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Yeah, this is bluntly obvious. When you're a heartbeat away from the Presidency, you've got to make your case.


Man, things have to be REALLY rough at the Times, they are really thirsting for this shit. No one can cough without hinting at the end of Biden's campaign.


Media is really scared about Trump not being relevant in a few months.


Screw the NYT.


The headlines are outta control


This article is not saying “Harris made this about herself,” it’s saying “Harris’ effectiveness in this moment of crisis for the campaign speaks well to her political skill and maybe she’s not the liability she’s often made out to be.” Given how down on Harris a lot of people are (fairly or unfairly), it’s not an insane thing to write a news article about


So brave.


I honestly figured the plan all along when she was tapped as VP was to have her start entering the spotlight more and more and possibly shift her as the candidate for the second term. At the very least to quell the doubts about Biden’s age by showing he had a strong VP ready to step up. But instead Harris has been hiding under a rock for 4 years, and now no one has any confidence that if Biden crokes, everything won’t go to shit.


Me too. Also, the title on this article is misleading. It sound like they are saying she's now teying to promote herself to be the president...but the content reads that she is fiercely defending Biden and reaffirmed the administration's policies..the ones Biden had struggled to articulating in the debate. Good for her, she's finally doing her job. I dont think it is a bad thing for her to show her strength now. Yes, she might start looking like a crutch for an aging president but, guess what, that cat is out of the bag. No way to contain it now and fearful people like me want to see that we'll have a strong vice president if we have to vote for a weak president.


Shes’s probably in the background specifically because of this. You know people would be calling her his handler if she was more in the spotlight. It’s totally fine for her to be out of sight doing her job.


She’s also had more actual work than most vice presidents, what with having to break ties in the Senate so often!




She’s been hiding under a rock because as soon as anybody spoke her name after the election, her voting record and numerous questionable (read for private interest) decisions as attorney general showed what a crappy, back door neo lib p.o.s she actually is. They put her on the ticket for demographics boost, don’t pretend it was for anything else. After the election was over and she had served her algorithm decided purpose, people got a look under the hood and realized she was more of the same awful b.s the dems seem to only be able to field in the last 20 odd years. As in, smile in your face and tell you what you want to hear (about civil rights etc) while doing whatever their corporate overlords tell them to when it comes down to it. She isn’t a strong candidate for anything, nobody likes her personality never mind her atrocious record and less people would vote for her then the corpse of Joesph Biden propped up on a stick, which is why they’re still running asleep past 4pm Joe Biden.


I thought that Kamala Harris would be the obvious candidate and would be groomed as the next candidate but here we go again. I’m just going to imagine that Kamala is at the top of the ticket when I vote.


Guaranteed loss if she's the nominee. It'll be another Hillary situation, she's not likeable and unfortunately it'd overshadow all of her other qualities.


lol what qualities? That she’s a black woman? That’s not a quality so much as it is a trait and unfortunately it’s not something most care about. Pick someone - ANYONE - who can win for the sake of our country!


She'd absolutely lose, she performed HORRIBLY in the Dem primary alone, please do not let the fate of this country rest on running her to try to beat Trump. I already don't like Biden's chances, but they're still way better than hers would be.


The whole debate thing is a good example of how the media can create a narrative on its own. We’ve gone from Biden sucked, to Biden needs to step aside, to explaining how Biden can step aside, to Whitmer and Newsome as poised replacements, and now Harris building her case. This is not reflecting reality or necessarily what normal people are thinking, just analysts and pundits creating fan fiction. There’s no reporting or journalism here, just clickbait speculation.


Nobody likes her.


I dont not like her...she has mostly not made herself visible in what she's even doing so I cant say love her either. Good for her that she's finally stepping up and doing what she should be...boisterously defending the administration's policy.


I don't dislike her *that* much, but I'm convinced that, if she ran against Trump, she'd lose as catastrophically as Biden.


Prior to the debate, I had a liberal friend who was posting non-stop “genocide joe” instagram stories…and after the debate, they stopped. Like, nothing from their account in 48 hours. It’s like they realize that the stakes are real and that Trump might win and that Trump might actually go forward with his campaign promise to put round up my friend and deport him, and then demand “Israel finish it”


I wonder if it’s possible that the horrible debate is actually more beneficial to democrats for this reason… maybe just hopium but there are some signs that that could be the case


I don’t think it’s hopium. I think it’s the kick in the ass that not only the DNC but the people who were refusing to vote over Gaza needed to take the campaign seriously. All the other threads are being flooded with doomers and I’m not saying their fear is unfounded but they’re just assuming out of hand what the independents and undecideds believe without actually talking to them and they really should instead of agitating themselves further with their confirmation bias.


Since what happened in 2016 it's too easy to assume that a critical mass of Americans are complete dipshits with zero political awareness. People who care enough about the election to be significantly put off by clips of Biden spacing out and mushing words together, but are also so apathetic that they fail to understand why it's important to continue supporting him. My biggest fear is young voters, new voters, who get their information from TikTok and Twitter, who have only recently tuned in to politics and are now voting between grandpa in a nursing home and a living meme.


I can admit… I am scared, not a give up scared. But…. I knew the election wouldn’t be easy but it’s like balancing on a razor.


Did those people somehow follow US policy on Israel but miss that trump would be for glassing Gaza? He’s been saying that kind of shit the entire time


Yes. They either missed it or purposely ignore it. In no world is a trump presidency better for Palestine. Or Israel, for that matter


It's a fashion trend, they want to look edgy and with it to their peers. It doesn't take a lot of awareness and attention to see that there's probably no one working harder in the world to bring peace to Palestine than Biden


Contrary to the narrative, the debate was not good for Trump lol. He said not a single thing worth listening to.


Dude literally said Charlottesville was a hoax, and debunked by every news network. A lot of his lies go over peoples heads but that one was so absurd that the only people believing it are voting him no matter what.


Don’t forget “Everybody wanted Roe v Wade overturned!” during an election where many many voters are upset about it being overturned


Most folks don’t care about that though. If they did, he’d never even be the nominee.


I think the point is that the debate produced zero new trump voters


I have conservative friends who said he did poorly. One said “all he had to do was not lie so much”. They weren’t worried about facts, just the endless lies he told. They said that they’d prob not vote this year.


I’m seeing a lot of people double down in support of Biden


I don’t think any swing or undecided voters are doubling down


>I wonder if it’s possible that the horrible debate is actually more beneficial to democrats… . Snap polls of undecided voters taken after the debate showed that more of them viewed Trump's performance negatively than Biden's. The people wetting the bed over the debate are Democrats who are worried about undecided voters, who in turn are worried about a Donald Trump presidency.


>The people wetting the bed over the debate are the media begging for a horse race. FTFY.


Definitely hopium… news outlets all over the world were reporting on just how bad Biden was


I wish my friends who were constantly posting for Jill Stein when Hillary was running had realized the stakes sooner.


I wish Hillary actually campaigned, instead of having her team do get-out-the-vote calls to Republican voters/women in swing states. That was probably much more significant. > Mr Obama said the Democratic candidate, who was beaten to the white house by Republican Donald Trump in last week’s shock election result, failed to “show up everywhere”, losing out on the white, non-urban vote. > During the president’s own election campaign, Mr Obama outperformed Ms Clinton in most suburbs and crucially, in critical swing areas in the midwest. > “You know, I won Iowa not because the demographics dictated that I would win Iowa. It was because I spent 87 days going to every small town and fair and fish fry and VFW hall, and there were some counties where I might have lost, but maybe I lost by 20 points instead of 50 points,” he said. > “There are some counties maybe I won that people didn’t expect because people had a chance to see you and listen to you and get a sense of who you stood for and who you were fighting for.” https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-elections/president-obama-hillary-clinton-us-election-didnt-work-campaign-trail-a7418001.html


Hilary campaigned like she's already won it, then she lost it.


Well, she did win the popular vote by 2.1%. But you know, electoral college. 


>%. But you know, electoral college.  We did know, even before the race began. If only Clinton and her team knew this


I wish the democrats put literally anybody other than Hillary Clinton on the ballot. Like anyone with a pulse. Like literally, literally anybody but her.


Four million more democrats chose her over Bernie. She was the candidate because she got by far the most votes in the primary and it wasn’t close.


They also chose her over Trump, too.


Well, she also locked in all the superdelegates well before the voting even started. 


BECAUSE SHE CAMPAIGNED AND FUNDRAISED AND HELPED GET THEM ELECTED Bernie could’ve spent decades supporting democrats too. It’s on him that he’s so shitty at politicking — no superdelegate ~~earned~~ owed Bernie their votes, and he didn’t do shit to earn them anyway!


And why the fuck do we want politicians like that? Look how wonderful that turned out for Hillary. The problem isn't the politician. It's the ridiculous cycle Democrat voters are stuck in, thinking if they do the same thing for decades and decades, the party will magically correct itself.


>And why the fuck do we want politicians like that? Oh, come on... People always shit on Hillary for not "earning" their vote. But when it comes to Bernie, those people act like he was screwed over somehow. Maybe, just maybe, Bernie didn't "earn" the votes, either.


This is politicking 101. To act like it’s an affront to work to help other party candidates win their respective elections shows how Bernie can still win


Nah... It's because she was better at raising money from large donors and corporations. She lost 2 campaigns for president. She ain't some political genius. It's also disingenuous to say to say Bernie didn't spend decades supporting democrats. Superdelegates should have never even been a thing, they are undemocratic.


That he's so shitty at politicking **for the NeoLib agenda**?? What a crap take to not understand that he was shut down. Maybe the product that the Dem party has been producing is only slightly better than the worst case scenario?? Bernie wasn't afraid to support an agenda that was a step above some bs?? Edit: punctuation


>BECAUSE SHE CAMPAIGNED AND FUNDRAISED AND HELPED GET THEM ELECTED "It's a big club and you ain't in it" energy. It's how you lose voters that aren't card carrying Democrats, by making it feel like it's unfairly tilted towards your party insiders. >Bernie could’ve spent decades supporting democrats too. It’s on him that he’s so shitty at politicking He did work with them. It's just that he wasn't going to back them on shitty things like the Iraq War. But hey, Clinton "got stuff done" like helping Bush get votes for that war. What an accomplishment


All I’m going to say is that I was working with a couple Democratic Party political operatives in 2016 in my state while a student, and they had a blatant meeting in front of me to discuss rigging the primaries against Bernie in favor of Hillary. They explicitly did it while I was locked in the room with them because I was a Bernie supporter and they wanted to demonstrate how much power and influence they had just because bullying me was fun for them. (It was a super toxic work environment and people.)


Wasserman Schultz’s resignation should have sparked a revolution for the DNC.


Hillary won the popular vote, also their were several people that challenged her in the primarys. Before you go all BeRNie GOt sCRWed bullshit. They all new the rules going into the primary. Now it was Hillary's fault for not doing more in swing states and it was her fault for not picking a better VP candidate. The Dems got overwhelmed with the Facebook troll propaganda, which they didn't know how to counter.


>Now it was Hillary's fault Hillary didn't do anything wrong. She was simply Hillary. **Anyone** else would have beat Donald Trump. Defiant ignorance of the situation doesn't change the situation. **Anyone** other than Joe Biden would win right now. The Democrats are throwing this fight.


yeah they are real quiet after seeing him call Biden a bad Palestinian lol maybe it finally clicked that this asshole will be much worse like everyone has been telling them


Maybe the realization that only one of the candidates actually wants them and all their family dead finally set in.


If Trump wins you should ask him if he thinks the “genocide Joe stuff” might have had an effect


As a democrats let me say ew no thanks no one wants Harris.


No one wanted her in the last primary to drop out not even getting low, single digit support, 2-3% at her height. I'm still thrown off how Biden picked her with numbers as low as she had.


She was the diversity pick. Had some name recognition from the primary. Plus is a POC and female.


0 chance. That absolute most risky pick the dems could go with. Racism, but more importantly misogyny runs deep in the country including on the side of democrats and their voter base. Also she is disliked by many. I don’t have the receipt but I read she was furious that she wasn’t even being considered as an emergency runner up. Does anyone actually like her? And why?


She aucks


If she takes over for Biden she'll lose they would have been better sticking with Biden.


In an old fashioned convention she wouldn’t place in the top three.


An old fashioned convention WOULD BE ALL WHITE!!


Deliberately ignoring the substance of the point


I love that you replied that. I absolutely detest comments like theirs, totally ignoring the substantive point you were making. I think there’s a named logical fallacy for that.


And all men.


Biden could win. Harris would lose.


Biden barely won last time. His approval is now in the tank and he just had the worst debate performance in history. There is no path.


Narrator: In Her Crisp Defense of Biden, Harris Builds a Case for Herself. Everyone else: No, no she didnt.


If Biden stays in the race VP Harris needs to resign in lieu of a stronger VP. This would alleviate some of the concern some voters have about Biden's ability to complete s second term.


NO She won’t win!!




I live in Michigan, absolutely love Whitmer and would hate to lose her but she'd make a good president. DNC should start spending money now to raise her national profile and I think she could make good use of the kidnapping plot in the campaign. Only worry is there isn't enough time to build her up before the election.


She is certainly likable and self-aware. Lots of Blue Collar energy but very well educated at the same time. After seeing some interviews with her she is relatable I feel like I could sit and have a beer with her.


Big Gretch for VP! Kamala for Chief Justice!


She’s got a worse approval rating than Biden. Which is astonishing.


She is a black woman. No surprise that “certain people” hate her. I think she’s awesome.


Meh, people don't like her because she's not authentic. You don't try to run your presidential campaign calling yourself a "progressive prosecutor" as if that is enough to convince both progressives. You also don't take a huge stab at Biden on segregation using your own personal story only to hop on his ticket the second you get a chance for more power. People like authenticity and honesty. Harris is just another typical politician that would have been perfect in the 90s


Check her approval rating amongst Black voters...it's not racism she's just an awful politician


The only reason Harris would be the one replacing Biden is if nobody else wants to. And in that case, they REALLY should stick with Biden. Honestly, if it didn't look so freaking bad, they should talk about replacing Harris as Bidens VP with someone else.


Or ya know....if he wins in November and then passes away.


Well, that's a different scenario. Then Trump didn't win and didn't become President. I can live with that outcome. Then Biden would have done his #1 job.


That’s just it. No one other than a couple of attention seekers without a real platform stepped up to challenge Biden for the nomination. Hard to blame him for sticking it out if no one else is going to meaningfully step up to lead.


I expect that nobody stepped up was by design. Biden figured he could give another 4 years, DNC agreed, message was put out. In an effort to show unity he was not meaningfully challenged. The incumbent advantage is pretty huge, and Biden has been very effective. Whether it was the right call or not is yet to be seen. But I’ll vote for a literal corpse over Trump, and I’m not alone.


When the incumbent president is running for reelection it's pretty standard to not primary against them. That doesn't mean there's nobody else who would be willing to run. Had Biden announced last year that he was planning to retire and not run for reelection we would have had a robust primary with some good options in it.


Well, it would just be dumb to try to replace the guy who beat trump once and is currently in the White House and has a name everyone knows. Biden WAS the best man for the job and even now it still probably is because there is nobody else who can or wants to jump into a panic election against Trump with few months left.


Why do much hate for Harris in this thread? It feels like Hillary all over. I really don’t get all emphasis on how she comes across as personable, how about whether she can do the job.


Because the issue isn't whether she could do the job, it's whether she could get *elected* to do the job. LIkeability matters in politics.


I would also say that for an administrative role like the presidency being personable and likable is one of the required competencies.


How personable she comes across determines whether she can get the job. That should be blindingly obvious, and enough Democrats keep missing this obvious point to make elections easier for Republicans than they ought to be.


If that were the case we wouldn't be having this discussion. We're not electing a debater in chief, and if you ask me Joe is currently doing a pretty dang good job as President.


Harris may be perfectly capable of doing the job, but the last time I saw her speak she had all the charisma of a lump of coal.


>It feels like Hillary all over. Precisely my concern with her.


VPs have a tough time keeping their name on the news in general, but Harris has basically been invisible for the past few years. They usually spearhead a couple of initiatives, but it's been crickets from her.


Harris can’t do the job whose most famous moment was the “do not come” immigration speech three years ago where the administration has adopted the GOP stance, and was a mediocre prosecutor that carries a ton of baggage from her political career before now. Beyond a lack of charisma she has thoroughly bungled the few things she was meant to be doing to build her brand.


She would have a lot more trouble beating Donald Trump than a generic Democrat would. People are talking negatively about her because they don't want her to be the nominee, because she'll lose.


She is a fucking cop a heartbeat away from the presidency. Ask anyone in the Bay Area who has lived here since before she had taken office and started her quest for power. She backs corporations over unions and has no problem with qualified immunity for the police. It would be a cold day in hell before I ever supported her, when Biden chose her for his VP I was so ashamed by his choice.


If the Democrats want to replace Biden this late in the game they would be well served to look back to Obama's supreme court nominee of Merrick Garland. Ultimately that failed for Obama but the strategy is sound. A bland non-offensive candidate would be the perfect contrast to extreme Trump. I hate this strategy in most cases as if one side goes extreme and the other tries to go center everything drifts towards the extreme over time which is precisely what we have seen happen. But, a new candidate would be at a serious disadvantage this late in the game and you'd have to take the best shot you have.


because for years she was locking up black people petty marijuana possession then she claimed that this administration would fully legalize weed, as a way of fixing her past mistakes. she guaranteed it oh yeah, guess that’s not happening? plus she’s fake as hell, down to the carefully curated phony accent she puts on


She is black, female, Californian, and has opinions. That’s it. That’s why they demonize her.


It couldn’t possibly be her politics and history…….


No, that's the excuse. Even in SF bay area where she started Herr political caree, she is not well liked. Has nothing to do with race or gender. This is one capable lady, but president or VP is just not a good fit for her. Should have been Pete or Gretchen as VP with Harris leading as attorney general.


It always makes me wonder how people like her win elections. Like almost everybody I know from Cali says the same thing about her. She isn’t well liked.


Because in CA if you have a D next to your name you will beat the R. We may think she's not great now but the alternative would have been much worse. It's starting to feel like backing a Democrat politician is giving all sorts of bad actors and mega-rich interests the opportunity to seize power because they know so many people will always vote against R. Just look at the debacle with Oakland politics. Obviously they'll never vote R, but nobody sane wants to tackle the improbable task of fixing Oakland, so they end up with mayors like Thao and DAs like Pamela Price. And although we need Trump to lose in November, doing so would also prove to the DNC that they can field whomever they want as long it's not Trump. This state (and country) grossly needs an escape from the two party system.


Imagine how great things would be right now if Pete was VP and Harris was a hard charging AG


Yah, predient can retire happily as he wanted, Pete will waltz into an election win, Harris would have dismantled the Trump criminal syndicate and put them all in jail.


I’m a Californian from San Francisco. I hate Kamala and lots of other locals hate her too. I’ll never forgive her for prosecuting people for weed possession


I don't know enough about her or her policies to judge her as a candidate.  She could be an absolutely fantastic president - but that means fuck-all in an American election. A big part of Hilary losing was that she was a woman and to be brutally honest, I don't feel great about a black woman beating Trump.   It's gross, feels regressive, and we are long overdue for normalizing women leadership - but running one with how backwards the currwmt state of things is a risk I'd rather the Dems not take with another Trump presidency is on the line.  


Michelle Obama would beat Trump. Not a doubt in my mind. She of course does not want to be president, which makes her a perfect candidate.


Hillary lost because she ran her campaign as if winning was a forgone conclusion, and because people didn't show up and vote. She won the popular vote but ignored the swing states she needed for the EC.


Please don’t come


This lady has zero chance of getting elected. If she's the front runner, then there's a conspiracy to hand over the country to Trump.


Shes his biggest supporter…for herself


Oh my god, the NYTimes needs to give this shit a rest, and it's only been one day. They've been gunning it against Biden for years. They prefer Trump because their sales were better under the chaos of his presidency. 


*Them*: Anybody but Trump! *Me*: Ok, Joe Biden *Them*: ... *Me*: *Them*: Anybody, but Biden, but Trump! *Me*: For real...? Ok, then, Kamala Harris. *Them*: ... *Me*: C'Mon!--- *Them*: Anybody, but Biden, but Kamala, but Trump!


It's really not the "Anybody but Trump" voters that need to be worried about. You want a candidate who either will get more of the middle or won't energize voters into voting against them. Someone like Kamala Harris is going to energize the Trump base and result in higher Trump voters turning out.


The people saying "anybody but Trump" are the Biden supporters that would vote for any Democrat. The concern is everyone else. The rest of us want someone that can beat Trump, that is the bar. "Anyone that can beat Trump." That's not Biden or Harris


It absolutely pisses me off. Biden has been the most progressive president in my lifetime, and I'm almost 50. Everything he's accomplished so far in spite of a hostile Republican party fighting everything he does, every moment of every day, is incredible. And yet, he has one bad day and suddenly everyone is screaming for his head on a pike. I've had bad days at work, too. But since I'm otherwise great at my job, I didn't get immediately shit-canned. That's how the world is supposed to work, UNLESS YOU WORK FOR ASSHOLES. Biden works for the citizens of the USA. Are the citizens of the USA assholes? Right now, it sure seems like it... Especially the fair-weather dems calling for some mythical, perfect "replacement" candidate.


I know she's next in line, but Kamala ain't it. Most of us don't have personalities that would make for good Presidents. She's one of us in that way.


Yep. There's a reason she dropped out so early in 2020. She couldnt even get traction in the primary field, much less in a general electorate. I could get behind going with someone else, but if its going to be Harris I might lean more towards sticking with Biden. Need to go with someone like Whitmer or Newsom if a change is made.


She's not "next in line." Of course she is if Biden dies, but the point of the VP is not to be the next candidate up.


Yes Biden wasn’t next in line after Obama, it ended up being Hillary


Well, I wouldn't say that. If Biden's son Beau didn't die then I see Biden running in 2016 instead of Hillary. Hell, Biden himself has said in the past he regrets not running in 2016.


Someone else made the point that millions of people already voted for her, millions of campaign donations would be lost, and that sidelining the first female, black VP would also not be a good look to some voters. I think all 3 points are solid, and though I’m not super happy about it, Harris does seem the most likely alternative. I think if she picks a strong and likeable running mate (maybe Whitmer) she will do really well.


This constant identify politics of “we can’t sideline the first unpopular black VP” is really silly. Her approval rating is worse than Biden. Have you considered that maybe black people care about more than a candidate’s skin color?


How common is it for the VP to have a worse approval rating than the president?


Seems like at least in 2009, not particularly common? https://news.gallup.com/poll/123860/vice-president-biden-favorable-rating-continues-decline.aspx They used to be relatively close. But Biden trailed Obama. So it’s not unprecedented. I believe Pence was lower than Trump.


She just isn't good at public speaking. She's great when she has a planned attack, but when she's supposed to be motivating... [it just doesn't turn out that well](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfdk-WcjEhU&ab_channel=HBCUGameday). She's never been in a highly-contested race and won except as Biden's VP. We can't play around with that shit right now.


Yep. Shoulda stayed in the Senate where she was actually doing a pretty good job


She would be a great president too. Super Smart and rational.


Harris is a ball and chain.


Fuck no to Kamala. If she is the candidate, may as well hand the presidency to trump on a gold platter


Nope, she’s not a viable candidate.


Which reflects poorly on the whole ticket since there's a decent chance Biden kicks the bucket soon


Harris more unfavorable to Biden if they replace Biden it is stupid to choose someone with a higher unfavorable rating. There is better choices if Harris wants to be president she can try to run the next election against whoever the Democratic party picksto replace Biden.


Except of course millions of people have voted for the ticket she is on...twice


I voted for her twice. I'm cool with her replacing Biden if need be. I'm cool with someone else replacing Biden. I'm cool with Biden sticking around. Basically, the dems are getting my vote no matter what this year. I'd like to continue living in a democracy.


I'm with you.


Not really they voted for the only choice they were given. The candidate chooses the VP not voters really.


the delusion and gaslighting by the DNC leadership is amazing. and you are all playing along ? wtf. trump fans are morons. you are supposed to be the smart ones. lol


The DNC has got themselves between a rock and a hard place now. They don’t want to change anything, because that would be conceding their opponents were right. Then again by not doing anything, they’ll zombie walk into defeat. It’s not even Biden’s fault; it’s the party’s fault. They decided to spend the past 4 years protecting their narrative instead of vetting a better candidate. To the point where they started believing their own BS. Now the emperor has no clothes and there are no good options left. Godspeed!


> They decided to spend the past 4 years protecting their narrative instead of vetting a better candidate. 2016 again. Then they yell at the youth for not showing up when they serve them a hot shit sandwich of a choice. Biden's team has done well for the past four and I thank him for that, but forming coherent statements is an entry level requirement that he couldn't pass with America as the audience.


Yep. Its like they forget that at the end of the day, the president is a politician. Yes, he has to be a good chief executive, but its the appointees and their agencies that do most of the work. Above all else, the president has to be able to clearly communicate their vision and sell their accomplishments so they can win and keep their party in control of the levers of power. Biden and his team have those accomplishments, but he is poor at selling them, making him a poor choice for the job. I just wish it could have been seen 4 years ago when Clyburn and other insiders pushed him into the party nomination after some early struggles. *Of course* he was going to be the candidate in 2024. Incumbents almost always are. Those insiders set this in motion 4 years ago.


You do know that primary turnout was extremely low and the youth didn’t turn out when the hot shit sandwich menu was decided either.


Prop up a palatable candidate. The issue is party.




Sadly, they're going to have to go with a white man to pull the republican voters who want to jump ship on Trump, and they need someone less of a cop to pull back Gen z. And I say this regretfully, as a queer woman. It would probably have to be Gavin or Pete. Polis out of Colorado could be an amazing candidate, but he needs more runway and he wants to wait until his kids are older. Even Fox News likes him. And he's gay and in his 40's. And he shit posts on reddit.


Someone please enlighten me why Harris isn’t the definition of absolute status quo lawyer/prosecutor, business as usual, centrist. 


She’s literally the only one that polls worse than Biden the party knows she’s so hated


The funniest comment on the debate is from Jon Stewart on Biden’s facial expressions “a lot of people have resting 25th amendment face”. I had to look up 25th amendment because I’m not American


She has to step away too.


i actually work at a bar that gets a wide demo of people the reality is undecideds are more undecided after biden’s performance and now that no one knows if he will actually be the nomineee…it’s not inspiring confidence, people neither is biden as a candidate, though


Just throwing this out there. I don't hate on or dislike VP Harris, but maybe we should consider a Truman moment where we consider another VP candidate as a more favorable VP alternative. This may be due to the need to draw a few more votes and also allay any fears about any risk of a future sickness or loss involving President Biden in his later years of the term ahead(??).


Isn't it wild that the candidate who couldn't crack 3% support before could now be the nominee




Kamela allowed herself to be such a passive VP. I'm disappointed in her. I liked her primary run, but she seems much deflated comparatively.


Lmao if she’s on the ballot then let’s just go ahead and congratulate Trump. She ain’t winning it shit.


I vote for Biden. Not for Harris. I’d never vote for her.


Lol. These articles are so silly. You saw what happened when they tried to put a woman up last time. A woman of color? No way in hell would she win in a general election v. Trump. This country will not do that, and we've only gone backward since Hilary.


I have absolutely no confidence in her ability to win against Trump with Biden not even polling positively. I want Trump not to win. I don't want us to decide it's someone's "turn" again like we tried with Hillary. Get legitimate candidates (her included) , let us decide.


HARD PASS. She should’ve been AG instead of that toothless loser do nothing.


I’m calling it now. Biden will step down soon. The sharks are circling and stories are being leaked by the potential candidates. They know it’s coming.


Man. I just watched the debate, and for an old, sick, stutterer, Joe seemed more or less mentally competent. He just needed to attack trump directly, and not be so soft spoken 🤷‍♂️


Is it too crazy to replace Harris with another VP? It may help the people on the fence with the question of Biden being too old.


IMO, they either have to move Harris up or out. Putting someone else in as the Presidential nominee and leaving her as a VP candidate would be perceived as an insult. I don't think she's a viable Presidential candidate. I think she's capable of doing the job but I don't think people *want* her to do the job. I'm hoping there's some behind-the-scenes horse-trading going on, offering her some other position of influence. Harris herself, unless she's blinded by Presidential fever, should realize her prospects of winning an election are bleak, even against someone as bad as Trump.


Bidens chances would probably double with a different VP.


The Democratic Party has been in a sad shape for years, but this is just getting pathetic, and is exactly why some people vote for Trump. The party is about as impotent as Biden, and Americans do not want to be a part of something they see as fruitless. This is where saying "I'd rather have safe and boring" (as opposed to promoting a different, younger, BETTER Left candidate) comes to bite you in the butt.


She won’t win against Trump either! GOP are evil shameless swindlers. The Democrats are just fucking stupid pussies. We are fucked.


I think Joe should put out an ad where he restates all of the things he flubbed in the debate, explaining what he intended to say, and what was going through his mind at the moment, while showing the clips and owning the fumbles with a sense of humor, all while being honest, upfront, and direct about the stutter he overcame as a kid, and how it sometimes still trips him up. President Obama had a moment in 2008, after being dogged by comments his pastor said in church, where he just hit it head on in an honest and upfront way and treated America like adults who could understand what he meant. I was already a fan of his, but that was *the* moment that sealed it that I wanted him as our President. President Biden should use this as an opportunity to talk with emapthy, which is his superpower.


In this world of social media, I don't see how this hasn't been done already. Make a YouTube vid and let it make the rounds. 


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Harris has been doing a great job of talking about Dobbs and further threats to our rights. Honestly, I'm glad it's a Democratic woman making that case--and that she's at the top of the party and government.


Word Salad. That’s all I think about when I see her name :)


Yeah she I'd


What about the criminal convicted of 34 felonies?


Still, she’s better than Trump


What accomplishments has she had during her 3.5 years in the office she’s been backing up? It’s not like Biden just got ‘old’ in the last few months. Let’s read some accomplishments and things she’s involved in.


I still have my FEARLESS hat, and I’ll break it out again if needed.


Biden did bad, but Trump did not do better. They both have glaring problems when it comes to the debate format. Biden struggles to be quick on his feet and counter the dozens of lies and bullshit statements Trump makes. Trump can't stay on topic, can't answer basic questions, and paints a wildly unrealistic picture of America to fool fear-stricken people into voting for him.


Hard to swallow this one


As I have said many times before and likely many thousands of times until November, One candidate has a strong, capable and competent Vice President, the other tried to have his Vice President hanged for doing his job.