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Unconstitutional. Prosecution of criminals for violating state law falls under a State's police powers which are protected by the 10th amendment. Congress does not have the power to enact this legislation.


Yup, but this compromised SCOTUS would let them anyways. Not that Biden would ever sign it.


I hope after Biden wins again, he just go BAM! and expands the court. Just shut that shit down. I doubt it, but that'd be the power move since it'll be his 2nd term and what does he have to lose?


Honestly , I think that is his endgame . If he wins and takes Senate and Congress as well ( I dunno , doubt it , but maybe ? ) adds 4 more to match the number of appellate courts .


I agree. I think if the Ds score the trifecta they would move on expansion.


Expanding on expansion, add four more senators by making Puerto Rico and The District of Columbia states.


And Guam. That would bring us to 53 states and then we'd be truly indivisible.


We'd still be divisible, just slice up Delaware into 52 bite sized territories where each state could stash its corporate headquarters.


And put the Dakotas back to one state. They were split to give the ~~conservatives~~ Republicans (who were liberals during that period of history) 4 senators instead of 2 even way back then. Edit - I got the stuff backwards. Other guy corrected.


In fairness, the Republicans were much more progressive than the Democrats back then. In 1889, It was safer to assume that "conservative" meant "Democrat".


i don’t want to be linked with south dakota! those guys suck!


This was such a prime joke, so underrated!


At risk of losing the metaphor, we do appear to be getting divided by 1 orange idiot currently…


Every number is divisible by 1 after all


And Guam is such an odd name particularly when you say it slowly.


This is a prime example of why math puns should be avoided.


Math puns <3


I think the...Guamites? Guamans? want to remain a territory, but Puerto Rico has voted in the past to become a state.


If we put the 2 Dakotas back together, and let DC be a state, we wouldn't even need to change the flag. We could kick FL out, and add PR and it would still work out.


Make PR a state, and let Texas and FL be one state, or even its own country since they think they don't need the US


MAGA is deparately throwing everything at the wall this election, because the next term will be about democracy, which will lock them out of power permanently


It absolutely will not lock then out permanently


Some other movement will rise in its place, but I'm pretty confident that MAGA is done if they lose this one. Any new movement will need to be based on fundamentally different rhetorical strategies and dialect. The reactionaries will need to go back to the drawing board. MAGA has fucked up 3 straight elections already (2018, 2020, 2022). History tells us that movements like this fizzle after prolonged periods of failure. Combine that with an increase in democratic checks, and l they are done.


MAGA is the product of the Tea Party enabling the crazy with *wink, wink* dogwhistle words and leaning into gerrymandering hard to consolidate a minority majority. The crazy was actually uncontrollable, surprise, surprise, and now the old guard has no choice but to ride along or be consumed by it. Next movement will be worse as the crazies feel empowered and bitter. Bitter at being "oppressed" and bitter at not being supported by the old white dude club who've gotten theirs.


Trust me, I would sleep better at night if i believed you were right. The MAGA movement does not recognize the reality of their failures, and they have seen a ton of victories. They got rid of every republican that didn't fall in line. their continued control of a majority of the judiciary keeps giving them wins. Every celebrity that doesn't explicitly condemn them is a win. Every Sunday, their ministers tell them they are winning.


> add four more senators by making Puerto Rico and The District of Columbia states. More importantly force a reevaluation of house of representative numbers because new states mean same number of electoral college votes spread out among everyone. Which means new population numbers to be used to tie to EC. Currently 780k people in California = 1 EC, 140k in Wyoming = 1 EC, meaning peopl in Wyoming have 4x the power to elect a president than people in California do. New states mean new representative numbers. Which is why the GOP will never advocate for new states even if the new state might go GOP with all their representatives.


Congress could fix that by removing the Apportionmemt Act of 1929. Which is actually unconstitutional to begin with.


A constitutionally-correct House would have around 11000 members as the Constitution explicitly sets each district at a maximum of 30,000 people. I doubt that's even possible but even so we're at about 4% the number we should be.


Yes but the solution is to fix the Constitution, not ignore it. I agree 11k is too many, but 435 is nowhere near enough. The UK House of Commons is 650 for about 67M people.


We have multiple *high school* football stadiums in this country that seat over 20,000. I think we can build a building to seat 11,000 House members.


They need an unshakeable majority not just a majority. At least 60 Senators who aren't Manchin or Sinema. It's pretty likely we'll not get that type of majority. But every election we can chip away until we get this right. But that doesn't mean it's not worth showing up to vote Democrat down ticket. If anything that makes it all the more important because the Senate is going to be very close. Any win we can get us another seat the Republicans can't use to ratfuck this country. Every seat a Democrat gains is another seat that will protect our democracy from people like Donald Trump. Please everyone get involved, speak up and be ready to crawl through broken glass it needed to vote.


And term limits in SCOTUS seats. Lifetime appointment is stupid.


There should definitely be one judge for each circuit. And frankly, we should move from presidential appointment of SCOTUS judges and have the circuit elect one of their own. And like 20 year term limits.


This would be amazing. I would trust them to vet their own. There are enough people dedicated to justice and ethics to keep extremists of any kind from subverting the judicial branch.


I wouldn't put a lot of faith in the circuits vetting their own. Circuit judges are still put in place by the president, right? It slows the creep but doesn't solve for it entirely.


He may as well make PR and DC a state while he’s at it.


I keep saying. 13 Supreme Court justices. One appointed by and from each appellate district. Rotate appointment every 1-2 years. A true representation of the judiciary in America. These lifer scotus appointments are contrary to a representative government.


What does he have to lose doing it now?


There's always the spin and optics before an election. I hate that we have to worry about the felon running against him, but that's 100% the reason we're even having this conversation. The number of Justices should match the jurisdictions out of simple thinking, but ya know, thinking has been rough for 12 years now.


He can’t. Needs both houses, and a senate willing to bypass the filibuster.


No, i hope the scotus get impeached properly and removed, and then replaced by proper judges. Those guys deserve impeachment


Porque no los dos?


At this point, I’d double the size of the court and dilute the shit out of the conservatives. It will also be harder to pack in the long run.


I really think the Supreme Court would be a much better body with more judges collaborating. Why not like 50 judges even?


Hi, lawyer here - for the love of god please don’t make me read 21 concurring opinions and 19 dissents per ruling.


That just shows elections have consequences. If we had let Trump defeat Joe Biden he would never be held accountable. If we let him back in this year over Joe Biden then again we will never see Trump held accountable. If you guys want to see Republicans held accountable in general you better be showing up to support and vote for Biden and any other good choice Democrats on the ticket. Beyond that everyone should be voting Joe Biden for the Courts alone. You don't have to think everything he has done is perfect to know that if a SCOTUS seat opens up in the next 4 years you want Joe Biden making that pick.


Would be interesting if Trump wins, would he sign it giving Biden immunity from law?


Knowing them, they will carve out a specific exemption for Biden and Obama.


Incoming ruling that says the 10th amendment has no mechanism for enforcement described and that can only be determined by Congress.


Constitutionality isn't really in their wheelhouse


"Fuck Federalism!" \- the Federalist Society, suddenly.


States rights... Amiright?


but if they could I would love Obama just abusing the shit out of it. Most laws are state laws. Hell murder is only a federal crime in specific instances. In fact, I don't believe the murder of a former president would be a federal crime. I am not advocating it. Just saying it would not be covered. Only murders of current government officials is a federal crime.


The problem is, there’s only one living former president with a natural inclination to commit crimes all fucking day. Even Bush seems content to limit himself to war crimes. 


I really think it's cute when people say things like "that's unconstitutional" when SCOTUS has shown us time and time again that they don't care.


The Constitution belongs to all of us. Not just SCOTUS. They can rule as they want, but we should constantly remind people that we actually care about the Constitution.


Damn straight.


SCROTUS, just throw the R in there and say it’s for Republican.  Also ballsacks. 


You speak as though the constitution matters to the GOP and Supreme Court


It matters to real Americans, and we should constantly remind people of that to differentiate us from the MAGA Insurrection.


But muh states rights


>Congress does not have the power to enact this legislation. Conservatives would be so angry if they could read... Or care


"States' RIGHTS!" right up until the states want to hold someone personally accountable for their actions. Blah blah laws protect but do not bind, yada yada bind but do not protect.


Republicans love to tout state’s rights when it’s to own slaves, but hate state’s rights when it’s to prosecute their convict.


>Fry sponsored the “No More Political Prosecutions Act of 2023” to ensure that no such travesty as “prosecuting crimes where they were committed” can ever happen again. It would amend 28 U.S. Code § 1442, the federal removal statute, to allow former presidents and vice presidents to have all civil and criminal cases against them tried in federal court. The current law allows for federal removal of state cases involving “any officer of the courts of the United States, for or relating to any act under color of office or in the performance of his duties.” This is part of that monarchical approach that the GOP has taken recently, putting their leaders above the law like kings. Really DPRK kind of stuff, and not just with the dynastic leadership of the Trump or Kim family, but with the misnomer of "Republican" when they're trying to remake a throne. >Trump’s Georgia codefendants already tried and failed to get their criminal RICO cases in Fulton County moved to federal court. And Trump himself moved unsuccessfully in 2023 to get the New York prosecution removed to federal court, and got tossed because paying his private lawyer for anything, much less a hush money payoff to protect his electoral prospects, is not part of the president’s official duties. >“Reimbursing Cohen for advancing hush money to Stephanie Clifford cannot be considered the performance of a constitutional duty,” Judge Hellerstein wrote. Falsifying business records to hide such reimbursement, and to transform the reimbursement into a business expense for Trump and income to Cohen, likewise does not relate to a presidential duty.” Fry's proposed law doesn't make it okay for Presidents to pay off pornstars with illegal hush money, it makes everything legal for presidents. Someone should point out it makes it legal for Joe Biden to have done any crimes as well. >Fry and his nine co-sponsors, including House Speaker Mike Johnson, hope to remove the pesky requirement that the charged conduct have anything to do with official duties. >“Politically motivated prosecutors should not be able to wield unwarranted power and target our nation’s top leaders for their own personal gain,” Fry told his fellow MAGA travelers at Breitbart. “This legislation will prevent the political prosecutions of Presidents and Vice Presidents and thwart corrupt prosecutors’ agendas.” Aren't the GOP screaming about the political federal prosecution run by Joe Biden anyways? This law doesn't even prevent the thing it's aimed at, failure at the start. >As Axios reports, GOP politicians from swing states are not exactly clamoring for this action. And, even if this bill could pass, it might run into one or two teensy problems. It takes away the possibility of GOP or swing states to prosecute Biden for whatever they can think of. They need to ride that anti-Brandon wave into federal prominence for their career advancement. >Or, as Georgetown Law Professor Steve Vladeck put it … >>I literally used this as a hypothetical on my Federal Courts exam last year—to test all of the ways in which such a bill would be unconstitutional. Steve is a great account to follow and comes up on several podcasts about law and national security I listen to. If you hate X/Twitter you can still find him on whatever podcasting apps you use. >You mean to say that Congress inventing federal jurisdiction for purely state crimes and/or civil suits, with no federal nexus and no diversity, based solely on the identity of one of the parties, might present an issue under Article III? Who knew! >Not Mike Johnson, who is also a lawyer. But Mike Johnson thinks that the Supreme Court is going to hop right on Trump’s case and overturn it toot sweet. So, maybe don’t go by that guy either. Mike Johnson is unqualified for this role, not just as Speaker of the House but as GOP leader, can't even reign in his own party when they're being blatantly unconstitutional. So much for the party of [States Rights!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dual_federalism)


You would think the law and order party would actually full support the state cases (states rights too) because it is well law and order. But this bill demonstrates not only a desire for a monarchy, and to protect a citizen (presidents aren’t ordained demigods) but also hamper law enforcement. All because Tr was convicted by a jury selected by his defense team.


They are against a blue state convicting the resident of a red state who is also running for President. One state has damaged another, in fact all of the other states by convicting their presumptive candidate. They want the Federal Government to mediate that inter state dispute. You know, like how the Federal Courts would operate if we were a Confederacy.


Except that "other state resident" was actually a blue state resident when he committed the crime, and committed the crime while in said blue state. To say it's somehow not in their jurisdiction because he's now a Florida resident is just counter-factual to every other person in the US


I’m fairly certain they either want Biden to have equal protection under the same law that protects Trump, or believe it won’t matter. If Republicans control enough of Congress, they may just twist Congress into a political court where a mob sentences Biden and Obama to indefinite detention or execution on charges they made up, presenting no evidence and calling no witnesses. The defendants under this barrage of impeachment hearings will be incapable of defending themselves because the prosecution is the judge & jury and they’ve already made their decision. And they’ll say this is how they must do it because regular courts cannot prosecute former presidents. And they’ll extend this to their cabinet, appointed or elected officials, Supreme Court justices who won’t side with the far right. Yeah it’s far fetched they’ll have that supermajority, but if Trump gets the White House & he might order a Congress cleansing and stuff it with appointed loyalists.


Got a little kick out of, “toot sweet”. Lol Tout de suite


who remembers when one of their main talking points during Obama administration was "abuse of presidential powers". Too many executive orders, the president position is too powerful and needs to be limited, etc. now they are all doing this performative legislation theater as a form of prostration to show their unwavering loyalty to their anointed King


> This is part of that monarchical approach that the GOP has taken recently I prefer the to use the word "fascist" to describe it rather than "monarchical".




Not a problem if you make sure no future presidents are democrats.


Or if there are no meaningful future presidential elections. Putin has been pretty successful in this gambit. If the GOP takes the White House again it will be the end of our democratic elections. Their cult is salivating over the idea of an American monarchy. They want to be ruled, and more importantly, they want to enjoy watching everyone they hate being ruled.


Then Obama should announce a third term. Checkmate. Unless they're somehow like "any president's before or after trump"


Dismantling democracy one step at a time.


“Including Biden, right?” 🌚 “Including Biden, right?”




If Biden wins he should immediately expand the Supreme Court to 14 members


10th amendment violation


Republicans are getting more and more brazen with every second we let this slow moving coup continue. Why the fuck isn't all this treason being eradicated? Not a single Republican is working for the benefit of anyone but their orange micropeen'd wanna be dictator.


So they've given up states rights now?


It's "where I win" rights. Always has been.


It was never about states rights


"No More Political Prosecutions Act" 🙄


Tiny Dick Energy Act


Performative kabuki for their Orange master. No chance of passing in the Senate, or being signed by Uncle Joe. Also unconstitutional, obviously.


James Madison and Alexander Hamilton are now spinning in their graves vigorously enough that if we were to attach an electrical turbine to them they could power the East Coast.


See, Republicans are pro-alternative energy after all. Checkmate. /s


So the GOP admits that Trump lost. Good to know.


It's the height of irony that the GOP leadership are in fact monarchists.


Careful there. Obama will outlive Trump.


"Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is screeching nonsense about defunding the entire state of New York," I'm pretty sure New York/California tax revenue funds most of the southern states.


What she doesn't know can't hurt her.


She should be very safe then.


Jimmy Carter death bed killing spree incoming.


Read the US Constitution. This laid down the laws to follow in this country. You took an oath to protect and defend that document against all enemies; Foreign and domestic. What do you not understand?


Oh, so *now* we don't believe in states' rights. Got it.


The "law and order" crowd suddenly doesn't care so much for it now that's it's not a poor person of color being prosecuted.


I see the GOP is still learning from their benefactors in Russia.


This is unprecedented! That's what republicans have been whining since trump was indicted, since trump was tried, and since trump was found guilty. Why are they not saying anything now? Hypocrisy? Not at all unprecedented.


I mean, I get it. Can a trial *really* be fair if there isn't a good chance that the defendant gave the presiding judge their job? I hate that these people's base support is so ironclad that they can be this openly corrupt and still get elected. Trash.


There is an error in the title. They said Presidents. Republicans mean President.


That’s a great way to make sure that the president can’t be held accountable for when they want to chase authoritarian values


House Republicans, listen, I appreciate what you're trying to do for Jimmy Carter, but he HAS to be brought to justice for the Zodiac murders.


No. If I can't have my basic human rights over my own goddamned body then the president, ANY of them, can't get a free pass on criming either federally or state-y. Whatever. Vote blue. Vote blue even if you're a republican because your party is fucked and until you take it back or it dies, it's a danger to everyone.


GOP: STATES RIGHTS!!!! NY convicts trump GOP: not like that


"If our justice system is going to hold Donald Trump accountable for his actions, then the justice system has got to go" -- Republicans


Worst episode of black mirror ever.


So republicans want to protect their candidate from state and federal charges, while the same candidate is running on politicizing the DOJ and FBI to prosecute his political rivals. Talk about hypocrisy


Democrats should immediately name it the "Biden Gets To Do Whatever He Wants" bill. Let them wrap their explody little heads around that.


Reminder: Trump has been found guilty of felony crimes committed BEFORE he was even elected to the job of president. No one has even gotten close to charging him for the countless crimes he committed while in office or once the voters kicked his lying, incompetent, crooked ass out.


They’re showing us who they are. Biden won’t sign this, it’s to show trump they’re into it if he wins.


The dictator act




So the goal of this is to move such prosecution to federal courts. And since federal offenses can be pardoned by future presidents, it creates an endless cycle of criminal behavior by former presidents of the same party.


Obama’s gonna love this trick.


It’s like they don’t believe in State’s rights.


Ha ha ha! State’s rights party indeed!


That seems wonderfully specific and convenient for the felonious former president.


House Republicans are becoming a bunch of pick me cucks, willing to bow and scrape and make complete fools of themselves for a bully that could give a shit about them.


>“Politically motivated prosecutors should not be able to wield unwarranted power and target our nation’s top leaders for their own personal gain,” Fry told his fellow MAGA travelers at Breitbart. “This legislation will prevent the political prosecutions of Presidents and Vice Presidents and thwart corrupt prosecutors’ agendas.” Ken Paxton is not going to like this!


So… they’re expecting to commit more crime?


Special treatment for their most special little snowflake.


That doesn't seem right. Presidents used to have to abide by laws and rules. Along comes Trump, and republicans want to make their republican president above the law. What has happened to these people? It's like they all lost their values, morals and brain at the same time. Trump is a psychopath! Psychopaths are narcissists, chronic liars, have no feelings for others (not even family) and no remorse whatsoever. They think they're perfect! Their ego is the size of N.Y. Never, ever forget, they are cons, all of them. They live only for their next con. They care about themselves only! A lot of psychopaths commit crimes and wonder why they have to pay for them! Many psychopaths become serial killers. One can almost bet their life that traitor Trump has ordered hits. A high percentage of people believe he had Jeffrey Epstein killed. An independent autopsy proved it was murder. This sounds like the perfect person for christians to get behind? Unbelievable!


more poltiical theatre. as if it won't get vetoed by Biden.


Gargle those balls.


Not only is it unconstitutional, it's flat on its face non-American to even suggest a bill like this. America is not a country of royalty, no matter how desperate the Republicans are at trying to make it so. It's a stunt bill for sure, but god damn they deserve to eat these fucking words at every election.


Only Republicans are above the law.


Pass it. Biden signs, puts down his pen and sends SEAL Team 1 to South Florida, SEAL Team 2 to Virginia.


So Obama and Bill Clinton could slap the shit out of Donnie and it would be legal?


BuT wAiT tHe CiViL wAr WaS fOuGht OvEr StAtEs RiGhTs 🙄


It’s all wishful thinking. It will never pass the Democratically controlled Senate. So they can create as many BS bills as they want.


But only the republicans right?


Well, so far they're the only ones that really need it.


But state’s rights, right?


Let's elect Democrats across the board and give them a supermajority in the house and Senate and expand the court to 12. Let's end this bullshit. Republicans have to go. Sure we will have to evaluate the Democrats continuously so we don't end up giving them a blank check to do whatever by paying attention to legislation and actions, unlike Republicans who vote based on culture and parental/religious indoctrination. Then we can start focusing on education. This country is full of stupid people who focus more on money than integrity and sustainability.


The party of State’s rights, everybody.


Jesus wishes he had people willing to martyr themselves so much.


Fan Fiction as law.


So I’m guessing this won’t go into effect until current President Biden leaves office, though.


VOTE! Make sure their efforts fail.


Congress cannot enact this policy. I mean, even if they "pass" it, it won't do anything. 10th amendment. If this were to pass, everyone can literally ignore it as if it doesn't exist. Because Congress does not have the power to make this exist. They can pretend like they do and even "put the work in" to pass it, but it still won't do anything. Literally no one has to abide by it in the slightest.


They know it doesn't stand a chance but it's a win win for them. When it doesn't pass they'll say the Dems that vote against it are in on the prosecutions. Worse, its a kiss the ring moment. Any sane Republicans that vote against it will be named RINOs and replaced with more loyal subjects.


DOA but a good example of politicians wasting our time and our taxpayer money while they get paid. If we held them accountable in the same way a good manager holds you accountable at work, we would see a lot of turnover. The GOP would be fired, immediately. This is like asking your manager to give your former manager (who doesn't work there anymore) a raise.. for bail. Erm.. WTF are you on? Find another job. You are gone.


Bill Clinton & George W. Bush: "Alright, alright, alriiiight!"


Of course they specify that past presidents are above the law, otherwise if it included current presidents Biden would be above the law.


Brick by brick...


Is it ALL Former Presidents or only those name is TRUMP?




State's rights! No, not like that!


House Republicans dropped Trousers in unison, bent over and begged Trump for more. While their wives and children lined up for their turn


Desperate and greasy...the lot of them.


Remember when republicans didn’t just waste time jerking off Trump? Pepperidge Farms does


Did they remember to say they mean this exclusively for republicans, because they’re constantly saying Biden is breaking the law


Without Trump, the GOP dies. They know this and will do anything to survive.


What a bunch of fucking dipshits


It still won't be passed in the senate after Democrats have made it clear to the Republicans when they said that no one is above the law they mean it. Why can't the Republicans stop being childish and act like they are adults for their lives?!


Damn morally bankrupt found another rock bottom


All former presidents would include Biden at some point, too, right?


they know Biden will be a former president one day just like Obama


This would be DOA in the Senate even if it passed the House, which is not a guarantee. It's a 100% performative move by Republicans who know it can't pass but also know their dumb, gullible voters will eat it up.


There goes that check and balance


Sounds unamerican.


These Republicans in the Congress are just pathetic and cowards!!! He is not above the law! He needs to be put away!




When they show you, their party wants a form of fascism. Wake up and take them at their word It is not about "owning the libs" or whatever the word of the day flavor it is It's about fascism, corporate control through Government.


The fact is the president is an elected official ,civil servant, and they are not above the law.When they break the law, they should be treated like every other american.


They should be held o a higher standard. If they truly believe their action is for the betterment of the country and it's people, they should be willing to accept the consequences.


Democrats should allow it right now and then have the leopards eat Republicans' faces.


Imagine that. Just… so much hypocrisy in one act.


Former presidents who's last names start with T.....because we can't have lawfare against former presidents who's last names might just start by chance with the letter T.


So does this mean that any Former President could do away with any other Former President and they don’t have to worry about Murder charges?


This is going nowhere. It is a election stunt.


Nope. There are plenty of Americans who would justly fight this to the death.


Good thing the bs they generate dies in the senate.


So if Joe plugs Donny at the debate…he’s cool at the state level?


Kind of academic. If Trump wins the election, he will be president for life.


Good luck getting it passed


Just spit balling, this passes. Biden hops on AF1, quick trip to Florida. Does the deed, he can then just say fuck off florida, right? Like they want to play stupid games, they can and should win a whole bunch of stupid prizes.


Somewhere in fine print it says: "Unless they are Democrats, in which case they already are criminals and will be prosecuted. Lol."


So it dies in the Senate.


I just can't take their lying bullshit hypocrisy anymore!!


> Not Mike Johnson, who is also a lawyer. But Mike Johnson thinks that the Supreme Court is going to hop right on Trump’s case and overturn it _toot sweet_. So, maybe don’t go by that guy either. I cringe reading "toot sweet" (it's [_tout de suite_](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/tout_de_suite), friends), but not nearly as much as I cringe from seeing the continued obsequiousness of Republicans toward a convicted felon and conman.


When are the political parties going to do this for us the citizens who vote?


What we need to do is to make breaking laws illegal. /s


That sounds about right. They’ll then try to pass a law allowing either house of Congress to pardon federal convicts by a simple majority


Time for Jimmy Carter to go on a shooting spree.


Then it goes for everyone. This Republican Party is nothing but criminal authoritarian asshats.


I feel like this should be massive news… Do people in your country just not care or what? I genuinely don’t get it. How can anyone see this and think that it’s a good thing? How can this be an actually political viable strategy? What the fuck?


Like *all things* house republicans do, this is political theater at best


I thought states rights were something the radical right froths t the most about? GOP big Government Over People ass energy


WTF. They know there's absolutely no chance of it passing senate and (more importantly) Biden signing it. What's the point of pulling this crap? Have they gone brain-dead? Do they think Trimpist zombie voters form that big a majority?


The people giving away power … very bright idea


They know Obama is very much alive and capable of killing a political rival, right? I feel like if they realized this, then they would stop their efforts immediately.