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Apparently a standard condition of probation (if part of sentencing) is the felon cannot associate with other persons engaged in criminal activity or with other felons without the probation officer's permission - might be a bit of a challenge for TFG


He has a fair number of felons on his campaign team.


Most of his last campaign team all caught felonies.


Must be contagious. Shouldn’t have downplayed masks.


It’s funny on 2 levels! Cause the masks would hide their faces too lol


Ikr, and I thought the KKK loved face coverings


What is TFG? The fucking gollum?


"this fuckin guy"


imma stick with gollum, I doubt he's even really got male genitals anymore after all the propecia, obesity, mcdonald's and adderal.


“The Former Guy”


Just drink some bleach and felonies go away.


Hit it with the light.


So clever! Made me laugh.


A fair number of former lawyers as well


MAGA = make attorneys get attorneys


My Attorney Got Arrested.


Ole Rudith "trial by combat/drunk by noon/c'mere big tits" Ghouliani has entered the chat


I always wondered if those two ever compared notes about their Russian handlers.


**Criminal** attorneys, please.


The problem is the rules only apply insofar as anyone has the goddamn balls to enforce them.  And for some reason, with this orange, on-deaths-door, sack of shit, nobody wants to enforce any meaningful consequence that anyone else would get if they did the same shit.


Because actual billionaires cannot abide consequences for even the fake ultra-wealthy.


He’s a useful idiot, but a risk to all else.


Rules, laws, conventions, traditions - all can be undermined and subverted by a sufficiently amoral President once they get voted in. The keystone of any safeguard or protection in any democracy is (and can only ever be) the good judgement of the voters. If enough voters choose to abandon all wisdom and common sense and put a crook, a cheat, a liar or a narcissist - or indeed someone who is blatantly all those things at once - then there’s bugger all rules can do. America is is a somewhat better position than many other democracies thanks to its constitution and separation of powers. But as we’ve seen in recent years that merely slows down the rot rather than stops it.


Because they all do it and consequences for one could lead to consequences for others. Best to keep all safe and let him skate.


“Donald Trump is now a felon. His campaign chairman was a felon. So is his deputy campaign manager, his personal lawyer, his chief strategist, his National Security Adviser, his Trade Advisor, his Foreign Policy Adviser, his campaign fixer and his company CFO. They're all felons. Judged by the company you keep. It's a cabal of convicts.” Colin Cowherd


I dislike Cowherd but that's legit.


Sounds like people should submit evidence of him associating with felons at every opportunity. Can't say they didn't know if they are receiving thousands of reports... does anyone know what the process is to submit a tip to the probation officer?


>without the probation officer's permission There is your loop hole.


Oh, we thought it said persimmons! Not without the probation officer’s persimmons. 🍊


What are the oranges of these persimmons?


He was just kissing Joe Arpaio over the weekend so not a great start.


He can’t associate with entire campaign team?


Problem is, he pardoned all his ~~friends~~ sycophants.


Pardoning does not eliminate the felony conviction. That requires an expunging of the record after a pardon has been granted


That’s going to limit his staff and cabinet choices if he gets elected.


Is it though?


Exactly. He will just do it anyway.


Yes, but the consequences are up to his probation officer.


If he gets in the WH again, he's no longer going to care about probation. He'll have his goons running the entire Executive branch, already has his cultists in the SCOTUS, and his Secret Service detail has already conspired for him. A state-level PO or LEO won't be able to get anywhere near him. His 4-year presidency was horrific, but I feel a next one will be on another level of revenge, institutional destruction, a far greater disregard for the law, and weaseling his way into holding the office for as long as he's alive.


4-year presidency? He ain't gonna leave.


As it should


It’s only the federal ones he can NEVER associate with because the federal courts have no process for expungement, only pardoning


I beg your expungement?


True, but they’re hilariously felons. Like Dinesh “The Felon” D’Souza.


Election interference or something like that, right?


While true, he could not pardon for any state conductions. Several are already in jail and there are more to follow.


Does this include Putin?


What is TFG?


I think "This Fucking Guy"


The Former Guy = TFG


Gonna have to fire half his campaign staff and family


Are you going to cooperate. No. Ok I think we are done here.




they didn’t make him do a piss test or even do it in person. fuck this bullshit.


Trump's been taking the piss for years. Getting him to give it would be quite the challenge.


As a USAer, I just have to say I love the way you guys use "taking the piss" as an expression. It's way better than "bullshitting".


All done over Zoom. No peeing in a cup for drugs.


He peed the fifth.


No that’s Rudy. Imagine how much he had to actually drink in order to pee a fifth!


As alcohol is a diuretic you would need to drink less than a fifth to pee a fifth. Cakewalk for Rudy.


Oh, forgive my misspeaking. I meant that he’d piss an actual fifth of 40%, 80 proof alcohol. Seems reasonable given his daily intake.




Lot of court is over zoom now and drug testing is not part of a PSI.


>Lot of court is over zoom now and drug testing is not part of a PSI. But it will be once he is sentenced. It will also be supervised when he's giving his sample.


That poor bastard that has to watch.


Stormy was telling the truth!


you wouldn't be able to see it. that fupa covering everything. when does he hold his dick to pee? he wears diapers and pees in the shower.


He has to piss over his balls.


pretty sure they can just ring out his diaper for a sample


Ewww, didn't need that image.


Saves taxpayer dollars, too.


Good. So the next felon being charged can avail of the same consideration.


That part isn't mandatory for this kind of crime anyway


Also from MA, this is the right call. There has already been a public spectacle with him in court for weeks, i think allowing him to do this remotely, is a smart move. Any drug he takes....is likely not for a good time, but to stay orange....large Umpa Lumpa (no offense to the ULs everywhere)


Well, also, his plans aren't exactly too secret. They know everything he's planning to do till November.


“I take the 5th”


More Like. Supreme Overlord Trump, we are here to ensure you serve no time. Is there anything else we can do for you?


"Yes, I need you to call Georgia and find me some votes"


“If you’re famous, they let you do it!!!”


>Donald Trump ‘s mandatory presentencing interview Monday ended after less than a half-hour of routine and uneventful questions and answers, a person familiar with the matter told the Associated Press. The person was not authorized to speak publicly and did so on condition of anonymity. The meeting was supposedly only between Trump, his lawyer, and the parole officer. I wonder who was close enough to Trump to know that they were "uneventful questions and answers". Or this was just Trump's lawyer.


Just a “routine and uneventful” pre sentencing interview for the presumptive GOP presidential nominee.


And convicted felon.


When said with accuracy, I wonder how anyone could just say, “that’s my guy.”


Or Trump himself.


His PR guy John Baron.


Hey, some respect. He was VP of the Trump Organization in the 80's


“Uneventful” has 4 syllables, no way Trump said that.


that’s not a Trump response. “It was a beautiful interview. Perfect. The parole officer said ‘this is a beautiful and perfect interview, Mr President’ and it was actually very different from the hoax trial with a very compromised judge who is being paid by this Gestapo of an administration.”


big tough parole officer, he had tears in his eyes


We can only wish that Trump is not authorized to speak publicly.


Wait, only one lawyer? Is he down to just the lawyers that aren't smart enough to know they need to deal with him in pairs?


Normally nobody, including lawyers, is allowed in these meetings. Trump's main lawyer here complained about that and the prosecution didn't have any issues, so the judge allowed it.


Doin' the probation officer a solid really. This way, they have someone else in the room who can acknowledge understanding and translate into toddler.


I agree. can't say he didn't get a fair assessment when the rules were bent for him already.


That's putting it lightly. You can make an extremely elaborate pretzel with how the rules were bent for this dangerous bastard.


"the interview was perfect. Very legal, very cool." -anonymous source


It was the best probation interview ever. People are saying it. The best people. They told Trump "Sir, I can't believe how good that probation interview was. We have never seen one so good". They couldn't believe it.


Next at 10: why this is bad for Biden.


CNN: Facing an opposing candidate who is a convicted felon is a completely unprecedented event *for someone of Biden's age*.


Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but the interview was with a probation officer. Parole is when an inmate is released from incarceration. While the interview is with a probation officer, Trump would not be on probation until he's sentenced (thus there are no conditions yet set).


he is on probation until sentence. he's been found guilty. now you're being monitored. like anybody else facing felony sentencing. no guns, no association with other criminals, travel restrictions, reporting, drug tests, etc... if you're awaiting sentencing on an alcohol charge, immediately there is no more alcohol. a lot of charges lead to you being incarcerated until sentence.


Yea likely his lawyer


>"uneventful questions and answers" Upcoming perjury trial for Littlehands Donnie Stinkypants for lying to the probation officer in 3...2...1...


>He says he is innocent of any crime and says the case was brought to hurt his chances to regain the White House. He was convicted by a jury of his peers not politicians.


Most defendants who are convicted maintain their innocence for reasons of appeal. If he took responsibility his appeal would be over.


He admitted his guilt over and over again on the court room steps as his mouth farted hot air at the press daily and on his Twitter ripoff.


It's working well for him in his civil trials...


One of which had a media diet consisting primarily of truth social. If that juror can be convinced, the evidence must have been overwhelming


He’d call getting hit by a random meteorite a witch hunt from space. Trump will politicize anything


They'll claim it was Jewish space ~~lasers~~ rocks.


He'll handle the situation the way he always does: He'll threaten violence.


And then go golfing.


On the bright side, the fact that the interview was virtual means that the questioners won't find their wallets are missing afterwards




I dunno. Felt like the Internet had an unusual odor today.


I guess that's why they did a virtual meeting. Being literally gassed by him is probably not what anyone is looking for.


Lock him up


Lock him up 🇺🇸


Lock him up 🇺🇸🫡


Lock 👏🏼 him👏🏼 up 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Lock 🇺🇸him 🇺🇸up🇺🇸


“They come to me, big lawyers, strong lawyers, tears in their eyes, and they said ‘Sir, it’s, it’s incredible. We’ve never seen someone finish their pre-sentencing interview so quickly, especially for having so many convictions in one case.’ And you know people, the people they don’t notice things like that anymore, have you ever noticed that? It’s really fallen, having the most of something has really fallen out of favor. But as the late great Abradoodle, I call him Abradoodle, the late great Abradoodle Lincoln once shaid, ‘gib meliberdhurivuh’”


Its literally impossible not to read this in his voice, well done and "gib meliberdhurivuh" to your sir!


I was really divided on just how legible “give me liberty or give me death” needed to be, but when your brain is doing a hard reset in the middle of a christofascist pep rally, it doesn’t super matter.


Thirty minutes is pretty much standard for a common criminal, which he happens to be.


Except it’s Trump so…he probably answered one question vaguely then rambled about sharks and batteries for 29 minutes.


“Would you rather die in a zoom call or a battery factory? I bet nobody’s ever asked you that.”


I just love that part the most. “Nobody’s ever asked that.” Skipping over the forced MIT insertion, I can only imagine the look on some poor guy’s face dealing with this wannabe genius asking some preposterous question about his job and just managing to limit himself to “y’know, nobody’s ever asked that before”


What kind of question do they usually ask?


My personal experience was that they wanted to get at the underlying cause. Drugs, stress, etc. Then wanted to get an idea of where my head was at regarding the incident. Did I acknowledge the crime was wrong? Was I remorseful? Etc. It's a pre-sentencing interview that goes to the judge to take into consideration. I don't see Trump acknowledging any aspect of the crime, much less being remorseful.


What crime? Everything was very legal and very cool. It's uncool and unFAIR that Everything is rigged AGAINST ME, unless, we, having nuclear, we were the best and are the best at mcdumpsters burger and covvfft


And so is a drug test


That checks out. I'm sure the interviewer could immediately determine he's a narcissistic sociopath that isn't going to be remorseful or accept fault. Not much deeper of an analysis needed!


30 minutes...so I estimate at least 20 lies.


Those are rookie numbers. You gotta get those numbers up.


*Mr Trump, so far the only question I’ve asked is to confirm your name…*


*My name is John Barron.*


You think his rate is ~40 LPH?


"Many people, very strong and very powerful congratulated me, after I accomplished a very tough, some say the toughest mandatory presentencing interview. This is what the fake news won't write about; that I am the first ever President in the history of our country to do this. The questions were unbelievably difficult. You wouldn't believe it. I was told by the very smart people from MIT whom I have a strong relation to, that it was harder than anything anyone has ever seen before. And people were shocked I was able to withstand the whole process and I scored the highest! I bet Crooked Joe couldn't even last a minute."


He (Trump) says he is innocent of any crime and says the case was brought to hurt his chances to regain the White House. Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden. Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden.


Hopefully, his lack of remorse and failure to accept responsibility for his actions made an impression on the PO.


Trumps needed a lawyer to answer the questions....


Man, woman, ... TV


How often did he say, “That’s a nasty question.” “This is a rigged corrupt Biden hoax.”


I sssume he was on his best behaviour here. No cameras or crowd to play up for, no journalists, nothing but him trying to get out of a prison sentence.


He cant be around felons. Associate w felons. Be around criminal activity. This is typical felon probation. He is no different than any other felon and should be treated as such. So that means most of the people surrounding him he can’t have contact w. He shouldn’t be allowed to go to any rallys. They are infested w felons. He cant bring convicted murderers on the stage w him. He has to ask permission to leave the state. And all the rules still apply. I don’t know how this is going to work. And i hope it doesn’t work. Edit. Also some felony probation wont allow the felon to be around any alcohol, bars, etc. If that happens then he can say goodbye to the fundraisers and mara lago parties. Selling alcohol at the rallies. But we shall see.


He’s going to bribe and or threaten the probation officer.


Did he ace this test too?


Do we think they're pampering him? Oh uh, nevermind, I'll see myself out...


-Do you understand why you are here? -No, is it another cognitive test? -…um, no I think we’re past that now.


I’d give my left big toe to be that dipshits probation officer. He wouldn’t know which way is up after I’m done with him.


At any point has he been asked under oath the following question "Do you understand these charges against you?" Or however it's phrased in legal talk. Cause he seems really confused about it and might need to be placed into some kind of adult daycare


It is not normal to have your lawyer present for a SAR interview.


My aunt who only watches fox News actually believes that trump was set up and this whole thing is a conspiracy


Respectfully, your aunt is a nut job


Why didn’t Trump have to take a drug test?


"Defendant shows no remorse. Recommend maximum sentence." I mean, obviously that won't happen, but a boy can dream, can't he?


30 minutes of blaming everyone but himself.


I have no idea how Parole Officers are assigned in New York. But I can't imagine anyone being too excited having tRump assigned to them. Maybe they drew straws or had their name plucked from a hat. Either way, they're in the history books now.


Just another day for them I reckon. It's New York. Dealing with drug addled delusional ranting unrepentant lunatics is a daily event.


All true *Ishidan,* except this one's got an armed fanatical "cult" at his disposal. I fear this officer's now got a target on his/her back. Not an enviable position.


*Convicted felon Donald J. Trump. FTFY.


Yeah, so Trump gets to have his lawyer there to shut him up when he starts rambling and telling lies. Otherwise, the Probation officer would have quickly seen that Trump is an unhinged lunatic. Regular people don't get this privilege of counsel during the presentence interview.


His only request was conjugal visits from Ivanka.




Special treatment all the way down. Freeze his assets and put him in the general population.




"We sentence Donald Trump to ten hours of community service. He may campaign for the presidency as part of that service." Bet the fucking house folks. He will suffer no penalty.


It should take that long to write down all the felons he associates with.


Every inconvenience his conviction creates for him is a win for us. I hope he is humiliated every time he has to fulfill his obligations to the justice system.


He was probably super confrontational and eventually the other side was just like "Ok, thanks, we have enough"


“ Person, Woman, Man, Camera….TV!”


Person, woman, man, camera, hamberder, covfefe, shark, battery, windmill (aka moron!)


I heard he cried. Anyone else hear that?


Many people are saying it.


I’m pretty sure as soon as they start to ask questions, the meeting ended when his response was “this is witchhunt”.


I bet someone off camera typed answers and he just read them out. I want to see the drug screen and a psychiatric evaluation ordered. No way the PO didn't notice the dementia signs.


Is the probation officer a Republican?


He's probably bragging that he had a faster pre-sentencing interview than any other president in history. Many people have tears in their eyes about this.


Oh fuck, now Orange Julius Ceasar Disgustus has a "Highly conflicted" Probation officer.


The Pre Sentence Interview isn’t just an interview of Trump. It involves the defendant’s statement of the offense and a little background information like where he was born, education, his father’s background, mother’s background, siblings, employment history, substance use, other crimes, pending charges and who he associates with. Then they interview family, friends , employees, employers, and character references. They may ask for a psychological exam, a cognitive test and other information to determine the character of the defendant. Once they collect the information they present it to the court along with a recommendation for sentencing. They consider remorse, the likelihood of reoffending, specific and general deterrent , and whether the defendant is likely to be rehabilitated. His 30 minute interview is only apart of the entire document.


No convict has completed a pre-sentence interview as perfectly.


Did he talk about sharks?


The best comment I heard was from General Kelly was "he's a fing child"


"Is there any reason that I *shouldn't* throw your ass in jail?" Mmm.... Nope "Okay then... See you on July 11."


He had his attorney with him for the interview. Is that normal?


From what i can find, absolutely not


He did drain the swamp. We just weren’t clear he was draining his own swamp at the beginning. His dumb kids and wife straight up disappeared.


And boy are defense attorneys pisses in New York. He was allowed to do it remotely with a lawyer present, which poorer less famous folks aren't allowed.


Some people are saying it’s the greatest pre sentencing interview ever. Most people are there for days. Me 30 Min in and out. The probation officer had tears in his eyes because he got to interview me. I look forward to my probation officer being at my beck and call 24x7. We’ve been looking for someone who can do the McDonalds run. A big step up for these guys let me tell you…


Is mandatory drug testing part of probation?


So- when he is on probation, he is not allowed to associate with other known felons…


Get fu*ked you traitor.


Throw away the key.


Was the interview rigged too, Trump?


We're they able to ascertain his suitability for the big house and not the nut house?


What if they determined he’s not competent or something?


His old hair may.match his new suit soon.


It was a perfect interview I hear