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As is by design. The GOP’s mission is to actively destroy government institutions and peoples’ confidence in them. Only to be replaced by corporate interests as interpreted and orchestrated by the supremes.


To the conservative, the billionaires are masters of the universe and know what's best.


Fuck the billionaires. They can all fuck off to mars or wherever.


Elon Musk: “Don’t mind if I do”


Hurry up


I agree with the analysis of the article, not the conclusion. Chevron required an inspection for every machine part that emitted something. Reagan wanted site approvals to be more rigorous so that machines and equipment could be quickly reviewed less which cut the cost of inspection down to 10%. Permits are not only worth millions to states and EPA jobs, they are worth more to the Environmental Defense Fund whose has thousands of lawyers fight for billions of dollars when they got to take down these corporations, even for minor infractions. RFK built his legal business based on this and Biden supports the Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc.


One of my favorite pasttimes is telling conservatives who brag about making $100k a year all the different things that billionaires spend their yearly salary on every week.


What is strange to me is conservatives say "the government can't be trusted" but the Chevron ruling said "non-politician experts can't decide environmental policy, the court can and the legislative branch can". They're applauding more power ending up in the hands of the group they supposedly think can't be trusted with power. It's all bullshit. They have no problem with corrupt politics as long as it is corrupt politics they agree with.


I used to get confused about seeming "contradictions" with Republican stances. Then when I realized everything is about doing whatever it takes to get more power, everything became consistent and made sense.


Well, with the other ruling in tow, Biden can simply eat the other candidate. As long as he declares an official act, of course.


You're applying a classically libertarian mindset to the conservative party. Don't be fooled, it's the party of billionaires now.


We need to find way to get this through people’s heads.


Those institutions full of incompetents and liars and weirdos destroyed the people's confidence all by themselves.


Upholding the separation of powers is a good thing


A little late, it’s already gotten much lower.


I think I have “a case of the Mondays”


I’m not getting a damn thing done today, I can tell.


I suggest day drinking…


The water your drinking won't be inspected at your tap anymore, just the treatment plant. Better drinking Vodka than water anyway.


That's how it is already, municipal/state boards that run water treatment plants are the ones who most frequently report on drinking water quality. The difference now is that when they report on the gargantuan amounts of toxic chemicals in our water, the government won't have the ability to hold corporations accountable.


Yes, it kills all kinds of things! Then again my dog drinks out of the toilet and she doesn’t seem to give a shit. But… she also eats things that would make “fear factor” unairable.


Already there, pal.


I’m still capable of responding, so you aren’t quite there yet, plus I turn my back for one minute to “refresh” my aperitif… goddamn puppy ate my homemade shredded beef burrito. I shall beat her 8lb ass (maybe 12 lb now). Lil shit. Nah… just kidding, I don’t beat my dogs, I beat my wife instead.


We all have “the Mondays” on this dark day.


You want to go watch kung foo movies with me?


Did you say “Kung Fu”?


Depends on how many pieces of flair you have?


Oddly, mike Judges dad was my anthropology professor in college… seriously! He was cool and funny without realizing it! “Dr judge” super nice guy and absolutely devoted to his craft.


Supreme court: "Hold my beer."


Non elites for this are likely to be the same people who vote against forming a union at work because their boss threw them a pizza party the day before


They told me we’re like family!


until some real family shit happens


The faith will sink even lower because government won't be able to regulate anything without lawsuits and court hearings.


Chevron and today’s ruling declaring presidents are dictators along with legalizing bribery, the Supreme Court is destroying our republic.


Or demonstrating all the holes in it. If we can take over the polls and push for constitutional changes like a second bill of rights, it can be saved.


The bar for a constitutional amendment is so high, it is essentially impossible in today's political climate with one party being entirely obstructionist. 2/3 of the senate and House, or a national convention supported by 34 states. Then it must be ratified by 38 states.


"Don't worry guys, we can vote our way out of fascism and corporate nationalism!"


You got another solution?


It involves lots of small bits of metal pushed out of tubes at supersonic speeds.


I am thinking about the millions spent on permitting instead of equipment. Why not just encode the pollution levels into law instead of regs? That way we can sue the hell out of the billionaires in our water district.


congressional deadlock means we cannot rely on legislative fixes to any problems. that was the point of all these regulatory agencies, they can operate faster and more impartially than congress can.


But now the permitting costs more than the lawsuits. By a lot. The most important thing is to clean shit up by having the company invest in cleaner technology and equipment, not just give it to lawyers or a general fund that a politicians can give away to his cronies.


I think that’s the same unhelpful situation. If Congress writes a law including specific pollution levels, they are welcome to be informed by scientific research on what those levels should be, but they are not at all required to do so.


The Civil War kinda really sucked.


I have some extra money, and I am seriously wondering what would be the better use for it: giving it to Dem candidates, or buying an AR-15?


Sorry, libs can't have those. Oh, sorry, no, that's next year. My bad.


drones you need to stockpile drones asap. “Jokes” aside try dems first. Civil war is the last measure


Buy one, donate the remainder to the other


How am I supposed to donate to an AR-15?


Protests, boycotts, and other disruptive shit that they can’t ignore/is going to bother them


A competent Jan 6th


I mean you can, if Trump never got elected we wouldn’t be in this mess. Right now lots of young people aren’t voting for Joe because of a hundred year old war in the Middle East.


It's honestly time to completely overhaul the constitution, because oh boy is it showing its age.


*has* destroyed **has** destroyed you guys don't get it! It's done. It's over. If you're not a billionaire, you've lost. The dominoes are in place- the minorities will feel it first as they fall but nothing's there to stop the row from crushing you and your family. Enjoy it while you can and pretend, I guess.


but the government very well could go after billionaires too if they either stop serving them or oppose them or their decisions, couldn't they? i feel like if we can get a billionaire or multiple to actively oppose the corrupt supreme court justices and corrupt/hateful politicians, then that would be a major advance/plus for all of us who don't want to live in a bleak, hateful dictator-esque dystopia in the future.


... They paid for this. They WANT this. This is their best case scenario. No taxes for them, an uneducated and sheepish work force ripe for exploitation, and a ton of stupid little label wars to keep the poors distracted. They don't have to live in a dictator-esque distopia- they're rich. They can just fly to Geneva for lunch if they want a break from the pollution and the huddled masses outside their gates. I feel like you still don't get it- it really is over. With Biden's shit tier speech, it's done.


well...that sux. i know things are absolutely horrible right now in this country but i refuse to believe that it's so black and white that every billionaire or rich person is bad and out to destroy the country out of selfish greed. I know it is the majority of them but i know it isn't every single one of them. i know because of people like chuck feeney, Chuck Collins, and Beatrice Cadbury and betty white too i love her hehe. i'm not saying that i support what many billionaires are doing, i absolutely don't, but i am just saying that there are bad people in every socioeconomic class and that not every rich person is evil and if we can just get some rich good people like the aforementioned people to help reclaim this country from cruelty and hate and greed and selfishness and envy, then things could be better possibly. we need to go after the corrupt ppl in government and those closely aligned with these people, not each other no matter how much is in one or another person's bank account (and my broke ass is saying that lol). strength in unity and numbers!


How do you think you get a billion dollars? I'm asking sincerely.


I suppose it would depend on the individual.


Speaking generally, you don't get $1,000,000,000 without abusing the working class. You can inherit millions, invest to get hundreds of millions, but you don't get billions without stealing from the working class. Anyone who has that much money does not care about you or anyone else and will do anything to look out for themselves. Trust me when I say this: there are no good billionaires. Each one is a failure of economic regulation as they've stolen money out of the pockets of millions of Americans.


Oh I had no idea; that sucks. Thanks for the knowledge, stranger! I’m surprised no one has ever inherited billions… I feel like in theory it’s maybe happened like once maybe but I’m not sure as I am ignorant on this specific topic because it’s never been anywhere close to a possibility for me LOL


How the fuck is overturning chevron not even the worst news from the Supreme Court this week. For the love of Fuck, biden, democrats, get off your wrinkly fat asses and do something about this shit. Blame it on Manchin if you fucking have to.this shit has to end NOW before the country is lost entirely.


How do you propose they do that with the current makeup of the legislature and courts?


Well, the court just ruled Biden can do whatever he wants. Time to unleash Dark Brandon.


That's not an answer. He doesn't control the legislature or the courts.


No one controls the legislature. We've got the least productive congress in US history. No matter what he does, nothing can get through it... so he'll be just fine. Plus, Trump has already demonstrated that you can stall court cases for years No matter how open and shut they are.


Well, I think technically trumps legislature was the least productive in us history


Nah. They were productive, just in a regressive manner. they fucked global economics and stability pretty hard.


the last two years are


Thats what they want you to think. Look at all those young conservative justices appointed.


That's the point, the solutions require legislation or court decisions. He controls neither.


You’re still thinking in terms where the law matters. SCOTUS threw that out yesterday. All he has to do is direct the Treasury to fund whatever he wants. Direct enforcement agencies to do whatever he wants, issue members of the executive branch blanket pardons for ignoring judicial orders, etc. and nothing can be done to stop him. We no longer have a POTUS, we have a king according to SCOTUS yesterday.


A Putin like president + oligarchs is what is awaiting us.


We already have the oligarchs


not like whats coming - the extent of impunity, greed and disregard for our society will be on the next level


Oil soaked beaches and flaming rivers comin.


I remember my parents had a mason jar of kerosine in the trunk to wash oil/tar off us in the 70s when we went to the beach. Yah lets do that again. /s


Cant wait for Nestle to decide lead, forever chemicals, and microplastics are totally cool


That is a feature. Not a bug. Putin and his useful idiots in the US are desperate to get rid of all this equality and dignity stuff, and republicans are in agreement in general. US republicans are all in a conspiracy where nobody knows what they're conspiring to do but everybody knows the fix is in and they want to be on the winning ticket. ED: that's not an exclusively republican trait, either, it's kind of endemic to being in congress or the senate. "The peasants are revolting Your Highness." His Highness: "Damn right they are."


Personally, I think Biden should use the new "Immunity for official acts" powers that the SCOTUS just gave him to forcibly oust the 6 right wing justices from the Court and have Trump interred in Gitmo. Be careful what you wish for....


Yep. Let that other shoe drop on them.


Civil war at that point


Better soon than later.


As long as you're/we're ready for civil war


I want it to be over before my kids have to fight in it.


I am. Let's see how far all those gravy seals will go.


We are so cooked as a nation. Shit is about to get reeealllyyy bad


I look forward to having legislators with no expertise in complex topics drafting regulations to restrict it with the help of profit-driven corporate interests. 🙄


the supreme court is a joke


I thought jokes were not supposed to be terrifying


Yeah and they just ruled that the president is above the law. They just keep on working to make the office of the presidency more and more bulletproof. Consolidating power, eliminating checks and balances. The Supreme Court is actively putting more power into the executive branch and the corporations which fund the preisdents who sit there. And were doing nothing.


Working as intended…


No, it's already bottomed out with me a long time ago. Now they're just burying themselves with shit to try and keep me away.


Lots of (justifiable) outrage over the immunity ruling, but this one is going to have much wider-reaching and and deeply damaging effects. Moreover, those effects are going to be felt by almost everyone.


So now, any ambiguities in a law will be decided by the courts. And thanks to another recent Roberts Court ruling, if a large corporation brings a case to court and the judge rules in their favor, said corporation can reward them with a nice "gratuity." But no doubt something like that would never sway a judges decision.... \\S


I still don’t understand how the Supreme Court can overturn its own prior decisions. It doesn’t make any sense. Which is probably why I don’t understand it.


Clarence Thomas was for Chevron Doctrine in 2005 before he was against it in 2024. I'm sure the rich people that befriended him during the intervening years had no impact on his legal opinions.


I mean, plenty of supreme court opinions have been wrong so there would be a need to overturn them. The law is only what the people in power tell us it is.




Regardless of the subject matter, I just don’t understand how our Supreme Court can interpret, e.g., a provision of our Constitution one way in one case and then decades later overturn its own interpretation of that same provision. Regarding your question, tell me which cases you’re referring to and I’ll let you know if I agree or disagree with the decision. But I’d rather the Supreme Court have a bad interpretation that the legislature needs to correct than have a court that flip flops on issues depending on the makeup of the court and the political climate of the day.


Remember the days when it was just the Chevron ruling that destroyed America?


Why would anyone put their faith in government. Especially unelected people which is what chevron did.


"But you have to understand, the other woman did her private emails at work"


People should really be throwing paint at these justices in public but instead am everyone will just do nothing.


Maybe that's the problem: Americans shouldn't have faith in government. They shouldn't take for granted that it's going to function properly or with their interests in mind. It's something you have to metaphorically fight for day in and day out. 


I have not a doubt in my mind, that the national parks will be divvied up and sold to the highest private bidders.


Faith? What’s to have faith in? Corporations have just been given free rein to leave the metal shavings in the baby formula and dump perchlorate in your waterway with nothing to stop them but the likes of Boebert and MTG. And that’s just two of about a billion examples of corporate fuckery that’s headed our way.




That's the point


LOL - what faith


Yeah, the S.C.’s scrutiny of administrative states is becoming increasingly unfettered. I haven’t read or watched the opinion yet. I had a feeling the SC would overrule Chevron and my prediction was that the Court might reason that the federal rule administered by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) which requires the aggrieved parties, I think some fishermen to pay $700 a day for an at-sea monitor might be unconstitutional and out of the bounds for Congress to empower a federal agency to regulate. Maybe Congress could have just done the monetary regulation by itself. My take on administrative state is that when a particular statute delegates authority to an agency consistent with constitutional limits, courts should respect the delegation, while ensuring that the agency acts within its congressional delegation and if the delegation is reasonable and Congress hadn't acted on the same issue. Sad to see the direction of the courts.


Are you saying that the NOAA should determine the rule, determine if the fisherman is obeying the rule, and determine the penalty for not obeying the rule as an agency, and even collect any fines and fees they levy? Similarly, I am a huge fan of the epa but I have always wondered about the broad range of their being able to make rules, interpret them and enforce them. It is almost like they are outside of checks and balances to a degree.


Why do all the top posts on this sub come from netherlands?


The Netherlands has a relatively large American immigrant population, would be my guess.




It’s not even the government doing these things anymore. It’s corrupt corporations and the politicians taking their bribes. The corporations are in control saying it’s the government doing it so they can eventually take the whole thing over.


Now what caused Americans to lose trust in their government institutions ? The Government institutions.


Would be a shame if that Presidential immunity turned it's gaze to a few of those SCOTUS "Justices"


So what I am assuming happened was. That the six justices will be receiving gifts. Lavish gifts. For their favorable voting for the corporations of America. They’re breaking for summer vacation. You know it’s gonna be an expensive vacation.


It's so sad that it's so obvious that's what's going on.


Too bad founders didn’t mention air quality in the constitution.


Americans need to understand how things work and support the people fighting this if they want to prevent this. Not blaming Biden for every sneeze and yawn.


We no longer have a government we have rulers.


I'm just waiting for enough to say enough and finally go full French Revolution. That may be much sooner than expected.


impeach, expand, do something to stop these unelected people from running our lives anymore than they have.




It SHOULD motivate folks to elect democrats with force until thomas and alito are safely in whatever hell they believe in, where they belong.


Faith is wrong word because based on belief. Trust to fair and impartial is better. I do not trust 6/9 at all. They made pledge of allegiance false bcs equal justice? They killed it


Oh no it's completely gone.


Luckily it’s an official act for agencies to make their rules so we’re all good


That’s the entire current chapter of their playbook, to disgust us.


How low can it go? Can we get to single digits?


Faith is pointless with autocratic fascists in charge. There's nothing you can do.


The federal government will be unable to function once these cases start hitting the lower courts. Not only is every Federal Agency going to have every rule overturned we are going to have multiple conflicting rulings from various courts/districts.


We no longer live in a nation of laws. The constitution is undone.




Some would say it’s impossible today it seems they took it as a challenge.


It’s bottomed out to the point we need a 12 step program


“A little rebellion now and then is a good thing.” It’s past time.


You assumed the American public had faith in the government?


Overturning Chevron allows conservative judges to pick and choose when they want to use agency research and when they want to use industry to support their position. That way they never have to be consistent in their reasoning!


Nowhere to go but up at this point


I’m sure the government’s feelings will be so hurt. They’ll lose just like, so much sleep over how little faith we have in them…


My faith in good governing can not be shaken by a bad government's decisions.


It will actually restore faith in government as it aligns with the Constitution


Based. All of these EPA bootlickers having a cow


So SCOTUS has the ability to dial us back to the stone age? Just like that?  Who actually has the ability to deal with the blatant shadow government & deep state corruption at display here? 


Oh now there's a shadow govt?


“But Trump will save us!” /s…SMH


I'm a South African law student, why did Chevron deference even exist to begin with ? It's a clear separation of powers issue, and to fix it your legislature need only properly define terms in the legislation itself instead of years down the line. Whats the issue


It's basically this.  Somehow the federal government operated just fine before Chevron, and in fact it was Democrats who originally opposed it when it was adopted, since they viewed it as giving *too much* power to the executive branch.  


Read the article and look up the original lawsuit.


I read the article and we deal with this type of thing all the time in tax ( as one example ). America is now on par with every other modern democracy


On par ? Taxes ?? Oh please . We are behind on most places and most of money goes to military and other countries ,instead of taking care of our own . This ruling will allow companies to start destroying the world again . It weakened its watch dogs


No, this maintains separation of powers. Your lawmakers will no have to define terms in legislation ( like they were supposed to anyway ) and then leave interpretation to the courts instead of unelected members of the executive. You went on a lot of tangents but at its core you now adhere to the separation of powers/ trias politica doctrine the same way other democracies do


Liberal Justice Elena Kagan said that the ruling elevates the Supreme Court’s power over other branches of US government. The president, Congress and court are supposed to have equal power under the US Constitution, so by her reading the ruling is a loss for the White House, the House of Representatives and the Senate. Advocacy groups and progressives also saw it as a setback for clean water, public health, fair lending, worker safety, and other areas where people rely on federal help. The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organisation, for example, called the ruling "a monumental setback that will harm all Americans and profoundly impact our nation's environmental safeguards and public health protections". "The court has set us on a path towards policy paralysis," it said.


The Nacho bell grande court has destroyed the last 60 years of American progress. Welcome back to 1964.


The Chevron decision is way overblown, and people don't really understand it. All it does is place the burden on Congress to make their mandates clear and unambiguous, and shifts power away from the agencies and to the courts solely with respect to matters of statutory interpretation (i.e., so that lawyers and judges decide questions of law, not laypeople). The issue everyone has isn't really with Chevron being overturned, it's that Republicans have systematically packed courts with MAGA extremists and have done everything in their power to obstruct Democratic appointments.  Everyone forgets, but Chevron was originally favored by Republicans at a time when they wanted to empower an agency to interpret a law favorable to Republican policy.  Chevron cuts both ways when it comes to policy, and there's nothing inherent about it that is pro-Democratic.  Chevron also isn't really necessary - we already have doctrines and statutes that provide guidance for interpreting powers mandated by Congress.  There's still plenty of room for agencies to make decisions and exercise their powers, and I only expect this change in doctrine to impact a small minority of cases. The real problem is the decision earlier today, which grants the president seemingly king-like powers.  That's messed up, and deserves all the hyperbolic press coverage it will receive.  


Not Americans, just the far-left woke progressives who thought they ruled the world


I have more faith in government now that alphabet agencies can't legislate unilaterally.


You shouldn't. The idea is that Congress passes a law to regulate something (Food and Drugs, Labor Safety Standard, Consumer Protection, Environmental issues) and they defer to qualified experts to implement. Do you really want Lauren Bobert directly regulating air pollution levels?


Those agencies can still operate. They just can't create regulations by themselves. I'm mostly excited that the ATF can't ban items on a whim anymore. Major W for the firearm community.


Same. If you think about it, the swamp draining has officially begun.


So for those who saw the film CODA last year (or couple years ago), you were all like, “f*** the little guys”? Cause that was what this case was ruled on. Federal inspectors making small fishing business owners pay out of pocket for their federal inspections, because the gov’t officiating body lacked the budget to cover it themselves. Chevron had gotten out of control.


Not as much as putting on full display that the president has advanced dementia while telling the public that he is fit for office and to run again.


Anything that weakens alphabet institutions is a win in my book.


How would you feel if the FAA disappeared overnight and suddenly air traffic controllers and pilots no longer had any rules they had to adhere to? Personally? I prefer my pilots to not be drunk or high.


Lol. You mean the power goes back to the elected legislature to right meaningful, concise laws rather than letting unelected beurocrats in the executive branch decide?


Actually it's letting unelected judges do so. Also, it's write, not right.


Raise your hand if you think FEMA, EPA, etc. are full of experts that know what they are doing... (If you've worked with any of these agencies you would keep your hand down)