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It's funny how his supporters can't cite any legal reasons for their assertions. They didn't read the indictment, they didn't listen to the evidence, they didn't review the law. Shameful.


I have repeatedly gotten into conversations with Trump supporters where I've asked them if they have read any of the indictments. They haven't. I haven't found one of them who has been willing to read them. I've given them outlines of evidence for some of the cases and they just insist it's all fake or ignore it. Like they will actively avoid reading the information that they know might contain details of his crimes


They are convinced that it's all made up bullshit so won't bother. They think we are the ones that have been brainwashed and wrong. They think we do the same and refuse to accept what trump and republicans have said. When in truth we know more about what they actually said because we didn't just hear a clip on Facebook we actually read several articles, saw full unedited videos if possible, and read who is voting for what bills before making up our minds on whats going on.


Yeah, that's definitely it. The line that I've refined this down to is just asking them what they think about. Donald Trump's vice president, chief of staff, attorney general, deputy attorney general and several of his own attorneys testifying that they were either asked to commit crimes by him, witnessed him participating in crimes, or committed crimes with him. About 80% of the time I just ask that once or twice without any other commentary, they just completely flee the conversation. It gets right to the core of this being a topic that they are not psychologically willing to approach.


BuT PreSiDenT tRumP toLd Me tHat It wAs slEEpy jOe Who donNIt. WHy wUd hE lIe???


Tsk tsk…. HUNtErs lapToP!


What's so hilarious to me is that we all knew trump was a full of shit grifter who lied constantly, and fucked blue color Americans on the reg long before he ever tried to run for president. They act like this is a new reaction to him when it's how most people have probably always felt about him, they just didn't have to deal with him on the regular like this


Because they make decisions not on facts, but how they feel.


And how they feel is formed by a combination of preexisting biases and right-wing media's prodding of them.


It’s a cult. He’s no different than Kim Jong who doesn’t poop or got a hole in one on every hole.


It is this. They think Trump is someone he is not-a good business man, a good president, a loving, selfless, religious man. Trump is not any of those. He is a selfish criminal, a user of ignorant people.


Cognitive dissonance is hard to overcome...


And the Dunning-Kruger effect.


The movie “Don’t Look Up” was horrible in its prescience.


To quote Homer J. Simpson: "If I didn't see it, it's not illegal!" as he covers his eyes and drives through a red light at an intersection.


Any assertions that the process was not due should be rebuked with a simple “so, which one of these laws did he not break?” And that’s generally the end of the conversation.


They have shelved all of their moral responsibility with Trump. If Trump gets away with it they feel like they all get away with it. The flip side of the coin is if Trump is punished they see it as a punishment on all of them. He is their Golden Calf. Their dare to God to smite Trump and them if they are sinful. Funny how they ignored a typical tool of God, a mother fuckin plague.


It's insane how many of them are asking "what was the crime he was convicted of? No one wants to say." Like, bro, you lose all credibility when you literally admit that you don't know even the most basic facts of the case you're calling "rigged." And in case anyone is still wondering, it's [New York Penal Law 175.10.](https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/PEN/175.10) That's the crime.


Kinda hard when they have a 6th-7th grade reading level...remember:WE DON'T NEED NO BOOK LEARNIN'!!!


His supporters can’t read


Almost like everything they believe is bullshit founded in complete fantasy


An acquaintance posted a rant on Facebook about how it was rigged and a setup and Biden paid for it. I simply asked, “Did you read the court documents or transcripts?” And he blocked me. 12 years of ‘friendship’ and business dealings (he owns a company in the car scene and sponsored me some parts) and he blocked me for asking a logical and reasonable question. Now I have to find a new company to rebuild my superchargers.


This ought to bode well for sentencing lol


It’s going to be interesting to hear the rational provided by the judge to whatever sentence he gets. Considering he has zero remorse and co ties to violate the ‘gag’ order, I can see this rhetoric lengthening or escalating whatever sentence he would have originally gotten.


If you asked an attorney to make a bullet point list of behaviors to not engage in in order to avoid a harsher sentence, It would be a list of things that he's done. Showing contempt for the court. Showing disdain for the law. Disparaging witnesses. Showing no remorse. Demonstrating that lighter punishments have no effect. Making thinly veiled threats. Insinuating things about the jury. It's all there.


Yup. He has ‘first time offender’ and ‘ex president’ as leverage to get house arrest but his continued behavior is what really opens him up to a harsher sentence. Given that he has a few more weeks to continue this behavior and who knows what his crazy cult followers will do, he may run his mouth enough to really max out his sentence due to actions he insighted.


Gonna get a fine and a stern talking-to, nothing more. Mark my words.


This may be true but as long as the other trials continue, he will no longer have his first time offender status and that will move him up/over on the sentencing chart.


Your lips to God's ear, my friend


No, no it won't. This is a former president. He's never, ever going to see the inside of a jail cell.


>This is a **CRIMINAL** former president Those types are a lot more likely to see the inside of a jail cell...


Fortunately for him, the other trials aren't happening.


And will embolden him and his supporters for elections


I really hope you are right. Merchan made some comment that he doesn’t want to send a “presidential candidate” to jail though, so I’m not sure if that won’t factor in his considerations. I hope he does see the flip side: every rich asshat would be emboldened to buy elections if Trump gets off lightly. In my opinion, with Trump continuing to escalate, he should send him to jail for a year, maybe suspend half of that under conditions.


That was during his 10 (or was it 11) gag order violations. I took the statement as terms in a way to get trump to understand that he is on thin ice and the judge understands the backlash but is willing to do it anyway if pushed. If he gets jail, I can see it being the 1/3 of the 4yr max. I don’t see it going well past that unless there is some other calculation that involves additional gag order violations. Example would be 1yr 4mo for the crimes and an additional 1mo per additional gag violations reaching a 4yr max. That would be absolutely nuts to see but for the average joe, I could see it for sure.


Let’s see how it goes and if there will be finally consequences. I thought the suspense would be over after the jury came back, but Trump continues to deliver and the entertainment continues to…


And worse (for him), he only gets to pull the “first offender” card once. He still has outstanding criminal cases in Georgia and Florida (the Willis and Cannon messes notwithstanding), and the verdict of the New York case is going to count against him there. This is the case where he’s likely to get the *best* outcome, and he seems to be doing everything he can to make that “best outcome” into the maximum sentence possible.


Calling the judge corrupt Claiming the clear and indisputable evidence was fake Saying the trial was rigged Repeatedly stating “I did nothing wrong”


I'm also interested in the judge's rationale for not sending Trump to prison.


Disregarding who he even is, it’s a: the first time he’s been convicted of anything and b: effectively white collar fraud, and that’s not normally something that rich people go to prison for, that’s reserved for the peasantry who get above themselves.


We gotta get out of this "white collar crime" mindset.  Rob a guy for or steal a sandwich, off to jail.  Steal millions or commit widespread fraud and it's a slap on the wrist when those crimes do so much more damage to society.


Whether it’s wrong or not (and I agree!) doesn’t affect the objective reality of the situation, which is what I was pointing out.


IIRC, each of these 34 counts is a separate crime and conviction. Basically, he's only got the "1st time" benefit for 1 of those convictions. The sentencing guide also allows for jail time, and the judge has already indicated he does not think financial penalties are good enough for Trump. Right now, prison, or equivalent, are a reasonable possibility.  The fact that Trump will be presidential nominee a few days after sentencing will probably be the biggest decider on whether he goes to prison.


Duration and conditions of house arrest appear to be the most likely variables. As much as we would like it to be otherwise.


>“Those appellate courts have to step up and straighten things out, or we’re not going to have a country any longer,” Ah yes, the tried-and-true method of winning an appeal. Publicly tell the court themselves to "straighten things out"... or else.


It's the exact rhetoric he used to incite violence on January 6th. The exact rhetoric. X has to do Y Or else we won't have a country anymore. It's all about creating fear of an existential threat from a specific source so that his followers direct that fear and anger towards that source. This man would be thrilled if one of his supporters attacked the judge or prosecutor. He's trying to get them there.


According to Trump his civil trial was rigged because he didn't get a jury trial, and his criminal trial was rigged because he did get a jury trial.


Trump and his MAGA chumps are insanely angry because their brains are mired in cognitive dissonance from all the obviously, conflicting beliefs they espouse.


That is a really good point.


It's gotta be really tiring being so fucking wrong about literally everything.


And the lead poisoning.


"Count the votes" in areas they are losing and "stop the count" in areas they are winning. They have no standards other than double standards.


“Rigged election” when they lose. “National mandate” when they win with 51%.


Or when they win with 48% and a minority of the popular vote.


You mean Trump is trying to redefine "rigged" as "didn't turn out the way I wanted "? He would never do such a thing. Fake News. /s


Do you honestly think that was a fair trial? I honestly dont care either way, but if you think it was fair is hunters trial fair? Being in the spotlight i would say neither could be fair


Yes and yes.


So a famous person can’t receive a fair trial? The way to get out of trouble by that logic is to just make a big deal out of it so you get media attention. No, guilty is guilty and if you’ve committed crimes, accountability is the only prescription, whoever it is. Democrats are fine with our criminals being prosecuted. Republicans protect their criminals.


Oh so I get to commit crimes as long as I'm famous? Clearly being in the spotlight automatically provides reasonable doubt, right?


No one is above the law. Donald was convicted by an unanimous jury of his peers. A jury that Donald's lawyers helped select. Now he can appeal the conviction just like any other criminal. This is how our justice system works.




You should come visit some time. It’s actually pretty great here. Caterpillars are eating the heck out of hardwood trees at the moment, but other than that things are pretty good. No complaints.




You’d be welcome to squish these buggers. I spent half the weekend performing a caterpillar massacre but it’s just a drop in the bucket. Nasty things.




I don’t think that would be the most effective way of killing them. Just the cost of ammo alone would be nuts. Probably be fun though. I don’t really know any repeat felons to ask. There’s a fish and game club behind my house though that are pretty cool. They’d probably hook me up.


Hey man as long as you got me, you have no problems with no fucking caterpillars 💯


I trust you. You sound very capable of handling any amount of caterpillars. It may be too late for the willow and oak trees, but they’re strong and will survive a year without full foliage. Thank you for the moral support.


...well then you could join this other 18yo who, gets acquitted, after travelling to another State with the sole intention of using his AR-15 birthday present on peaceful protesters.




AI walking dead images as a hobby and an active interest in mass shooters. I didn't know they made flags that red.








It’s cool, thanks. One thing we New York pussies are good at is not getting offended by inexplicably hostile strangers. Well, that and surviving in this lovely post-apocalyptic crime ridden hellscape that is the entirety of the glorious Empire State. It’s like Road Warrior out there, but with more orchards, galleries, restaurants, BBQs, swimming holes, playgrounds, cool people and general amenities, and without the desert, violence and fear.


It’s pretty hot south of Richmond. I’d like a swimming area. Cool people, general amenities? Any fucking chicken wings ? Don’t say no to me now.


Hell yeah we got wings. I’m making some this weekend. Gonna try some spicy Malaysian marinade an old neighbor taught me to make. Got that Szechuan-style spice with a little sweet. Might rain though, which honestly we kinda need but would be a bummer for hanging out.




How about I hug you?


Did you just reply to yourself? Yes, go give yourself a hug.


Spot the teenaged Virginian.




Virginia is a state, Jethro.


That convicted felon is a both pathological liar and a sniveling jack ass.




>Well that convicted felon is competing heavy with the current Jack ass in office so why not acknowledge how shit Biden has to be for Trump to have a chance ? Regardless of your opinion, the current occupant of the Oval Office is not a jack ass who thinks they are are above the law.


why not acknowledge how shit 45 has to be that every time someone criticizes him all you guys have is "yeah but what about biiiiiden", the new "yeah but her eeeemails..." instead of pointing out what good he's done. how the critizism is not valid because reasons. how those critical of 45 are wrong becaise facts. but no. since there's no real substance behind drunpf all you have is whataboutisms and counter attacks. so predictable.




> won ww2 for us the russians? formidable work at stalingrad there, gotta give it to your boys.


Imagine needing 2 million bodies to win a a singular battle , maybe Russia will put forth that many into the whole war and take Ukraine yeah?


Slow day at the FC?


> Trump kissed Arpaio on the cheek, then said: “I don’t kiss men, but I kissed him. We had a real border with this guy.” Arpaio called Trump his hero. Just a reminder that Trump also doesn't motorboat men, but [he did that too](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spn0MJZr-QQ).


Does he jack off two men at the same time?


Bit of ski practice to keep in shape for uncle vlad




If he doesn’t win everything is rigged. He’s a fucking whining looser


Although he does often loose shit into his pants, he's also a whining loser.


For all the great things this country has accomplished, it’s just so unbelievably sad to watch it burn to the ground because of Donald fucking trump. It’s like trading your Ferrari for your neighbor’s old lawn tractor. Such a god damned waste.


A Man-Baby displaying no remorse and no accountability, and being completely disrespectful in & out of court is going to get him spanked hard, by a judge who’s an actual adult, with the actual power to ruin Dons life.


Yawn. Let me know when he gets some new material


And his answer to every issue is just to vote for him. Problems will magically vanish. Asked what he will tell people concerned about a lack of healthcare in rural areas? Vote for Trump? How will he fix it? Rural Americans love him! Wtf? Biden issued an executive order to stop border crossings, Trump intends to rescind it and that will just on its own stop immigration? How do his followers buy this shit?


And some how he got none of problems magically solved during his first administration.


I am so excited for him to be behind bars just to get a break from his none sense


I’m so fucking sick of hearing and seeing that word. It’s such an easy and cheap cop-out.


Wah, wah, wah. Lock his ass up.


They can blame the courts and judges all they want, a jury they approved still unanimously convicted him on all charges.


Remember when being a sore loser was considered shameful?


When Trump uses “rigged” it is because he is, once again, projecting his own tactics. There is nothing in his life that he has acquired honestly. He assumes that everyone operates in the same underhanded way he does. What’s worse is that he destroys everything and everyone he touches.


The fact that he can even attend and speak at a rally after being convicted on 34 counts proves that yes, the system *is* rigged.


"America is the greatest place on earth." “America is the greatest and most exceptional nation in the history of the world.” But the court is "rigged" and the jury is corrupt.


Aren't trials usually *rigged* to the side with more convincing evidence? A juror whose only news source was Truth Social found him guilty on all 34 counts.




Can't wait to pool the "proud boys" on this pervert's full docie... Can't wait to see what those fucks decide...... I hear they like daughter-sexualizing rapists... I hear they announce that shit when they get to prison! I hear they like that kind of "action"... I hear they are all daughter-sexualizing little fucking perverts... Just like their "golden rapist GOD"! Hear that, General Population? I hope you all get that LOUD AND CLEAR!


…from “Drain the swamp!” to “Swamp the vote!” in 1000 lies.


Don’t Americans find it strange that there is such an obvious Russian agent (Trump) running for president? Is it because he’s in plain sight that they allow it? I really don’t get it.


Yes, life is so rigged against the man with a golden toilet. Poor fella.


'Never Surrender' holding a picture of Crap Man surrendering. Pffftttt!!!


I do actually wonder if the judge set the date so far in advance to see how far Trump would go to determine his own sentence. But I don’t have my hopes up.


Trumps lawyer proposed the date, the prosecution accepted noting that 6 weeks to sentencing was normal (or not unusual or something).




The fuck are y'all even doing any more? Who are you trying to convince?




By the looks of it, you're going to *vote* for a repeat offender for *President*.


*there *fauci falsifying business records to hide the fact you're paying hush money to a pornstar with campaign money is not a crime? because an independent jury thought it is.