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Is it because he *is* untouchable? The only way to get rid of him is to impeach him. Republicans will never impeach a Republican judge. Alito could kill the proverbial 5th Avenue passerby and not be impeached. Heck, I suspect that if Alito was thrown in jail, they'd find a way to make it so that he'd be able to make rulings from prison.


party over country


And the important bit, self over party, party over country.


idk. i think it still party over self. see how many try to get spines back after leaving office


I think it's still self because the things they do for the party are only to preserve their own skin (don't wanna get crawforded). The spine growing is the same "now I gotta stand on my own, better say actual reasonable shit again".


No they step in line when called upon. They think that it’s some type of valiant service for “the cause” because they’re all mental ill bigots.


If it's party over country then that means they're acting as rebellion against the country which are high crimes. We the people are starting to look like the only ones able to enforce the resignation of said justices.


He’d just appeal his criminal case to himself and rule in his own favor, based on what I’ve seen about SC so far.


But not before giving himself an old-fashioned and making an agreement with himself to return the favor by overturning his own conviction.


Everyone on the SCOTUS believes that they are untouchable. Basically, they are. If nothing is done to reign those corrupt, narcissistic, incompetent assholes in, that branch of the government will become a bigger joke than they already are.


The court needs reform and/or it needs to be packed to dilute power of the individual justices. Lifetime appointments with no practical mechanism for accountability will naturally be abused. At this point they aren't even trying to hide their prejudices and bias, they're openly political despite what that does to the rule of law.


The other option is states start openly defying their rulings when made in bad faith. SCOTUS largely operates on norms and has none of the enforcement mechanisms of the lower courts. States can straight up ignore them, and should when it comes to some of the extreme stuff on the docket


I'm perplexed why nothing is being done to these biased, bought, and paid for, agenda having pricks. It's an embarrassment to the country that no one has the balls to sanction or punish these out of touch assholes. And you have some valid points. Some changes need to occur. They are literally above the law.


They are untouchable because congress is broken.


Well, that or revolution. Or more likely and what we're hearing rumblings of, stages ignoring the court because it's lost credibility. If even like, five liberal states or California declare they're going to ignore a high profile ruling and you have a Dem in the White House, then what happens? Supreme Court is very close to undermining its authority.


As a non-American, this 5th Avenue sounds like a very dangerous street.


It took 40 years to over turn Roe v Wade but the extreme right was relentless in their goal. The Republican justices are not untouchable. We just need relentless pressure to deal with their corruption.


Thing is, relenting is the American people's favorite pastime


Also Congress had 40 years to put it into law and didnt ..


Congress passing a law doesn’t mean that SCOTUS can’t overturn it. They got rid of the Voting Rights Act. The current SCOTUS doesn’t care about elections and they don’t care about Congress. They also didn’t have 40 years. You need a pro-women’s rights president, house and senate, all at the same time. That has never occurred for more than a few months.


Not the only way. Just the only legally backed way. There's a reason for that and Sam is likely to find out why so many shithead justices over the years did what they could to not go against the social zeitgeist.


"Those who make peaceful change impossible, make violent revolution inevitable"


Guess they want their president and judges ruling from a cell, hahaha.


We're seeing little to show us otherwise.




🎶 and the troops will bring the freedom


Anticipate my needs Dad!


I feel like it's the only way... something has to be done. It's so hard to comprehend that two of the Supreme Court Justices are involved or publicly support the stealing of an election and refuse to recuse themselves knowing damn well it's a conflict of interest. It's hard to comprehend that they are politically biased since they are supposed to be neutral. And it's hard to comprehend that they willing accept gifts from any body. It's so fucked up and most of the country is like, well it's just a day that ends in Y.


"NoW nOw, YoU'rE jUsT aS bAd, AlL yOu NeEd To Do Is VoTe, NoThInG eLsE!" "Lifetime appointment with no oversight" is a system that was screaming to be abused, and now it is. It was a system built off trust, and they have broken that trust willfully and gleefully. Within the system, he is effectively untouchable. The Supreme Court has investigated The Supreme Court's actions and found The Supreme Court innocent of all wrongdoing. So we must turn to other options.


Court expansion would be the easiest way to nullify their votes. You need the senate on board though so somewhat hard. Expand it from 9 to 13.


This 100%. PACK THE COURT. There is precedence. The R’s have made a mockery of judicial precedence and neutrality. The disallowing Obama to pick a justice then turning around and allowing Trump to fill RBG’s spot is the greatest fuckery to USA justice and democracy since women were not allowed to vote.


> I feel like it’s the only way Arguably (and historically), it’s the best way.


He'll probably just join in since he'll think it's Charlottesville 2.0.


Tar and feathers enter the chat.


He claims to be an “originalist” so Tar and feathers would be more appropriate to the era.


You wear those shoes and I will wear that dress


Inb4 this gets removed


Love the smell of citronella in the morning


The only thing Alito has ever been right about, is thinking he's Untouchable.




> Wonder how he would feel of people went Jan 6 on his home How about people just protest outside of SCOTUS as a start? What more will it take for sustained protests to start?


>How about people just protest outside of SCOTUS as a start? What more will it take for sustained protests to start? The ability to take off work and not lose your house, medical insurance, access to food, etc.


Worked great for the Roe decision


Dont worry his wife is in charge of feces hanging. Theres more crosses in there than a catholic retreat.


Thomas is now reporting some of the luxury vacations billionaires are treating him to. So we've got that going for us


Transparency doesn't mean much without accountability.


Transparency by itself only means something when the people seen are capable of shame.




when people are trying to feed and house themselves while the rich continue to take it all .. a lot of people are not paying attention


They've got no bread but they still have the circuses. Be very afraid if the satellites go offline.


I’m starting to feel like maybe the satellites… *should go offline* then?


Until we have 60 Democrat senators, he is untouchable.


You’re going to need a lot more than 60. Expect 5-10 pearl clutchers.


It's 66 for impeachment (or is that 67? Either way 2/3rds).


67 (2/3) Senators required for conviction (and it’s Democratic, not Democrat)


Or just 50 and the willingness to eliminate the filibuster. Which we could have done if we had two real Democrats a few years back instead of Uncle Coal Mine and Arizona Lady.


The filibuster has nothing to do with this. Impeachments need 2/3 of the Senate to convict. To change that would require a constitutional amendment.


I mean, he's trapped in here with us...


Dude, he even said as much. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/alito-says-congress-lacks-authority-regulate-us-supreme-court-wsj-2023-07-28/


Time for the people to show him


Prove him wrong






This is the way


"If only, if only," the woodpecker cries, "the bark on the tree was as soft as the skies."


As long as Republicans hold a significant number of seats in the House and Senate, he's correct. Let's fix that. VOTE.


This! Blue no matter who. Vote republicans into extinction.


Thanks to climate change, the human species cannot co-exist with conservatives. Vote them out or die.


We won't face personal consequences on our generation so unfortunately there will be no change on that needle for a while. The average voter does not care unless it affects them. And the average Republican still doesn't care when it affects them, as long as women and brown people get affected worse.


Our generation will face personal consequences from global warming, but there are just too many steps in the process for most people to connect them. The issue is “global warming” will never directly kill anyone. It will make droughts more common and the lack of food will kill people, but they will blame the drought, not global warming. You can do the same thing with hurricanes, intense storms, fish and reefs dying off, etc. Hell, the Arab Spring was indirectly caused by global warming and it led to ME governments being overthrown and the continuing civil war in Syria. But if asked, most people will cite dozens of other causes for the Arab Spring and the war in Syria before even thinking about global warming.


Yeah, we’ve already started seeing more frequent and intense storms, fires, etc.


We already are?


They used to call them/us 'Yellow Dog Democrats' in Louisiana because we'd vote in a yellow dog before any other party. Good boy, gooood boy.


So long as removal after impeachment requires 51 votes to succeed, democrats could do it next year with a lot of luck. If it takes 60, Democrats have to wait until 2027. There's almost no route to 60 senate votes this term even if democrats won all contested seats.


Its even worse, its 66 to remove.


Sorry to be that guy, it's 67.


Given the current state of politics in the US, it might as well be a million.




We can add more justices with far more ease and water down the effect of corruption


shrinking the court could also work. let’s say by 3, eliminating the longest serving justices, just to be fair about it. that would be Thomas, Roberts, Alito. would love to have those three nowhere near the legal or lawmaking process.


Citizens United and Hillary losing sealed the deal for Millennials' political future. We should still vote, it can certainly get worse, but nothing is going to get better.


He’s right.


Especially by his wife.


Because he is. No Supreme Court justice has ever been removed.


No former president was ever convicted of a crime either, let alone 34 felonies. We're living through precedent-setting times.


And he wouldn't have been convicted of any felonies if it had required Republican senators to vote to convict.


Yet... (I'm not holding my breath)


The problem is that by design he largely is. The Supreme Court is intended to be insulated from interference by outside parties. Good in theory, but if you get the wrong people in there.... you get this.


Recent events are proving we need much more thorough and exercisable checks & balances


The French figured out a nice method centuries ago. Unfortunately we aren’t fans of their tactics


I think we should become fans of those tactics.


He IS largely untouchable. Just as there is no mechanism to keep a person who would never be able to hold a Top Secret clearance from attaining the Presidency and having access to all things classified, there is no procedure in place to remove SC Justices (once appointed) even if they are shown to have a distain for the very laws they are charged with interpreting.


Yeah there is, but not in a country that's been in a cold civil war since the hot one ended. You can draw a fairly straight line from the original sin of slavery to a Christian-Dominionist Supreme Court justice being effectively immune to negative consequences. None of that is a coincidence. It's the opposite of coincidental.


There's an impeachment process in place to remove a sitting SCOTUS judge. The House impeaches and the Senate convicts. Alito will never be removed though unless Dems get super majorities in both the House and Senate.


The Constitution barely functioned for 13 colonies and pretty much led to the civil war with it's shitty compromises. It's absolute shit for a country with 50 states, where the biggest state is 70x the smallest state in population.


If they hadn't decided to lock in the number of people in Congress it would be a lot more representative.


If we use the same ratio when they fixed it to 435 members we'd need about 2,000 representatives now.


Yeah so let's do that. I'm not seeing the problem.


Sam Alito Clearly ~~Thinks~~ Knows He’s Untouchable


Trump tried a full-on coup, and only 7 Republicans voted to convict him at his impeachment trial. Alito is right, he is untouchable.


If we eat just one, the rest will fall in line


Sporks at the ready!


So did Hitler


technically hitler was untouchable - he only touched himself in the end


The Supreme Court is evidence the much idolized Founders weren’t infallible. The idea of 9 unelected Law Wizards with lifetime appointments ruling over all is just such a horrible idea. The idea only works when those 9 people are perfect arbiters of justice with no political leanings of their own. The reality is without any rules holding them to account in the modern political environment they are untouchable citizens above all law.


He is. Prove me wrong. Seriously… someone, please prove me wrong.


He is right sadly. The founders did not put in restrictions for the supreme court (really bad idea) and nobody in 200 years thought to address that (arguably an even worse idea). So we are here.


Ginni his wife and kavanagh wife , are ready for 2025 .


Narrator: He is.


I mean, he is. He’s a Fox News justice who sees securing major partisan policy wins as his life’s goal. And there isn’t a damn thing we can do about it except make sure we’re in a position to continue to nominate and confirm qualified justices to render his opinion irrelevant.  Biden would have 1 to 3 scotus picks in his second term. And so would Trump.  If Trump wins he will replace Alito and Thomas with much younger and even more extreme justices, and he might get to choose Sotomayor’s replacement and expand their majority to an unstoppable 7-2. Vote


Because he is with Republicans in office.


He wants all of us to KNOW he’s untouchable.


He’s right…


Justice Thomas - Phew!..takes heat away from me!!


Anyone have his address? Seems like it's time to protest, and considering his wife flipped out over seeing a pride flag, imagine what a real protest in front of their house could do.


Lets touch him then


Why are the supposed Non-Corrupt Justices so silent? They aren't like Juniors at a company they are equals and should be able to call out their "peers" loudly if they are undermining the court.


Well, he’s not wrong. America is broken. The question is, “is it broken beyond repair?”.


ROEvember is coming…….. ps, your an asshole and your wife is a racist


Short of a mob after the Civil War goes not the way he wants, he is untouchable.


Id honestly love for dems to stop being scared of the invisible independent who stops them from saying what this is. Early stage of facism/oligarchy by religious zealots. Essentially the worst lol. We are the damn majority and should act like it. It’s tiring to be running scared from 1/3


Appointed to the bench for life, only can be taken down by impeachment THEN a hearing in the senate where they vote to remove him.... so tell me even if we get the house back in 2024, unless we get 60 in the Senate, how will he be removed Save someone getting the DP for taking him out ( where as much as I h8 him, I don't wish it )


OK. Quick correction based on what I think you meant. It requires 67 votes in the Senate to remove after impeachment in the House, not 60. Sixty is what's required to overcome a filibuster. Next, it depends on what anyone means by "remove". The Democratic party *could* do quite a bit with relatively solid, but meager, majorities in both houses of Congress... and the Presidency... if they are also willing to throw out the filibuster in the Senate. With all of this, they could use the power of the legislative branch to reform the judicial branch. They could *directly* sideline the current justices into other roles. I doubt they'd do this. I doubt there's even the will to toss out the filibuster. But they *could*.


I wouldn't care. He will kill millions with his policies.


If we couldn’t impeach convicted felon, Don Snoreleone, I think it is fair to say that Alito is indeed untouchable. This is one of the more interesting aspects of watching the christo fascists. We thought constitutions, legal precedents, norms, laws, judges, law enforcement, basic decency, precedents, traditions, judges, etc. would save us. Turns out, the system has a lot of leaks and we’re sitting on a knife edge.


That’s because he is untouchable.


So far he and Clarence Thomas have been right.


Unless Democrats clearly win in this coming election and pack the court things won’t change. It starts there and then passing laws to prohibit from any gifts received as a judge and term limits. In addition to numerous others to safeguard democracy.


Probably because he is? Is there any actual way to remove him?


Totally compromised


Cause he is. Republicans will protect him and democrats are too scared to go after him.


He has a squad of taxpayer funded goons providing him with protection 24/7. You would think a man of god would have more faith in god to protect him.


Seeing a lot of people “above the law “ lately. Especially if you “are” the law. Even if you are CONVICTED they are not jailed and suffer few consequences.


Because he is.


Because he is.


Spoiler alert: He is


He is, though.


Apparently he is


He is. And it's awful.


Currently, he is. That's the sad part.


Too bad the legislative branch is too corrupt and spineless to show him he’s not.


He's right. I wouldn't touch him with trump's rusty dildo dipped in smallpox.


Isn’t he? Republicans wouldn’t vote to convict Trump in the senate after his minions stormed the capitol. At that point he had already lost. Why would they ever go along with removing someone enabling them to do evil shit?


Alito knows he is untouchable


Because he is


Sadly, he is


He is so petty and bitter, ugh.


This is just cause to expand the court


He is.


This is tyranny by the few in which a civil solution is appearing more and more unavailable.


By our own rules. He is.


Duck those old conservatives. It's time to expand the Supreme Court.


Maybe we should all touch him 👉 You know, like a stay puft marshmallow man.


SCOTUS understands all too well that as long as the Senate and House are near 50/50 then yes. In fact they are completely untouchable like a Star Chamber court. The only way to change the composition of the court is for a reform minded group to gain so many seats in each floor that they can impeach or add court seats. So yes the Alito is above all checks and balances as is Thomas, Roberts and the rest. Voters would need about 2/3's plus to impeach or change the court. I doubt we will ever see a composition of elected representatives who 1. Place country before their own well being, 2. Voters could ever organize this effectively ( social media killed that off years ago) and 3. No one has the patience to play the long game. SCOTUS will be writing laws, changing the constitution in any way they see fit without any consequence to their lifetime appointment. This is a result of voter apathy for the past 40 years.


Because he is?


He won't be a part of the future. Once we crush Maga, he won't have a place. They're going down.


Well he is right.


As long as his co-conspirators hold either the House or at least 41 Senate seats, he’s right.


Republicans shout that the presidential election is corrupt, that jury trials are corrupt... and yet here we have two proven cases of paid off Supreme court justices, and all we get from Republicans is crickets. All Americans, regardless of political party, should be able to call out proven corruption when they see it. Defending our system from real corruption is a true act of patriotism.


So.... how's about a multi-million person protest and encampment, coordinated with Democrats, Republicans, Greenies, Libertarians, and independents outside the Supreme Court building who refuse to leave until Alito and Thomas relinquish their positions?


74 year olds shouldn’t be the final say in the law.


He is. The only consequence a supreme court justice faces is impeachment. There's no way in hell any Republican votes that way.


Because he is.


As far as I know, he's right.


Needs to be touched and removed from SCOTUS.


Dumb question…. Could we get Alito and the Federalist society on a rico charge duee to them executing a 30 year conspiracy to infiltrate the US govt? There’s probably a huge paper trail and many many lies……


Who keeps supreme court justices accountable?


But he is untouchable.


My understanding is, barring something wild (certainly wilder than this), he is untouchable.


We should touch him.


Lock him up


Honestly, he’s right to think so


He *is* untouchable, isn't he? That's why all the fuss about appointing them.


Probably because Sam Alito is untouchable. He could murder Mitch McConnell live on Fox News and there wouldn't be 66 votes to impeach him. Not while Dems control the Senate and White House. Maybe if he murdered Trump.


And that’s exactly why there should never be a lifetime appointment for anything in the government.


power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely


let’s show him he is NOT!


He has the most untouchable job in America. SCOTUS is set up that way to protect justices from political pressure. Unfortunately, it also protects them from consequences of a lot of unseemly behavior. So long as not criminal. Being bribed would be a crime. But bribing political creatures is a well constructed art. Impossible to prove.


I’ll grab the forks and knives


Prove him wrong? Seems like he is? Our system is broken?


I mean who's going to stop him? Short of a vigilante like the punisher or batman, he's gonna have a field day with democracy


Leonard Leo and the Federalist Society raised millions of dollars to game the court and turn it into the judicial arm of the Republican Party. They are guilty of vandalizing one of the pillars of our democratic system.


Well…isn’t he? I mean…we have seen how disinterested Roberts is in even maintaining an illusion of impartiality or decorum on his SC. worst CJ ever.


Because he is.


He and Thomas (and Roberts) are not above the law and it will be revealed to them.


Defund that section of the US Marshalls security detail and make them prisoners of their residences in DC. - They don't hold all the cards.


This is a Vatican Supreme Court, who thinks 19th century precedent overrules 20th century precedent for Roe V Wade and so many others. What does the 14th amendment mean anymore, if not exactly what is written?


Newsflash: he is not wrong.


He is and he knows it


Nobody else wants to touch him, including his wife who apparently "satisfies herself" with little flag wars with the gay allied neighbors across the lake.


In the words of Ellen Ridley in reference to the terraforming colony complex at Hadleys Hope on planet LV-426… “Dot.dot.dot… It’s the only way to be sure.”


Well so far nothing has proven that wrong


He is.