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You just know that the little shithead who suggested "God hates flags" was so proud of themselves. This behavior is the definition of deplorable.


It says Pastor Mark Driscoll did this. The same Mark Driscoll who was kicked out of Mars Hill church for spiritually abusing his congregants, abuse towards his wife, and who literally was found to have lied about many stories. The same Mark Driscoll who claimed he can see when someone has been violently abused, who claimed he could sense a person committing "sexual sin", who claimed he could see when someone has been molested because he has a "gift of discernment". That same Mark Driscoll. [https://youtu.be/wprcUteSXGw?si=AuAJYQPBOEH-UAdl](https://youtu.be/wprcUteSXGw?si=AuAJYQPBOEH-UAdl) [https://teampyro.blogspot.com/2011/08/pornographic-divination.html](https://teampyro.blogspot.com/2011/08/pornographic-divination.html) [https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2022/01/20/mars-hill-mark-driscoll-podcast](https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2022/01/20/mars-hill-mark-driscoll-podcast) [https://religionunplugged.com/news/2024/3/25/mark-driscoll-tries-to-justify-how-dare-you-sermon-but-facts-dont-match-testimony-of-others](https://religionunplugged.com/news/2024/3/25/mark-driscoll-tries-to-justify-how-dare-you-sermon-but-facts-dont-match-testimony-of-others) [https://julieroys.com/mark-driscoll-cult-like-actions-24-7-surveillance-loyalty/](https://julieroys.com/mark-driscoll-cult-like-actions-24-7-surveillance-loyalty/)


A professional bigot masquerading as god's mouthpiece. If he had a modicum of righteous piety and introspection, he'd realize why people are turning away from religion in droves.


He doesn't care about that, not while the donations are still coming in for the foreseeable future.


It's always funny how Christians like to ignore scripture, especially in Revelations, where they speak of an antichrist and false prophets. So Trump is the Antichrist, and the televangelists are the false prophets.


I am not a big believer in that type of stuff but someone once linked an article comparing what's written about the antichrist to Trump and it was a little fucking crazy. Like Trump owns a lot of building but only 7 "towers" have his name on them or something like that.


I always know Christians like to use symbolism in anything to make them look right. It's like if it involved numbers and somehow the sum, factor, or dividen equated to 666, then they'll scream about the mark of the beast. edit: a word


I take it to mean that, during biblical times, they had some shithead, greedy, despotic narcissist running around, and wrote down his qualities to warn future humans. Stupid doesn't have to change over the years.


There are a lot of those!


Mark Fucking Driscoll. I haven’t thought of that name in years. What a piece of human refuse.


He's like the old Greg Locke, hateful all the same.


Everyone should listen to the Rise and Fall of Mars Hill podcast. It's a deep dive into Driscoll and what was going on at Mars Hill, as reported by the people who were there.


Horror stories to say the least. Back when I was in my super-evangelical days, Mark Driscoll was being seen as a celebrity in evangelical world. He literally made people sign loyalty oaths, beat people up with spiritual abuse. Driscoll is a monster, a Christofascist monster.


Can we start a countdown until he's found in a men's restroom with another man?


You misspelled young boy


What’s “spiritual abuse?”


"Spiritual abuse is sometimes called religious abuse. It happens when someone uses spiritual or religious beliefs to hurt, scare or control you. Spiritual abuse can be a form of domestic and family violence."


> someone uses spiritual or religious beliefs to hurt, scare or control you. I'm not even saying this to be edgy or anything, but...that's just the definition of religion. "Spiritual abuse" is just circular logic.


I agree with you 100%. I was simply quoting google because I was trying to avoid writing a 10,000 word rant about my shitty abusive missionary parents and all the evil fuck pedophile pastors I encountered at the bible camp my parents ran when I was a kid.


We need to smash cut to a gigantic gallery of MAGAs flying Trump or Thin Blue Line flags.


Just an "L" away from the slogan of the despicable Westboro Baptist Church. That can't be a coincidence...


It's a direct call out to Westboro's motto.


When they say „God hates flags“, doesn’t it mean all flags? And if they succeeded in getting their theocracy, would all flags including national flags be banned? Would they still allow the anthem and pledge of allegiance or would only hymns and pledges to their god be allowed?


It's not about flags. You're supposed to gloss over the L.


It's a play on a popular hate phrase from long ago. Thought it had been relegated to the same history dustbin as having your wife lobotomized for "hysteria".


There's a Colorado band who used the same title nearly a decade ago in a song skewering Westboro Baptist. I'll stick with that version:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9A1x5F5v-yU


That slogan is one letter off from another fabulous slogan from the Westboro Baptist Church.


"Deplorable" is a neutered, inadequate word. Anyone who reads this article and isn't filled with incandescent rage is lacking basic empathy.


Yet Colorado Republican Boebert is the one engaging in public sex acts. Yikes.


God hates Flags. Except apparently the US Flag. They flip out over "Disrespect" unless it's when they choose to fly it upside down as a symbol of their insurrection, or change the colors as a symbol of their support for Fascism. It's a shame that neither Colorado 3 or 4 are going to take even the smallest step away from Insane being MAGA.


You know, I think if God actually “hated” something, he could probably take care of it himself, with that whole omnipotence thing.


He used to be able to, but then we stole the rainbow from him and now he's powerless.


10 CCs of thoughts and prayers STAT!


Fuckin Skittles, man


Mhm, skittles.


Best comment ever!


Nah. God has been a cuck since Jesus came around. Have you seen god intervene in anything? Or is he just perfectly fine with pedophiles just as long as they repent before they die?


Pretty sure that the only documented pedophiles are straight, republican, evangelicals so far. This is pure projection and is well documented.


Either god abandoned humanity thousands of years ago or god doesn’t care. That kind of god is not worthy of worship & should be rejected.


I want a cool Pantheon again.


After trying to reboot earth several times he gave up and moved to another part of the universe and started over.


God: Do not kill Man: Well, what if the head of state starts a war, it's okay to kill then, right? God: NO! Man: Right, do not kill unless someone orders you God: Fuck this planet, I'm going to find one where my worshippers listen to me


The miracles went from Creation, to parting the Red Sea, to images on toast. The old idiot's pretty feeble by now.


Umm sports ball? He helps half of the teams, obviously.


“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?” ― Epicurus


My favorite is from Marcus Aurelius: >Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.


He did take care of it according to their fictional book. God genocided entire sodom for gay buttsex and only spared Lot and his family including two daughters who had raped their dad because he is Abraham's 700 years or whatever old little nephew I don't know why but the nepotism is what bothers me the most in that insane story that people claim to believe in but most have never even fucking heard of it


> Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but did not aid the poor and needy. Funny how that verse never gets brought up by the Republicans.


They would say it doesn’t exist because no one ever read it to them.


God never cared about homosexuality until they tried to fuck his angels or else God would have demolished Sodom and Gamora before that story. i remember a rabbi on YouTube a long time ago mentioning that the abomination that God considered was a man laying with a boy that the Greeks used to practice. so I understand why they used homosexuality as a shield for the priest and pastors who get caught molesting little boys because of the abomination they practiced.


Iirc the translation on that particular point is pretty loose and really just covers general sexual misdeeds so it's not really clearly precisely which sex crime is the problem.


I wish I could find the video or any other documentation people were talking about the word used for men laying with young boys. I can't even find the word. The rabbi that I watched used etymology of the time and they were talking about how Greeks used to let boys and men have sex together and they referred to that as an abomination. What's funny is that there's no mention of lesbianism that I know of that's in the torah but I could be wrong.


If you asked religious bigots they’d probably just say god is acting through them. Just as megachurch pastors justify their wealth and conspicuous spending as enabling them to do the lord’s work. How would you know better? You don’t speak with god, godless liberal. /s


That’s just it. Some people like to use their imaginary friend as an excuse to be bigots.




Very old question: “Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?” ― Epicurus Born: February 341 BC, Samos, Greece Essentially, their god is either all powerful or all good, but can't be both. Not a fan of that kind of imaginary friend, so I couldn't give a shit what their god hates.


Matthew 19:12 was a statement about what was, in the ancient world, the closest thing to "trans people", eunuchs. I'll note that before Christianity proliferated, there was no "kingdom of heaven" so to speak of that people.dod it for. The ones who did it to themselves just did it because they wanted to be eunuchs, simple as that. They were trans by some measure. The Christians' Bible has their own prophet saying trans people should be left alone, and even praises this as a thing of the kingdom of heaven.


There was also the priestesses of the cult of Cybele, called the Galli. They were born male but would castrate themselves and present as female and were respected as a third gender in Rome.


Jesus is literally asked what the most important commandment is. Paraphrasing, he said to be kind to others. The fact that this kindness is not a property of some widely practiced denominations of Christianity is an indictment of their priorities.


I think they sell a pill for that.


Yeah, he wiped out most of humanity six chapters into the Bible because he didn't like what we were doing. But stopping flags from being displayed is a bridge too far for him.


>The Republican Party of Colorado has called to "burn all Pride flags" in a shocking Pride Month message to its followers. >The state's GOP recently sent out a campaign email that referred to [LGBTQ](https://www.pride.com/lgbtq/?utm_campaign=SmartLinks)+ people as "barbaric," "creeps," “degenerates,” "godless," "groomers," "predators," “radicals,” and “reprobates." The message also linked to a sermon from Pastor Mark Driscoll, which proclaimed in the video thumbnail "God hates flags," wordplay on a popular conservative slogan that [uses a derogatory slur](https://www.advocate.com/society/religion/2009/06/25/signs-faith-god-hates-hate). >"The month of June has arrived and, once again, the godless groomers in our society want to attack what is decent, holy, and righteous so they can ultimately harm our children," the email stated, via Denver journalist [Kyle Clark](https://www.threads.net/@kyleclark9news/post/C7w_DYYJmcn/?xmt=AQGzkmWsLdjJHWckeRjjYGpEOJNbRGBYQNd0VVyLR7nuxA). >After Clark posted the emails to social media, the official account for the Colorado GOP [responded ](https://www.threads.net/@kyleclark9news/post/C7xYTe0s7qK)with a gif of pixelated fire and the message: "Burn all #pride flags this June." >The email is not the first viciously anti-LGBTQ+ message to appear in Colorado Republicans' inboxes — [the party sent out another email](https://www.advocate.com/news/colorado-gop-email-trans-kids) just two weeks ago that called for parents in the state to take their kids out of public schools because Democrats are trying “to turn more kids trans.” I wonder how the Log Cabin Republicans will try to defend this one. I wonder if they will stop letting the leopards eat their face now. Anyone who is even trying to deny the Republican Party is worse than the Westboro Baptist Church is doing more gymnastics than Aly Raisman. At this point, we're just one step away from Republicans calling to burn LGBTQIA+ people in their conversion torture centers. We're accelerating towards genocide.


> GOP recently sent out a campaign email that referred to LGBTQ+ people as "barbaric," "creeps," “degenerates,” "godless," "groomers," "predators," “radicals,” and “reprobates." Looks like they projected their entire platform . . . .


Yep. Takes one to know one.


>burn all Pride flags" in a shocking Pride Month message to its followers. Is it shocking, though? Is it really? I'm just upset, because I really thought that the conservatives were starting to get away from the anti-gay stuff. And by "get away" I mean "be ashamed to say in public that they hate gays because they know it's not going to fly anymore".


Considering CO was an early weed legalizer, maybe the CO GOP is a weird PsyOps by the Dems. Just make the right's position so completely out of step with the general population, that these press releases actually encourage blue voters to come out./s God, I wish it was that easy.


GOP projections are right on the money. Republicans are barbaric, creeps, degenerates, groomers, fascist radicals, reprobates. What they forget to mention is that their leader, Donald Trump, is a convicted felon.


And rapist. And serial adulterer.


And he smells!


And grabs women by the pussy.


This is the GOP we’re talking about. Do you have any idea how little “rapist” and “adulterer” narrows it down?


It's always a projection.


Projection galore! ----- [Offenders by political affiliation (surprise!)](https://imgur.com/hb9MjQB) and other stats as tracked by [this](https://www.whoismakingnews.com/) tracker A big ol' [google doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTFikAP6MXDCJjWzgMIOvpsT1ji-HwO-rLEvNE8e-cfCGh0YHoZluIG5TEsmwFub7MzIDfh0XgvcWL8/pub) on right-wing sexual predators /r/RepublicanPedophiles /r/PastorArrested




Every accusation is a confession.


Colorado GOP: Hey look over there. Way, way over there. Where people are trying to live their lives. Yeah, those people suck! Meanwhile: [Trump’s legal troubles are drowning state Republicans in a financial flood of their own making](https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/trump-state-republicans-fundraising-problems-rcna152436) [Colorado GOP meltdown: Leader’s brash style, party spending under fire from fellow Republicans](https://www.denverpost.com/2024/04/12/colorado-republican-party-dave-williams-controversy-infighting/) [Colorado GOP completes transformation into cult ](https://coloradonewsline.com/2024/01/25/colorado-gop-transformation-into-cult/) [Colorado GOP paid no staff in April while fundraising lags under new Chairman Dave Williams](https://coloradosun.com/2023/05/24/colorado-republicans-dave-williams/) [Criminal complaints threatened by Colorado GOP against own previous leaders](https://coloradonewsline.com/briefs/criminal-complaints-colorado-gop-previous-leadership/)


Um, no. /r/NotADragQueen and /r/PastorArrested shows me every day it is usually someone from a church doing those things.


Remind me at what point hate speech was suddenly okay now?


Started mid January 2017 I think


Sounds legit.


The point it leaves a rich republican's mouth. That's what free speech means now. Republicans can say what they want and tell every one else to shut up.


Hate speech was always ok in the church I grew up in.


Ain't no hate like Christian love.


It’s insane how no conservative subs ever acknowledge shit like this




Someone with a generous policy that includes all the mental healthcare they would ever need.


Stay mad. We're not going anywhere, and we're only going to get louder.


"Conservatives were never against gays, lol, stop acting like Conservatives hate gays" -actual thing people have said on Reddit


I wonder how those people would react to this now. Any minute now.


Remember: Every Republican accusation is an admission.


Weird, those are all the words I'd use to describe the GOP.


I’m already struggling. Single gay dad here, raising two kids on my own who aren’t biologically mine but whom I took in after a death in the family. I’m a spec ops combat vet. I’ve ran for office twice, and lost twice. Life is not easy. Colorado is my origin state, and this is how they treat me after a whole life of service. F you. You don’t love vets and you stopped being the party of family values when you tried to destroy mine.


The projection is real.


The ones that plotted Jesus's death and demanded he be crucified were actually proud (the kind of pride that puts them above others) religious hypocrites that looked down on those they believed were lost "Why do you (speaking to Jesus) eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?” Jesus even told the sinners in the streets (that he welcomed, ate with and clearly loved) not to be like the proud religious hypocrites... Their incredible hypocrisy (as they pointed to others sin) was (and will always be) a "plank" compared to a "speck" in the eyes of Jesus.


It's pretty weird for me to think that every atheist I know, and that's actually quite a large number, adheres much more closely to the teachings of this Jesus guy than every MAGA asshole put together. Fuck these fucking people.


My theory on Repubs Fauci hearing yesterday wasn’t to grill him over Covid. The real reason was to punish him for the lifesaving measures he contributed to in battling AIDS.


God hates FLAGS? As a thirty year plus colorgard person, who has marched in pride parades countless times - I have to say the most welcoming and tolerant people I've ever spent time with (as a cis het white girl, who SHOULD be shunned by that community and if they did I wouldn't blame them a bit) is the Queer community. The hardest I ever had to struggle with this crowd is learning how to use gender neutral pronouns, and they were very helpful (they were well within their rights to fuss at me about mistakes)


It's easy to say these Republicans are evil, stupid, hateful, hypocritical, fascist scumbags. Really, it is. Very easy. And accurate.


Projection is all the GOP has left.


Funny how all those terms apply to Republicans


Both sides am I right?


So god hates the American flag now? 🤔


Oh look, another one to add to that one asinine comment response to someone who told me “they aren’t trying to kill you.”


Colorado GOP needs to chill the fuck out before we all migrate to their districts and vote them the fuck out of the state for good!


This is why they're in the superminority and haven't won a statewide office in decades, and are only getting smaller here. The Colorado GOP is a joke trying desperately to cling to some form of relevance in a quickly blueing state.


For a long time I consider the Christian right equivalent to the Pharisees with their hypocrisy. I’ve come to the conclusion that their behavior is more closely akin to Judas Iscariot. They betray the very Man they claim as Savior. The Colorado GOP has betrayed the core tenets that should underpin Christian faiths. I take issue with the present day “Judas” that betray Christ and His teachings.


They'd definitely block Jesus from even being an American, considering Jesus was born in the boondock city of Bethlehem, lived in Egypt in his earlier years, and lived in Nazareth. They would see Jesus as some "woke radical" who they view as a "terrorist", for spending time with prostitutes and saying that it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter Heaven.


Counterpoint: Christianity is grooming (and child abuse). The idea that anyone would actively want their kid to grow as a bigot, believing in a mythic all-powerful invisible sky wizard is a horrific base to grow an adult from. Just because it's "how I was brought up" does not make it right, good, supportive or true. The list of words in the title? That's the exact list of words i'd use to describe christians that I've met, for the most part.


Those with that much hate are the ones we need to ostracize. Send them all somewhere else so they can all live in a hate filled society and let the rest of us civilized people live in a peaceful society.


History says they might be projecting


Who wants to bet they eventually adopt the swastika as a symbol?


So it's all projection yeah? So Mark Driscoll is a Barbaric creep, a degenerate groomer, and a radical predator reprobate?


How can anyone take these people seriously


Log Cabin Republicans: Surely, they don’t mean *me*!


Projection much? Only creeps and groomers I see od the Colorado GOP


“God hates” aren’t words that belong together.


It's amazing how openly racist, and hateful they've become. They used to be so secretive now...they know Trump supports their hatred. What a a sick group of people. We need to vote these PoS' out this November


God seems like a fucking idiot to hate something he created. What a goddamn dumbass


Those aren't republicans. Those are MAGA Christofacsist cult members. Stop sugar coating what's in front of you.


MAGA is everything the republican party has been for decades. The only difference is they've thrown away any sense of decorum.


MAGA ideology is not that different from Islamic fundamentalism. They have a lot in common.


Just remember, every accusation is a confession.


This is all just deflection to try to draw attention away from the epidemic of kiddy diddling by Catholic Priests and Protestant Youth Pastors.


The self projection is strong within the GOP


If this god has an issue, have it come and tell us. Otherwise I gotta say this guy is lying about this god existing.


I shit on Texas frequently but have to admit we definitely have our crazies here in my beloved state as well. Very disappointing


To the republican patriots lurking in this thread: would you care to defend this?


The ultimate in projection 


Projections, all.


God hates *MAGS


“Don’t like things I don’t like! I’ll make the government stop you from liking it!” - small government GOP.


Projection, projection, projection.


God especially hates the confederate flag


For being so pro-Christian, they are nothing like Christian. I guess that kinda tracks for them.


sadly the copy was probably written by a log cabin republican, or some bred that way conservative still believing he's safely bearded in the closet.


Nope the Colorado log cabin branch went on record saying they're way out of line. So they cleared the lowest of bars


The people who are really interested in talking for their god. Should be REALLY comfortable with what they are saying. I don't...something about spreading hate and misery and dehumanizing your brothers and sisters and giving credit to an omnipotent being that can eradicate your soul...just saying you better be damn sure you aren't putting the wrong words in his mouth is all I'm saying.


When I think about these folk I am reminded of this quote: “What somebody thinks about you says a lot about them than you”.


I honestly thought Colorado was way more respective than that.


The pedos are always projecting smh


The upside is that Republicans are ensuring they will never have a seat in statewide Colorado politics again.


This is part of the Projection aspect of the Gaslight Obstruct Projection. They must have just looked at their candidates for the House of Representatives and said “what part of their characteristics can we use to call our opponents?”


The GOP are the groomers


Sickening and sad! 😡


Holy shit, this is dangerous. Flat out dangerous. What the hell is wrong with the Colorado GOP?


Sadly, I see this a lot here in Utah, too. I want to move.


I'd like to propose a two state solution.


Man, and these folks were mad when Hillary called them deplorables!


Start checking their browser histories


no mention of communism and satanism? colorado is slacking




Man, I wish you could class action lawsuit that kind of shit


First they came for...


The year was 2024...wait, what? Conservative is just another word for racist/bigot. Anyone claiming they support conservatives for financial policy is just too afraid to admit they're just bigots.


They project soo hard. I actually feel sorry for them for being so stupid


So . . . projection. Dangerous projection.


If God hates flags then damn, are Republicans in trouble.


Near every religious organization I can think of is factually a documented, and often prosecuted, pedophile grooming business. A note that ‘LGBTQ+’ is neither a religion or an organization.


Fuck the Republican Party


‘God hates’ huh, plot twist?


I've said it before and I'll say it again: project, project, project...


God hates people who make ‘money and gain influence’ in society in ‘his name’ Jesus’s last act’ knowing he would be sentenced to torture, humiliation and death was to banish these people from the Holiest of Holiest temple in Jerusalem. This guy grooms Christian’s to believe in something the New Testament never preaches. I’m not a religious man but do have my faith.


Modern-day Pharisees, fucking all of them.


Every accusation a confession


God hates Alito?


Sounds like someone described the GOP


Why do they keep on putting words in God's mouth? In truth,if there is a god Republicans would be the first ones judged and sent straight to hell for bearing false witness against their brethren.


Armed gays don’t get bashed


Don’t tell him about the Catholic Church


So, the political party still hanging flags with a felons name on it onto everything they own are saying god hates flags? Interesting.


It sounds like the Colorado GQP is having a hard time coping


Sounds like the Phelps family from Topeka infiltrated the Colorado GOPs brains. Even Kansas left that bunch in their rear view mirror years ago.


So I am guessing they won’t be in the Pride Parade?


We know.


I think they were talking about Catholic priests


This makes me sad.


Alito? Proud Boys? Blue US Flags? Upside down US flags? Maybe "G-D" hates those too. Maybe doesn't like pussy-grabbing orange degenerates either?


And, yet, it's the religious clergy and politicians that are being exposed as sexual predators, rapists, child molesters, etc.


So God hates flags? I think I missed that in Sunday school.


No no no, that’s not gay people. That’s the Christian clergy and lait leaders.


That “L” is going a lot of heavy lifting. Bigots


Nazi language. Noice.


Wow such projection


Reprobate. That’s a new one. Haven’t been called that one before.


[Ya'all Qaeda](https://imgur.com/aVZFmzR)