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> Anyone who claims I would say that we can’t win Michigan is full of shit. Let’s go. A little stronger than "disputes", I'd say.


I like her


You’re hopefully looking at the 2028 presidential election winner right there.


Assuming there's an election in 2028. There won't be if this election goes sideways.


She’s one official POTUS act away from not being able to run.


amazing that due to the broad powers allowed to the presidency by the SC today we have no idea what kind of act you’re alluding to. it could be anything from installing himself as dictator for life to disallowing women from candidacy to ordering seal team six on a hit.


Can he unilaterally pulls out of NATO?


he would just need to do nothing while Putin and rampaging through europe.


Technically no. Only Congress can establish or change treaties. But he could disappear the Dem reps and then have them push it through. And he could stall the spending of the funds earmarked for NATO stuff.


Let's game this out. He could definitely ANNOUNCE that he was withdrawing the US from NATO unilaterally, and he could withdraw troops from NATO countries as CIC. Technically, on paper, we'd still be in NATO but it wouldn't be facts on the ground. Who would stop him? The generals? No, any who stand against him would be removed from power. The Democrats in the house and Senate? Strongly worded letters. A couple lawsuits at best. And those would go to supreme court, which could take YEARS to reach the court, and face a 6-3 trumpist majority. Who would rubber stamp anything he does anyway. We're so cooked. Like actually for real. Putin's going to take Ukraine, Israel is going to etchnically cleanse Palestine, China is going to invade Taiwan. Does Putin stop after Ukraine? With Trump in office for the next 4 years, he might never have a better opportunity to keep going, with his patsy keeping the US out of the war. It could be world war 3. Which would give Trump all the cover he would need to suspend elections.


Even North Korea has elections my friend. They’re just… more… patriotic…


This was also the Governor people tried to kidnap so… Maybe there’ll be elections but.


Was that an “official act”?


And Kim Jong Un miraculously achieves 439% of the votes


Like I said, very patriotic. They’ve even got special fireworks shows showcasing would-be political opponents.


If Trump gets in there will elections like they have in Russia. Bullshit ones where they just make up the numbers.


I live in Texas where that's basically already true 18 more days til I get the fuck out of this shithole. It's gonna be wonderful to have a winter where I'm not wondering if I'm going to lose power for a week and freeze inside my apartment


3 y 5 m for me. Where u going?




Oh man. Depending on what part, enjoy the wildfires.


Occasional smoke >>>>> living under Greg Abbott's boot among bad people.


We’re full. Try California.


*Too late*


If we have elections...


Bold of you to assume there will be an election in 2028 if Whitmer, Newsom, or someone else doesn't replace Biden NOW.


The DNC is clearly setting up Newsom, and they get whatever they want.


SoCal resident here who generally approves of Newsom and thinks he did an amazing job of navigating us through COVID. I’ll vote for Whitmer every day of the week.


Based and reasonable take


Newsom probably can't win against Trump either though.


Agreed they are but I think Whitmer wins out in the primaries at the end of the cycle despite every roadblock the DNC puts in her way. A Whitmer/Newsome ticket would be awesome but I don’t think either one of them would want to play 2nd fiddle.


Hopefully Americans are smart enough to give her the nomination, but my hopes are obviously low as of recent. The DNC figured out a perfect strategy in 2020 to win any primary with their pick.


I mean really, why would anyone with more than two brain cells think Biden couldn’t win Michigan? Gretch won by 10 points in 2022 *and* brought in a Democratic trifecta. For this state to be unwinnable for Democrats, there would have to be a MASSIVE swing to the right. We’re still a swing state, but whoever made this claim is trying to deliberately foment infighting and make the Democratic Party appear weak.


>Even more revealing is how word of the call reached me: from someone close to a potential 2028 **Whitmer rival** for the Democratic presidential nomination. **This person** said Whitmer had phoned O’Malley Dillon with more of an unambiguous SOS: to relay that Michigan, in the wake of the debate, was no longer winnable for Biden. >That such political bladework is already taking place [illustrates how badly her rivals want to wound Whitmer](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/07/01/whitmer-biden-democrats-2028-00165995), by portraying her as being disloyal to Biden in his hour of need.


This also shows what would happen if Biden steps down. Every would be candidate will bring out their knives and whoever survived the bloodbath and becomes the new nominee will do so gravely wounded.


Nope. That's why nothing is happening right now and everyone is downplaying it. If its happening, there is a unification process happening behind the scenes. If it does happen, the party will be unified publicly. They are 100% behind Biden until it's the next person.


Yeah I really want to know who that conniving POS was


Gretch is a fighter and we need a fighter Biden’s staff is huddled up trying to stop the damage but Biden can’t do this any longer


Amazing thing to comment on this particular comment on this particular submission. Astounding lack of awareness.




Amazing how one person is leaving a hundred (at least) comments in one day about this particular subject, even though just a month ago they were very active on r/Conservative


Whole lot of that type account in here since the debate.


As someone living in Michigan, it's far from that.


Same. I'm in W. MI and Trump is as unpopular here as ever and this is where Trump needs to find votes to make up for Detroit..


Biden needs Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania Michigan seems like a shoe in (for the reasons you gave), Pennsylvania elected Fetterman over Oz (they clearly don't care about potential lack of cognitive ability when the other option is a blatant lunatic), and Wisconsin got redistricting that should fix the gerrymandering. The election isn't gonna be a cakewalk, but it's not impossible


And abortion is on the ballot in Nevada and Arizona.


Weed in Florida


Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania is the firewall but can also interchange Wisconsin with Arizona, Michigan with Georgia or North Carolina, or with Arizona plus Nevada, and multiple other variations of that. But Michigan and Pennsylvania seem like the best bets to try to hang on to. That leaves 10 other electoral votes among the other states above, assuming of course nothing else unusual happens like Trump picking up Virginia or Minnesota which I definitely wouldn’t expect to happen if he loses MI and PA


100% I also think that WI and PA will go for Biden but also think that WI could go for Trump. The good news is I think AZ is a blue state now. With COVID and demographic changes. I think they flipped.


I don't know why folks are losing their fucking minds. Nothing in life is certain but this very within our grasp.


What does fixing gerrymandering have to do with the presidential election?


Gerrymandering affects the House not the presidency. 


Folks I know here that were huge Trump supporters have moved on to RFK Jr. as of now here in Michigan. Mainly due to the anti-vax sentiment which is not a small portion of Trump's previous voters.


My dad and his three brothers usually vote the party line, but this year they will likely vote for RFK over Trump (Ohio). So I don't think the Midwest is lost


They still sound lost to me


Should have clarified they vote straight R usually


As an Ohioan, this tickles me pink


A vote for Nader is a vote for Bush. A vote for RFK is a vote for Trump. At this point in time, voting for a 3rd party candidate is not the smart thing to do.  https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2016/06/ralph-nader-still-wont-admit-he-elected-bush.html


Well they are voters who voted for Trump who are now abandoning him , so not sure if that is really a "vote" for trump


Im seeing the same shift. But its people who voted for Biden last election are shifting towards RFK Jr. purely because he isnt older than 78.


RFJ Jr's voice is also shot - let's wait until they hear him speak.


I’m in E. MI and he’s enshrined as a god. I hope for all our sakes there are more of you then ‘me’.


There are a lot of Trump supporters in northern Michigan.


We can win Michigan We just need Gretch to be our candidate


To be clear when he says “we” he means maga nutjobs


No im talking about a lucid and competent candidate for president that can serve the whole term That you think it’s not mainstream to have this most basic requirement is alarming Be lucid and able to do 4 years


You want somebody trump can actually win against


I want a lucid person who can serve 4 years - do you disagree with me on that?


Your candidate hasn’t been lucid for years.


Apparently- and they hid it from us Tricked us into not having a primary


I doubt your sincerity. 


There’s gonna be a lot of disingenuous concern trolls like this in our future. Trying to sow division.


You doubt your own eyes Joe can’t make it four years - that’s the simple truth


Maga doesn’t hide anything


Look don’t gaslight people. I voted for Biden, I campaigned for Barack - it isn’t too much to ask for a candidate that can serve the next 4 years That you’re even debating this speaks to the level of compromise you accept and your own lethargy has allowed Trump to grow in strength.


That's idiotic and I've said that since the poor debate. You don't switch this late or even six months ago. Whitmer is a rising star but not even close to a national election yet. She's also a woman and sadly, as a country, we're not there yet.


Gretchen wants to win in 2028. She knows that losing in 2024 will taint her political career.


It feels like 2028 is eons away and a lot can happen until then but I'm hoping she's able to stay as the front runner for 2028.


2028 won’t happen because we have a corpse for a candidate that will lose to a wannabe dictator


Open it up on the floor The country doesn’t want Biden The only people jamming Biden down our throats are the party elites who hid his decline from us Let’s do some democracy


Again, this is idiotic. No one else has a better shot of beating Trump than Biden. Sure, it feels great to say it but no one has a better chance. Not Newsom, not Whitmer, not Harris, and not Pritzker. If you want to hand the election to Trump switch candidates. I do not understand why it's so hard for folks to realize this. I get that's not super great but that's where we are.


That’s just not true Biden has no shot- a new candidate would quickly get name recognition and overwhelm Trump


The complete and utter lack of basic political science knowledge that has been presented on this platform in the past few days is completely staggering. Nothing and I mean nothing supports these claims. Polls show next to no movement post debate. Historically it would be like 1968 all over again and the loss of incumbent advantage alone all but guarantees Trump wins. And from a simple time and resources perspective no candidate would be able to come in with 4 months left build a campaign from scratch, gain the money, manpower and plan needed to run, or get the name ID required. Also switching now invalidates every single vote made by Dems in primaries there would be zero unity toward a candidate and could cause significant damage to Dem enthusiasm, turnout and down ballot.


> Also switching now invalidates every single vote made by Dems in primaries there would be zero unity toward a candidate and could cause significant damage to Dem enthusiasm, turnout and down ballot. This is what's shocking to me that people forget. Abortion is figuratively and literally on ballots. This is a huge motivator and what helped us win in 2020 and eliminate the "Red Wave" in 2022. Republicans are tripling down on taking away rights from women.


Seems silly to think that Biden is the only one that could beat Trump. With the West coast, Colorado, New Mexico, Hawaii, New England, New York, Maryland, and Virginia all being highly likely Dem no matter the nominee. Then all that is needed is like Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and 1 of either Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, or Ohio. To me I'd think any of the Dem Midwest governors could deliver. Whitmer almost certainly.


These hypotheticals all assume a new candidate would just show up and immediately the whole DNC would rally around them and all Dems would skip along as if nothing happened. You can’t even get people to agree on a best alternative option in these chats yet alone at a convention. You cannot have primaries again to come to a consensus so it would require the convention to make the choice and that would be a political bloodbath. Then you have millions of Dems who did not vote for candidates X and had no say and might have preferred candidate Y. Combine this with a sizable amount of the voters still not liking the DNC after 2016 and this could easily depress turnout nationwide especially in “blue” states.


Biden can step aside - no vote is alienated. Biden can send his campaign money and team to the new nominee. Name recognition is nothing, in today’s world it takes one day for the whole country to know anything. We all know who Taylor Swift is dating, we know Hock Tua girl.. a president nominee isn’t going to fly under the radar. That’s a smokescreen to jam Biden down out throats. Biden isn’t able to serve his term - rightfully they should invoke the 25th but they don’t want to lose their own jobs Biden can’t do the job, he can’t make it 4 more years


On your first point no he can’t those donations were main specifically to the Biden campaign and there are laws and limits in place. It still alienates the voters who voted for him that he is willing to step aside and that is damaging. It’s the reason the 68 convention ended in a riot and why the 44 convention still nominated a very sick FDR. If you care about Biden surviving 4 terms (or Trump for that matter) look at who their VP is we have chain of command for a reason and it is why the VP is important. Remember McCain losing people because they didn’t like Palin being “a heartbeat away from the presidency”


The law allows him to give it to the party - you’re mistaken He can give all of his money to the dnc or a candidate > 67 FECA also allows the transfer of campaign funds “without limitation to any national, State, or local committee of any political party.” Thus if otherwise lawful, campaign funds may be transferred to another candidate, or invested for use in a future political campaign https://ethics.house.gov/campaign/proper-use-campaign-funds-and-resources#:~:text=67%20FECA%20also%20allows%20the,there%20is%20no%20conversion%20of


This is just not living in reality. Thinking the average voter knows who Whitmer or Newsom is outside of their states is hilarious. Not to mention the coastal elite problem Newsom will have amongst some voters whether it's warranted or not. Also not including the immense backlash switching horses this late among actual voters. It's not going to happen.


They’re already polling within a few points of Biden, it literally takes a day for someone to capture America’s attention in these times


Given that polling is getting less reliable even within a few points is fucking terrible. > it literally takes a day for someone to capture America’s attention in these times For a viral video? Sure. Not for a presidential election.


Biden won the primary by a wide margin


With no legitimate competition because we were mislead into believing he was fit. He is not fit. In fact it’s a dereliction of duty that they haven’t used the 25th already




The election almost doesn't matter now. Harris can just refuse to certify and it's legal. We have a new country today.


Damn, what a wild twist that would be.


True, sounds official business to me!


Yep. He tells Kamala not to certify because suspicions, she doesn't, boom. Done deal.


Woah, woah, woah. He doesn't need to have a "because". The supreme court said the president's motivations can't be taken into account. The president having a reason to want to commit a crime is irrelevant.


Then it's goes to the House which probably doesn't go for Biden


The media is throwing around so much fake news


Insiders say Whitmer said x. Insider is a gop strategist speaking on hopes that it’s true


Ah, the "buttery emails" forces are out, knives in hand


Stop flooding the queue.


> “I am proud to support Joe Biden as our nominee and I am behind him 100 percent in the fight to defeat Donald Trump,” she wrote. “Not only do I believe Joe can win Michigan, I know he can because he’s got the receipts.” There it is folks.


Over the past 72 hours there has been a TON of right-wing propaganda pushed by faux-progressives and others to divide the party. The GOP's play for decades has been to divide the left.


That is for sure true - and Joe is also not able to serve for four more years As someone who will vote against Trump and all of his MAGA followers, it would be perfect if we stopped pretending Joe can be President for 4 more years. It’s not true, he can’t do it.


The Republican party in Michigan is literally split in two and they can't afford to even have a headquaters and yet somehow they are able to function enough to carry MI for Trump? Riiiight.


I get that dems are sticking with Biden but she's the presidential candidate we really need for this election.




So who are you voting for then?


I’m voting for whoever we rally around after Joe steps aside


And if he doesn’t?


I’ll write Whitmer in - Joe (or whoever is making decisions) can own the consequences of his decisions


Given the supreme courts recent ruling I sure as hell would vote for Biden. If trump gets in it's game over for the United States.


What’s the difference between Biden destroying democracy or Trump doing it? They took our choice away when they lied to us about Joes mental health


SMH Hoping the idiot masses don't help Trump claim The I Ron Throne.


Biden can step aside and save the country


Every second we aren't pushing to put Whitmer or somebody similar on the ticket is an in-kind donation to the Trump campaign.


All I hear you saying is Biden should step aside faster


Yeah he should step aside immediately.


Exactly- Biden is accountable for Biden losing. He isn’t fit to serve and the staff around him can try to gaslight us all they want but it won’t change anything because they can’t cure dementia If you want to stop the bleeding- drop out, let someone fit carry the torch




Where am I going to post the biggest political news story of the decade? How about the politics sub When the leader of the free world shows rapid cognitive decline on the eve of the convention- that’s a mega thread


We need this woman on the ticket!


Yes we do


Well let’s see, the last legitimate poll had Biden trailing by 4 and that was taken before the debate. Only way Democrats win Michigan is if Biden isn’t on the ticket.


Yeah she definitely said this. The amount of leaks today from potential candidates to replace Biden is no coincidence. They smell blood in the water. Jill and Hunter are the only thing keeping Biden from stepping aside. Poll numbers have a lag, I suspect the mid-July polls will begin to reflect the damage done by the debate with massive drops in support and donations. Hopefully Biden has the sense to save his own legacy and step aside for an open convention.


Yeah she definitely said this. The amount of leaks today from potential candidates to replace Biden is no coincidence. They smell blood in the water. Jill and Hunter are the only thing keeping Biden from stepping aside. Poll numbers have a lag, I suspect the mid-July polls will begin to reflect the damage done by the debate with massive drops in support and donations. Hopefully Biden has the sense to save his own legacy and step aside for an open convention.


There’s a reason they debated in June


Let's get rid of Biden, which no one can but Joe Biden, and have an open convention. And when Bernie Sanders gets robbed again, I am sure that will inspire the young and unite the party.


Bernie can't even get the votes to win a primary. Stop this delusion


This isn't how the next person would be chosen. It would be selected by the DNC and Biden would push the name forward. Bernie is not in contention here.


Hi, Bernie voter here. Voted for him in every primary since 2016. Bernie is also too damned old, and they shouldn't nominate him. I wish he'd have won in 2016 or 2020, but he didn't and right now we need a president who isn't in or near his 80s.


If Biden is able to make such a decision he should make it He can’t serve 4 years


Saying that as often as you have doesn’t change that it’s not going to happen. Biden is going to be the nominee. He’s gotten a surprising amount of legislation through the most dysfunctional Congress since Reconstruction. Yeah, he’s old and has never been the most well spoken or charismatic, but he’s a masterclass politician.


Saying it aloud and often is far better than pretending it isn't true. He's not able to serve for 4 years and we need to be vocal and protest until someone hears us, he needs to step aside.


I see no indication of that. I absolutely think he makes it through the term. But, even if he was hypothetically removed from the ticket, VP Harris probably takes the top spot, probably with Josh Shapiro as VP.


Harris didn't get VP by being the runner-up in 2020 primaries....she should have the decency to stay out of it or fight on merit but she won't 


This is getting ridiculous. We really need someone with credibility to step up and sort out this stupid unnecessary mess.


TL;DR…..It happened.