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Cannon MO Doing enough to not lose the case. Doing as much as she can to delay.


It’s a tricky tightrope and I’m sure it’s really the federalist society that’s running the show here. No way someone as inexperienced as Cannon could hold on to this case this long.


She is lost on CIPA. She had 15 minutes total accumulated of court time before this case, as a judge. She is completely lost. But there is a lot of detailed instruction to what she is doing. As a national security threat, this warrants an investigation into her communications as they ultimately end up benefiting the insurrectionists of the 2020 election and capital attack. Her orders have correlated with MAGAt TV appearances touting strategy for delay.


I shit you not: before she was a judge, she was the yoga and flamenco dance correspondent for the Miami El Nuevo Herald. 


Working to put yourself through law school is not disqualifying. Her behavior on the bench gives us so many material reasons why she should not be a judge, why go for the petty stuff that doesn't matter?


I really do try to apply Hanlon's razor as much as possible. Because I know far more stupid/ignorant people than I do genuinely evil people. I've read enough about Cannon to know she's not trying to appear impartial (obviously), but I do wonder if she's trying, desperately, to not be a Dilbert principle footnote.


Oh yeah, she is most definitely being coached




Self evident.


Clarence Thimas, her boss in the 11th circuit, raised the idea of challenging the special prosecutor assignment to Trump's lawyers during their arguments for the DC immunity case. Lo and behold, after that Cannon suddenly needed to hold an extended series of hearings including allowing amicae writers to argue in court (nearly unheard of). And she still hasn't issued a ruling, adding weeks more delay for just this one issue. Whereas in almost every other instance special prosecutor appointments have been challenged they have been upheld in an order issued by the justice with no need for an entire briefing schedule and hearing. Cannon has almost no experience, having presided over only 4 federal trials prior to this, so she is not some seasoned trial judge who knows all the ins and outs of the system yet she is managing to stick to rulings or delays of rulings which prevent any appeal to the circuit court. Amazing how she has all this knowledge to deftly add delay, only ever makes errors in favor of Trump (which then take many weeks to walk back), and completely avoid appealable orders. It's almost like a more experienced justice is coaching her on how to delay this trial for as long as possible. Gee, who could fit that role? Who has the motivation and open contempt for the courts? Who understands precisely how to navigate the 11th circuit and has access to federalist society go-betweens to communicate strategy? Which candidate was recently revealed in court to have a habit of setting up back channel communications between compromised lawyers as fixers? We can keep pretending Hanlon's razor points to incompetence but the preponderance of evidence indicates it is something else. If it were just incompetence then there would be mistakes that favor either side or are appealable decisions. This incompetence on display is weaponized just so to result in maximum delay, so she's either exceptionally smart and playing the ultimate chess game with the 11th circuit and DOJ, or she's inexperienced and being coached on the legal tightrope she has been executing perfectly.


Damn you Clarence Thimas!!! Whoever that is.


Homegirl forgot to swear in the jury on a previous case. Federalist Society is holding her hand through this one


FOIA would be pretty handy if it applied here


>FOIA would be pretty handy if it applied here What would be requested? Her emails? Are a judge's emails even available to a FOIA request?


See below, doesn't cover the judicial branch


It seems that if the emails relate to offices court business you should be able to access them through a FOIA even if they are on her personal email.


I think under # 5 they'd be exempt as part of the judge's "deliberative process." I clerked for a federal judge and I know my memos and opinion drafts were not available to the public. [what\_are\_the\_9\_foia\_exemptions.pdf (justice.gov)](https://www.justice.gov/d9/what_are_the_9_foia_exemptions.pdf)


I doubt it, though I'm not familiar with what all counts as privileged govt info. The FS society is smart enough to not use her official email if they were involved. Kinda one of those a lot of smoke things, but would require a whistleblower to prove the fire.


Upvote because it’s an interesting question. Should they be subject to it? I tend to think they should be I can’t support it with a coherent argument. They’re a function of an arm of government. There has to be a capacity of oversight/documentation under FOIA?


No, and one of the bigger mistakes of our democratic experiment has been trusting too much in the intention of people wearing a judge's robe.


Was working pretty decently until 2008. Heller was the first domino to fall. Citizens United is highly misunderstood but the repercussions from the loopholes it created started the death spiral.


not Bush v Gore?


Yeah - 2000 called and would like to have a word...


Somehow forgot that one. I guess that one forced the appearance of future justices like Alito.


I replied to the guy who replied to you and then realized I should have responded to you. Is there any application/capacity of FOIA regarding the justice department?


See below per FOIA.gov


We need Anonymous to get those emails.


I think the whole Internet is wondering where they are. Briefly popped up as the Ukraine war started but otherwise pretty dormant. For a decentralized group you'd think there would be something.


The Anonymous of 15 years ago have all moved on. Anyone who claims to be part of Anonymous today isn’t the same people being the hacks from back then. Of course, anyone can be part of Anonymous, but its not the same now


Please. I’m a bit cynical a bit these days. But man do they do some good work at times


I doubt they are emails, probably not even phone texts anymore. Trump's NY cases have driven home the fact that those communications can be uncovered and the days of the Giuliani butt-dial are past. They are probably on signal or some equivalent encrypted text app but you can bet Trump has his lawyer fixers on those backchannel comms as go betweens for Cannon and others, probably Thomas himself if I put money on it.


We got *destroyed* by a direct attack by the GRU. Channels that had 60 people in them previously suddenly had 300+. The legitimate anons were just lost due to all the noise. We couldn’t remove people on suspicion of being an adversary, and #AnonOps was infiltrated as well. TL;DR Russia won.


Couldn't just regroup? New channels?


How exactly? The flood of infiltrators were all hackers just like us. They knew the lingo, they were literal spies. It was *Anonymous*, there was no way to vet anyone. That’s not even counting the FED and CIA presence in the channels, it’s not like we could ask anyone for details about themselves. Just “changing channels” wouldn’t have worked because one of the first bars to entry was *finding* us. There were always new members, and we couldn’t cut off new people for no gain.


This is the first time I’ve heard suggestion that the Federalist Society is involved in this or any other active case. It’s there any actual evidence of this? I’m wondering about legal ramifications of a political organization meddling in legal cases in general. I am of the opinion that an organization that seeks to seed courts with judges that are favorable to a political ideology might be sinister enough, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that meddling/coaching doesn’t meet some kind of illegality either. Are there articles about the Federalist Society involvement in cases beyond judge seeding?


Take a look at the recently revealed fully paid trip to a Federaliat Society retreat that Cannon conveniently forgot to disclose. That's a thread you can start to pull. The whole point of being the connected society that pulls the strings in the background is to stay out of the spotlight so there's not exactly a published treatise "Here is our long term coup plan: FedSoc edition". If you start paying attention to all of these right wing judges and decisions which fit the Christian Nationalist agenda you will see references to FedSoc members throughout. It also seems to be an open secret among lawyers that if you want to get on the fast track to judicial appointments, that's the route. It's still a conspiracy theory, but honestly there's too many connections and coordination to be only coincidence. At the very least, we see many connections between right wing legal minds and FedSoc so they certainly crosslink their ideas and networks through there if not outright use it for their agenda.


It is openly acknowledged that the Federalist Society has provided lists of "qualified judges" to Republican presidents for decades.


This I knew and despise. The idea of meddling in active cases is new to me.


She's just ruling on obvious motions as slowly as possible.


If I read the article correctly, Cannon just suggested she would rule the correct way. But she hasn't actually made any ruling yet. I expect her to delay the actual written ruling for at least a month.


In her defense, she's completely unqualified and doesn't know what she's doing.


Let's dispel the notion that she doesn't know what she's doing. She knows exactly what she's doing.


She doesn't know what she's doing. Someone is coaching her to make sure she doesn't do something that crosses the line.


She knows what she's doing, she's just being coached on how to do it.


She’s both corrupt and incompetent. The two aren’t mutually exclusive. She’s ruling in a way that suggests she’s an inexperienced and unqualified political hack judge who is only choosing to preside over the case to corruptly influence it. She absolutely knows what *goal* she’s trying to achieve but she is stumbling through this case in basically the same way you would expect any other corrupt, incompetent person to stumble through it.


The incompetence is real, but is weaponized by her advisors and coaches. Her inexperience would make a competent performance even more suspicious than a calculated incompetent one.


Why isn’t that incompetence enough to get her removed?


The only way to remove her is through impeachment. Requires 2/3rds of the Senate.


That’s the only way to remove her from this case? Or to get her fired? Sorry for my stupidity.


To get her fired. Sorry I misunderstood. She can be removed from the case for bias but from what I understand it can be hard to prove and might be a lengthy process.


Lil' Marco?


Oh, memories...


She's a front for the Federalist Society, clear as day. They know what she's doing.


3 children in judge’s robes would administer better justice.


Or would get themselves removed from the case.


Also I think she’s trying not to get herself booted. She needs to appear objective enough that it will be hard to force her to recuse herself.


She's not achieving that through appearing objective, far from it. She chides the DOJ in almost every ruling but also does things like let Trump file for a 3rd CIPA delay on the day it was due and not even bat an eye towards his team. The way she is avoiding accountability is by using paperless orders, hiding an entire motion docket from the public, deferring any and all final rulings until trial (even if that is not neccessary or appropriate), and issuing orders in a way they do not allow for appeal. She can't be inexperienced and incompetent while also absolutely perfect at avoiding oversight unless she has help and delay without oversight is the goal.


This was this month's correct decision on one obvious aspect of the case. Next month, she may render another one.


Note that she didn't rule from the bench. She knows what she's doing. Or very much doesn't.


It's more nefarious than that. We need to start considering that this isn't only intended to delay, it's also designed to raise tension and goad action in an effort to derive a sympathetic response to the benefit of trump and maga. Someone's pulling the strings. The doj needs to wake up. 


She's married to a mob guy...


The fact that the judge who signed off on the search warrant is the magistrate judge for this case probably had something to do with this ruling too


I wouldn't even give that much credit on this one. She can't just call out another judge without grounds, which is what she'd be doing here. She can attack a prosecutor with impunity more or less, which is what she's doing with Smith's team.


Scrotus scared me more as the lay a path for the next cult insurrection. Long live king donnie.


Hoping the orange man will get her on the Supreme Court if he wins the presidency


‘Gotta keep this case alive so I can delay to help Trump and bc it makes me feel important and powerful to preside over such a high-profile case’ - hack judge


Oh really? You think? Sure you took enough f'kin time with that decision??


next up the special prosecutor is fine,.. yeah everyone knew that


Then next it’ll be like “I approved us to recess 2 months ago at 5:01PM. I conferred with multiple legal authorities and the case is okay to continue and no laws were broken. And in giving this statement late in the day we are going to be leaving at 5:02PM today. Per the precedent I set I need to deliberate another 2 months to make sure that was legal. See you at 5:03PM that day.”


Seriously. It's been two fuckin years.


Also has finally come to the conclusion Jack Smith is not an orc.


Although she has scheduled a hearing with Sauron filing an amicus brief.


And Saruman will get a chance to speak in a “friend of the court” statement as well. 


But not before the court has had a chance to consider the motion on whether to allow Saruman to testify remotely through a Palantir or whether to insist on an in-person appearance.


Ent law lmao


Ooo, a subtle LOTR reference. Nice.


This made me chuckle


Definitely has an air of old Entish jurisprudence.


Just watched that again last night for the first time in years, perfection


And it took her a long time to say in Olde Entish


But do we know if he is an orca?


I just love his face. It’s like I’m just so tired of this shit. This hit me. I feel that way too at times 🫡


Classified docs found hidden in a bathroom at Mar-a-Lago after months of Trump denying he had them. If stupidity were a crime, Trump would have been arrested years ago.


>arrested At  ***his*** level of stupidity it would be a capital offence


We have just agreed… …. …. ….you are not an orc.


That made me literally laugh out loud 😂


She'll give these little meaningless victories to the prosecution to protect her overriding goal of shielding trump from the entirety of legal accountability.


I don't know. We'd better hear a few more months of arguments on this. And third parties should weigh in, as should fourth and fifth parties. Then we'll have a (Jan) 6th party!


Bravo, sir


It's not a "documents" case, it's an "espionage" (among other things) case because that is the statute under which it is being prosecuted.


Mar-a-Lago search warrant was properly granted, says Trump ~~documents~~ judge  Fixed headline for accuracy.


Trump Judge Eileen Cannon. Use the name journalists, this is a type of dodge.


Cannon needs to be recused. She has demonstrated time and time again that she is going to delay Donald Dotard’s trial for his benefit.  This trial should have begun already. 


This judge 2 years later “I do believe that water is often, wet”.


If Cannon would have spoken to the magistrate judge who authorized the search warrant, she would’ve known. By the way, the magistrate judge who authorized the warrant is the same magistrate judge assigned to Cannon and this case. Cannon could’ve resolved this whole thing super fast. Instead, she continues to not farm out motions to the magistrate judge, something which would help plow through them and move the case along, and instead insists on dealing with everything herself. Truly unbelievable.


Well last time she gave him the special master assignment he almost blew up Trump's whole case by requiring Trump to own his public claims that FBI planted documents by submitting a written list indicating precisely which classified docs Trump claimed he owned. Which basically would have been a signed confession to the charges. Thank goodness she saw that on the docket and inserted herself sua sponte to kill it! Whew! We almost had a brush with justice for a moment there. Cannon: "Oversee my motions." Magistrate: Quickly and properly applies logic and law. Cannon: "Not like that!"


Interested in seeing how she rules on Corcoran's notes. I don't see how she can say that the crime exception doesn't apply, when a properly granted search warrant found evidence of a crime, but she's done some pretty harrowing mental gymnastics so far.


Yeah, and the fact that Corcoran made his own recordings means he was definitely covering his ass. A judge said the exception applies, and the dude has not gone on tv disputing anything.


Cannon is a threat to our National security, period. She needs to be removed and we need to get on with this trial. We have a right to know before the election and quite frankly sooner rather than later, if it is our national secrets, good gravy.


Cannon is complicit!


Read that as Magalago.








Time successfully wasted. Anyone with half a brain already knew this.


Probably sighing sadly or through gritted teeth.


News articles like this only exist because this piece of shit keeps spewing lies crying that it was “unfair” even though it’s clear to everyone with a brain that he’s an obvious criminal. Just lock his ass up so we can move on with life, I’m so sick of hearing about him.


Now we wait another year for her to decide if documents can be considered documents when we don't know which brand ink was used to print them.


Check her emails and phone records. She’s corrupt as fuck.


It’s pretty rare that DOJ and the FBI screw up, especially when it comes to sensitive documents. Anyone else would have thrown in a hole for 25 years if they had these documents


Like Jack Smith would have acted upon one that wasn't? C'mon.


Is Trump sure he didn't misplace those docs next to the bigfoot prints? If slow motion was a sport, this case takes the gold.


So glad we wasted months getting to this point.


Well duh!


Fraud & deception have been Don’s “Normal” for over 50 years. Please, Vote Smarter than Don.


Says, but not rules


Too bad. Jack could have gotten her kicked on this decision if she blew it.


She had to. If she didn’t they could have removed her.


Wow. She got one right.


says Trump documents judge...begrudgingly.


Even a broken clock is correct twice a day. She saved her ass....for this moment.


Not if it’s a 24 hour clock.  Then it’s only correct once.


So when trump loses the election again, she can be reassigned to somewhere in bum F Egypt.


I hear Siberia's nice.


What? A ruling in this case? Right next to sasquatch and a unicorn. Amazing.


She didn't do shit yet. There was no ruling


It’s a samsquanch.


Upvoted for TPB reference.


I mean Jack looks like Sasquatch at times. He’s so tired of this shitn


Given that the perp was tipped off before its execution, I'm going say there were one or two improprieties in the warrant process.


Ya no shit.


No shit


Up next to be determined, is water really wet?


Don't give em any ideas


No shit, huh?


She was slapped down hard once over the search warrant and has been doing everything she can not to get slapped down again with all her paperless orders.


Wow Cannon, you really got that important pretrial motion out of the way quickly. Only took more than a year for you to decide that wasn't an invalidating issue for the whole case. What swift justice for us citizens watching you slow walk the biggest legal issue in our lifetimes. And to think, *not a single day has tolled* from the 'speedy trial' calendar according to her. Just open glaring corruption.


Cannon is complicit!


Okay, now do Bedminster.


She'll take one step forward and then two steps back, in an attempt to show that she's not biased. Won't work.


Trump - What's the world coming to when my home is searched after I brag about committing a crime, and refuse to turn over classified documents?


I’m preparing myself to hear Trump say ‘Sleepy Joe’ this Thursday


But /r/politics has downvoted me consistently for suggesting that she's not secretly working for Trump and letting his lawyers do whatever he wants.