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Surprised she didn't give Trump credit as the first signer


I like to refer to her as aggressively uneducated


That describes MAGA perfectly


Violently, even.


In 2012 I took a job in her home town (edit: sorry, a large town in her district) of Rome GA. It’s bad. The poverty is unbelievable. At the time I was there the town had a dead mall, no movie theater and a dead hospital. I had never seen a Walmart parking lot like the east one in Rome. Families living in the parking lot, begging daily. MTG represents one of the poorest most uneducated areas of the South. And what does she spend her time doing? She’s off committee assignments. She doesn’t author any legislation that’s got a chance of ever being a law. She’s a bozo who refuses to do anything but continually beclown herself. She won’t lift a finger with her representative position.


And instead of voting someone in who actually cares about making their life better, they continue to suffer and vote in trash like MTG (the party that made homelessness illegal btw). ...Why?


Because “one of us!” Is their entire brand


Gooble gobble gooble gobble one of us


They’re ignorant because they’re uneducated. Which leads to everything else we are discussing.


They would refuse education even if offered. They think they're born knowing everything and that everyone else is wrong. They're willful idiots of the highest degree.


>And what does she spend her time doing? Gym managers, apparently.


Zangeif from Street Fighter amirite


as a congressional staff member who spends almost every second helping constituents, i feel terrible for her constituents that they are ignored by her.


She does no work for her constituents! NONE!


I just want to thank you for “beclown.” I am adding it to my vocabulary to be used when referring to her and her ilk.


Her home town is Milledgeville, Georgia. Home to Central State Hospital which used to be the largest mental hospital in the world. Edit: thought I saw a typo, but isn’t one.


And to add insult to injury, this ignorant, inbred hillbilly makes $192k a year and will probably secure a sweet pension out of this grift.


I call it belligerent ignorance.


When I hear the term "radical unschooling" I picture her.


What’s the opposite of Enlightenment?


Willful ignorance (MTG)


Oh come on no one believes that trump was there. We all know George Santos already told her that


He was busy writing and starring in the Bible.


Staring probably. Certainly not reading.


What’s absolutely worse is that the same device she used to be so very wrong (and stupid) could have been used to actually look up the list of the signers in mere moments.


But that would involve critical thinking skills, and it’s evident that those are no longer present in the general population.


It also would have taken 10 minutes to double check and she needed to post **now**.


> But that would involve critical thinking skills By "critical thinking skills" do you mean "google?" Because I can find out all of that information (ages, names of the signers, etc) in less than a minute. No critical thinking skills required...except maybe figuring out how to word the question to google.


Deferring to authoritative sources of information (e.g., googling) is a sign of critical thinking skills.


That would imply she could have fathomed she was​ wrong though


Exactly. I don't know who all signed the Declaration of Independence (I know John Hancock and TJ, for sure, but idk the rest), but I do not have the confidence to just blindly assert names without double-checking.


“The average age of the signers of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 was 44 years old, but more than a dozen were 35 or younger,” she wrote, then listed eight names and ages.... 6 of them were wrong.[ Later a bag of hammers formally challenged her to debate... /s](https://twitter.com/Abraxsys/status/1810023183409725903)


You really can't make this stuff up. And she's so shameless that she didn't even take it down.


One of Trumpism's core principles is never admit to mistakes no matter how blatantly obvious they are


Like when he said he ran against Obama in 2020, and instead of just saying "excuse me, I meant Biden", he just went with it and opened a whole can of conspiracy worms that Obama was secretly in control of the government? Or when he extended a hurricane's path via sharpie? There's ~~dozens~~ thousands more.


> And she's so shameless that she didn't even take it down. I'm not really a grammar nazi but I think you misspelled "stupid". :)


I'm not really a grammar nazi but I think you misspelled "fascist". Facts do not matter to republicans. They have defeated truth withing their media bubble.


“Truthiness” is the term. First promoted by Stephen Colbert - ‘it’s not true, I just feel that it is…’


I’m not really a grammar nazi but I think you misspelled “Bleach Blonde Bad Built Butch Body”


She doesn’t care and neither does the rest of her ilk. She’s been getting “schooled” and “slammed” since being elected. Her constituents cheer her on.


THIS. Her core constituency are an unfortunate lot. Many understand close to nothing about how our government works. They believe she is somehow “legislating” by screaming shit from her seat, yelling at citizens in the street, and tweeting nonsense. They got the government representation they deserve.


I like your wordcraft there!


When I read your comment I figured you meant that she got the age wrong not that 6 of them weren’t even signers of the declaration of independence…


wow absolutely wow


…and she lost


She probably believes Jesus wrote the Constitution also


It happened at one of the airports George Washington captured from the British.


Don't be silly, The constitution was given to Moses by god. Jesus died to give us the bill of rights which were promptly ratified by the apostles.


Let’s give HER the cognitive test.


She'd pass cognitive test but fail SAT. People overestimate how difficult basic cognitive tests are, if you have any idea it really makes Trump feeling he has to sometimes burst out that he aced his absolutely hilarious.


This internet IQ test says I scored a 95! That's close to a perfect score!


They graded hers on a curve


Weighted against other Deep South politicians?


Didn’t they all copy off the same test?


I was given that test when I got a concussion and I passed. So, basically, Trump is at least as smart as brain damage.


Hell, just give her a high school civics test.


Better make it middle school


Those tests aren't intended to be difficult. They're a 2-minute set of questions that a doctor can ask in an exam to see if they should immediately recommend someone undergo additional diagnostics for dementia/Alzheimer's/etc. The hardest part is being told 5 words, then asked a few more questions, then asked to repeat back those words. A 2nd grader could do it with ease.


I've been with my dad when he's been tested at least twice. It was so incredibly hard to NOT correct him on simple questions when he got them wrong, or give him hints. They really are questions that you expect a small child to confidently answer or remember.


The basic cognitive test really makes you wonder why that is the bare minimum to be seen as cognitive lmao


It isn't. The reason almost nobody actually passes the cognitive test is because they don't give it to you until they are pretty sure you have dementia, they just what to know what is affected and how badly. Also, the patient *always* is told they passed, because frustration skews the tests negatively. So if you are clearly failing a section and starting to get upset about it, they will say you are doing so great you should just skip to the next section.


You don’t usually get to name objects in the room with you either do you? “Man, woman, person, camera, tv”?


No, there is a set list of unrelated words. "Name five words, any words" is not part of the standard test. Honestly, the fact that he took it once is scary. The fact that he's taken it a second time is terrifying.


If only Mark Twain were still alive. >Maybe Mark Twain had something when he said, “It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and prove it,”


A basic cognitive test, specifically the ones Trump took, are designed to determine if someone has dementia, or is otherwise cognitively impaired. He took them because of the series of small strokes he had when he was President. He talks about them as if they are intelligence tests. They are no such thing.


https://www.mdcalc.com/calc/10044/montreal-cognitive-assessment-moca Even she would probably pass. It's a low bar.


No it's not. No President has ever passed it as well as President Trump did. The doctors came up to him. They had tears in their eyes and they said, "Sir. You passed it beautifully. No one passes this exam so beautifully as you. Sir, we'd like to tell others how perfectly you passed this exam." President Trump runs a website called "Truth Social" - you can't expect him to lie, do you?


Anyone who works in healthcare or with the elderly probably had a good laugh over this. “Acing” this test is kind of like “acing” the syphillis test your doctor ordered. It’s not the flex you think it is. The basic fact that it was administered advertises that someone thinks you may have a severe problem and wants to screen for some common issues.


> Ask patient to name maximum number of words in 1 minute that begin with the letter F That'd make me sweat. My brain skips all the easy ones like "for" and jumps straight to stuff like "filibuster" and "francophone"


Did someone mention a bar?


Oh wow, people are just learning now that this representative is very uneducated. Apparently, saying really dumb things in public is acceptable.


Not just uneducated. She has the resources to look this stuff up. Hell, she has staff who would verify this stuff for her. Instead, she chooses to just risk being wrong. There is no truth, no reality for them. They live in a "just say whatever you want" world.


There is zero "risk" in her being wrong. Her being correct, however, could alienate her base if they believed she came to her knowledge via schooling, ie liberal indoctrination, versus learning history and political science thru TikTok or other enemy military intelligence funded social media platform.


The only thing worse than being a colossal moron is being convinced of your own intelligence.


I miss when yelling funny ended political careers.


Really makes me wonder what he's thinking today lol


It gets her name in the news and people retweeting her so her name is out there. Politics is now just a popularity contest and the more people that recognize your name the better. It doesn't matter why they know your name.


>Politics is now just a popularity contest Only just now?


It used to be a popularity contest too, but it is now JUST a popularity contest.


It was a popularity contest before, but back then a politician got popular by doing good things for their voters.


Y’all remember when she tried to force an amendment on Ukraine aid because of the Hungarian language not being spoken in Ukrainian schools or something? That was odd for a lady who can’t get our own history right.


> Apparently, saying really dumb things in public is acceptable. It is in the same vein as "I'm just a simple man, but..." and then what follows is filled with ignorance. To them, knowing simple facts is elitist.


her constituents like that she's an idiot, it's basically a sundown district.


Look, I don't think most people, even educated people, could take that list of names and correctly identify which names belong and which don't with confidence. Hell, I have a BA in History, and the only two I knew with certainty were Hancock and Jefferson. That being said, I wouldn't post something like that without *doing my fucking homework first*. That, to me, is the key difference between intelligent and not intelligent: being able to recognize where the limitations of your own knowledge are, and then the desire to correct it. Marge doesn't have that.


I have been accused of being a “know it all” at various times in my life, and my response is always the same. It’s not that I know everything, or even think that I know everything, it’s that unless I’m asking a question I try to avoid confidently speaking about things I don’t know for certain. Marge does the opposite


They know it’s wrong, we waste time trying to educate or correct these Neanderthals, rather than sell our ideas or talk to our people. Ignore them, focus on getting the youth vote. Focus on getting people to the polls. They’re time hoarders.


There’s also a good chance it’s wrong on purpose. It’s like the deliberate spelling errors. The tweets get shared to mock, the reach of the tweet increases, and the base don’t care, in fact it’s a bonus that it has “triggered” people.


This is intelligent. Put your energy where it may do some good.


Could any of this all be just an act to stay in the news? Keep thinking nobody can be this humiliating in public…unless it was all an act to stay in the news, stay in spotlight


She's an energy vampire. This is 100 percent how she gets fed.


If, then a much lamer one that doesn’t know about “Updog”.


What's updog?


Not much, what’s up with you dog?


I can’t believe that worked! Hahaha


I even don’t care if they knew and were just playing along, it absolutely made my day! (I feel a bit sheepish now that I was literally thinking: _”ITS HAPPENING!!!”_, as I wrote the response)




This is true everywhere...including here on the vaunted Reddit. There is literally nothing they can say or do that should surprise us anymore. Trump, his minions, anyone in the world...totally predictable. The only thing that should make the news anymore is when they actually get something right *on purpose.* Now THAT's news. Otherwise, blah, blah, blah...


And to keep trumps connect to Epstein papers out of the news


Clueless Marg strikes again. Greene said she was "sick and tired of the stupid people in Washington” I’m tired of you Marg.


Maybe she should leave then


She has to be doing this on purpose. It’s performance art like Andy Kauffman. 


I don’t think she’s here to save the day ….


She certainly has the face of a wrestler


I'm a huge wrestling and honestly? You aren't wrong. She has that roughed skin of someone who over tanned to the point of ruining their skin PLUS I bet she smells like self tanner and baby oil too. 


This is how conservatives actually are. This is who they vote for. This is real. People not believeing they could actually be this bad is one key reason why they keep winning elections in swing districts. People not believeing they could actually be this bad is where the bOtH SIDeS bullshit keeps coming from.


Some people really are as stupid as they look. And that's saying something here..


I think a lot of what she and the idiots that stay in the news is on purpose, they are there to provide distraction whilst their colleagues steal democracy


She is so pungently STUPID


Willful ignorance is a pillar of MAGA.


This is the kind of person pushing project 2025


The Trump "knows nothing about". lol I genuinely hate all these people.


And yet, the wave of humiliation bypasses her brain completely, and somehow ends up in mine.


I'm not going to lie - it depresses me that people vote for this idiot and actually want more of her. We live in the age of the dumbest mother fuckers on earth ever. EVER.


Is Google “woke”? How on earth do you not confirm this. Simple search. What a vicious numbskull.


GOP pols are supposed to be stupid. It’s a brand attribute, because if you know history, or provide context it means you’re educated, and could be a closet liberal God forbid. Trump is the poster child for morons with money, and that’s what most of America aspires to be


You should not have a high school diploma, let alone a university degree, or be an elected official  if you think they're called "Peach Tree Dishes."


But George Washington personally signed her Peach Tree dishes (after chopping down the tree to make them).


I almost forgot about that, then I had flashbacks of 8th-grade biology class and it all came back to me. I also didn't go to school in a 1-room shack with my cousin-bride.


Qualifying exams should be required for anyone running for congress or higher political offices or political appointees.


She apparently also doesn’t know how old Trump is.


My favorite phrase from all those tweets: "Make Stupidity Embarrassing Again."


Thing is; the kind of people who notice these errors are not MTG's target audience. She just wants to drive engagement, facts don't matter to her (or the cult at large) at all. Never forget: "History is written by the victors". That may be one of the scariest outcomes of a aecond Trump presidency.


14th District Georgia voters it is once again time for your daily shout-out for the most poorly cast votes since Adolf rose to power.


So her point is trump is too old?


Why is anyone surprised “Karen” taylor greene is as dumb as a door nail!!!


Like it matters, she isnt voted in for her intelligence or historical knowledge.


Which Republicans spent the 4th in Moscow this year?


Who cares about being correct? It's all about attention. Negative attention is also attention. /s


Dumber than a bag of rocks


It doesn’t matter. Her trash was already read by her supporters. Debating her over twitter is a waste of time because she doesn’t care.


And the sad part is that she will easily get re-elected. I live in her district and they love her here. It’s very troubling.


My favorite: dipshit says under 35 Second person she lists is 39


I was gonna say, in this rush to rightfully condemn her for her ignorance of history there's an even more glaring and stupid mistake; two of the "under 35" people she listed were older than 35.


“I love the poorly educated” -Donald Trump


In an era of information and the internet she just needed to go look at the picture of the document. She couldn't take 5 seconds to verify this before her post. *I* will go spend 5 mins googling sometimes to be sure on what I am posting.


Isn’t it clear by now that they don’t care if they get facts wrong?  The point is they’re trying to rewrite history.  


C'mon folks... have some sympathy for her infirmity. Clearly, the size of this woman's mouth coupled with her inability to shut it has put excessive pressure on her brain, thereby rendering it completely nonfunctional.... to the point that I wish I could pity her.


Empty G strikes again


Barney Rubble in a dress.


Georgia is not sending their best.


But Jesus was 1700 years old when he signed so that really throws off the average.


As if she cares. Shame her all you want. It makes no difference. What does? Vote her out.


I’d say she was cro-magnon levels of stupid, but that’d be an insult to them. This sack of shit can’t hit two rocks together to make a proper sound.


I wonder if she knows she is in this origins of Christian Nationalism Documentary that is streaming on Tubi (for free)… [Bad Faith Documentary](https://tubitv.com/movies/100020971/bad-faith?link-action=play&tracking=google-feed&utm_source=google-feed)


“…badly wrong.” Who the fuck is writing these titles


« Schooled on social media » has zero impact. Journos and twitter addicts think this is where society lives and things happen but a fraction of voters bother with twitter and it’s influence is overestimated in the media. She’s terrible but this « humiliation » won’t matter. Dems need to strike harder. Stop being weak dammit!!!


Education actually matters. These slackers in the GOP are perfect poster children for funding our education system as well as requiring critical thinking classes. I realize they want everyone to dumber than they are so they can rule. Hence the defunding of programs. However, that just isn’t going to work. The majority of citizens will vote for their children. Just keep talking to friends and family. Make a date on Election Day to save our kids futures.


It’s an easy dunk but the reason she’s going to win every congressional race for the rest of her life is because she gets an article solely about her every 8ish hours


This just proves that even republicans fell victim to republicans gutting the education system


That photo with the dinosaur is probably the only ai image I’ve enjoyed, so far.


No one is surprised by this, nor do any of her constituents care. Potatoe, potato.


I was wondering why Lucas from TRex Arms was talking/posting about the ages of the forefathers. It’s because his white, MAGA overlords told him what to think and say. I didn’t know it was a big talking point right now, but I should have assumed with all the talk about Biden’s age.


Miss "Peach Tree Dish" embarrasses herself every time she tweets or speaks.


And seriously 44 is not the average of those ages.


Bad brained, bleach blonde, butch body. MTG is the missing evolutionary link between Homo sapiens and Neanderthal. 


Is she really this dumb or is this an “any press is good press” moment? Like what else dropped yesterday that we are missing? I know saying this is giving her a lot of credit, but the worst thing we can do is underestimate opposition.


I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that MTG is a pig.


She believes July 4th is a holiday made to celebrate former President Thomas Whitmore.


She is painfully stupid


She’s a professional shitposter. This is how she stays in the headlines. She’s got an R next to her name so none of this will change her election chances but keeping her name in the news makes her relevant in Washington


Instead of mandating the 10 commandments why can’t we make Civics and Am History require a C average or above to pass? Seriously. If it were the case for her - she (A US REP) may know the basics. SMH


I don't believe that she can be humiliated.


Skank MTG accepts challenge to debate bag of hammers. Brings her own box of nails.


What was her point there? Because my takeaway is that the average age in present day Washington is too damn high, but that’s not a great point for her darling Trump.


She doesn’t care….she will twist it into, well they would have been if they were allowed sort of bullshit….she is such a doofus


I''m not even an American and I could at least have told you Revere didn't sign the Declaration.


She’s the stupidity


She is the epitome of someone who believes that being louder than everyone else makes you smarter than everyone else. No, it just means more people know how foolish you are. The GQP loves her because when the media is paying attention to her, they're ignoring the crap that the party is pulling. edit: Bad grammar from editing and reediting and missing a problem....




Well…she is dumber than a sack of hammers and I apologize for insulting hammers in this comparison


She sucks


Wasn’t it Trump who said, “I love the hardly educated!”


American History on X


Human skid mark


*Sit down, Marj!* *Sit down, Marj!* *Oh for God's sake, Marj, sit down!* *Someone oughta open up a window!*


Because of course, she is an idiot with a loud mouth and very little knowledge or sense whatsoever. Unfortunately, lots of these cult members are out there.


It's funny that this is supposed to be some kind of dig at Biden for being ancient when Trump is only slightly younger himself.


Great, now I've got The Ultimate Showdown stuck in my head.


everyone knows that jewish space lasers engraved the declaration of independence


As I have said many times before, the educational system failed her. She is a joke.🤡🤡🤡


This is actually an impressive feat of incorrectness. She had to google their birth years, and then do the math between that and when the Declaration was signed, and at no point during that did she check if each name was actually on the declaration, or just google a list of "who signed the declaration of independence"


The thing with Marge, Bobo, Kirkland Signature Butthead, Tubs, etc, is that they actually think that once the Conservative agenda is achieved, that they'll be considered "inner-circle." I cannot begin to explain how quickly the Republican handlers will use them, and then throw them in the streets. Who really thinks Republican billionaires want to hang out with Greene or Boebert? Gaetz or Tuberville? They're unbearable in 2 minute clips; I couldn't imagine alone being in a room with them. My god. The fact that they threw out Cawthorne after being so high on him when he was elected for airing some of their dirty laundry, but are actively protecting someone who most likely raped a minor for his vote says a lot of what they will or won't deal with. Ends justify the means, I guess?


Doesn’t the missing link get most historical things wrong?


Looks like she should proof read the text her Russian handler has her post lol


Marjorie Taylor Greene is an idiot for a myriad of reasons. She should have fact checked this but… I’m willing to give her this one. It isn’t a huge error and I honestly wish that one of the other 14636 things she’s done would have gotten this level of attention.


She would have to feel shame in order to be humliated. She doesn't give a fuck, and neither do the people she's squawking at.


Stupid people elect stupid people


You can't humiliate someone who doesn't give a shit. MTG is a performance artist, not a humiliated subpar historian.