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I doubt it. More likely that they say they are giving up until they get elected then the real conservative will stand up again.


They're not-so-silently stacking the Supreme Court with the intention of killing marriage equality (and many other equalities) more permanently. That's why there is almost nothing that can stop me from voting for Biden. I may not like him, but SCOTUS alone is enough reason to do everything we can to keep Trump out of office.


And if a R gets the office this next election then they can nominate the next 2-4 Justices. There will be that many retire/health/die over then next 4 years. Vote. Vote. Vote.


Yeah, I figure if Trump wins, Alito and Thomas retire for sure. Who knows what Roberts will do, but it wouldn't surprise me if he retired. Sotomayor will probably try to hold out, but she's almost 70. Not that it matters, even just Alito and Thomas being replaced with younger zealots is a disaster. That would be 5 youngish ultra-conservatives that we would be stuck with for decades. We would literally be giving up control of the Supreme Court for decades if Trump wins.


Would Thomas give up the gravy train?


Someone would be encouraged to buy him an extra special RV for his retirement. And maybe one or two very part-time non-exec positions.


I like John Oliver’s take on the Clarence Thomas issue. https://youtu.be/GE-VJrdHMug?si=R_SB3ZFpVkla7s4v


If he was paid a significant amount of money to do it at the perfect time where republicans can insert an even worse and much younger judge, then probably.


And not just for Presidential elections local and senate races matter else Moscow Mitch will steal 2-4 more justices. AZ, NV, WI, PA and NC are critical and even though I want to support every state for D’s wasting resources in TX, KY, AL etc doesn’t make sense.


"Some" conservatives means one pundit wrote about it in conservative-speak, lol.


They’re giving up on **democratically** defeating marriage equality.


I mean they've given up on everything democratic




Precisely. The people they emplace show that they believe law to be a tool that should favor some and disfavor others based on their personal preference. They continue to emplace these types of people. They have decided their identity, their culture, should reign. If you're not a part of it, they'll burn you out.


As long as there is a majority of socially conservative justices on the Supreme Court and the Republicans still have a chance of controlling Congress and the presidency, we can't assume that marriage equality will remain the law of the land.


Meanwhile, the Colorado GOP is advocating for hate crimes


Dave Williams is running for a Congressional seat in a district with five military bases and he openly states his hatred of the U.S. military and veterans. That dude is owned and operated by communist China.


And yet, he is the Chairman of the Colorado GOP.


In Texas or Oklahoma, he would be praised for his comments, just not here in Colorado.


Don’t ever trust the GOP or conservatives. I remember the pain of Prop 8, I will never forgive them. They can lay down their swords on this, but I never will.


Stop this. They overturned Roe v Wade and Planned Parenthood vs Casey. Never believe they've given up on anything that they've said is God's will.


They fought and got rid if roe after 50 years. They will go after other civil rights too if given the chance. They already gut voting rights all the time.


Author is an idiot. Scheming Republicans and rotten conservatives don't accept defeat on anything. They adjust tactics and lie, bribe, cheat, destroy until they get what they want.


Tell that to Thomas and Alito. Edit: And sadly, until we pass a bill through congress protect same-sex marriage, Thomas and Alito are 2 of the only 9 people it takes to flip it back to illegal. Edit edit: Apparently said bill passed in 2022, which is awesome! Thomas and Alito can officially go pound sand.


A bill was passed in 2022, the Respect for Marriage Act. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Respect_for_Marriage_Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Respect_for_Marriage_Act)


They can overrule that too, as long as they have the votes. 


They might have the votes, but it would be difficult for even this court to find any justification for overturning it. The RFMA is rooted in the Full Faith & Credit clause of the Constitution, and Congress's ability to regulate how legal decisions apply across state lines. This is one of Congress's most basic, unambiguous powers. I know at the time, some people thought the RFMA didn't go far enough, but I tend to think this was deliberate. Rather than over-reaching, they went for a law which was entirely rooted in well-established Constitutional powers so that it would survive legal challenges.


Clarence has already stated he's ready.


Oh nice! Somehow I missed that.


To be fair, the 9 years since 2015 has been about the longest fucking century I've ever seen.




Thomas would overturn Loving if he could do it without hurting his own marriage.  


He wouldn’t live in VA so he can have the cake and destroy it for others too.


And his bank account


Yeah, they definitely haven't given up... and they keep blaming their wives for everything just to prove it.


Congress already passed a law to this extent. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Respect_for_Marriage_Act?wprov=sfla1


In order to fool Democratic voters into staying home in November.


All my homies hate MAGA.


We know from abortion they wait decades sometimes to get what they want....so likely they are not giving up on this anytime soon.


Is it really 'defeat' for them when their parties platform is project 2025...


Feigned surrender - as soon as it’s 2025, if they’re in power, they’ll do whatever they can to drive LGBT people out of society, regardless of what they’re saying now.


> Conservatives > Accepting defeat They what now?


rolling back the clock wouldn't just screw people over, the sheer amount of financial and legal problems that would create overnight would almost certainly land whatever law they enact back in the supreme court and theres enough money getting fucked with that they might actually do their jobs. theres over a million married same sex couples in the US, that's a lot of legal contracts and legally owed benefits suddenly chucked in a blender


Pretty simple to rule banning new marriages and have the old ones grandfathered in. Part of the reason there were so many rushed ceremonies when it became legal.


but then whats the argument to ban new marriages if old ones are perfectly fine. the big problem with ogderfell was that the GOP and the right had zero actual reasoning let alone any secular reason why two adults cannot marry


I'm not for banning marriages, so I can't give you that argument. Just stating what would realistically happen, they would ban the issue of new licenses.


Maybe they shouldn’t frame it as “accepting defeat” but as accepting “I was wrong. We say we stand for freedom for all Americans and that should mean ALL Americans…oh shit…I’m gonna have to vote against Trump in November, aren’t I?”


Well yea that’s why they moved the goalposts to the trans issue. They realized it’s hard to push “all gays are the devils minions” when everybody now knows they have a gay sibling/friend/cousin/etc. So they picked on a group that makes up 1>% of the population, and that problem got solved real fast.


Because they know they can end it in half the country the moment they get the right case to SCOTUS


"Some conservatives start accepting marriage equality" is a way better headline - cause how does someone else getting rights count as a defeat for someone who experienced 0 change to their own rights? Also I don't for a second believe it.


I’ve read this headline many times over the years. The Supreme Court is going to try some shit and they will run right back.


Because they are so worried about their profits falling when the inevitable population decline occurs they will accept more children of any race?