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Last year, Trump was only 96.25% as old as Biden. This year, he's 96.3% as old as him. Trumps gaining on him!


My man fomenting division


And that's just a fraction of what he can do!


I have nothing to add to this.


If Trump actually saw your post, he'd be wondering why you keep putting a dick and balls after those numbery things...


Are his balls that droopy? Fuck, its worse than i thought....


He has old man balls. Likely they hit the water when he sits down to take a shit. 


Good thing he can just go in his diaper .


I think the saddest part is at the end:  > Congressional Republicans in Washington showed their fealty by presenting Trump with a cake featuring 47 candles, showing their hope that he'll become the 47th US president in November. Just imagine being that spineless. 


These people are so pathetic that I don't understand how anybody can still respect them. Imagine being one of their spouses...


Their spouses are just as bad if not worse. Look at justice Clarence and alito wives. They are just as much of fascist and traitor as their husbands


Yeah, I was gonna say. They all love it.


More money than you’ll ever need to stay beautiful and wear the most lavish clothing. People kissing your ass because you’re connected to a politician. Constantly being served for, shitting on the poor people. What else could a woman want.


In their homes it's not, "Live, Laugh, Love" it's "Loathe, Lament, Larceny"


"- Amen"


Texas Governor Gregg Abbotts wife regularly stiffs local restaurants with a zero or minimal tip and literally tells the staff they should feel honored to serve him. A group of 20ish goons and sycophants come in and take over half the restaurant, running you into the dirt and humiliating you, then spit on you at the end. Classic stuff.




Sounds pretty woke, no thanks.


I want these things. Am I a woman now?


Damn. Almost like women are people


It’s like aliens from another planet are living amongst us


Reminds me of Nazi wives of high-ranking SS members. Soooo many parallels between modern Republicans and 1930s Nazis.


Hey this guy released his book before he went to prison


ofSamuel and ofClarence love their roles.


With you on this. I'm an older dude, but where I'm from, being this devoted to another dude would lead to a torrent of homophobic slurs.* * not that that's a good thing, just funny that the end of the political spectrum that fancies themselves as "masculine " and "old school " engages in behavior that "back in the day" would get you relentlessly bullied for acting feminine.


Dude looks like an old lady and communicates like a middle school girl *when he's at his very sharpest*, and they hold him up as an exemplar of rugged masculinity. It's beyond parody.


I dunno, I've seen some pretty convincing photos where I swear he has the physique of Stallone in Rambo.


Their spouses are probably just like them. Money grabbing women, that just like powerful men. I'm sure they're 100% behind their husbands while they're successful at the very least. Obviously every relationship is different, but I'm sure their wives are proud to be their wives.


We all wonder what Ted Cruz’s wife thinks.


She's the one I was thinking of when I wrote that comment. Her and McConnell's wife were both personally insulted by Trump - and yet both of their husbands publically smoke his pole.


Have you ever seen this? They truly are pathetic. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMeme/s/OATiYnsOTr


Should have been 34 candles


Read my mind. I was thinking 88 total candles, with only 34 lit, but he might like the 88 for other reasons.


I mean you try and fit 80 candles on a cake without lighting yourself on fire With all the formaldehyde in that room you've got to be careful around flames


Please pick me senpai!


The Congressional Democrats also presented him a personalized cake reading "20-24 Years!" ... if only they had the balls for that though.


But I thought he was still president, so wouldn't he still be 45?


To be fair, you can easily poke holes in a lot of what MAGA says. It's just that they simply don't give a fuck about logical inconsistencies in what they yell.


The GOP flag is no longer an elephant. It's a Gadsen flag, but the snake's head has Trump hair, the word "don't" is crossed out in red (white and blue) paint, and the word "Daddy" has been scrawled underneath.


Tread All Over Me


After his mob tried to attack them


I love how the right is always screaming Biden is too old, but silent on Trump.


I love how the right is always screaming about ____noun____ , but silent about ____noun____.


God forbid you are pro-**noun**




Start referring to God as "She." Suddenly, pronouns will become *very* important to them.


Or anti-**noun**


Unless it’s antivax


“Biden can’t string two sentences together”. Have these people heard Donald Trump speak? He makes no fucking sense. His sentences are all fragmented and run into each other. His topics meander from one to the next. Biden sometimes stutters, but is often pretty eloquent. He’s old but he’s still sharp.


Most of the time, Trump can't string one sentence together. Sometimes he can't even finish a word, and he just quits. https://youtube.com/shorts/gYc-4i-4QY4 His brain is broken.


Doesn't matter how Biden speaks. At this point, an inanimate carbon rod would be far better than the convicted insurrectionist felon. I'd vote for a squirrel over Trump.


I upvoted you for "an inanimate carbon rod" because of a tacit understanding of organic chemistry.


The Simpsons strikes again!


We were at the lake one weekend and my wife's cousin once asked if some food item I was cooking was organic and I drunkenly replied, "Of course it is, it's made of carbon compounds." She did not find this as funny as I did.


In Rod We Trust


If you can find a good squirrel, I'll volunteer to VP.


The crazy thing is that there are lots of interviews of Biden out there - here’s one! https://www.msnbc.com/jonathan-capehart/watch/exclusive-interview-with-president-biden-following-state-of-the-union-address-206036549772 - and Biden may pause more than a younger person, but all of his answers make sense, whether or not you agree with the substance. But all people see is 15-second clips where he stumbles over something. It’s maddening.


I mentioned this in a few other posts. Republicans think Trump is young enough for the presidency but too old for prison. Conversely, they think Biden is too old for the presidency but young enough for prison.


The funny thing is trump was saying Biden was too old in 2020, and he’s now that same age. By his own standards trump is too old.


Trump is 96% of Biden's age, that's not a meaningfully difference. Other than the fact that Trump is a Boomer and Biden isn't.


Joe's direct confrontational approach is a good call. People want to see him standing up to this bully and his minions. Trolling him to get under his skin is a good way to force errors.


When he told Trump, “Will you shut up man” during the 2020 debate was cathartic


I kinda think that was the moment that decided the election. Just a little bit of teeth from the good guys was very refreshing.


It immediately made Biden more appealing to me. I was in the "blue no matter who" camp, but him telling trump to shut up was exactly what needed to be said and it definitely improved my outlook.


I was just thinking to myself earlier after hearing about the GOP licking his boots during a visit yesterday how I'd like to hear someone tell him he's wrong to his face, because god knows if someone did long enough ago maybe he wouldn't be such a shit stain of a person.


He would run off to the bathroom to cry on truth social about how mean everyone is to him, which his followers think makes him strong....somehow?


I soooo wish I could share a certain video of a friend of mine at a Mara lago event. Trump took the stage and goes on and on with his usual bullshit never telling the audience to sit. My friend saw the elderly women in the crowd struggling to remain standing and, in a great booming voice, says “Mr President, let the women sit!” Trump got startled and squeaks out a “I never said they couldn’t sit” then slinks off stage. I made him show it to me again and again, it was amazing.


I would love to see Biden just bring up embarrassing facts about Trump during the debate. Debating him is pointless, but just throwing jabs about Trump’s many many weird behaviour would be hilarious and cathartic. “Remember when you were found guilty?” “Orange is the new black, you know”


"Hey, how old was Barron when you offered Stormy Daniels a spot on The Apprentice for sex?"


As tempting as that might be, President Biden might want to emphasize “He has no plan to do X”; make it a fucking mantra because what plans convicted felon donald trump has are horrible ones, like replacing the income tax completely with tariffs which will drive up the price of almost everything to some extent. Even the cheapest cars could become unaffordable for everyone because partially built cars have to cross the U.S.-Mexico border multiple times, making them subject to his tariffs, thereby destroying the U.S. car market, bankrupting some of the largest employers in this country, and plunging so many states into a veritable economic depression.


All the home appliances we import from Mexico, Canada, and Korea/Vietnam/China as well.


He could do better. "Why did you refuse 2 boarder security bills while also complaining about immigration? Why did you pass zero bills while you were president?"


Biden should have E Jean Carroll and Stormy stand just off stage behind him keeping an eyeline with Trump while fanning themselves with stacks of cash.


"Biden Pays Porn Star"


Then at the end of the event they take out those cash guns you see in rap videos and just make it rain with Trumps money. Biden then puts on his aviators and walks away without looking back.


That would make Stinky's head explode in rage. Let's do that!


"How did you manage to bankruptcy casino?" "How is your Trump Tower project in Moscow going?" "Donald you old mushroom dick"


When Trump arrives at Mar a Lago for dinner, 90% of the guests stand up and clap as if he just returned from a successful battle. I went with some clients who are members, and I admit I did want to see what the place looks like, and they didn't stand and said that's a regular occurrence there. Most the members seemed both of retirement age and of the "leisure" class. And for the record, the food there was shit despite the price (and that's for members, obviously). I got a wagyu ribeye which they managed to fuck up. Probably the worst restaurant on the island of PB.


> I got a wagyu ribeye which they managed to fuck up. I’m willing to bet that it wasn’t a wagyu ribeye, but a regular ribeye that they claimed was wagyu. Since wagyu in the US is defined as being from a 50% wagyu cattle, not how it’s raised, fat to lean content, or any other designators that the Japanese use, yeah… cheap ass in chief probably didn’t spend any money on wagyu. And why would he if rubes would pay twice to triple the amount on a regular ribeye if it’s called wagyu, and they couldn’t prove otherwise.


Ya gotta order it well done with a metric ton of ketchup. Shortly after he took “ownership” of M-a-L (long before running for prez) my mother took a tour and was horrified to find they had one of her old pieces of furniture (she prides herself on her aesthetic taste and was mortified to see it in this house of gauche).


I try to never advocate for violence, but the world would be a massively better place if Drumpf had gotten his ass kicked once or twice in high school.


This remains one of my favorite television quotes of all time: https://youtu.be/ghlzbLfc9_w?si=giWxPSarYdkCSHcj


It doesn’t matter to him. Look up Ray Cohn, dive into who he was and what he taught Donnie Shitstain. It will start making sense


Roy Cohn


There was a guy at work who just did whatever he wanted, said whatever he wanted, and nobody did anything about it. One day, my boss said "He seems like the kind of guy who's never been punched in the face". Yeah, that makes sense. Everyone's got a plan until they've been punched in the face.


Trump is still saying he'll debate, so we might get to see it happen.


I'll be surprised if he follows through, honestly. I have a sneaking suspicion he's gonna weasel out of it and blame Biden for being unfair.


Same. But as of today, it's on.


I loved when trump tried to tear Hunter down as a bad person and Joe flat out yelled back "He struggled with addiction as many do, and he BEAT it, and I'M PROUD OF HIM!" Trump shrank at the podium and didn't know what to say. He thought he played his hand and got beat back by a decent man and loving father who won't back down to bullies.


The follow up on that was infuriating/hilarious as well. What a strange time seeing R’s falling over themselves to try and explain why loving your children is worse than Hitler.


It can't be that hard though. Their voters (I mean, 'followers' is more fitting here. Maybe adherents?) are the type who would disown their child for something that is intrinsic to their personhood, like being gay or trans. The type who would "tough love" their children into a coma. They're the types who think, "If you don't like what food I served, too bad, you'll sit there until you do eat it" is good parenting and builds a good person.


> Maybe adherents? How about zealots?


Trump has no idea what a good father would do.


I’m told 1 in 6 families have someone who has struggled with addiction which, if true, would explain a lot of voters’ reactions.


An interesting note on this point is that in 2008 and 2012, Biden played attack dog so that Obama would be free to stay on a positive message. Most people don't remember this because Biden was so good at shutting down attacks from the GOP that they'd lose media traction almost immediately. This kinda stuff is *very* much in his wheelhouse.


Seriously. That debate was embarrassing for the entire country and at that moment no president or candidate has ever represented my frame of mind more accurately. Just. Fucking. Shut. Up. Man.


>It immediately made Biden more appealing to me. The moment for me was when Biden apologized to audience members at a town hall for speaking while his back was turned. "Excuse my back" as he turned several times to make sure he faced everyone in the circular setting. A small statement of humility but something of which Trump is completely incapable.


Biden has been so much more effective and progressive than I thought he would be. I didn’t vote for him in the Cal primary, but even tho the electoral college makes my vote irrelevant I cast it for him. He’s accomplished so much more than it thought, and been such a thoughtful, measured leader, I wish I had supported him more in the primaries. Besides the fact that trump is LITERALLY THE WORST POSSIBLE PERSON TO BE PRESIDENT, people need to realize that politicians don’t just represent you, they are supposed to represent the entire country and do what’s best for everyone. There’s no fucking debate regardless of your individual beliefs that Biden makes decision on what he thinks is best for the country and trump nakedly choosing himself every single fucking time.


He also knows when to do it. Biden has a good sense for Trump's weaknesses and recognizes that Trump has to be the bad guy.


He also recognizes, probably much better than Trump, how to play that game well, because not only does he have to come off as the good guy, he has to garner sympathy from those who otherwise wouldn’t care for him. Trump may be a political animal, but he lacks the experience Biden has accumulated being in that world for so long. He can win votes by being better than Trump, even if people don’t like his policy, so long as he seems at least moderately more trustworthy as a public leader. He’s basically playing the same game Trump is trying to play, but he has the advantage right now, and he knows it, so he doesn’t have to do as much. In fact, taking some amount of the heat from Trump and letting it slide will gain him favor with that particular group of likely voters, because it makes him look even more undeserving of Trump’s ire. In another sense, the less ammo he gives to Trump supporters who are looking for reasons to hate him, the better. Both of these things are factors in their game plan, I’m sure. Being willing to demonstrate that he knows what game Trump is trying to play, and that he can play it too, is how I would put it. He needs to show voters that he is different from Trump, but he also needs to give them confidence that he can beat him and that he understands what voters really care about, while doing everything he can to demonstrate the opposite is true of Trump. Honestly, if it weren’t for all the various factors propping Trump up, he’d have very little chance against a seasoned incumbent like Biden, but with that being said, it’s prudent not to forget how much power Trump still holds over the Republican Party and their supporters.


I think the most frustrating thing about Donald Trump is that he has managed his entire life to avoid anyone ever punching him in the face and telling him to go fuck himself. Finally seeing someone speak to him without sniveling deference felt like the most heroic thing I had ever seen.


Yep, I was proud to vote for President Biden then and I will be extra proud to do it again!


The deference is so unsettling.  The most toxic alpha males turn into bootlickers around him.


People like Trump are experts at avoiding any situation that could lead to them being called out by everyday folks or their opponents for being a liar and a fraud or just being disliked. That's why you never, ever see Trump or most GOP blowhards stop at some random restaurant or shop like Obama or Bill Clinton might have because they would not react well during unscripted, negative encounters. They make sure to only interact with very friendly audiences and agree to softball interviews which makes it seem like far more people actually like and agree with them since they avoid any awkward interactions that would make them look out of touch. It's pretty annoying and frustrating to see politicians do that since they're able to remain in their "safe space" and enjoy some success while their opponents that truly go door to door and interact with voters are simultaneously ridiculed if they don't receive a glowing reaction from everyone they meet.


It was this and the moment where he explicitly told everyone “He can’t stop you. Get out and vote.” that I knew he was gonna win. I said as much out loud to my partner after the latter.


He said what most of America was thinking


Trumps desperation to win independents was also entertaining. Daily twitter meltdowns


During the debate when he defended Hunters addiction issues, and said he proud and loved him I know changed a few votes. Lots of American families have dealt with addiction and don’t view it in such a callous and insulting manner.


I have said this too. And quite honestly that was the total buy in moment for me too. It just completely made Trump look like the little raging tantrum baby he is


I was already voting blue no matter who, even if we were running a used Brita water filter, but Biden standing up to Trump made me start to love him as a candidate.


If it weren't for partisanship, I think the right would have generally loved Biden. He bullied Ryan pretty hard in the VP debates in 2012 too. And after the ACA stuff, he got caught saying "this is a big fucking deal" to Obama on a live mic.


I don't think it was the "shut up" I think it was when Trump went after Biden's kids, it was an unnecessary low blow and it gave Biden the opportunity to show America not the politician, but the father. It let Biden be a normal person in front of every American.


Its pretty much solidified Bidens win in that debate in my book. The entire thing was a shit show, but what do you expect when a child is up there screaming over every one all the time. Great line at the right time.


This time around I hope he says “what the hell are you even talking about Donald? You’re not making any sense!” I promise you, there will come a time during the debate when Donald will rant on something completely detached from reality.


Biden: I may be old, but at least im lucid Trump: whatever Lucy said about me is a lie. I don't even know her. She said I could grab her there.


oh so THATS what Donald sold his soul for


That's literally every time he opens his mouth, nobody is going to take that bet.


Absolutely and I honestly felt irritated when he later apologized. No, fucking own it and **do it again**.


The media outcry against it was 10x more than Trump admitting on tape to sexually assaulting women.


It was worse than his mocking the disabled reporter 🤦🏻‍♂️


Ugh, don't remind me. The MSM clutching their pearls and acting like both of them were slinging shit was wildly irresponsible.


Good term Wildly irresponsible can sum up a lot of the MSM, especially since 2015


No one remembers the retraction on page 6


I have a lot of idiot family on Facebook that got soooo pissy over that. How dare Biden say something so unpresidential and rude?? Why can't he just stick to spitting in the mouths of anyone with a physically or mentally challenged family member, or make fun of someone with a child who struggles with drugs??


That's pretty ironic since Trump was incredibly rude and unpresidential in that very same debate. Biden was very well composed and only had a few totally justified moments where he called out Trump like that after he was being constantly interrupted and baited to lose his cool. Of course, the MAGA folks pretended to be "offended" by Biden's comments because they were looking for any possible opening to demean him and claim Trump had somehow taken the higher ground.


I wish we had 2012 Biden back. In the VP debate he made Paul Ryan look like a jabroni. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CptqDRfn_-M&pp=ygUZMjAxMiB2cCBkZWJhdGUgaGlnaGxpZ2h0cw%3D%3D


I remember watching that live and Biden wipe the floor with Ryan. And this was when Biden wasn’t very popular. That was the beginning of “Joe Cool” for me.


That was a great moment in American history


I will always remember that day because I was in labor during the debate and watching it unfold!


Congratulations, two gifts in one day!


I love Dark Brandon. If that persona pisses Trump and MAGA off, I'm all for it.


It especially pisses them off because it started as maga meme on fascist message boards and the left stole it from them.


Even better, some of the imagery used for "Dark Brandon" were artist drawings posted on Chinese websites that were meant to be anti-Biden propaganda.


Dark Brandon is my favourite "supervillian". Dude is hilarious with his direct jabs. And when you're the butt of a joke or accusations, it's best to lean into it so the people against you flail and don't have much else to say


As long as he keeps it "classy," it's a total win. If he looks like he's getting into the mud, then it will hurt him.


That’s what makes it work so well for him: he comes off as good-humored, while Trump comes off as petulant. And when he wants to convey serious accusations against Trump, he does so with gravity and maturity, like a grown adult. He doesn’t stoop to name-calling and sophomoric insults.


The "Happy Warrior" vibe is Biden's best weapon.


Name-calling and sophomoric insults are the height of humor. How many “Let’s go, Brandon!” or “Sleepy Joe” jokes have we been forced to endure the past 4 years?


the insanely different standards between the two candidates is wild. Shouldn't have to keep it classy at this point, doesn't do anyone any favors besides Trump


Unfortunately(?), Democrats are running on, "Wouldn't you rather have an adult run the country instead of a petulant man-child?" It worked for them in 2020.


"Age is just a number" Biden said to Trump on his birthday.   "Age is just a number" Trump said to Epstein on his airplane.


“The legal age of consent in Canada is 16. When someone is 16 years old they are able to consent to sexual activity with a person who is 14 or older and also it’s not pedophilia because I’m too famous to do that.” - Drake


Drake is a scumbag piece of shit and his music is trash.


Biden really is quite good at this. I doubted him during the 2020 primary, but he has proven the value of experience.


Trolling the donald with such subtlety and skill, I doubt that fatass fascist pig even realizes it.


When he sarcastically referred to Trump as "Abe Lincoln over here" which flew way over Trump's head, I knew it was over


Biden’s comment was not only funny in a pop culture sense, saying over here, it also in that only one who understands public service and ideology, and how it ties in with the history of the country and those who came before you on either side of the aisle, could utter such a thing. You are correct. Trump, not most people in government today, and the public at large wouldn’t get the analogy.


I also don't get it, could you explain please?


Biden has the subtle shit talking skills of a southern granny.


I’m waiting for Biden to drop a “oh, bless your heart” during a debate


That sounds positively delightful




It’s perfect because what can Trump say in response? “You’re 3 years older than me!!”


Also "Nanna Nanna Booboo"


Turns out being a politician your whole life can make you a pretty good politician. Helps if you aren't deeply insecure.


Same. I was torn between Pete Buttigieg and Elizabeth Warren for the primary, but Biden has proven to be the steady, experienced hand that we needed at the wheel. To be fair, Biden has been a disappointment in some ways, but overall he's done much better than I expected -


Can we stop equivocating about Biden- I like the dude, he’s doing an overall really good job.


IKR - comment literally starts with "to be fair" as if there's an imperative to "both sides" Biden against himself.


Living in reality is really difficult when your political opponents are populists living in an imaginary world. Trump promises to make everything better immediately and his supporters believe it, even though it's bullshit and he will make it worse. The problem is that Joe Biden lives in reality, he can't promise everyone free puppies and unicorns; even if he did, no one would believe him. So he's left with defending the unfortunately bland banality of the world and being human. Our problems will not be solved overnight but we can take reasonable effective actions to improve them. Being a political leader is not like being a superhero, it's like steering an ocean liner. Tiny ripples differences now can set you on a course hundreds of miles away if you give it enough time.


What I like most about Biden is that even if he fails, he doesn't stop trying. I accept he'll have to compromise on some things, but I appreciate that he looks for other avenues to fulfill his agenda. As far as people saying he's not perfect, well of course not. But really, not a single politician, at any level, ever has done everything they said, or promised. Most do not fight as hard as Biden to get things done though.


Hear hear!


I don’t think he was my top six but now that he’s there I’m positive he’s the best President of my life. Obviously there are issues I wish he’d do better on but all said he’s exceeded my best hopes.


Biden owns being old. Trump is in denial. Telling how Trump makes people pay to attend HIS birthday party.


Lost in all this, I totally forgot Trump doesn’t even have a VP picked out yet.


He's saving it for after his sentencing. Oh, I mean he's saving it for the convention. Which is right after his sentencing.


I wouldn't be surprised if Trump literally doesn't care who the VP pick is, and leaves it up to the convention (or more oddly, to the Electoral College, which would almost certainly end up before the Senate). VP picks have often been made to shore up perceived weaknesses in the Presidential candidate. Trump perceives no weaknesses in himself and literally doesn't care who the VP is. After all, the only actual duty of the VP is to take over as President if the President dies or is removed or incapacitated. And why would Donny care what happens after he is dead?


Biden is the President we need right now. Next term (2028) we will need someone younger.


Agreed. In the primaries in 2020 I voted for my “actual” choice knowing all along that I was going blue and it would likely be Biden in the general. Sure enough it was, and sure enough I voted for him. He’s done so much better than I could have ever expected. Sure, I have complaints, but damn if he isn’t the guy not only keeping the fascists at bay, but rebuilding after a worldwide pandemic, all while facing crises across the globe. I’m all in for term 2. That being said, let’s start pushing on midterms in 2026 and the next general in 2028 and get someone in there who has a few decades left in them.


Honestly, I think Biden was the best choice for president in 2020. A representative of the old guard of American politicians, somewhat accomplished, with lots of experience and connections to be able to rebuild the American system after the mees of Donald Trump. I, however, will say that he should have been a transitional, one term only president. Rebuild the trust in the system and hand it off to someone younger, with modern ideals, and more connected with how the world is today. Many younger voters would have probably appreciated a middle aged Democrat instead of two old guys fighting for power all over again. The GOP camp for the most part is filled with some of the dumbest MF I have ever heard speak on the planet, non-inspirational, just grifters that are out to get the libs. They stand for nothing, it wouldn't have taken much to have a younger Democrat take them out to the woodshed and sway lots of younger, unaffiliated voters. This whole rematchis why I think this race is super close that will be decided by a complete coin toss. It's a shame the democratic party, and Biden allowed this opportunity to pass by to probably hand over the presidency to a moderate younger Democrat, after the many successes his administration has had.


If Trump wins in 24, you will get Trump again in 28. They aren't hiding it.


Pete might actually have a shot next time around, if we're still having fair elections by then


President Biden had to remind Trump it was his birthday so he could launch an all caps grievances and hate post on truth social


Biden got class. Something that T with all his billions can't buy. And he knows it.


It's genuinely really nice to have a classy President again, something I hadn't realized was missing since Obama -


I love not wondering what rights the president repealed.


I love not having to learn what oddly specific powers the president does and doesn’t have every other week


I don’t think he has billions, the ledger of assets to liabilities pull his worth down. His real estate is heavily leveraged. Even the donors don’t offer up billions.


Love this! Everybody know that \*both\* these guys are older that the POTUS should be, let's concentrate on the very real, and drastic, \*differences\* between them.


It reminds me of 2012, when the Rs were saying that the ACA was the worst assault on America of all time, then nominated a guy who basically invented it and enacted it in Massachusetts. It blunted their mainline of attack Now they tried to talk about Bidens age and mental competence and end up running a guy as old and more prone to saying crazy old man shit.


Dark Brandon in with the sick burn.


Genius lol. Biden is doig well as president. I just wish citizens that stand for democracy were doing more, because the resources being poured into fascist propaganda is being very effective for trump.


Trump is now older (by 2 years) than Biden was when Republicans started going ham about Biden being "too old". Well, Trump's now past that "defined (by them) age of incapability", but then again, a lot of them don't seem to understand how to read. Guess we can't expect them to understand the finer mechanics of basic math, either.


If only more people would have told ol Donnie to shut the fuck up over his lifetime….. Something like “Shut the fuck up Donnie you’re out of your element”. Go Blue!




So naturally on Biden's birthday, convicted felon Tweetle Dumb will write > HAPPY BIRTHDAY to crooked sleepy Joe, who oversaw the the most ILLEGAL and conflicted trial (mine), run by the corrupted "INjustice" department, where millions of AMERICANS saw twelve of my "peers" decide that I did "crimes" that nobody, not even me, knew what they were, and is doing ELECTION FRAUD to keep your favorite president (me) from winning the WHITE HOUSE. WITCH HUNT! NO "CRIME" WAS COMMITTED!!!


That sounds too legible for Trump


I truly believe a sincere and subtly sassy Biden can very much win over those on the fence


It is truly mind boggling that anyone could still be on the fence after the last 10 years. Republicans are anti-American, that is the only explanation for them re-nominating last cycles loser after he literally incited a mob to attack congress to prevent the peaceful of power.


It's probably because the on the fence voters get their news from Twitter, Tiktok, Facebook and Instagram which seems to always be amplifying the right-wing voice. I barely see any criticism of Trump. Sucks that the billionaires own the most popular social media sites and push for Trump so they get their tax cut.


Good move Joe!


I can't wait to see the difference between the two of them when asked policy questions during the debate.


Happy Birthday Trump you corrupt pile of shit. Enjoy prison!


Did Joe send him a diaper genie?


Trump has zero sense of humor (being a malignant narcissist and all) this is great.


Imagine having a birthday where the guests have to pay to come. Dude has no real friends


The media keeps talking about Biden's mental health. Staying healthy physically goes a long way as far as mental health. Biden might be older but staying in shape goes a long way. Of course Trump is 6' 3" and 235 pounds…


Love this energy!💯


The MAGAs don't seem to realize it, but I just love how Joe talks to Trump like the petulant child he is.


I have lost all respect for anything Republican! Although I’ve never voted Republican, there was a time when I could at least listen to them. Now, I absolutely cannot! I see them as lying, spineless whimps - as hypocrites, unethical, corrupt, immoral, untrustworthy, weak, incompetent, useless, lacking empathy and integrity, trashy, brainwashed, brainless… and I don’t know where to stop ! The list of negative attributes goes on …