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Suggesting that we submit to minority rule or face a bloody revolution is exactly the kind of statement only a fascist would make. These people are so blatantly anti-democratic it makes me ill.


Yep. If people don't wake up and take this kind of talk very, very seriously then America is doomed.


They basically are saying “it’s not rape if they let you”


You have to watch MAGA like a hawk. They claim they want less government but they are really building a police state like the Clones become Stormtroopers in Star Wars.


But Biden old


Friend, people online are stupid. We can no longer afford to omit the "/s"


And Drumpt is a pedo-rapist-lying-corrupt piece of excrement. Your point is?


Also old. Don't forget that too.


They were joking I'm fairly sure


I was, yes. Pointing out that apparently being old is just as bad as 34 felony counts, being an adjudicated rapist and all over the Epstein records, a racist asshole, and also slightly less old.


Ya know, if you’d just use the dang /s, you wouldn’t have to explain yourself. And people wouldn’t be nearly as prone to misunderstanding your point.


I can live with that, if people take someone saying "But Biden old" seriously, that's on them.


You aren't wrong on any of that, but I think they were being facetious


Isn't it crazy how many are bailing on Biden. Yes he's old, and he acts old, but he's got a great record. Push the record and his results...looks don't mean anything.


> Suggesting that we submit to minority rule The right operates on the concept of "natural elites". Rinse and repeat


As a natural elite. they're doing it wrong.


Textbook narcissism.


It’s the kind of statements the south made in the mid 19th century too.


That’s actually strangely reassuring to me.


Their version of democracy is the choose who gets to vote. God help you if you follow the wrong religion or are a bit to tan, etc


Years from now, archaeologists will dig up one of the first Heritage Camps and find the dried carcass of a prisoner named "Decorum". They had been locked in a cell named Hyperbole. Our family, our neighbors that are voting for Trump are our enemy now. They will do everything in their power to make this election into a farce and seek violence regardless of the outcome. There is no TOS friendly diplomatic solution that will sweep into save us. Words won't solve this. Hate like this must be confronted it must be resisted and it must be burned out like the cancer it is.


Had to check if I was reading /r/politics or /r/collapse. Seems like they're rapidly converging!


The Right is clearly trying to push it towards /r/collapse - because they think they'll be Immortan Joe instead of the dust everyone trods on.


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


And ***NONE*** of the safeties are working.


They took control of the checks first.


Iirc, Jan 6 was not bloodless.


And it sure as heck wouldn’t have been if the capitol police let the insurrectionists have their way, either.


I still say the capitol police and secret service should’ve pulled automatic weapons out of concealed locations and opened fire. The insurrectionists were warned multiple times to vacate the premises and yet they pushed on threatening the very seat of power of the nation and until one of their own beloved met her maker.


I still don't understand why the guard wasn't there


Because the sole individual in charge of deploying the guard in DC was the same individual who told his rabid supporters to march there. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the DC National Guard needs to be led by a council (for lack of a better term) made up of the heads of the Capitol Police, National Guard Leadership, The Mayor/Governor of DC, the Speaker of the House, and the President of the Senate. That’s 5 members so there’s always an individual for a tiebreaker, and the US President is already in charge of the regular armed forces, there’s no need for him to be in charge of the DC Guard as well.


The military takes an oath to the Constitution, not the president, and now the president has immunity in any official acts related to removing anyone from rank who doesn't carry out his orders.


Yes, but the reason they didn’t deploy was because the orange fuck didn’t give them an order to. The leader of the DC National Guard came out and said he recalled everyone to get geared up, but that the order from the president never came. Remove him from the equation and we won’t have that problem again.


[https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/06/27/biden-trump-first-presidential-debate/trump-jan-6-national-guard-fact-check-00165615](https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/06/27/biden-trump-first-presidential-debate/trump-jan-6-national-guard-fact-check-00165615) Technically Trump wanted them there, but he wanted them guarding his followers as they marched on the capital. In the end there were concerns of it looking like a coup so he decided not to order the guard in (read that as the military leadership talked him out of using the Nat'l Guard as a goon squad to protect his protestors). Then when the calls came in that his followers were assaulting the capital he sat on his ass for hours watching it all unfold on TV.


Because of Nikki Haley!! /s


I don’t understand why security wasn’t much tighter - better fences, the guard on site before anything got started… My dumb civvy ass saw it coming enough that I took J6 off so I didn’t have to try to work if things went down. Capitol Hill’s security and our intelligence community *had* to know shit was gonna happen. Why weren’t they better prepared? Or, more accurately - who all ‘sabotaged’ the security plans?


The right wing are bullies and cowards.  Their precious insurrection was over the moment that one of them went to meet their maker.  They could have pushed on and broken into the house chamber if they had been willing to sacrifice some of their blood; they were armed.  But they were all willing to fight to the last drop of someone else’s blood!


Got that right. Ashli Babbit was rightly shot and died. I guess her military training didn't cover listening to basic commands. She was told not to breach the door and when she did, she died like the traitor she was.


Certainly a lot of other bodily fluids smeared about as well.


The Heritage Foundation is a cohort of fascists, monarchists, authoritarian traitors. They are like the Klan but with money.


They are the Klan


And less geeky, with fewer nonsense titles like “Grand Dragon/Cyclops”…


They totally ruined my D&D character’s titles. I’ll never forgive them for that. Oh, and the racism too.


Timothy McVeigh Bombed The Wrong Building.


Among the very first things fascist rulers typically do is remove industry regulations and end all forms of collective bargaining. This is the stated goal of Project 2025, so we can expect that to happen quickly. The maga base will see their wages drop, along with the rest of us, and they will all be wondering why. If Trump follows through on his threats to Ukraine and NaTO, the world will respond in kind by pulling away from the US economy. Waning foreign orders will translate to less jobs and the maga base will wonder why. Just look at Britain after Brexit and all the Brexit supporters who are all shocked and confused that the promises never materialized. What they have seen is higher prices, lower wages and record poverty.


>The maga base will see their wages drop, along with the rest of us, and they will all be wondering why. No they won't. They'll mindlessly echo whatever bullshit hate rhetoric those in power broadcast to them. >"It's all the fault of [insert target group here] !!! To the camps with them!!"


That is very true. It’s also how this shit escalates. When their policies don’t work they’ll find a new enemy.


Then, prepare for blood.


I'm slamming the 3rd box of democracy while keeping the 4th box ready.


I prefer the En Bloc Clips of democracy myself.


The sound is definitely more satisfying


Let Freedom Ping?


I need to buy a gun


LOTS of people do. Shit is about to get very real.


I'm not American and don't live there. I hate guns. Saying that... You absolutely need to buy a gun. Things are about to get very bad over there.


2 guns, a pistol and a long gun, prices are pretty good these days as is selection. The enemy will identify themselves with Red Hats. Don't forget to practice, I'm trying to get to the range every two weeks.


I'd rather die trying to take them down than die giving them what they want.


Just don’t block any roads while you’re violently revolting against a fascist government or else it will make people late for work and side with the fascists. Or at least that’s the logic Reddit likes to use with every other protest.


"I don't really like fascism, but the liberals are making things very inconvenient! What's the point of the trains running on time off I can't get through the protestors blocking the roads! I blame the left for making me a fascist!" /s


Sarcasm but I truly believe many someones out there truly thinks like this.


I still don’t think Republicans will ever figure out that you can’t brute force a belief system. At the end of the day, as much as they preach this value and that value, a lot of Republicans just badly want to be liked and want their beliefs to be the cool ones. But like….this is not how you do it. It’s not like X amount of years under a GOP Supreme Court is going to convince younger generations that weed is bad and abstinence is cool and POC are a demonic force for evil. It’s just a fundamental misunderstanding of social dynamics.


Especially after middle class families lose their footing because: They can't insure their house. Insurers won't cover areas prone to natural disasters. And there's no more FEMA to help manage or government programs to buy these properties. They lose access to insulin therapy because Endocrinologists have been demonized for decades. They end up in unregulated nursing homes with untrained staff at the end of their lives. Everyone is going to be in a bad place. Not just the "other side"


Yes but have you considered all that happening will be immigrants fault?


exactly. Once the mass deportations start, there will be marches of support. Heck go look up the MSG German-American Bund Rally. Nazi flags next to George Washington.


Wasn’t there some famous Russian leader who imprisoned all doctors and then died from a very curable disease had he just accepted help from the doctors?


No, that was a different nationality iirc, but i cant remember who. You kight be thinking of stalin who died with help right nearby and could have been saved but everyone was too fucking scared of him to go into his room without permission to check on him and he was in no state (dying) to give permission so he just died alone.


Fascism has a pretty short shelf-life, usually a few decades at most. They think they'll all be able to slink away if their hopes and dreams fall apart. That's not remotely what will happen. These dipshits are all publicly known, and all the morons at the grass-roots level happily post their info on the internet for all to see. Think of how easy it was to track down the January 6 brigade. They have plenty of guns, but they only have two hands, and as fascism fails, it tends to cannibalize itself as the in-group begins to see everyone as a potential enemy. And bear in mind, all of this would play out against the backdrop of rising wealth inequality, climate change, etc. It's a perfect storm for their little revolution to pivot 180 degrees and turn into their worst nightmare. If history is any indication, the retribution for this stuff will be bloody and horrific, and the fascists will have brought every bit of it upon themselves.


If one of their goals is to invade Mexico a foreign government will force a regime change here immediately. If WWII is a precedent countries didn’t stand by and watch while Nazi germany was invading its neighbors.


In that case I wouldn't be surprised if regime change happens from within. Trump already lost much of the upper echelons of the military and the intelligence community a while ago. If he thinks he'll be able to just waltz in and replace all of those people without any kind of blowback, I don't know what he's thinking. There's probably a poisoned hamburger with his name on it just waiting for the right time.


Project 2025 plans to do just that


The CIA already assassinated on president 🙃


Hopefully they learned that death-by-hamburger is a lot cleaner.




People changed their mind about assassinating Adolf Hitler when they discovered he was making things worse. Trump is a big glowing orange ball of bad publicity and leaking intel. He can be manipulated by pro-democracy agents just as much as anyone else can manipulate him.


The military has been politically neutered in the U.S. since its founding and is not staffed by the kind of people that would do a coup.


Nukes will prevent that.


Fascism in the past returned to democracy, but with the US being basically the inspiration of modern democracy.. If the US falls, and other democracies follow, will it really be short lived?


Who knows? Hungary just took over the rotating EU Council presidency for the next six months and rolled out the slogan "Make Europe Great Again." It's definitely already metastasized. I still believe fascism is inherently unstable by its very nature, though.


It is unstable, but so is this entire planet. And with the increase in technological advancement, fascism has countless ways to ensure it's grip.. Near instantaneous propaganda to the masses, tracking everyone and everything, thermal imaging to detect potential rebel encampments.. Potential AI that can identify opponents based on speech patterns... And with the United States, well we have the most powerful military. And the US is quite some distance from other superpowers, making us nearly immune from external military forces... If the US falls, our future is likely to be akin to 1984 or the handmaidens tale... It's hard to fathom how any sufficient opposition could succeed, unless the opposition has similar levels of organization, unification, and military/technological power... That's not gonna happen, Democrats are rather pacified.. Protesting is likely just putting a target on our backs, and eventually protesting will be made illegal. It's bad, because the far right is willing to go to violent lengths. Protesting stands no chance against violence.. It just makes it easy for tyrants to find dissent. We don't have any nearby allies that could protect us. We don't have the will to actually fight. We aren't willing to go to the same lengths to protect democracy as they are willing to go to destroy it.




Don't trust anyone with the power the presidency has been given. Biden is the only candidate that I'm convinced is virtuous and grounded enough, to not chase some insane and unchecked ideology. Either they're gonna try and use their new powers to save the world, or they'll cater to bribes and greed. Rulers who think they can save the world, and proceed unchecked are the most dangerous. Trump himself, well it's just greed. He doesn't believe in anything. But you can bet that the federalists will ensure that his VP and successor believes in their cause.. Kamala could probably beat trump honestly, but she is an idealist, and far from moderate. We're so screwed... Honestly, I watched the full debate, and it did seem that Biden's performance issues have been greatly exaggerated, there were like 2-3 moments I would call bloopers (Really bad moments, but still a very small fraction of the time). Even the democrats that previously supported him are blowing it up to make it seem like his entire time sounded like the moment he accidentally said he'd stop medicare.. This has led me to suspect, that after the recent Supreme Court ruling, the presidency just got far more desirably in the Democratic Party.. No longer is it an office of high standards and virtue, now you can get away with virtually anything with the proper approach. The president has potentially become synonymous with the king, and I fear that the Democratic Party may be about to canabalize itself for the crown.. Biden will remove the additional powers if he gets another term... So this may be their only chance at absolute power to fulfill their perceived utopia.




Well honestly, it's hard to. The justices dismantled our democracy right before the 4th of July, they laid the groundwork for their Christo-Fascist regime. They gave the presidency near absolute power. Surely they considered that in the next 6 months, Biden might utilize those powers to stop them completely. Do they really intend to take that chance? Was the timing of these decisions, being right before independence day, intended to seem as poetic as it'd sound to a Christo-Fascist? The leader of project 2025 basically just said, if everyone cooperates, there won't be blood. I've grown alarmingly suspicious at the seemingly poetic timing of these recent events. I doubt the Justices would've given Biden these powers with months left in his term.. I don't think they intended on the election happening. They already got away with having a coup after a failed election.. why take the chance at failure? I may be paranoid, but the timing seems like it may have been intentional for a federalist/Maga narrative...


All good points. Pessimism is definitely warranted because we aren't just entering a dark time, we've already been in a dark time for a while now. But it's important that we not become so pessimistic and so jaded that we make our own oppression a foregone conclusion. That's exactly what the opposition is counting on. This timeline blows.


Pessimism is necessary. Right now, people may be thinking it's gonna blow over and be the same. But the pot is heating up, and if there's any chance of jumping out, then people need to realize that we are absolutely fucked. If we realize that deeply enough, maybe, just maybe, we will accumulate the adrenaline to jump out. We may only be 6 months before freedom of speech will be eradicated. Trump will utilize the same anti-protest measures as before, but now he won't need to hold back. The minute we can't communicate without exposure, we're screwed. If we aren't prepared in 6 months, then we will be doomed. Regardless of whether Biden wins, we need to consider that a much larger coup is likely to occur. Hell, I have an uneasy feeling about the 4th of July this year. The timing of these Judges seems... off-putting. These are people who think they're honoring God and the "true" interpretation of the constitution.. Why did they just completely decimate the checks and balances, right before the day which we celebrate our independence? Think of how poetic it'd be to a federalist, if the country was reclaimed from the evil liberals on Independence Day... The armed lunatics just cleared the path for their messiah to bring the country in line with their charlatan god's will.. I have an uneasy feeling that the timing wasn't just coincidence... The timing is just too poetic. I hope I'm paranoid..


Wrong. Many are willing to go the lengths to defend our country from enemies foreign *AND* domestic, fuck these MAGA scum bags. I will put them in the ground, are you willing to?


That’s just the thing. These people will try all they want and may actually succeed in the whole project 2025 thing. They forget that this country and modern age will not stand by and simply cannot support the white, cis, male tyrannical fantasy they will try to enforce. We are too diverse and they too few.


Remember a few summers ago when there was an issue with the fuel supply lines in the southeast? And people lost their minds and started hording gas by filling up drums and coolers? This would be an everyday occurrence. Their base is gonna be pretty bamboozled by their newfound "freedom from tyranny" The potential is scary, and I'm not discounting it. Chaos thrives in disorganization. But I don't think HF can control the chaos enough to benefit long term.


No, but a long enough time-frame will convert enough to silence opposition. And you don't need to convince people up front it is bad if you have a big enough stick to enforce it.


I suspect their bluff might end up being called here.


And especially you can't brute force a belief system *you don't fucking follow*.


It’s their death rattle. They know they’re becoming more and more unpopular so they’re becoming more extreme. It’s their self-fulfilling prophecy.


>I still don’t think Republicans will ever figure out that you can’t brute force a belief system. It has happened in Iran and Afghanistan.


They believe that we can "go backwards" in belief systems, that the genie can be put back in the bottle or that we can return everything to Pandora's box. They are fundamentally flawed in this assumption, but I promise you, they'll make the intervening duration between now and when they are roundly proven wrong to be extremely painful if history is any teacher. Authoritarianism isn't new; it almost always makes rapid gains when it resurges, then after an extremely bloody period, gets utterly shuddered for another generation or two. Sadly, living memory is short, and the cycle will continue.


Given the people supporting it I'm not really trusting the bloodless part. Seems this guy belongs to a particular kind of out of touch conservative elite that doesn't realize much of the MAGA electorate hates the kind of person they are as much they hate any other fancy pants pseudo-intellectual fart sniffers - along with many actual intellectuals of course - and they don't have a bench with the kind of political talent necessary to actualize their weird political fantasy or MAGA's, let alone trying to balance both of them. They have no coherent answer for what politics looks like after Trump stops being an empty icon for various resentments. They imagine they're going to be part of a grandiose aristocracy rather than incompetent wannabe philosopher kings and the rabble they roused finding out they actually aren't on the same page. It's likely just going to be a lot of chaos and violence regardless of the left, since different conservative/MAGA demographics have competing political fantasies that aren't entirely feasible to actualize. Once they have power they won't unite under any particular one vision peacefully, and you can't hold the coalition together with a vacuous fill-in-the blank whatever the "Great Again" in MAGA means in their heads anymore.


The right wing says the same thing about rape....


Jesus, the heritage foundation sounds like every abusive boyfriend ever. I’m currently on page 52 of 920 in Project 2025 and wow…it just keeps getting worse. It specifically talks about “woke revolutionaries” and “fighting for the soul of america”… Make no mistake, they will react like violent tantrum prone children if they aren’t appeased. I highly recommend giving the GOP and Heritage foundation a real spanking. Please, for the love of the great experiment, VOTE. VOTE VOTE VOTE


Forget the woke part. Keep telling people about the part where they're going to abolish every federal agency and fire 50,000 people on the first day.


For those of us who have been on the receiving end of the "Christian" Right's "love the sinner, hate the sin", I'm going to have to speak for all of us and say: We told you so and you called us crazy. I'm queer. They hate being confronted with anything that makes them feel even the slightest unease. They are telling you openly, submit or they will spill your blood. How this man isn't in jail already is beyond me. If this were anything other than a straight, white, "Christian", male, they'd be at the least, behind bars already. If not in the hospital or worse. All of this is insanity.


The goal of the christofascist revolution is a return to tyranny. Never again.


We need to start calling this terrorism


They already are planning on killing Americans, and they already have killed before. They just want the rest to wait back for their turn to be slaughtered and not fight them. They already have plans to legally label trans people as "pornographic material", and then ban pornographic material, aka making us paraphernalia and able to be destroyed on sight. All they know about trans people is the porn they watch. And they probably watch sissy degradation porn too, which isn't even trans people. All they know is degradation and their biased opinion of anyone nonwhite or not-cis, etc. and they are going to write laws based off their totally fucked up viewpoints. Stand up for your fellow humans. Stand up and fight against the fascists. They want you to sit back and not fight the slaughter, and they won't stop with trans people. Under Project 2025, all black people or any people of color lose their rights too. It will go way back past segregation times, back to slavery. Women's rights, and basically anyone who had ever had to fight for their rights in US history will lose them. The fabric of America is being tested right now and compromised by people with alterior motives. Not only do we need to fight the fascists anywhere they appear, but also, we need to remove anyone who supports them from government, including the Supreme Court.


I'm in the process of telling the President of the Heritage Foundation to go fuck himself.


I prefer Mike Tyson's response to this: "Everybody's got a plan until they get punched in the mouth."


Clear and present danger


Do we want to live in 1930s Germany? VOTE!


Not immediately removing and or jailing all the congressman and woman, senators and Trump after January 6th will go down as a historical blunder. Mark my words.




How is he not on a high alert list. He's literally threatening genocide.


He’s rich.


There is a lot of shit going on right now but **THIS IS INSANE**


Remember when you tried to impose your values on Afghanistan? Or Vietnam? How’d that work out?


Yea, millions of dead Vietnamese and Afghans.


Are you talking about the 2 bridges, the medical clinic, or the all girls school that I helped build? Oh, none of them worked out great. Last I heard the Taliban came in and killed some, raped the girls, and now things are back to how they were. You know what the lesson is? We should have killed all of the Taliban, instead of just some. Same lesson from the Civil War, isn't it?


Just curious, and I don’t need a hyperbolic response because I’m already freaking out: how much protection will living in a deep blue state (California) protect me and my family from this revolution should it come? Will abortions remain legal? Will social programs continue to function and for how long? I’ve heard a lot of different answers to this and I’d like to be even more confused lol. But in all seriousness, I’d like to hear if anyone has some useful insight on this. Best/worst case scenario in your eyes? EDIT: i don’t think anyone is understanding what I’m asking, and maybe that’s my fault. I know what p2025 is and I’m aware federal law supersedes state law. I know how many red areas of California there are. What I’m asking is if a state like California where still the vast majority of citizens do not want these things, what is the course of action? Secession is obviously illegal, but at that point where rights are being stripped, is it something that actually gets considered?


Project 2025 offers little comfort to those of us lucky enough to live in blue havens defeatproject2025.org. Considering a lot of the affected things are federal I don’t think it’ll help much. On top of which the climate affects everyone and they’ll be switching fast away from any renewable energy sources.


I urge you (and all voters) to read up on Project 2025. That will give you a clear understanding of what the Republicans are attempting to accomplish. Trump is really just their useful idiot.


California isn’t as blue as you think it is. The problem with a split of ideals/civil war scenario is how intertwined the population is


I’m not talking about that, I’m very well aware of how many conservatives are in the state. I’m talking policies and laws.


Federal law supersedes state law. If abortion is illegal federally you can bet they will come for it in California. The only good example of it working the other way is marijuana and that’s strictly because the federal government is choosing to turn a blind eye. That’s why you can’t bring pot onto a plane even if you’re traveling between two states where it’s legal.


Federal law is supreme, period. Blue states like ours have laws that are more protective than the minimums set by federal law, but if those laws clashed with federal law, federal law would win. The minimum wage is an easy one. There is a federal minimum wage. If a state tried to make a minimum wage lower than that, the federal minimum would still be in effect. A lot of states have a higher minimum wage and since it meets or exceeds the federal minimum, state law does not conflict with federal law. Discrimination laws are similar. Federal law protects certain classes from discrimination, such as race, religion and national origin, but have much less protection for sexual orientation or gender identity. Again, some states have greater protection. Washington and California have protection against discrimination based on orientation and gender identity. They are allowed because they exceed the minimum. Those federal laws are all about setting a minimum, though. A federal abortion ban, for example, would be a limiter, not a minimum. If the right gets the White House and both houses of congress, they could pass a national abortion ban. Here, the federal law would reign, overriding California and Washington's laws allowing abortion. As for social programs, anything run and funded by the state would likely not change, though federal law could still change, but when you look at how the feds have controlled state spending, it usually comes from the power of the purse. Like when the republicans when hard on welfare reform in the 90s. It was all about saying 'If you take federal money for your program, it has to do X, Y and Z.' They did not pass laws forcing states had to run their welfare programs in a certain way but would withhold money if states didn't. This is a very common way the feds push policy on the states. I have not read project 2025 completely, so I don't know all the ins and outs, just some summaries, but for things like anti-discrimination laws, it is all about stripping federal protections. that would not prevent blue states from continuing to protect more groups than the federal laws. Beyond discrimination, though, like with an abortion ban, they could push for bans on trans health care which would be forced on states trying to protect it. In the end, blue states will still be able to offer some protections, but the federal government could restrict their ability to do so and the republicans have endorsed a plan to do that in certain situation like with abortion and trans health care.


Blue state county and city officials will likely refuse to enforce or comply with blatantly unconstitutional and illegal orders, even though the SCOTUS has legalized rightwing crime and corruption. If corrupt officials with federal power try to impose injustice in these areas, there will be legal, economic even physical conflict


I'm beginning to think only Hawaii is relatively safe because of how isolated we are. Our government, inept as they can be is very blue and anti authoritarian. We'd run out anyone that would try anything. But I worry China or Russia might try to take over.


So far, a portion of the SCOTUS's ruling leaves power in states' hands (this is the case with Dobbs, so they'd have to hear another case and go back on their own ruling to change it). I'm not sure which issues are most important to you personally, but regardless of the goals of Project 2025, living in a blue state is going to afford you some protections. Could a full-on second civil war happen? Maybe, but for now it does no good to indulge in future doomsday scenarios when the present reality needs our full attention. (Not saying you're doing this, but others seem to be).


It’s only bloodless till January. Then the camps Trump built start getting filled up.


We already had a second American Revolution. It was the Civil War.


This is flat out Treason. King Biden can now reinstate public executions.


Treason is the charge. Lock him tf up!!


Arm yourselves.


Wait to Trump appoints all US attorneys with loyalists, exits NATO, sabotages the Fed…


Bring on Meal Team 6 and the Gravy Brigade. They really do not want to FAFO.


Here is the consideration in these words. Will the persecution of LGBTQ, or Trumps political rivals, or the homeless, or immigrants be bloodless? Somehow I doubt it. So as it goes… “Yeah, you say 'peace,' I kind of think you mean the other thing"


Well that sounds fuckin ominous.


Sounds to me like this fucker hasn’t seen a head on a pike in a long time. We should change that.


So much for consent. Gop is so sure they will win - I’m sure they won’t.


And still, double-digit percentages of the American population remain "undecided." We're fucked.


You’ve already shed blood.


Charlottesville. Jan 6th. You’ve already shed blood.


And it only took one bullet to end their pathetic attempt at an insurrection.


How dumb and blind do you need to be to not understand these people are evil


I ain’t got this 7.62 fer nuthin!


Theses people are so bad that threaten the opposition even when they win!


Why are they allowed to openly call for the overthrow of america?


They should be arrested for sedition, insurrection and conspiracy and dealt with summarily.  No Bail & no appeals to the corrupt Supreme Court.


Conservatives are SOO sad that the British didn't win the 1st American Revolution.


Meanwhile, the Dems are doing nothing to stop this.


It would be mistake to tell your enemy you have a plan. Best to surprise them


what should they do, specifically?




They have burrowed their brows and are finger wagging at them. What more can they do?


Americans would rather live in the white nationalist Christian hellscape of Project 2025 than vote for Biden. It's very telling.


turns out the racists are super motivated to vote.


The new polls show multiple other names doing well against Trump. Americans are even more motivated to vote against Trump than in 2020, and that was a huge share of Biden votes


Yeah, this doesn’t feel like America anymore.  It’s something else now. 


it's always been America. it's the core of "american exceptionalism", white supremacy. it's just mainstream again instead of in private. i don't see any reason to continue if he comes back, enabled by all this evil.


I’ll continue personally, just not here in America.  This country is going to experience unprecedented brain drain if the nazis win in November.  America will truly be done for good.  


I have never ever thought about moving to Canada but after these decision on Monday I'm considering it.


It's pointless to leave. Nobody on the planet will be safe. Tucker Carlson has already been agitating that Canada needs to be liberated from the Commies.


So, the real question here redditors is: Are we just going to ALLOW it to be?


“They hate us for our freedom”.


Allow it ? Don’t fucking bet on it turd.


I think this whiny ass minority is going to be quite surprised if they think that will happen. Good damn traitors.


We should destroy them. They’re enemies of our country—treat them as such.


Sounds like a good way to create an American "Left".


If it happens it will be bloody. This is the country with all the guns.


They Are Playing With Fire & They Will Get Burned. The Idiot Fascist Right Billionaires That Have Recently Infested Our Country Are Too Greedy, & Trying For All The Marbles. They Are In For A Very Rude Awakening.


No one is stopping them from being cis, white, straight, rich, or anything else. Or Christian^(TM) Why do they insist on this perception that allowing others to exist in different ways means that they can no longer exist in their desired way? I don't get it. Maybe that's why I'm not in the far-right.


A Tory of the 18th century variety weighs in on the Revolution and is confused as to which side his views represent.


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Any article text or non-paywalled link?


The Left? What is the reference here?




If all this shit goes down, I'm outta here, and I'm expecting my parents to call me to complain about their problems that they happily voted for.




We won't allow it to be you fucking fascist!


Let it flow then.


Well, I, for one, am not going to allow it.


Just checking... Are they saying they are ready to bleed for facism? They are saying this? That's his message?


Bloodless coup, second revolution, tomato, tomatoe.


Example of maga creative thinking.


As a leftist I’m becoming more okay with the idea of spilling blood over it.


Fuck him he sounds stupid


Idk if they’ve looked at their supporters but majority of them are already one foot in the grave and the others just like belonging to a “movement” to stick it to the “left”. None of them truly want war bc then they would have to back up all the talk


Calling The Heritage Foundation a "Think Tank" is an oxymoron to say the least.


Pretty tired of the conservative nutjobs threats. They act as if that the NRA crowd owns all the guns and that means that can dictate shit. Banning abortion? Didn't their pet court just say it was a state issue?


Fucking roll over and let you shitheads take over. FAFO motherfuckers


The revolution where we go back to tyranny? Make it make sense.


Remain bloodless? Blood has already been shed in their effort to install a fascist regime.