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Pretty sure the dude has never experienced happiness.


It’s the one thing that makes me feel a tiny bit better - that this piece of shit is clearly always miserable. People like him can’t experience joy become they’re too focused on things they want but don’t have, people who have wronged them, people who have more than them, every little thing they think they’re owed and entitled to.


It’s like the Buddhists say: ‘Craving leads to suffering’


Suffering leads to hate.


Hate leads to the dark side


"The Dark Side of the Moon" leads to listening to "Animals" and "Wish You Were Here".


Only the Buddhists who don't really understand the nature of enlightenment. Craving can lead to enlightenment. Or not. Depends what you do with the craving. Same with suffering. Some folks determine to satisfy their more challenging cravings—say, to be the one to win an Olympic gold or create a remarkable work of art, and they advance themselves and the human race. Others sit and wallow in self-defeat and just suffer. But some determine to overcome their suffering or (perhaps even unintentionally) use their suffering to understand others' suffering and develop compassion and build friendships and support networks and transform their lives and countries into better places even to the point of stopping wars or helping those with addictions or correcting social injustices, and ultimately become strong and happy individuals. Thus the Lotus Sutra teaches that "earthly desires are enlightenment and the sufferings of birth and death are Nirvana."


I think we all know which side of the coin TFG looks at…


He's the lowest form of scum, one who sees others only as a means to his own ends. But what got my attention of the post was the mention of Maggie Haberman, the patron saint of irresponsible journalism who under the banner of a highly respected newspaper and with a false air of even-handedness and dispassion really seeks fame and favors and sensationalism, fawning over and trivializing the evil nature of a nascent dictator at the very cost of her own country's freedom, power and dignity. She knew who he was in 2016 and she poured rocket fuel on his demagogic fire.


They also say life is suffering


It’s really “to live is to suffer”. If you’re alive you’re going to experience suffering. It doesn’t mean that suffering is all there is.


Man, those Buddhist, I got a hand it to them. They were good at pointing out the obvious.


And yet so many people still don't get it. Huh.


Get what?


This is not correct. For Buddhists, suffering is a state caused by desires. The natural state of all sentient beings is desire - for food, comfort, even desire for life itself. Buddhists seek transcendence from life through detachment.


Tell me the 4 Noble Truths?


Life is suffering, suffering is caused by desire / attachment, there is a way out of suffering, and that way out is the Buddha's teachings (dharma). Was this a test, or do you have questions?


Anyone who says differently is selling something.


Like what? I might be interested.


It's a quote from *The Princess Bride*, one of the most joyfully funny (and touching) movie ever! Watch it with a partner or with kids or with family and enjoy!


Yeah, I love that movie. I didn’t realize you were quoting it. I was just trying to be facetious..


> Yeah, I love that movie. I didn’t realize you were quoting it. Well then clearly you must study it some more! Take this coupon for permission to watch it again in the near future! > I was just trying to be facetious. It was funny. I just didn't want to risk that you'd never heard of the movie. :)


Eloquently put.


I think he probably has gone his entire life without a single person truly loving him. His father was an asshole to him, all the women he ever has been with either were there for his money, and in some cases, coerced or paid for. His current wife seems to have abandoned him. His kids won’t show up to his trial. Every decent respectable person in this country hates him. His supporters only stand by him because of the ideologies he represents, he gives them an easier platform to spew out their hatred. They don’t love him actually. The guy has never been loved by anyone in nearly 80 years of life


you get what you give. He comes across as a sociopath, transactional person


I often think all this could have been avoided if only Asshole Trump Sr had told his son he loved him.


Or he wore a condom!


Cry me a river!!


Total bullshit take! He is, and has always been an entitled person who has been given wealth to squander. He has always taken what he wants and abused who ever he wants. Spoiled, useless taker.


He's happy when he hurts others


It eases his pain to see others suffer more than he himself suffers. But I wouldn't call that happiness. Of course, his own perceived suffering is his own doing. As it is with many of his followers. For some of them it seems to be a feeling that they deserve more, more money, more control, more everything. It's easier to blame others for their not having it, rather than look inward at themselves as the problem. For others it seems to just be that innate need to have a meaning to their lives, to at least feel important, or even to be better than others. GOP and their mouthpieces like Fox offer a easy path for them to get that. You don't have to be a better person or give meaning to your own lives. If you are Catholic (just say you are) and preferably white and preferably male and preferably don't have a foriegn accent, you're already better than others! Just just vote for them now and they'll pinky swear to give you what you crave later and forever more.


But if you value consistency and reliability he's golden. He's reliably and consistently himself. That feels safer for some people.


You can always count on him because he will always fuck you over.


When he was inside Stormy Daniels?


We're not going to intimidated by his threats. If anything, they'll motivate more people to vote blue.


I'm voting to lock him up. We can really be a part of sending him to prison, by voting away his get out of jail free card. I have never been so highly motivated to vote. This is what I'm telling people who don't usually care about voting...this time is different.


If it were up to me he would be picking up trash along the highway for the rest of his miserable life


And then returning to a small cell where he has to sleep in the same room where he shits into a cold metal toilet. Fucker really should have just stayed out of politics. He could have spent the rest of his days happily playing golf and eating hamberders.


And live stream it. All of it.


Jizz mopper at the local Porn Hut.


This is the only way. SCOTUS will give him immunity if we don’t keep him out of the White House.


I hope so. FFS, he's still slightly ahead in the polls. Never underestimate the stupidity of the average voter.


No he isn’t it’s just the media news cycle (liberal issue too) needing a 24/7 flash point to make money.  It’s good that people think that because it’ll motivate them to vote. 


I hope you are right. Millenials listen to idiots like Joe Rogan, my local news just last night was all about how people are falling behind in this economy, etc. The media is trying to make out Biden is worse than Trump.


He's not honestly, they don't really poll the base he's losing the most with a conviction.


I sure hope you're right!


Why is it when private citizens make online threats, the police show up at their door? But when this guy does it, he's given a pass. smh


This guy is a fckng convict. Now hes making threats. He needs to be in prison asap. Hope Marchan is listening.


Trump continues to lie about the 2020 election. Millions of morons believe him. He has caused so much damage with his lying. He deserves nothing but the worst. Scum sucking shitty pants slob.




Good luck with that incoming psych evaluation


hillary isn't running, genius why tf are yall still so obsessed w her. ya got HDS bud thank you for sitting this one out tho




Which insurrection did Hillary foment?


wtf is hillary election denial? know what im sick of? brainless both sides takes ruining political discourse yall are bad for the working class


Ok. I don't like Hillary either. Enjoy your popcorn.


*"Haberman cited two interviews in which Trump was “explicit” about his desire for revenge, including a recent interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity and his interview Thursday with Dr. Phil McGraw."* Has anyone heard from Tucker Carlson lately?


He’s probably in his new favorite place, mother Russia.


net tovarishch.


Stop, if you utter his name thrice during a new moon he’ll publish a new documentary about how Cuba has been a great example of democracy and capitalism all along.


And him not being happy is whose fault? Ah... his own.


I think the people wanting to use Trump to move America towards dictatorship already realize that his explicitly un-American personal mental meltdowns are going to cause a much greater opposition voter turnout AND reduce Republican turnout. Thanks, Trump!


Haberman gave us Trump. Get fucked.


I’d put a lot more criticism on Mark Burnett. Before The Apprentice, Trump was a “New York“ guy to most of America and a joke in the business world. That show made him a “celebrity“ to middle America. Burnett is sitting on tapes of Trump saying insanely racist things and having trouble getting through three syllable words.


It a little murkier than that, I absolutely hate Burnett for doing Trump to the world but he did come out in 2016 and say he doesn’t own the tapes https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/procuring-leaked-apprentice-footage-mark-burnett-statement-936878/amp/. It’s MGM with probably Trump having final say in right to release.


Yup no one knows him better lol




She didn’t. She had access and that allows us to understand more about what the fuck he was doing. People who hate her reporting seem to think she’s pro-Trump. Has anyone actually read her articles?


For real. She's the one that told us he sleeps in his trials, and he got up and stared daggers at her. There is no love between them.




That’s an assertion. I read every one of her articles for years. To put it lightly, they weren’t puff pieces.


Dude has to pay people to rub his little mushroom (Melania included) so even sex for him probably isn’t a happy experience.




She’s essentially the world’s leading Trump expert


Lol, well, he is on Earth, so I believe that.


Is Haberman still going to have a job when Trump croaks?


As she mainly just promotes insane Republican grifters, she has job security for a really long time


Her friend is sad.


Haberman is trash journalist.


His letters from prison will be funny.


I'm here for it! I teach literature and I am *dying* to do a compare/contrast with MLK's "Letter from Birmingham Jail."


Who cares if hes happy or not take some action to get him to stop making threats every day, this is what led up to jan 6 in the first place


Trump is moving the conversation from his convention to revenge; don’t let him get away with it.


You love to hear it.


I’d be in a happy place, if Trump gets thrown into the unhappiest place (jail).


No shit Mags ya Trump lover.


Maggie is terrible. Plenty of opportunities to do the right thing when it counted and she has chosen not to. She’s just like Trump in a lot of ways, an opportunist.


So done with this woman. How much information has she sat on throughout the years just to publish books? Of course she’s an expert… but at what cost? She’s trash!


We all know he is a miserable fuck, even after he gets what he wants. It's not enough for this useless shit stain.


Trump is in a death spiral of his revenge obsession, while screwing everyone else over in the process. It's a miserable place to be, is destroying his life, and entirely of his own making. I learned long ago to cull a$$h\*\*\*\* from my life.


Good. I mean that’s great. I hope that continues until his enlarged heart pickles solid and his brain bleeds across both hemispheres full of Nazi apologia and SA fantasies. That guy deserves an eternity of papercuts


Wow… It’s a good thing we have Mags to give us all this insightful insider information 🙄


I bet not. I’m incredibly doubtful that either the GQP is as insulated as they think are and the Dems are about this being the death blow to Trump hope for. That said, it was the last line many “moderates” still had but even then I think this proved how few moderates there really were. That being said it’s a title I’m sure he thought he could escape and thankfully he was very wrong and regardless of what he says it absolutely stung it came from NY, let alone NYC/Manhattan. I can’t way to see what excerpts (no chance I or anyone should pay money for anything she releases) come out of whatever book Melania inevitably releases after he’s passed.


I don’t believe there are any moderates for whom this was the last straw. Moderates already support Brandon. There may be a few conservatives with at least a few principles that might abstain from voting because of the trial.  Nothing in the trial was really news. We knew seven years ago that all this happened. Cohen went to prison for it. 


May he never be


The best part is that he's miserable every single day. He's in a loveless cold marriage where Melania won't even touch him and has known that for years. He'll never be in a loving marriage and experience romantic love again. He hates his cult members even he looks down upon them. He's facing civil lawsuit and already has a criminal conviction. He knows that if he losses this election, the rest of his criminal trials like the DC one is going to bury him. He knows the walls are closing in.


> "He is not in a happy place." From my perspective, while a good *start*, this is not anywhere close to sufficient. The only 'happy place' the discount Biff Tannen deserves, and would justly merit, is... **an unceasing, agonizing oubliette**.


Aww , give the baby a cookie and juice box and turn on cartoons ..


"He is not in a happy place" Suicide is an option


Of course he will. Tell us something we don’t already know.


yea !


People in Finland are 🤷‍♂️


nor are his 50+ Million worshipers, or his 20+ Million greedy/evil/sociopathic non worshiping supporters.


Profound insights. Thanks Maggie


Eh, I'm done with Trump articles and headlines. They aren't worth clicking on. He's gotten so boring.


Why are people taking anything MAGA says seriously anymore? They have always set threat level to 11. Nothing they say is trustworthy. They will always just do as much as they think they can get away with, whether its jaywalking or treason. Stop reacting to them and just do what needs to be done. Don't worry about their response, it's awlays going to be the horrible, no matter what you do.




He is scared of the consequences of his actions. I am interested to see if talking about the jury not smiling at him is going to be treated as contempt. It was of course. The poor guy is pathologically belligerent. He lives for attention. Playing the victim is a deep seated negative attention seeking behavior that I do not believe he can control. In a sense he is a victim of a range of psychological pathologies that he created in himself and now possible organic brain disease on top of that.


dont care still voting Trump


As if anyone gives a shit.


have you sent him your last 25 bucks yet, the “billionaire” needs your help!






I mean Biden doesnt get any people going to his rallies period so its a moot point lol


He got enough people that he beat your guy last time around. 


Biden is also a normal politician and not a cult leader.


outright lies from a republican? who the fuck could have guessed that?


How will a Trump presidency benefit you?


restrictions on illegal immigration, interest rate cuts, no more woke bullshit being forced into public office messaging for starters. How does Genocide Joe's presidency benefit you?


There was a bipartisan bill that Trump killed because he wanted to campaign on it, that doesn’t sound like he’d be better on immigration. The President is not the Fed. How does “woke” thinking hurt you specifically? I appreciated Biden leading us out of the pandemic that Trump ignored and downplayed. I also appreciate how he seems far more interested in the common man’s struggle as opposed to Trump who literally announced his plans yo further enrich his 1% cronies. I also appreciated Biden capping the cost of insulin, the chips and science act, supporting our veterans, getting us out of Afghanistan. Lastly Biden’s actions pertaining to Gaza have left a lot to be desired but in no world is Donald “Bibi finish the job” Trump better for Palestinians or the conflict in general.


how did you get so confused?


The president nominates the seven members of the Board of Governors who serve on the FOMC and oversee the 12 Reserve Banks. Each member is appointed for up to 14 years, which is considered a full term, after which they can’t be reappointed. (Btw: they are not going anywhere for a while, most were appointed 2021-2023) “Other than nominations, the president has zero impact on Federal Reserve interest rate policy,” said Scott Fulford, a senior economist at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau What are these "woke" things? And how exactly will DJT stop these annoyances? Planned tariffs, tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy, bribes from big oil, abolishment of ACA, and dismantling the HEW is just part of the plan. You can find the rest by looking up "Project 2025". Doesn't sound good to me.


Trump would still support Israel. Would you call him genocide Donald? Trump also pretty much described a dictatorship. He wants to use the rbi to go after political opponents. He wants to go after the media cause they make fun of him and he wants to deport pro Palestinian protesters. Do those things benefit you? Or the American people?


have you ever been diagnosed with a learning disability?


Well we know which basket you reside.


Well we know which basket you reside.


Well we know which basket you reside.