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aww, too bad, better luck next time fuckface


It is fun to watch a democracy deal with king donnie's cult members. My biggest fear is corrupt political members of scrotus paving the path to another cult insurrection. Reminds me of a movie called the pelican brief.


Hopefully Groper Boebart is next.


She won her primary.


Which is crazy. She was a carpetbagger to the district, wasn't she? How in the world was she able to muscle in on another Republicans turf is beyond me.


Then Republican she replaced had been in office for awhile but was not full maga. Plus she’s got celebrity status now. Plus the maga voters in that part of the state are largely comprised of oil/gas or beef industry types who are dyed in shit maga die hard


Don’t forget gerrymandering, the district 4 map is as crooked as she is. She is now in my district (not hers) and while I was happy to be able to vote against her, this sucks the big one.


On the other hand that debate moderator of yours is a national treasure and should be the one moderating the upcoming CNN debate. He was relentless in a calm, only-facts-provided way and called them out when they non-answered


Kyle Clark is the man! Nice handle btw.


Thx :) I loved his comebacks and he maintained a respectful, neutral tone to each of them. But damn did he say some things we all wish were said or asked of candidates and called them out when they danced around the answer. He really went there asking the one dude about his actions after the DUI arrest and the other one about “rounding up illegals.” He also tried to get clarification from Holtorf about whether he regretted the “you have to let go” comment regarding his son who was murdered in the Aurora theater shooting. He never did flat out say he regretted making that statement. Shitbag


Same. My area got sucked into district 4 a few years ago, so now I'm stuck with the crazy MAGA voters. Sucks.


Colorado voter chiming in here Our state constitution doesn’t allow gerrymandering This was passed by voter referendum in 2018 with amendments Y and Z


Is that why Loveland is in the same district as highlands ranch and the entire eastern plains? If it walks like a duck…


Not gerrymandering doesn't mean districts are perfect. Colorado still has to deal with the fact that districts have 750,000 people in them on average instead of 30,000 as required in the Constitution.


I was so pissed when they did that.


Republicans still haven’t figured out that MAGA, while not a majority in their party, is a plurality. The MAGA candidate will always get 40-45% of the vote. If they ever want to take their party back, they need to only run one traditional candidate against the MAGA candidate (not 5 as they did with Boebert). Hopefully this costs them the seat (though not likely). Maybe just maybe enough republicans won’t be able to stomach voting for a congresswoman who gives handjobs at musicals, but I doubt it.


It was a field of 6 candidates which helped her. If it was a 1:1 primary, I’m not so confident she would have won.


Someone said in another sub she likely won due to name recognition since like 6 people were running for the same position and in todays GOP your celebrity status means more than your policy.


Especially when she was a distant 5th place in the polls and looked like an idiot (granted not a difficult effort) in the debates.


That cockroach has a bazillion lives. She just will not die. I don't get it.


Blowbert wins was the first Reddit post in my feed this morning after voting against her yesterday. Not the way I wanted to start my day. Republican idiots want to take your rights away, vote blue in November.


Crowded race with the largest group of Republican voters being MAGAs. Doesn’t bode well for her in the actual election.


That’s exactly what I thought about this primary, never underestimate dark money and willful ignorance.


That’s just gross.


Because the non-Boebert voters split their votes almost dead even 5 ways. She didn't have a majority, only a plurality. If there had only been 1 other candidate going against her, she probably would have lost. As it was, she got something like 45% percent and the other 5 each got around 11%.


Primary mean she is the representative for gop but not that she got elected right?


Heh heh heh. What a dipshit, a perfect MAGAt!


lol couldn't have said it better myself.


Question, the person who won the race, how do they feel about burning pride flags? I’m taking a wild guess and thinking they are also ok with it.


Might be a log cabin Republican or they might just be smart enough to keep their mouth shut.


Hehe this should be a headline.


Dave Williams * Chair of the Colorado Republican Party * Williams, a former state legislator, faced numerous calls for resignation after he sent out a mass email to supporters earlier this month in which he described LGBTQ+ people as “godless groomers” and used other language falsely equating trans people with pedophiles. Williams also promised that the party would work hard to ban gender-affirming care for transgender youth in the state. * Loser


* Chair of the Colorado Republican Party Oof. That doesn't bode well.


Because precinct delegates are selected at caucus, you get activists running the party in Colorado. Here, in El Paso County (home of Williams), we have this cycle right now where the craziest candidates (Williams) come out of caucus, the Americans for Prosperity types petition onto the primary ballot, and then the crazies get destroyed in the primary. It happened in other races here, like Senate District 12.


Living in Pueblo, I have access to some of the future craziest Republican candidates for next primary. Goin' to state hospital, gettin' some good prospects. Next big subject to run on? Aliens...


when believing aliens is more desirable


I’d rather waste tax dollars investigating space than building death camps for gays.


Ooh, good point. Vonmonologue for congress!


Unfortunately, far right conspiracy politics have metastasized to most of the "harmless" conspiracy circles.


Sometimes, I almost think I miss Pueblo. Then stuff like this guy happens.


Unfortunately that didn't play out in my district. We'll soon be "represented" by Boebert.


Your district got screwed by 5 people that couldn't set aside their hubris long enough to unite behind one primary challenger. It's entirely likely that was by design, flood the field so the one celebrity candidate can squeak by.


I mean that's pretty much how Trump got the nomination in 2016.


You really needed the vacancy committee to have selected one of her opponents to run in the special election. I know some of the delegates tried.


This just happened here in Utah too. Extremely good news for democracy.


The Chair of the Godly Groomers calling LGBTQ+ community Goddless Groomers... I feel like my drink's been continuously spiked for the past 12 years and I don't even know what's real anymore.


* Loser


Did he also suggest things that other "moralistic" "activist" "Christian" Republicans are suggesting. Such as: Lower/eliminate the minimum age for marriage (cuz pedophiles) blanket abortion bans (cuz pedophiles) Lower the working age for minors (cuz fuck them kids, we want cheap supplicant laborers) Increase the maximum number of working hours for minors (cuz fuck them kids, we want cheap supplicant laborers)


Give them some credit,  kids forced to work to support their families will be extra vulnerable to sexual assault. If we get rid of "burdensome regulations" and give bosses life and death control over workers,  they'll be even more opportunities to rape kids!


I wonder how long til he gets caught with a minor.


dave "loser" williams


To be fair, he probably had a great many other hateful and ignorant positions too


Remember when Colorado was the most homophobic state in the country because they voted against a 1992 resolution that said "gay people are people, too"? Nice redemption arc.


Colorado voted to add an amendment to the Constitution that barred local governments from enacting ordinances that recognized homosexuality as a protected trait. This overturned statutes in Denver, Boulder, and Aspen, although it was held up in the courts until the Supreme Court ultimately voided it. This isn't quite the same as voting against a resolution. Keep in mind that Colorado Springs was both the birthplace of Amendment 2 and of Dave Williams!


Yeah they are a real skid mark on the rest of the i25 corridor.


hey there are a lot of people who have moved to Springs recently that are looking to make it more progressive, myself included.


As someone from FoCo, I appreciate your sacrifice by residing in said skid mark. 


I recently visited my sister in Springs and it’s kinda a shit hole.


Colorado springs is one of the few large-ish cities that is conservative. I'm not really sure of why unless it's that the demographic tends to skew older.


The county it's in includes a shit ton of trailer parks and hick towns south and east of the city. The west side is technically a different town, and is all hippies and LGBT kids, it's fucking insane how they split it up


Don't forget Focus on the Family. It started in springs


It didn't start in the Springs, but it did move its headquarters here during the religious nonprofit surge.


I didn't know that. Lived in springs for an year. Parts of it is very nice and liberal but man there are some pockets which are just weird Always loved waking up looking at pikes peak thru my bedroom window.


I don’t, any back story on that? 🤔




Makes me sick to read it. Colorado’s Amendment 2 “*prevented* municipalities from enacting anti-discrimination laws *protecting* gay, lesbian or bisexual people. Prevented. Protecting. People. Lawrence v Texas wouldn’t come until 2003. Obergefell v Hodges less than a decade ago.


It's insane how recent (and as a matter of fact, actual) many barbaric practices are in America. And cons wonder why Pride Month is a thing.


“Why can’t we have white pri-“ Maybe because it’s never been illegal to be a straight white man in this country Jerry. Maybe that’s why.


Protestant Christian. The closer you were to a WASPMan demographically, the greater your privilege.


Fucking Colorado, we let you grow weed in basements for decades…ugh.


Hmm I wasn’t of voting age yet back then, but this amendment would never see the light of day here now.


Colorado has flipped blue, But we were never super hardcore, at least not in my lifetime (44 yr old native). When we did universal mail-in voting that got rid of long lines and other voter suppression tactics it flipped even more blue. Funny that.


I think that was more visible than us actually being worse than other states. Colorado used to be a swing state and those kind of political actions were a bellwether for national politics. That kind of legislation being put forward in Mississippi wouldn't have even made the local paper.


Us Colorado gays took that personally.


He'll likely just move to another district with a higher concentration of bigots.


He missed his chance! CD4 is the only more conservative district in the state, and Boebert just took that one.


Bobo won another election? What in the actual fuck is Colorado doing?


Bobo, after moving from a district she would likely lose to an even redder district, was primaried by 5 GOP challengers, greatly splitting the vote and thereby giving the celebrity candidate the most number of votes. These 5 challengers refused to drop out because they’re all characteristically selfish. She got 44% of the vote tonight, so it’s conceivable she could have lost if she only had one challenger.


At least she'll still be around to generate all that wonderful PR for the GOP. Her and MTG make for great campaign ads.


Aww man what idiots.


I take it that 44% doesn't trigger a runoff?


In CO they only need a plurality of the votes not a majority


Even in primaries?


Yep, in my local primary the likely GOP winner only has 33% of the vote. They haven’t called it because it’s so close. The same reason as the bettlejuice bandit there are a lot of candidates that received a non trivial amount of votes. The guy who’s leading probably benefited from the creep Dave Williams. Unaffiliated votes can choose which ever primary to vote in. The leader at the moment is centrist nimby.


Right?? I thought she had no chance!!


half the state is crazy republican while the main cities except the springs are highly liberal


This is every state.


They tend to gather in herds.


Endorsed by Cheeto Benito


It's almost as if everyone knows a LGBTQIA person and the majority of us love them and hate anyone who wants to oppress them.


Too bad Boebert won


She's a comedy mine, at least. Scary they voted for someone they know is a carpet bagging wibble


She did raise the most money. Somehow


My fault - she's just so good on onlyfans


I think it's safe to say the anti LGBQT shtick is a losing political strategy.


Not everywhere. 510 anti-LGBT laws were introduced in state legislatures last year. Especially when you make it "protecting children from learning about gay people in schools" or "protecting women from trans women in sports" or "what if my child sees this drag queen?" then suddenly being homophobic is in vogue again.


Introduced is a meaningless stat though. Some state legislator in California can introduce an anti LGBT bill, and it won’t even come out of committee, much less get a vote or pass.


Hardly, the 2020's have been a marked increase in anti-LGBT legislation without any sign of slowing down, especially targeting Trans people specifically. This one guy losing his primary is not big enough to say it's turning the other way yet.


I'm more talking about politicians running on those anti LGBQT policies vs enacting them behind the scenes.


It was never going to be an effective strategy. The Far-right in Europe has already realised that and you can see that the scapegoating of Immigrants and Muslims is proving a lot more effective. The thing about targeting LGBT+ people is that while they are still a small minority, a town of say, 100 people, would have around 1 Trans person and 7 Homosexual or Bisexual people (even if in many cases they will stay closeted), hateful rhetoric is only as effective as it is in Rural places because they are isolated, don’t have as good education, and of course the people often haven’t actually gotten a chance to interact with the sort of people being targeted, which is very easy to do when it comes to racial discrimination and the targeting of groups who are likely nonexistent in these communities, and while discrimination against LGBT people in Rural places is still prominent (especially against Trans people who are slightly less prominent that Homosexual or Bisexual people), it’s a bit harder to push the narrative when a lot of these areas may have LGBT+ people as respected parts of the community.


Comforts me seeing these nut jobs get the boot


Who beat him in the primary, some even more conservative piece of shit? I’ve lost faith in republicans ability to elevate a decent candidate.


The guy who beat him is right-wing, but went on record as saying Trump lost the 2020 election & that he will work across the aisle to get things passed. Very much the lesser of two evils here.


Crank’s ads were 100% MAGAT dog whistles! He won’t do squat to move anything to the middle.


Womp womp Happy pride month motherfucker


Updoot. Stop stealing my comments! XD


I think the novelty of the MAGA hatred is wearing thin on some folks. The ones who still spout hate and violence have shown exactly who they are. Remember them.


But Boebert won her primary. There are fools everywhere.


haha get fucked


And this is why we don't Need the GOP in power. Trying to take the country backwards. I don't believe this was a problem in the past but now all of sudden it is because of the MAGA DIPSHITS.


Padam padam!!!




Out with the trash, in with...more trash. Unfortunately the Beetlejuice groper won her primary because republicans thought it would be a good idea to split the 60% of people who *didn't* vote for her between several other candidates.


Has he said the election was rigged yet?


Couldn’t have happened to a nicer person… 😏


It’s always projection. Chances are this guy at minimum frequents a glory hole, on both sides.


I hate this line of thinking. Homophobes aren't all gay. You don't get to say that it's our own community's fault that we're oppressed. There are PLENTY of straight homophobes in the world too


The other, probably larger part are the ones that are terrified of being treated by gay men the way they treat women, ime. Tbh, pointing that out to them tends to be an even bigger trigger for them than calling them closet gay folks, ime. But, denying fully that this self hatred cliche is a thing would be a disservice to reality as well.


He gargles dem salty balls.


Probably has a Grindr account too.


JD Vance look a like




In the GOP, you often get *primaried* by someone more extreme than yourself.


Which is what happened here. The guy he lost to, Jeff Crank, used all the MAGAT dog whistles he could in his campaign. His attack ads on Williams mentioned nothing of flag burnings but rather played up Williams business sourcing product from China. This is no victory. Crank is MAGAT through and through.


Hopefully Groper Boebart is next.


She fufills the duties that come with her Gyroper badge… Seriously I can’t keep up with all these RW groups and labels and I’m part of the rainbow mafia.


Just a reminder to all out there, registered Republican or Democrat. Please vote in your primary if you have an option. For example, in my state, the Democratic Primary is the election in most districts. However, the choices can be between someone level headed and someone absolutely batshit vying for the populist vote. Even if the level headed guy/gal is not 100% what you want in that federal/state/local position, the alternative populist could be MUCH worse. I have seen some donkey brain candidates gain some decent ground.


A fitting outcome for this homophobic POS.


Nice but didnt Bbert get reelected?


Get Bent Mate!


Good. Now he can fuck off and get fucked


As someone who is a transgender person of color, this post speaks to *my soul*


The person who won went a step further?


Couldn't happen to a nicer creature.


You’re sacked!


Good now fuck off bigot




Can we burn the leftovers of his campaign?


Womp womp now get wrecked bigot.


I listened to a woman from Colorado explain that the like Lauren Boebert family values as the reason to vote for her...what that say about other republicans running against her?


Eat scat, loser


Sounds like not enough Republicans heard about him wanting to burn Pride Flags.


Aren’t a lot of these pro pally guys burning pride flags too?


At least now he has a lot of ‘Williams - 2024’ signs he can burn…


I honestly didn't foresee gay marriage and "too much" pride and a Black president bringing us to this. Thanks for making homophobia and bigotry acceptable again, GOP!


Colorado still has bobert


Ha! Ha!


If this picture in the thumbnail was taken in Denver, I believe Denver Pride was held in the park he’d be facing for this photo. Suck a fuck, guy.


Colorado has been blue for quite a while. First to legalize recreational marijuana, openly gay Governor, we haven't had a Republican governor in decades.


North Eastern Colorado is blue, and has a high density of people. Pueblo and Grand Junction are bright red. My (F) wife and I stopped for snacks and fuel with our kiddo south of Pueblo. The stares we go were palpable, just like being in Panguitch, UT.


I'm sorry to hear that. We've still got our backward areas. Hopefully that will change in the future. Pueblo is also a dying mill town. Lots of social problems.  I don't know if I would call the blue areas, such as Denver, exactly "eastern" except in the sense that they are east of the Rockies. We usually use the term "front range". 


I was always told the front range was basically the 25 corridor. That area includes a whole gamut of beliefs.


It can yeah, but the north side of the I-25 corridor is pretty liberal.


Unfortunately, they still have that other ass clown who was caught doing sexual favors in a theater.


Did he lose to Loren “HandyGranny” Boebert?


But the guy who won is even more fascist than Williams.


As well he should!




Ha ha mofo


It’s a shame that Colorado is resorting to this type of insanity. Such a beautiful place with some really cool people.


Based on this result I'd say they are rejecting this type of insanity.


Yet Bobo the public handy champion just won her primary in a new district.


That's not Colorado, it's west Kansas. She ran away from real Colorado to run there instead because she knew she wouldn't win again.


I lived in Colorado, specifically Boulder a couple of decades ago, and I totally agree that Bobo's District is what would be called West Kansas. It's the flat ugly part of the state that does look exactly like the state of Kansas, which is flat ugly and infested with bigots. In other words the perfect district for that backwards bigot!


Yeah in one of the reddest districts in the nation. You can't really ask for much from them tbh.


Shouldn’t even be on a ballot or anywhere near legitimacy.


what the hell do you mean ? He lost


Boebert won, just sayin'


Boebert, him even being on a ballot, ideas of hate even being entertained…


That's... not even representative of Colorado's politics *as a whole.* Boebert won a primary in a VERY RED DISTRICT (most states generally have these), there are people like this in every state (every COUNTRY), and I don't know if you get this, but... that's kind of how primaries *work.* People get on ballots in primaries, and then the ones who get the most votes advance. Also... that's the Republican party voting to push these people forward, not Colorado as a whole. Colorado is more blue than red. Your take sounds extremely idealistic.


Ok. This nonsense shouldn’t appear on a ballot in a society in which people live with neighbors. Hate has no place in civil society


What one random idiot puts himself on the ballot and despite being in charge of the state party is soundly trounce means the state gone off the deep end? You know absolutely nothing about Colorado or it's politics.


With he and Boebert I’ve seen all I need. Colorado deserves better.


How soon until the reasons for his extreme homophobia and hostility are uncovered. Secrets? Lovers? Grindr on his phone? And worse.


I hate this line of thinking. Homophobes aren't all gay. You don't get to say that it's our own community's fault that we're oppressed. There are PLENTY of straight homophobes in the world too


Hopefully he finds the strength to come out one day.


Stop it with the "homophobes are secretly gay" shit. That in itself is homophobic, and I get the feeling it's very often straight people who make remarks like yours. He's a homophobic ass, but that doesn't mean he's closeted. We already deal with enough shit from those people. We don't need it from people who are allegedly allies. We're not responsible for our own oppression or the hate directed our way. When you say shit like this, that's what you imply. Cut it out.


another closeted republican


I hate this line of thinking. Homophobes aren't all gay. You don't get to say that it's our own community's fault that we're oppressed. There are PLENTY of straight homophobes in the world too


This just weaponizes our sexualities.


awesome, now somebody check his hd plz