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> another said the former president "should already know he has an army willing to fight and die for him if he says the words...I'll take up arms if he asks." Didn't turn up to support him at the trial when he ~~sulked~~ asked, though. The idea that they can coordinate an army is nonsense, the people that were nearest to being able to do that are now incarcerated following J6 and they were still far from being 'an army'. Individuals who can send explosives / swat teams / commit attacks like the one on Paul Pelosi are more likely and a genuine threat.


President Bonespurs has an army of big mouth, malcontent snowflakes.


Someone typoed it as "brain spurs" last week and I think I'm going to use that going forward


Yeah, he begged (like a dog!) them to show up for his arraignments and maybe a dozen turned out.


is that "like a dog" a falcone ref? if so, i love that delivery in BB. quote it all the time


I am sure this terrorist is just waiting for a signed personal invitation addressed specifically for him. More seriously: all of these fascists are waiting for others to get martyred first and for there to be a general uprising (which there won't be). If any of these white supremacists actually *do* attack again, they will get hit so fast and hard that the rest are going to be too scared to try anything.


> Didn't turn up to support him at the trial when he sulked asked, though. they don't want to protest though, just shoot people


MAGA = Pvt Ziskey ‘I don’t know what kind of soldier I’m going to make, but I just want you guys to know that if we ever get into heavy combat…. I’ll be right behind you guys every step of the way’


Yeah trump has tried multiple times to summon his "army" post Jan 6th and they haven't shown up. Even in Florida, nobody showed up to his arraignment. The freedumb convoy down to the border pettered out because they all kept on accusing each other of being feds. The idea trump can summon the mob is largely fiction at this point. And it's not like his rhetoric can get much more extreme to inspire them. The only thing left is to get so explicit and specific he no longer has plausible deniability for the violence his cult commits. Another downside of cranking shit to 11 for convicted felon donald


They will fight over beer and shitty burgers in Trump's name, dammit!


Thank you for announcing your crimes before committing them. It's nice to see criminals making justice swift and easy.


After hordes of them were arrested and jailed for Jan 6, I guess they haven't learned their lesson yet.


Those were all Antifa and FBI plants /s


Also, they were real American patriots and they should pardoned immediately.   /s


Good one. Your sarcasm is well noted Lol


I like that you think they're able to learn lessons.


Didn’t the guy who Abbot pardoned do exactly that. On social media he clearly stated his intention to go to the protest and kill someone. Abbot then pardoned him for his crime. The lesson learned by these MAGA terrorist is that they can literally get away with murder. Which is why this ass hat feels so secure in openly declaring his intentions. He believes those in power have his back because they share his same beliefs (after all they are the ones egging him on).


This is why it's important to have both state and federal charges for terrorism. 


*Meal Team Six reporting for doody!*


A fat guy with an AR 15 and AP rounds is pretty scary.


It's not a crime until they do it. Then it's a civil war.


"I'll be a right-wing terrorist. Which one is the terrorist line?" - A Soft-Headed Right-Wing Idiot


Incels get promised 40 virgins each. ^(Fine print: it's 40 other incels.)


It was family guy that did this one. I think. Terrorist dies and it's a bunch of nerds on computers. One kid says, "we're playing Magic the Gathering. Wanna join?"


lol came here to make this reference. Trump incel gets to heaven, I’m here for my virgins Great they are over there playing DnD…..


DnD is cool, fun, and therapeutic. My group is a bunch of married 40 something’s that just need a break from all of the bullshit.


I'm the one that pointed out family guy here. I started playing DnD in 1983 and computer games in the late 80s. I also was heavily into competitive magic the gathering 10 years ago. I traveled all over for tournaments and spent 3 nights a week in game shops. I can just laugh at myself because the stereotypes are funny.


Oh I’d love to get into DnD, so I wasn’t throwing shade just the best reference I could think of from “their” perspective. Coming from a married 40 something that fires up his PS5 to get away from life and toddlers lol


By the way, if you really want to get into DnD, get into Pathfinder instead. It's cheaper, simpler and being updated by people who care instead of money grabbing corpo scum trying to monetize a community. All the pathfinder books are legally available as free pdfs online. You'll end up buying a few books anyway just cuz its so nice to flip through over scrolling but no rush. Or, play baldurs gate 3, that may be enough to scratch the itch and get into the core system, though that is based on DnD


40 tradwifes :)


40 twinks


Ali Baba and the 40 Twinks!


I'd watch that.


Every single one should be in gitmo, and if there's too many expand.


Remember Jan 06, I wonder how many Americans Trump supporters will kill this time. There is a reason Trump's lawyers asked for sentencing to be 4 days before the GOP convention. Trump will rant about his sentence at the convention, whip his shit stain followers up, who will then go out and commit violence.


not if he's in prison he won't.


His sentence can not start immediately. His recent absence at the convention can be enough to foment his shit stain followers.


I would not be so sure of that. If he pisses this judge off enough with his rhetoric, he can be remanded into custody at any time.


His sentencing is on July 11, why would they delay implementing it?


lol, some of the folks who run the thing are thinking about moving it so that he is "officially" nominated BEFORE sentencing. Somehow they think this will change the judge's mind/the general public's mind.


There will be people in the "law and order party" who will be happy with a convicted felon as a candidate.


Meanwhile a ton of Republican states are planning to disqualify Biden for not having the convention soon enough...


I doubt that last part. His supporters now have a lot of evidence from the J6th trials about how "find out" part is likely to go for them. I have no doubt that a few would go it alone, but like people calling for any revolution or large scale action, the vast majority are going to be the types that go, "you first, let us know how it turns out", before they are going to be willing to risk their own necks.


And the second the girl who went first is shot they will drop all plans and run away.


Well, there's a chance that 350 of the Jan 6 charges will be thrown out, which is insane but welcome to [White Man Special Justice Rules](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/supreme-court-weighs-jan-6-rioters-obstruction-challenge-affect-trumps-rcna147841).


I’m wagering Trump gets replaced on the ticket. I have to imagine there is animated debate on this subject daily since the conviction.


I would be shocked if that happens, the GOP seems totally committed to him whether they want to be or not.


> the GOP seems totally committed to him whether they want to be or not. The crazy Trump base has declared that they are sick of NEO Con RINOs like Mittens and Jeb and will not vote for them and that they only option they want is Trump and Fascism. The GOP *might* be able to win with just the non-Trump wing of the party in the event of low Democrat turnout. The GOP absolutely can NOT win elections without the crazy Trump base. The GOP is tied in a suicide pact with the crazy Trump base.


you want to insure the MAGA dolts do not vote on election day? because that's how you insure you get zero turnout from them.


I look at the very modest turnout of the pro-Trump demonstrators at the courthouse, as an indicator of the voter turnout that they should expect if he is their nominee. Surely, the news of his criminal conviction will be widely known before the election.


but going out of your way to make certain 50% of your base don't vote, which is much easier and a "civic duty" than going to some demonstration, is suicide for the party. and this is one of the biggest problems the GOP faces. they should have endured the pain of dumping tfg after J6 4 yrs ago. but they couldn't/didn't and those chickens are coming home to roost.


>tfg The Felonious Guy


that'll work, also the former guy, but in my mind it's that fucking guy.


You say that like it's a bad thing


for people running the GOP convention it is a horrible thing.


His poll numbers would have to tank so spectacularly, that he would have zero chance at winning. No, I think that even the people in the party who hate him and want him gone, know their only path is to just ride him out as long as it takes to be rid of him. Anything else risks MAGA splitting off to run as a 3rd party, and they are definitely the types to cut off their nose to spite their face. Personally, I think this is inevitable anyway, because MAGA has shown itself to be so toxic to so many voters, it can't continue to be allowed to pick primary candidates in close national races.


That means they will let him try to remain in office for the rest of his life.


I wonder if he'll be on the ticket while the RNC knows he won't be able to serve (because prison) but they also know people won't show up to vote for another candidate. So they'll leave Trump on the ticket, get the votes and plan to replace him with his VP.


Who would replace him? No one with as much appeal as Trump on the right. DeSantis maybe? He is as exciting as a wet paper bag and list to Trump in the primary. Trump has a proven track record of losing to Biden. I think the GOPs problem is that their primary doesn't produce good candidates for the general.


Forgive me, I am a Brit. Last time, Trump was President. He controlled all the safeguarding systems and purposefully allowed things to get worse. This time, Biden is President. I would be flabbergasted if Biden allowed a Jan 6 to occur on his watch. It wouldn’t surprise me if there are already protocols in place to prevent it from happening again. The patterns leading up, such as the movement of Trump supporters, could be mapped out and predicted, and roadblocks could be used to stall them all. Even if they gathered outside of the Capitol, I’d be shocked if the National Guard wasn’t called in to deal with it. Biden has absolutely torn apart J6. I’d be beyond surprised if he actually allowed it to happen again.


They are planning on using other methods. Terrorizing polling places to discourage turnout in minority areas, unfairly purging voter roles, manipulating state laws to throw the election to trump, and finally on Jan 6th staging a tantrum in congress to upend the electoral college.


I was referring to Jan 6 for what felon Trump's followers are capable of, but as far location goes I was thinking of the city where the republican convention would be. My thought is that the violence would start there. The local governor and mayor would be responsible for safeguarding people in that area, not the president.


It would be convenient if all the right-wing internet trolls who know how to actually use a gun and are insane enough to die for Trump would be in one place shouting out intent to commit violence where they can all be rounded up together in one day! It would make the next six months a lot easier.


Theres a beer hall right across from where the convention is...


One more time: Maga is a terrorist organization.


You know who will take up arms for Biden? The best trained and supplied military on earth! I know who my bet is on.


Ford F-150 equipped with 15 flags Vs A-10 warthog firing explosive cans of red bull at a rate of 75 rounds per second Yeah I know where to place my bets.


F-150 vs F-15


"A hunnert fefty's a lest *twahs* is beg is feftain! Ah'll tek them awds!"


Lil Bebby jeeesus laird n hevun thems some numbers.


I think the military would try to minimize civilian casualties. The para-militarized F-150 would be killed, but spectators will be avoided as much as they can.


Well if anyone has practice at trying to avoid collateral damage it'd be the US military


So, a single high-precision guided round. From a stand-off platform, where we can see the other people who might be within radius. At a cost of $10 million, or more, of course. ;-)


So drones


Civilians can buy drones for a couple thousand bucks, and 3D print the parts they need to make them effective weapons. So, yeah, the US military will probably pay a few million per drone, and a few million for the operator console, and a few million more for training each operator.... After all, the contractor has to make a profit.


Their greatest warrior and esteemed martyr Ashley Babbitt only required a 9mm rd. So probably more like 35 cents.


Right. They really think that the entire military is going to side with them. They would get demolished if they tried to do anything.


Right wing terrorists and their supporters have argued that there are enough of them currently enlisted in the military that they would disobey the lawful orders of their Commander in Chief and commit traitorous acts against our nation and its citizens.


ew. it's like children of the corn.


Exactly. The “soft” libs have been responsible for some of the most technologically advanced discoveries and weapons in history lol. The hard right Christian wing really hasn’t made a large splash in terms of scientific breakthroughs. “Cool, load your musket, we’ll shut off the internet and disable your power while a drone zeros in on your nightly Jesus wank”. Let them come. F*cking idiots lol.


Not for nothing, but thankfully a lot of the ring leaders who would have organized the this type of reaction are under indictment or have been charged for their actions on January 6th.


And the ones who weren't are frightened (perhaps accurately) that they have been infiltrated or are under surveillance by law enforcement.


Good, let them riot and end up locked up on election day. One less idiot at the polls!


That's what I say when people say justice should be witheld due to fear of violence. Good let them get violent it will make slamming a boot on their neck more easily justifiable and lock them all up in prison so their votes are all concentrated in a few counties and blow back their gerrymandering on them. The ones itching for violence cannot be reasoned with anyways, they literally have been inventing excuses for it for decades, and already have their conclusion. Only option is to continue pursuing justice, and since they only have 2 moves (violence and lies) their behavior is predictable and unoriginal. Continue the cycle of pursuing justice which will bait them, deal with the crazies that acted up, and repeat indefinitely. The moderates and people that don't pay attention will be further alienated by seeing crazy people continuously from that side. The ones already radicalized to the point of needing forceful re-education will continue being locked up and have their political power marginalized by concentrating them in prisons which will be complimented in the dilution of their vote by the gerrymandering their side fought for.


It does my heart good to see another Texan talking sensibly. We’re definitely the minority!


The thing they're not really taking in consideration is that even though they are right-wing and they are willing to do this and they think that they're going to be protected by the police who are also largely right-wing, that's probably not going to be the case. In reality, you give a cop any reason to shoot someone and they're going to do it. These idiots are going to be shot by their own side.


I don't think the cops are "their side". They are going to FAFO, IMO.


In what world are you living in where the cops are not predominantly right wing?


Did you see the police response on Jan 6? Being conservative and being okay with a violent coup are not always the same thing.


Not sure what that has to do with the police overall as an apparatus. Police unions advocate for stricter crime penalties and increased funding, their role in maintaining social order aligns with conservative law and order ideals.


“Conservative law and order ideals” have been abandoned by the political party that’s headed by a convicted felon and which tried to violently overthrow the government. The cops on 1/6 were fighting the insurrections- there’s plenty of video proof.


None of that changes what I said, and I don't understand why you think it does. Maybe it's perhaps because you believe that not all cops are bad and the few good ones redeem the entire profession. It does not.


You can not like cops and also look at the objective evidence available. They had a chance to support/assist in a violent insurrection in support of Trump, and they didn’t. If you are claiming they will do so in the future, I am saying your claim in unsupported. If you have some other point I’m afraid I’m not clear on what it is.


I couldn't lay my point out anymore clearer. In the United States police are a right-wing ideology-backed profession. They are there to support the status quo and to protect and serve the wealth class. Who do you think they were protecting at the Capitol? Anyways, being right-handed and using your left hand one time to do one thing does not make one left-handed or ambidextrous.


How does a violent insurrection over a politician being criminally convicted or overturning the results of an election “support the status quo?”


> They had a chance to support/assist in a violent insurrection in support of Trump, and they didn’t. You might want to check your sources on that, because at least 35 of them seemed to have supported the insurrection. > [Capitol Police Suspends 6 Officers, Investigates Dozens More After Capitol Riots](https://www.npr.org/sections/insurrection-at-the-capitol/2021/02/19/969441904/capitol-police-suspends-6-officers-investigates-dozens-more-after-capitol-riots)


And how many others didn’t support it? The agencies themselves and the bulk of the officers did the right thing, and your own source shows that the officers who did t were punished.


I think you two are arguing slightly off-kilter to one another. Yes, the Capitol Police were directly in the line of fire and did their duty to the law and the status quo by protecting the electeds from a violent mob. That much was in line with their job of protecting capital (pun intended) and power from any immediate destabilizing force. However, many cops in America want to push that farther right. The current overarching threat to the status quo, in their eyes, is liberals, trans people, godless communism, and feminists. So they are organizing against this threat the same way they did in the past as the KKK, John Birch, Tea Party etc. Many, many rioters on Jan 6 were off-duty cops, national guard, basically security apparatus people who were defending the "status quo" of white male patriarchy. Now that we've had four more years of this shit, we know the Secret Service deleted all their emails and texts from that day, so they can't be trusted. Some Capitol police were helping the rioters and giving them aid and comfort. National Guard wasn't used because there were just enough kooks in the hierarchy to hold them back. And so on and so on. The FBI and Homeland Security ignored warnings and threats, probably because they [were fine with it](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/fbi-homeland-security-ignored-massive-amount-of-intelligence-before-jan-6-senate-report-says). The FBI has been railing against the Jan 6 prosecutions, because that agency is riddled with Trump kooks. There were a bunch of FBI emails leaked where field agents were complaining about arresting "peaceful tourists" and stonewalling the process. Heck, James Comey sank Hillary ffs. So yeah, the cops in direct line of attack on Jan 6 used their positions to fight Trump, and no doubt the House and Senate have made sure loyalists are in place there for Round 2 on Jan 6 2025. But just having to spell that out should demonstrate the problem for you.


If the J6rers start murdering police, which they would need to do to start their civil war, I don't think the cops are going to tolerate that regardless of how much they might be more right wing than you or I. Unless you're pollyanna-ing a scenario where all the cops join the J6 nutjobs and start attacking the National Guard or something equally improbable. In which case, we have lost and might as well start thinking about how to survive or flee.


I don't think it's going to be an all cops or anything like that situation. And there's a comment from me this morning talking about this, that if any of these idiots pop off, even the cop that is aligned with them politically is going to use it as an opportunity to put them down, given the temperature at which police operate today in our society what with the warrior cop mentality, and the guardian cop mentality.


It’s true that the cops side with the cops but they always pull punches for their own. National guard is another story.


Given the overlap of private militias training like the Three Percenters and other Patriot groups being made up of National Guard members who are weekend warriors, I don't know if that's the case personally. Right-wing pedagogy when I was in the service, active duty, then I do, watching the headlines and all the corruption in various National Guard units across the nation. A lot of these cowards don't have the gaul to actually sign up and join the active duty military, so they go to the National Guard, hoping that they don't have to deploy and do their actual job. Only a few states during the last two theaters of war had a heavy tempo for national guard, and it was largely only the US Army that did that. If I recall correctly, Texas was one of those states that deployed their national guard more often, and longer.


Gall* Gaul is france


Ok, then they can have the cell next to Trump. Insurrections cannot succeed (never have) without extensive help from a third party country for resupply, training, and logistics. These guys think because they have a few thousand rounds that when they "rise up" they will be able to fight pitched battles (where they try to murder cops and active duty military) against trained forces. Two groups they pretend to honor and revere. They will either die or be caught.


Meanwhile Trump is trying to make statements just vague enough to support violence without getting arrested for inciting violence


And this time we'll be ready to shoot fucking back.


People like alex jones already preping to throw these people under the bus as "false flag" attacks as we speak too.


Yep, we're all real afraid of toothless Cletus and thunder-thigh Betty in their Arkansas double-wide, putting down their meth pipe for a moment to try their hand at armed rebellion.


Sure thing, pal.


And the worthless little pieces of trailer trash will get themselves killed. I'd pay to see that. There are a lot of people in this country who need to learn that if you live by the sword, you die by the sword.


You can’t shoot anyone from behind your keyboard


Let them. Then arrest all of them as the domestic terrorists they are.


gosh if only he was a convicted felon with a history of couping...then the government might start tapping his devices and actually stopping his plan.


Talk is cheap.


We have tanks.


Actually, the last election he benefited from more turnout, not less, which makes the Trump Party's insistence on fighting early voting and mail-in voting perplexing. Like the man himself, his voters seem to be emotional, prone to outbursts but lazy. All this Trump Party ballot box stuff seems to be counterproductive now. What does work is in the South, they make black voters wait hours to vote and outlaw Christian charity in voting lines, rigging the election in their favor instead of appealing to more voters by updating their ignorant and greedy policies.


“Civil War” changed to “see, we’re not like them, we raised *bla bla bla*” almost over night. take up arms to MAGA, just means a Twitter circle jerk.


Amazing the click-baity article you can come up with by copying a tweet


I think all this talk about we'll take up arms is from people who are paid to say it. You know I'm thinking that's what happened in the 1960's war protests Nixon pays some guy's to start violence hoping everyone joins in


First gunshot would scatter 90%+. It’s one thing to think firing weapons regularly will make you used to it, it’s another ballgame when you don’t know where the bullets are coming from or where they’re going. Pretty much none of these fools are willing to risk their life just because they’re afraid of brown people.


Domestic Terrorism. Arrest him, charge him, and lock him up without bail.


All these military wannabe Trump supporters need to get a life.


The MAGA morons sometimes make it so insanely easy to find them.


So do the police and armed forces. But the difference is, they’re pros.


Eager to get clapped…be my guest…


Take up arms and enjoy those Made In The USA drones.


Ill take up arms too. Against them


This is what the National Guard is for. Don't let these clowns get even any semblance of legitimism; as soon as they start "taking up arms" beat their ass back. This would be a time for Dems to go against their nature and go on the offensive.


This is why we have a Second Amendment. Us Democrats own guns, too.


Absolutely, but no need to even get that far.


That for profit prison system they love to much is really suffering from the loss of pot smokers. I suggest we have a new class of citizen far better suited to occupy those cells. Step right up and identify yourselves, we've leave the light on.


The for profit prison system exists mainly at level 1 and 2. These people will be level 3 federal at the very minimum.


Fair enough. I'm just glad folks are pointing out that prison is the place to put folks who take to the streets with violence. *It woulda been nice to teach them about the for profit prisons at the same time but that was just wishful thinking on my part I suppose :)*


It’s kinda wired, cause they went through the prison system as it is as they voted for. What did they learn from losing their right to bail for discussing the crime, and getting thrown into solitary after getting into fights? They learned the prison system is completely unfair, cruel, dirty, and inhumane……..to them.


We can change that. Make a special exception.


Putting them in minimum security will be very problematic. There’s intentionally no gates at them.


Trump isn't motivating these violent supporters, they're already primed to commit violence against the government. Trump is just the excuse these guys are using to justify something they're already wanting to do.


These guys are like the videos of dogs you see online where they are barking a growling and showing teeth while there is a fence between them and when you open the gate they back off I'm sure there would be some total idiots to take up arms but a vast number of these meal team sixers will hide themselves like cops at a preschool shooting


Threatening violence in order to create political change: textbook terrorist. I presume Homeland Security is on the case.


Trump has been trying to get his supporters to engage in political violence on his behalf for the last 3 years. They're aren't as eager now that they've seen J6ers getting 4-5 year sentences for answering to his calls to commit political violence.


Let him fucking try! The moment he tells his supporters to physically attack any government entity or facility, it's game over. Both for him, and for his most psychotic followers. A few of them would pop off, but I suspect they'd be swiftly handled. Either arrested outright before the violence could actually begin, or during the act. Then, Trump would be actually handcuffed and incarcerated. If he were to actually tell his goons to "take up arms and fight", as is being speculated here, he wouldn't be treated with the same kid gloves he has been so far. He'd be sent to jail. No phones, no computers, no press, just jail. He'd be tried and convicted for treason. I hope it doesn't come to this, but it very well may. We are living in strange times.


Do it. Fuck around and find out.


I seem to recall him already demanding it, like the very next day. Then again, these are the same alpha males that stomped their feet and screamed about how they’d take a bullet for their country but wearing fabric over their mouth made them feel bad. Macho posturing, carrying totems of masculinity, won’t do a damned thing until it’s in massive numbers. There are the “lone wolf” types, the ones that are always, without fail, members of online communities where everyone is posting something that looks like their Manifesto fed into a text bot every day, but they totally acted alone and there’s nothing wrong with the community! Super serious! Those were the ones with the courage of their toxic convictions. The rest settle for the courage of the mob, or at least being on the side they expect to win.


Why not take up guitar and show us your song writing skills?


Sad that I have to say this… I have a sleeve of patriotic tattoos and talk funny. I went from being a staunch conservative to caring about people about seven years ago. Don’t shoot me but I could easily infiltrate the Trumpie asshats.


The moron wing of MAGA is going to try to pull more Jan. 6ths. The dangerous wing of MAGA is going to try to pull more Oklahoma Cities. The FBI considers MAGA/right wing extremism as a genuine domestic terrorist threat for a reason. Their membership is full of active and former military and law enforcement personnel with the knowledge and training to do some real damage, as well as having access to explosives/heavy weapons and/or knowing where and how those items are stored so they can be stolen later. When de-Ba'athification happened and the insurgency started in Iraq, one of the first thing that happened is former IA guys in trucks stole thousands of tons of explosives from depots and buried it out in the desert to be used later to make IEDs. Some version of that will likely happen here if Trump gives the word to his cultists.


> Some version of that will likely happen here if Trump gives the word to his cultists. Doubtful. First off, where do they get "thousands of tons of explosives"? Dunno if you're aware of this, but explosives are fairly tightly controlled and pretty easy to track back based on residue. Stealing "thousands of tons" of explosives in the US is significantly different than a recently destabilized and leaderless Iraq.


By supporters I guess they mean terrorism


Fuckin cult


Bring it and let them get their asses handed to em https://youtu.be/WOSqCjMRXWA?si=sWSzOZGEYzvWpqvF


*We're gonna need more prisons!*


Let them. It will not be as nice on them as January 6, 2021.


hopefully that idiot is just blowing smoke. how does he expect that will work out for him? these far right LARP'ing battle dudes need to take a deep breath before they get themselves in a whole lot of trouble


Not a selling point if you ask me


So long as the govt can swiftly deal with these domestic terrorists then I guess we didn’t completely waste all our tax dollars and rights allowing the NSA to spy on our own citizens?


I’m more concerned about trying to get out of work early to play the final shape tomorrow.


What a brain dead moron. Any of them. Still can’t figure out how so many idiots can idolize someone. Especially a bigger idiot.


Do it. I’d love to see the police shoot a bunch of Trump supporters. The national IQ would shoot up In minutes!


Of course they would. He has already done so before.


Say it with me now…pre-medi-tated.


Well just like the red coats we can see them coming with their red hats. At least the red coats got shot where the red was.


OK. Be just like the Jan 6 people. WCGW with that?




I'll just leave this here (Comedian Neal Brennan's take on this situation): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOSqCjMRXWA


He’s probably heavily invested in prisons.


These people are cowards. They already tried their coup and it ended after the first shot was fired. A Twitter army is not a real army.


My greatest concern is that at the county level too many Sheriff’s are MAGA and too many police are ultra racist. It makes me wonder how many in the military will passively not comply or interfere. But a few hangings will solve this if only we had the balls to do them.


Haha libs have a second amendment too.


DOJ and DHS Spokespeople in a few months, "We had absolutely no advanced warning of potential Right Wing Violence. There was no conceivable way that we could have done anything to prevent the loss of life and destruction of property. Next Question"


Gravy seals ready for deployment sir.


I’m not optimistic that the military or police would stop a MAGA uprising, even a small one. Most cops and most military are historically Conservative. The best thing we can do is be ready to defend ourselves if they decide to completely lose their shit, count on no help from the police or military, and be pleasantly surprised if it arrives.


While he may be able to rile them up, they also are probably keenly aware of what happened to those who did this before. So riled up is one thing, taking action is another.


The GOP is the Fascism Party.


Please maga take up arms! Most of that trailer trash belongs behind bars or in a camp anyways.


Let's be honest with each other, alot of these guys are just looking to take up arms for any reason whatsoever.


They want to be significant. They know they aren't.


I'll be happy to see these types of people receive their just desserts.


Its cool the Democrats are good with slightly disagreeing with this is floor speeches…


Does he bollocks. Warned another 'expert'


Hope I can outrun the gravy seals in their rascal mobility scooters…


Gravy Seal. Meet tank.


The keyboard army have no balls.


Yawn, weird that repetitive BS makes me feel sleepy.


Battered wife syndrome


“Take up arms” lmao homie would probably die if he had to take up a full time job. Fucking loser.


The Gravy Seals Insurrection.

