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This project is finally getting the press that it deserves - especially before the November election. The people need to know what a GOP win in 2024 will do in seriously harming our very form of government. r/Defeat_Project_2025 is a god place to learn the facts and to help counter them.




As the link states, "porn" is the Christian right's catch-all term for everything they don't like. It's not just xvideos or pornhub, "porn" is also stuff like "saying the word 'gay' out loud".


I hate to disagree but they don't care anymore. They elect Trump and support free-speech at all costs now, including mis-information. Porn is just a sidecare for them now. Its like the script got completely flipped. Now its us that warn about the dangers of letting sex drive the national agenda.


It’s not simply getting rid of “porn” or “sex”. The definition of porn, according to the religious right, it’s any media depicting what any person can say is sexual or pornographic. This includes works of art (like Michelangelo’s statue of David), reference material that belongs in scientific textbooks, clothing that’s deemed too risqué, even people who seek gender affirming therapy and treatments, because the very idea of a transgender person can be considered pornographic, because their only exposure to trans people is from whatever porn they want to angrily masturbate to. I’ve heard it “justified” one way like this: trans women only want surgery to show off their feminine bodies. That’s pornographic, therefore they shouldn’t be allowed to get implants. Really, “porn” can be twisted in a lot of ways. Don’t expect it to be obvious or simple.


Ha. David's Doodle on the simpsons


I mean, that's a pretty broad statement. Pride painted crosswalks and stairs are being vandalized on the regular across the whole country. Clearly someone wants it removed from public spaces enough to commit misdemeanors over it. Some on the right definitely do care, and the ones that don't care are happy to let the ones who do have their way when it's all said and done. All they require for now is that they all work together to achieve the underlying goal of conservative rule.


Sure. We use sex to drive certain policies like equity when we light up the white house in pride colors and equal access to bathrooms. I don't want that distracting for the freedoms of literature and the capacity of public schools to prepare kids not to be bigots, though. We have to mold minds that participate in society correctly.


Why is their counter mandate written in all those different languages? Its like they are willfully trying to lose the argument.


Acting like the poor people in red states know how to read and do any kind of research.


If those conservatives could read they'd be very complacent 


Whoa there, buddy. You're right, but it hurts.


They did their research and Trump capped their insulin at $35 and Biden is trying to make insulin illegal. /s... just because I know one of you really needs to see that


🙏 thanks just joined


Seems like a waste of time, though. Trump has put out his own plan so Project 2025 is old news. https://www.donaldjtrump.com/issues


Project2025 is not for Donald Trump himself. It's a blueprint for every cabinet post and every subordinate of those departments who Trump will appoint. It's granular to the point where it explicitly calls for stripping the EPA of the ability to regulate vehicle admissions. What Trump says he'll do on his official website is meaningless . He is inconsistent and lacks any core values other than short-term self-aggrandizement. Project2025 however, is not only the blueprint but also a database of Heritag Foundation candidates who have been vetted for their ideological purity and includes training prior to appointment on what Conservatives plan to do... step by step. Seriously. Project2025 is a much greater risk to traditional U.S. government than any campaign promises from any candidate.


People need to understand Project 2025 has NOTHING to do with Trump. He just happens to be the guy on the ticket right now, if he loses, it'll become Project 2028, and be pushed onto whomever the GOP stamps onto the ticket then, and so on, and so on.


It's kind of a muddled area. The Mandate for Leadership (the policy proposal book behind Project 2025) has been historically written for any incoming GOP president but this time around Kevin Roberts has stated that their goal now is "Institutionalizing Trumpism". https://web.archive.org/web/20240611012417/https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/21/magazine/heritage-foundation-kevin-roberts.html >Roberts told me that he views Heritage’s role today as “institutionalizing Trumpism.” This includes leading Project 2025, a transition blueprint that outlines a plan to consolidate power in the executive branch, dismantle federal agencies and recruit and vet government employees to free the next Republican president from a system that Roberts views as stacked against conservative power. The lesson of Trump’s first year in office, Roberts told me, is that “the Trump administration, with the best of intentions, simply got a slow start. And Heritage and our allies in Project 2025 believe that must never be repeated.” --- With this revision, the addition of the "Four Pillars": the MfL, the list of vetted loyalists to replace federal workers, an "academy" to train those loyalists and a secret "180 day playbook" (with executive order drafts and instructions for changing federal agencies), it's shaped more to Trump's steamroller style. The change in tactics, many p2025 authors being former Trump admins, and Roberts' intentions, makes Project 2025 more tailored to an individual than previous agendas were.


Wouldn't states be able to regulate emissions then?


Very unlikely. Car manufacturers are not going to develop and bring to market vehicles that are legal in one U.S. state but illegal in another... which means that the most restrictive state law of a populous state (California) would set the industry standard because then vehicles could be sold in all 50 states. Since that would violate the ideology of Republicans, Conservatives would fight in pre-selected courts over the issue.. and friendly judges would rule against California and force lower emission standards to prevent fragmentation of the entire U.S. automotive market... likely citing the commerce clause.


Does air stay put?


No need for disingenuity


A complete dismantling of the Heritage Foundation would be a good start to combat this.


The heritage foundation is in violation of federal law for their policies attacking voting rights There’s definitely standing to go after that organization


We should also stack the court, force the disbanding of the Republican Party party at a federal level and quantify certain beliefs as tyrannical. Once we can label the republicans and sideline them, they will fall into line, or have to deal with the consequences.


I'd say that the Supreme Court needs to be dismantled as well. A bunch of unelected geriatrics who get to change their mind what the law means on a whim is not exactly the greatest way to govern a country.


More people need to say this.  The entire Republican party is a giant criminal conspiracy.  They obstructed justice and tampered with witnesses, often out in the open on TV or social media, as an organization during the impeachment investigations and current trump trials.  They all get their marching orders from the heritage foundation and federalist society.  They are all paid with the same Russian cash laundered through the NRA. Anyone else still remember Paul Ryan's "joke", "there's two people Putin definitely pays..." They knew.  Theyve all known this whole time who was behind their guy and their money.  RICO these mother fuckers while we still have courts!


That's basically what Texas is trying to do with the democratic party in the state. I'd prefer they not be dismantled, but actually fall out of favor with the people. This would be more effective, because then they couldn't just reorganize under a new name, but actually have to change policies to attract the people, and there'd be a lot of infighting on how to do that.


So basically backwards project2025.


How would Democrats go about "dismantling" the Heritage Foundation?


The FBI has vast experience in dismantling left wing civil rights groups. They could use some of those tactics against these facsists.


Exactly. Go after these domestic terrorist wannabes.


I’m thinking something along the lines of the Philadelphia MOVE situation in 1985 would be fair.


"Jesus Christ!"




Government is a tool.. nothing more and nothing less. In the hands of people who value civil rights, it advances civil rights. In the hands of Theocrats, it advances Theocracy.


America already is a fascist state.


## Fascism “Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/ FASH-iz-əm) is a far-right, authoritarian, *ultranationalist political ideology*¹ and movement, *characterised by a dictatorial leader*¹, *centralized autocracy*¹, *militarism*², forcible suppression of opposition, *belief in a natural social hierarchy*³, *subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race*³, and *strong regimentation of society and the economy*³ ⁴.” You may notice the superscripts on each descriptor: this is the chapter of Project 2025 that I found it in. You can only link specific papers from that site, so I felt it best to reference the chapters instead, as the chapter as whole represents it better than a single document. You may also notice that not everything has a superscript after it. This is because reading this manifesto makes me ill, and the only referenced parts are from what I could stomach before having to stop from how overtly evil a lot of the policies are. Knowing that the writers are genuinely serious and not writing a cartoon villain that contradicts themselves between speech and action is sickening. But yes, do go on how this guy likes fascism because they hate a lobbyist group that has gone on record to proudly stated how they don’t think schools should feed kids for free.


It's really not that complicated. He's talking about using federal law enforcement to dismantle organizations he disagrees with. Go back and re-read the definition you posted.


>Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered. >Enforce the death penalty where appropriate and applicable. Capital punishment is a sensitive matter, as it should be, but the current crime wave makes deterrence vital at the federal, state, and local levels. However, providing this punishment without ever enforcing it provides justice neither for the victims’ families nor for the defendant. The next conservative Administration should therefore do everything possible to obtain finality for the 44 prisoners currently on federal death row. It should also pursue the death penalty for applicable crimes—particularly heinous crimes involving violence and sexual abuse of children—until Congress says otherwise through legislation. In case you need help tying A and B together, that is Project 2025 openly stating that anyone who merely mentions the existence of LGBTQ people to children should be arrested and executed for sexually abusing children. I have absolutely no problem having law enforcement dismantle organizations calling for and actively trying to enact mass executions. If that's supporting fascism, fine by me.


Yes, I know facism is fine by you. That was very clearly my point.


Anti-fascisn is not fascism


Then it's not anti-fascism. It's just fascism in a blue jersey.


"If you think the government should stop groups actively planning mass executions of innocent people, you're a FASCIST" is not the convincing argument you seem to think it is. It's not 1977 anymore, these aren't a few dozen Nazis in Skokie whining that the government wouldn't let them march. The ACLU was wrong. Plenty of other countries have limits on freedom of speech when it comes to calling for the executions of entire groups. Project 2025 is openly advocating and planning for the use of government power to murder LGBTQ people. THAT is open, unabashed fascism. As far as I'm concerned, the entire Heritage Foundation should be dragged out in handcuffs and charged with conspiracy to commit murder for their active campaigning in Uganda for the death penalty for gays. They're a terrorist organization that uses laws instead of guns.


Good thing i didn't make that argument then.


He is talking about dismantling an organization that has a history of undermining our government. That has proposed to REPLACE our democratic government with a Theocracy. Being intolerant of intolerance isn't a contradiction.


Yeah, I get that yall are into "subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation". But we live in a mostly free society, for now. People are allowed to advocate for changes to government.


federalist society is more straightforward, it's just a student group that got out of hand


I'd say the press should be putting more faces to the foundation, as opposed to just keeping it this obscure ambiguous deep state foundation. Moms For Liberty was doing much better as a nebulous vague evil looming in the background, but once their leaders and functionaries started becoming public figures, people started noticing more. Granted, I think people who run THF probably are not as dumb as those in MFL, who became emboldened because of their stupidity and safe space support. People in THF are the ones willing to play the slow game over decades, whereas the modern GOP seems more intent on racing towards the finish line, before the road has been built over the ravine below.


Do I wish they had highlighted this sooner? Yep. Am I glad they're highlighting it now? Yep.


Id argue the timing is pretty good here. Voters have the attention span of a goldfish. If they’d started highlighting this 6 months ago then it’d be forgotten by the election


Rs would have spun this so long ago that no one would care. Timing seems right.


Lol, spot on.


My thoughts exactly. This timeline is calculated.


The problem is that if dipshit loses and he’s not appointed to a second term, it’ll just be Project 2029. I fear people will be lulled into a sense of complacency again. Conservatism needs to be completely choked out of the government. They’ve proven exactly who they are, what they want, and the lengths they will go to in order to get it.


It will be ignored because Trump has his own agenda that voters will see. https://www.donaldjtrump.com/issues


This is the same list as 2016, minus the wall. So Donald did nothing in his 4 years?


He didn’t do much, yes.


Come on now. Let's be fair. He did run up a record budget deficit, help kill off 2.9 million jobs, fumble COVID response, help reduce the value of the dollar by 10%, and launch an insurrection.


Whoa there, slow down. There was another shameless, completely economically unsecured, permanent tax slash for the top bracket, combined with a "middle class" cut that expired this year. You may have remembered it as the only accomplishment of a completely republican government 2016-18.


I had forgotten, thanks for the reminder. Brilliant stuff.


That is correct.


His slogan this time is, "Make America Great Again....Really" Or MAGAR for short.


Doing stuff is overrated. Like Hitler. He did a lot. But don't we all wish he woulda just stayed home and gotten stoned?


"Defend Law and Liberty" Hah! The guys a criminal.


Your law, my liberty


I clicked, expecting a 404 Page Not Found error.


Best time to start fighting home grown authoritarianism was decades ago. Second best time to start is right fucking now.


There needs to be a push to put a face to the name of Project 2025, basically a "what does Project 2025 mean for ME" campaign. A lot of this stuff is lost on people who are heads down and worrying about making rent. Abortion has become a motivator because it has directly affected millions of women. No hypotheticals, but reality. We need to translate the hypotheticals of Project 2025 to what it means in reality for people of all groups. Only then will the severity and urgency translate into action.


Exactly this. All this abstract pontificating means nothing to the average person, even if they are inclined to listen. People's lives are flooded with all the things they have to worry about, that they aren't going to pay attention to yet another terrible thing that may happen in some way that may affect them at some indeterminate time in the future. So many people are already completely unaffected by, "The most important election in our lifetime" rhetoric, because it's always used, and the bad things are still abstract to them.


Yep.  Better safe than sorry. 


They need to time the news cycles. Too soon and it's not new news in October. Too late and there isn't enough momentum.


What is everyone here doing to ensure a Democratic win, President and down ticket? If you can afford even $5, have you given that amount to federal and/or local candidates? If you have $100, have you split that among president, senate, congress, local? If you have even 5, 10 hours to spare between now and November 5, have you contacted your county Dem office, offering to canvass, phone bank, data entry, address envelopes, other? Project 2025 has huge support from churches, social groups, and individuals. It's going to take all of us digging just a little deeper this time. The stakes are high. Democracy is not a spectator sport. If Project 2025 happens, I will be able to tell my grandkids that I did my best to prevent it.


I've been text banking since spring began. I plan to donate a little money here and there, and I'm even considering sending postcards. Like you said, if Trump wins, I don't want to feel like I just sat by and let it happen


I'm going to vote, and have volunteer twice a month to help out registration drivees. The latter is a non-partisan thing, but still important, and most of the people not registered tend to be young. While I'm not doing it to specifically help dems win, getting more young voters out will likely have that effect, even though I'm working in most red areas.


Democrats suck at messaging because they're relying too much on a press that favors the interests of the wealthy. Also. Many of them actually serve the wealthy. But that's an issue for primaries. In the general the goal is to not loose too much ground.




Project 2025 is Project Fascism


Just in case you’re not worried. THEY ARE GOING TO CRIMINALIZE PORN


And by "porn" they mean anything that they consider pornographic just by it's very existance. They consider the existance of transgender people pornographic. So when they say this, they really mean "they will criminalize transgender people".


They will certainly attack transgender people... but authoritarians also tend to attack all forms of sexual nonconformity. They'll come for porn porn too - just look at the speakers weird pact with his son.


Oh yeah, they're going to forcibly "detransition" anyone who isn't stereotypical male or female. Much like they want their migrant concentration camps, they'll want their Mengele trans "experiements". It'll be barbaric. But if they go for porn, what will a bunch of their supporters do all day?


Historically, it usually ends up being Handmaid's Tale - enforced virtue for the masses, secret access to vice for the elite. Can't imagine it would be different this time around.


They also knew that religion would corrupt any form of government, because it always has throughout history. Freedom FROM religion was just as important as freedom OF religion.




Trump will be dead on a toilet (prison or golden) by the turn of the decade. He’s the distraction. This is the agenda of the puppet masters.


>He’s the distraction Yes, he is. A symptom Dangerous nevertheless


Thank you for this


Your welcome


I've been waiting for this. Hope they borrow some writers from the Daily Show or something like it.


Project 2025 is unbelievably dystopian, and frankly terrifying. Everyone should read about it: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project\_2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) And please join this sub, if you haven't already done so: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat\_Project\_2025/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/)


>Everyone should read about it Sure, but this is America  If it isn't broken down into Tiktok snippets and Facebook posts over half the population will miss it


Anyone on the left is too worried about breaking down why the Israel Palestine war is awful to be bothered with this actual planned assault on American citizens. Not saying both are not important, but this was genius PR for people who want project 2025 to succeed.


So is it not possible for someone to do this? I get all sorts of short nonsensical things suggested to me daily, often of complex issues, not sure why it's any different here. It's not like it has to be completely informative, just do something to get a reaction so it spreads. Then work on informing the populace. It'll take time, but don't see why it isn't possible.


one of my more "independant" friends brought up the project 2025 highlights to my republican friends. their response was "damn... the christiancommunists are at it again" like it's mind boggling.


You have to be joking, that's too ridiculous


About fkn time. This should be the #1 priority for Dems right now.


Good. This is probably the only thing that fan mobilize young people to vote


Still lots of young people downplaying it and saying shit like “Project 2026 is already here” because of things like our Gaza policy, or because Roe was struck down and state-level anti-LGBT legislation is happening concurrent to the Biden administration. Hell, I saw a dumbass tweet that was like “okay so if we defeat Project 2025 then they’ll just push it to Project 2029!!!!!” like okay?? We’ll fight it then too.


as someone in one of the targeted groups, as far as countering and pushbacks go, “a series of public forums” is pretty flaccid. How about policy proposals to make sure proj. 2025 doesn’t become proj. 2029? education can only go so far, i want to actually feel like they have our backs instead of just can-kicking


Flaccid is the perfect word to describe the Democratic Party


Yep >Just imagine what it could do!  We're done imagining, Dems - harden up or let the lefties in!


With everything the left promises, and how serious they say this problem is (it is), but facing the fact that left leaning voters aren’t really happy with democrats at all… Where’s the coalition of left wing voters that should be saying: “We’ll vote democrat to “save our democracy”, but we want to see a,b, c, d, and e by the midterms or we just refuse to vote dem anymore!” I bet you could sway a lot of people with this argument if democrats would accept it, and voters would hold their ground as well. If this election is so important, then listen.




That would risk a lot of corpo funding


fucking FINALLY. i've been hearing about Project 2025 for over year now, if not longer. and the democratic party is *just now* starting to take action.


>The Democrats’ exact strategy for pushing back against Project 2025 remains up in the air. Huffman said it will likely consist of a series of public forums, in coordination with liberal outside groups, designed to educate the public “on the different elements of Project 2025 that are the most troubling.”  It's like a joke. The conservatives are openly planning a coup, and the liberals are considering (but not yet committed to) a series of public forums to talk about how it makes them feel.


The way they attack P2025 is very important because anything they do to prevent it will be labeled as the left just trying to do it first by the right. This is political strategy that is trying to disrupt the blatantly misinforming media from the last 6-12 years.


21st century America in a nutshell


I will vote, and generally support the democratic party, because the alternative is awful, but damn if they don't make it hard to think they're effective sometimes. Biden's been effective this term, so no worries for me there, but dems too often do the least amount possible, and I seriously think they believe they've done all they can.


Project 2025 AKA the war on Freedom.


F*cking finally…


I wish POTUS and Dem leaders would start doing more to counter P2025 in addition to getting the message out. And I mean literally taking some actions that would be similar to what GOP plans to do and when the screaming starts poinf out that is what a future with trump would look like


They'll be about as effective as the People's Front of Judah in Life of Brian


I get this reference ®


And therein lies the problem with democrats. Always reactive. It’s past time to be deliberate, ahead of the game, and put fascists on their heels for once.


As someone who’s worked in progressive politics for a long time I have little faith in a coordinated effort by the Democratic party; I hope they write checks to the good orgs that are already doing the work. The main problem is too many corporate/capitalist Dems think a return to normalcy is an achievement failing to realize the status quo was not great for many.


The Third Way centrists Democratic status quo is literally what paved the way for Trump and all of this BS. It's just exhausting dealing with the circular logic and outright ignoring of actual history and reality with them.


>realize  Strange spelling of "care"




YouTuber Leeja Miller did a great breakdown of it


Love her content!


So good


Let me guess: the Democrats end up doing nothing, while the GOP systematically rounds them up and “forcibly disappears” an entire generation of progressive leadership, ushering in at least four decades of unimaginable terror upon the rest of the country.


At least the dems will have a united front on how they feel about the situation.


I hope it isn't too late. Why does the left wait until history is practically written before acting?


Certainly amazes me how little they do as a platform, given all this fodder the other side gives them to work with. 2020 was so very long ago… https://democrats.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/2020-Democratic-Party-Platform.pdf


I enjoy playing video games.


If that shit passes I hope we all burn every city to the ground


Good. Hopefully it will bring enough awareness and galvanize the vote in order to stop what is basically plans for a weird Christian fascist dictatorship.


They should start by referring to it as Project Fourth Reich. If the Fascist were allowed to turn ACA in Obamacare in order to get the racist hillbillies up in arms, Democrats can highlight the Fascism in the Fascist Parties plans.


Nice, finally.


I have an effort to counter conservatives as well. It's called voting. If you don't vote in the November election, you may never get another chance.


This could be a good thing but I fully expect two things to happen. 1) The DNC is going to mess this up as the corporate Democrats hose the process up and seem to fall short in every large initiative. 2) Unlike the Democratic party with Project 2025, The right wing media-sphere and GOP will actually make sure their base and the country knows ALL about this effort. They will use fear mongering to provide cover for Project 2025 and setup a false equivalency. Heck they'll even alter history and make Project 2025 out to be a defense against this "woke activism".


Edit: Think I responded to you by mistake. But will leave it here since you mentioned corporations. Overall, there isn't a lot of widespread gains for corporate interest here. They don't need to usher in a fascist society to get their tax breaks, or strip away regulations, and a fascist society isn't generally a profitable one for most corporations. Most of this P2025 stuff is about establishing authoritarian control, and giving power to the oligarchs, which is going to exclude 99% of corporations from the elite class.


friendly reminder that biden still does not have any policy goals for his second term on his campaign website 5 months from election day


I mean, he does have a [Unity Agenda](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/03/08/fact-sheet-president-bidens-unity-agenda-for-the-nation/) he posted recently which has a vast list of goals for his second term. But you are correct there should be an easier place to quickly see his 2024 goals. It’s a good point. It should be clear and easy for the *average* person to find.


Pretty much just continuing what he campaigned on the first time, just expanding it. I don't see any problem with that, since it's mostly about doing good things to help America, and American's succeed. It's much more compelling than, "WAAAAHHHH, SO UNFAIR, I"LL IMPRISON ALL THOSE WHO HAVE WRONGED ME!!!! WAAAHHHH!!!!" to paraphrase his opponent.....accurately.




“Wisconsin—why the hell should I go there?”


Oooo Oooo can we have our own hellscape but in the most extreme left wing view possible? Like something that would put a conservative in the hospital? Public Nudity and Sex is ok but only if your gay. EVs are tax deductible Every child is given a "How to Sex" book in school then the teacher throws a bunch of slips in the air. Whatever note the kid picks up that's his gender for the year. Free healthcare


Don’t know, I say leave him in..


About time


Is it just me, or is it rather stupid to put your party manifesto online?


"The Democrats’ exact strategy for pushing back against Project 2025 remains up in the air" https://stopmebeforeivoteagain.org/stopme/chapter02.html


Better late than never. Reading it for myself had me terrified in a way few political developments have, although it's concerning that more and more political developments terrify me as the years go by. This is the kind of thing that should be covered all the time and be known by most people


Finally... both teams working on their planks and platforms. The right wing's platform is pure evil and anti-American. Hopefully the left wing's platform and planks are reasonable, sensible, and designed to hold America to our laws and the citizenry's well being.


[Nominating someone people actually want to vote for would help.](https://i.redd.it/byzk7dohvt5d1.jpeg)




Good. It must be stopped.


We have got to use voting to overcome this threat. That’s why this election is so important. If they get this foothold with Project 2025, it’s going to be the first push in the ball rolling and we know what that means. A Biden victory means Trump is pretty much aged out of another shot at president, and the MAGA right is put into upheaval without their precious Orange overlord. It is starting to feel more and more like a truly monumental battle for the fate of world in some regards (Trump’s unhinged environmental deregulation would accelerate climate change)


Uh,better late than never?


I've been studying it thoroughly and making a spreadsheet to simplify and break it down for people like the giant nerd I am. I am looking into the creeps behind it and adding that info as well. I have to take big breaks it's so intensely awful. But I hope to share it so it's easier for people to see because it's A LOT.




This should be plastered across every network in the world


It's about damn time but what pisses me off is that Democrats always are late to respond to outrageous GOP provocations. That's why they are always playing defense against right wing shenanigans. They never heard that the best defense is a good offense. They need to wake the fuck up otherwise they are gonna fuck the whole country and democracy right along with it.


Uh just throw them in jail for collaborating with enemy states and trying to overthrow the USA and its constitution? Why are we prancing around them? During the Cold War these fucks would be in prison rotting for being friendly with Russia or any enemy state. Stop being soft on traitors and domestic terrorist.


Those are Putin/XiJinPing tactics. It’s those very tactics the Dems are trying to expose and encourage people to vote down. You have to do it by voting your enemies down not imprisoning them.


There’s imprisonment for false allegations but these people are open about collaborating with enemies. Like there’s so much proof an impartial court could convict them and arrest them.


So vote them down. But the people who stand to lose the most don’t bother to vote.


True. Vote them into oblivion so they never show their faces again from their party collapsing within itself with infighting


Let's just hope it's not too late, because if it's too late, then we're already fucked.


> The Democrats’ exact strategy for pushing back against Project 2025 remains up in the air. Huffman said it will likely consist of a series of public forums, in coordination with liberal outside groups, designed to educate the public “on the different elements of Project 2025 that are the most troubling.” Ahh yes, fighting fascism with… public forums.


Project 2025 is a blueprint for a Christofascist nation.


Bout dam time !!


Do Democrats have their own big plan for change in 2025 or is it just going to be more of the same?


Honestly, anything but Project 2025 sounds good to me… figure it out on the fly, but I’ll pass on christofascism


I mean, there's infrastructure improvements health care reform Funding the IRS and removing tax loopholes environmental policies better utilization of national resources to lessen dependence on foreign products protecting civil rights and freedoms balancing budgets having a strong economy expanding support for unions protecting reproductive rights, You know, more important things than trying to get everyone to be Christian and live under an authoritarian state so some oligarchs can add a few billion to their bank account. Of course, a lot of this will likely take longer than just a year. Versus the Trump agenda of "WAAHHH, SO UNFAIR, I'LL JAIL ALL MY ENEMIES" I know...kind of a hard choice.


I just want to go back to being bored as shit with politics because it's just discussing policies and modern approaches. We're just in a reality TV show at this point and I'm burnt out.


I'll take more of the same over Project 2025 25/20 times.


There are liberal and left leaning think tanks, one of the more prominent being the Brookings Institute. They put out this playbook in 2020, revised in 2021: https://www.brookings.edu/articles/the-democracy-playbook-preventing-and-reversing-democratic-backsliding It has resulted in policy changes and new policy under the current admin, who have also started one global program based on it's proposals. This is just one example. Around 60% of the changes, new policies and programs you'll find at r/WhatBidenHasDone have come from a think tank. There are new policy proposals drafted all the time and certainly the next admin will follow some percentage. Here's a list of them if you'd like to look into it, separated by affiliation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_think_tanks_in_the_United_States


How can we support project 2025


You would think “politics” would be an unbiased sub


Unpopular opinion: getting rid of the administrative state is a good thing.


If you do believe that, then considering Project 2025 is massive expansion of the administrative state, and designed to be exclusively partisan, you should also be against this.