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At this point, my number one concern is getting people to get off their ass and vote. With our new supreme leader doctrine from the supreme court, any republican president will be a dictator. That simply cannot happen. We need a dem candidate who inspires turnout, whether that is kamala or buttigieg or whitmer it doesnt matter. We need people to care and we need them to pull that level for dems


There are 8M new potential voters since Trump took office in 2016. Getting the young vote is a difference-maker in this election.


I have lost faith in the democratic party to act upon such obvious intelligence or even read the room at a basic level. That disappoints me because Joe's candor is what sets him apart from other dems. Tripling down on the "high road" is a cop out, makes the campaign look meek and stupid and for this election a losing strategy especially after last Thursday's display. Combined with yesterday's supreme court results 1,000% of the momentum belongs to the other side right now. Changing candidates after the primaries are done feels like too little too late. Whether it's a cortisone shot in Joe's ass or upping his caffeine intake, they've got to address this in a hurry. Paint Joe as the scrappy underdog as others have said, lean into him being old as an asset, make it funny. Doooooo something, optics matter for the love of god. On the other hand I have not lost faith that the democratic party is the better choice on this election.


Pete, sure. Gretchen, yup. Kamela, I think she's tied with Joe.


problem is everyone has a slightly different favorite and that is why historically it is a losing strategy. no sitting presidential candidate coming out of a contentious primary has won


People say this as if voters felt strongly about Biden to begin with. They picked him he felt safe, and he doesn’t feel safe anymore. What’s the difference between feeling lukewarm towards one candidate or another?


Harris is outpolling Joe and Gretchen. Pete is an ex McKinsey guy.


And Barack Obama was a summer associate at Sidney Austin and Hopkins & Sutter, huge law firms that represent evil corporations, etc. This purity test shit is the reason Dems will splinter and lose.


Based on? The leaked polling data shows Pete and Gretchen being way better candidates. Put them on the same ticket and I think you’ve really got something.


Harris is toast - very unpopular


Yeah sure, but that also implies the dem candidate will actually do anything about it besides kick the can down the road for 4 years like the dems always do This court decision isn’t something that just goes away if we elect president not-donald-trump this year


I was so fucking mad when they punted that can in 2020. It was clear this was going to happen again


It feels like Ya'll should have been having this conversation over the last 3 years leading up to the primary? Not 4 months before the election.


Trump’s destroying Biden and all seven swing states. This is not something voter turnout can fix.


Its any leader fron either party can be dictator. Both parties want this.


I’ll vote for whoever the dem is, but that fact that this shit is going down right now reflects really badly on Biden as a nominee and is super disappointing.


It’s really bad, he shouldn’t have run at all. He knew all this because his numbers were never good. He should have left with dignity and grace instead of being told to


RBG 2.0


And while he never outright *promised* to quit after one term, he sure implied it.


I think he ridiculously thought Trump would go away if he lost 2020 and he could step down.


And that implication did no one favors. Should have said he'd see where things were and just let democrats have a primary. Definitely screwed ourselves to the point nothing seems like a great option


Electoral college forecasts are horrifying, too. Unless there are some upsets, Trump has more and easier paths to 270. If he picks the right VP, he could get a boost Biden might not overcome. Then again, they're both pretty old and there's this thing old people in their 80s can do any pretty much anytime.


Bocce ball?


Bocce ball.


He did. He would have left a champion. Now hell leave a bum. Timing is everything.


It also reflects extremely badly on the party leaders who thought they could get away with this.


Running the incumbent president is usually the right thing to do.


- Not when he’s 81. - Not when he said he’d be a one term candidate. - Not when he had already been rejected in three prior attempts. - Not when the party _settled_ on him the last time around because he was the _safest_ bet against Trump. - Not when they knew all this 4 years ago but still decided to defer to him instead of grooming another candidate. The President, (any president) lives in the middle of the largest sycophancy in the country. He has no real idea what the country thinks of him beyond what the sycophants and the polls say. Which do you think he’s getting more of? He’s not leaving because (1) he thinks he has a real shot and (2) like Feinstein, Byrd, and RGB, nobody that’s clearly about to die, thinks they are about to die. He genuinely thinks he’s the solution when he was a stop gap. The DNC failed to use this time to get to the actual solution.


Yep, this is real head-in-sand stuff. Dems are trying to follow typical historic models for their predictions, without inputting the context for this election with Biden as candidate. There is no incumbency advantage. When the majority of your base and the overwhelming majority of voters think your candidate can't do the job then the only course to victory is to change the candidate. Jill Biden is doing Joe, America and the world a huge disservice by convincing Joe to stay in the running.


This is “but her emails” but for Biden. That’s what this is. Good luck with Trump, it’s going to be annoying watching that slow motion trainwreck happen in November and then the daily complaints of can you believe what Trump did today, because Biden looked like an actual 80 year old, like the dude just got old on Thursday.


I want to understand what you mean. The "But her emails" people were the ones who refused to vote for Clinton.  So given that those people existed and Clinton did lose, are you saying this *will* sink Biden and he should be replaced?


People doubting their candidate due to right wing bots feeding into that doubt would make Biden lose as it did for Clinton. I see you did not actually learn anything from that.


Well there are two groups we are talking about here- first are people who are flighty and changing their mind about Biden because of his age, and second are those who understand the gravity of the situation and will vote dem no matter what, but are worried about people in the first group.  I don't know what lesson you think I need to learn just because I couldn't parse your comment, I wasn't trying to make a specific point.


I'll vote dem no matter what vs trump. But we can't ignore this with Biden. Its a major problem. Its not Dems we need to worry about its swing voters. He had them in 2020. Doesn't have them now.


yes, we can ignore it. Vote in his corpse and avoid Trump's wrath. Vote in his loopy soup brain and avoid project 2025. Its really doesnt matter who the candidate is. If Biden drops I will say the same.


Me too. However we aren't the people in worried about. Its independents and undecided.


i dont know how to reach them other than leaving my opinions on this forum 乁⁠|⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠〰⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠|⁠ㄏ


Its something!!!! Can't give up.


The dems in /democrats on Reddit are in fucking denial.


This….. Its absurd. They can't self reflect. Having this comversation is healthy for the party but we should have had it a year ago!!!!


I was very worried that Biden would lose to Trump, despite his record, until his fantastic State of the Union Speech. I had a gut feeling though. They’re acting like republicans though


Yup. I feel the same and am exhausted.


Everyone that was going to vote blue will vote blue no matter how terrible the candidate is. But, the idiots that can't decide between pure evil and an old dude will need to be convinced...best way is with an actually viable candidate. Honestly, 8 think Biden should resign, have Kamala finish the term and run someone flashy and charismatic that is willing to play dirty and call out Trump for being the traitor he is. Hillary did it by calling him a puppet (because she knows), yet it was half-assed and Trump countered with the uno-reverse-o. The DNC is in trouble, and my experience tells me they're going to crash. 


Biden not stepping out of the race is RBG refusing to retire on steroids.


I disagree, if he croaks in office there is another Dem to take his place.


Unless he dies before January 6th 2025 he won't be in office when he dies. He has no path to victory in November. The DNC has proven their corrupt incompetence once again. They would rather hand the country over to fascism than allow leftist to take power. Never forget this.


Leftist will never take power in the USA, they have 2 major political parties against them, the Democrats and Republicans.


The idea is that he's going to lose, so the consequences would be worse than RBGs and a result of someone sticking to power when they should probably step aside.


Do you think the country will vote for a dead body in the first place? If so, you're in denial


Nah RBG is worse. Biden has had the support of the DNC. I genuinely will never have respect for RBG. She's no better than trump in my eyes


If he loses, the consequences will be worse, is my point. I suppose if he wins then my point is absurd and incorrect.


I’d like him to step down, preferably from the presidency entirely, but if he ends up on the ticket I’ll vote for him over trump.


This has been handled very poorly. Joe should have had integrity and helped transition to a new nominee several months ago.


All he had to do was allow a real primary process to take place. Debate other democrats for the nomination, and we wouldn't be in this situation.


or, hear me out, don't run for reelection when the majority of your supporters don't want you to run for reelection


*shocked Pikachu face!*


He should have said he accomplished what he sought out to do and wasn’t running for reelection two years ago.


I flipped to supporting Biden bowing out the moment I saw Jill treat him like a toddler: "You answered every question!" I can't sit by and let people like her continue to selfishly use him for their own gain.


“Good job, Joe! You went potty all 👏 by 👏 yourself 👏!!”


That was exactly her tone. If he had a shred of self respect (or more accurately, a shred of awareness), he'd have gotten at least a sour look on his face after her remark. But nope! Deer in the headlights and mouth agape.


Lol. Our choices are between 2 old men who shit themselves. One on purpose one on accident.


Your choices are between two administrations. Trump doesn’t care to govern and Biden probably can’t. Pick the person who aligns with your goals and they’ll have the people that actually do the work behind them.


Let's not pretend like Biden is some innocent victim. He's seen the polls, he's seen the reaction to his debate performance, he's seen his historically low favorability ratings. He desperately doesn't want to step aside because he has an ego.


I've been to a nursing home plenty of times.  There are nurses there for a reason.


He's a deeply arrogant man imo. The guy ran 4 times to be president since the late 80s. He doesn't take no for an answer


This seems reminiscent of the way people that are too old to drive can't fathom that they might not be safe on the road anymore. How often do those old people just stop driving? He's not likely to step down on his own without significant pressure.


Don't dementia patients have trouble acknowledging they have dementia?


It's so bad, my vote for lower office are people that have the courage to actually be honest and ask him to step down for the sake of the Country. I never had a litmus test before today. Edit: (in the next Primary).


It’s insane


By contrast, Trump avoided answering every question.


What an awful position we’ve put ourselves in. The press seemed skeptical and surprised during Biden’s first full press conference that he announced he expected to run for reelection. They were raising doubts even **THEN**. Almost three years later, it’s only gotten more fraught. The whispers have been there all along. Biden’s admission that he feels tired from time to time to a biographer, the Hur Report, anonymous sources saying he only operates between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. When he won election, he was running across the stage and riding a Peloton in the morning. Now, he needs Jill to assist him down the debate steps. Trump is the most beatable candidate in the history of the Republican party and we’ve convinced ourselves that every vote that went against Trump in 2020 was a Never Trumper. I’m so depressed. I’ve been donating to the campaign regularly over the past few months but I don’t know that I can continue to do so when it things seem so futile. I think we need to roll the dice with Kamala or put together a Whitmer/Warnock ticket.


Kamala has about the same chance as Joe. We need someone else


Doesn't mean they wouldn't vote for him. After the SCOTUS ruling yesterday, people would probably enthusiastically vote for a flaming sack of dog turds over Trump.


Democrats win by motivating their larger base to get out to vote. I have difficulty believing Biden will be successful at motivating voters. Apathy is our biggest killer, and seeing him enfeebled drives apathy and defeatism. 


You are spot on. Apathy is going to be rampant if Biden stays on the ticket. He’s being selfish and self centered by by not relenting to the calls to step aside.


I understand your point. I was involuntarily making dismayed noises throughout the debate. Having said that, I'll still enthusiastically vote for Hospice Joe over what the Republicans have been selling for my whole life. I think Trump is a great example of what's wrong with America, but they generally disgust me as a party.


Hospice Joe. 💀 this is so damn sad. Can we get off this timeline please?


That's true. And to be clear, I am not saying that they shouldn't consider replacing him. If another dem has a better shot and viable way to get the nomination, go for it. Because I want Trump to lose. My larger point is that this poll doesn't say anything about how people would respond if things proceed as normal and Biden is the nominee. We've known for quite awhile that people are quite dissatisfied with their choices this election. But what I want to see is how many people would pull the lever for Joe is he still ends up on the ballot in November, not how many people think we have a better chance with someone else. I already know most Americans have felt like we need better candidates for quite some time.


Polling is good at telling you how people feel in aggregate in response to specific questions. It does not predict future actions, though. I think what you want to see is outside the scale of what polling is capable of. 


Their point is that the Dems don't really need to have an inspirational candidate because we're mostly motivated to keep MAGA lunatics out of politics. It's lame, but it's the truth. And who would you have replace Biden with only five months until the election? There wasn't even a Dem primary because they're incumbent so there are no familiar or popular options; a new candidate would have to cram a year's worth of campaigning into four months.


If you think the vast majority of people care about, or even know about, the SCOTUS ruling you need to get out more. The people who need to be convinced are swing voters. Swing voters need to be convinced because they don't pay attention to politics. Those are the people who will have no idea about the ruling and what it means. And because they pay very little attention, actually reaching out to them is hard.


I don't know what copium you are huffing, but 2016 and 2020 both proved there are independant voters willing to vote Trump under the right circumstances and Biden being a vegetable is one of them.


I'm voting blue no matter who but I'm having serious doubts that the current leadership is capable of conveying to voters that we're in a five alarm fire right now. They're too concerned with maintaining decorum and acting like the adults in the room when they should be spending every minute of every day standing in front of cameras telling the voters what happens if the fucking moron takes office again next January. Biden seems perfectly content with going down in the history books next to Chamberlain and Von Hindenberg


Democrats have always been weak when it comes to messaging. You're right that they need to pull out all the stops here.


They need Jon Stewart go do the same thing he did i when it came to protecting the veterans health. Calling out the Republican Party and explaining what will happen next if we allow the orange traitor to be reelected.


Democrats frequently get caught up in the policy details while also trying to make sure they don’t alienate anyone. In the process they come off as insincere and weird. Most voters just want to feel like the candidate is a normal person who will fight for us and give us hope. These last 3 elections have genuinely felt like no candidate wants to fight for us and as a result you have voters becoming apathetic. You can only scare us into voting against a candidate so many times before it loses its power. Yes, we know what’s at stake. But people who don’t frequent this subreddit are tuned out from the noise. Jon Stewart showed that he will fight for people. Thats why he’s liked and trusted. Democrats rarely, if ever, show that kind of passion in an authentic way.


No there are people that won’t vote for Joe but will vote for somebody else. Pretending otherwise is ridiculous.


There are two questions, and some people mix up the answers. Do I think Joe should win? [Will I vote for him?] Do I think Joe will win? [Will critical voters in key swing states vote for him?] Many of the people who answer no to the second question would still say yes to the first. I live in a state where my vote barely matters, so I try not to focus so much on the first question. I want to know if Biden can win in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. If he can't, which I fear may be true, I'd much rather run someone who can.


This is well put. Thanks for the reply. I’ve debated so many people since the debate who say, “I would vote for Biden’s corpse over Trump, so we can’t switch him out now.” Exactly the type of person who should understand they’re not the one whose opinion matters most.


I'm in that camp. If the Democrats swap out Biden for someone else, I'm still in that camp. I have seen how a Trump presidency plays out. Having the Oval Office vacant for four years is better than that. I'm skeptical about whether there's enough time to switch horses, but if it can be done and we end up doing it, they'll still have my vote. My loyalty is to this country and to opposing Trump and everything that he stands for, not to Joe Biden or Gretchen Whitmer or Gavin Newsom or Kamala Harris or whoever stands in opposition to Trump.


People have been voicing their wish for someone other than Biden for awhile now, since long before the debate last week. This poll doesn't reveal anything new. Dissatisfaction with both candidates isn't some new phenomenon that fell out of the sky overnight.


Who do you think has the ability to get more votes than Biden, the incumbent president who’s had four years and done a pretty decent job, as far as politicians go. He’s been investigated by his enemies and they can’t find much of anything to go after him for beside being old and a bit mumbly sometimes. Are we going to have another primary for the new person, a few months before the election? Hopefully we don’t find something bad about this comparable nobody that destroys their credibility. And you know there will be tons of bs articles which try to do so. I keep hearing “replace him”, but pretty much nobody can say who to replace him with. This all seems like a scam to fuck over the democrats right before the election.


I can’t really tell if this is serious after the events of today, but I’ll respond anyways. Biden’s age and mental fitness have always been question marks but at the debate he made the issues exponentially worse. There’s no coming back for him. Even if America was open to changing its mind, he’s mentally and physically unfit to run the aggressive, in-your-face campaign required. Just look at his response to today’s devastation, he scheduled a pre-recorded short interview for Friday that won’t release until Sunday after it is edited. There was poll after poll showing Biden with 4-5 other Democrats polling way ahead of him. As of today Trump is winning New Jersey and New Hampshire over Biden. Biden is still 0/6 in swing states and it got way worse than pre-debate numbers. There’s a serious argument to be made that announcing a new candidate so close to election time robs the Republicans of their most powerful weapon: the right wing propaganda spending the next four years building a massive case against somebody. There is a mechanism to choose somebody, an open convention. There’s multiple candidates willing and able to replace him. Even if what you said about this being a scam were true, it wouldn’t matter, the cat is out of the bag. The party has acknowledged Biden cannot win, to stick with him now is political malpractice. Trump is eerily silent because he knows facing Biden is his best shot to win.


Which means we have an even better chance is we replace him.


The SCOTUS ruling makes me hesitant to elect anyone with dementia too.


It isn't the Democrats that are needed, it's the swing voters who prefer a different candidate at a 2:1 margin


I'm not voting for Joe Biden, I'm voting for the Joe Biden Cabinet, the people that actually do the job of the president.


Right, so why not vote for a similar cabinet plus a candidate who can speak a sentence out loud?


Because the Political machine in the USA is giving me 2 choices, DJT & JRB. If you have another candidate that is not a Republican on a ticket to win the necessary amount of electoral college votes name them. All this talk of him not running should have happened at least 2 years ago, these are our choices.


Yes, it should’ve happened then, but it can still happen now. The news cycle is very fast.


Staying in the race will plague Biden’s legacy, regardless of outcome. Ignoring all the warning signs and striding into this disaster is not valiant or honorable, it’s reckless and dangerous.


The man should have announced his intention to not run last year.


And honestly, he would’ve cemented his legacy as legendary political figure had he done that.


i must be in bizzaro world. the news has not shut up about bidens one bad debate, while his opponent is a literal felon. wtf is wrong with this country man


And nobody seems to care that trump didn’t even answer half the question, just whined about the border that he helped to sabotage. Or that he blatantly lied quite a few times. Why aren’t fact-checking articles getting this outpouring of articles? Or articles saying trump clearly has no idea how to address many of America’s issues? I watched the debates and this is an obvious a smear/gaslighting campaign. News orgs love trump because people tune in either out of love or hate. Trump in office and they profit, Biden is much more tame and they don’t get their reality tv show.


You don’t get it. We’re talking about it because we don’t want Trump to be president. Biden was behind in every single swing state poll before this debate. He can’t win .


It’s perhaps because the media wants a circus. Now their narrative is intended to sow division among the left/democrats. They’re by all accounts succeeding. More of a circus => more eyes on tv. More division among dems=> Trump victory. I’m disgusted, sad, and frightened.


Biden needs to go all Dirty Harry on Trump and Maga! We need someone to fight for Democracy!


The fact he has not indicates he lacks an understanding of the gravity of the situation.


I would have preferred a different candidate, and I still prefer a different candidate. If they were going to replace him, they need to decide that *now.* I do not want a lack of clarity, because every day that passes is another in which we are not actively campaigning.


For better or worse, there is now division in Democrats and independent voters supporting Biden. Democrats are likely to stick with the nominee no matter who, but I worry about independents or Republicans looking for an alternative to Trump who may just choose to sit this out. Biden was a great president. It may just be time for him to bow out and allow another nominee who can unify people again.


Wrong question.


Slow motion train wreck. People aren't going to forget about Bidens fumbles at the debate if he's doing the same thing every week and still has like 3 more debates where he could very well make the same mistakes. Pull the plug. 


Unfortunately, I don’t think there will be another debate. Trump won the first one, he’ll definitely not risk another.


And they're right. Been saying this since January. I don't wanna be the I am told you guy since we've all been fooled.


I will vote blue no matter what, but we have to be real here. That's one of the things that separate us from MAGA. I know our defenses have come up. To keep us bubbled in. He had a cold. He has a known stutter. Didn't you see the video of him speaking the next day or the same night at a rally? He's an amazing political operative, and not great in front of the camera. The [CNN format is awful and contributes to the downfall of our democracy](https://youtu.be/2rVY5kBODTw?si=gHScjyYDcQEPrHg5&t=296). All of these things are true, to some extent, but not true enough for us to look the other way and let Trump win. There are more debates coming. There are more speeches coming. We cannot hide this! We still have a chance as long as it's not Kamala Harris. We still have 4 months to go!! I implore you to please watch his DNC speeches which are AMAZING speeches. But see what is going on and realize, we have a chance if he can gracefully step down and fully support a new candidate. [2016 DNC Speech](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zK8NuU2N_Rc) [2020 DNC Speech](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6s6qpzqMxE) [2024 CNN Debate](https://www.youtube.com/live/-v-8wJkmwBY?si=QQnzzPRtstViitaJ&t=376) Joe Biden has dedicated his LIFE to serving the American people. He knows how to get things done and push deals across the line. He has lost a wife and child. He has been through highs and lows. Let's remember him that way. Let's remember him as the man who served us so well, that he stepped down on his own terms.. gracefully and for the better of the people. I also suggest [this video](https://youtu.be/2rVY5kBODTw?si=R_Q_U5m9CPR0JMoY&t=767) for some thoughts.


I dont even blame Biden. Dude shouldnt even be in this position. Obviously he *agreed* to it, but when your whole party is telling you youre the only shot at victory, its hard to say no. A loss in November strictly falls on the DNC. They had years to prepare and they, as always, did nothing.


They only think that because the fact is that Democrats have a better shot without Biden. 27% chance with Biden, 30% chance with Harris, 31% chance with Newsom, 49% chance with Whitmer.


Find me a poll that says the majority of undecided voters will vote Democrat w/o Biden and it might be of interest. 


There are contingincies in place in the system for if and when the President becomes unable to perform their duties, so long as the President is willing to go along with them. Replacing Joe at this point does nothing but remove a recognized and established name from the ballot which only serves to help Trump win. This is the only reason why it is being pushed so aggressively in media


Recognized and losing in every swing state. He’s not going to win the election. I hear you, it’s insane, but it’s reality. It doesn’t matter if he’s the better president but if the swing states don’t vote for him it doesn’t matter.


I live in a college town. He doesn’t have many college students voting for him. He may have some going to vote against. Israel/Hamas ruined it for the students who would typically vote blue.




If Pete Buttigieg out-polled him vs Trump, then just maybe the switch should be made.


Lol that's cute




If he doesn't bow out after the governors meeting, I don't think he will. I'm effing scared man. Really effing scared.


>meeting of governors Hopefully to decide which of them will replace him. If it’s Kamala we’re equally doomed




Well yeah, I don’t see her losing *New Hampshire*. But I have a very hard time seeing her sweep MI, WI, and PA.


You have to keep in mind, technically Biden isn’t the front runner candidate yet. The DNC convention is still a ways out, so there’s still a lot of time for someone else to take up the mantle. If Biden’s polling numbers are still middling in a week or two from now, there’s a good chance he might get axed. Will I still vote for Biden in November if nothing happens? Absolutely! But you have to look at things with a 50-50 perspective instead of keeping your head in the sand the whole damn time.


> there’s a good chance he might get axed The only way for that to happen is for the DNC to completely rewrite its rules -- after the primary has already been conducted. That would be *horrible* for the party, on multiple levels. The other problem is what happens after that. How does a new nominee get chosen? Just release all the delegates and have an exciting replay of 1968? It would be great TV, but it would probably blow the election.


it would be a mess but would it blow the election more than running joe who may just be behind 7 POINTS in swing states according to internal polling??


They could run a door knob for president and I'll vote for it because it isn't Trump.


Newsom please




Nope, he'd be painted as an far left coastal elite and then its game over in the gen election


I honestly think Newsom would do worse than Biden. People in the midwest would have real concerns about Newsom turning the whole country into California. Even if they are against Trump, a lot of midwesterners still think California is some terrible leftist hellhole.


Whitmer/Andy Beshear


M'yeh, it's from the Hill of which I trust their "polling" as much as I trust Fox News polling. narrator: dispelhope doesn't trust either the Hill or Fox News


Ignore the polls! Polls said there’d be a red wave, and we countered with a blue tidal wave! Pay attention to local elections. Democrats are winning the majority of them. The main stream media has sold out to oligarchs who want nothing more, than the power to tell average citizens what wages they deserve and what taxes they should pay. Enough with the hysteria about Biden flubbing up 2 sentences and Trump being allowed to go off topic Scott free with 150 lies to Biden’s few inaccurate flubs. Saying 15 instead of 35 cap on insulin isn’t dangerous divisive rhetoric! Give me a break on all of these exaggerated claims that an old man is somehow worse than the fascist alternative. Frankly, the stakes are so high right now, with the Supreme Court taking away the checks and balances protecting average citizens, that they could “Weekend at Berny’s” our current President, and I’d still vote for him. If Trump wins, you can say goodbye to pro choice, to gay marriage, to universal healthcare, to social security, the public education system, and more. These are all openly discussed by Republican plans to take this all away! These facts are backed up by Trump’s team openly admitting they will implement Project 2025 on day one! - So, everyone suck it up, grow a spine, and vote blue. For the undecided, your blue vote is needed. I don’t want to see anyone’s rights taken away, because the election didn’t turn out in your favor.




Everyone is forgetting that Biden is surrounded by competent experienced people. He’s not making uninformed decisions on his own like trump does. One is a team player the other is a narcissistic uneducated fool. The difference between them is that Biden will work with us to make democracy work. Trump is gonna sell us like fake Nikes


Liberals in 2020: *”We’re going to move Joe Biden to the left”.* Liberals in 2024: >The difference between them is that Biden will work with us to make democracy work. Trump is gonna sell us like fake Nikes


75% of democrats are Idiots, You lose the incumbent advantage with a new candidate, that wouldn't be as big of an issue if Trump didn't _also_ have an incumbent advantage, switching candidates this late in the game is a guaranteed loss. I don't give a shit if you like Biden or not, ask yourself this, do you like Trump more?


It’s too late to get enough people to back a new candidate. There’s no way that works out for us. Biden might be old but he has a team that has a great track record so far for helping the majority. This shouldn’t be an issue to focus on right now. Get this done for now and fight for change later. We need to be like the right, we need to be united.


The poll numbers just aren’t there man. (Specifically the swing state polls) It’s out of reach. And The more the public sees Biden the lower he goes. We have to roll the dice.


Stop with the damn propaganda already. Biden is running, it’s too late to change if we have any chance whatsoever of winning. Stop crying in public for all to see.


LMAO fucking try it! go ahead and start chaos trying to nominate a Dem to take on trump and see how that plays out. y'all need to get serious


Biden's only issue is his age. Dems could run anyone in the party below 70 and sweep Trump. You also dump all the baggage Biden had like the Afghan pullout and inflation. Dems would be running a fresh record Democrat over some one who has been polling with 30% approval for months


Biden feels like a guaranteed loss at this point.  You need to get serious 


75 percent of people polled, not voters. Very big difference, especially considering the leaning of the poll taker.


bruh, dats copium


Unless it's Hillary.


Can we please start a nation wide protest on all this shit. SC decisions giving the keys to the kingdom to every president moving forward, having the worst possible candidate running against an open fascist etc. Why are we not shutting the country down until this is fixed..


I remember when the same thing was said about Hillary… dems showed no spine… Trump won


Most democrats would be fine with new democrats but the media gonna spin them into lizard people wearing nice clothes.


Who the democrat nominee doesn’t matter. Preventing 3 of the right wing 70+ year justices from being able to be replaced by 40 year old right wing justices is what matters. A lot of us don’t want to die with an evil court chipping away at important laws. We want to see progress not regression during our lives.


Announce an open convention on July 4. It’s democracy vs authoritarianism, and we’re all in.


75% of voters are idiots and wrong


Hey Hill, why don’t you take click bait bullshit back to X where it belongs.


Guy was literally made a king and is going to watch democracy fall


This is what democrats have been saying long before the debate. It is the gerontocracy of the DNC that let it get this far.


Grow a set of balls.


Same poll says no one does better than Biden against Trump. So does that mean 75% of voters are wrong?


Harris is the way.


Voting is absolutely necessary. At the same time, you have to figure out how to deal with the Supreme Court handling Trump the presidency.


I wish we had younger candidates who actually had a shot. I’ll support Biden if he’s the nominee; but damn I wish it was someone else. We will see in November.


Of all 10 democrats who actually responded to a survey, I'm sure.


Didn’t we know this 3 years ago when he could have dropped out and propped up his successor for success. 


So, exactly the same as a year ago?


Im one of the 75%. Ill vote for Biden without question but I'd prefer he step down. Sooner than later.


Managed democracy sucks




Okay but with who then? Are we replacing Biden with some ideal in our minds like I do when I think I’d be better off in “another city” but idk what that city is and I’m just imagining some perfect place?


But who can go from zero to hero in 4 months? Whos been developed?


Well it worked for adlai stevenson and hubert humphrey. Oh wait….


Guy wins 90% of the primary votes all spring and now this.


Better shot at what? Losing? Democrats are such pussies. We don’t lose unless we sell!


I'd be curious for the independents. I'm not voting for him. He's incoherent and slow witted.