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The silver lining of that debate performance is that it might actually scare some people back to the ballot box.


That’s the hope out of all of this I guess, that people are so against going back to Trump that they’ll vote out of necessity to prevent it.




Thank the DNC, once again. They fucked you.


The DNC didn't pick the nominee. Joe Biden won 87% of primary voters. They had an alternative. An ordinary sitting congressman, age 55, with no scandals, put his name forward. He didn't gain traction. Nikki Haley got a larger proportion of votes in the Republican primaries. Don't ask me why. Ask primary voters.


We have been shouting for years that Dem leadership is too old and they need to start grooming the up and coming leaders to take over. But nope. They just keep pushing old and decrepit, proving we have to take the power from their cold dead fingers.


They had a whole primary about this 4 years ago. Biden won. If the people wanted younger representation then they should have voted for it.


DNC and grooming are two words that really should be avoided. Generations of GQP psyops has made that a very bad expression. But yes, in general anyone over 50 should seriously be looking at stepping down over there. Worked for JFK back in the day when the young hipster went up against the old farts


We had that with Obama more recently in 2008.


Why are democrats so unwilling to accept blame? If their candidate doesn't perform well, instead of blaming themselves for choosing the wrong candidate, they blame the DNC. "I couldn't vote for someone who chose not to enter the race so I blame an organization of corporate overlords that are killing democracy." Wth


>If their candidate doesn't perform well, instead of blaming themselves for choosing the wrong candidate, they blame the DNC. The cope is that "Well, if it wasn't for the DNC, the progressive would have *obviously* won the primaries, and they didn't, therefore there must have been shenanigans..." Nobody wants a "progressive" option more than me. But I live in reality and know that a lot of shit *I* think sounds good scares the dogshit out of a **lot** of middle America, so the fact that "my guys" have some difficulty winning for the most part doesn't necessarily shock me.


That's the [theory I'm working with.](https://x.com/SethAbramson/status/1806895493282230419) >I’ll tell you what the debate did: it woke up a hell of a lot of Democrats to the fact that America is on its last legs and our democracy is on the line in 120 days. >I felt like, before yesterday, a lot of folks were f*cking around on this election. No more. There is energy now.


Yeah if there’s any silver lining it’s this. Motivating people with fear. I would never recommend this strategy but you have to play the hand you’re dealt. If Biden can do well at the next debate, come out strong and maybe drink some fucking water, this could end up being a footnote. We can only hope for democracy’s sake 


> Motivating people with fear. I would never recommend this strategy Meanwhile, it is *literally the only reason* Republicans have won any election for any race, at any level, in at least the last 40 years.


It's the only motivator to which American voters really seem to respond. Help others? Help ourselves? Ridiculous...Oh someone's going to *take something away from me that I like?* suddenly we're semi-motivated! (I include myself in this unflattering characterization.)


It’s natural though. Human are motivated more by aversion to loss than by prospect of gain.


Machiavelli still stands true.


Why not recommend this strategy? It’s literally the only strategy the modern GOP has ever used and it’s worked just fine for them.


Hope is a more lasting motivator though. Constantly voting out of fear is exhausting.


Brain chemistry differences, I believe there were some preliminary studies done that people who tended to lean-conservative responded 'better' to fear as a motivator.


I heard conspiracy theorist said Biden was going to be on drugs for the debate. Honestly, he should listen to them and take some drugs to get him fired up for the next debate.


He was on NyQuil


Yeah I didn’t care if he took drugs before the debate but I didn’t realize they meant horse tranquilizers 


Why would trump bother with a second debate? And if Biden stuffs it up he 100% loses. He’d have to be 100% sure he isn’t going to bottle it again.


Completely agreed. Trump will not agree to another debate unless he starts to see himself sink in swing states. Otherwise he has everything to lose and nothing to gain by agreeing to a second debate.


You’re assuming Trump is intelligent and politically savvy but we all know the only thing convicted felon Trump loves more than himself is the sound of his own voice. Even better if he walks in thinking it’ll be a repeat of the last debate.


I would be surprised if there’s another debate. If I were Trump, I certainly wouldn’t agree to it.


Needs a cocaine enema. Do it for your country gary


As a European we are watching carefully as well. Note that there is more at stake than the US democracy! Your votes will have more impact on world order than ever. Don’t screw up! (We have some homework pending here as well obviously)


Seriously! My grandparents were Germans who fled the war and now I’m here in Berlin by wondering if I’ll need to do the same soon. Americans don’t seem to understand how important it is to elect someone who isn’t in bed with dictators. Forget his awful personality or his felony convictions or his indictments or his shitty handling of the pandemic. Nevermind empowering sovereign citizens, nazis, and enabling a civil war. We’re poised to do much, much worse this time. We’re talking about leaving NATO at the most pivotal moment, withdrawing support for the stability of Europe. Adding force to a genocide and making Middle East tensions even worse for another few generations. And what happens when Kim decides he’s ready for expansion?


I do feel like Biden really played into the argument that he's a sleepy low energy old man, and that's not going to help him. But I also think that there were a lot of moderate, independent, fence-sitting voters who spent the last 4 years forgetting who Donald Trump was who got reminded just exactly who he is. In terms of Trump's base vs Biden's base things did not go well for Joe. But I think in terms of people who don't follow politics and don't want to follow politics, they'll take boring over insane.


They’ll stay home.


It doesn't have to be that way. The fact that two senior citizens are what we have to choose from is sad. 


I typically make a small monthly contribution to the Democratic Party, but yesterday I made my first large donation in a while because this weekend filled me with a seething, boiling rage at how everyone on the left seems to give up and decide we're doomed and it's all over when faced with even the slightest resistance. *Fight*, you damn cowards.


Seriously. I got so enraged at the weakness from the left. The right wing is full of loony conspiracy theories from Facebook, but they fight hard for the dumb things they want. The left on the other hand...they scoff but don't fight back. I'm hoping a lot of us feel that way and put our foot down at this weakness.


These people act like you can be flaky in politics. Republicans have gotten their agenda through the Supreme Court because they have been patient and showed up every election cycle. Meanwhile they left Obama high and dry in 2010 and 2014, and Hillary in 2016. Then they get all mad that “Dems are ineffective and can’t stop republicans!!1!” 🙄


I've been depressed with all the media after the debates. Then my mom called today and said she's voting for Kennedy..... I just went to $250 monthly donations. Something tells me I'll be upping that before the elections.


It’s not just money that matters. Activation at the local level to increase voter registration and turnout is what will matter. Dems seem to be lacking on this front.


I'm in a deep red state, but I'll look into it. Gotta start at the start, right?


Likewise. And yes, phone bank from your red state into any/all swing states. Act like we have everything to lose….. b/c we do.


Kennedy ? Good god


This is what I keep saying. "He's too old" was starting to give me the same "here's why I'm not voting for Hillary" vibes of smug liberal apathy towards the political process that got us into this mess in the first place. I think a lot of people who were sighing going into this debate because "it's these two assholes again" just got a huge dose of reality.


I think it gave those vibes *until the debate*, but afterwards the mainstream media went so hard on it, that even the least informed voters are starting to notice that it is used as a thought terminating cliché. With little luck, by November it will be seen less like "But Her Emails" was in November 2016, but more like "But Her Emails" in 2017.


If the average person wakes up to the media carrying water for the Republicans by using their preapproved smears ad nauseam for years, it'll be a new dawn for America. Holy fucking shit has that strategy done so much work for the GOP, and it's so fucking obvious if you're paying attention that that's what's happening. Biden is old has been in the media for more than half a decade now, and unlike Clinton's emails there's no FBI saying 'yup he's old lock him up.' Guess what, GOP, a lot of the electorate is old, too. And those people pay attention and vote. So when your candidate, who is just as old, goes on stage spouting nothing but madness and lies, and you smear the shit out of his opponent for being old, people pay attention. And that might just make them a little bit angry.


I think we live in fucking lala universe now. Biden has best 3 day grassroots fundraising haul after an abysmal debate. Trump has best fundraising period immediately after becoming a convicted felon. I think each side is so determined to beat the other, they’ll just donate as soon as they think they’re at a disadvantage.


Hell, I am donating every two weeks when I get my paychecks. Just skip eating out till the end of the election.


That is grim.


10/10 mental gymnastics


That’s a good point actually. Nobody should *ever* assume an election is a lock. We all need to vote. I know it gets annoying reading over and fuckin over, but this shit is serious.


To the ballot box to vote for Trump maybe.


I've never donated money to a presidential campaign before a few days ago. Seeing Trump do his bullshit reminded me how nice it's been not hearing him every day online or the news. It'll be even worse if he wins again. 


I hope so, but let’s not forget Trump absolutely raked it in after his guilty verdict.


come on everyone, get real, everyone in the thread voting for Biden will still vote for him no matter what the outcome of the debate was


Bidens old, Trump is a tyrant. I’d rather old


Trump is a tyrant and also old. The dude is also in cognitive decline and he was already a lunatic.


And definitely on speed for the debate.


I’m not thrilled that we’re viewing the leader of the Democratic Party, a party which receives massive amounts of money from Corporations hellbent on profit, and countries with bad intentions, as a toddy old man. The US government is still the most powerful entity on the planet, and I think it does us a disservice to think of them as anything but a machine that cannot stop and doesn’t care about its populace beyond the votes they generate them. But fuck trump and the Republicans, they’re everything bad about the Democratic Party but they picked fear tactics and social lies to run their platform on. I pity the voters this winter.


It’s going to be Biden and trump with the unhinged trump cult and this Supreme Court what’s there to think about? still gotta vote for Biden sorry I know it’s a shitty situation


Biden could die and I'd still vote for the Biden/Harris ticket. There's a reason vice presidents exist.


Thank you ! I’m not really one to buy in to the Russia / conservative bot farms , but some of these comments are too much I’m noticing a common term “he’s toast” which is a little suspicious


Oh it's astroturfing season on Reddit for sure.


This sub is infested by bots, it's part of why you constantly see 0 upvote fox or newsweek articles spamming your feed. I blocked *one* account posting them and it instantly went down by a solid 90%.


Whitney is has come up a lot in the are few days as a Biden replacement. Either a lot of people just discovered her or the bot farms are targeting her to splinter the DNC. It’s all moot because she’s said she isn’t planning to run.


Harris vs Trump - easy choice. Anyone vs Trump - easy choice.


The party really does matter more than the person in this instance. 


and, you know, the administration


Donald Trump admitted to knowing about Putins desire to invade Ukraine while he was president, and that they had spoken about it. Do you really think Trump told Putin not to invade? Of course he didn’t, probably encouraged it. As hard as it is with Biden and his age, don’t vote for him. Vote for Supreme Court Nominations. Vote for democracy and staying allies with our friends abroad who share our values. Vote for the guy who isn’t a serial liar, racist, and rapist. It should be an easy decision. The old guy who verbally fumbles but does the right thing for people, or the old asshole scumbag who’s literally a goddamn traitor to this country and tried to overturn the last election, who gave away state secrets to the Saudis and Russians, who calls veterans and POWs losers and suckers. It should be a goddamn easy choice.


Trump probably asked Putin to not do it while he’s president. Would make him look bad and all. Not just an easy choice. Shouldn’t even be a choice.


I think if Trump won a second term in 2020, Putin still would’ve done it and had an easier time because Trump would’ve handicapped NATO. Putin did it afterwards in his haphazard way because he needed to move the timeline up with Biden as President. Couldn’t take his sweet time anymore.


I wholeheartedly believe Putin was ready to invade in 2020 but held off due to Covid.


Pair his admission of knowing about Putin's desire to invade Ukraine with the 'quid pro quo' call that got him his first impeachment...he was willing to withhold weapons from Ukraine and he knew the danger they were in? Trump pulling troops out of Syria is so damning too, he just magically paved the way for Putin.


Just remember guys, even if you don’t like Biden, vote SCOTUS not POTUS


I mean, that's more than what he raised the last time in 2020, with those figures being around $31 million.


So it’s less with inflation.


I get what your saying but also that mean more gross money was given than last year at a time when it’s harder to donate bc of inflation.


Lets not forgot that 2020 wasn't easy for donors either, covid basically shut down the global economy


Not really how inflation works.


31 million dollars in 2020 would give you the same purchasing power as about 37.6 million today


Monetary inflation and price inflation are two different things. We've been seeing price inflation, not monetary inflation. Money is tighter, people have less to spare. Giving more is still giving more.


Listen, I like both candidates, I just think we need someone older.


I mean Carter is technically still alive and has only served one term so he's legally able. 


That would be absolutely legendary


Bag of Dust 2024!


I saw this tweet too!


And this reply on like every post, it’s really not original or funny anymore


I’ve never seen either of those comments in the wild before, and am now starting to wonder if this is also a copypasta reply.


If you’re talking about my comment then I don’t blame you but I can assume you it’s human. I think the original comment was originally a tweet then everyone (a lot of people) started using that comment as a way to gain upvotes and be “original”


Carter could always come back for his second term!


Let's dig up Reagan and swear him in :/


Hear me out. Jimmy Carter can run for a second term.


That reminds me, need to donate to Biden’s campaign. Thanks!


Spend it all on 5 Hour Energy drinks.


Get this man the highest quality Adderall money can buy 


I was thinking of assisted living care but ok.


The presidency is assisted living care. The best in the nation.


Well it’s no wonder they’re not dropping out of the race!


Biden seemed old and there was some real gibberish, but I think OVERALL Trump’s lying and speech was less coherent and absolutely bullshit fucking insane stupid. The small group on the fence maybe didn’t like insanity. But also democrats might be thinking oh god we gotta help this old dude beat the devil.


I'm going to vote for him, but maybe a little more exposure to his successor would be nice. I honestly don't get where people get off saying they hate Kamala Harris. What grievance could you possibly have with her that you don't already have with Biden?


I was literally nauseated by his debate performance. My response was to send the campaign money immediately. Glad I wasn’t the only one.


come on everyone, get real, everyone in the thread voting for Biden will still vote for him no matter what the outcome of the debate was


Reminder: while fundraising and campaign spending is important it is not determinative. If it was bush would've lost in 2004, and Clinton would've won in 2016. Not to mention, Biden would've done wayyyyyyyyyyyyy better in 2020. So I don't really think this is a great metric to look at. (Source: [presidential campaign spending since 1985](https://www.statista.com/statistics/198183/total-disbursements-for-us-presidential-campaign-financing-since-1979/))


So much wasted money. This should be taxpayer funded and candidates given set amounts. Money in politics is fucking this country.


That's why y'all need to be volunteering if you aren't already. Money for the campaign is good, but there's a lot of opportunities you can get in on if you want to do your part before you cast your ballot. You can even volunteer from home if you're an introvert.


I believe that there should be a second debate. Biden has to force it and call Trump out. Biden has to at least make a better impression. He does not need to win to restore confidence in his candidacy. It is really the only hope that the party has. 


There IS a second debate, in September.


Yah but who knows if Trump will keep it 😭 I mean he refused to debate at all in the primaries, imo he should worry that even if Biden does just as bad by then the news will be used to it and end up spending more time on his lies


Imagine if he calls out Trump for a second debate and then shows up with the same performance. If not already that would definetely be nail in the coffin. 


As Donald has said, he’s “been preparing for all of [his] life” to spew lie after lie.


Nah, he can only improve on the last performance.


Oh he can get much worse in the next 2 months before the debate.


We all know people in their 80’s only get better as time passes.


Trump has no reason to debate again. Biden dug his grave and is laying in it, why would Trump toss him a ladder? Trump's a master of delay and lieing.


Trump already agreed to second debate when he agreed to this one. It's in September. Smart advice might be to skip it, since the tables could be turned. Most likely Trump walks away from this one thinking he's superman, so he definitely shows up to debate #2. However, debates have never had much impact on the outcome of the election. Hilary won all 3 of her debates with Trump. Obama lost his debates with Romney.


Other than dooming from democrats, there hasn't been any actual indicators that Trump 'won' that debate, so I'd say if he refuses another one it ends up hurting him and making him look weak.


The entire point of the debate was to show that Biden isn’t too old. It was to energize non voters, not those that will vote for him regardless like you. Debates are big shows, some of the very few things non voters and those that are generally not interested in politics might watch. They got a bad first impression and that’s all Trump needs. He won’t debate again


I’m interested in politics and barely watched it, please explain what makes you think people who don’t vote and are not interested watched it.


They didn’t, they see the clips on social media and that’s enough tbh. I agree Biden needs the next debate more than Trump does. Still voting for Biden regardless.


> they see the clips on social media and that’s enough tbh If anything that's worse, as it's becoming clearer and clearer in the last 5-10 years that incumbency is a net negative on influencer media, as it's much easier to get outrage and engagement from viewers if your content is critical of what someone is doing wrong. People who get their news on Tik Tok are unlikely to even see Trump's performance at the debate at all.


They'll absolutely see Trump's performance. They'll see clips of Biden slurring, then Trump saying "I really don't know what he said, I don't think he knows what he said either" and then a cut back to Biden's open-mouthed faraway stare. I cannot believe people are still trying to spin the debate as though it wasn't that bad for Biden or not that many people will see it or whatever.


This. That clip ending with “I beat Medicare” is all over social media.


Because it was a highly publicized media event with multiple news stations covering it and talking about it after the fact. Even if you or anyone else did not watch the debate itself, chances are you saw on the news, tiktok, or elsewhere Joe's thousand yard stare and heard his slips when talking about abortion and beating Medicare.


Polls following the debate were far worse for Biden than for Trump and showed that more people thought Trump did better. Not that he did well or that they liked his answers or anything of the sort, but that he did better than Biden, which is a low bar. It's delusional to think that Trump didn't win the debate. I fucking hate the guy, I would much rather have Biden, but Trump did far better. His "firehose of lies" strategy meant that he was able to pivot away from any question he didn't want to answer and instead flood the field with bullshit that Biden accepted the bait and tried to respond to by slurring and whispering through. Other than the lying, that's a valid debate strategy. It's why policy debaters talk so fast. You introduce so many points that the other side has to spend their entire allotted time responding that they can't make an argument of their own. Not that Biden seemed to have much of his own arguments to make.


The only hope is that he drops out. Beyond that, the chances of beating Trump are zero.


I don't fucking care if Biden stood there silent for 2 hrs. The future of this country is what I care about. His opponent is a convicted felon, and a fascist dictator that wants to destroy the country even more than last time he was in office, and he managed to kill 1 million Americans with his braindead ideas on how to stop covid.


How does the amount of money raised by Biden compare to the amount of interest accrued in the same time frame on payments owed by Trump due to penalties in his various convictions and whatnots?


I fucking hate the reporting that 'compares' Biden's haul since the debate to Trump's haul for just debate night. Give me apples to apples! Glad people are enthusiastically contributing to the candidate that's not a criminal.


Something I've been thinking about that I haven't heard the talking heads discussing: Have we given any thought to the President's mental health? Aside from having the most demanding job in the world, he's had a rough month. It started with the anniversary of his late son's death. His other son was put through a trial that should've never happened. And then he found out his only living son will be going to prison, possibly for the rest of the president's life. That's a lot for anyone to go through. And he can't just call in a mental health day or week, as most of us would if we were going through all this. The guy could very well be somewhat depressed right now. And I wouldn't blame him. He is a human being, after all.


Biden isn't even allowed to have a cold and a dry throat, so I highly doubt anyone cares about his mental health. He has never been able to catch a break from either side, even though he has been a pretty good president, especially considering what he came into. I really hope he is doing ok. I actually like him and still have confidence that he can beat Trump. This sub is extremely suffocating with their glooming and dooming right now. Thankfully, I don't get this vibe at all outside of Reddit.


A cold lol


Agree—but tbh I think he might feel healthier running than not running 😭😭 this dude is honestly fighting for his freedom atp. Trump basically said during the debate he would try to charge Biden with a crime if he wins—he said “you could be a convicted felon when you leave office!” I have no doubt Trump would do literally whatever to get Biden in jail, and with the number of judges he appointed he might be successful 😭 ik Biden would hate to spend his next however many years in prison lmao




I had this thought but its also crazy. I don’t know what to believe. He seemed much better at the Waffle House and that was the same night


Inject the copium straight into my veins.


The debate made it clear that Biden needs our help. And it exposed Trump for being detached from reality.


Both parties need new candidates!


VOTE in every election, no matter how small.


Maybe these new candidates should win a majority of the vote. Whoopsie!


Hardcore Trump-humpers *want* Project 2025.


Is this a lot? How does this compare to what he was pulling in already vs. what was expected? Anyone know?


Bahaha! Not bad Bad Joe!


Gotta love America. Funding and money is everything. Fuck policy.


Compared to how much for the GQP? That's the real headline. Did Biden out-raise?


Trump the felon Project 2025 Project 27 Project Blitz (now called) - Freedom for All Active design to take over the United States through corrupt acts from dark money stakeholders (Christian nationalists) using religion as a front to destroy democracy. 2025 is not the only 1


*Titanic hits iceberg* Capt. Smith: “We need your support! Now, more than ever!”


Damage control is expensive


Dead cat bounce, unfortunately the democrats have no viable replacement candidates. It is Biden or a landslide loss in November 


i hope they are trying to build a Fountain of Youth for Biden


Trump’s old ass can use a tall glass.


People sent money to Haiti after the earthquake.


Lot of Russian bots and Bernie bros smearing Biden recently: really pathetic. Bernie Bros and Russians are just pathetic losers. Biden will win re-election easily.


> Biden will win re-election easily. < facepalm >


Can’t tell if this is a bot or a Uvalde police officer. 


Are we still using the term Bernie Bros when Bernie has stumped for Hillary and Joe now? Stop using his name as an insult. I know the type of person you’re describing but just say contrarian.


There are plenty of real people criticizing Biden. I’m sorry if you find that inconvenient.


I'm trying to get to know some real people and learn their stories if you'd like to share a little about your political journey. Like, I'm curious what happened 9 days ago that inspired you to create this account to mostly just trash Biden?


Yeah, if no one has noticed Reddit is so astrotrufed right now it’s ridiculous. I saw people talking about the debate result on a fuckin awww thread. If anyone thinks this “Biden needs to step aside” is actually this huge thing on redddit I have a bridge to sell you. The only other democrat that would have ANY chance of getting enough recognition with the electorate is Harris, and she is **not** the one we want to be running.


Lol, touché


Everyone I disagree with is a bot


> Biden will win re-election easily. a representative wouldn't have just come out and said they were having real conversations about Bidens viability if he "wins easily"


And they are swarming all over this comment


This paranoia and delusion is why Hillary lost in 2016 and I’m sure you’ll be disappointed the same way when it doesn’t go the way you want in November. Biden fucked up. It’s time to replace him


People said Hillary would easily win in 2016. Trump came within thousands of votes of winning in 2020 out of the ~155 million votes cast. 2024 is a coin toss at this point.


Um yeah I donated at 7:00pm when the ACT Blue text message were received right before that mess of a debate.


How is that possible he did so bad ( i think he did decent) but regradless that crazy keep it up.💙💙💙👏👏👏👏


The extended election cycles in America are merely a scheme to funnel hundreds of millions of dollars to advertisers, news media, and myriad of consultancies that only exist to accept these funds. Why can’t we just decide that we want to subsidize this sort of make work garbage and stop the pretense that pollsters are real people?


I have a suspicion. Look at the front page of /r/politics and it's solid Trump and some apologies for the debate performance. It's *anti* Trump but it's still about Trump. And fear isn't how Democrats fight. What don't I see? That Biden and Harris' Democratic government... * [Wrangled support for Ukraine past Republicans who wanted to appease Putin](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-68874906) * championed green energy and jobs therein and made green energy the second largest power source in the US behind natural gas. And they intend to expand on that. * [Rolled out student debt forgiveness to free 30 million Americans to find the fortune for which they worked and educated themselves](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/04/08/president-joe-biden-outlines-new-plans-to-deliver-student-debt-relief-to-over-30-million-americans-under-the-biden-harris-administration/) * [Reached across the aisle to develop a border bill *despite* obstructionism from the Right](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-reaches-out-republican-leaders-support-border-bill-2024-05-21/) * [Reduced dependence on Chinese manufacturing by bringing silicon manufacturing back inside US borders, creating jobs and pumping revenue back into the US economy instead of sending it abroad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CHIPS_and_Science_Act) This shit is getting done *because* of Biden and *despite* Republican kowtowing to Russian election interference and propaganda. We talk too much about the Republican party candidate; I get it, he's fun to attack, he's the junk food of political debate. But it's a disservice to Biden not to cheerlead the very real and very significant accomplishments of his government over the last four years. I've probably missed some; I'd be grateful if anyone feels like filling in their favourites.


Very nice


Gonna have to do better than that