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Does anyone really think that Trump is not racist? I mean that’s a big part of his appeal to his base.


The comments he made about leveling Gaza and Palestinians aren’t being talked about enough either


A **lot** of shit isn’t talked about because the media hyper focuses on Biden’s age as if Trump isn’t just 3 years younger than Biden.


It's not about age yo. It's about coherence and delivery.


It's definitely about the age.


Yeah, and at no point is Trump as coherent as Biden or deliver his “talking points” as anything other than a raving lunatic


Do you reckon there’s a reason for that. In that trump appears to be 15 years younger than Biden?


Trump never appears in public without about 8 kilograms of makeup and is hyper obsessed with his personal appearance, where Biden clearly doesn’t care beyond looking professional.


I’m talking about more than him being a pale corpse. It’s his slurring, fouled up pattern of speech too. He’s a dying man, he walks like it too.


Biden has always had a stutter, that isnt an age thing, it's literally just him being human.


Just like Hillary was dying in 2016?


uh, no. how old was she in 2016? I assume anyone talking like you at this point is paid by DNC to run cover.


He wouldn’t say it if it didn’t play right to the animal spirits of his party. Nothing you can say to change their mind.


The Israeli government is pro-leveling Gaza, too. American politicians are completely incapable of contradicting Israel because they're all cowards apparently.


He's got a black friend (who he killed with covid!) so it's all good in the hood rite?!? Black people identify with him because he's got a mugshot (just like them!) Breathtakingly racist. Makes my head spin. Biden won that debate, I don't care if he sounded raspy.


He’s an old, rich $ famous, county club white guy. He’s racist af and that’s how people were in his day. He doesn’t give 2 shjts about black, Hispanic anything. There is his class and everyone else.


Trump cares for no one and nothing other then trump. Anything with him is a one way street to benefit the orange menace; at the expense of others. He’s proven that over and over for decades. Just look at the “Central Park Five” he ruined those mens lives, they spent decades in prison. Before the truth came out.


I was watching the debates & the dude was about .05 seconds away from saying “the blacks” when he was rambling on about stuff & stopped short. I was like “Oooooh SHEET! Here it comes!!” 😳🫣 Now *THAT* would have been interesting had he blurted *THAT* out. 😬


I’m Hispanic. I know what he meant. Not offended at all


But he’s clearly racist, right?


Bro ! What are you doing over here ??




This article is so confusing. Was I hearing things or did Biden say "blacks have no money"


You say this and probably back affirmative action. Who’s the racist?


Let me make sure I am reading this correctly. You’re calling me a racist based on some assumption you just made up without knowing me at all?


So you don’t back affirmative action? Okay good. I apologize


Thank you. I believe everyone should have the same opportunities without “tipping the scales” in anyone’s favor.


So no benefits given to legacy admissions, those with lots of money and the like. An attempt to make things equitable and recognize that the current playing field significantly advantages certain players dude to… Checking notes…. the long term institutionalized effects of slavery and racism. So we fix that and stop tipping the scales we should be good


Manipulative YES, fear mongering YES, racist NO. Stop diluting what that word means until no one takes it seriously. He is just placing emphasis on a particular community


He has a long history of being a racist moron, you’re acting like this is an isolated thing.


I'm saying this specific things is not racist. Do not assume my position on him as a whole! I don't like him. Can you elaborate as to how it is racist?


What does racism mean then?


Genuinely wondering who he is being racist to? Perhaps it is my autism but I just do not get it.


Did you read the article?  "The phrase “Black jobs” was widely condemned by Democrats and Black leaders as vague and insulting. "I’m still wondering, what is a ‘Black job,’” Jaime Harrison, chair of the Democratic National Committee, quipped on Friday during a news conference with former Georgia Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams in Atlanta. Other prominent Biden allies including Rep. Jasmine Crockett, D-Tx., Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., and Raphael Warnock, D-Ga., also condemned Trump’s words following the debate. "“There is no such thing as a Black job. That misinformed characterization is a denial of the ubiquity of Black talent. We are doctors, lawyers, school teachers, police officers and firefighters. The list goes on,” said Derrick Johnson, president and CEO of the NAACP. “A ‘Black job’ is an American job. It’s concerning that a presidential candidate would seek to make a nonexistent distinction. But the divisive nature of this comment is not surprising for Donald Trump.”


Anyone with a smaller bank account, different color skin, etc. unless you can prove useful to his ends. Dosn’t matter who you are, unless he wants something. Then after he gets it will go back to what it was. He would raise rents to keep minorities out of his properties, solely on the color or language they spoke.


I was only talking about this particular instance. It appears he is arguing in favor of two groups of color against another. Which is pretty similar to affirmative action, a positive thing no?


Not to defend the shit gibbon, but you can't be racist against bank accounts. Because, you know, bank account isn't a race. Words mean things.


Sure, sure. He is just placing negative, stereotypical emphasis on a particular community (people of color) but it doesn’t mean racism.


I utterly despise Trump and gop but I honestly don't understand how it's racist? Who do you think he is placing this stereotype on. Perhaps I'm wrong but I thought he was claiming that blacks and Hispanic are losing jobs to illegal immigrants(other Hispanics)? So is arguing in favor of 2 groups of color(US Citizens) to be able to keep their jobs instead of having to compete with another group of people (non US Citizens) racist? If so against which group of color? If this is racist then how is the affirmative action that we have now which helps certain groups of color(blacks and Hispanics) to the disadvantage of other groups of color(asians) also racist? I was under the impression and I think that neither is racist but we have to apply the same standard!


Generally, illegal immigrants take low paying and entry level positions. By saying that immigrants are taking black and Hispanic jobs, he is essentially saying that the jobs that are meant for the undereducated and underpaid are for black and Hispanic people.


When you put it like that it does make sense. I suppose it may be a product of my background but I remember people being called racist for claiming that illegal immigration steals jobs from Americans(usually assumed to be white) and therefore it was a white (citizens) vs non white (non citizens). Not to say anything if the validity of the argument but it just seems no matter how they frame it they're labeled racist. It just seems more complicated than this simplification to me. I have a lot of Republican family members but they are certainly not racist. At least when I talk to them they seem to think of it has a us citizens vs non citizens.


>“The fact is that his big kill on the Black people is the millions of people that he’s allowed to come in through the border,” Trump said. “They’re taking Black jobs now — and it could be 18, it could be 19 and even 20 million people. They’re taking Black jobs, and they’re taking Hispanic jobs, and you haven’t seen it yet, but you’re gonna see something that’s going to be the worst in our history.”


Thanks for the quote. Yep that is some pretty racist shit right there.


“You haven’t seen it” - because it’s not fucking real.


Honestly, I think he meant to argue that migrants are taking Black people's jobs and Hispanic people's jobs too, not that low paying jobs are for Blacks or Hispanics. Obviously that's BS too, and I am in no way denying that Trump is a massive racist who believes minorities deserve to be second class citizens. It's just that "Hispanic jobs" makes little sense in other contexts considering most of the migrants are hispanic themselves. It sounds more like a ploy to attract Black and Hispanic voters by saying that illegal immigrants will take their jobs.


That’s exactly what he’s arguing, with all of his usual elegance. He is making the “they took yer jobs!” argument and trying to direct it at black and brown people.


... And that's quite racist. If it's not racist, then he would just say that everyone should vote for him because he will stop people from taking anyone's job. But no, it's specifically African Americans, Latin Americans, and immigrants.


But where's the lie? If 10-20 million illegal aliens were magically deported, wouldn't that mean millions of job openings for US citizens? And if housing costs aren't skyrocketing in your area, maybe read up on Canada finally waking up to what happened to their housing costs when they let in hundreds of thousands of migrants. It's not just in this country, or in Canada. "Populist" and "Far right" politicians that actually talk about the problems with open borders are winning around the world. The whole framing of this debate (such as in the article below) is also part of the problem. A party isn't the "radical" right if it's getting 37% support. And when the left dismisses migration concerns as "racism" or "Islamophobia" or whatever else, it sends the message loud and clear that they have no intention of acknowledging let alone addressing the problems. "According to a recent survey conducted by Deutschlandtrend, more than 70 percent Germans were unhappy with the distribution of refugees, while nearly 80 percent felt that asylum-seekers were not sufficiently integrated and two-thirds favored limiting their numbers." Two-thirds favor limiting their numbers. That's not "radical." That's not "far" right. https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/11/01/the-far-right-is-winning-europes-immigration-debate/ "A separate question in the survey finds a record-high 55% of U.S. adults, up eight points from last year, saying that “large numbers of immigrants entering the United States illegally” is a critical threat to U.S. vital interests." https://news.gallup.com/poll/611135/immigration-surges-top-important-problem-list.aspx You're right that Trump doesn't speak elegantly or eloquently, but he is addressing issues that a majority of Americans are concerned about.


You know that immigrants, whether legal or illegal, are also consumers? Sure, some jobs might open up, but also many jobs are going to disappear because the economy suddenly has 6% fewer consumers. The problem with illegal immigration is not that there's too many people, it's that those people are not properly getting integrated into our society, and so the solution is not sending them back, but documenting them and making them functioning participants in the national economy.


>the solution is not sending them back, but documenting them and making them functioning participants in the national economy. We have a legal immigration system. Many of my family members came to the US through that system. Very few people are advocating for a reduction in legal immigration. If you want a roommate, you could put out an ad and interview people and reach an agreement. But if someone just showed up on your couch one day, the solution isn't to just add them to the lease or mortgage/title. Here's one example of what can happen to just one town as a result of illegal aliens. They even have a report from an economist making the same claim as you, that the aliens also increased demand and so everyone is better off. But the actual people who live there are trying to tell a different story. And a big part of the reason Trump was so successful is he appeared to them and people like them to be the first politician to listen in a very long time. Same with all the other "far right" leaders around the world right now. https://www.thisamericanlife.org/632/our-town-part-one


If he was against someone alive in that debate he would have eaten him alive for that "black job" remake. WTF IS A BLACK JOB? HOW IS THIS NOT STRAIGHT UP RACIST?


>"You know what a black job is ;-)" - Fred Trump's ghost, most definitely.


The ones where people say “yes boss, sure thing boss, anything you say boss.” Total racist bs.


Like this? https://malcolminthemiddle.fandom.com/wiki/Standee


Please explain how it is racist. I mean he obviously meant that illegal immigrants steal jobs from the black community, just like when people say they're stealing our jobs. It is clear he saying that it \[illegal immigration\] is a net negative for everyone while emphasizing a specific community. How does anyone interpret this as racist? Like I dont like trump but I just do not understand.


There is absolutely no such thing as a black job. Even in the context you made that's not a black job. Poor people job maybe, but that's all ethnicities. Saying "black job" implies that in the EUA there is jobs made for blacks exclusively for some reason that immigrants are somehow gonna steal, even if they aren't black. The entire notion makes zero sense unless you start at a racist notion that blacks deserve to work specific jobs that are easily replaced by immigrants.


Ya know how people often claiming illegals steal american jobs get labeled racist? It seemed to me he was sidestepping this by saying what he said. To show that it affects all of these communities. It seems like no matter how people phrase it you cant be against illegal immigration without being labelled a racist.


Stop thinking like an employee and start thinking like an employer. Think about how to profit in poor communities. You do that by keeping labor costs low. Guess who’s more likely to accept the poorly paid jobs that help keep labor costs low?


Yeah but those are poor people jobs. It's more than one ethnicity.


Maybe he was just emphasizing those communities in the same manner as BLM puts emphasis on police abuse of that group. It's not necessarily excluding any other group


He just means jobs in communities that are predominantly black and Hispanic


Even in this scenario. Even if he was talking about that, "black jobs" is still the WAY wrong term. Saying the "immigrants" are gonna steal jobs in marginalized communities is one thing, saying they are gonna steal black jobs is another all together


if this is racist then people can say affirmative action and DEI is racist


I mean, that would have been the take home line had Biden held it together, right? Like Mitt Romney’s “binders full of women” line in 2012. We need to press Trump in what he means by ‘black jobs’. Sounds like something Storm Thurmond or George Wallace would have said.


Go vote!


His dad was KKK . Of course he was raised racist.


Black and Hispanic jobs. You know, like mowing the grass at his country clubs. He's the great white savior.


Good, good, anger more of the democratic base so you lose you clown.


Yes like he was ever going to flip any democrats.


But Biden sure can make some people stay home. He needs to be replaced


And the other person who can make democrats stay home... all the people saying shit like this over and over and over again. Bunch of new random named accounts saying the same things and agreeing with each other.


Reddit has a severe spam problem, they’re just political manipulators rather than ads for viagra. They could do something about it easily, they just don’t want to.


I fully agree.


It’s not Democratic anger. It’s anger. People of color who may have been flirting with voting for him may be taken aback. Biden on the other hand didn’t talk about racialized jobs. He talked of training for high tech jobs at HBCUs. It’s not hard to say a similar thing in a non racist or anti racist way. Like always, Trump has the defenders looking for plausible deniability everywhere “that’s not what he meant, you’re twisting his words.” I’ll just say listen to his words yourself and judge yourself, figure out if he means to help people of color or not. You don’t need a Trump translator, you’ve got ears of your own.


I am Dominican, a professional engineer, and the president of my own small engineering firm with 4 employees. Am I holding a Hispanic job?


I know of one “black job”: President of The United States of America.


good, i was hoping someone would catch that.


Also are we going to ignore the fact that he also fronted the *Great Replacement Theory* by saying immigrants are coming here to replace us? I haven’t seen anyone talk about it and that’s insane.


The real travesty is Blacks and Hispanics will continue to vote for this clown even after he puts them down time and time again


Im confused. Are their specific jobs that are considered black or Hispanic jobs?






Are anymore of those $100K 'Black jobs' left? Asking for a friend.


Can we please have a sane candidate under 65? I don't really care left or right. Just not on deaths doorstep please.




Immediately after the second commercial break, moderator Dana Bash asked President Biden about: * "Black unemployment" * "Black families" * "Black mothers" * "Black Americans" * and "Black voters" Notice the pattern: "Black" is used as an adjective modifying a noun. Biden's answer mentioned: * "small Black businesses" * "Black unemployment" * "Black Americans" * "Black families" * and "Black childcare costs" Notice the pattern: "Black" is used as an adjective modifying a noun. What are "Black businesses"? Businesses owned by Black people, presumably. What's "Black unemployment"? Unemployment that affects Black people. Etc. Trump's rebuttal mentioned: * "Black families" * "Black people" * and "Black jobs" Notice the pattern: "Black" is used as an adjective modifying a noun. What are "Black jobs"? Jobs held by Black people, presumably. If a "Black business" is an innocent term denoting a business owned by a Black person, how is a "Black job" not an innocent term denoting a job held by a Black person?


Because to imply that illegals are coming after black jobs is saying that blacks generally have low skill jobs.


It's statistically true that black people achieve lower education and get paid less on average. They statistically are more likely to be employed in lower wage jobs with a lower barrier to entry. It is common sense that people in those jobs will be disproportionately affected by an influx of low skill labor.


it is also common sense to invest in public education and adequate health care for all citizens by requiring all citizens to pay equal taxes on all their investments in order to pay for those things and not hoard your money and lie and cheat and steal from the people you oppress.


> Because to imply that illegals are coming after black jobs is saying that blacks generally have low skill jobs. Are you implying that undocumented migrants are generally low skilled?


No, but it's tough to get a job in other fields as an illegal.


immigrants do not meet the requirements to have higher paying jobs that require citizenship, a degree etc. those jobs are usually and this term is disgusting "lower skilled" even though a lot of those jobs are not low skilled jobs and take a great amount of knowledge and skill to perform. so no they are not implying undocumented migrants are lower skilled workers. DUHHHH!!! you just want to argue and I know that but have a better one.


in certain areas of existence in the united states black people are faced with extreme challenges that put them at risk of not having employment or access to healthcare. so to state that we need to focus on these areas and commit to working harder to reach equality this messaging makes sense. to say that there are black jobs is saying that even if someone is "highly skilled" as people love to say here on this thread or come from a similar background as their "white" neighbors they will still only be able to be hired in a "black job" or "hispanic job" it is demeaning, and a horrible thing to say. does that make sense to you?


This is hilarious. Now start whining about black and Hispanic joblessness.


Oh but did you hear, this is totally good, but Biden needs to step down


He does need to step down


I don’t think Trump means bond traders or investment banker jobs. Trump knows that blacks and Hispanics can’t do jobs like those, right?


I just want to make sure that I understand Democrats. This is okay: ‘If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black’ This is not okay: "Black jobs."


How is emphasizing a specific community racist? Is DEI racist now because they want more black people in certain positions? If not then why is trump racist for not wanting jobs stolen from black communities? Is DEI for women suddenly sexist? Just because orange man said it = BAD


DEI is racist. Is it required to create a more equal society, that is a different conversation. As to Orange Man’s comments. Why would he point out “black”, or “Hispanic” jobs? Why not just “American jobs”, unless he was dog whistling?


I just want to put this out there I have Asperger's so sometimes I just don't understand things the way other people do. How I interpreted it was how in the past when someone says illegal immigrants are stealing American jobs people often assume they mean white Americans vs hispanic immigrants and call the person claiming this a racist. You have to have seen that before right? So as far as my understanding goes Trump is trying and failing to avoid that by saying A: group of illegal immigrants is stealing jobs from group B: American people of color. So I'm genuinely confused on which group of color that's racist to I'm sorry if I'm dense. No whether we think his claim is true is another story.


Generally I would agree with you, but given the person saying it, and his racist history it becomes more apparent. I think he was trying to fear monger to the various communities. Yet he can’t do it without the dog whistles. It’s like saying “look at my black guy there”. One must also look at his view of immigrants. He doesn’t view them as highly skilled, nor desirable people, so by indicating “black jobs, or Hispanic jobs” he’s implying the jobs are low skilled, and not desirable. There is a lot of reading into it to get there, and with an unknown person you should give them the benefit of the doubt, but Trump has been very clear on his thoughts about people of colour.


That debate just makes me think the most lucid man in this election had brain worms at one point.


Think again.


I mean do you have to like trump or want to vote for him to think he is the most lucid? Or can I dislike him and be fucking honest that he has more mental capacity than Biden? Have we really devolved to being unable to criticize or admit the negatives of who we support?


There is no world where Biden is more mentally lucid than Trump or Kennedy.


User name checks out.


We're talking about this reality not the MAGA alternate reality.


Can we elect just the brain worms instead?


More like “American” anger.


It’s funny people are mad over this when Biden said “black childcare” before Trump spoke on the topic


black children are at greater risk of infant death. they have specific needs that need to be met in order to reach the same level of survival as other children. in that case "black childcare" can be differentiated from other forms of child care.


You can apply the same logic to black jobs


no you really cannot.


You can. Black people are more economically disadvantaged and lack opportunities relative to white people


ethically you cannot. you cannot say you can only have a black job. that is gross. why is not making sense? black infant health is a systemic issue we need to address. a job is something anyone can learn how to do and isn't determined by your race. when it comes to infant health black infants are at higher risk of death. what is the same about the two?


Nobody said you can only have a black job


what the hell are you talking about? do you really believe there are white jobs? black jobs? do you really believe that completing arbitrary tasks that uphold the wealth of minority of people have a racial quality to them? are you for real?


Black jobs just means jobs held by black people Stop trying to spin the statement into something racist


the statement is racist you dumb dumb. black people have many types of jobs. they are president. they are astronauts. they are professors. they are pillars of our community. an undocumented immigrant cannot take those jobs because they do not have social security numbers or documentation. how are they stealing those jobs? he is referring to what he considers 'black jobs' omg i cannot with you. you do not get it.


Black people are economically disadvantaged compared to white people Just like black children are It’s literally the same concept


omg his wife is an immigrant so whose black job did she steal?! goodbye cardsharkf150 im going to keep you in my positive thoughts that you reconsider defending that kind of remark from that man. that vile man. good luck!


someone come and hug their child. they are feeling unloved and need to get invited to some kind of carne asada or family cookout. they are lost and i feel bad! poor thing.


It’s not racist to call a job a black job. Racial demographics can be exploited to bring an owner more profit. In this case, black jobs are the poorly paid jobs that employers make a lot of profit from because black people are easy to exploit for resources. China knows this. Russia knows this. Any country that practices colonialism knows this.


and how do you feel about countries "practicing colonialism"? do you think that colonialism is a good "practice"? how do humans benefit from such a "practice"


"Black jobs" are jobs in America that Black people work in. Not the occupations that Black people have. What Trump is saying is that the illegal immigrants are taking jobs away from everybody, and the topic/question was on Black people specifically. Trump isn't racist. Come on guys.


[Racial views of Donald Trump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_views_of_Donald_Trump?wprov=sfti1)


Ah, Wikipedia, the most reliable and unbiased source. Trump says some pretty stupid stuff, but he's not racist. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2022/jul/15/bidens-racist-history/


The Wikipedia page provides links to reliable news sites as sources. What sources can you provide showing trump is not a bigoted racist? Oh, and nice “whataboutism” with the Biden link.


Thank you. After reading the Wikipedia article fully, the only racist thing Trump said is about the judge, which was unnecessary and unacceptable. The article doesn't say Trump is racist, it says that CERTAIN NEWS CITES AND GROUPS OF PEOPLE think the things he said were racist. Hmm.


God you guys a whiners. 100% what he said is true, illegal immigration takes jobs from the lowest skilled workers which as a percentage are typically minority majorities. What is racist about stating a fact? You let 11-12 million people it there is no doubt it will effect peoples jobs. Maybe this is why his support amongst these voters has doubled, literally doubled I have no dog in that fight, just the facts.


what makes these workers "lowest skilled"?


why are they "typically minorities"?


Black and Hispanic people typically make less money and have lower educational achievement. A lot of it is due to decades of systemic racism (that still exists) that both groups have not been able to fully recover from. Many Hispanics being more recent immigrants have also not been able to build the type of generational wealth that white people have to give their kids a leg up.


i agree with this statement.


Affirmative action is another way of saying the same thing.