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He has, multiple times in fact.


Bankrupted companies. He's always been good.


Yep. DJT for example is absolutely going to go bankrupt, but he stands to make millions or even billions depending on how soon it crashes and burns before he's able to cash out, and how much money laundering is done through it in the meantime. All of this for not only doing nothing, but not even having to ask. They came to him asking him to take the money.


With tears in their eyes šŸ„²


He has tens of millions of worshipers who will starve their own kids to keep the Messiah Trump living a lavish lifestyle.


Again, you mean?


Hasn't he many times? Bankruptcy is a tool of the rich. It's not like stuff is in his name or personal possession. The business entity goes bankrupt after he has drained it of all useful assets. Rinse and repeat. That's just "rich people 101".


Play Book of the only group of people in the world who are enjoying 'socialism for the rich' . Not many of the working class get it . Financial commentators have made mention of it many times.


"Resistance is futile"


Trumpā€™s failed businesses: 1. ā Trump Steaks 2. ā GoTrump 3. ā Trump Airlines 4. ā Trump Vodka 5. ā Trump Mortgage 6. ā Trump: The Game 7. ā Trump Magazine 8. ā Trump University 9. ā Trump Ice 10. ā The New Jersey Generals 11. ā Tour de Trump 12. ā Trump Network 13. ā Trumped! Trump companies that sought bankruptcy protection: 1. ā Trump Taj Mahal 2. ā Trumpā€™s Castle 3. ā Trump Plaza Casinos 4. ā Trump Plaza Hotel 5. ā Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts 6. ā Trump Entertainment Resorts This is the guy Republicans want leading Americaā€™s economy? [Source](https://labor411.org/411-blog/here-are-all-of-trump-s-bankruptcies-and-failed-businesses/)


He's already morally and spirtually bankrupt. His cash is just following along.


Good. Let him go Bankrupt, piece of shit


Don't worry, his idiot supporters will just keep giving him their life savings.


Unfortunately for him, most of them are either broke or expecting something from him in return.


>or expecting something from him in return Yeah, like validation for beating their wives or a good old lynching.


Most of those are already in the first group.


The convicted felon is so brilliant that he already bankrupted a casino. A feat I didn't think was even possible. So ya sure he can bankrupt anything. /s


Donā€™t. Donā€™t give me hope. My capacity for malicious laughter would end me.


If you correctly define bankrupt as having liabilities that exceed assets, one can imagine that trumpā€™s properties are under more total liabilities in the form of mortgages and loans against them than they would realize if sold. If you then assume hundreds of millions of dollars of litigation liabilities that he owes, youā€™d have to look at his income flow. A net present value of that income and from other investments might not equal the amount of his debts. He individually would then be bankrupt. I highly doubt that he would ever seek chapter 11 reorganization protection in a bankruptcy court because he would then surrender control of his businesses to a trustee.


Trump is not using any of his own money either in the campaign or in his legal efforts. You can't go broke if you are spending donor money.


Again. Could Donald Trump go bankrupt *again*.


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One can only hope


Heā€™s already morally bankrupt!


Pretty sure he has been doing his best to offload his assets to his children while keeping his debt. This is how the rich preserve generational wealth. Like the Saudi investment to his son in law. Was that immediately before or after Trump sold them a huge amount of weapons. And wasnā€™t there some us citizen the Saudiā€™s dismembered and dumped in a well at an embassy. That never seemed to be addressed. Just asking the question if they might have been related. Definitely questionable timing to put 100 million dollars in someoneā€™s investment firm when they have never run any sort of hedge fund before. Iā€™d guess its has industry leading fees and minimal trades or exit conditions that the saudis wouldnā€™t be able to meet. I bet if you were able to look there would be dozens of instances of Trump children being paid off. You know consulting fees for studies and licensing fees etc. all perfectly legal on paper.


As long as he is useful to Putin, there will be money.


Only if there's justice in the world..


I keep wondering why these actual rich people want to prop up Trump when it's obvious that he doesn't have the money to play in the same leagues that they do. I mean the guy has to steal money from his charitable organization and his PACs and then still nickel and dime every MAGA supporter. Then also do every grift and scam from NFTs to gold shoes to bibles. I mean if the filthy rich Republicans really wanted one of their own surely there is someone with actual money and enough mental fortitude to do their job, right? Then it dawns on me. What he lacks in money he makes up for in information. Now we've known that some of the White House top secret information stored at Mar-a-lago has already been sold. But he may have slipped up when he was asked about what information he'd release. You know he was quick to say yes on JFK and various other secrets. But when he got to Epstein he said yes then backtracked. He has that information. He's holding it. It's got to be in the files...either in Bedminster or Mar-a-Lago. If that information came out, then he'd truly be bankrupt. The people with money know the names in there and they are desperate to keep it hidden. We the people need to know who is there.


He's either their puppet or an evil genius. I think he's a useful idiot and a wrecking ball.


Body of article seems to answer: no. Net worth of $5.7 billion as of April 1.


He is making BILLIONS when he sells his DJT stock. So no. He will die rich. Hopefully soon.


Personally I think a thunderous but non-lethal stroke would be karma.


I was thinking something slow myself, it should make him invisible! His worst fear.


Hard to idolise someone drooling and incontinent.


I thought it was being hit by a pie in the face. Or telling the truth.


He has so much money and gets richer by the second. He doesnā€™t lose money running for president. Itā€™s not like campaign contributions donā€™t go into his pocket. He doesnā€™t pay his bills anyway and the RNC pays his legal bills so heā€™s doing more than fine.




0h I donā€™t doubt the cash flow problems for a second. Being known as a corrupt fraudster, whoā€™d rip off a relative, doesnā€™t help matters when it comes to selling a resort that look old and challenged.


It wouldnā€™t be the first time, but hopefully the one that does him in financially.


I don't care