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How can you run on saving democracy then say you are at peace with losing? Make it make sense.


I feel like this is the scene in the horror movie where the whole audience is saying "get out" but the asshole keeps roaming around the house.


I’m starting to think this is the scene in the horror movie where the killer takes off his mask and it turns out it was the boyfriend in the house all along


The masked killer receives a slight bump to the head and falls down “I’m sure he’s no threat, let’s leave him be”


Awful answer. You can’t run on Trump being a threat to democracy and then say “well if I lose at least I tried.”


Even the dumbest athlete knows how to answer this question. "I won't lose".


A good athlete knows when they are out of their prime


*Looks over at Messi and Ronoldo struggling while still playing for their national teams.* Quite a few very good players have a hard time coming to terms with aging out of the game.




Pro athletes retire in their 40s. Biden is in his 80s. Just retire and drink prune juice on a boat somewhere.


Counterexample: Dianne Feinstein. Why retire and enjoy your last years hanging out with your family, relaxing on the beach, studying that language or craft you were always too busy to start, and sleeping all you want when instead your barely breathing carcass could be hauled into the Capitol or the White House to justify the entire political ecosystem that exists around you?


That was outright elder abuse, what they did to Feinstein.


Unite everyone behind his replacement.




It’s really this. Even Biden asked for our votes after refusing to accept SCOTUS ruling, refusing to do anything else. It’s not energizing people to vote, it’s losing it drastically. Older leaders of the DNC, after Feinstein and RBG hindsight, are out of touch.


Don't forget Pelosi/Schumer and, of course, Hillary herself. Dinosaurs are killing the planet. I guess we should have seen it coming.


If Biden delivers Trump a majority in the house and super majority in the Senate, he will go down as one of the most hated politicians of all time, right behind Trump.


It's amazing watching the narrative on Biden go from "least exciting 2020 primary candidate" -> "ok fine i guess i'll support him if i have to" -> "oh good he beat trump and he's doing some things i like" -> "he's literally the best president of my life" -> "he's going to go down as one of the most hated politicians of all time" not even saying any of them are wrong, its just been a wild ride these last 4 years.


Political consultants just losing their minds on social media after hearing this response. Unfortunately for millions of Americans, and people all over the world really, the stakes are a bit higher than what this response conveys.


A bit.


Biden: Literally democracy itself is on the line. Also Biden: Well, as long as I tried, that's what counts. This is the sort of response that causes people to invent new curse words.


Well im sure glad Biden will be satisfied if he loses, but what about the fucking rest of us?


Typical Boomer/silent generation "Fuck it not my problem"


Queue Hillary saying, “Suck it up. This is your choice.”


I can only understand this from the perspective of someone as old as my mother, in her 80s, like Biden. The rest of us are all screaming like wtf mom, we have to live on after you pass. She says, you want my china? This is the type of sentiment you utter when you know your time on this earth is limited, you look back on your life (knowing you won't live too much longer) and think to yourself, I did okay. Fine for you, not for those who live on after you. That's not what you want to hear from your presidential candidate. You want a candidate with fire in the belly saying we could do so so much better. (That is not Trump, he's in the same old boat as Biden)


Especially when we are facing new unprecedented crisis as a nation. Mf really ready to peace out and leave us holding the bag - what the actual fuck


I'm fine if it is a "I'm passing the bag on to you" but then give us options. Don't hold on to the option with your death grip! Move aside! I say this for Trump voters too! He needs to move the fuck aside as well.


Even if Biden himself doesn't have much to lose, his family does. Trump is not above making a show out of Hunter Biden's fate.


Trump said he’d consider pardoning hunter biden because “Biden couldn’t protect his son” Fucking bone chilling.


I mean, look at what he did for Kushner. Literally nobody seems to care about the HUGE deals he brokered with Saudi Arabia after he, with no political experience, ‘brokered negotiations’ in the Middle East. I don’t fucking understand how people are obsessed about hunter for working on a Ukrainian gas company board when Kushner was given a LITERAL official position in the government with ZERO experience or understanding of the issues. To me, the line you CANNOT cross is nepotism where a son in law is made into an actual U.S. representative in critical negotiations. If Hunter was given an ambassadorship, I WOULD BE LOSING MY MIND. That’s using presidential powers to grant favors to your family. Straight up. Instead it’s been this dog and pony show of trying to vaguely link Hunter with somehow paying Joe Biden for favors.


And Kushner f[ailed security background checks](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/officials-rejected-jared-kushner-top-secret-security-clearance-were-overruled-n962221).


Yeah, the fact that nobody in the media is talking about this is wild. Or that the Biden campaign isn’t using this as ammo? I don’t understand it. It’s the most obvious, and possibly the single LARGEST example of corruption in U.S. history. Also, as of July 1st the Trump organization announced plans to build a tower in Saudi Arabia. Interesting. I wonder what kinda deal they got on it?


They’re using the strategy from 1950- ignore the bullies and they’ll leave you alone


Didn't work so well in 1938 though


Hunter can reject Trump's pardon if he chose to and the courts can't just release Hunter unless he officially accepts the pardon. There's actually a court case that enforces that. Assuming he even gets any jail time. "In United States v. Wilson (1833), the U.S. Supreme Court held that a pardon can be rejected by the intended recipient and must be affirmatively accepted to be officially recognized by the courts." It would be a pretty ballsy move by Hunter to do that, and a major F-U to Trump.


You're missing the point. The point is that trump, probably correctly post supreme Court decision, is telegraphing how he will protect his family and potentially others if elected.




Right? How fucked is that?


He threatens that while the Project 2025 jerkoff tells us it will be a bloodless revolution if we let it. They aren’t fucking around you guys Editing this comment to remind readers of the “boogaloo” movement we’ve been seen floated as a half-assed joke but not a joke for years


National abortion ban Ukraine is going to be destroyed China probably takes Taiwain (WWIII)






I've always found it amazing how radical right wing people can get over made up bullshit, yet left wing people get papers written by the other side saying how they want to take over the world and ruin their lives and the worst that happens is they give up.




Especially considering that the campaign and the DNC have been bombarding us with “Democracy is at stake! This is the last chance we have to defeat fascism!” Biden: none of that shit will affect me. I’ll be good as long as I played.


Joe Biden's idea that this is mostly about character building for Joe Biden is just chilling


Yeah he'll be dead


This. It’s not about HIM. It’s about US. If he doesn’t believe he can beat Trump he needs to step aside.


It conveys a serious entitlement. If this is an election to save democracy, he should NOT be at peace. He should be willing to fight to protect the rights of women and the minorities under threat if Trump is to win.


He’s too tired. This is a tired man’s response.


Yes! I don't fucking care if Biden sleeps well at night or not. Giving Trump the opportunity to be elected President is just fucked up. He should be working on finding (fast) the Democratic candidate that can beat Trump. For the sake of the USA, and maybe the rest of the World...


Yeah.. this shit is serious.


Okay, I was not fully in the "replace Biden" camp before, but I am now. Whether or not he is sundowning, or in serious cognitive decline, this statement clearly shows that he does not fully grasp the gravity of where we are in the history of this country. And, indeed, the world. Losing to Trump after the recent SCOTUS decisions is NOT AN OPTION! This is no longer a gentlemen's game where you shake hands and hope you do better in the next match. Now, there is no future match and your opponent is legally able to imprison or kill you and everyone around you if you lose. Trump is running to stay out of prison, he knows how high the stakes are for him and he is campaigning accordingly. It is a game of life and death, and if Biden does not see it that way then he needs to be off of the ticket immediately and replaced by someone who does.


I’m in the same camp as I was in 2020. Anything but trump. But this time im really in sense the next four years will be a vengeful fuck mess and the USA will be sold off even more so


2016 was nothing. 2024 and beyond I can see moving into actual civil war territory because of the Supreme Court especially I just have this terrible feeling like the night king is coming and this time it’s really is death instead of stupid season 8 night king


Trump is never going to go to prison. The Supreme Court has seen to that. There are now almost no situations for which he could be charged and even in the few where he could, almost no evidence is now admissible. Now he's just running to get revenge.


It's such a terrible answer and the one that should get every Democratic Senator and Congressperson to demand he step down tonight.




There are so many better responses: * "Failure isn't an option. We're gonna win this jack!" * "Unlike someone I'll actually accept the results instead of attacking the foundation of our democracy" * "Don't worry we got this" Like, anything else but what he said lol




Even “I’d feel horrible” would be a better and more honest response.


I could see a very Biden "Im not gonna let that jackass criminal disgrace the whitehouse any further" and it would've totally worked


He doesn’t seem to think the people are concerned. “It’s just the press.” 🤦🏻‍♀️


Detached from reality, oh there goes gravity


He's sounds as delusional as Trump. Saying people thinking he's too old to be president is fake news.


“It’s just the Fake News media”


Dude’s really gonna blow it for us all and then blissfully check out of life lmaoo


The boomer/silent generation way.


"My work here is done." "Everything is way worse now?" *dies*


Don't forget "at least I got mine"


It is poetic


Boomers, every day since they grew up: fuck these kids


Ruth bader type beat


She completely ruined her great legacy by not getting the fuck out. I’m still gonna vote D down the line but goddamn do they like losing and don’t actually give a flying fuck about us.


Seriously, if ever there were two people that should’ve gotten the fuck out of the way of the next people, it’s these two


> I got mine. Y'all are fucked, Jack.


*turns to dust and blows away in the wind*


It’s been the same shit since 2016. We choose unlikeable candidates and fuck ourselves because of it. Trump never would have happened had they ran literally anyone else except Hilary. People did not like her and didn’t vote because of it. And Biden wouldn’t be in office if it wasnt Trump that he was up against in 2020.


I think hes already checked out


He’s already checked out- it’s finally too much to cover up or ignore.


Heidi Heitkamp is currently ripping him apart for this answer on ABC. I don’t think this interview will go over well and help him with Congressional Dems


It's the biggest reason why fucking old people should not be in power. At 80 years old your stake in the future of your people and country is almost nothing. You'll be gone while we suffer the consequences. We saw this with RBG. Fuck off and retire.


>At 80 years old your stake in the future of your people and country is almost nothing. Eggfuckingzactly!!!


The Democratic party has been hyping this up as an *existential moment* for America, with the *literal end of democracy* as a result if Trump wins, and Biden just goes on TV and acts like it's 1992 when Clinton and Bush Sr. were running on basically the same fucking platform.


Also for a personal interest angle, does he not realize that Trump is going to make he and his family’s lives a living hell if and as long as he is president? It wouldn’t be an idyllic retirement for him


Good. Everyone should rip him a new one for this. We can't let another in a long line of arrogant entitled geriatrics fuck over our futures cause they refuse to humble themselves for a moment and retire.


I won't be surprised if he doesn't get threatened with the 25th behind closed doors soon. He literally just undercut their biggest campaign point.


And the donors are going to be pissed. He's also trying to delay by having his public press conference be next Thursday. If he was actually competent he'd have been doing a public press conference the day after the debate, to show it was a bad night. This is just altogether a horrible situation. It's also going to make even more people stay home and might give Trump a mandate and a blowout, which should NOT be the situation. At some point they're going to have to find a way to kick him to the curb and make him look like a rogue person acting on his own accord.


As bad as the debate was, the week that followed is what really made me mad. I thought he'd try to make up for it by doing a lot of appearances, pressers, interviews, but aside from a couple things he just let a vacuum get created that was filled with worry.


There were only a few things that came out this week from his team. 1. He is totally resistant to dropping out and would never do so. 2. He needs more rest and less things going on at night. 3. He would be going on a campaign "blitz" which consisted of one pre,recorded interview and two campaign stops. I can't believe we're this close to letting a selfish old man do this to us.


He said he should be in bed by 8:30 Said that the Europe trip played a part. That was 2 weeks ago! He thinks he can nap his way out of the next 4 years


It feels like he's saying, "well I'll probably be fucking dead from natural causes soon anyhow, so what do I care?" This is pathetic and he needs to step aside before he tanks his chances even more.


What the fuck. No shit he's at peace with it. He won't be alive to see the ramifications


Holy shit. I’m now officially in the “step down now” camp. wtf is wrong with him. This is not a race on egos. Peoples lives are at stake.


This sub has really changed in tone over the last week. I checked in after the debate, and people who questioned whether Biden should step down were called Trump advocates and Russian plants. Now the sub seems pretty unified in feeling Biden should step down. I do wonder what the next polls will show on Biden confidence after this terrible interview.


This answer just pisses me off


This answers is going to piss off millions of people. The one reason they have to vote for the dementia guy is that it's better than fascism. And he just confessed that he doesn't really care if fascism wins. I don't see how he comes back from that.


Then he doesn't even understand what he's running for


He think it is a Biden vs Trump only match. Just like Trump he cares more about winning than actually what's best for us right now.


Yeah Biden is starting to come off really selfish lately its kind of pissing me off. Just step down already and enjoy your family.


It really pisses me off that were basically cornered to vote for this guy.


People start to get more "selfish" as they get older. Kind of like they go backwards in maturity.


Good lord. He goes from saying he screwed up the debate and right in to this. Dude is basically campaigning for Trump if he keeps this up.


>I hope, Senator, after you've lost, and the Empire reigns over the galaxy unopposed, you will find some comfort in the knowledge that you fought according to the rules. Saw Gerrera, Star Wars: Rebels, "In the Name of the Rebellion"


Gerrera 2024!


Fucking fuck. God damn it. That’s absolutely the worst thing to say right now.


So the goal isn’t to win, it’s for Joe Biden to feel satisfied that he went the distance. #KingLear


Ruth Bader Biden


Confirming everyone who questioned his abilities worst fear. Dems are not in to win it but to make Grandpa feel good.


No one gives a shit about your peace, dude. What a wild fucking thing to publicize.


MF I will not be at peace if Trump wins


What a boomer way of saying; "well if it all goes to shit I'm dead soon anyway." Fuck you Joe.


The worst answer he could have given. Democracy at stake? LGBT and women’s rights shredded? Emperor Trump ordering the troops to round up dissidents and conduct show trials? Eh, who cares. I gave it a shot, that’s all I could do.


This is the guy who fumbled a freebie abortion question and then ended the night arguing about golf handicaps from the Obama era. It’s unconscionable during normal times and beyond reckless when the republic is at stake.


Let's not forget Ukraine's fate. Ukraine can't stand up to Russia without American support.


Yes, and if we’re going to fail Ukraine, then what’s going to happen after that? Especially if Trump becomes president, he might do away with NATO in the US. ‘Peace in our time.’


Oh, he’ll definitely do away with NATO. He wanted to do it last time


I think Monday night is cleared of sports etc... a good time to announce he's stepping down. Then he can be "at peace."


He just gave it the ole college try. You can’t blame a man for that!


His hubris will doom us all.


Dude straight up thinks he’s a high school quarterback in a movie from the 60s


The “race to save democracy” aka “The race to save a fragile, senile, 81yr olds ego”


It feels like we're in the Ming dynasty trying to load the emperor up with mercury and horse meat in an attempt to make him outlive his shitty heir.


America won't be at peace if you lose, Joe.


If this interview made one thing clear, it's this: Biden is being kept away from criticism by sycophants, including and especially his own family. The absolute arrogance he showed is truly astonishing. To deny poll data is straight out of the other orange's playbook. He might personally be fine if he loses, but his hubris will push our nation away from democracy and towards fascism. If we want to win in November, something NEEDS to be done. I won't pretend to know the logistics of getting a new candidate, but it's clear we're on a path to losing with how things are going.




> Biden is being kept away from criticism by sycophants, including and especially his own family. The absolute arrogance he showed is truly astonishing. Yup.


This is what I told my daughter for her third grade testing. This is not the response I want to hear from the president in a bitter ection year


Fr you’d think a president’s level of seriousness would be somewhere above third grader taking a test and perhaps just below yakuza gangsters in movies chopping off their pinkies


Great, we’ll all spiral into christian fascism but the old man will be happy he gave it his “all”. As long as his all is before 8 pm. I’m so angry. I voted for him believing his promise that he wasn’t going to run for a second term. But here we are. The saddest rematch in history. Right wing Christian dictatorship vs. Joe from the nursing home. I’d vote for a potato over trump. But the dnc is straight up pathetic.


GOP is extremely good at the long game, Dems never have the balls to start.


Joe, mate, I get it, I really do, but this is a teensy bit bigger than personal achievement, isn't it? This is a literal fucking democracy at stake, not a tennis match where you can throw your hands up and say "welp, at least I tried" if it crumbles around you.


Uhhh, we’re not at peace about it.


I want so bad to give the guy a shot. But this is quite possibly the WORST thing you can say when you’re trying to put out the flames. You need to get people inspired. Instead he poured gasoline on it


This isn't the answer you want to hear if you are a swing state democrat with an election. Even more so now that more states are up for grabs with the latest polling. Biden can ride off into the sunset and spend his last year in peace, the dem politicians who lose are fighting for their careers. I'd imagine they will pressure leadership even more. If nothing happens, they will break ranks and go public.


> the dem politicians who lose are fighting for their careers. Fuck their careers, this is about our lives.


I’m finding this a much bigger symbol of the generational conflict going on right now where the elderly are forcing their will on a world desperate to move past them


That's really what this is. They're too selfish to pass on the torch and it's smothering not just gen x, but also millennials and gen z. It's postponing changes we are in dire need of. Changes that could save millions of lives and keep billions from being displaced. Gens c and d are going to look at us and ask why didn't we kick them out before it was too late.




I went into this interview feeling bad for him and feeling guilty that I wanted him to do poorly so he'd finally be gone... now I just want him gone. What a terrible answer.


Same. I felt bad for him, watching this all unfold. "Surely it must be getting to him on a deep level," I thought. But this interview made it clear that he lives in a bubble of yes-men and cares only for himself and his family. Our country be damned, I guess.


He fucking spray tanned himself.. he's got his own Trump delusions


We've decided your best isn't enough given the stakes of the situation


Oh my god.


So much for fucking saving Democracy I guess. Democrats are spineless. This party needed to have an internal revolution *yesterday*.


That's great Joe. Meanwhile all of us will be fucked.


"As long as I gave it my all, it's okay if Rome burns!"


“If we lose the war, at least we’ll know we gave it our all” -Franklin D. Roosevelt


"We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, but then if we lose that's okay lads, because we gave it our best shot and whatnot." - Winston Churchill probably


Selfish old man. Can’t see this isn’t about him, it’s about the 300 million + people who have to deal with the consequences of his hubris.


He’s another Ruth Bader Ginsberg. His selfish ass and the spineless Democrats unwilling to oust him will be the reason this country goes back decades in liberal progress. The courts are what stopped many of trump’s policies, this time the Supreme Court is doing his bidding, there won’t be any checks and the Democrats are giving him the presidency.


>300 million + More like 9 billion


He's right, he's 81, why should he care about the future of the country


If there was ever a need for the biggest example for why we need age limits, this is IT!


It really is scary to think that even Jimmy Carter at 100 could be re-elected president. There's a minimum age, but no maximum age.


Wrong fucking answer, Joe.


Wtf kinda parallel universe did I fall into... this shit is wild


We are cooked. Our democracy is on the line and this man is untethered from reality. He doesn’t believe he’s behind in the polls, and thinks everything will be fine if he just gives it his all.


> if he just gives it his all. By jiminy it's (almost) always worked before!


“I’ve been busy doing wars around the world”. WTF…..


Hey, he beat Gaza.


And he beat Medicare.


This is a disqualifying answer under the present circumstances. The hubris, the self-centeredness, the absolute willful blindness to the impending catastrophe of a Trump presidency... This answer alone should disqualify Biden because he clearly lacks the necessary perspective on the importance of this election and the need to pull out every stop to save democracy


Yeah, this answer is going to possibly hang over all the things his administration *didn’t* do this term to stop Trumpism, namely whatever Merrick Garland can call his performance these past 4 years.


This is the thing -- all the other speeches he's given this year, up until this point, HAVE indicated that he has the necessary perspective on the importance of this election and on beating Trump. He's talked about saving democracy plenty. So what the fuck was THIS answer? Where did this come from? What even WAS that?


I absolutely cannot believe that the last, best hope for American democracy is for her most effective modern president to have a sudden heart attack. Jesus Christ.


it truly is an insane situation.


I fucking hate everything


"It's too bad about our country, but at least we know Uncle Joe gave it 110%!"


His ego will drive the US to its demise. I can’t believe he would say something so stupid.


The actual quote gets worse: >“I'll feel as long as I gave it my all and I did the goodest job as I know I can do, that's what this is about,”


sounds like a grandma baking cookies


He’s in the bargaining stage heading towards the acceptance stage. I think he’s going to dropout soon


Honestly I think so too. He sounds like I did when I was interviewing for a job I didn't really want. I gave half assed answers. The stakes are too high for half ass, dudes gonna kick the bucket in like 5 years. We need someone that is fighting for their career and life right along with us.


Well I hope he drops out sooner than later. We don't have much time.


"As long as I gave it my all and did the goodest job as I know I can do" What is goodest job?


Joseph my man. The Supreme Court just handed you absolute immunity. And you have pardon power. Please reconsider what “your best” now means.


What the hell is this tone-deaf malarkey?


Excuse me . WHAT THE FUCK


If that’s all the motivation he can muster, WHY THE FUCK IS HE RUNNING


That answer/this interview was so bad I can’t help it was a deliberate setup by Democrats to paint Biden so poorly that now senior Dems will call for him to withdraw


It's like trying to take the car keys away from a parent who shouldn't be driving anymore.


Oh fuck right off, you geriatric prick. It's not just YOUR life that will be affected if you lose.


Can someone please remind Joe Biden about the dictatorships that existed in Latin America, put in place by the US government? In Argentina, Chile, Uruguay..? *The US did that*. It would be foolish to imagine that this could not happen here, today, in 2024, 2025. I’m sorry, sir, but your “goodest” isn’t good enough. We are all at risk of having our lives drastically changed, and this will ripple out and affect the entire world. People will die under project 2025. This is not an exaggeration. This could not be more serious. Your “goodest” is not good enough. Trump must be defeated and your hubris is putting us all at dangerous risk, Biden.


Absolute piece shit full of hubris. His arrogance is going to doom us all and he's not even going to feel bad about it


This fuckin’ guy.


This is why gerontocracies are dangerous. These people don’t give a fuck what happens long term.


Oh, golly gee willikers... I tried my darnedest. That's not going to cut it.


Ummm... I'm not ok with a fascist takeover.


Joe Bader Ginsburg is going to his grave happy and content while those remaining deal with the fallout of his stubbornness.


I cannot fucking believe he said that. So nonchalantly down playing, possibly descending into fascism as long as "he did his best." Are you fucking serious?!


I was in Joe's corner for a long time, but I think he's letting his ego outweigh the needs of the country. He's too old. Trump is, too, but Biden can't control Trump. Biden can control his own contribution to the nation's wellbeing, and he needs to step aside. The cat's out of the bag - he can be very frail at terrible moments, and we don't need this in our nation. Not when Trump's particular brand of chaotic evil is upon us, waiting with the 2025 Plan.


I fear we're reaching *King Lear*'s third act territory.


This interview was enough for me to not only call for Biden to resign immediately. but if he refuses 25th amendment. He clearly is not living in reality. Trump MUST not win.


This scares the ever living fuck out of me. I watched the ABC interview and he basically said only divine intervention will stop him. God help us, indeed.


He doesn’t understand the gravity of a loss like this. This is beyond frustrating


How goddamn flippant. I’m so disgusted.


It's not about you Joe. You used to know that.


Does he think this is a fucking joke?