norm every president has ever had, including cutting pandemic funding, causing a global pandemic. You get impeached twice, once for asking a foreign government to dig up dirt on Bidens' son, you fire your AG and doing shit even Nixon wouldn't... So fuck, you can do anything right? Only then, after 77 years, IT ALL HITS YOU AT ONCE! LIke fuck this guy, but yeah, this would shock anyone.


Sounds more like, he had nearly 77years to develop a conscience and missed every opportunity.


as far as I've seen, he hasn't suffered any real consequences yet. If ever. I mean, a felony conviction WOULD be a consequence for most people, but not for him, it won't affect him in any way. Pays to be rich and powerful I guess.


So far, sitting (sleeping) in a cold court room for several weeks is the only real consequence Trump has faced. Having his cult members pay his contempt fines doesn't really count.


He hasn't faced shit yet. In my 50 years alive, I've never seen anyone at the top be told no.


Exactly. He's been found guilty on 34 felony counts. So what, that's nothing in comparision to the crap he's pulled. Let's see if there are actual \*consequences\* for it.


God damn. I'm so glad I looked this up. He said rigged and disgrace like 4-5 times easy. He honestly thought he was going to skate.


He was so sure it was rigged in his favor


I thought he was going to stroke.


Mango tits was as pale as a ghost. Which is crazy. I think this might actually be the first time he's had to face consequences. Any time I'm in a horrid mood, I may just load up that video and watch his corpse shuffle to the microphone.


Those are his go-to words, anytime he's being held accountable. They're 2 of the 17 words he in his vocabulary. Witch hunt Bigly Perfect call


So, he thought he had ONE SHILL in the jury, eh? And when that shill failed to perform... and left him with a unanimous guilty verdict on ALL 34 FELONY COUNTS, he was probably feeling like his worst nightmare. Well, it won't be his worst. Note that while some people are saying "First Time Offender won't go to prison," note that Michael Cohen was a first time offender as well. He had only 8 criminal counts and went to prison with a 3 year sentence. Donald Trump was the opposite of Michael Cohen in these respects: 1. Uncooperative -- refused to answer any questions truthfully during investigative phase. 2. Obstructive -- kept aiming to delay and undermine the trial. 3. Contemptible -- threatened the judge, court officials, their families, and even jurists in his rant/rave speaking sessions at rallies and outside of court. During the trial, he audibly muttered disgust and disparagements while witnesses were asked questions on the stand. He nodded off and slept through some parts of the trial, even making noises. 4. Violated gag order -- the judge had enough and issued gag orders. At least 2 of them. And Trump continued to violate them, up to 10 times in total. 5. Refused to testify -- he said he'd testify and expressed an eagerness to do so, but in the final chapter of the trial? He refused. 6. No remorse -- absolutely showed ZERO remorse for what he did, and even after the conviction, still maintains "total innocence." Despite the mountain of evidence and the jury making a unanimous verdict of guilty on all counts. So really. Based on all this? HE MUST SERVE PRISON TIME.


We won't know until July 11th, but this judge basically already said I will put you in jail if you weren't running for president, and that is not changed, maybe with the force of a conviction and not just contempt of court you're so differently, but don't hold your breath Even if jail time is the sentence they might say it doesn't have to start immediately until at least after the campaign or maybe even their presidency, or they might just be released while appeals get endlessly filed


diaper boy wept


I didn't have any fireworks to send off but we *did* have a gallon of german chocolate cake ice cream and I celebrated with a big bowl of that ice cream. It was fantistic. Thank you to all the jury members. You did a great job following all the evidence.


I thought with the massive divide in the USA incited by MAGA, the jury would be hung.


He had the best attorneys... that wanted the job.


With his history of not paying lawyers and lying about what lawyers tell him to the point they used to only meet with him in pairs so they had a second person in the room to confirm what was said, it is no surprise he has trouble finding people to represent him.


Nah. There'll be enough true believers with law degrees. Just they probably won't be the cream of the legal representation crop... as we've seen.


Michael Cohen graduated from what is considered by many to be the worst law school in the country. That’s the caliber of lawyer Trump is hiring. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2018/05/04/trump-michael-cohen-lawyer-cooley-law-school-218318/


I mean, what do you call the person who graduates last in their class from medical school? Doctor.


And that, kids, is how I became US Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.


This one always gets me, Ben Carson had zero relevant experience to the role, it made no sense. You just know that Trump saw the word Urban and thought Ben Carson would be a great fit.


Well, I mean, pretty much *everyone* in the Trump Administration was appointed on the basis of name recognition in Conservative circles and towing the line by doing what they're told. For the love of God, he appointed Federal Judges out of junior lawyers who had *never even been to trial*.


this reminds me of how ridiculous it is to compare biden and the convicted guy. biden is old, maybe he makes gaffs now and then, but he is surrounded by and has installed people who are competent, intelligent and know their job. who did ff surround himself with ? yes people, grifters, supporters and ivanka.


“I wouldn’t want to be represented by any lawyer who was willing to take me as a client” - Groucho Trump


These were the best lawyers he has had to date. They also were all paid upfront…


Let’s face it, half of the antics put on display by the defense was to placate him. I mean after all wasn’t the Donald writing the script of what they should ask?


In the legal analysis I heard on "The Daily" one of the huge mistakes was at the outset to claim, at his insistence, that Trump had never had sex with Stormy Daniels. It was a mistake because then it opened up the opportunity for the prosecution to address that question, and bring her in to testify. Otherwise, apparently, it would have been a much dryer technical trial, focusing accounting principles, and this obscure NY campaign law that has rarely been addressed in trial. Trump gave them the ball on the 10 yard line.


And then, for good measure, his only substantial defense witness is a arrogant mob lawyer who tried to stare down the judge. A guy who made the prosecution's parade of deplorables look respectable in comparison; trumps own former fixer, a porn star, and a sleazy tabloid publisher. Trump would have had better luck not mounting any kind of defense at all compared to what they did. All they did was add gas to the flame


His lead attorney was good. He had nothing to work with and had a stupid client. To shut him up, he was given fan mail to read, which worked for 2 days before he got bored and started sleeping again.


It's so crazy how much he has in common with a toddler.


Apparently the juror smiled at him. My assumption is that the reason for the smile was because he was a visualizing Trump being locked up.


A lot of people will smile when they feel uncomfortable and don’t know what else to do. That’s gotta be one of the MOST unreliable body languages  Source: I have worked many years of retail and service industry 


The lawyer also thinks every waitress wants him badly.


Trump: He Smiles at me, he likes me! Hung jury; I win Juror: *Baron Von Shitzinpants, hah, good one*


or maybe he saw actual truth and evidence for the first time and realized that trump is a criminal


I think this is more in line with what happened. He was probably forced to see something other than what Fox News shows him and miraculously changed his mind.


He employs a staffer to print out positive stories about himself from the Internet and he kept his eyes closed through significant parts of the trial. This is somebody who prioritizes immediate gratification over rational strategy.  No lawyer can do their best work with a client like that. 


He fell asleep a few times but when it got out, he was embarrassed. To try and change the narrative he kept his eyes closed for as much of the remainder of the trial. Sometimes he fell asleep again other times it was just “resting the eyes schtick”.


Setting aside how much he remained conscious, he deprived himself of opportunities to observe the jury. There's not much he could tell about twelve silent people while his eyes were closed.




Frankly, I think this is why Trump was so surprised that he lost the election in 2020. The interference worked to secure him the position in 2016 (too bad for the 5 campaign team members who ended up in prison as a result, but T did pardon them), so I think he was shocked it didn’t work again in 2020. Expect new and improved shenanigans in Nov.


When the US invaded Iraq in 2003, Saddam Hussein thought he was winning the war, right up to the point that US Tanks rolled into Baghdad. The reason for this is that he had anyone who gave him bad news killed...so in consequence, no one wanted to give him bad news. Although Trump can't have anyone killed, he fires them. The part of his personality that makes him successful also makes him fail at inconvenient times. He thought he was winning the election right up to the point where he wasn't. Because thats what everyone was telling him. That's why he's had such a hard time accepting those results, in my opinion.


The way I understand it, unlike in his stupid reality/game show, he has other people do the firing. As a coward would.


Just like he claims the election will be rigged while also claiming he will win. What he means is he thinks he will win because he rigged it.


It seems the play is similar to his election strategy. Claim the system is being rigged while attempting to rig the system, then when it doesn't go his way claim the results must be thrown out because of said attempts at rigging.


I bet somebody played him. Why not? I bet the juror had fun doing it too


my first thought because it is what i’d do. smile give them hope, false hope is what they sell america.


By legal team they mean trump. Trump looked at the guy and thought "my man!", but just like when he claimed he was declassifying documents, just thinking it doesn't make it true.


He has the best attorneys that no money can buy.


Shoulda got Barry Zuckerkorn.


Honestly even if there was a loyalist on the jury there's a good chance they were deprogrammed after spending all that time reviewing data about Trump without OAN or FOX telling them what their opinion of that data is.


Exactly. Faced with facts, both sides given time to present their case, with no 24 hour one- sided 'news' filter, I feel the exact same way.


I went into the case thinking it was going to be a stretch to prove Trump actually knew of and approved every detail of the payments, but holy crap the evidence was overwhelming.  Even the most biased juror in the world would’ve had a really difficult time coming up with any reason not to find him guilty, it was a really solid case and he didn’t come up with a good defense. 


People, in general, take jury duty seriously (when they can’t get out of it, of course) for most people, this is their one time being part of the system. I’m 49. And I’ve been in a courtroom exactly seven times in my life. Once as a witness to a crime. Once as a witness to a wedding, once watching the Supreme Court, a day of landlord-tenant court, and three days of jury duty. Heck, even when I got arrested and spent a weekend in jail I never saw a courtroom (which is probably a good thing for me, I was dressed in a polar bear costume and it stank after two days, luckily Greenpeace had good lawyers back in the day) and that’s more than most people, outside of traffic court or divorce court, will ever see. It’s this weird world, and people take it seriously. This was supposed to be the weakest of the cases against Trump. Technical, dealing with paperwork and with star witnesses who, frankly, had issues. (No disrespect to Ms. Daniels here, but when your star witnesses are a convicted felon and a porn star, you better have your ducks in a row) and the prosecution had those ducks lined up and doing the cha-cha. Weakest case became a slam dunk. Hanging that jury would have made you an instant millionaire. You’d be living on the right wing gravy train for years. And still no one did it. That’s something to be proud of.


> I was dressed in a polar bear costume and it stank after two days See, you can’t just say something like that and not follow up


It’s always gamesmanship with Mr Trump. The justice system, electoral system, tax system are all there to be manipulated.


This is a really good way to describe this. It’s not that he thought that the evidence (or lack of evidence) would exonerate him. He thought he’d be able to game/manipulate the system to get the outcome he wanted.


That’s American culture - He who finds the most loopholes shall live in God’s graciousness


And become a God unto others. The Golden Calf has been replaced by a golden toilet.


Trump should be shown **zero leniency** at sentencing.  His utter contempt for our judicial system, and disrespect he's shown to everyone involved in the proceedings, along with his refusal to accept any responsibility for his criminal behavior, has earned him no compassion whatsoever. 


the judge has put himself in a good position to throw him into the big house. he just needs the balls to do it


They better not do a Susan collins on us.


Collins could write a whole textbook with all the lessons she says Trump has supposedly learned.


Yes but the cliff notes of the textbook would just be. She was Wrong. Also the Only answer on the Final Exam would be, She was Wrong, To get an A+ I'm sure Warton and Yale will have this course and textbook.


She was a fascist. She is a fascist. Let's call them out while we still can.


Remember when she called her local sheriff for people ‘making terroristic threats at her’? Those threats? Someone wrote ‘Susan Collins should resign’ on the public street outside her house. She is an out and out ass.


She knew it was bullshit when she said it. She isn't that stupid.


No, she is that corrupt and her voters are that stupid.


*Paul Manifort has entered the chat.* Seriously, though, I expect something sort of middling since no matter how much the judge may want to lock him up, he needs to show he's considering Convicted Felon Trump just like any other offender.


Wouldn’t any other offender would already be in jail for contempt of court.


If the judge sentences him to prison in July, then trump will appeal and the appeals court will grant him bail until the appeals court ruling, which will be long after the election. It is the Electoral College that will decide trump's fate.


I believe that the judge does have the ability to make him await his appeal in prison. I don’t know that he will, but he can. 


Likely true but it’s not beyond reason that they could rule him a flight risk and deny appellate bond, or set it absurdly high


Can he pardon himself from a state crime?




So as a convicted felon, he can be president, but can’t get a job at Costco. Our system is a joke.


This was set up by the framers to prevent politicians from prosecuting their opposition on frivolous charges to prevent them from running, which is key to maintaining a healthy democracy. I do agree DJT should not be able to run on the basis of an attempted coup though.


Because the founding fathers all went, "Nah, we don't need to write that shit down... no fucking way we'd be stupid enough to nominate a convicted felon to be president."


But even if they did. We'd just fucking ignore it. I'm **still** fucking salty over the fact that the emoluments clause was just straight up ignored.


No one talks about it but that one annoys me so much. That piece of shit blatantly enriched himself in office, making secret service stay at his expensive hotels, among thousands of other examples. And everyone just shrugs. Our institutions are a joke.


Jimmy Carter right now probably thinks he should have just kept managing his own damn farm. He ended up $1M in debt after his blind trust screwed him over.


Probably more along the lines of, "If being a felon disqualified you from the presidential office then there is too much potential for a state to set up a court designed to render presidential candidates they disagree with as felons in order to control political appointments." Because i'm pretty sure florida would do that.


Claimed zero responsibility, shows no remorse, was found in contempt of court close to a dozen times, disrespected the court by being asleep for most of the trial… Zero leniency




Expect the judge to be very moderate at sentencing. It would insulate the process against appeal, and Trump is too old for it to matter if he gets every year of incarceration possible, especially since he’s going to be abandoned by his allies when he loses in November and goes on to face all the other trials without GOP money paying his legal bills.


> without GOP money paying his legal bills. Worst Failson's surgery-addled "trophy" wife is now the head of the RNC. GOP money will only pay his legal bills - the rest will have to start a new party. Kinda sad, huh? No, it isn't. I expect multi-year house arrest and it's too kind for him. He should have his internet access restricted also, with actual jail as a consequence for breaking it.


This. There is no justice without jail time.


By all accounts he’s likely to just get probation. But I really hope he continues running his mouth and talks himself into prison. If he starts to threaten the jury that convicted him, that could be enough to get him a suite at Rikers


I wonder if he’ll get drug tested monthly like everyone else on probation.


Maybe that’s why he asked Joe to take a drug test for the debate. Less embarrassing that way.


Everything's always possessive with this toddler. *My* generals. *My* supreme court judges. *My* juror. Nuts to that. I am going to do my part to make sure that this criminal never has power over *our* country ever again.


Don't forget the most disgusting one, "[my African American](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcklUUIsdcw&ab_channel=CBSNews)"


Honestly the funniest part of this is that it was so notable that he had *one* black supporter that he called it out in his speech. Reminds me of that Jordan Klepper clip where he asked some Trump supporters where all the black Trump supporters were, they brought one over, and turns out the guy they brought over was anti-Trump.


My dune


My Arrakis


My Sharona


My bologna.


He was closing his eyes during the bulk of the trial. Sure some of it he was probably sleeping. But much like a toddler he was closing his eyes to make it not happen. My dude, you’re nearly 80. You can’t close your eyes to make the bad “go away”. This is what happens when you raised spoiled, entitled children who never, **ever** face consequences. When they finally have to deal with real life at 80 they close their eyes like a toddler who thinks if they close their eyes the monster won’t be there.


Except never "my responsibility" or "my fault".


What up, my juror


Well, on top of being a complete waste-of-space asshole, he's also incredibly stupid.


Which makes him being the GOP nominee for POTUS an insult to all US citizens.


Mein Juror


One juror said he got his news from Truth Social, that's probably who he was depending on. Guess the facts of the case were too overwhelming to sway them.


he wasn´t in the bubble anymore. plus, there are instructions, so even if he wanted, i don´t think he could suggest the others to deliberate about the judge´s daughter when they were appreciating a evidence of a false bizz record signed by trump...


It's also probably jarring to your mental image of Trump based on proganda and seeing an old man sleeping through his trial with temper tantrums mixed in. And hearing actual phone calls and evidence.


seeing and smelling. never meet your heroes, goes the say...


Can't disappoint a picture.


I don’t think actual Trump cultist would give a shit what the instructions were.


Thankfully maga fascists arent subtle. There no way a maga fascist could have made it through a single day of the trial without screaming at someone from the jury box.


Which is why none of them even made it through jury selection. Their fervor is too obvious.


By the way, a “loyalist” is Trumps idea of an unbiased juror


It's all conservatives. Unless it's skewed outrageously in their favor, they say it's biased against them. Hell, even when something is outrageously skewed in their favor.


Like the electoral college and the senate. Blantly skewed towards rural conservatives. The republicans will almost certainly never win the national popular vote ever again. But that doesn't matter. So, even with a system rigged in their favor, they are still convinced it is rigged against them and demand more rigging in their favor. Shit is exhausting. 


That's an admission of guilt if it requires a dishonorable juror to ignore evidence trying to get him off.


He was found guilty. Admission of guilt doesn't matter. He's fucking guilty.


Imagine believing that loyalty is why you won't be convicted versus innocence.


So Trump did not do anything to present a convincing defense because he was convinced one of the jury would be on his side, he believed that like one believes an article of faith. Trump has drank his own cool-aid, he somehow believes that he is incapable of making errors in judgement. In short; He lost contact with reality.


He was literally counting on a corrupt juror.


A lot of the defenses the Defense team originally wanted to use fell apart prior to the start of the trial. Some due to Trump's own ego. They originally wanted to run with the defense of trying to hide the affair from his wife, which might have swayed a few jurors depending on how they could have presented it. This defense fell apart when Trump being a dumbass kept saying "he never met Stormy", even though there was evidence that directly contradicted this. On top of that, the fact that Melania wouldn't support him by going to trial with him also killed this defense. They also originally wanted to pin everything on Weisselberg and Cohen running their own rouge operation, but again this fell apart due to Trump's nature of being a micromanager. He was even micromanaging his lawyers so much in this case and the Jean Carol case when you read the cross examination questions, they read almost like his social media posts. Not to mention that multiple of the witnesses the prosecution called testified on how much control that Trump has over every financial decision made. You have to remember, for someone like Trump, he always thinks he's the smartest person in the room. Lastly, he believed his normal tactic of bullying and harassment would get the sway the trial in his favor. They wasted so much time during Cohen's cross trying to bully him and trying to call him childish, instead of trying to contradict items of his testimony, its quite ridiculous. It's like the strategy was "if we get him to look weak, they'll throw out his entire testimony". Funny enough, the Defense's only witness ended up doing exactly that on the prosecution's cross examination on him.


Except to make it on the Jury, that juror would have to shut up about being MAGA for a few weeks. I don't know about y'all, but I don't know a Cult level MAGA that can shut the fuck up about politics for longer than half an hour. I'm sure the juror was a Trump Voter, maybe even considering themselves MAGA to an extent, but this is exactly why the Right is fumbling its way through Loyalty Tests right now. They want the hardened Cultists. If "Trump's Juror" wasn't at premium levels of Cultist, they were going to find Trump guilty. There was no way around that. The evidence was too cut and dry. A Cultist would never make it on the jury.


I hope "my juror" was trolling him the entire time to make him think he was on his side. That would actually be the best thing ever.


That's my guess. Some people are just painfully polite to everyone. Or maybe they smiled, because they were suppressing a laugh at his ridiculousness.


I hope it was a genuine trumper that after hearing all the evidence couldn't in good conscience say anything but guilty.


Lmao. Winks/thumbs up whenever trump looking their way.


Kudos to juror number two for putting aside their personal feelings and reaching a verdict based on the facts. Edit: changed “his” to “their” bc I obv don’t know their gender.


I wonder if the solution to our MAGA problem is forcing each and every one of them to sit through every single one of his cases without letting Faux News interfere


I watched a little fox the night he was found guilty and jfc, it was doom and gloom. Pundit after pundit called it the worst day in American history(literally). Like wtf? 9/11, Pearl Harbor, jfk or Lincoln killings, civil war, Tulsa,.....etc. All of them went completely unchecked.


They just love to paint rich white conservatives as the biggest victims of American history. Absolutely ridiculous.


Jurors are exposed to the rawest and most comprehensive versions of the information. Versions that are not just there in their fullest when media sources are able to withhold some information, put a spin on it, editorialize, or write misleading/lying headlines (I distinguish between the two because there is a difference, for as much as I so often comment on this sub that the term "misleading" is way overused). The information they see is in such a way that people in general are not exposed to. The *people* they see are different from the versions that they are exposed to. So the juror who reported to getting news almost exclusively from Truth Social may have seen Tweetle Dumb for what he truly is (or at the very least, his actions for what they truly were). And this indeed may be the best way to do it. It will be very difficult, of course. And there is the problem that networks like Faux has basically brainwashed its audience into believing that everyone else is lying. But in the end, it may work.


This is why I can't wait for the Georgia RICO case and why I'm pissed it's not happening prior to the election. It will be fully televised and in an environment where neither Trump nor the media can fully control the narrative. Just hardcore facts recorded on tape.


My Juror, new product by Mike Lindell. Turns out it’s just a juror, nothing special.


Martha Stewart went to jail for far less! Trump needs to go to jail!!!


Don't worry. There's always the next trial, or the trial after that, or the trial after that....


Statistically speaking, roughly 25% of the jurors who self-dismissed early in the trial were Trump supporters. The jury could have been made almost entirely of Trump supporters. But they bailed.


Perhaps they knew how their crowd would react and the dangers of getting doxxed....


of course not the evidence. That would kind of be the law and order approach. Nope. It was how the fix was in.


“with some suggesting that a member of the Trump legal team should leak their identities.” If any names are leaked and anything happens to any juror, Trump and his legal team are up shit creek.


This says so much. Trump was relying on a supporter to set aside the evidence and betray their oath all in the service of protecting him. This is how he sees everyone and he expects his followers to put him above all else. I am amazed on a daily basis how his supporters can't see right through this, they are indeed his favorite kind of people: suckers.


He seems to like taking ownership of people, *his juror*, *his black*, *his gays*, *his voters*. He's running a 21st century maga plantation.


What the actual... >Trump and his lawyers were allowed to learn the identity of the jurors during the case, though Judge Juan Merchan did order their identities be kept from the public, instructing journalists to keep their descriptions of jurors to a minimum after a Fox News host [spooked a potential juror](https://www.salon.com/2024/04/18/juror-quits-over-fear-of-being-outed-after-fox-news-host-singled-her-out/) in April. I'm shocked that they were allowed to learn the identity of the jurors. WE KNOW Trump can't keep a secret. They are going to be doxed. Just wait.


Living in Wisconsin, If I had a dollar for every time I heard a trump supporter express a desire to visit lethal force upon folks who don’t vote for their candidate, or just folks who vote, I’d have a fifty foot sailboat by now. Sixty foot if I also got $10 for every gun they own above their number of physical human arms. An eighty foot catamaran if I get a penny for every round of ammo. That’s why I don’t talk politics in person or in public anymore. These people are homicidal, and in trumps thrall, and I don’t want to find out how much of their talk is just bluster…


\* _Convicted Felon_ Trump


A rural juror?


Maybe venturing into the city caused them to catch that urban fervor?


The rurr jurr


Undoubtedly and nice reference.


He thought he had a ringer on the jury. Thankfully, the juror was true to the law, which is something he never expected from one of his supporters


The biggest thing I take from the jury being unanimous is this, half the country voted for Trump. Somehow we managed to get 12 people to agree not just on one thing but 34 different things...


Turns out, no one sane likes him. Womp womp, fat boi.


That’s the craziest part…they just needed one person out of twelve on their side. They couldn’t even do that


Is that why he keeps insisting the trial was rigged? Because he thought it was rigged for him?


Maybe the person saw the evidence and was jolted back into reality. Taken out of their bubble, they gave up the MAGA fantasy and voted appropriately


I think most definitely there were several Trump fans on the Jury. But when faced with the evidence even they had to convict him.


The whole "he can't get prison, this is only his first offense!" argument is extremely tired. Trump's proven consistently throughout his life he is a terrible human who has no regard for the law or remorse for the terrible things he constantly does whatsoever. Spending his remaining years locked up without access to a cell phone is exactly what he deserves, for the protection of the community.


"My juror, my juror," lamented the Fuhrer.