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The state very likely pays more in taxes than it gets from the feds.


[Not just very likely, does.](https://preview.redd.it/t9p27obm6g1c1.jpg?width=1024&auto=webp&s=cdeea82e235f0adbf2be047dbf18ad53ae4bb1eb) The vast majority of the taker states are red states, as you'd figure.


It gets worse when you go to the district level. [70% of](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/biden-voting-counties-equal-70-of-americas-economy-what-does-this-mean-for-the-nations-political-economic-divide/) the GDP in America comes from Biden districts. Red districts are far and away the biggest welfare program in America.


Let's end that disparity. Red led states always insult the blue states, but love taking their money. Hypocrisy abounds in scarlet.


Red states and districts also take credit for things blue states and districts do for them


Well yeah, otherwise you’d think Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana would have figured out by now that the GOP has had total control over their states for the better part of a century and they’re still dead last by every desirable metric in the country.


Depends on your definition of "desirable"


Reeding, riting and meth. Duh!


And here i thought it was reedin', ritin', and racism. Silly me.


That’s cuz u didn’t get lern’d gud in skool


“There are times when we're fifty states and there are times when we're one country, and have national needs. And the way I know this is that Florida didn't fight Germany in World War II or establish civil rights. You think states should do the governing wall-to-wall. That's a perfectly valid opinion. But your state of Florida got $12.6 billion in federal money last year - from Nebraskans, and Virginians, and New Yorkers, and Alaskans, with their Eskimo poetry. 12.6 out of a state budget of $50 billion. I'm supposed to be using this time for a question, so here it is: Can we have it back, please?”


Excellent Bartlett quote


Gotta wonder where that money is going, it's definitely not towards fixing  their shitty states.


Were I inclined to gamble, I would wager that Marjorie Trailer Queen is double-fisting that cookie jar as you read this.


I know that in general Blue areas have better economies but I wonder what percentage of the population of the US lives in the areas that make up the 70% of US GDP. I'm guessing it's less than 70% of the population, and the lower percentage of population that it is makes it increasingly more impressive.


That’s why any threat of cessation or civil war is an absolute joke, red America isn’t remotely equipped to run itself independently.


New York doesn’t just contribute more than it takes, it’s the [most productive state in the nation](https://secretnyc.co/nyc-most-productive-state-in-america/) lead by New York City residents and in particular the souther district, where Trump was convicted.


Welfare states that are poorly managed.


they sound like real shit holes.


Damn, man. It's a REALLY narrow amount of states that are keeping our republic afloat in this map.


But not a narrow amount of people, most people live in those handful of states. What defines a "state" is entirely arbitrary. You could carve alaska into ten smaller states, change nothing aside from the party makeup of congress because each of those barren plots of land would be entitled to two senators, and be able to say that an even smaller percentage of states are keeping the republic afloat than you can now.


Cascadia when?


Yeah, the real welfare queens are the ones we knew along the way.


The thing I find interesting here is that the red states (red = negative contribution) on this map have the least population as well. It would be cool if someone did one of those election/population density maps that expand the US all wonky, but utilize federal tax contribution/siphoning instead. I suspect the map would be very similar.


And that “vast majority” label is only because Texas is red and manages to pay more in taxes than it receives.


Even then it's money is mostly in the cities which lean more left. Texas is a state with 99% red on a map and then you look at the couple blue dots and it's Dallas, Houston, Austin, and San Antonio.


That’s kind of the pattern everywhere. The red state/blue state divide is actually a rural/urban divide.


Yep - outside of a handful of exceptions in blue states like Maine, Vermont, and New Mexico - it's basically a check on how urban a state is to determine if it's red or blue. Once the urban areas are big enough compared to the rest of the state, the state basically will always vote Democratic (New York/Illinois). If the rural and urban areas are pretty split it's purple (Pennsylvania and Arizona). If you have 30% or less urban you're bright red.


Been looking for sources I could cite, coming up empty after 8 minutes aside from the stat that [personal income taxes](https://www.moneyrates.com/research-center/federal-income-taxes-by-state.htm) gets us to 140B. I easily believe that adding the corporate tax gets us far over the Fed payback of 380B.


Oh, look at that, GA is a taker. Who would have seen that coming.


That's one thing they don't ever really think about. If the southern states seceded from the Union again, they go bankrupt in 5 years


5 years is being VERY generous for most of those states. One bad hurricane season and they are screwed.


And lately we're seing places get two bad hurricane seasons a year.


If by that you mean there are more and more storms in the same season, then yes. Because there’s still only one hurricane season, which is from June to November.


Yep! I was being tongue in-cheek about climate change, but you're right for calling me out on being factually incorrect.


That said, Hurricane season is expanding. Out of the last 8 years, 7 of them have had named storms forming before and after the normal "season".


"We're gonna need a bigger sharpie..."


Or even just a lot of rain.


No, they would just cut all services for the people that lived there. So they wouldn't be broke, but it would suck even more than it does now.


It's a vital principle of anti-tax conservatism that the government doesn't do anything particularly important, and what it *does* do, it does horribly.


It's more an article of faith than a principle.


... and they have to stick their monkeywrench into the gears to make it so.


A fair distinction, sure.


The idea is that they're rather see 3-5 white people die than see one black person live. Simple as that. I call it the new 3-5 comprise.


Real story from Florida: the state government doesn't have enough money for mental healthcare. So if your adult child is really ill and you don't have the money to go private, they have to do something really wrong--read: get arrested, maybe repeatedly-- for the state to intervene and send them the state mental hospital. Well a friend of mine had a son with schizophrenia and begged the authorities to do something. Until one day the son went on a killing spree that ended with father and son both dying. I know a less tragic case where this woman was on her 2nd or 3rd charge before she got mental health evaluated and confirmed what everyone else in town already knew. (She had long since lost her job.) That's life with low taxes.


The largest mental health provider in Harris County, Texas is the jail system, and it's not even close. Not even if one were to take the combined resources of the Texas Medical Center AND the DeBakey VA hospital would it equal those of the jails. But that it's going to matter, because Governor Abbott has shown he'll pardon anybody who murders those he disagrees with politically.


And meemaw and peepaw wouldn't see their social security or medicare either. Small detail the pro-secession morons seem to overlook.


They would have their own civil war as the state's residents realize how their own red leaders have been plundering and pillaging all along.


No. No they wouldn’t. What would happen is the fascists in charge would start foaming at the mouth about some imagined "betrayal" by the "coastal elites" who had been "robbing us all along", throw in some hate shit about jews, and in a very short time would have half of their population ready to start carrying out bombings and terror attacks in the "commie" states. They'd 100% be able to redirect the outrage that should be leading people to string them up by their necks against the states *they* backstabbed and assaulted in the first place. None of it would need any semblance of logic. Wouldn't have to make sense. Their base would just do what they're told.


That would be after the brain drain when anyone with education, means, and gumption flees the state. People caring for elderly parents or tied down by child custody arrangements, RIP.


Don't be silly. They would still find a way to blame the states they left behind somehow instead of self reflecting, buckling down, and doing some self improvement.


Yep. The reality is that the only time in the history of this country that the South had a functioning and solvent economy was when they were completely reliant on literal slave labor. Without that, they have absolutely no idea how to support themselves, and as such they're totally reliant on blue states subsidizing them.


New York had the third-worst balance of payments in the country per capita, after New Jersey and Connecticut. Its negative balance of payments was about $2,425 per person. That is, New York’s people and economy paid the federal government $2,425 more per person than they received. By contrast, the average state experienced a positive balance of payments of about $1,305 per capita. In essence I would pay less in taxes if I didn't have to send some to the federal government


I get what you’re saying and agree. But your last sentence basically says, “I would pay less taxes if I didn’t have to pay taxes…?


He's saying if the federal government defunded ny, and ny defunded the feds, new Yorkers would get some tax relief. Ny is pulling more than their weight, other states not so much


New York makes it, rednecks take it


2019 #s have NY paying about 10% of the federal taxes received by state. Sure, we will keep that. Good luck Georgia.


She needs a psychiatric evaluation. She seriously does and I’m not being hyperbolic. She is entirely unfit to serve. She is not rooted in reality.


> She is not rooted in reality. You try being rooted in reality after 4 Jaeger bombs and a bottle of wine.


I too enjoy breakfast 


She should probably see a podiatrist too.


Mad, bad and deeply dangerous!!


MB double D.


No, she knows what she’s doing. She’s a charlatan not an idiot. She says & does what keeps her in the news and in the hearts of those who are NOT rooted in reality. She’s the queen of the angry & ignorant and she is well aware of that.


No, she's an idiot. "The idea is clean energy to replace coal and oil. If they are beaming the sun’s energy back to Earth, I’m sure they wouldn’t ever miss a transmitter receiving station right??!! I mean mistakes are never made when anything new is invented. What would that look like anyway? A laser beam or light beam coming down to Earth I guess. Could that cause a fire? Hmmm, I don’t know. hope not! That wouldn’t look so good for PG&E, Rothschild Inc, Solaren or Jerry Brown who sure does seem fond of PG&E."


I disagree. The charlatans don't con thin air--they con stupid people. She is a stupid person. She just happened to get elected by stupid people. Enough years have gone by, some inmates are running the asylum and they don't realize they're supposed to be feeding bullshit to the stupid, not believing it themselves.


Y'know how the stereotypical stage magician always has their lovely assistant in the sparkly dress that comes on stage and makes exaggerated gestures while the magician does the trick? That's misdirection. You're looking at the pretty sparkles so you don't see the magician palming the card. Whenever MTG or Boebert or any of them say some crazy shit, it gets printed above the fold (or whatever the digital equivalent is) while the actual story they're trying to suppress gets bumped to page 7.


I don't think so. I think she's just a lunatic and any evidence that she's a master manipulator being used to steal headlines is confirmation bias. DC is a lot less House of Cards and a lot more Veep than people think 


She's a charlatan AND an idiot


She’s Capital Karen.


> She’s a charlatan not an idiot. Hard disagree. She is an objective moron, too stupid to even have the thought that she could be stupid. She is a true believer in everything she says.




Remember when she demanded that Judge Arthur Engoron be "disrobed"? 😂


I mean she does love flashing dick pics


She’s a freak alright, thought she was all in on Hunter but I guess she’ll go after anyone.


I don’t usually make fun of dumb people, but it was great when she pronounced it “in-dick-ted”. 


Remember when she read out the word “indicted” the way it was spelled?


That's interesting. I wonder what she thinks disbarred means? Do they give a steel rod back? Are all lawyers issued one? She's so damn stupid. And in a dangerous way.


Sadly, it doesn't hurt the right people; B6 seems immune to her own stupidity. 


For anyone that doesn't know, B6 shorthand for her new name given to her by Crockett: bleach blonde bad-built butch body


“B6” — I hadn’t heard that nickname before. That’s awesome! Thanks for that! 😄


The only problem is that it sounds like a name out of Nier Automata, and it makes me think of her in that costume.


I would guess that there's always been about the same percentage of complete and total morons throughout our history, but I don't think they used to have the same amount of control over our government.


Doesn't she know that we actually pay more into the federal budget than we get back? In essence we would just stop paying the federal taxes and use them in State. It would be a new win for NY State. She would be denying a number of red states income by doing this. I'm good!


>Doesn't she know... Let me stop you right there


>we would just stop paying the federal taxes and use them in State Would/could the state do that? Just because DC cuts off the state, would/could the state cut off DC?


Well if DC stopped giving NY any money, then it does make sense to stop sending back and use that to cover the shortfall of not getting that federal money anymore.  Just NY comes out ahead in that scenario.




If the state government voted to stop paying, and stopped paying, there would be a huge flashpoint that would probably see NYC under siege by federal troops, but they'd be trying to wrangle new yorkers. It would be ugly as fuck. Definitely would cause an existential crisis for the continued existence of the republic.


Beyond that — New York residents individually fund red states that provide no value of their own outside of tourism and second home real estate.


She’s still trying for the running mate position and we thought Sarah Palin was a wing nut


She was the gateway wingnut


This is why we are at the worst point politically in our history. Having lived in Alaska during Sarah Palin’s governership she was fairly well liked. Sure she had her issues but ironically broke from a lot of current republican platforms and ran on a platform of education, healthcare and get this bipartisan ethics reform. Getting the VP nod was a little too big for her all at once but overall she did good things for Alaska and until fame got to her, she was a reasonably likable person. Having lived in Wasilla I personally got to see her handy work as mayor and by all accounts did a great job representing her community. This is in contrast of course to the current state of politics :-/


Please nominate her.


They need to stop giving her a platform. No one cares about this wacko.


That’s exactly why she’s given a platform. She’s so much of a dumpster fire that it goes in the favor of the media. Click bait


She’s a political shock jock. No more no less


MTG has got to be the dumbest cardboard box ever to be in congress. Doesn’t she realize that without California and New York, America would not be a superpower. I am sure my fellow reddit’ors are aware of the fact that California is the 6th largest economy in the world compared to countries. We contribute waaay more than we receive. If this were to be passed that would mean the state of New York would no longer be contributing to the federal budget. The country would lose, not New York. She’s such a fucking loser.


They don't care. They hate those two states because they are more liberal than conservative. That's it. 


That’s a pattern I’m starting to recognize, actually. North Korea wallows in poverty because its rulers refuse to relinquish control. Xi Jinping has been on a path of economic withdrawal. He doesn’t care how badly he damages China’s economy so long as he can eject every last ounce of foreign influence from within China’s (read: his) borders. They know their countries and constituents will suffer, but the devastation of their citizens will make it easier to take whatever they want without fear of such devilry as “elections” and “peaceful transition of power”. I’m sure Kim Jong-Un will live in luxury for the rest of his life.


Well said…


She also wants to be thought of as a respectable person and elected official. Neither of those things will ever happen. She ran unapposed and even her own party boos her.


Girl…. How about this? How’s about New York cut off red states from their financial teat? Because NY doesn’t GET money from the fed- THEY GIVE IT. WE. FUND. WELFARE. STATES. Who are predominantly (if not entirely) RED STATES. She’s bleach blonde, bad built butch bodied . . . and BRAINLESS.


Has she demanded to see the manager yet?


I love that she shouts from the rooftop how little she knows about her job.


So 12 people returned a guilty verdict against Trump, so now Greene wants to destroy the lives of 8.3 million more people as a direct result……yeah, no, makes *total* sense… 🤦🏻


Nothing matters but their personal hate, it's so very sad and so very transparent.


She probably wants a lot of things. Nobody cares. It will be nice to see her lose her job this fall.


NY should partner with California, and both defund the Federal government, specifically targeting the House.


Sure, defund them so that they don’t pay for the red welfare states


Margie, New York City, alone, could probably buy your entire district twice.


Probably the entire state, with just the NYC financial sector.


Ok Marge let blue states completely stop funding red states.


This woman is dumb as a box of rocks.


That is an insult to every single microorganism fossilized in those rocks.


No noooo, rocks are smarter then b6


Isn't Georgia one of those states that receives more federal tax dollars then they contribute?


Maybe New York should defund MTG?


She needs to be quiet. Her one brain cell has malfunctioned.


I wish we would stop subsidizing the red states. Make them pull themselves up by their bootstraps. See how fast they charge their tune when they realize that how much assistance they get from blue areas. I’m so fucking Sick of people from the sticks bashing my city and its inhabitants, we pay for your roads!


I want to 'defund' her mouth. Convicted Felon Donald J Trump's bootlicker.


Must admit she's great at grabbing news headlines with the most insane takes ever. She's clickbait gold.


I don’t think she understands how the tax stuff actually works. NY is not dependent on federal dollars; in fact, one of the largest revenue sources via federal taxation that funny enough, carry red states.


They already do! Who do she think pays for all the GOP states?? states like NEW YORK!! New York takes in like 80cents to every dollar they pay out in federal taxes. Without states like New York, Republican states would go broke.... you're welcome😡


How about this? New York and California stops providing any federal taxes and in return we no longer receive any federal funds? Deal Conservatives?


Georgia, please put this heifer out to pasture.


Every educated Georgian who absolutely would love to do that doesn't live in her damn district to do it. She knew what she was doing when she took her daddy's money and moved out of Atlanta and built a big ass, stupid house in Rome, GA...


and i want mtg to go away. both won't happen. moving on.


Fine - she’s an idiot. But how fucking stupid are her constituents to keep voting for her?


Not the brightest bulb in the six pack, is she?


Lock her ass up.


Wow she's a moron... NY is a donor state. They help fund many many red states. It's not possible to defend them.


Empty vessels make the most noise


Haha, MTG would get her howler monkey ass handed to her if she ever tried to fuck with New Yorkers 😆


Bleach blond, bad-built butch neanderthal lady should stop giving the blue states ideas about what to do with TN.


Defund Red states who live off of money from Blue states via socialist forced redistribution of wealth. I want not one cent of my tax dollars given to traitors


Really well thought out by a brilliant political genius...


Sometimes it’s so entertaining watching her unravel. Sad for the country but entertaining nonetheless.


This hag that calls itself Marge, lives to be miserable.


She's just pushing division bc she's paid to. This hasn't been thought out. It doesn't need to be. It just needs to be repeated until it's Trump lore.


MTG mostly wants to say outrageous things for clicks and donations. Why does media keep feeding these trolls?


Going to be honest it took her entirely to long to come up with this idea. I was expecting this the day of the verdict


I wonder how she plans to do this, given the economic powerhouse that New York is.


Ok. We get it already. You are a useless asshole. You don’t have to remind us every damn day.


It’s crazy to me that none of this is about the fact that he broke the law. It’s just continuous gas lighting. Can someone please discipline this woman.


Wish this excuse for afterbirth would just melt back into the sewer


It either takes a certain level of brilliance to come up with all these bat-shit-crazy notions or someone (Russia) is feeding them to you. I'm going with the latter in MTG's case.


NY should defund her state!


But then where would Arkansas get money from when they have natural disasters? They’d have to beg commie-fornia!!!


She has given me a lot of reasons to believe that the scope of her lack of understanding, in general, is staggering. Maybe she knows some cool exercises to bulk up one's "traps" and "lats," or something.


Let's defund her instead


It is obvious MTG abuses Steroids which explains her physical appearance and her delusional behavior. I am baffled why no journalists have explored this idea and asked her about her steroid use


Good luck with that, lady from a welfare state.


Wait, this headline should read. >Rep Green proposes that residents and business in the state of NYC should be exempt from all federal taxes


She doesn’t even know what that means. She’s just spouting words she heard.


Well, she can escalate this feud anytime, by going from defunding to impeachment.  MTG: Impeach NY! What is going on could be funny if it was not so fvcking scary.


Every day, every fucking day she has to say some dumb shit to get into the news somehow. Stop giving her attention.


This lady is incapable of enacting any legislation so let her try. No different than a child with crayons on a paper menu


The funny thing is NY is probably funding her state more than anything.


She’s an idiot.


New York is the one funding other states moron


Add in NJ as well. New Jersey gets backs about $.70 for every dollar we send so if we can keep it then we just got a raise!


It's really eye opening. how many members of Congress don't know how Congress works


Again why the fuck isn’t anybody having her removed?


So New York should find a way to stop paying federal taxes then. Let's how that plays out.


I wish all media outlets would just stop paying attention to this woman. They give her power by giving media coverage. She’s an absolute imbecile and embarrassment to the United States. To all those that are not from the U.S. on this chat. Our politicians do not represent all of us. We’re not all morons


Her terms ends January 3 2025. Please don’t elect her for another term.


This paycheque-stealing moron is what people think of when they think of Georgia. Do better, Georgia.


It would probably be a net gain for NY. They would just divert the federal income tax to the state. I'm sure NY citizens pay more in taxes then they get back from the gov.


New York pays for her states funding.


She’s going to get what she deserves very soon.


American politicians should have the good of the country at the top of their minds at all times. This woman is a foreign chaos agent.




Queen Marge from the land of Karens


What a waste of time and resources, that is never going to happen and most sane people know this. She should be made to pay for this lose of productive time.


I say we do it. Just defund one of the biggest GDP hubs on the planet and then hold her solely accountable. We know it won't be any sort of lesson she'll learn, but when we draw and quarter her for such an oblivious and ill-fated statement--we'll collectively feel better. The collective consciousness will improve 87% for sure.


that woman is a troglodyte. she and trump belong together


Essentially she wants to suck his dick,but he’s holding off right now.


This horse face still talking?


Make America great again by punishing states that follow the law


How hasn’t she choked on her own spit from how dumb she is? Does she have teleprompters telling her to breathe and blink at the same time?


Hillarious rants, she could get a job on rtv with that level of unhinged rhetoric


They don't call her empty g for nothing


So she wants to defund the police? (among other things)


If she were a send up, she'd be a riot. But, sadly, she is just a hook-headed, hatchet-faced hater.


I'm sick of my state funding the bullshit that goes on below the Mason Dixon line.


The people we need to defund are Maga!


I hate this person so much. Dangerously stupid and stupidly dangerous. A podunk gerrymandered district puts them in power over 300 million Americans, but that same population couldn't fill an Applebees.


you mean known russian asset, Marjorie Taylor Greene?


If you get in trouble for breaking the law and think everyone else should be punished, you might be in a cult


If she wants to “defund” NY, she better look at how much NY contributes vs gets at the fed level.


Her shitty Georgia district should get defunded for sending her terrorist ass to the House


If the Feds stopped sending money to New York, and they responded in kind, New York comes out on top. New York is a "donor" state to the federal government. Most "taker" states are red states.


This is precisely why none of these Trump slaves in Congress are fit to serve. They do not serve; only punish like a dictator. Same is true for Trump.


It doesn't matter if she's too stupid to understand this. The important part is that the people in her district are too stupid to understand it.


How about New York defunds Georgia, who takes more from the fed than they contribute?


I wish she would. New York would be better off if it didn’t have to subsidize half of Dumbfuckistan.