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At least he didn't make them any uglier.


I just saw my first one in person the other day while at the bus stop. They are absolutely ugly i really cant comprehend who would purchase one. Yea its electric but the people who really care about the transition to EVs are not the people generally wanting Trucks.


It's not even really a truck. You can't actually transport any cargo in it.


It’s an electric SUV with a tow hook.


I did not even realize that it makes it more useless.


It's actually kind of amazing seeing one in the wild. Everyone knows they're stupid looking but pictures and video don't do it justice. The Cybertruck is something that must be seen in person to truly appreciate it because, know matter how dumb you think it is, the vehicle is so much worse when viewed in close proximity. On looks alone, it is easily the worst vehicle I've ever seen and is obnoxiously large. Seeing the Cybertruck in person is the exact opposite of a religious experience and will leave you just as speechless, mostly because you'll be laughing too hard. It's a clowncar for bozos with too much money.


I’ve seen two in the wild. They’re bad performance art.


It's not a truck, it's an apocalypse lifestyle choice. https://www.forbes.com/sites/zacharyfolk/2023/11/30/elon-musk-boasts-cybertruck-is-apocalypse-proof-at-live-delivery-event/


Would love if I could swap my diesel pickup for electric or hybrid but I sure as hell wouldn't be buying a cyber. Ugly as hell. Impractical and over priced.


I dunno, in the abstract I kind of love the design specifically *because* of how awful it is. Then again, I also liked PT Cruisers and Multiplas for the same reason. But of course I'd never buy one for many many other reasons.


I've seen a couple. Didn't realize how wide they are. I'd hate to try and park one.


It's like a Dodge Aztek fucked a DeLorean and this bastard arrived months later.


There was a great meme pic of one turned into a dumpster by the City of Chicago or something.


The Russian hookers pissed on it for a month straight.


So true. Also, they are just using the free speech that Elon has been talking about so much but denies those he disagrees with on his shitter world.


With the right paint job and accessories, they'd fit right into [Megaforce](https://youtu.be/Q9yPSkQTLlA?si=NBFx6gSva7lx0bc1).




\*Elon Musk arrives confused, ready to impregnate another random woman\*


Maybe he should try a bear this time.


Does Musk choose the bear?


Yes. He will go to several zoos and national parks looking for the right bear. At which point he will hire them at one of his business and than use his higher position to have sex with them.


I hope he doesn’t forget to check out the sexy Swiss bears in Bern at the Bärengraben


Sounds like an insurance claim.


I'd give the person a pass since they went out of their way to censor the profanity.




Profanity *


While, yes. Elon is an ass. This isn't politics.


What does this have to do with Politics?


Elon Musk is highly into politics


I'm guessing it was Elon himself, smells like his work.


And this is US politics because?


That's a 'crime of passion' right there.


I’m not usually a fan of vandalism, but I find cyber trucks deserve to be dipped in a vat of thermite so I think a little spray paint isn’t the worst things that could happen.


It’s not like they hurt the paint job on the cybertrucks, right?


Deletion of the paint by way of disintegration of the body would absolutely be an improvement


Keeps them from rusting in places


Isn’t thermite like a powder? 🤔


Yes. Stick it in a vat of thermite and let it combust.


That’s sounds logistically impossible. The truck wouldn’t sink. Would it just blow up on contact?


It would melt. You put a base layer of thermite down, then put the cyber truck in, then fill the rest of the vat with the rest of the thermite. Then you combust.


Ok I hate Elon so so much. But what's so bad about the cyber truck...it should theoretically lead to less pollution vs internal combustion engines. Is it just because it's expensive and has become a symbol of rich douches? I have mixed feelings in the aesthetics and i hate musk, but I'm all in on electric cars


> George Washington University auto safety professor Samer Hamdar raised concerns about limited "crumple zones," but added that other features might make up for that. ... > Much of the concern was focused on those outside the Cybertruck. "If you have an argument with another car, you will win," Musk said. ... > David Friedman, the former acting head of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, described the effect for the loser of the crash: "If you're in a crash with another vehicle that has a crumple zone and your car is more stiff, then their cars are going to crush and yours is resistant" ... > Julia Griswold, director of the University of California, Berkeley's Safe Transportation Research and Education Center, said she was "alarmed" by the crash test videos Tesla posted. She said the heavy weight of the trucks and their high acceleration "raise red flags for non-occupants." ... > Tesla has not said whether it will sell Cybertrucks in Europe, but its chief engineer this month told motoring publication TopGear that EU safety rules aimed at protecting pedestrians by limiting external protrusions could make it tough to sell there. "We hope Tesla don't bring this vehicle to Europe. A vehicle of this size, power and huge weight will be lethal to pedestrians and cyclists in a collision," the Brussels-based nonprofit European Transport Safety Council said in a statement. It's the rusting combined with the razor sharp edges slicing people's bodies open for me personally tho


They are a poorly constructed, quick-rusting vanity project conceived by a man who cuts corners and ignores automotive standards in order to get ahead of a competition that is 100x better, but slower because they want to create a functional product instead of a confusing iPad on wheels. They're also driven by a brain that, despite being marketed as "full self drive," is barely competent enough to ensure that you'll keep moving in a straight line without 1. Murdering a pedestrian it ignores, 2. Stopping you in the middle of a full-speed expressway, or 3. Straight up drowning you when you need to park it near water. He is innovating electric cars in a way that makes the public distrust the concept. By tying them intrinsically to self-drive, he's also creating expectations that the rest of the industry should have no obligation to pursue *at the same time* if we want both to be safe. And Tesla vehicles are being created by breaking every law and regulation he can get away with in the meantime, which is a lot, because he was the heir to an apartheid blood emerald fortune. And lastly, it looks like a future truck a five year old would design with a crayon in about twelve minutes.


Don't forget the cybertruck's development was so piss poor they didn't even secure the gas pedal in place, causing a situation where the accelerator could get stuck at full speed.


your third paragraph blew my mind. that's abhorrent. the whole effort in EV being undermined by tesla...


It is ugly af. An abomination to the entire transportation industry


I actually just saw one go by here in Portland a few mins before my post... and in thought that's silly that looks like something from gtaV video game, But if someone wants a silly looking environmentally friendly ride, meh?


GTAV? Try Cyberpunk 2077. You know... like the name of the truck implies.


Also a lovely video game that helped make me the lonely miserable creature I am today lol Doing a quick search.... >According to Tesla CEO Elon Musk, the design of the Tesla Cybertruck was inspired by Blade Runner and James Bond's Lotus Esprit from The Spy Who Loved Me, also known as "Wet Nellie". The Esprit was a submarine as well as a car.


Copyright infringement? I wish


I’m cool with EVs. I’m ok with Tesla as a product. I hate Musk. But the cyber truck is an affront to visual senses. It’s the ugliest car I have ever seen, and I get viscerally angry when I pass one on the road.


Tesla could have made an electronic Hummer or something. Instead, they came out with some tacky ‘80s computer-render trapezoid with wheels. Cybertrucks are trash.


Yes. It’s the symbol part.


Why is this here, this isn't politics


Probably the dealer mad he has to sell the things.


Tesla doesn’t have dealerships


[A quick Google search](https://www.google.com/search?q=tesla+dealership) could have saved you a lot of ignorance. Plus, [the Tesla site itself](https://www.tesla.com/findus/list/stores/United+States), dude.


They are called “Showrooms” to get around laws preventing car manufacturers from owning dealerships. You test drive the car, and salesperson walks you through purchasing through website.


They 100% do. There's one in Rogers along 94 that I have to look at every day.


til 34 cybertrucks in the area. 34 people spent 100k on that. Interesting.


And literally nothing of value was lost.


> 34 Tesla Cybertrucks Nice.


Just wash them off… oh wait


Why is this in politics?


Reported by a TikTok and was wipeable. Almost seems like a staged event to get clicks.


That is a good start…


Oh no!


That's some good praxis


'Tis Elon's antics we decipher, yet politics, this ain't


Could have been either right or left wing, I wonder which?


You meant hero*, not vandal


Since spray paint goes on wet, it bricked all those cyberfrucks https://www.theregister.com/2024/04/20/cybertruck_car_wash_mode/


Now do all the other shitty CEO’s


I don’t see the problem here.


AH would be upset the cyber truck is replacing her


Honestly bet it was the dealership. They can’t move those pieces of shit, so deface them and get insurance money? I dunno talking out my ass


"Hero" Fifu


Hi `thentheresthattoo`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/1dmcy98/police_vandal_spray_paints_f_elon_on_34_tesla/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * [Off-Topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_the_.2Fr.2Fpolitics_on_topic_statement): All submissions to /r/politics need to be explicitly about **current US politics**. **If you have questions as to why your post has been removed, please see here: [Why was my post removed as Off-Topic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_why_was_my_post_removed_as_off-topic.3F)** If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/thentheresthattoo&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/1dmcy98/police_vandal_spray_paints_f_elon_on_34_tesla/?context%3D10000%29)


Only 34?


So there were 34 Tesla cameras recording the vandalism. Interesting.


Seems almost heroic.


Oh no! Anyway...


On the one hand, what the hell, dude? What is your major malfunction? Don’t deface shit that isn’t yours. On the other, it shouldn’t be too hard to get that off the stainless steel exterior. Hell, there isn’t even any paint or clear coat that is at risk of damage.


Everyone seems to be getting them wrapped anyway since they corrode so readily.


They should wrap it in a giant brown bag so it can't be seen.


Vandalizing property is not a good way to go about getting your message across. Low class and cowardly.


34 there is that number again. What is the significance of that number. 3 + 4 = 7. The square root of 7 " 666. Nah that's not correct. Why 34 hmm...


Can we start a GoFundMe if we don't know the identity of the perpetrator?


There goes my hero