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Honestly thats not that high because of course democrats think he should drop out. if it was 60% plus then i would be happy.


that’s why all these majority headlines are just silly the majority is already opposed to him


Yet somehow trumpers think he won in 2020. Fml


They still claim he won the popular vote. Fuck these cultists. They don't live in reality and always argue in bad faith. They have burnt their bridges to support an anti-Christ figure. May their souls burn in hell if they believe it exists


The last Republican to win the popular vote was Bush Jr. post 9/11. That’s mind blowing.


Even more telling...he's the only one who won the popular vote since 1988. So the GOP has won ONE popular Presidential vote in 36 years, yet they had 3 presidential terms and control the Supreme Court.


that doesn't sound very democratic


Its not; the electoral college was made to give land more rights than people. Which is why the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact is so important. If your state hasnt signed on, write to your Reps


It was also to make selection of the President indirect. Now it's basically a rubber stamp but the electors were actually supposed to go to their state capitals and actually talk to each other and then decide on a good candidate. They weren't supposed to be people with strong ties to a party. So they don't even do the one theoretically useful thing they were supposed to which was to keep some populist asshat from becoming President.


It *almost* made sense at one time, back before the advent of near instantaneous transcontinental communication, when those electors would have had to travel for weeks or months to DC to represent, just in case something serious happened during that timespan.


Well The electoral college was based on number of senators and reps. Reps were based on population. At some point we stopped adding reps, so higher population areas became underrepresented in the vote


The Reapportionment Act of 1929 permanently capped the number of representatives at 435. Before 1929 small states had a slight electoral advantage over large states. Afterwards that advantage became massive. If we followed the same rules we did in 1928, residents of Wyoming would have roughly 1.2 votes compared to residents in California. Today residents in Wyoming have roughly 4 votes compared to California. Remind people of this when they talk about how important the electoral college was to the founders.


just to be clear, if you want your state to adopt the NPVIC, you should be writing to your state legislators, not your Rep in Congress


No no no, you don't understand. It's super democratic. The people vote for what they want, then we tell them what they actually should want and do that instead. Everybody wins except for the majority of the voters. It couldn't be more democratic.


Because "We'Re A rePuBLiC."


Exactly. We know 50% hate his guts so of course we’re gonna want him to end his campaign.


I hate his guts and I actually don't want him to end his campaign, jut lose. He's been a huge drag so far on all down ballot races for Republicans and he's milking the rubes of all sorts of funs they can't spend on other campaigns for his legal defenses. Let him to continue to destroy the Repubs from within so long as he loses in the end.


Setiously everytime I read 'majority' in a headline these days its like 51 or 53%.  Thats about how evenly divided Americans are on everything its not some crushing overwhelming majority like these headlines paint it, its maddening.


Clinton also lost with a 2% lead in 2016 (albeit a plurality), so that sort of edge doesn't mean much.


Most people have hated trump since he came down the escalator in 2015. Unfortunately the racist lunatics that love him hasn’t changed either.


I've hated him since the apprentice. He just oozes sleazy scumbag energy.


Mark Twain famously popularized the saying, “There are 3 kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.”


That was the name of my Stats book in college


Mark Twain is an odd name for a book.


Even odder is how he came up with the name: "Mark Twain"


Samuel Clemens acquired the nickname "Mark Twain" from his habit of striding into the Old Corner Saloon and calling out to the barkeep to “Mark Twain!”. This phrase was sung out by Mississippi river boatmen with their craft in two fathoms of water, but in Virginia City it meant to bring two blasts of whisky to Sam Clemens and make two chalk marks against his account on the back wall of the saloon1. Clemens began to use the pen name of Mark Twain when he started working as a journalist for the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise. He had heard the term “mark twain” during his time on the riverboats and found the phrase humorous, so he decided to adopt it as a pseudonym when writing his books and articles.


A very slim majority, nowhere near enough to keep him from being reelected.


60? For a felony conviction? It should be approaching 100%. I'd be satisfied in the high 80s and chalk the rest up to criminals and fools. That it's basically a split is a very bad sign for this nation's future. Regardless of the outcome in November.


“Think he should end his campaign” is also NOT the same as “I will not vote for him.”




That's a risky dance for our nation


This is a very good point.


It’s because mainstream establishment political parties and their supporters love to LARP as revolutionaries without doing any of the work to actually be revolutionary. The MAGA idiots desperately want to be this revolutionary movement fighting against a corrupt authoritarian state bent on repressing dissidents and jailing their enemies. While in reality they have the backing of billions of dollars, entire TV and news networks and their leader is getting convinced of crimes not because it’s a setup but because he’s an actual criminal who’s spent the last 40 years doing crime nonstop.


I actually heard a good argument for why it shouldn't be a guaranteed bar from office . Imagine trump with a loaded court system after 8 years charging every Democrat who runs . Then he could effectively prevent all opposition . (Hypothetically)


Yep, do you really want an situation like Alexei Navalny where any trumped up conviction renders opposition to be ineligible to run in opposition? Allowing the voting public to see through such politically motivated convictions and vote for their preferred candidate is better. But that assumes that the public is smart enough to discern what is a trumped up conviction from a politically motivated one. That safeguard breaks down completely when genuine criminality is spun as political persecution and a large part of the public buys into the lie.


Look, If we allow the judicial system to become that much of a joke, then this nation deserves to cease to exist. If juries and the appeal process can't even approach fair, then what the hell are we doing?


Right? Only reason he has made it as far is *because* our judicial system is a joke. If white collar crime had real, proportional consequences then he would have been dealt with decades ago.


We are already pretty close to that with the ridiculous shenanigans the SC is playing helping Trump delay his cases. Even agreeing to hear the Trump immunity case is a fucking travesty. If they end up ruling in his favor on that (or even partially), then as far as I'm concerned the American experiment is dead.


You can’t really assume that people all answer with the same intentions. Some might say he shouldn’t drop out because they think felons should be allowed to run, period. Some people might say he should stay in because he’s easy to beat and draining money from the GOP.


"Half the country already wanted him to drop out, but after this felony conviction, Steve from Idaho ALSO wants him to drop out!"


Steve from Idaho is going to vote for him, he doesn't care what happens. After this felony conviction, Chris from Michigan is at most having second thoughts. He would still rather not vote for Biden because to him, while Trump destroying democracy is bad, the idea of a Democrat being in power is somehow almost as nauseating for him.


Yep. They should’ve only surveyed the Republicans but they did that in a previous poll so now they include everyone so they can push out a different useless poll for clicks.


New YouGov poll found the number of Republicans who said they would be okay with a convicted felon becoming president went from 17% in April to 58% as of last week.


New poll of Republicans find that 40% believe we should have "The Purge" enshrined in our constitution and let political races be decided by caged combat.


To be fair, Joe Biden would probably beat the shit out of Donald Trump in a fist fight. He's in much better physical shape.


I wonder what made them change their mind? /s Also, 58% seems low. Hasn't way more than 58% of Republicans said they would still vote for Trump?


I'm a democrat who thinks he should keep running so Biden humiliates him again.


Maybe after losing a 2nd time (and losing the popular vote a 3rd time) the party would stop nominating him.


I think they'll keep nominating him until he's dead. After that there'll be talk of supporting Jr or Eric until people realize they have as much appeal as a pile of dog shit - with apologies to dogshit.


Trump seems to be declining mentally pretty bad already. I can't imagine Trump would be able to run in 2028.


Yea it's a good plan until it isn't.


If it was 99% it would be a start




Or have been to Epstein island or claimed friends with Epstein


Or that cheats on their pregnant wife with paid off porn stars.


Or cages kids and separates them from their mothers. Permanently.


Or calls for the citizens of the country to riot at the capitol because he's a crybaby loser


Or commits negligent homicide on 500,000 Americans because face masks would smear his make up.


Or fires multiple federal officials because they're investigating corruption by him and his cronies.


Or that brings in fake electors in an attempt to invalidate a democratic election.


Or claims he could murder someone and get away with it.


or calls the Hispanic community rapists and murderers


Or has a mushroom dick


Or poops his pants all day


Man, everybody was doing so good in this chain with their little factoids on Trump. And you just had to go and ruin it by insulting mushrooms.


Just checking: are you taking the million excess deaths and assuming his incompetence is responsible for half?


He's being generous, yes.


20% of the deaths worldwide happened in the U.S. only 4% of world population. Criminal lack of leadership by Trump. He disbanded the pandemic response team because Obama created it. Petty monster.


Or steals funds from a charity that he helped set up to help children with Cancer.


I'm always surprised that this one isn't brought up more. Half a million more Americans died than the world average (not world leading, just average) based on a per capita death rate.


"Trump LIED. 500,000 Americans DIED". There should be bumper stickers eh?


That, specifically, sticks out to me as "If there were such a thing as the Antichrist, he would be it." A man who is literally so vain that half a million people died as a result of his vanity. Many of them his biggest fans. That's like, hardcore ancient Sumerian demon shit.


Or calls our men and women who served this country suckers and losers


Never will be able to fathom the ruthlessness necessary to have a good night sleep after doing this and knowing that some kids committed suicide because of the abandonment and not knowing what to do


So many horrible people supported these policies and I can't even remember all their names, there were so many Trump apologists.


I've said before, this measure wasn't at the same station as Auschwitz or Dachau. But its on the same fucking railway line.




Or sold out their country and people to foriegn dictators


Or cause the death and disappearance of Untold numbers of American intelligence agents in Russia


And then purposefully stops keeping records of the families separated, to make it impossible to reunite them and funnel a bunch of vulnerable children with no records into the country to dissappear.


You mean permanently keeps the kids in America while permanently deporting the parents? Pro fucking life right there. What a bunch of goddamn monsters.


Oh but Betsy Devos made so much money from this! And it gave rich white couples more children to adopt! It can’t be all bad right??! /s


Whoa whoa whoa! She wasn’t paid off until *after* the sex. Just a regular porn star, not a paid off porn star at that point.


He's cheated on everyone and everything. And melania was a d-grade yacht girl too...


"Jeff is a very good friend of mine, and it's even said that he likes women as much as I do, many of them quite young" -The Republican nominee for President of the United States


I've seen this quote before. Did he actually say it?


yes, its in this article from 2002 https://nymag.com/nymetro/news/people/n_7912/


Thank you for the link. There's some very questionable shit in that article. I can't believe that once read as a flex of this guy's lifestyle. Oh, how times have changed. >And yet if you talk to Donald Trump, a different Epstein emerges. **“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,”** Trump booms from a speakerphone. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. **It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side**. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.” >Friends of the two say that Maxwell, whose social life has always been higher-octane than Epstein’s, lent a little pizzazz to the lower-profile Epstein. **Indeed, at a party at Maxwell’s house, her friends say, one is just as apt to see Russian ladies of the night as one is to see Prince Andrew.** >**Epstein is frequently seen around town with a bevy of comely young women** but there has been no boldfaced name to replace Maxwell. >Epstein himself making all the investment calls — there are no analysts or portfolio managers, just twenty accountants to keep the wheels greased and a bevy of assistants — **many of them conspicuously attractive young women**


Have you seen [this](https://youtu.be/J0KU5Nab3pY?si=Pd-lcK3SaMd21VH9) video where FOX removed part of an interview? They asked him if he would declassify some things, 9/11.. "yes!" Kennedy? "Yes!" Epstein? "...yeah..yea i would..maybe less so.. actually you don't want to affect people lives if there's phony stuff in there...i don't know about Epstein as i do the others but the other stuff i would" I'm sure the Q nuts will get right on attacking this, the same way they would if Hillary or Biden said it.


All of them claim he’s never been. So annoying


Technically we don't know if he went to the island However: \- Was best friends with Jeffery Epstein for decades \- Frequently went over to Epstein's house "for dinner", as was proven in court \- Partied with Epstein regularly, often hosting those parties at Mar a Lago \- Tried to purchase a mansion with Epstein \- Flew on the Lolita Express multitudes of times \- Proudly told everyone Epstein "likes them young" \- Hired Alexander Acosta, the lawyer who got Epstein his sweetheart deal, to be the Secretary of Labor \- Hired William Barr, whose family was also buddies with Epstein, to be the Attorney General \- The General Attorney has full access to the prison Epstein "killed himself" in \- Has hired on every single one of Epstein's lawyers to represent him, most of them being his first picks \- Openly gave well wishes to Ghislaine Maxwell \- Owned a child/teen beauty pageant \- Made a bikini and high heels competition for that beauty pageant \- Was frequently spotted walking into the dressing rooms of that teen pageant while the girls were changing \- Made multiple sexualized comments about his own underage daughters


Or rapists.


Now now, in NY pressing a woman against the wall and forcing your fingers into her vagina against her will isn't rape, by law it only counts if you use a penis. For that you'd have to look more towards what Ivana said he did. You know, Ivana being the one that got buried on the golf course.


And the 13 year old who gave a deposition attesting to the rape..


Buried with the rest of the classified documents.....you mean that Ivana


I like to believe that she’s not actually dead but in witness protection for being the mole who tipped off the FBI


No, they pushed her down the stairs and killed her.


The crazy thing about the jury stopping short of calling it rape is that Carroll's accusation was absolutely that he used his penis. So, like, they obviously found Carroll to be credible, or they wouldn't have found him liable for anything, right? But in finding him liable for assault but not rape, they're basically saying they believe her but they don't *believe*-believe her. It really seems like the jurors couldn't say he didn't do it after being presented with the evidence, but one or more of them just weren't comfortable saying he raped someone.


I thought Carroll says she wasn’t sure what he used and that’s why they found assault


If I remember right, the only reason they got him for sexual assault rather than rape is because Trump is so small down there that she couldn’t tell if it was a finger or his penis.


You mean like Convicted Felon Donald Trump?


Indeed, just like convicted felon Donald trump.


Republicans aren’t sending their best people.


They’re sending felons, rapists, mentally ill.


And some of them, I’m sure, wear diapers.


I think they may be sending the best people they have left. I think their best people had enough sense, morals, and decency to get out some time ago.


Crime Boss Donald Trump, disgraced former tv personality and politician


I like to point out that his failed businesses include selling steaks to Americans and casinos where people literally walk in and put money into machines


Or found guilty of rape. Or paid to have sex with a pornstar while his wife was pregnant. Or lost the popular vote in both elections. Or failed to get reelected even after getting caught committing widespread voter fraud while simultaneously accusing his opponent of the same. Or committed insurrection. Or had 6 bankruptcies and 4 failed casinos. Or got hundreds of US operatives killed by exposing their positions for money. Or hung out a lot with Epstein and is almost definitely a pedo. Or stole thousands of classified documents and sold them to the US's enemies. Or killed potentially hundreds of thousands worldwide by calling COVID a hoax and refusing to handle it properly. I could probably go on but I'm exhausted already...


If it was an honest error in their youth like being slightly over the limit for driving back when they were 20 or something similar, then that’s fine. A felony crime isn’t necessarily terrible. Being guilty of 34 with many others pending is a different ball game though. Made one dumb decision, fair enough, repeated and no regrets or remorse, not quite the same.


Eh, it depends. Like, Éamon de Valera escaped from jail in Britain ([here's the Xmas card with secret key specs he sent to the IRA in order to escape](https://imgur.com/OW5XuZj)), then he immediately became the President of Ireland and won a war for independence against Britain. So it's fine to vote for someone with a conviction if they're doing the right thing! But Trump's just a lying, predatory sack of shit.


I’m ok with felons running if it’s been expunged or time served, but I also want felons to be able to vote. If laws affect you, you should be able to vote.


I would vote for a convicted felon, in certain situations. I would never vote for anyone who doesn't respect democracy.


I'm afraid this new line of attack on trump is going to do a lot of damage for convicted felons and their rights in this country


Ya. And I mean Nelson Mandela was a convicted felon or imprisoned for crimes at the very least. So was Navalny. When Trump accused Biden of making him a political prisoner, it's bullshit, but you can see Trump say that he's going to do that to others, and if he can, he will. Political prisoners happen, and so, it can make sense to elect a felon under certain circumstances for sure.


No please. Let’s let him keep trying so we can definitely have Biden win.


Or whose top lawyer was already found guilty convicted and sent to prison by his own justice department while he was in office and for the exact crime he has been found guilty for. I’m weird like that.


It's fucking hilarious that there are people who literally believe that he didn't break any laws, that it's all just a fabrication of Sleepy Joe, but at the same time, Joe has dementia and shouldn't be President and the justice system is corrupt but America is great. I can't imagine being so conflicted about so much made up bullshit. Also #birdsarentreal.


Depends on the crime. I’d be down for a president who robbed an armored car and gave the money to minority communities in need of food assistance for example. But not this orange clown.


In many other jurisdictions around the world Trump would have been asked to step down by his party for the good of the party several times over by now. I mean as a candidate the guy comes with a metric tonne of baggage and counting. Republicans should have ripped this bandaid off after the Access Hollywood tape.


In many other jurisdictions he wouldn't even be able to run, or would be getting absolutely hammered in the polls. Trump is, in some ways, a very uniquely American creature in the worst way possible.


He is a glutton, an adulterer, a con man, greedy as hell, stupid, has a persecution complex, privileged, and thinks only of himself. An embodiment of everything wrong with the USA.




> He's our Hitler He's not even close. Our Hitler is taking notes from Trump and will be much smarter and less sloppy with his actions. Trump is the guinea pig. The worst is yet to come. Vote. Never take an election off.


I hate to agree with you, but I do. Some evil genius will study what Trump has done and execute the same plays from the Trump playbook, but omit all of Trump’s idiocies and unforced errors. And then RIP America as a democracy. We’re just lucky Trump is old, undisciplined, and surprisingly stupid.


I disagree personally. Trump is a perfect storm of stupidity and notoriety that's pretty impossible for a smarter person to fake. He's spent so long roleplaying a successful rich person despite all evidence to the contrary that people bought into the myth, himself included. He's the embodiment of "It's not a lie if you believe it", and that's incredibly hard to fake by people that know better. They always fumble somewhere, hesitate, can't brazenly commit to the bit beyond all logic the way he does. And when they do, the mask slips just enough for some of the cult members to notice. They might support the faker still, but not with the same absurd fanatical devotion Trump has cultivated. They really think he's a successful, "approachable" businessman who succeeded at the American Dream and can do no wrong. And that everyone targeting him is jealous of that.


Gotta disagree with you here. There will be someone in the future who will certainly have the same artificial good will and devotion from his fanbase, but will just know what exactly to do with it. Like an evil-er Ronald Reagan, more so than a knowledgeable Trump.


With the court appointments, we're not out of the woods yet either...


Vivek and Desantis already tried. Trump has a unique moron charisma that can't easily be emulated by someone more cunning and less stupid


That was supposed to be Ron DeSantis. He just killed his political career over trying just what you said.


He was still way too sloppy in my opinion, he tried to do what Trump did but was way less charismatic. I think what the other person said still stands, if there was ever a person with the cult-of-personality charisma of Trump and even slightly more legal expertise to not bumble himself directly into 90+ felony charges, that would be a Hitler-level threat to America’s democratic rights of self-determination.


You speak truth. Whoever comes after Trump with those same ideas will be MUCH worse than he is.


Sam Harris had a beautiful description of him early on. Trump is like fast food, bogus informicials that don't work and wwe wrestling got together in a taxi cab you driv3 it around new York for 3 hours and out would step Donald trump


Throw reality TV in there, too.


Many countries bar people guilty of election tampering outright from running for office. Here in Germany it's the only offence that will get you stripped off your right to vote.


This is yet another argument I never hear when it comes to trump’s so-called presidential immunity — it can’t possibly apply to the election process! Or else there’s no point, the game is over! Argue all you want the president can commit all sorts of crimes while in office, the idea that it can extend to the election process itself is completely absurd. 


You guys learned a lot from your past mistakes, and kudos for doing it. I wish we had learned from your mistakes as well, so we didn't have to make similar ones ourselves.


Like, here in the UK we're used to some dipshit embarrassing politicians at the moment, but how the fuck this dude is still in the running for *anything* - let alone president - makes me embarrassed for you guys.


This is the real rub. Should he be legally allowed to run? Yes. Should his party have the basic fucking decency to ask him not to? Also yes. He should 100% be able to run, but this should have ended his hopes of being Republican nominee.


Is it really ‘baggage’ though if half the country doesn’t care?


I don't understand the news here. Nearly half of Americans have always thought Trump should end his campaign(s) for over eight years now. Nothing's changed.


What’s changed is USA Today needed new clicks today, not clicks from yesterday or last year.


Yea for real, that same “nearly half” has literally always thought he should not be campaigning. Most republicans saw the trial as the justice system being weaponized against their candidate. Whether you agree with that or not, surely you must understand that someone who feels that way is not going to stop supporting their candidate after being found guilty.


He won't. POTUS is his only way out of prison for the rest of his life, and he's aware of that. He's also the only reason the GOP have a chance this election because a huge part of their base are MAGA.




I do want to point out that Convicted Felon Donald Trump was convicted on 34 felonies by the state of New York. Meaning, Convicted Felon Donald Trump would not be able to pardon himself for these 34 felonies, should he become President.


> He's also the only reason the GOP have a chance this election because a huge part of their base are MAGA. I'm not so sure about that. The years since 2016 has demonstrated pretty clearly to me that the monied interests are much better at manipulating the reality of a huge number of people and they're just getting better at it. I suspect that without Trump, they would beat Biden. Too many people easily fall for the "He's too old to be president" idea or the idea that he hasn't done anything when in fact he's been one of the most productive presidents in modern history. And he did it without having a large majority. r/WhatBidenHasDone


> I suspect that without Trump, they would beat Biden. I don't think so, if only because they didn't dump him on his ass after Jan 6. They had the chance, and could have spent 4 years winning over MAGA to a better candidate who cares about the party. Instead all they've let him do is insulate his cult further around himself, at the expense of the GOP itself. If Trump got ousted now, he'd turn MAGA on whoever the GOP replaced him with and split the vote massively. They have no other choice but to ride the bus until the wheels come off at this point, and its by their own making.


> they didn't dump him on his ass after Jan 6 If they were smart they would have dumped him in 2017 after he signed the tax break for the rich. Pence would have gotten more done and gotten re-elected after following the advice of the CDC and guiding us through Covid. There are several problems, one of which is that a lot of the reality manipulation being done is also being done by foreign actors like China and Russia as well as our ultra rich overlords. They would have to spend a lot of money to counterbalance the Russians and Chinese and rich people are ultimately cheap fuckers. They will pay millions to save ten million in taxes, but paying ten of millions to counteract Russia and still have control of the GOP, but with a more outwardly sane ruling class just doesn't have the payoff when they could let it ride and see if the chaos results in less regulatory oversight.


Yep. We're really dealing with a global rich authoritarian movement against pretty much any pro-labor, pro-democracy movement anywhere here. By taking down the US, they'd pretty much cripple labor and pro-democracy movements in the entire globe. That's what Trump is being propped up for. That's what's really at stake here. And it's all being done with new media tech that we've yet to master and even fully understand as a species.


> They have no other choice but to ride the bus until the wheels come off at this point How much further off do the wheels need to come? You know if he loses, it's going to be 2020 all over again, except likely worse this time. Everything that could have possibly happened that people said would make them all wake up has happened. He's a convicted felon and rapist, they still don't care. Their disinformation networks have only grown in strength and they've further isolated their followers from the truth. I can't even imagine what needs to happen to change them.


If Trump loses this time (and I fucking hope he does) he's basically finished. Hell, he's already killing the GOP's downballot and for all they're swearing fealty now while he has a shot, I can guarantee that'll change when reality hits if/when he loses. It won't be out of the goodness of their hearts, simply pragmatism. Trump becomes effectively useless at that point.


a conspiracy theory I believe is that Putin has blackmail on the entire GOP and will leak it if he doesn't do what he says (IE put Trump in office)


I also believe this. I mean, Lindsey Graham went from “He’s a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot” to "I don’t like what he says about John McCain But when we play golf, it’s fun." after they had some private conversations. I can imagine what topics were discussed.


Not much of a conspiracy theory. Comey came out and stated publicly that the Russians hacked the RNC along with the DNC, and wouldn't you know it, only the DNC info was leaked after! https://www.cnn.com/2017/01/10/politics/comey-republicans-hacked-russia/index.html Then you had that cadre of Republican members of Congress going to Moscow on July 4th 2018 https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/seven-gop-lawmakers-make-misguided-trip-russia-msna1119676


> Too many people easily fall for the "He's too old to be president" idea or the idea that he hasn't done anything when in fact he's been one of the most productive presidents in modern history. And he did it without having a large majority. Yes. The so-called "liberal media" started pumping out stories that "the country was headed for a recession" since practically his first day in office. There never was a recession, but [55% of the people think we are in one now.](https://thehill.com/business/4679760-economic-recession-inflation-biden-survey/) We have a 50 year low for unemployment, but [49% of the people think we are at a 50 year high instead.](https://thehill.com/business/4679760-economic-recession-inflation-biden-survey/) Airports are packed, [vacation travel is at the highest its ever been,](https://www.foxweather.com/lifestyle/may-24-2024-record-travel) all consistent with an economy going gangbusters. [Most people think their personal financial situation is pretty good.](https://www.axios.com/2024/01/17/americans-are-actually-pretty-happy-with-their-finances) But they still think the economy is bad for everyone else. And despite [decades of much higher growth under Democratic presidents,](https://twitter.com/David_Charts/status/1331714369487589381) while republicans loot the economy, [more people still falsely believe](https://www.ipsos.com/en-us/one-year-election-day-republicans-perceived-better-handling-economy) republicans are better stewards of the economy. And that's largely because the billionaire-owned media is manipulating people by reporting half-truths. (don't even get me started on how they turned an [increase in murder rates under the maga whitehouse](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/10/27/what-we-know-about-the-increase-in-u-s-murders-in-2020/) into a Biden problem when [murder rates have actually plummeted during the Biden presidency)](https://www.axios.com/2024/04/16/homicide-rate-us-voters-trump)


They’re all MAGA. Trump is the most popular Republican in the country, among republicans.


I spent 2 years in prison in the 90s for felony joy riding. This motherfucker tried to overthrow the government and is going to run again? What a fucking joke.


You should run. What's your stance on immigration and reproductive rights?


99% of us immigrants and the government doesn’t belong in anyone’s pants


Shall we include the underscores in the ballot write-ins?




Only half?!! It’s depressing.


*nearly* half...


Never would a headline's vibe change more, without changing the meaning, if they just swapped 'nearly' with 'less than'.


Or on the flip side in the coin altogether: “New poll finds more than half of Americans think Trump should continue campaign after conviction.” How fucking sad is that?


You're surprised? It's just the same people who were gonna vote against him this November, anyway.


Anyone else would. The Democrats would throw him out of their party. I mean it's an embarrassment for the whole country. Then there is this. What happens if he gets elected and his probation officer decides to throw him in jail? Which they can do.


The Democrats threw Al Franken out for hoverhanding a woman's breasts while she was (pretending to be?) asleep


IIRC they didn't throw him out, he chose to resign because he didn't want the scandal to be a distraction. There were some in the party like Kirstin Gillibrand who were calling for his resignation though.


If Dems learn anything from all this, it needs to be that they need to stop shooting themselves in the foot.


Moot point. He’s not going anywhere until he either dies or goes to jail. Trump blew through his reality tv money and was broke before the 2016 election. All he has to do now is say some wild shit on a podium and his supporters open their wallets. It’s too easy a way for him to make money and stay out of jail for him ever to go quietly. We should take this as a lesson and remove money from politics. There will always be power hungry people but it’s a much smaller group who try to become dictators when there isn’t much money involved.


It’s a doubly moot point because I’m sure half the country thought he should have dropped out before the trial even started.


I don't want him to end his campaign. I want him to drag his kompromised treasonous party down into electoral irrelevance.


Careful what you wish for friend. Safer that he’s not on the ballot


We're going to have to have this out one way or another. The entire GOP is kompromised and complicit and I'd rather them be lead by the orange idiot than someone able to pretend to be a normal human being.


Well the thing is, no one else in the GOP can win an election because trump hijacked 30% of the voters. So if trump isn’t on the ticket, it’s a slam dunk…


Only half? Damn the people in this country are stupid.


At least Nixon knew when to step down


Nearly half…smh


I'm honestly torn. On the one side, I want him to run. I want him to bring total shame to the GOP. I want them to fail all the way down ticket and while there will still be plenty of GOP representatives elected - his failure and America's rejection of him will hopefully get Democrats such control of Congress and the White House that they can bring in universal health care, make real progress in fixing voting issues and the border, and hopefully replace 2 Supreme Court justices and tip the balance of power back from corporatations and religious zealots back to the people. On the other side - people are really stupid and the chance he could win makes me want him to just drop out now rather than take the chance on him getting back into the White House and making things worse.


I think the best case scenario is that he dies shortly before the election. Republicans put up a replacement but half his cult refuses to believe he's dead, and then they tear each other apart arguing over who the truly loyal MAGAs should vote for. If he flees the country it could have a similar effect.


Whether the GOP admits it or not, it's a risk keeping a convicted felon as your presidential candidate. Given the high load of threats of violence and death by MAGA for all those involved, jurists too, even they're aware of the risk.


F his campaign! I want him behind bars! LOCK HIM Up!!!


I'd be surprised if that was substantially higher than the number of people who thought he should end his campaign prior to conviction.


“Nearly half” is an interesting way of saying more than half of Americans think a convicted felon is fit for office.


A poll saying half the country wanted something related to politics, and the other half didn’t. Shocker. It’s almost like it’s a super divided nation, which we all knew.


"nearly half" is a key word here... This translates to that more than half want this bigotry moron continue the his campaign?!?!!?


Half of Americans, not half of trump voters. Nearly every single person that's saying this (including me) already wouldn't have voted for him in the first place. So really, nothings changed


I bet nearly half thought that before the conviction.


Half thought that before. Dumb headline is dumb.


Anytime a poll says "nearly half" I know I can ignore it because it's almost always split down party lines. Come back when you've got a statistically significant portion.


‘Nearly half’, meaning most Americans are cool with it for some reason.


That's a fun way of saying, "Most people don't find Trump's conviction to be a problem."


What kind of dumb shit is this? *Every* poll is 50% in favor for/against Trump. Jesus. 50% wish Trump would "disappear". 50% wish Trump was never elected. 50% would prefer being raped by an avocado.


No shit .... TBH he should have ended his campaign when he made fun of a mentally handicapped person in front of thousands of people live on stage....


Likely 90% of whom already thought so, unfortunately. Very few people are phased by things nowadays- it's disheartening