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If they’re going to “weather this storm” they’re going to need to do something besides just waiting for it to blow over naturally. Those independents are not going to just come back on their own.


If he's able to continue then he needs to go on Network prime time television and do live interviews. He needs to show people that the debate was just a one off. Yes, he's still is going to stutter and get words mixed up, that's already baked in, but he can't get confused like did at the debate. This is of course if he can continue. If he can't then he needs to get the hell out of the race. 


It’s going to be more worrying if he’s not doing more TV appearances in the next few weeks. The campaign knows they need to rebuild his image as anything other than Old Man Biden. But if he keeps away from unscripted appearances, it’s just going to fuel the speculation that his debate showing was more common than they would like to admit.


He can’t do prime time TV spots because he’s sundowning. They literally said he’s good between 10am and 4pm.


So...the most powerful man in the world is out of commission between 5pm and 9am? When the rest of the world is ya know...not on the same schedule/time-zone and having their days and mornings while the president of the United States is out of commission and NONE of you see the problem here? The president needs to be prepared at any moment day or night to make tough choices in the matter of seconds to minutes and ours is just wandering the gardens while sundowning, and THEY admit to this? What fucking timeline is this??? He needs to step down. *We* deserve that.


I voted for Biden - and will again - but it’s why he’s never done a prime time Oval Office speech. Only prime time speech he’s done as President is the SOTU.


So why didn’t he sundown then? Was it just luck?


Well then a vote for Biden is a vote for Kamala, because Joe might just have the decency to stand down- which Trump would never do. And do we even know what greater horror Trump will announce as his VP? Remembering that this person is not being selected to be a coworker or a backup plan, but to be an assassin deterrent.


The sooner Biden drops out the better. I actually think Joe is noble enough to dropout and help save America.


He should have declared himself a one term president 4 years ago and let a new candidate emerge over his presidency, now it is too late


He did, then apparently changed his mind


Maybe he forgot...


So did most of this sub. Just like the VP pick was a bad idea if something happens to him. A shit sandwich was made and some people are going to have to take a bite.


He did, he just didn't follow through


it's not too late. I still have nightmares about when Biden went from talking about abortion to the woman who was killed by an undocumented immigrant. I don't know anyone who is "Biden or Die."


>I don't know anyone who is "Biden or Die." No, but he can get enough votes to win. Some want to replace Biden with Newsom. Some want Harris. Some want Buttigieg. Some want Whitmer. No matter what, without primaries, people will feel cheated if it's not the person *they wanted*. Replacing 4 months before elections is a guaranteed losing strategy.


He literally said he was a transitional President and then decided he was the only one who could beat Trump


Newsom was obviously gearing up for a run in 2022 or so and then was like “wait what? Oh-kay…”


Except I don’t think he can do that, if he goes live he’s going to perform about as well as he did during the debate. I don’t think for Biden there’s any other choice except hoping to blows over.


Also the storm is caused by something that cant be fixed and will never go away


It doesn't just not go away. It degenerates. Biden now is the best he'll ever be. Biden tomorrow will be worse.


That's really the thing: This isn't a matter of who Biden is right now. Biden right now is stumbling but could probably still do the job; the problem is what happens in 1-2 years? Cognitive decline is a very steep slope. Which means in effect, we aren't voting for Biden, we are voting for his VP who will quite probably serve the remainder of his term under the 25th amendment. And his VP is Kamala Harris; who has probably been one of the most do-nothing, barely heard of and deeply unpopular vice presidencies. She is *literally* the most unpopular vice president since they *started keeping track of the popularity of vice presidents*. Frankly? He could go a long way to reassure the American public by picking a progressive VP; a woman of color like Kamala to avoid the negative optics of replacing her but someone with a progressive voting record.


Biden needs to check out one of Bill Clinton’s favorite books, *The Denial of Death*


If judge sentences Trump on 7/11 to house arrest with ankle bracelet it’s game over his campaign is finished and Biden wins! Dems should at least wait till 7/12 before taking any action


These independents can also get absolutely fucked for thinking democrats vs nazi republicans still warrants an sorta of consideration


Thank you. The debate was obviously a disaster and I was in the camp Biden was too old in 2020. However if enough people can’t recognize the importance of keeping a fascist out of power because of a bad debate we’re fucked anyway


A clever campaign tactic. Tell them they are stupid for their opinions. Pretty much what Hillary did calling half the population deplorables. 


You can cry about strawman arguments or you can get to work and try to win the election…


Good one, Thats how you get people to change their mind, definitely not push them away.


>These independents can also get absolutely fucked You need them to win an election. You don’t want them? The other party will gladly pick them up, and then democrats will be the most noble and righteous losers come November.


Nor is a significant number of deep blue voters.


Exactly. We aren't. We are already pissed about being left out bcuz of the [banned R-word] two party electoral system that leaves independents without a voice. Winner take all voting is flat out evil. Ranked voting NEEDS to be implemented. Democrat voters would benefit most from this, but neither the democratic and republican PARTIES want this.


It seems that Dems in power who are around 50-60 are just waiting for all these folks to die.


It’s not independents. It’s much worse. We don’t have a national holiday to vote. 2 out of 70 people might just decide not to take off work or wait in line to vote for someone whose mind is gone.


Have you seen any actual indication that they’re leaving?




70% of voters were worried about Biden’s age BEFORE the debate.


No one lost independents. The post-debate polling actually suggests a Biden bump, but we need a few more days to see. Monday the Supreme Court will make this story seem like nothing and then Biden can rectify a problem mostly created by a hysterical media that wants Trump to win.


The same allies who specified all the debate rules and prepped for months and failed? ok


Everyone responsible for that debate strategy should be exiled from politics forever. It was clearly too much for him (especially directly next to the shit throwing baboon on the other side). It would have been so simple... have him ignore Trump (trusting surrogates and social media to do the rebuttals) AND have him speak largely about optimistic generalities for the country (largely regardless of the question asked). It would NOT have been awesome... but there would have been virtually no negative outcomes and he probably comes out looking good in contrast. I'm just an idiot on reddit. How the fuck did people working with the campaign daily and working on prep for weeks (or longer) not come to this REALLY OBVIOUS conclusion?


They should have set up a website where people could go to read whatever lies Trump said along with information debunking them. Biden could have shouted that out at the beginning of the debate and then he could have ignored anything Trump said.


By all means, quickly counter and laugh off the more egregious lies like after birth abortions, but then continue to be the steady, sane voice in the room. Instead he got suckered into arguing about who is better at golf when all he had to say was something like “yes, I hear you win all of your own golf tournaments at Mar-a-Lago. Very impressive.” and move on.


If the man can’t navigate these debates for himself then that says something.


Literally have him just respond to Trump by saying it’s mularkey and then say some canned campaign response highlighting some bill he signed.


He seemed to have DOZENS of statistics and policy specifics they wanted him to rattle off. That shit NEVER works in a debate... and you were dumping this on the old guy who stutters and was always a pretty bad speaker?


The level of coping is intense in this subreddit


I think both things are true… the concerns of his fitness to lead the next 4.5 years are warranted, but he’s also the best chance of winning / Newsom or Harris could lose to Trump…. They are stuck and have to move forwards with him, as the alternative is fukn Donald


Oh well if his top allies say so


Yea…they will only publicly support him until he actually drops out.


And then *insert name here* will be the best chance to beat Trump.


Unless Biden stays in after all—then he’s the definitely the best chance probably.


Literally anyone else could beat Trump. Honestly if either party nominated someone new, they would clean up


I too, look forward to reexperiencing Hillary's prideful loss.


Trump only needs to choose a VP that makes him look good. So far, the best person to do that is Joe Biden.


Savage lol


If you know anything about politics, it's pretty common sense that he's the best option. If you'd like a deeper summation regarding why, this explains it pretty well: https://spoutible.com/thread/32957585


That’s just open speculation, much of it not based in fact. The truth is very few voters participated in this year’s primaries because Biden had no serious challengers. That’s not the same as building trust. Four months is an eternity. General elections in the United Kingdom are often concluded within six weeks. Just because our election cycle is unusually long doesn’t mean it needs to be. Have you noticed how Trump hasn’t picked a VP and … nobody cares? In terms of fundraising, high-level donors have been among the strongest voices for replacing Biden. If you Google “Biden donor” right now you’ll see story after story about the Biden campaign trying to “calm nervous donors” after that catastrophic debate: Politico, BBC, Al Jazeera, Wall Street Journal, take your pick. Some donors are even going on the record, like Mark Cuban. But more to the point, Biden’s performance in that debate showed that he is not up to the task of effectively communicating to the American people. After (reportedly, per NYT, WaPo) months of preparation and rehearsals, Biden completely choked. He was not able to counter Trump’s innumerable lies, and he was not able to effectively defend his record—let alone articulate a vision of progressive leadership going into a second term. The question of why anyone should vote for Biden was left unanswered. Even more worryingly, he showed clear signs of cognitive decline. These symptoms, not at all uncommon at 81, are *extremely* recognizable to anyone who has had a parent or family member go through something similar. If this is indeed what we saw (and I want to emphasize that we don’t know for sure), it will not get better. The “bad days” will become more numerous, and they will become worse. In three years’ time, what if there is a national emergency? Do we really think Biden will be able to function effectively with no sleep for days on end—the way Kennedy did during the Cuban Missile Crisis? Put another way, on Friday the Supreme Court eliminated the Chevron deference. In terms of how the government functions, and especially how it carries out the kinds of changes the Biden administration is proudest of, it is an absolute earthquake. This puts many of Biden’s victories on things like climate, prescription drug prices, student loan relief, I could go on—into serious jeopardy. And in an era of congressional dysfunction and division, it also hampers so much of the progressive playbook going forward. And Biden said nothing. Amid all the post-debate chaos, Biden has once again shirked his duty to effectively communicate to the American people about something that will deeply impact their lives for decades to come. And while that is (somewhat) understandable given what’s happened, it represents yet another stark reminder that Biden is not equipped to do this.


running a senile braindead old man isn't "common sense" it's a fucking terrible decision, Biden should've made it well known he wasn't running for a second term, and they should've been campaigning someone else like Gavin Newsom this whole time. But after that absolute trainwreck of a debate where Biden couldnt string three coherent words together in a row, it's still not too late for him to step down and have the Left unite behind a candidate with a functioning brain. But they wont, and everyone will be so shocked-pikachu-face that this senile old man lost to Trump.


Best option now, supposedly, but his health could dip even further coming into the election. Remember that Biden is the same age as Mitch McConnell, who had to recently step down from Senate leadership because he started having standing seizures during press conferences. Old candidates are simply risky and it’s a shame America didn’t realize this until it’s too late.


I think most of America realized it long ago.


That person has no idea what they're talking about. "reprinting ballots" isn't an issue at all. No ballots have already been printed. The convention is when the pick is official and the ballots don't get printed until after that.


They don't seriously believe he isn't. You would have to be an absolute moron or completely have avoided any glimpse of history to think that replacing your candidate weeks before an election gives you a better chance.


If we were weeks away from the election I’d agree.  We are months away so it warrants the discussion.


Biden is a horrific candidate that's losing key swing states and has one of the worst approval ratings ever. The idea that you think he should still run after that debate is asinine, but these are the same arguments people used during the Clinton run and when Trump got elected the excuses flowed. Neo lIberals don't know when to cut the bullshit.


The fact that Trump has a very real shot of kicking off the christo-facist dystopia era of this country speaks to the incompetence of the democratic party. Biden should've had the foresight to step down and let a younger, better candidate take his place.


Yes but we can all agree if there is a second debate, there needs to be a change in strategy. Move away from the numbers, move towards feelings. Let him pull more off the cuff folksy shit.


HOW can he come across as folksy when HE CANT FINISH SENTENCES! You think it was the subject matter that got him? He looked awful Walking on the stage!


Even worse walking off stage. Dudes cooked, god bless.


Just go ahead and put him on the drugs, whatever it takes


Yes, more stories about his hairy legs. Lol


They're going to ride it all the way into the ground for a loss.


“Top Trump allies say he’s still the best to win against Biden” In other news, what does the word “allies” mean and what might we expect allies to say?


Brought to you by the same people who kept wheeling out Dianne feinsteins corpse to cast votes on the house floor


They're doing the same thing with Biden that they did with Feinstein, except Feinstein had full blown dementia to the point where she probably should've been into a nursing home rather than being wheeled out to the public. That, to this day, is the craziest shit I've ever seen in politics.


Buckle up...


Hell Republicans spent 4 years now making sure this election would be all about age and mental fitness. Replace Biden and suddenly all the age focused voters are looking at the 78 year old Trump.


Nobody voting for Trump gives a single shit about age. It's a weapon for them to use, just like everything else.


no but plenty of people who do care about age will just not vote at all


And all the people voting for Biden will continue to vote for the successor. I will vote for Biden or whichever nominee is put out against Trump. I'm not worried about anyone who was already voting Joe to switch to trump. That is asinine. But I'm worried about motivation. The people who won't take off work or stand in line for hours to vote is what scares me. To be fair, it scared me before Thursday but my fear is amplified.


Bingo. Everyone on here arguing against us saying to drop Biden need to understand we’re voting Biden or whoever tf the nominee is regardless. Where we’re worried about is the average voter who’s going to see a dozen ads with Biden struggling to put a sentence together, and say man, I’m not voting Trump, but how can I vote for Biden either?….and that’s how you lose an election.


And not only will Biden and the DNC be responsible for Trump's election, they will likely also cause a Republican congress because of low turnout among Dems. 


Not his base, but there are pliable independents and trump leaning voters that don’t like the guy and think he’s crazy. They just prefer crazy to incapable.




I agree that was disgraceful but the reason for that was republicans where going to prevent her replacement from taking over her committee assignments




At this point any candidate is younger than Biden.


That’s what we’re asking for…


Sorry, best we can do is an 81 year old.


86 year old at the end of his second term lol.


The old guard of the party barely developed any young prospects, declared them flawed, or didn't promote them at all. Now, the contender reserve bench is dangerously thin and almost everyone at the top is drawing SS and Medicare ::facepalm::


It's really difficult to defeat an incumbent within your own party. So it's not fair to blame the voters when decrepit politicians won't let go.


Dean Phillips learned that the hard way.


Jamaal Bowman might have something to say about that. It's hard unless the party leadership wants it to happen


Yep, and if the party leadership are themselves the decrepit politicians... well...


I’m legitimately impressed Biden’s team laundered one narrow election win over a massively unpopular incumbent against the backdrop of a generationally mismanaged disaster into “Joe Biden is the only candidate that can beat Donald Trump”


That's what kills me. He barely won in 2020 and there's zero indication he'll win in 2024. Even aside from the polls there's no logical reason to think he's got the best chance. To give such a sad, meager effort in one of the most important elections most of us will ever see is just beyond tragic.


Biden should've dropped out a year ago when his approval ratings were not improving. They could've easily said it was health related andreplace him and had a full year to prep for the presidency. Either Biden's ego or the DNC not giving a fuck has lead us to this situation where you have a wildly unpopular incumbent and a very real chance you lose the house. the senate, AND the Whitehouse all with a republican Supreme Court.


>Either Biden's ego or the DNC not giving a fuck Let's not forget all his advisors who lose their jobs if Biden wasn't running. And maybe Jill Biden likes being first Lady too much.


I’m honestly confused when and why Biden decided it was a good idea to run for re-election when 4 years ago even Biden know it was not a good idea when he announced he was going to be a 1 term president.


Tbf he never actually announced that. People just assumed he did because, well, surely he’d know running again was a terrible idea? (Apparently not)


He didn't say it explicitly, but he certainly suggested it by referring to himself as a "bridge".


But Ron Klain told me he dominated the 2020 election with the biggest vote count in history and swept aside a huge field of primary challengers. So much spin from the Biden camp it makes me sick.


It’s even more depressing when you consider that Biden quite possibly *is* the best chance right now. Replacing an encumbrance hurts your chances in an election, as does replacing your frontrunner so close to an election. There simply isn’t enough time to build a campaign to get enough momentum before November, and that’s horrifying. (Supposed to be incumbent, but I’ll leave the typo for comedy and posterity.)


4-5 months is actually plenty of time, especially since most people aren’t really paying attention until post-convention. Or would you rather wait until Biden falls apart again next month and replace him then?


I agree, Biden is an encumbrance.


I don't believe this, there is a lot of demand for change, both candidates are historically unpopular. The vast majority of people voting for Biden are voting against Trump, and will do so regardless of the candidate. A change will give whoever ends up the candidate a ton of coverage, which will blow any campaign out of the water. The idea that there is a huge block of Biden supporters that wouldn't support another candidate is insane to me. Biden is the least liked candidate ever, and looks more likely to not to lose. To me, taking a chance on him is far more dangerous than going with a wild move and changing candidates.


It’s less that there’s a large block of Biden supporters, so much as that 90% of what makes people vote is knowing the candidate. When all you hear is the name Biden, that’s the candidate people are familiar with. If you run somebody who hasn’t been in the public conscious to that degree, people tend to just go “Who is that?” and not vote. I wish it wasn’t the case, but the history of legislative branch and local elections show the power of voter apathy without candidate familiarity.


You really don't think the novelty of choosing a candidate at the convention wouldn't create a ton of interest in who they choose? It wound result in an insane amount of coverage and deep dives. Awareness would grow insanely quick. Maybe not to universal levels, but that could be more than countered purely on who they can attract from people that planned on not voting, or voting third party in protest to hating both candidates.


The mere fact that they’re the nominee will bring them into the public consciousness, FFS


Familiarity isn't a good thing when people associate you with a pseudo-recession and watched you stand by while rights have been stripped away. (Not saying people are right to blame him for either, but a lot of people are ignorant or just stone cold dumb and they still vote. Gotta play the hand you're dealt.)


One of the most important? I think you meant, "the LAST elections most of us will ever see".


He beat an incumbent president. How many times has that happened in US history?


Wow, he beat one of the most unpopular presidents in America history, right in the middle of that president badly mishandling a once-in-lifetime pandemic? I guess the only logical conclusion to come to is that Biden’s a strong candidate under all circumstances!


And he's gotten 4 years older. How many times in US history have we had a presidential candidate this old? He should pick his successor and hopefully all his supporters + more rally behind them. Can get a young candidate in that secures 8 strong years.


Other than Regan(who had dementia) and Rump(who might as well have dementia) Biden is currently 11 years older than any other president. FOUR MORE YEARS, FOUR MORE YEARS


Like 10 times. Trump, GW, Carter, Ford, Hoover, Taft and more I’d say Trump, Ford, and Hoover had some pretty incredible extenuating circumstances.


I too think my boss is no good. I don't say anything because I like getting paid.


Did we learn nothing from RBG?


Damn good point. Biden needs to channel LBJ not RBG PDQ.


As people get older they have trouble learning new facts, but can still parrot the old. So no, the people who matter learned nothing.


The *only thing* Biden has going for him is that he is not Trump. Every other candidate can fill that requirement.


I think everyone is vastly underestimating how hard it would be to keep a nationally unknown figure from getting trashed in the first month they come forward…. All of Biden’s dirty laundry is well known and people have seen him do the job so they can’t latch on to an effective talking point (lie) and just hammer away….


I think everyone is vastly underestimating how big of an advantage simply not being a retiree would be.


The first party that dumps its senior citizen wins. It’s not hard.


It's so easy to break the wheel. Yet nobody has the balls to pull the lever.


It’s really not easy unless Biden agrees to it.


Except that the news would be so huge everyone would know who that was overnight.


The fact that so many people in this thread are pretending this wouldn’t be the case is driving me crazy. “X couldn’t be the new president, nobody knows who they are yet!” As if the news wouldn’t cover them obsessively post-announcement




We have one of the the lowest inflation in the world if not the lowest. Trump wants an tax on chinese goods which if you think prices are high now. Heres some accomplishments: Infrastructure bill, which trump promised his whole presidency. Chips act so we make more computer chips in the US instead of China/Tiwan. And plenty more. Trumps goals: project 2025  Also you arent just voting for the man, you voting for the administration, cabinet positions, judges, and polices. Because we have a democrats in charge, we have a record amount of companies being sued to prevent monoplies


No one here is arguing that, and you don't have to convince anyone here of the good Biden has done. We need someone who can convince OTHER people to vote for them. This is where Biden fails, he administration has been great.


I don't know how people don't get this? Like you said no one said voting for Trump is better than voting for Biden. People are saying that both of these candidates are so unlikeable that many young people, independents, POC, etc are just not going to vote AT ALL. That's lost voters that can help decide the election. Die hard dems are going to vote for Biden regardless because we do not want Trump. The 26 year old who has to have 4 roommates because the price of apartments and housing is fucking asinine has zero incentive to vote in this election. He graduated college 4 years ago and has only known struggle, wild costs of living, and menial pay.


You fall into the false dichotomy, no one is suggesting we replace Biden with Trump.


You literally said, >“The only thing Biden has going for him is that he is not Trump...” And the poster above gave you only a small pittance of the recent accomplishments Biden has brought about showing that no, Biden has MUCH more going for him than simply not being Trump. >”…Every other candidate…” Y’know what every other candidate *doesn’t* have? 36 years of political experience/connections, followed by 12 years of experience/connections directly in the White House actually doing the job.


Joe Biden’s allies are gaslighting us. I’m sure Sen Feinstein was perfectly in control of her decisions as well?


How? He has a 36% approval rating, he’s widely perceived now as a dementia ward patient, all sides are calling for him to drop ball and there’s no guarantee that Trump’s team will even accept another debate.


I think the logic is that polls have all non-Biden dems a couple points lower than Biden. But that’s not accounting for them not being introduced on a national stage. If Whitmer or Buttgieg went on an insane 4 month tour (an actual campaign that Biden can’t do), then I have no doubt they’d blast off. People are desperate for somebody who speaks coherently and makes sense.


I am willing to bet money if the DNC put the money and resources behind Whitmer she would demolish Trump rather easily. It will NEVER happen, though. Whitmer would actually speak to the working class and poor Americans struggling and give the young and POC a reason to vote. It's a pipe dream, though.


*ding ding ding* I don't know why this is difficult for so many to comprehend.


But behind closed doors he’s the best he’s ever been /s


Yeah, he’s the fuckin Michigan J. Frog of presidents.


If Biden stays and loses, this will go down as perhaps the worst blunder in modern presidential campaigning. 72% of voters think he should step aside. Who truly believes he can do this for 4 more years? I love joe. I love democracy more.


He wasn’t the best bet before the debate and certainly isn’t post


Kinda odd that the diehard Trumpers are also hoping Biden stays in the race. Who is calling the shots here?


This is the real question.


On what planet does time and age work in reverse? He's not going to get better as time goes on. Take it to the convention and call it a day.


That’s the thing, as bad as he was on Thursday, he’s only getting older. Imagine him in another year or two.


Whitmer and Shapiro won by double digits in districts Biden barely squeaked by in. Warnock won twice in a district Joe didn’t do well in. That’s not to say any of them should or should not be on the ballot in his place, just that numbers show that Joe Biden was a problem before that debate, and I promise you that nobody gained any confidence in him after that clear display of cognitive decline. Edit: typos


Cant lose warnock in the Senate, that seat has good chance of going back to republicans 


Is the senate more important than the presidency this year?


He lost, it's over. Please step down and help the transition. Every media outlets comments paint the story. This is past spinning. Even hard left media outlets comments paint the picture. If the higher ups in the party can't see this, then we deserve the dictatorship we get.


The same people that were 100% sure Hillary would beat trump in 2016. what could go wrong


Democrats have to say this to not get ahead of Biden


Biden's top allies! Just like my mother thinks I'm the best bet to win World's Most Handsome.


Loyalty to Biden over loyalty to country. History will remember them poorly


It’s hard to accept that there is a strain of MAGA-style denialism in the Democratic Party.


Probably because the DNC is wildly corrupt as shit and there's very little differences to the parties corruption. It's a few ideological differences at the core and that's it.


Yeah, I had no idea the Democrats were this delusional too.


“To say that President Biden’s performance on the debate stage last night was calamitous is merely to state what everyone, partisan and not, has already understood. What the world witnessed was not a debate, but a failed neurological exam. One wonders how anyone close to the President imagined he could bluff his way through it. If half of what Democrats fear from a second Trump term were real, how could the Democratic Party have allowed our democracy to slide this close to the precipice? The prevailing feeling among those inside the Biden campaign should be shame; outside it, fury.” ~Sam Harris


There’s absolutely no evidence that Joe is the best choice this November, and plenty of evidence that shows he’s a terrible choice.  Trump MUST be defeated.  Joe doesn’t have what it takes. 


Trump did great by skipping debats - Biden should have been advised to do the same. Let's face it - they're a relic of the past and they can't offer any real solutions to complex, nuanced problems in 3 minutes. We have webpages, TV, and a myriad other forms of communication much more well suited to accomplishing what a debate was previously used for. I strongly believe that EVERY SINGLE person that advised for or pushed for the debate is either a republican plant or just plain incompetent and should be fired promptly. I say republican plant not as a conspiracy theory, but more because I find it sadly amusing to think of a person watching Biden in his day to day and honestly saying to themselves that this man should step in front of the camera and debate a narcissistic lair that has never once told the truth in his life; in this state, Biden would do just fine...lmao...we're doomed.


If Biden is replaced, Trump wins the election. That’s a guarantee. The only way Biden loses is if folks stay home on Election Day. Nothing of what Trump said was true nor made any sense; and just because he flung his feces around doesn’t make him the winner of a debate. What is the point of presidential debates? Are they supposed to be a middle school “your momma is…” burn fight? and about who has the best come-backs?


Blue MAGA trying to gaslight me again


Blue MAGA is such an appropriate term lol


Running a campaign on voting against the other guy and not voting FOR your guy is how to lose an election. DNC oligarchs froze out all other primary candidates. And DNC lemmings followed without question. I lost any hope in the two party system and more importantly, voters.




RGB and him can enjoy a cup of tea in hell while they discuss how their ego didn’t let them step aside for the good of the country.


When Trump wins again in November I don't want to hear the bullshit excuses. The blood is on the DNC and Biden's hands.


They're delusional just like this sub is.


Im soo confused on why ppl think he can win. A sharp, Coherent hillary clinton couldnt beat trump in 2016. Why would they think a sundowning joe biden will win.


Biden must withdraw. Make Republicans explain why they are running an octogenarian incompetent convict.


Tell the media….


I mean you’re weighing a wounded biden, who is a sitting president against someone with ZERO democratic legitimacy. Even an amazing candidate coming in to replace him is going to have a massive deficit to overcome. Americans have come to expect a democratic process for selecting candidates and “smoky back rooms” at the convention is a slur. Don’t assume that Newsome (or other) would come in with a clean slate. They would be starting the campaign VERY LATE, with no money and the air of an illegitimate usurper. Like it or not Biden still probably has a better shot. Elites and the media should have made all this noise last fall. Too late now.


Our country is so fucked. My only hope is that people are so backwards his debate aneurism actually helped.


Top Biden allies huh? He isn't but he will have to do. God have mercy on us.




The advantage of the incumbency is considerable. That said, the Democrats will need to be creative if they hope to win. Biden is obviously beyond the point of being able to reliably project competence, so if they want to stick with him, they need to lean in harder than any Presidential campaign in history on the competence and significance of his cabinet, of his allies in Congress, of the judges nominated by his party, of the governors that support him, and so on. We need to see these people on the campaign trail, giving speeches, on a consistent basis. On top of that, we need Biden striking deals with networks--like he did with CNN for this debate--so that he can be seen as often as possible reading from a teleprompter, to an audience. That's when he performs at his best. We can't have any of this not seeing Biden for months and months, and then having a debate that plays to his weaknesses. We need as much SOTU Biden in as many eyeballs as we can possibly get. We need as much if not more Obama as we have of Biden. We need deals cut with state democrats in any state which could even possibly swing--fuck it, any Red state with a Blue city at all--Stacey Abrams, Beto, The folks from the TN senate who were expelled and then reinstated last year, Blue City/Red State mayors, we need them to know with no ambiguity that they will be set for life if they can successfully mobilize voters and swing their states. We need vigorous campaigns to mobilize the millions of people who have moved from Blue States to Red States for purposes of affordability in the last decade. And all that is just a start. Of course the easiest thing would be to nominate one of the popular Dem govs under 60, and cruise to an easy victory over one of the two least popular major candidates in modern US history, but I'm not crossing my fingers.


The main thing is. Anyone who hasn’t been president is going to get hammered on the incumbent factor: “You’re not ready to lead. I’ve done it and you haven’t.” Biden is immune to that and what’s more he and his team did an amazing job leading the US in the pandemic recovery, relatively to the other counties.


Best bet... to win???? Literally, anyone else has a better chance of winning except Biden.


Ok ill bite. Let Biden go on tv and do a live interview so we can see he is still capable to run the country. I appreciate he has surrounded himself with good people but he still has to lead. 


The copium is real


I think they mean his wife and kids who seem to ignore his cognitive issues


His allies say he’s the best. Thanks captain obvious




Or Democrats who disagree with you. It’s a big umbrella, remember?


So, we just let Joe throw the election? Because his top advisor said he can?


Next, they'll tell us that Norwegian Blue parrot is just resting...


[The onion predicted this debate reaction a decade ago. ](https://youtu.be/no0e-mkhhbs?si=Ck4rSqP7cDSigcr_)


I swear to god if Biden loses and they still try to blame the young/progressives/etc I’ll lose it.


“It’s the youths’ problem! We octagenarians answered all the questions.”


I mean, it will be. The only way he loses is if zoomers and millennials don't vote. No matter how you feel about biden, not voting for him is a vote for Trump


Not that I think it’s a good thing but I don’t disagree. I will be livid if they pick a last minute “anyone at all who’s not old” replacement and they get bodied by Trump... at least for as long as I can before I have to pivot focus to Project ‘25...


So far no one has convinced me differently given the available polling. I still think there are some interesting options for alternatives to Biden, but the case that they would do better isn’t entirely clear. 


People with vested interest in Biden presidency support Biden?




yes and that is why the republucans are working so hard to be rid of him.


It’s fitting that the best person to lead the Democrat party has no brain left. Perfect 🤣


As a Canadian with no vote in this I truly believe you have to not run again Biden. We don't want 4 years of Trump . A ticket of Newsome and the governor of Michigan sounds progressive.


Even if he’s literally dead by November he’s still better than the alternative.