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What's going to one day come out will be so much worse than anything we've ever heard him doing, I guarantee it. There's no low bar for Trump, and he's already done incredibly shocking things we don't yet know about


Well, in 2021 there were a series of deaths among foreign intelligence assets, about the same time that Jared Kushner received $2 Billion from the Saudi government, specifically from Prince Bonesaw, because Bonesaw overruled the governing council to make the payment. Now, most people would put the three things together and say, oh hey, Trump had documents specifically about overseas intelligence assets, and was friendly with Prince Bonesaw, and then Kushner got money for no explained reason...


Trump 10000% sold out US intelligence agents. There is no other plausible explanation.


Dude endorsed canned beans in the Oval Office for money. Of course he sold intelligence.


Ahahaha — oh man, that's a deep cut. Totally forgot that one.


What has been made public through filings and legal action, is likely half of what is "known" or strongly suspected by Jack Smith. He is only going after the allegations that he can prove without any doubt. On the other hand, I wonder if any new information has been found during Cannon's stalling of the case. She has kept the walls from closing in on Trump - for the time being. Almost guaranteed that Jack Smith is not a happy man these days, and he is playing whatever cards he has, close to his vest. In other words, if he has some bombshells, he might be hiding them. I'm thinking he would want to crush Trump at this point, simply in order to throw some much needed shade at Cannon.


The 34 felon tRump committed treason. https://old.reddit.com/r/Keep_Track/comments/l7xjad/timeline_of_trumps_russia_connections_from_kgb/


Hey I keep seeing Trump spelled tRump lately. What am I missing?


Their family name is Drumpf, changed it to be less German sounding, lol. tRump is a slang for the orange turd.


This. I just call him orange turd. Makes this less confusing.


He's an ass


Because the meaning of the word "trump" is completely the opposite meaning of "Trump", and they want you to pronounce it tee-RUMP instead. When you would say "this trumps that" in the before times, its meaning was clear. Now it's completely muddled. Was it just the best? Did you cheat? Sexually assault? Incite rebellion? All of those work in a sentence now.


In England to trump is to fart. Just a fun fact that it's nice to remind people of.


For me t-Rump is "tyrannosaurus-Rump. Biggest ASS to ever walk the earth. He needs a meteoric experience.


I do it purposely to be disrespectful. Highlight the R to make rump stand out because he's an ass.


Ah okay, I figured but just wanted to make sure. For the same reason, I also go out of my way to decapitatalize the word "god" every time my phone's autocorrect changes it to a capital G.


That, this platform is full of dorks.


I prefer HitlerPig. Thats what the young staffers in the White House call him. I find it vicious, funny, and accurate, so Im using it, and encouraging others to use it, too.


It's a form of disrespect.


Stealing classified nuclear documents to sell to adversaries carries a precedent of the electric chair. Trumps crimes warrant the death penalty.


I while back I read that when Jack Smith finally gets rolling on the Insurrection case, he intends to indict 200 more people, mostly members of Congress. I sure hope thats true. Also, it seems like there are a lot of unindicted participants in the stolen documents case. Are supposed to believe that HitlerPig ordered those documents from their various sources, compiled them, carried them to the vehicle, transferred them from the vehicle to the plane, and then unloaded them at the end. Obviously he had help from more than Tattoo and that other MAGAlago staffer. The whole thing sounds like a Kushner project.


Beans really are the musical fruit because he sang all the secrets


I don’t doubt that trump would do this, however I feel if he did the FBI, CIA, NSA would be all over it right? Would they let something “this big” that resulted in the deaths of intelligence officers be ignored? Or so you think it’s possible they are doing an investigation in the background?


One would hope so. Usually agencies allow activity to occur so they can document and map out the network. If it goes deeper, it is allowed to continue. In my opinion it is time to wrap up, hammer down, and work with what remains.


Of course they've investigated it. We will probably never know the outcome though... First these agencies are not famed for openness and communication. Then keeping adversaries in doubt of what they know might be part of mitigation. And last but most importantly publicly admitting that the president is a traitor would be the single most damaging blow against the USA in history. Politically and diplomatically it would be devastating beyond belief. People in charge probably hope he croaks quietly or goes in a jail where booba would shank him in the shower while the cameras "malfunctioned" just like his pal Epstein.


And Aileen Canon keeps Trump safe from prosecution. That’s circle of life for Trump.




CUT TO: [Sergei Lavrov's "amazed" face.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYRNTMZa8GQ&t=20s) Later that day, [Trump volunteered classified information](https://foreignpolicy.com/2017/05/19/israeli-intelligence-furious-over-trumps-loose-lips-russia-iran-syria/) to Russia's envoys. So, that was fun.


Why is Wray okay with this? Or DNI Haines? Seriously… Garland is a garbage AG.


I'd imagine that if the allegations panned out, that the death penalty would probably be the appropriate sentence for a betrayal of that magnitude. I'm sure that would go over well in Trump land.


Aaaaaand any punishment that befalls one president, whoever pushes it better be damn sure it can’t now be unfairly applied to every president by the opposing Senate/House/Etc for purely political reasons. As soon as questions were raised about Trump’s ability to actually be on the ballot, state GOPs started finding “reasons” to try and exclude Biden. It almost worked in Ohio. That’s how this game is played now. Any consequences Trump faces, they’ll be trying to apply to any elected Dem before they even have the chance to take office. Getting elected will constitute capital treason.


Fuck ‘em. There is only one direction that road goes down…and we all lose because of it. We cannot allow moral obligation to be swayed by threat of amoral retribution.


This! I've been saying this for years! Since Reagan.


He didn't commit treason on his own, he has help from citizens and I'm sure elected officials If they all face justice, the "game" will effectively end. We didn't follow through after the civil war and look where we are now.


This is why I believe that Biden and anybody in any government position, including the military, cannot let the Republicans ever take power because then they would be breaking their oath to protect the constitution.


Malaria’s coat said it all: I really don’t care, do you? Find the Republican traitors and hang some.


Oh no I sure hope that doesn't happen. Aw gosh that would just be the _worst_.


Quick reminder that the rank and file FBI agents who raided Dear Leader's tacky club were *actively complaining* about being forced to do so. Plus, the FBI field office in New York was "jokingly" referred to as "Trumpland" back during the 2016 election. Wouldn't be shocked if we end up hearing that this shit was overlooked because a lot of law enforcement across the country seems to be begging to become the new Gestapo.


The fun part is that once they're officially sworn into the 4th Reich, the biggest day to day change will be the uniform


I don't think Wray is happy about it, nor Garland, nor Mueller... There is a complicit Congress, and supreme court. We can argue about aggressiveness and tactic, but this is so far outside norms while POLITICALLY there is genuine reason to move relentlessly, methodically forward.


I believe Wray and maybe Garland are both members of the Federalist Society...so...could be that.


One would think that even a pretty shallow deep state would do something about that by now.


God, I hope they make him fry for it.


Not Trump himself. He's not capable of that kind of shrewdness. Kushner is. Trump is just the useful idiot in this equation.


> Kushner got money for no explained reason... Who wouldn't want to give him money, he seems delightful. He was in it for the same reasons as his FiL, did his own share of damage, [remember him hindering the Covid supply chain for instance?](https://www.warren.senate.gov/oversight/letters/warren-schumer-blumenthal-release-new-findings-and-documents-from-investigation-of-trump-kushner-project-air-bridge-coronavirus-response) and yet the slimy scumbag will probably fave no consequences ever.


Even the managers of the Saudi sovereign wealth fund didn't want to give him/his company money. They said it was a risky investment. Mohammed Bonesaw Salman stepped in and told them to do it. Because it wasn't an investment, it was payment for services rendered.


Shady as F


The CIA had to evacuate a high level operative out the Kremlin after the Russians visit to the Oval Office. https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/09/politics/russia-us-spy-extracted/index.html


There is a complex web of relationships and connection between, Trump, Manafort, Putin, Epstein, Ehud Barak, Kushner, Bannon, Mohammed Bin Salman that we will likely never be fully revealed but is behind much of what we see today. At stake is democracy in the US, the stability of the middle east and Ukraine.


Don't forget the Bush family.


Do you think this is tied to Kuschner talking about building real estate in Gaza?


I think that's just Kushner being a shitty person.


I never heard about these deaths, so you have a handy link?


https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/05/us/politics/cia-informants-killed-captured.html There are dozens of those links from the same timeframe, because it was huge news at the time. Here's another one, https://www.businessinsider.com/cia-cable-tells-agents-informants-being-killed-or-turned-report-2021-10?op=1


I’m convinced that he sold Israeli intelligence that lead to this war in hopes of making Biden look bad/weak. Dude needs to be in solitary confinement at a black site.


Didn't Jamal Khashoggi meet his untimely death shortly after Jared met with MBS? And Trump just shrugged his shoulders at the assassination.


There's a reason why we call MBS Prince Bonesaw.


I'm still floored his phone wasn't confiscated as part of the raid. You know the douche took pictures of those docs. He was hanging on to them like they were a winning lottery ticket.


I'm still floored people (the media) treat him like a normal person. It's been never-ending Emperor's New Clothes ever since he made fun of that disabled guy in 2015. A fucking decade of this assault. The normalization is as dangerous as Trump himself.


Since the day he came down the escalator to find paid actors cheering him on, everything is fake.


Oh, it started long before that. *Everything* about him is fake, his hair, his teeth, his skin, his height, his weight, his "wealth", his marriage, his covid "cures"....


Another fake is John Barron, the alleged publicist who was always free to tell the tabloids which hot model or actress had called up “Trump,” desperate for a date, or another chance at him. Very odd that his youngest son was named after the character who pumped for his father.


Media makes a mint off of him too, he drives ratings.


Serge F. Kovaleski, the reporter whose arthogryposis—a muscle contracture of the right arm—Trump cruelly and inaccurately mocked in 2015, began reporting on Trump businesses for NYC dailies during the ‘80s. When Trump opened the Trump Shuttle, for example, he insisted that it would boast the best on-time arrival of any airline, Kovaleski reported. When the shuttle failed to perform as promised, he covered that too. By the time Trump received 24/7 press coverage in as a presidential candidate, he’d been storing up bile about the reporter for a full quarter-century or more.


1. It was not a "raid"; it was a quiet, peaceful execution of a search warrant. Please don't use Faux News' language. 2. The Former Guy wasn't at Mar-A-Lago at the time, nor was his phone listed on the warrant.


thanks - that's a key distinction to emphasize.


Spoiler Alert: What was in the Mueller report is what they could PROVE with Trump having months / years to cover shit up AND Barr clearly pushing back on a lot of what he did / wanted to do. Some day when more details about the grand juries come out we will learn that Trump was 100 percent actively "colluding" (not a term of law) with Russia. People knew but thought they could reign him in / feared what the revelation would mean to the country so they covered it up.


Seth Abrahmson's work on this is stellar


I’ll have to check it out but, I don’t need an article. I saw it with my own two eyes. Russia if you’re listening. That would have sunk anyone else’s chance for election. Candidates have lost for a lot less. It’s a national embarrassment this asshole isn’t even speaking from behind bars. Let alone is actively campaigning while on trial for a shitload of crimes. Or even got elected in the first place.


He’s written books


Barr forced Mueller to turn in his report months before the deadline.


And limited his ability to expand the scope of the investigation as he found wrongdoing.


Been saying this to everyone I know for over a year now.  When this finally comes out it will end up being the biggest crime in American history. 


Yeah they're gonna wait till he's dead then reveal we knew he sold secrets


That info will be classified. Won't be declassified in our lifetimes.


He sold out the USA. He made billions off selling those damn documents! I hope is found guilty of Treason!


spoiler alert: he wasnt president, he took the oath and then didnt perform the duties of office. His whole cabinet knew and violated they oaths neglecting to act to remove him via 25th. The partisan coup of the executive branch was already successful.


Only if Trump doesn't win. That's the stakes. If he wins, the country is over. We will become a theocratic dictatorship, and it's gonna to be so bad. We fight like our lives depend on it, because they do.


The pedophilia is the main thing the media is helping him hide. I hope someday everyone knows what he did to children with and without Epstein.


That level of shit the exists but we will never hear about it.


I was just thinking this the other day. When he dies so much horrible shit is going to come out and a good portion of the country will pretend they never supported him and he was awful


I fully believe he was running a top secrets printing mill in the bathroom and by now literally every single hostile foreign power has a copy of what ever he was able to grab and this shit is only going to come out LONG after Trump is dead.


FoxNews is reporting that “Jack Smith agrees the Donald Trump checks more boxes than even he first thought. Here at FoxNews, as with the Ms Teen USA pageant Trump checks all our boxes! I must be a crime to be thoroughly awesome in Biden’s America.” /s


As a society, US seems to have set the bar at paedophilia, sex with animals, necrophilia, murder. Anything besides those will just be accepted.


You mean murder on rich white people? You can definitely get away with killing poor black people or random people in third-world countries.


Gateway Church has had known child rapists working there since 2012, when it was first reported. Megachurches are just fine with the first item on your list.


I dunno. I think your list could be shortened to "sex with animals" and "necrophilia".  Trump has the blood of so many people on his hands I'm not even going to bother guessing a number. Pedophilia seems to be a pretty common thing in his circles and no-one gives a shit. Tbh, I'm not even sure bestiality accusations will swing the proverbial needle much.


I feel it’s going to take literal decades to unravel and expose all the nefarious shit Trump has done/is still doing behind the backs of Americans.


It's not really so secret with his flight logs and SS trailing him everywhere.


Biden should just say it at the debate. Like give us all the raw intel. Fuck it.


I’d be surprised if Trump *didn’t* sell classified national security secrets to Russia, China, North Korea, and/or Saudi Arabia at this point.


It probably will be, but the only thing I know for sure is many people wont care or will forget about it a week later


Well we’ve already heard that he likely sold out US spies and they were killed. Can ot get worse than that?


You think it can’t??!


This looks so damn fishy. He did this with his co-defendant, though Nauda basically went everywhere with him, but it happened at an odd time when he should have been busy up in Jersey getting ready for that Saudi golf league's tournament and Ivana's funeral. On that return trip, there is video of secret service agents carrying banker boxes to the plane, too. Add it all together and it seems someone gave Trump a heads up and he hid some stuff. Given how in the tank the New York FBI Field Office was for Trump in 2016. Would not be surprised if someone in the FBI leaked the upcoming raid.


The FBI coordinated with Trump’s secret service and attorneys to schedule the raid while Trump would be away. He knew the date that the raid was going to take place without being tipped off by anyone in cahoots with him because he would have given the SS and attorneys his schedule.


Yeah, I thought it was massively telegraphed to try and get him to just return the stuff


Like Christopher Wray, federalist society member, and director of the FBI appointed by Trump?


Yeah. The rot is insidious. One of the reasons Comey announced the duplicate emails on Weiner's computer before the 2016 election was to get it out there in a controlled way instead of the FBI leaking it. As potentially consequential that decision was, if the FBI leaked it a few days later, it would have looked even worse, kind of a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.


Specifically the NY field office, the one Rudy was cahoots with. I still don't buy Comey's rationale. If he refuses it, then it comes out that the Trump campaign was also being investigated. The boy scout caved to pressure, and felt the pull of the limelight, best case.


> Specifically the NY field office The FBI office called "Trump Land", that knew there were more Hillary-related emails to search in 2016 but sat on their asses instead, so they could announce there were more emails and they couldn't be analyzed until after the election. Comey finally got a clue, transferred it to a competent / less-traitorous agent/office, and it was completed within days, a week+ before the election.


Bingo. I know people in this sub love to shit on Comey but I think he made the best choices he could have given the situations. And for what it’s worth, Comey himself didn’t “announce” the new emails - he informed Congress, and Jason fucking Chaffetz went public with it. 


That's a distinction without a difference. By telling Congress he knew it'd be out. He could have announced that the Trump campaign was also being investigated, in fairness.


Is this the swamp Trump said he was going to drain?


> On that return trip, there is video of secret service agents carrying banker boxes to the plane, too. *Secret service agents*‽ Are you sure about that?


Wasn’t it the butler that did a few interviews and Nauta that loaded the boxes?


That's how I remember it.


Butler, in the ballroom with the bankers boxes


Enough time to bury the docs with Ivana?


"Dig Her Up !!!"


What the hell is wrong with the secret service. Why aren’t they impartial in stuff like this and just say no?


There are some in the FBI, Secret Service, Capitol Police, CIA, etc who are Trump loyalists


you mean the same kind of fbi agent heading the investigation into trump that was working with the russians and was indicted on such charges?


Charles McGonnigal is the FBI agent. He was sentenced to 4 years in prison for laundering money from Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, who also had convicted felon Paul Manafort working for him.


they guy who he worked under was, James Kallstrom who was friends with Rudy and Trump. He called the Mueller investigation a cabal and said the Clinton family were 'crime-like'.


Remember the conspiracy theory that he buried documents in her coffin?


So he went and checked on them and the FBI STILL found incriminating papers and secret documents, he really is the dumbest kind of convicted felon.


He didn’t just check on them, he removed the most valuable and sensitive ones for himself


Exactly.. there are still missing documents that were never found.


And 2 rooms that were never checked. And a buried casket that lined up time wise.


I don't know what the cases on the other defendants aren't going forward and you're charging them with life imprisonment. He did not fucking act alone. Where are the consequences for EVERYONE in his fucking circle.


With his dementia there’s no way he’s working alone. Man can’t put together a sentence let alone plot world domination


Doesn’t he travel with secret service? Shouldn’t there be travel logs for secret service? Maybe someone at secret service should be reporting all his shady behavior.


The Secret Service is on his side. Whoops we accidentally deleted all our January 6 texts. Biden has had trouble with some of his agents that had to be reassigned because they were so loyal to Trump. 


This is wild, you absolutely know he treats those secret service agents worse than dirt. Remember when Ivanka wouldn't let them use the bathroom in her house?


It’s pretty obvious, that they protect him. My question was rhetorical. Still there would be travel data that could be evaluated.


Fat slob took care of these boxes personally. You have to wonder what is inside those boxes that made him move his fat ass like never before.


When are they gonna exhume his ex wife's grave?


I'm sure the stolen documents are in Putin's hands


I know. But I imagine he's seen peaky blinders


The shit will keep coming out about what this bastard’s done for years to come. What we know right now is the tip of the iceberg.


Who in the Bureau tipped off Trump that a search warrant was going to be executed?


How is this fuck not in prison?!?


The only people who should really be happy about the Trump presidency are the Benedict Arnold descendants. At least now he won't be considered the worst traitor in american history.


Any Hitler descendants have to be feeling better than they ever have tho! So...yay for them? I guess..?


What a surprise. Anyway.


Oh, this will surely make Judge Cannon take the case seriously!


Stop calling it a raid. Rather “weeks before the FBI executed a search warrant”.


It would *really* be nice if news outlets would stop using the term "raid" to describe a legally obtained search warrant that *HAD* to be obtained because the former President kept obstructing justice and not returning top secret/classified documents after being told to do so for the vast majority of the entire 2021 calendar year.


The term "raid" is always used to describe a legally executed search warrant and if anything, it has a negative connotation for the person whose property was raided. I don't know what you want from the media on this one. You want them to write out "legally executed search warrant" every time? That would sound desperate, so like... what is it that you're asking?


Yea I think raid is fine


Raid on the proper word. What other word would you like?


The only solution is to make sure the orange anus doesn’t even come close to being elected in November. If he is it will make his first term look like a walk in the park.


The October suprise is going to be a leak from the White house that they know Trump gave those documents to Putin. Cannon might be able to derail the court trial, but the court of public opinion is wide open.


“Witnesses say witnesses said”?


But what did the witnesses say? What about them? 


Had to scroll too far for this. Thank you.


Charge him again on other violations. Try him in DC. Enough pussy-footing around.


Its been *long* overdue. Look, I understand the need for 'The wheels of justice" and rule of law and I'm fully supportive of that but the *singular* thing Dems and the AG had to do was recognize the severe threat Trump actively proposes and make damn sure he wasn't in the position to shore up and do it again. Giving him another chance isn't going to be as easy as just getting more votes. There's serious sneaky-ass shit going on to ensure he wins by hook or by crook. See: Roger Stone and Steve Bannon. Trump shouldn't even be in the position to seize power and thats an epic fail. Maybe fatal fail.


Well said. The reason we're in this position is because of FOX news and Sinclair broadcasting whacko BS and creating fear and panic among Low Information populaces. News-for-Profit must be abolished.


Yup that's right he still has classified documents squireled away. The fact that folks want to put this absulte clown show crook back in the white house defies belief.


But her e mails!


Don't know what you're talking about about. The scandal was about "buttery males"


What makes me sad is this cost the lives of people who were deep undercover in foreign countries! How’d you like to be one of those people who suddenly got confronted and more and likely horribly tortured and killed because a fat ass man sold your name out?!


One more count of Obstruction of Justice for the CONVICTED FELON


And judge cannon won’t have a problem with that either


>Sources described airport manifestos Lol, what? Oh, they mean manifests. I was picturing some MAGA screed.


It'd be great if we could hear these details at a trial.


Putin probably wanted to check on some documents


I hope that when Trump loses in Roevember, Biden appoints a new Attorney General whose main goal in life is to root out the Trump corruption.


Yea but, we need to get to the bottom of whether or not Jack Smith is taking money directly from Hunter Biden before we can do FUCKING ANYTHING. God DAMN this shit is infuriating. Even with the exceptional treatment we give rich white guys in this country, you would think that a matter of national security like the one at hand would be of utmost importance and be put on the fast track to a conviction. But nah. I guess we good.


They need to release all the evidence before the election.


No matter what, every page of those records belongs to the National Archives according to the Presidential Records Act. He stole the records.


Hope the Justice Department finds out who leaked the raid to him and prosecutes them too.


So why wasn’t Westchester raided by the FBI?


Trump will never stop committing crimes, covering up crimes, obstructing justice, intimidating witnesses, intimidating jurors and gaslighting idiots.


Why would he? He is supported by GOP and half country.


He took the documents to sell to the highest bidder. His people are protecting him..Supreme Court, Judge Cannon, The GOP, they’re all in on the scheme to rob the American taxpayers and sell out our country. This isn’t a surprise, in fact we probably have only touched on the depth of the corruption.


Hold them all accountable


For people who know. Can there be any congressional committee at any level to investigate this delay with subpoena power and shit? This should not go uninvestigated and unhighlighted.


He just went back to get his binky he forgot to take. Nothing to see here, folks.


The Trump team knows who their boss is, don't they?  This is the guy who almost certainly sold spy data to Russia for....seemingly nothing in return. He couldn't keep a secret if he bought it with campaign money.


How did he go anywhere "secretly" doesn't he have a squad of secret service by his side at all times? Maybe its just me but I would assume they'd have to clear travel with some notice that a VIP was moving.


If they have access to the tapes of the place, who put the documents there? It wasn't Trump's fat ass. I doubt it was low level employees moving the classified documents from the WH to a truck to Mar a Lago. Someone was in on it. If Cannon won't prosecute Trump, start going after the underlines and SS / FBI that knew and are on tape.


Wouldn’t that be in Secret Service records? They are there to protect him and you would assume that their whereabouts are being traced.


Welp, when you provide/doxx the top-secret names of hundreds of agents/informants to the Saudis, the Russians, and others, and they are killed or unimaginably tortured, I think the only thing you would want to do is cover it up and get rid of any or more evidence.


I still maintain that Russia extracted the Iran attack plan document, along with intel about the Gaza Wall from [Trump via the Qataris in the 2B Kushner deal w/ Dar Al-Arkan .](https://www.reuters.com/markets/deals/saudi-arabias-dar-al-arkan-signs-deal-with-trump-family-oman-project-2022-11-20/) Why Russia ? Bc unrest in the Middle East created a 2-front Proxy war for the US, making it difficult to continue aiding Ukraine . Also, the subsequent propaganda campaign in Gaza against Israel has turned the western Progressive Left against each other , further increasing the likelihood of a Trump presidency due to voter apathy from Democrats. This is also in Russias best interest.


And his Secret Service detail just went along with this? They should be fired.


And judge Cannon knows this , and STILL acts the way she does , "I don't like your tone" talking about my boo


Break the law - ception. Its like a russian nesting doll of bullshit.


He is a criminal.


"secret" trip to his own home. Don't pull a muscle reaching guys.


5% of the population lol


Trump does not read. That’s a well-known fact. Who did the reading for him while searching the boxes? Why did he have to be there in the first place?


That’s certainly a headline…


Yet still, almost half of the country has an APB out for their treasonous spines.


Shouldn’t this be an easy thing to figure out…the secret service should be reported whatever necessary info and any illegal behavior. They’re literally there to protect national secrets/conpromises


Not surprised. I heard Trump loves to get peed on


Does Trump like to get peed on? Serious replies only 🤯😔


Witnesses witnessed the witness witnessing the what now?